Your Color Scope for Friday, May 2

Friday, May 2:   Magenta

It is time to know what is real from what merely appears to be real. It is time to see the synchronicities that are happening into your life. The pattern is there, the labyrinth is for you to walk, and as you do, you will find that things are happening as you will. Take time today to be with WHO you are. It is a good idea to do some journaling, some kind of creative work that will allow you to know what is moving at this time, to see how you are part of all that is going on, and how you are creating a new modus for yourself. It is time to give yourself credit for the work you have done. It is not supposed to be so hard, and in many cases, the difficulties are things that you have determined to be there. See the forest and let go of the trees. Today is a time of perspective and gratitude for how far you have come and where you are going next. It is all right here.