Saturday, September 6: Blue Orange
Today is a day for looking at what you are doing in your life particularly in terms of what you feel is your occupation. This does not have to mean ‘job’ in the sense of a 9 to 5, rather what is it you do each day to keep yourself busy, how is it that you define yourself when others ask what do you do. Then think long and hard and feel what kind of fulfillment you are getting from it. Having done that, it is time then to spend a moment and just know what it is that all of this is telling you. Is there something more for you to do? Is there somewhere else you can take it? Is there the need to make a change? These can be scary questions, but it is time to ask them. Change is in the air right now, and it is well to be at one with whether or not you need to make a change or move more deeply into what you are doing.