Southern Iran Earthquake

Dangerous earthquake in Southern Iran

Last update: November 10, 2014 at 2:59 pm by By


Update 14:24 UTC : We expect the city of Qotbabad to be in the damage zone (radius 20 km from the epicenter)

Update 14:20 UTC : the population density in this desert area is very low and thus only 2700 people can be affected by this dangerous earthquake (radius 20 km). In this area we think that slight damage will be likely

Screen Shot 2014-11-10 at 15.23.36

Iran seismological Agency
25 Km of Fin, Hormozgan
30 Km of Fareghan, Hormozgan
40 Km of Patkuiyeh, Hormozgan

92km (57mi) NNW of Bandar ‘Abbas, Iran
115km (71mi) NNW of Qeshm, Iran
149km (93mi) E of Lar, Iran
150km (93mi) NW of Minab, Iran
410km (255mi) NNE of Abu Dhabi, United Arab

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 5.2

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2014-11-10 17:22:40

GMT/UTC Time : 2014-11-10 13:52:40


Veracruz, Mexico UFO

UFO Over Nuclear Plant On Nov 5, 2014, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 5, 2014
Location of sighting: Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Station, Veracruz, Mexico

This is the second UFO video to come out of Mexico in the last 2 years with a UFO over a power planet. There was another in March 2012. Aliens are interested in our technological advances and how we make energy, while impacting the Earth with pollution. Or, if their ship is damaged in some way, they may be harvesting some of the plants energy to help them get home. SCW

News states:
This short video was taken by an engineer at nuclear electric plant in Veracruz, Mexico where a UFO was recorded fortuitously like a cross.


Dealing with Fear

Overcoming Fear in Today’s Uncertain World

Coping With Uncertainty In Todays World

10th November 2014

By Gaye Levy

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Every afternoon as I sit down with an extra large cup of espresso, I ponder something to write about next. In that last three years, I have written over 570 articles. A lot the articles have been about prepping and self sufficiency but a large number have also been about more touchy-feely topics as I talk about life and getting by during hard times.

Today is one of those days, as I muse about coping skills as they relate to the fear of ‘the worst’. I don’t know about you, but as hard as I try to stay above it all, there are days when the burden of truth and knowledge is all too much and a teeny tiny bit of fear sets in.

What Do You Fear?

Let’s be honest with ourselves. Fear is something that every human and most animals will experience at some time or another. It is that feeling of anxiety we get when the outcome of something threatens our well-being and safety.

There is a reason that the cliché “Be Prepared, Not Scared” is so popular. Fear, or being scared, is a natural response to an unknown predator, real or imagined, tangible or not. The good news is that fear can promote survival instincts and thus help with our prepping and truth-seeking, as we move beyond fear to sustainable long term survival. And isn’t that the goal, after all?

In the 21st century world, there is a lot of fear. It comes in many (dis)guises; fear of a natural disaster, fear of economic collapse, of terrorism, of government surveillance, chemtrail contamination, unemployment, illness and old age… Without question, these are uncertain times, as more and more of the power elite anoint themselves with benefits while the rest of us worry about making ends meet.

So how does one cope? How does one get by from one day to the next when challenged by uncertainties and concern for the personal welfare of one’s self and one’s family?

I have some ideas about that, and wish to offer my own tips for staying sane in a world where there are more questions than answers.

Ten Tips for Conquering Fear in Uncertain Times

1.  Knowledge is king

If something scares you, do your research and learn as much as you can so that you can understand the whys and wherefores. Be curious and embrace your new found knowledge.

Here is a simple example: I used to have a fear of flying in airplanes. In order to conquer that fear, I studied the aerodynamics of planes so that, in simple terms, I realized that even in turbulent conditions, the aircraft could fly.

2.  Appreciate the moment

Many fears are based on things that you have no control over.  That is not likely to change unless you are connected in some way to a supreme being. So, instead of fretting about things you can not control, appreciate and embrace those things you can. Appreciate the moment and your ability to exercise free will. And whatever you do, don’t look back and browbeat yourself over the past. What is done is done. Move on and live in the moment.

3.  Live with a passion

Even those on a limited budget can find something they love to do whether it is gardening, reading, hiking, watching movies or something else. Whatever your passion, pursue it with gusto and embrace your passion whenever fear strikes you to the bone. Hobbies can be a wonderful panacea for setting fear aside and taking your mind off the woes of the world.

4.  Communicate with nature

These are tough times for our planet and yet there is still a wondrous beauty in every sunset, in every lake and stream, and in glorious, snow-capped mountains. Get out there and enjoy the birds singing, the rippling waves, and the smell of fresh air. You will feel a lot better for the experience.

5.  Surround yourself with love

Coping with day to day drama is a lot easier if you have someone share your concerns and fears. Everyone needs to be hugged and to give a hug in return. Do not discount the miracle of a light touch when it comes to reducing stress.

6.  Get a pet

The great thing about pets, and especially dogs and cats, is that they love you unconditionally. They sense your frustration and your fear and will cuddle up to you at just the right moment. They will lick the tears from your face when you are sad and will and provide you with companionship when there is no one around.

7.  Count your blessings

When times are bad and you think they are going to get worse, count your blessings. Yes, at the time you may think those blessings are few, but if you can come up with five or six – or heck – even one – wrap yourself in it and make that blessing your focus. Take your blessings and use them as a springboard for optimism going forward.

8.  Exercise and maintain good health

A strong and healthy body goes a long way toward making you feel positive about life, even in the face of dissension and chaos. The best way to maintain good health is to eat well, exercise and maintain a healthy weight for your height and build. Get yourself a pair of athletic shoes or hiking boots and get walking. Your self-image will improve as you get fit and a great self-image will make facing uncertainties a lot easier.

9.  Enjoy the journey

The uncertainties we face in the 21st century can be frightening and in many respects (right or wrong) we as individuals can feel impotent and powerless to affect change. Instead of succumbing to fear, turn the frightening event or circumstance into an adventure, a purpose. Become educated (see tip #1) then figure out a way to do something – anything – to proactively overcome your anxiety, and contribute to a solution. Taking even a modicum of control will alleviate fear. And for heavens sake, as you take control, enjoy the journey!

10.  Hope for the best, prepare for the worst

You knew this was coming, right?

Hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Hope is the belief that circumstances in the future will be better. Recognize that there will be times when hope may seem impossible. When that happens, consciously work on your personal mindset, for without hope – without that belief – there will be no future.

The corollary is to be prepared. Prepare your home and prepared your family. Assume that you will stay put – or Bug In – if the worst happen, but have a Bug-Out-Bag ready for each member of your family just in case you have to evacuate and leave the familiar surroundings of your home.

Store some extra food and water. Gather all of your important documents and make copies or put them on a flash drive for safekeeping. Have an emergency radio and some basic supplies such as a good knife, flash-lights, fire starter and extra clothing.

The Final Word

By being prepared, you take control over an uncertain future. You will be as ready as humanly possible and if the stuff hits the fan, you will be secure in the knowledge that you have done the very best that you can to survive.

Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation!


On Parallel Worlds

Parallel Worlds Exist and Interact with Each Other, New Theory Says
The idea of parallel worlds is one of the more favorite topics of science fiction writers, but also a popular subject of interest for many researchers. If you watched the Fringe series, you will remember that there were two simultaneously existing versions of the same world with slight differences between them. It seems that something like this could be possible, according to a new quantum theory.

A group of Australian and US physicists suggests that there may exist multiple versions of our universe, which can interact with each other on a quantum level. Dr. Howard Wiseman and Dr. Michael Hall of Griffith University in Australia, together with Dr. Dirk-Andre Deckert from the University of California, published their so-called “Many Interacting Worlds” (MIW) theory in the journal Physical Review X.

It is a known fact that quantum mechanics display strange phenomena which violate the principles of cause and effect. That is why it is so difficult to explain the nature of these phenomena. “Any explanation of quantum phenomena is going to be weird, and standard quantum mechanics does not really offer any explanation at all–it just makes predictions for laboratory experiments,” Dr. Wiseman wrote in an email to the Huffington Post. “Our new explanation…is that there are ordinary (non-quantum) parallel worlds which interact in a particular and subtle way.

The new theory is an alternative to the ‘Many Worlds’ concept, which was proposed in 1950s by American physicist Hugh Everett to explain the ability of quantum particles to be in two states simultaneously. He suggested that both states co-exist in different realities, that is why quantum particles can seemingly occupy two places at once. Thus, in accordance with the ‘Many-worlds interpretation’ hypothesis, each version of reality branches into a bunch of new realities, which exist separately and can’t interact with each other. From this point, the “Many Interacting Worlds” theory is totally different, as it speculates that multiple universes can overlap and influence each other.

There are three key points to understanding the MIW theory: first, there is a gigantic number of universes, some of which may be nearly identical; second, all of these universes are equally real; third, there is a force of repulsion between similar universes, which is a cause of quantum interactions between them.

The beauty of our approach is that if there is just one world our theory reduces to Newtonian mechanics, while if there is a gigantic number of worlds it reproduces quantum mechanics. In between it predicts something new that is neither Newton’s theory nor quantum theory. We also believe that, in providing a new mental picture of quantum effects, it will be useful in planning experiments to test and exploit quantum phenomena,” Wiseman noted.

In spite of some negative criticism, such as the article by Czech physicist Luboš Motl in which he called the MIW approach “a hopeless enterprise and a huge waste of time,” prof. Wiseman and his team are optimistic about the prospects of their research: “I think there are many who are not happy with any of the current interpretations, and it is those who will probably be most interested in ours. I hope some will be interested enough to start working on it soon, because there are so many questions to answer.

The biggest challenge now is to come up with the ways to test this hypothesis and find the indications of possible interactions with other universes. As for the possibility that someday humans might establish contact with other universes, Dr. Wiseman said: “It’s not part of our theory… But the idea of interactions with other universes is no longer pure fantasy.


Anna LeMind is the owner and lead editor of the website, and a staff writer for The Mind Unleashed.

Featured image: Commons


Reflections on the Monetary System

Is it Time for a New Monetary System?
No matter what problem we look at today, regardless of scope or gender, demographic statistic or geographic location we can provide a solution; if we throw enough money at it…

And therein lies the actual problem.

The fundamental problem the human species faces today is the current monetary system. I submit that only by completely revamping the monetary system will we be successful as a species.

Currently the monetary system is controlled by a “for profit” Central Banking system. The major problem with this system is the idea of profit itself. Profit means “to obtain a financial advantage or benefit”. Unlike barter, the concept of profit necessitates a winner and a loser in any transaction. Most people are not aware that the current monetary system is a for profit system designed to create wealth and power for those that control the system, just as one would profit from the oil or manufacturing industry. Central banking is the business of controlling the monetary system to enrich only those that wield control of the system.

“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws” ~ Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

The business of banking rests on two pillars. One is foreclosure, the other is usury, or more commonly called interest.

When a man or company or Government takes a “loan” from a bank, the bank actually creates a new digital entry into the system under the borrower’s associated account. It is imperative to understand that this is a digital entry for new “never before been in existence” digital currency.

Regarding the business of foreclosure, if the “borrower” never pays the “loan” back, the bank can foreclose on an outstanding “loan” and then gains control of a tangible asset like a car or a property. Yet the fact is that the bank never risked anything to begin with. The digital currency created at the time of the “loan” is not a tangible thing. It doesn’t exist. It’s like getting the “blessing” of the Bank to go and purchase something. This is a simplification of the system but it is basically a correct understanding. This scheme has worked like a charm for them…

“They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be non the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability”. ~ Edward Mandell House

Regarding the business of usury, whenever a “loan” of non-existent currency is created there is also an interest charge built into the contract. When the borrower pays back the “loan” they are also required to pay back an interest charge that is over and above the newly created currency. The point to understand here is that the interest due was not created along with the new digital currency and thus a shortfall of currency is actually built into the system. Thus bankruptcy is a fundamental component of the current monetary system because there is always a shortage of currency. If every dollar of debt in existence today were to be paid back right now, all the interest would still be outstanding. This is the mathematical formula that has been used for centuries in order to steal tangible wealth from the actual creators of that wealth.

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. ” ~Henry Ford

Having said all that, you might be intrigued and start to gain the understanding that only the bankers can win, but you might also say “so what”? People should be able to profit, after all, profit is the motivating factor in our world.

I submit that the concept of profit is the fundamental core of what is destroying the human species. If a larger, stronger man takes control of another man and subjugates him simply because he can, that is tyranny, and we as a species have evolved to see that this ethically wrong. Now we as a species have to evolve our understanding of the current monetary system to see that we are being subjugated into continuing to propagate the greatest control mechanism ever developed on this planet.

Let’s play the “If” game for a second.

If profit was taken out of the equation; do you think that cancer would still be a major threat to our species?

If profit was not a requirement; do you think that we would be using oil as the fundamental energy source used throughout the world today?

If the concept of profit was not in the human consciousness; do you think that “health” centres would ever refuse to treat the ill? Or actual cures for diseases would be shelved by Big Pharma?

If profit was not the driving factor of agriculture; do you think that we could easily feed the population of the world?

If everyone on the planet never had to worry about shelter or having enough food to eat or clothes to wear, would having more than you need be a consideration?

The concept of “profit” is what is holding us back as a species. We have been indoctrinated into a short term “take what we can NOW” philosophy that is based on the fallacy of continuous growthand competition. I submit that we would be far better off if we forged our future by cultivating the creative use of our finite resources using a co-operative intellectual methodology.

Study after study has shown that the world’s hunger and housing problems could be solved very quickly if a certain amount of money where to be thrown at those two problems. Studies show ending world hunger would cost around 30 billion dollars per year (vs $684 billion for the 2010 U.S. military budget). The fact that we as a species have not eliminated hunger proves that this problem is actually being facilitated. Is that acceptable to you? If it is, then all of us (but the few of the elite at the top of the control pyramid) are doomed.

Profit stifles as much creativity as it generates. Just look at the alternate technologies that have been suppressed because they would have upset the current paradigm, technology such as almost free and truly sustainable energy and anti-gravity devices. If either of these technologies ever went main stream the oil economy would take a huge hit and there would be an immediate shift in the controlling power structure.

The concept of profit is the paradigm that must be shed in order for us to move forward as a compassionate, free and intelligent species. It is the concept of profit that is the shovel we use to dig our own graves.

“Problems are best solved not on the level where they appear to occur but on the next level above them….Problems are best solved by transcending them and looking at them from a higher viewpoint. At the higher level, the problems automatically resolve themselves because of that shift in point of view, or one might see there was no problem at all.” ~David R. Hawkins

Abandoning just one concept, the concept of profit and our species will thrive for centuries to come.

About the Author

Rod Morin operates Barrie Tai Chi & Qigong studio in Barrie, Ontario, Canada, focusing on Yang-style Tai Chi, Taiji Qigong and Ziran Qigong. Rod has taught hundreds of students basic tai chi and energy work while striving to incorporate the profound teachings of taiji philosophy into his daily life. Please visit his website at

For more ideas and a potential solution to economic subjugation, please visit Secodnary Money System.


 – David R. Hawkins. 2009. Healing and Recovery. Sedona, AZ; Veritas Publishing, p. 176.

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.


Incoming CME

CME TARGETS EARTH, AFTER ALL: On Nov. 7th, when an X-flare from AR2205 hurled a CME into space, at first it appeared that the cloud would miss Earth. Follow-up computer modeling by NOAA analysts suggests that the CME might deliver a glancing blow to our planet’s magnetic field after all. A complete forecast follows this movie of the eruption recorded by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory:

The CME left the sun traveling approximately 600 km/s (1.3 million mph) albeit not directly along the sun-Earth line. If the computer models are correct, the outskirts of the cloud should reach Earth mid-day on Nov. 10th (Universal Time). First contact could spark a G2-class geomagnetic storm on Nov. 10th subsiding to G1-class on Nov. 11th. NOAA forecasters are citing storm probabilities as high as 75%.

These storms in the forecast are mild, not extreme, so there is no danger of power outages or communications blackouts. However, the CME impact could spark some beautiful auroras around the Arctic Circle. The lights might even spill across the Canadian border into northern-tier US states such as Maine, Michigan, Minnesota and the Dakotas.


On the Benefits of Music

Music as Medicine

Music As Medicine

5th November 2014

By Joshua Eagle

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Just as letters, words and phrases carry vibrational information which transmutes out into our greater universe, so too does music. There may be no greater language with the power to break all universal vibrational communication boundaries than that of music.

Imprinted into the fabric of reality is a fluidity which at the underlying core is comprised of vibration. In this current band of reality we exist in, mediums such as color, geometry, tonality and sound, work to transmute this fluid like energy, often referred to as zero-point energy, ether, or ‘the source’, into our waking state. The act of syncopated drumming in particular is a most powerful way of drawing in this source energy into one’s mind through the creation of a repetitive pulse wave which draws in this energy into one’s individual consciousness, merging the individual mind with that of the universal mind.

In this way, instruments are photonic and vibratory transducers.

Music is Science

The field of Quantum Physics teaches that a foundational seed concept from which all other knowledge of our cosmic universe grows is that of String Theory. The notion of String Theory explains that, while our entire universe is made up of particles and their seemingly ever-unfolding plethora of sub-atomic singularities, it is only when these isolated singularities come together to form a string that intelligence is brought to life.

Whether we are examining the string of a Violin or a strand of our biologic DNA, what is found contained within is an intelligence that becomes born only after singular particles are exposed to photonic energy or photons of light, in combination with the pulse waves being emitted directly from the center of our galaxy. Contained within the frequency of cosmic light and the vibratory pulsation emanating from our galaxy’s core exists what very well may be “God’s code”. This becomes apparent when we see that just exposing our own naked skin to the complete spectrum of UV sunlight triggers over 3,000 DNA activations within our cellular biologic matrix; and this same principle goes for plants, which only after receiving photons of light and engaging in photosynthesis are capable of generating their own food, antioxidants, vitamins and phytochemicals, which we humans ingest as medicine.

It is only when isolated singularities come together to form a string that intelligence is brought to life.

Music as Medicine - Shamanic Drumming

Music in Shamanism

In all indigenous cultures, the medicine man, otherwise known as the Shaman, incorporates music as an integral form of medicine for the community. In areas of the world where sunlight is abundant Shamans integrate their medicine of music with specific entheogenic Shamanic plants to maximize healing benefits. However, in areas of greater northern and southern longitudes where sunlight is sparse and plants are nearly devoid, Shamans rely solely on music as their form of spiritual medicine through the use of syncopated drumming.

In Amazonian Shamanism exists the practice of singing medicine songs called Icaros to the patients or recipients of the plant medicine being given. Within these Icaros themselves, medicine is directly transmuted to the recipients through the vibrational energetic power of the Shaman. Just like when working with crystal healing, where a gem or crystal is charged by sunlight and purified by water or sacred plant smoke, the crystal skeleton and blood of humans (which at its very nature is fluid crystalline water and crystalline bone) becomes charged by the Icaros of the Shaman. In combination with the purification of the medicinal plant smoke, this generates massive healing power within the recipient, if the shaman embodies benevolent intentions.

In this band of reality we exist in, music carries vibrational information which transmutes out into our greater universe.


On ‘Conscious Capitalism’

Conscious Capitalism: How Millennials are Shaping the New Economic Paradigm

Conscious Capitalism: How Millennials are Shaping the New Economic Paradigm

Story by: Dr. Kelly Neff


Capitalism has become a dirty word in our culture, synonymous with cronyism and greed, not consciousness. Since the 2008 financial collapse in the US, we have been inundated with stories of poverty, injustice, corrupt banking institutions and companies that have lied, cheated and stolen to meet their bottom line, often scamming their employees and harming the environment while the bigwigs sit back and cash checks.

What is Conscious Capitalism?

In light of the corporate scandals over the past several years, it is refreshing to hear that the new paradigm of conscious capitalism has emerged. This is due in large part to the evolving spending power of Millennials, the generation of 95 million or-so Americans born between 1982 and 2004. Millennials are more health and socially conscious than other generations, meaning that we put a strong emphasis on healthy living and well-being, and our consumer trends reflect this.

Conscious capitalism refers to businesses that serve the interests of all major stakeholders—customers, employees, investors, communities, suppliers, and the environment. According to Whole Foods Founder and Co-CEO John Mackey, who has built his company’s success using a conscious model and recently co-authored the book Conscious Capitalism,  this is a model where business is “grounded in a higher sense of purpose to enhance its positive impact on the world.”

The Energetic Impact of Spending

Many Millennials (myself included!) share an understanding that the way we spend our money will shape our world and our children’s worlds. This is a pretty simple energetic strategy for manifestation: Withdraw energy (money in this case, but it can also be thoughts, attention, ideas, and efforts) from products and companies that are not in line with your core values, and direct your energies/money towards products and companies that are in line with your values, like sustainability, compassion, progress, social consciousness, and so on.

Data compiled over the last several years indicates that the world’s economic paradigm is shifting as consumers are starting to favor conscious-minded business.

Consumer Data Shows Trends Towards Conscious Capitalism

A 2102 NPD and Civic Science poll showed that 74% of consumers today say that the “social consciousness” of a company was either ‘very important’ or ‘somewhat important’ in determining where they shop, and what they buy. According to a 2012 Edelman poll, when quality and price are equal, “social purpose” as a purchase trigger grew 26% between 2008 and 2012.

Nielsen’s Global Survey on Corporate Social Responsibility showed that 43% of all consumers are willing to spend more for a product that supports a good cause. This was highest among the Millennial age groups, with 48% of people aged 21-24 and 52% of people aged 25 to 29 willing to spend more money for product that supports a good cause.

According to the 2012 Edelman Good Purpose Survey, 47% of consumers buy at least one brand that supports a good cause every month, an almost a 50% increase between 2010 and 2012! The most frequent purchasers of socially conscious brands were Millennials, Gen-X’ers, people employed at management positions and above, married people, and moms. Nearly three-fourths of respondents (72%) said that they would also recommend a brand that supports a good cause, an increase of almost 40% in only two years. Given the significant rise in socially conscious spending practices between 2010 and 2012, one can only imagine what the data might look like for 2014!

As Millennials continue to make up a larger and larger chunk of the U.S. economy, consumer attitudes about responsibility for social change are also shifting. For example, 2012 was the first time EVER that U.S. consumers believed that “people like me” are the most responsible for addressing social issues, as opposed to government and corporations. In other words, we are truly waking up as a society and realizing we have the power to make sweeping changes with our dollars.

Conscious Companies: Who are They?

Whole Foods Co-CEO John Mackey says the are “thousands” of companies in the US operating from versions of a conscious capitalism model, including Southwest Airlines, REI, Google, Nordstrom, Patagonia, The Container Store, KIND healthy snacks, The Body Shop, Timberland, Stonyfield, Ben & Jerry’s and more, resulting in “win-wins for customers, employees, suppliers, communities and the environment.”

One great example is Panera Cares, owned by Panera Bread, who have shown that compassion and consciousness can become integral parts of a successful business model. At five Panera Cares locations throughout the US, people are asked to pay only what they can afford while others are willing to pay a little more to help out. The company still makes enough to cover all of its direct operating costs, while also covering the cost of food for those who cannot afford it, and creating programs to job train at-risk kids.

Conscious companies have seen unprecedented success in the last decade. Marketing professor Raj Sisodia reports that conscious brands’ investment returns are 1025% over the past ten years, compared to only 122% for the S&P 500 and 316% for companies selected purely on their ability to deliver superior returns to investors. Furthermore, according to the IEG Sponsorship report, ‘cause-based’ marketing programs in 2012 were worth $1.7 billion in North America alone.

The Future

According to a 2013 Forbes Magazine article titled Only Conscious Capitalists Will Survive, conscious capitalism will be “one of the defining mechanisms of profit in the future.” Based on the statistics discussed in this article, we can expect conscious capitalism to continue to rise over the next several decades, as Millennials become a larger and larger percentage of the population and continue having children (have we mentioned that Millennials already have over 10 million children?)

Will the rise of conscious companies be paired with the fall of non-conscious companies? Only time will tell. Forbes cites the interesting dichotomy between Target and Walmart, two huge corporations who seemingly do the same thing, but have very different levels of conscious capitalism. While Walmart leads on sales, it posted three straight quarters of declines in 2013 and is often plagued by strikes by unhappy employees. Even though they are paid roughly the same, Target employees have not been striking because they have high employee happiness ratings and a much better overall work environment. In a future when people continue to speak with their dollars, even huge companies like Walmart may benefit from amending their business practices to become more consciously geared towards consumers, employees and the environment.

Overall, the re-imagination of capitalism as a conscious phenomenon is indicative of a shifting paradigm we are seeing across our world, where Millennial consumers are taking responsibility for using their dollars to improve our planet and promote progress and change. After only a few generations of conscious spending and sustainable business practices, the association between capitalism and crony greed could become a distant memory. This rapid evolution speaks to humanity’s urgent need to reach a state of balance across economy, ecology and society.

If you own a business and you would like to make it more conscious, or if you are thinking about starting a conscious business, check out marketing professor Raj Sisodia’s six tips for conscious success.

Whatever you do, remember that your spending habits have the power to direct energy into creating the world you want. Spend wisely, and spend consciously. Blessings and Love! <3


Ervin Lazlo on Cosmic Consciousness

Consciousness in the Cosmos

The following is excerpted from The Immortal Mind: Science and the Continuity of Consciousness Beyond the Brain by Ervin Laszlo with Anthony Peake, published by Inner Traditions, Bear and Company.

Your consciousness is not your consciousness.

It is the manifestation of the longing of the cosmos for itself.

It comes to you through you but not from you.*

*A paraphrase of Khalil Gibran’s words about children in The Prophet:

Your children are not your children.

They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.

They come through you but not from you.

The beyond-the-brain consciousness—the consciousness we encountered in our review of near-death experiences, after-death communication, medium-conveyed and instrumental transcommunication, past-life recollections, and in experiences suggestive of reincarnation—is not a material entity in the manifest world. It is an intrinsic element in the Akasha, the deep dimension of the cosmos.

The idea that consciousness belongs to a deeper dimension of reality is a perennial intuition. The great spiritual masters, poets, and even scientists have been telling us that consciousness is not “in” the brain and is not part of the world in which the brain exists. It is part of the mind or intelligence that infuses the cosmos. Consciousness appears in space and time as a localized (yet nonlocal) manifestation. Erwin Schrödinger said it clearly: consciousness is one—it does not exist in the plural.

Just as particles and systems of particles in spacetime are projections of codes and relations in the Akashic deep dimension, so the consciousness associated with living organisms is a manifestation—a holographic projection—of the unitary consciousness that does not merely exist in, but actually is, that dimension.

The Akashic Concept of Consciousness

If consciousness is a holographic manifestation of the unitary consciousness of the cosmos, it is present throughout space and time. Consciousness is present in the mineral kingdom, in the living world, and in the social and ecological systems constituted by human beings and other organisms. It is present at the level of quanta on the one end of the spectrum of size and complexity in nature, and on the level of galaxies on the other end.

But consciousness and the systems and organisms with which it is associated exist on different planes of reality. Particles and the entities composed of particles are part of the manifest world, whereas the consciousness that may be associated with them is an element in the deep dimension.

This insight explains otherwise unresolved puzzles. Among other things, it overcomes the problem of the “hard question” in consciousness research: how something material, such as the brain, can produce something immaterial, such as consciousness. This puzzle does not need to be solved because it rests on false premises. There is no need to account for how the brain produces consciousness because brain and consciousness are on separate planes of reality. The brain does not produce consciousness; it transmits and displays it.

Let us consider this proposition. The standard argument for the claim that the brain produces consciousness is the observation that when the brain is inoperative, consciousness ceases. There are ­several things wrong with this argument. In the first place, it is not true that consciousness always and necessarily ceases when the brain is not ­functioning. As we have seen in our review of the NDE, clinical studies show that people whose brain is clinically dead can have conscious experience, and sometimes this experience proves to be a veridical perception of the world.

Second, even if consciousness would cease when the brain is inoperative, this would not prove that consciousness is produced by the brain. When we shut down our computer, cell phone, TV, or radio, the information it displays disappears, yet the information itself does not cease to exist. Just as the information displayed by electronic instruments exists independently of these instruments, so the consciousness displayed by the brain exists independently of the brain that transmits it. Consciousness exists in the cosmos whether or not it is transmitted by a living brain.

Experiential Foundations

The claim that consciousness is an intrinsic element of the cosmic deep dimension has foundations in our own experience. We access consciousness in a fundamentally different way from the way we access things in the world. To begin with, consciousness is private: only “I” can experience it.

But unlike other things, I do not observe my consciousness, I experience it. The difference is not negligible. Observation is a third-person act: the observer is separate from the person, thing, or event that he or she observes. The brain, unlike the consciousness that is associated with it, can be observed in this mode. In observing the brain we see gray matter made up of myriad networks of neurons and subneuronal ­assemblies. But we do not and cannot observe the consciousness associated with them.

There is further support for the claim that consciousness is not part of the manifest spacetime world. It is the evidence—presented and ­discussed in Part 1—that consciousness exists not only in ­association with the brain but can persist beyond it. If consciousness were produced by the brain it would cease when the brain ceased to function. We have seen, however, that in some notable cases consciousness continues to exist beyond a functioning brain. This is not an anomaly. Consciousness is not part of the brain and is not produced by the brain. It is merely transmitted and displayed by the brain, and it exists whether or not it is transmitted and displayed by the brain.

The Principal Propositions of the Akashic Concept of Consciousness

Consciousness Is Transmitted and Displayed by the Brain

If consciousness is not in, and is not a part of, the manifest world, then consciousness is either in a transcendent spiritual realm described in the Abrahamic religions or is part of a non-manifest dimension of the cosmos. The Akashic concept is that consciousness is part of the cosmos, even a fundamental part. But it is not the observable spacetime part.

In contemplating this proposition let us return to the analogy of information transmitted by a radio or another instrument. We know that a radio reproduces the sounds of the symphony rather than producing that symphony. The symphony exists independently of its reproduction and continues to exist when the radio is turned off. Of course, when the radio is turned off we no longer hear the sounds of the symphony. But this does not mean that the symphony would cease to exist.

The Deep Dimension Is a Cosmic Consciousness

As suggested above, the deep dimension of the cosmos is a consciousness. It receives information from the manifest dimension, and it “­in-forms” the manifest dimension. In the perspective of the manifest world the deep dimension is an information field or medium; it “in-forms” things in the world. But “in itself,” this dimension is more than a network of in-forming signals. It is a consciousness in its own right.

This tenet is supported by the experience of our own consciousness. We noted that we do not observe our consciousness—we experience it. We also do not observe the Akasha (it is a “hidden” dimension), but we experience it: more precisely, we experience its effect on things we can experience: things in the manifest dimension. Let us suppose, then, that we could experience not only the manifest spacetime world but also the deep dimension itself. That would presuppose that we are a divine or supernatural being, co-extensive with the cosmos. If we were the cosmos, we could introspect on its deep dimension. Our introspection would very likely reveal what introspection reveals in regard to our own experience: not sets and flows of signals, but the qualitative flow we know as our consciousness. Our cosmic-level introspection would reveal a cosmic consciousness.

Cosmic Consciousness In-forms the Manifest World

Just how does consciousness in the deep dimension in-form things in the manifest world? This is a difficult question, as it concerns the physical effect of a non-physical agency. It is elucidated, however, by recent explorations at the frontier where quantum physics encounters neuroscience. The basic concept is the work of physicist Roger Penrose and neuroscientist Stuart Hameroff. They claim that their theory explains how a basically immaterial consciousness can enter into and in-form the material (or quasi-material) world.1

The relevant concept is Penrose’s “Orchestrated Objective Reduction” (Orch OR). This concept extends Einstein’s general relativity to the Planck scale, the basic level of spacetime. According to Penrose, a particle in one state or location is a specific curvature in spacetime geometry, and the same particle in another location is a curvature in the opposite direction. The superposition of the curvatures in both locations make for simultaneous curvatures in opposite directions, and these constitute bubbles or blisters in the fabric of spacetime.2 These bubbles or blisters are the quanta that populate the physical world. They are entangled and nonlocal, but they are unstable: they collapse on interaction into the fine-structure spacetime, assuming one particular state at one particular place and time.

Penrose suggests that each quantum collapse introduces an element of consciousness into spacetime. If this is the case, we would have a physics-based explanation of how consciousness in the deep dimension enters the manifest world. We have said that every quantum, every atom, and every multiatomic structure, including our own brain and body, are “in-formed” by the deep dimension. This “in-formation” occurs due to the sensitivity of the subneuronal structures of our brain to quantum-level fluctuations. They are responsive to the orchestrated objective reduction through which consciousness enters the manifest world at the level of the fine structure of spacetime.

Theories accounting for the presence of consciousness in the world will no doubt be further developed in coming years. But it is not likely that their further development would change the basic insight: that consciousness is not produced by the brain. Consciousness is a cosmic phenomenon merely transmitted and elaborated by the brain.

Consciousness is a cosmic dimension, and the brain is a local entity. The consciousness associated with the brain is a localized manifestation of the Akasha, the deep dimension of the cosmos.


Tasks for Moving Forward

A Spiritual To Do List While You’re Still Here

Updated November 1, 2014 by in5d Alternative News

by Moac Mikaela
guest writer for

Another portal has opened and another eclipse has passed. Some of us have moved on, some of us are still here. What happened during the eclipse was, of course and again, very much in our hearts with manifestation just beginning for some of us. We put a lot of expectations on our five senses. This is the moment when our 6th and beyond senses can be expected. Can you feel the love yet?

The Numbers

This eclipse of transformation occurred on 10/23/2014
1+0+2+3+2+0+1+4= 13

The Number 4 by Joanne Walmsley

Positively, 4 is the ‘stabilizer’ and can undertake difficult or unpleasant tasks, faithful friend, capacity for focused will and self-sacrifice, aware and accepting. Negatively, 4 relates to a lack of convention and conviction, the inability to adapt, clumsiness, laziness and dullness. 4 is the number of fate, so it must be remembered that there will be many things that happen over which you have no control. Hard work is the experience of the 4 vibration, as ideas are manifested into practical reality. 4 maintains order, system and routine to make their dreams a reality. This vibration is to do with energy, harmony and co-operation and it is the ‘door to illumination’ or ‘initiation’.

These are the very attributes that embody the solar eclipse we just came through. So it was appropriate that the eclipse be on this day of the Gregorian calendar.

Another portal has opened and another eclipse has passed. Some of us have moved on, some of us are still here. What happened during the eclipse was, of course and again, very much in our hearts with manifestation just beginning for some of us. We put a lot of expectations on our five senses. This is the moment when our 6th and beyond senses can be expected. Can you feel the love yet?

We are still here. Why?

So you’ve raised your vibration, meditated and prayed. You’ve done everything in your power to hold your light high and bright. You’ve even had a few spiritual encounters that filled you with joy and yearning for that familiar feeling of “home.” You’ve stayed positive, transmuted dark energy, invoked the violet flame, spoken your truth without judgment, respected the paths and personal free will of everyone you’ve encountered. You’ve done it all and you still haven’t been taken up on a ship, haven’t ascended to another planet, haven’t SEEN a disclosure with your eyes. Your guides are telling you to wait for that moment that is “not so far from your shores”. You’ve done the spiritual work and you even feel and live differently. But you are still here with one question that often rings: “Why, after all this work put in, are we still here with war energy surrounding us?

It can be one of three things:

1. You still have karma to transmute

You may still have some clearing to do. With this ascension process it is sometimes challenging to know when you have reached a point where you are no longer driven by your ego. We sometimes gain a piece of enlightening information and feel the need to run and try to warn the world. Or sometimes, we want to say things like, “ I don’t have an ego” and “Well, my vibration is higher than yours” or “No, you are wrong because…”  If you find yourself saying things like this, you may still have some clearing and soul integration to do.

This doesn’t mean you need to catch up with anyone or that you are behind in some kind of race. To understand Oneness, you understand that ultimately, we are all on the same level. We all have fragmented pieces that need to be put back together before we are ready for the blast that full consciousness will provide.

There is a point in the awakening experience when you realize that everyone is on their own path and you don’t necessarily have to save them from themselves, government, religion, subservience etc.  It is important to use discernment for situations like these. Accessing your guides, or even the Universal mind is the easiest way for you to find out when you should relay information to others. Your guides are available to let you know when to shine some light on another soul. Gaining access to the Universal mind is just one way to view your Akashic records.

If you need to know how to get in touch with this innate part of yourself, there are many articles here on In5D that have helped many and can help you, too.  As mentioned in many previous articles on In5D, it is of the utmost importance to keep your light high and brightly shining. Now, it is very important to be listening to everything and everyone around you because you will be receiving information about what next step to take in your life by way of signs, symbols, and synchronicities tailored to your experience. So, if this is where you are, don’t fret. The clearing process is an intricate one but just know that you will rise to the proper vibration according to your soul’s plan in perfect timing.

2. You are not ascending in this lifetime

Those who are not ascending in this lifetime are not damned. This category most likely includes people who aren’t reading articles such as these. But maybe you are wondering why your brother or sister or mother or father are no longer matching your particular vibration; why new things may be resonating with you but not with a family member or friend. They are either not at that point in their awakening yet or they are simply not ascending to higher vibrations in this particular paradigm. If you encounter a loved one who is not accepting of the information that you want to give them, let them be; especially if they have an adverse reaction to what you are saying. Leave them knowing that one day they will understand what you mean, and keep them in your heart.

3. You are part of the ground crew to be way showers for the newly awakened after the grand event

Those of you who fall into this category, congratulations on the integration of your energies! We are the ones who will be guiding the rest of humanity into the new age upon Terra after the grand event and whatever remaining cleansing she must go through in order to fully integrate her new form. On a soul level, we all figured that we would be able to handle being in this dense paradigm with our vibrations so high. Do not feel bad if it seems too much to handle.

By now, you may have be conversing with your guides on a daily basis. They are available to help ease the pains and tensions of the vast amounts of cleansing and renewing energies coming through the atmosphere. These energies may leave you feeling tired, drained, sometimes hopeless, depressed and alone. Know that of course you are never alone. There is a now moment where the likes of this category come together on a grand scale in order to fully integrate the energies. This work is being done, as we speak, in our hearts, while we sleep and sometimes during daydreaming and meditation. Beyond that, there will be a time where we will be able to all come together on a physical level to shine as One for a certain occasion. Please use discernment and stay in touch with your Higher Self in order to know what your next step is. This is especially true if you feel like you’ve been at a stand still waiting for something to come into your awareness so you can finally move forward out of the rut that you have been in. Keep shining. I know you keep hearing this but seriously, keep shining. In the face of low vibration send love. Maybe you can’t see anything happening but again, use discernment and ask your guides to reassure you of the spiritual progress you are making in your personal life, in the life of humanity, and within and upon the face of Terra.

This work is being done, as we speak, in our hearts, while we sleep and sometimes during daydreaming and meditation. Beyond that, there will be a time where we will be able to all come together on a physical level to shine as One for a certain occasion. Please use discernment and stay in touch with your Higher Self in order to know what your next step is. This is especially true if you feel like you’ve been at a stand still waiting for something to come into your awareness so you can finally move forward out of the rut that you have been in. Keep shining. I know you keep hearing this but seriously, keep shining. In the face of low vibration send love. Maybe you can’t see anything happening but again, use discernment and ask your guides to reassure you of the spiritual progress you are making in your personal life, in the life of humanity, and within and upon the face of Terra.

Where our Spiritual Masters have left us

Some Spiritual Masters are beginning to make their exit. Dolores Cannon, Masaru Emoto, Steve Nelson are a few who have recently passed. The passing of these people leave a door open for more humans to speak out about what resonates with them. Where it took the Masters decades to reach their level, with the influx of energies upon the planet at present, we are now able to gain higher levels at a quicker rate than ever before. This is because the old cycle has ended which, joined together with the paradigm of time slipping away quickly and surely, means things are happening and appearing in a multi-dimensional manner which we can not fully comprehend right now until the moment we become fully conscious of our full and true potential. This is the now moment to take what these Masters have taught us and expand the scope of our knowledge and understanding. These who have passed on are comparable to Jesus. They came, lived and learned, did their work with humble reverence and ascended through the process of death. This is to show that yes we all can be like Jesus. He is neither above nor below us.  This is something he was trying to show the world by his life experience on this planet. He is in essence as always, our brother.

A new paradigm has appeared

This awareness is here to offer another beginning to integrating these new energies that have recently washed upon our 4D planet during last week’s eclipse. It may seem as if there is a time limit to get everything done spiritually but there is not. Something that should be understood about the Creator is that it does not operate solely on a time schedule and it does not judge itself even when it is appearing to judge itself and others while in human form. The Creator, the Universe, our Source would not let any part of itself blow up, disintegrate into the vacuum of space, or be left behind. Is this not true for you as well? Would you leave your child in a burning building just because he has misbehaved a few times? Having to clear karma is not a punishment therefore reincarnating is not a punishment. It is just another cycle of clearing for whatever level that soul happens to vibrate with.

Suggestive To Do List

Live Unlimited

To view the Creator as only wrathful, or as holier than thou, as one who doesn’t condone sexual freedom, as one who only wants you to do things one religious way is to view it from a limited scope of perception. You are not limited to what you have learned here in this particular paradigm. Most of what you have learned in school unfortunately has been created by beings that were simply part of the Divine Grand Plan. These beings are known as archons, malevolent Anunnakis, reptilians, greys, members of the Illuminati, among a whole host of other names.

Yes. These groups have performed acts that have appeared less than loving in the eyes of the awakened and awakening, although many of us on this planet have in some way or another  been hurt by these forces. In this now moment it should be known that these are not our enemies at all. If those bad things hadn’t happened in your life, you may not have been woken up to realize your true self. These things will be confirmed at the moment full consciousness is finally established. ALL THINGS COME TO THE LIGHT EVENTUALLY. Even souls that live lives of darkness come to the light because they originally came from the light. Those beings that have been malevolent are moving forward in their own evolution. They and their minions will be energetically transported to another planet comparable to Earth to finish out their karmic cycle. Terra now continues to shake off the remnants of that old cycle. Use discernment. All can be confirmed with the one you believe in; the one that is guiding you. You all have the ability to tap into the Akashic records because they are very much in your DNA. When you live unlimited, you may find life a little easier to bear and more full of surprises than you’ve ever seen.

PLAY with your gifts

The recent energies that entered our atmosphere have activated deep within our DNA many inherent spiritual gifts that we all have. Things such as mental telepathy, discernment, teleportation, aura reading, omniscience, omnipresence, interdimensional travel, time traveling, and transmutation among others, are available now to play with and enhance within our beings. It is very important to play (sounds a little silly huh?). The more we play the easier the energies flow in our favor and the more we have a good time and don’t focus on the heaviness of still being here. This is a time for inner and outer listening. Our attention is needed at this time because a lot of things we’ve been intending are beginning to manifest before our eyes. Also we are being given answers by the quiet still voice (which we all have) that is pointing us in the direction of what we have been asking for in our lives.

Know that all is Light

In this new paradigm, good and bad is not defined. This is not to say we can do what we want without consequences. We can do what we want as long as it does not interfere with Universal Law. That being said, there is no difference between good and bad because what is perceived as bad is that which shakes us up and in turn pushes us toward the Light. Everything comes from the Light and to the Light everything always returns.

Talk to strangers!

We are taught as children to not talk to strangers. If we shouldn’t talk to strangers, how can we make friends? Of course again discernment is always necessary when choosing who and who not to talk to. At this moment a lot of people are needing healing through physical contact; whether that be with words, a hug, a smile, or a note that says “Everything is perfectly well”. When you see someone in need of Light and Love, even if you do it in your heart, give them the Light and Love you would want someone to give you if you were feeling down. And technically, no one is a stranger because we are part of a Universal Oneness that can never be truly disconnected.

Question everything

As Gregg Prescott and Michelle Walling have said in previous articles, QUESTION EVERYTHING. Some readers may wonder why these Teachers sometimes focus on reptilians and black magic. They are shining Light on an aspect of our evolution (darkness) that many are too scared to touch on. Something admirable about the Teachers is that they question everything and consider all angles of creation. That being said, question everything! Question your religion that you were raised under. Question this article! Question what  you see on the news and what your friends tell you. Question science, question government, question your professors, question questions! We no longer have to fear what we don’t understand. Instead try something new and question what you don’t understand.

Accept and respect

This is the now moment for integration of our beliefs. No one belief is fully correct nor fully incorrect. Therefore, it is wise to accept and integrate any beliefs/religions that come across your path. For example, if you identify with Christianity, and a Muslim or Buddhist comes to you in a peaceful manner speaking about their beliefs, even if you don’t agree, it is best to just listen and take the meat and throw away the bones however it resonates with you. Often, if you give someone that respect, you will most likely be given the same respect if you choose to speak to them about your beliefs.

This solar eclipse caused a great surge of energy to enter the atmosphere. It caused the deepest, oldest, most buried issues to make their way to the surface for more healing. Though it may not seem like it, this is just the beginning of the fabulous life you’ve been attracting to you. Keep your Light high and bright. Meditate (there are so many ways to do this), speak your truth,  Love as you would like to be Loved and Celebrate! This is a learning and growing experience for you and Source because you ARE Source. This means you are multi-dimensional and Lovingly unlimited. And so it is because we are One. Namaste 😉
