Olympics, Sochi, Safety , & Risk

Explained: How Big Is Sochi’s Terrorism Problem?

“It would be safer if we had the Olympics in North Korea. At least they don’t have an active terrorist group blowing things up.”


| Thu Feb. 6, 2014

This week, Americans nervously descend upon Sochi, Russia, to cheer on their favorite athletes in the 2014 Winter Olympic Games. Members of the US team who have already arrived in the city say that with an estimated 100,000 security force members protecting the games, they feel safe. But US officials said on Tuesday that they are tracking “specific threats” to the games. And counterterrorism experts argue that the terrorism risk in Sochi is largely unprecedented, due to recent threats from active terrorist groups. They fear that attacks could take place outside of the secured perimeter surrounding the event sites, particularly on public transportation or at checkpoints. While the Daily Beast notes that terrorism coverage could overshadow the successes of US athletes—and give terrorists free publicity—experts say that it’s warranted. “This is a very serious threat. It’s not overblown,” says Victor Asal, a terrorism expert at the University of Albany. He adds that if he knew people who were planning a trip to Sochi, he’d tell them, “Don’t go.” Without further ado, here’s everything you need to know:

​Who are these terrorists, and what do they want?
The main threat to the Olympic games is the Caucasus Emirate, a loose network of Islamist terrorist groups that is located between the Black and Caspian seas in Russia. The Caucasus Emirate, established in 2007, aims to establish Shariah law in the region, but it only has suspected ties with Al Qaeda. The terrorist network is a partly an outgrowth of the First and Second Chechen wars, conflicts that began when Russia invaded Chechnya. “The human rights abuses committed by the Russians in the invasion of Chechnya were really extraordinary​, and the violence has come from these grievances,” Asal says. Initially, the group’s aims were nationalistic—secession from the Russian federation—but now, there is a growing jihadist component.

The group’s self-appointed leader is Doku Umarov, nicknamed “Russia’s bin Laden” (photo below). He’s seen only rarely, and Ramzan Kadyrov, the president of Chechnya, recently claimed that Umarov is dead. (He’s said this many times before, so terrorist experts aren’t convinced.) As of this month, that report has not been confirmed by the Russian government or the US State Department. While the network’s primary target is Russia, Umarov has also issued threats against the United States and Israel in the past, according to the US State Department. 


When has the Caucasus Emirate carried out attacks before?
Terrorists affiliated with the Caucasus Emirate are believed to have carried out about two terrorist attacks per year since 2008, killing hundreds of civilians. Here are some of their more notable attacks:

  • June 2008: A Caucasus Emirate militia group claimed responsibility for a suicide bomb attack that killed 14 and injured dozens in Vladikavkaz, less than 500 miles from Sochi.
  • November 2009: The group bombed a train en route to Moscow from St. Petersburg, killing more than 25 people, including high-ranking government officials.
  • March 2010: Two female suicide bombers connected to the group bombed the Moscow Metro, killing at least 40 people. 
  • January 2011: Umarov ordered a suicide bombing at Domodedovo International Airport in Moscow, killing 37 people.
  • February 2011: The Caucasus Emirate conducted an attack at the Mt. Elbrus ski resort, located a little more than 100 miles from Sochi, in which terrorits shot tourists and bombed a cable car. 
  • October 2013: A woman associated with Islamic militants bombed a bus in Volgograd, about 600 miles from Sochi, killing at least six. (It has been suspected that she was associated with the Caucasus Emirate, but not confirmed.)
  • December 2013: A subgroup of the Caucasus Emirate claimed responsibility for a suicide attack on a train station, also in Volgograd, killing at least 16. The group also claimed responsibility for bombing a trolley bus in the same city 24 hours later, killing 18. (On Wednesday, Russia state media reported that Russian police had killed a suspected mastermind of the December Volgograd attacks.)

Have the Caucasus Emirate explicitly said they want to target the Olympic games? 
Yes. In July 2013, Umarov published a video urging rebels to “do their utmost to derail” the Olympics. He characterized the games as “satanic dances on the bones of our ancestors.” Late last month, a subgroup of the Caucasus Emirate posted a video (below) showing men they said were the bombers responsible for the December attack on Volgograd, and threatened to give Russia a “present” at the Olympics.

Who are the “Black Widows” I’m hearing about? 

An alleged “black widow” suicide bomber Whitehotpix/ZUMA

“Black Widows” refers to women who have committed suicide attacks, reportedly to avenge spouses or family members killed by the Russian military. According to NPR, Russian police have been circulating fliers over the last few weeks, searching for suspected female terrorists—including a 22-year-old wife who police say was recently spotted in central Sochi. While women have successfully pulled off terrorist attacks associated with the Caucasus Emirate, some experts say the threat has been overstated, because just as many, if not more, men are committing attacks.

Can these terrorists really pull off an attack on the Olympic sites?
Counterterrorism experts say that it would be very difficult, given the security lockdown known as “the ring of steel”—an area about 60 miles long and 25 miles deep around the Olympic sites. Putin has militarized the areas surrounding the games, with 100,000 police and members of the armed forces on hand, including special-ops forces to guard the mountains outside of Sochi. Only vehicles that are registered in Sochi are being allowed through the city’s checkpoint, and that’s after they’ve been searched. Drones are being deployed to survey the sites from the air, and the government will be snooping on tourists’ electronic devices. (On Tuesday, the Boston Globe reported that some of these security measures could be overstated, noting that a reporter’s bag wasn’t searched.)

What about outside of the ring of steel?
Experts say the risk is high. “The checkpoint has to stop somewhere, and if bombers get anywhere close to a checkpoint, it could have the same political effect in the media as getting into the Olympics themselves,” says Aki Peritz, a senior policy adviser for Third Way and a former CIA counterterrorism analyst. He notes that transportation to and from Sochi is particularly vulnerable, considering the attacks on buses and roadways by the Caucasus Emirate in the past. Daniel Treisman, a Russian politics expert at the University of California-Los Angeles, agrees: “The network will seek to stage attacks in order to demonstrate their capabilities. It is possible [a subgroup] could succeed. But I think they are much more likely to succeed somewhere outside Sochi than inside the security area.”

The State Department warns that while Americans aren’t being targeted specifically in Russia, “there is a general risk of U.S. citizens becoming victims of indiscriminate terrorist attacks.” The British government has been more explicit about the potential threat, putting out a map recommending that tourists avoid many areas outside of Sochi (bottom far left):

The United Kingdom’s Sochi advisory map

What weapons might be used?
Counterterrorism experts say that suicide bombers are likely the biggest threat. “I think anyone who is going to be attacking the Olympics is going to have to assume that they’re going to be dead. It’s a suicide mission however you look at it,” says Asal, from the University of Alabany. However, in 2012, Russian security forces claimed that they’d found a number of sophisticated arms that they believed were planning to be used in an attack on Sochi—including “grenades, portable surface-to-air missiles, explosives, rifles and other weapons​,” NPR reported. Gordon Hahn, a counterterrorism expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies​, also told Foreign Policy to not rule out the possibility that regional terrorists have obtained chemical weapons from Syria.

How does this threat compare to those posed to Olympics in the past?
According to the New York Times, US officials haven’t been this concerned about security at the Olympics since the 2004 Summer Games in Athens. The paper notes however, that “the Greeks were far more receptive to help from American law enforcement and intelligence officials, who ultimately played a significant role in the security for the Games.” Treisman, from UCLA, says the most recent case that is comparable would be the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, which occurred at a time when the terrorist Basque separatist organization ETA was still active. Peritz, from Third Way, jokes that “it would be safer if we had the Olympics in North Korea. At least they don’t have an active terrorist group blowing things up.” (The most recent deadly terrorist attack on the Olympics was orchestrated by an American at the 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics.)

What is the United States doing about all this?
The United States has stationed two warships, which can launch helicopters into Sochi in case an evacuation is needed, in the nearby Black Sea. The United States is also stationing at least two dozen FBI agents in the area and may be sharing sophisticated counterbomb equipment with Russian authorities. US athletes have also been warned not to wear their uniforms outside of the secured perimeter. Several US congressmen, including House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers​ (R-Mich.) have expressed anger that Russia is not cooperating fully with US security efforts.

Is anyone actually staying home?
Several US athletes have said they are asking their families to stay home from the Olympics because of security concerns, including speed skater Tucker Fredricks, Minnesota Wild ice hockey defenseman Ryan Suter, and Wild forward Zach Parise.

Tucker Fredricks

Who says it’s safe?
Some US athletes who have arrived in Sochi already told ABC News on Monday that they feel safe there. “”We’ve had a lot of fun, and I don’t anticipate us being in any more harm’s way than going down the mountain in a bobsled at 85 miles per hour,” said US bobsledder Dallas Robinson. And last month, President Obama confirmed that he felt the games were secure, noting that “the Russian authorities understand the stakes here.” However, he will not be attending with the first family.


Dana Liebelson

ReporterDana Liebelson is a reporter in Mother Jones’ Washington bureau.

from:    http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/02/explained-are-terrorist-about-attack-sochi-olympics

MultiDimensionality & Ascension

Homo Divinicus – the shape of things to come

Submitted by Chris Bourne on 27 December, 2012 – 06:55

These are monumental times we’re blessed to be living in. Humanity is waking up from eons of amnesia. Gaia has centred in the Fifth Density and powerful evolutionary transitions of consciousness will unleash the earth from the restrictive and exploitative karmic energies of our past. To many, in these early hours, the full magnitude of what’s taking place will be challenging to grasp. It’s entirely understandable. The key is to keep walking the path of the soul, allowing our natural Ascension to peel away the crusted veils. I can feel the birth of a new multidimensional humanity beginning to unfold, one which I feel given to call “Homo Divinicus”…

Breaking the Intervention

Humanity was always meant to be fully multidimensional, interconnected with the higher realms of consciousness and centred in the natural flow of the universe: a benevolent guidance that co-creates situations for maximum soulful expression, the bountiful experience of interconnectivity and expansive evolutionary growth.

Although it’s difficult to perceive and accept, until we reclaim that which was taken from us, we can’t fully appreciate how humanity has been controlled and downgraded by an Opposing Consciousness which exists in the field all around us. Some are becoming fully aware of this now, but in actual fact, it doesn’t matter too much whether you perceive it or not. Many would consider this veil as merely a projection of ones own ego or simply society’s matrix of mass subconsciousness. And this too is fine. What matters most, is walking the path of the soul and fully unveiling our beingness.Gaia has now reclaimed herself from this global intervention, and although it will still take time to fully unwind, the time has come for those ready and willing, to truly begin to shake off the karmic layers that limit and become once more what we were always meant to be. So what is “Homo Divinicus” all about?

The Seven Bodily Vehicles of Expression

We don’t just have one bodily vehicle of expression, but seven. There is one connected through each of the main chakras, and each at a variant vibrational frequency. Because of the Opposing Consciousness intervention, for most people, the soul has been fragmented and thereby contained within the lower physical and mental vehicles. You could consider the distortions of the ego have drawn the soul into eddy currents of lower density. Alternatively, full embodiment has been prevented by the distraction of higher blissful like frequency resonance (false love and light). These are the variant frequencies we must discern through in order to reclaim our full divine gift of multidimensionality.

So how is the full compliment of Homo Divinicus truly meant to function? To me, the soul is meant to flow naturally down through the chakras from the higher dimensions creating and animating expression as it builds downwards through our being. When this happens, we become truly as one with the higher creative flow. In my knowing, based on my own experience and in working with many evolving people, here is a personal indication of how I feel that is supposed to happen. In sharing it, I encourage you to explore your own experience within this framework, which in itself, can help activate that destined beingness…

  • 7. Spirit-Light-Body (merkaba): the spirit-light-body is designed to receive soul consciousness through the crown chakra to align our being with the right dimensional activity inline with our higher purpose.
    Through the spirit-light-body, the soul has the capacity to act through multiple planes of consciousness simultaneously. It interconnects us with all other sentient life and is able to harmonise with the co-creative intent of other souls within our sphere of influence. Our divine purpose could be channeling in the harmonistic light of the Fifth Density to which we are ascending; it could be counteracting Opposing Consciousness in the Fourth Density to prevent distortional interference; alternatively it could be bringing absolute presence into the Third Dimension to fulfill creative activity. Thus the spirit-light-body shines the light of our soul interdimensionally.
  • 6. Celestial Body: the celestial body harnesses and stores reflections of our soul through the countless lifetimes we’ve experienced. It’s purpose is to help us align with our true aspects of beingness.
    The downward shining light of the soul is next received into the third eye chakra, which ‘looks’ into the outer world comparing what it sees to the reflections of the soul in the celestial body. When the soul notices its own brilliance, it helps us align with and unfold those aspects of beingness that are most becoming of us; we settle into our groove so to speak. It is that feeling of complete self-belief, self-confidence, self-acceptance and contentment. When we can notice ourselves manifested in the outer world through our own authentic inner reflection, that is when we are truly living. We are frequently reduced to tears at the seemingly simplest of things because we are fulfilling our divine purpose.
  • 5. Higher Mind: from authentic being arises authentic creation. The purpose of higher mind is to co-create experiences with other sentient beings as ‘sacred contracts’ for higher education and self realisation.
    Through the power of the celestial body, we have noticed how to be within the external world and now is the time to experience this through creative action. At this stage, the creative impulse is quite abstract and undefined; the purpose is more about contemplations of educational higher truth, co-creating with other sentient life, rather than an actual creation itself. The soul now acts through higher mind, gathering together ‘elementals of consciousness’ into a directional flow of creation, like swirling clouds in the heavens.
  • 4. Causal Body: the causal body is where our “karma” is held. It is the cause of our incarnation, it sets the agenda for our learning experience based on the attachments and creative experiences we need to evolve through.
    As the soul shines its beams of creative light down through the higher vehicles, our karma casts shadows of attachment through the lower bodies and into our outer experience. The causal body (also known as the energy body) now attracts and manifests exactly the right conditions to unveil the learning experiences required for our evolution. We are invited to confront and dissolve the obscuring clouds of karma by fulfillment of non-judgmental Right Action. We perceive this directing influence as the “Christ Consciousness”, a pull through the Heart Centre – “this is the way to go now”.
  • 3. Lower Mind: lower mind is designed to receive, interpret and process higher channeled knowing through our clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient (psychic) skills.
    So now we know what to do, the question is how to do it? If our authentic, creative action does not get side-tracked, the gathering energies are next passed into our subconscious or “lower mind”. Lower mind then helps us to ‘connect the dots’ within the co-creative weave. Through the clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient skills of lower mind, we notice rhythms and patterns of synchronicity in our “consciousness landscape” and have clear visions of the ‘garment’ to be created. As Right Action clicks into place moment by moment, it becomes abundantly clear what we are being invited to do and how to do it.
  • 2. Emotional Body: the emotional body builds energy, passion and conviction around our behaviours to bring our creative Right Action into fruition.
    The creative process has now gathered together the right fabric for our creation, but it now has to be woven into form. The soul now utilises the emotional body to garner more consciousness ‘elementals’ and weaves emotion around the creative act. It provides a multi-coloured palette of experience that brings the garment to life. It makes the illusionary reality feel very real, yielding meaning and sense of purpose to life. However, once the creative action has come to fruition, the weave of the garment is meant to quickly unwind again, so that something else may be created. It is not a part of the divine design that we hang onto emotions and build identities around them as is so often the case.
  • 1. Physical Body: the physical body provides the ultimate vehicle to bring the creative, downward flowing process into full expression; it provides the experience of separation – of one thing relative to another.
    Finally, the soul’s gathering weave of elementals takes form around our ultimate vehicle of creative expression – the physical body. As the master weaver, our brain reads the pattern that has been crafted through our higher bodily vehicles and then orchestrates a magical symphony of activity throughout our billions of material cells. The physical body finally brings life to the creative action experienced in the myriad of human, physical possibility. The physical body is a multifaceted mirror of higher creative intent. It is the jewel in the crown; when functioning as designed, it makes the illusion of reality real.

A Divine New Form

So for me, the onward journey of humanity and first step is all about reclaiming this multidimensional nature, which we’ll look at how to facilitate in a moment. It’s something that a growing number are beginning to fully reclaim here and now. Despite our convoluted DNA heritage, the infusion of light around the planet is helping to ease that path.

In following the ascending path of the soul, core beingness will begin to resonate the tone of one’s soul ray harmonic. It is this that shapes aligned bodily vehicles through which to express.

In my vision of the way higher co-creative flows appear to be shaping, I see humanity beginning to divide into three ‘camps’ for the onward journey and next evolutionary chapter:

  • An appropriate form: Firstly there are those souls who have been contaminated by the polluting nature of the matrix and are clearly not progressing. As the Earth becomes increasingly uninhabitable during what will likely become a long cleansing and rejuvenation process, for these souls I see alternative incarnations in appropriate form elsewhere in the cosmos. I sense a long period of recalibration necessary to gently find realignment over time. There will also be many souls dissolved back into the source, as the bottleneck of denser energy retarding the universal flow is unraveled.
  • Homo Divinicus: There’s a broad spiritual awakening for another group of souls who are following the spiritual path, but taking a medium, longer period of time to fully ascend. I see these souls initially shaking off physical form but then moving into the bridging 4th Density. A period of healing and recalibration will be necessary after eons of convoluted DNA. The causal energy body, which forms the blueprint for physical incarnation, will then shape the newly aligned and much more resonant form of Homo Divinicus. Whatever the name that ultimately settles, I feel this form already beginning to shape in the field, created by a collective higher yearning – the natural aspirational impetus that causes evolution to happen.
  • Divinicus: There’s a relatively small group who are fully confronting, processing and peeling away past life karma of this lower realm. These souls are getting ready to ascend and will fully do so in the next few human generations. When Ascension happens, the old physical form of incarnation will no longer be necessary – the required lessons have been integrated. In my vision, these beings will move into the Middle Realm and settle temporarily in the 8th Density, the next karmic bridge where form can be manifested based on the new agenda of realisations to be made. New bodily vehicles formed of more light based frequency will then take shape in the 5th/6th/7th densities (the Middle Realm) so that a new embodiment can happen. The 8th density will continue to provide the karmic barrier and the bridge into the Higher Realm where the new higher self will also be taking form. The higher evolutionary process will then begin for what I see as “Divinicus”.

Reactivating our Multidimensionality

So what can we do in our day-to-day lives to currently facilitate the maximum inflow of this new evolutionary consciousness? How may we provide the most fertile inner ground for the seeds of Divinicus to germinate and grow? The “Five Gateways” project has been designed with plenty of insight, guidance and tools that evolving souls can benefit from. Here below are seven recommendations from the book…

  • Surrender: be absolutely clear that the ONLY game going on in the universe is self-realisation and that we might as well finally surrender and take an active part in that game rather than trying to conveniently ignore it while it plays with us! So accept that ALL events, happenings and circumstances have but one purpose…to discover our absolute completeness – our “absoluteness” – beyond all circumstances. Realise the aim of the game is to be completely free inside WHATEVER happens.
  • Become the “Observer”: the next step is to become the Observer of ourselves in all activities, events and circumstances. We notice where we lose our temper; where we become tight inside because of other people’s behaviour; where we might blame another for the reality we are creating ourselves; where our addictions to something in particular cause us to act in predictable ways. When we notice this, firstly it is important just to watch it, accept responsibility for it, but not judge ourselves. In this way, we are already beginning to break free. It’s also important to contemplate and utilise techniques for regaining the place of the Observer when we lose it, which inevitably happens in the beginning. It could be a deep breathing exercise for example, a visualisation meditation, or a mantra of some kind. Some people find it of particular benefit to put up strategically placed ‘post-it’ notes around the house; “let go” for instance.
  • Open the heart: next we need to open the heart further by attuning to those experiences that generate the sublime taste of interconnectedness; feelings such as lightness, expansiveness, timelessness and crystal clear clarity – the sense of the Fifth Density. So the key is to follow those experiences of a sense of higher ‘rightness’ as much as possible – “what makes your Heart sing” – until you are tuning in and centering consistently in that vibration. So to keep attuning to the feeling, could mean moments of deep breathing or meditation during day to day life, frequent bodily movement expression, walking in nature as much as possible (or at least noticing nature where you are); following the sense of rightness and what feels good to your higher beingness.
  • Follow the inner pull: as the heart opens, we begin to notice the natural synchronistic order of things and an inner pull to “Right Action”. Sometimes this pull can be felt as an energy through the heart chakra, sometimes it is a simple inner knowing “this is what to do now”. In which case it will benefit to always respond to that pull. Where does the pull lead? It will guide you to events, circumstances and experiences that provide an opportunity to express a “divine gift of beingness”, and to expose the density of trapped eddy currents formed from an attachment to a desired or resisted outcome. These are “distortions” of authentic beingness, often created by the matrix in which we live, causing people to get tight, worried, angry or frustrated.
  • Deal with distortions and addictive behaviour: the key to dealing with distortions is to realise each conceals a divine gift of beingness and to ultimately unveil that instead. So for example someone might smoke because it gives them the feeling of relaxed completeness; you might drink because it makes you feel more sociable and confident; you might comfort eat because it gives you the feeling of contentment. Alternatively you might get worried, stressed or tight around particular issues because you think you need a particular outcome. The key to overcoming such conditioning is to go within, breathe deeply, settle into the pregnant pause before the moment is born, find your sense of inner completeness, unwind the tightness you can feel, thus making space for an authentic act of beingness to arise naturally. This is by no means an easy thing to do, but the more we practice it, the more we’ll realise every moment offers a black and white choice: give in to conditioning or surrender into the soul. In this way, we become the masters of our own destiny.
  • Raise your energetic vibration: this can be achieved by regulating the denseness of vibrations we bring into the body thereby limiting the stimuli that raise our internal metabolic rate. So for example, if we eat dense, processed foods polluted with toxins then the body has to work harder to process them and the extra effort swallows up consciousness. Or if we pollute our minds with too much clutter, or the negativity caused by the judgmentalism frequently expressed through the media, then we tend to tighten inside. Internal tightness is also heightened by too much computer time, over use of electrical gadgets and chemical toxins used in household cleaning materials. The key is to organise your immediate living environment to raise energetic vibration.
  • Conduct regular spiritual practice: we live in a world that de-sensitises us and it is therefore of paramount importance that we redress the balance by conducting regular spiritual practice such as daily meditation. Traditionally meditation is considered as sitting quietly in stillness, but it could also happen during movement or breathing. Practices such as Yoga, Tai Chi, the martial arts, dancing, singing and painting can all be considered meditation. The key to true meditational benefit, is to be watching yourself in the practice whilst doing it. Such practices liberate powerful “endorphins” into the body which counteract the effects of stress and negative energy. They redress the internal balance helping you find greater harmony and peace that you may reactivate the designed, downward creative flow.

– See more at: http://www.openhandweb.org/Homo_Divinicus#sthash.MXgSXBIa.dpuf

Earth Changes Increasing

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Earth and Space Weather News Feb 6, 2014:

from:     http://consciouslifenews.com/earth-space-weather-news-feb-6-2014-large-quakes-increasing-asteroid-anatomy/1170409/

Aliens at the ISS?

Aliens Dock Ship At ISS To Have Meeting On Live Cam, Jan 29, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Updated: Feb 6, 2014 (Taiwan Time): The full footage of the UFO  was released by Streetcap1 of Youtube today. Many thanks to him  for letting us view it. I will put the video directly below this sentence. SCW
Date of sighting: January 29, 2014
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit at International Space Station
This was caught by Streetcap1 of Youtube and yes its 100% real. I have followed this guy and his research for two years and he has never tried deceive anyone. He, like myself only seeks the truth.
Here before us we see a long light yellow UFO parked alongside the ISS hull. There is no intent to hide itself or partly cloak, so we know the aliens and the astronauts on ISS know of this which makes us conclude…aliens and NASA had a meeting. I am sure this is just one of many that they have had, but to actually catch it on video is mind-blowing. This is not a glare…notice how the light changes and the UFO is a solid object near the ISS. It looks small, but it is about 10 meters across or more. I sure would like to be a fly on the wall during that meeting. SCW
When I asked Streetcap1 if he had any more footage of the UFO, he stated today: “Yes, it was there for some time. Kept the video short though as it does not move then they go to blue screen.”
from:    http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2014/02/aliens-dock-ship-at-iss-to-have-meeting.html

A New Face on Mars

Alien Face Discovered By Mars Rover Feb 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: February 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Someone at http://ufosightingz.blogspot.com discovered this face above so I thought I better confirm it there and check out the original NASA photo. It is there and then some. What I mean is I found a lot of faces smaller that this one, but it does confirm there were statues or monuments in this area long ago. Take a look at the other faces I found near it (below photos). Other faces I didn’t include because of low detail.
I found something else that was overlooked. Some hieroglyphics were carved into one of the stones. I had to add a lot of light to the photo to even notice it, but it is there. There are two symbols, a straight line over a square. The photos of this are below, both before the light is added and after, then a close up of the symbols. Please have a look at the guys UFO site at the link above. It looks very informative. SCW
from:    http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2014/02/alien-face-discovered-by-mars-rover-feb.html

Selenite – Versatile Crystal

The AMAZING Properties Of Selenite

Last updated on February 4, 2014 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News

If you are looking for one of the most versatile metaphysical stones that can help you cleanse your aura, clear all energy blockages, bring 5th dimensional energy into a 3rd dimensional matter and MUCH more, then selenite is for you!

Selenite is an element of creation. Intensifying the light frequency, the resurgence of Selenite enhances our consciousness. Returning to this energetic element and tool now, at this point in history, enables us to create and intensify new seeds of consciousness.

Selenite is extremely sensitive, and acts just like “liquid light” from the angelic realm and universe. The crystals’ striations (fine parallel grooves and narrow bands) are the pathways for the illuminated substance of Spirit. Selenite vibrates more on the spiritual level than on the physical, and resides on the threshold between pure white light and physical matter.

The AMAZING Properties Of Selenite | In5D.com

This crystal is capable of displaying total transparency, and is the very essence of dreams and visions. Selenite builds and acts as the bridge to merge the highest frequencies of light with the most subtle levels of form. It’s so sensitive, selenite will fracture or break around extreme negative thoughts.

Healing Properties of Selenite

The AMAZING Properties Of Selenite | In5D.comSelenite has a direct effect on the emotional body. However, unlike stones that soothe and calm the emotions, selenite activates the aspect of our nature connected to our true spiritual feeling and path.

These crystals are particularly effective in stabilizing the emotional body and bringing erratic emotions under calm control. Selenite is water soluble and will dissolve if left in liquid. This important characteristic is also a great metaphor of the inherent power of the crystal to melt away exaggerated emotions with the stabilizing light force of your “true nature and feeling”.

Selenite has a variety of specific transformational qualities:

•Brings the fifth dimensional light into third dimensional matter.
•Quickly opens balances and activates any chakra and is especial good with the third eye, crown chakra, and the soul star chakra above the head. It’s the most powerful clearing stone for the upper chakras.
•Cleanses the aura.
•Clears and energize all the glands of the body.
•Clears all blockages in the energy field.
•Cuts cords of dysfunctional energy from the etheric body.
•Ideal for purification and energetic cleansing, which makes it a perfect tool for healers.
•Directs high frequency energy into the body, stimulating spiritual, physical and emotional healing.
•Opens the inner self to the spiritual world.
•Magnifies the energy of what ever is placed on it many times over (including other crystals).
•Adds positive intentions into the energy body.
•Elevates the frequency of physical matter and lowers the frequency of light, enabling a new substance to bring spirit into matter.
•Acts as a tool for enlightenment as it heralds the link between spirit and matter.

You can check out some of these videos:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbBFwQwFTPw  (note, Selenite will melt, so if you choose to use it in bathing, it will start to get smaller)


from:    http://in5d.com/selenite.html

Are You Suffering from Soul Loss?

20 Diagnostic Signs That You’re Suffering From “Soul Loss”

soul loss4th February 2014

By Lissa Rankin MD

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Our entire culture suffers from what the shamans call “soul loss,” a loss of meaning, direction, vitality, mission, purpose, identity, and genuine connection; a deep unhappiness that most of us have come to consider as simply ordinary. The soul is our source of absolute uniqueness, a place within that connects you not only to your own value and essence, but to the value and essence of every other living being. What makes soul loss so subtle and dangerous is that very few people have realized that it has happened. Most of us do not know that we have disconnected from our soul and have come to accept as normal a numbness and lack of meaning in our lives.

Because we all belong to this culture, we all suffer from soul loss. Soul loss is epidemic and blinds us from seeing the potential for joy and wholeness in ordinary life. When you heal from soul loss, you see familiar things in new ways so you can increase your joy in what you already have.

Not sure if you’re suffering from soul loss?

Here are 20 diagnostic signs that signal soul loss:

1. You feel like you’re not as good as other people.

2. You yearn to be of service, but you have no idea what you have to contribute and why it matters.

3. You find yourself striving in vain for an impossible-to-achieve standard of perfection.

4. Your fears keep you from living large.

5. You’re frequently worried that you’re not good enough, smart enough, thin enough, young enough, [fill in the blank] enough.

6. You feel like a victim of circumstances that are beyond your control.

7. You feel like your daily life is meaningless and task-driven.

8. You often feel helpless, hopeless, or pessimistic.

9. You protect your heart with steel walls.

10. You often feel you don’t really matter and your love doesn’t make a difference.

11. You’re always trying to fit in and belong, but you rarely feel like you do.

12. You feel beaten down by the challenges you face in your life.

13. You suffer from a variety of vague, hard to treat physical symptoms, such as fatigue, chronic pain, weight gain or loss, insomnia, skin disorders, or gastrointestinal symptoms.

14. You struggle with being able to accept love and nurturing.

15. You feel depressed, anxious, or chronically worried.

16. You feel like you’re not appreciated enough.

17. You find yourself often judging others.

18. You frequently numb yourself with alcohol, drugs, sex, television, or excessive busyness.

19. You feel disappointed with life.

20. You’ve forgotten how to dream.

How Soul Loss Shows Up At The Doctor’s Office

As a physician, I’ve had years of experience diagnosing soul loss in my patients, but Western medicine has no framework for this kind of diagnosis, and as doctors, we’re not taught to treat this kind of suffering, so we wind up mistreating it. What people suffering from soul loss need is the deep medicine of reconnection with the soul, but in our culture, we tend to treat soul loss too superficially.

We treat the chronic pain with pain medication. We treat the insomnia with sleeping pills. We treat the weight issues with diet and exercise. And most damagingly, we may label soul loss as mental illness, such as depression, and cover up the symptoms with psychiatric medications that may make things worse by slapping a Band-aid on a wound that’s not healing underneath the bandage.

The Treatment You Really Need

Sometimes the soul needs space in order to heal, and this may require the courage to make some external changes in your life. Perhaps you need to switch careers in order to give the soul more room to breathe. Perhaps an unhealthy relationship is constricting the soul, and it’s time to get into therapy, set boundaries, or even end things. Perhaps you need to find more people to love or relocate to a place that helps your soul come alive.  Perhaps you need to give your soul permission to engage in more creative activities. Such eternal changes may be part of the prescription the inner doctor of your soul writes.

But very often, those kinds of major life overhauls are NOT NECESSARY!  Reconnecting to the soul allows you to find peace and happiness right where you are in ways that are much simpler and more profound than you might think. It can be astounding to discover that you’ve had what you needed all along and have been looking in all the wrong places. Perhaps all that is needed is to see the life you’re already living in a different way.

10 Ways Your Soul Guides You In Daily Life

If you’re suffering from soul loss, what can you do about it? The first step to healing from soul loss is learning to reconnect to the guidance of your soul. In order to help you, Kitchen Table Wisdom author Rachel Naomi Remen and I are offering a free teleclass 10 Ways Your Soul Guides You In Daily Life. We’ll be teaching you one surprising vehicle the soul uses to speak to you loud and clear, how to interpret not only the green lights that affirm your path, but the red lights that redirect you, a way to ensure that the people you surround yourself with reflect back to you the voice of your soul and not the voice of your fear, a tool for interpreting how your soul speaks to you via the body, the one feeling that is always your soul talking, and more…

from:    http://wakeup-world.com/2014/02/04/20-diagnostic-signs-that-youre-suffering-from-soul-loss/

Dangers of Fluoride

Nine Shocking Dangers of Fluoride Exposure


5th February 2014

By Dr. Edward F. Group

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Exposure to fluoride is a contentious topic, mostly because exposure is everywhere. Not only is fluoride a common ingredient in toothpaste, many municipalities have a fluoridated water supply. Why? Well, the reason we’re given is that it encourages oral health… even though it’s not known to prevent harmful oral bacteria. [1] What is known is that fluoride is toxic. In fact, the number one reason for poison control calls concerning fluoride are for children who’ve eaten toothpaste. [2] [3] Long-term ingestion is harmful to the brain, digestive system, heart, bones… even the tooth enamel it’s supposed to help. [4] [5] [6] These next 9 shocking facts will make you take a second look at your exposure to fluoride.

1. Weakens Skeletal Health

Skeletal fluorosis is a condition resulting from fluoride consumption. The liver is unable to process fluoride, thus it passes into the bloodstream where it combines with calcium that’s been leeched from the skeletal system. You’re left with weak bones, otherwise known as skeletal fluorosis. The risk has been known about for decades yet it’s not been established how much exposure will trigger skeletal fluorosis… and the impact it has on quality of life is horrendous. [7] [8] [9] The best way to protect yourself is to avoid fluoride. Recently, Chinese authorities established a link between reductions in fluoride exposure and the incidence of fluorosis. [10]

2. Causes Arthritis

Fluoride has been shown to cause calcification of cartilage, the essential tissue for joint health. [11] Degenerative osteoarthritis has been linked to skeletal fluorosis. [12] And in a study of individuals suffering from fluorosis, osteoarthritis knee conditions occurred frequently. [13]

3. Toxic to the Thyroid

Iodine and fluoride belong to a family of compounds known as halogens. Although iodine is beneficial to the thyroid, fluoride is not. However, because of the similarities, the thyroid can absorb fluoride instead of iodine. This is bad. Fluoride is toxic to thyroid cells; it inhibits function and causes cell death. [14] For decades, fluoride was used to reduce thyroid function in individuals suffering from an overactive thyroid. [15] Now — and pay attention to this — the range used in water fluoridation matches the levels typically used to reduce thyroid function. [16]

4. Calcifies the Ultra-Important Pineal Gland

Although the full capabilities of the pineal gland have been the subject of debate for centuries, it’s known for certain that, at a minimum, the pineal gland regulates body rhythms and wake-sleep cycles; two extremely important functions. Fluoride is especially toxic to the pineal gland, where it accumulates and calcifies the gland. In fact, by the time the average person reaches old age, their pineal gland will have higher calcium density than their bones. [17]

5. Accelerates Female Puberty

It also deserves mention that the pineal gland plays an integral role in the onset of puberty. Research has shown that girls living in areas prone to more fluoride exposure experience puberty earlier than girls exposed to less. [18] Fluoride’s damaging effect on sexual function only begins here…

6. Harmful to Male and Female Fertility

A direct link exists between fertility rates and fluoridated drinking water. Higher levels of fluoride correspond to lower fertility rates, particularly with drinking water levels of 3 ppm. [19] Animal models show that fluoride reduces reproductive hormones in females. [20] Men have it just as bad; those suffering from fluorosis have lower testosterone and fertility than men with limited fluoride exposure. [21]

7. Bad for Kidney Health

Fluoride is toxic to the kidneys and a higher rate of chronic kidney disease has been reported in areas where the water contains high levels of fluoride. [22] [23] According to Chinese researchers, a fluoride level of 2 mg/L is all it takes to cause renal damage in children. [24] While water fluoridation levels are often much lower than this, the fluoride bombardment continues with toothpaste and other sources.

8. Harmful to the Cardiovascular System

Research suggests that exposure to fluoride causes cardiovascular inflammation and atherosclerosis. [25] [26] Other research has examined its effect on blood pressure but had mixed results. Regardless, despite that cardiovascular disease can have many causes, the evidence, and history show its incidence increases with exposure to fluoride.

9. Negative Cognitive Effects

The Fluoride Action Network reports that, as of May 2013, 43 studies have examined the effect of fluoride on human intelligence. The results should motivate anyone to minimize their fluoride exposure. One observation is that fluoride negatively impacts children’s neural development. [27] Another is that children living in highly fluoridated areas have up to five times greater chance of developing a low IQ compared to those who do not. [28]

Reducing Your Exposure to Fluoride

Using non-fluoride toothpaste can immediately reduce your fluoride exposure. Maintaining healthy iodine levels can help protect the thyroid from fluoride. Fluoridated water is the largest concern and most water filters are not adequate for removing fluoride; instead look to a reverse osmosis water purification systems.

Have you made efforts to reduce your exposure and minimize the dangers of fluoride? What tips do you have? Please leave a comment below and share with us.

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM

from:    http://wakeup-world.com/2014/02/05/nine-shocking-dangers-of-fluoride-exposure/

On Diet & Treatment



Pharmacy Exposed: The Most Dangerous and Over-Prescribed Medications

Written By:

Rob Kress, RPh

Pharmacy Exposed: The Most Dangerous and Over-Prescribed Medications

As a pharmacist I am very encouraged with the growing sentiment of our culture, that yes, we are in an over-medicated society, and medications are often unnecessarily prescribed and don’t come without consequences.

 “The significant problems we face today cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.”

-Albert Einstein

I like to believe that we are heading towards the different levels of thinking to avoid what I believe is the next great issue of our time – being poisoned by pharmaceutical drugs. So let’s begin rethinking some of the pro-pharma practices which are taking us in this direction.

In a previous article I spoke of the 100 year haul of industrialized medicine, and how we need to approach health care from a different perspective. Part of this new approach must be related to shunning the narrow minded symptom management approach of prescription therapy, avoid treating side-effects of medications with more medications, while searching to address the root cause.

I firmly believe that the majority of medications prescribed today could be avoided via diet, lifestyle, mind-body, and natural medicine. This would avoid the side-effects, drug-to-drug interactions, drug induced nutrient depletions, and the financial drain that comes with uncontrolled prescribing of medication therapy.

Where there are thousands of drugs on the market, in the coming posts I am going to focus on what I believe are some of the worst offenders based on how common they are utilized and the problems they can lead to. Of course there are valid indications where drug use is appropriate and needed, although what I will be delving into are the instances of over-used medications in which there are often better options.

Medications can be sneaky, they might not cause a major side-effect now, and instead they whittle away, weaken your body, opening the door to a cascade of health issues.

The first class of drugs I want to speak about is in the family of antacids, Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI’s.) You will recognize the family of proton pump inhibitors by medications such as Prilosec, Prevacid, Nexium, Protonix, Dexilant and others. These can be found in both over the counter and prescription medications.

Acid reflux and heartburn are very common complaints that lead to countless doctors’ visits, missed days of work, and billions of dollars spent in diagnosis and treatment, much of which could be avoided.

In allopathic medicine the standard answer to treating acid reflux has been to neutralize, reduce, or block the natural hydrochloric acid (HCL) production in the body, and PPI’s are often the first line of treatment.

Proton pump inhibitors inhibit the production and release of hydrochloric acid, thus drastically wiping a needed acidic environment, which plays a critical role in digestive health. This might serve a short term purpose in healing or reducing the irritation of an ulcer, although an acid free environment is not how your digestive tract is designed to operate.

A symptom such as acid reflux is often a sign of a greater problem brewing, and thus by quieting the symptom you could be ignoring a much greater issue, or even creating a new one.

What many people do not realize is that a large portion of people who suffer from heartburn and acid reflux do so due to too little hydrochloric acid (HCL) production and secretion, not too much.  This is contrary to the commercials for the “purple pill”, and what I believe has become one of the biggest deceptions in marketing by mainstream medicine.

Hydrochloric acid production and secretion can be suppressed due to lifestyle, diet, and stress.  This is why the recommendation of taking apple cider vinegar often helps to relive acid reflux since we are adding an acid to the system. Not having enough hydrochloric acid can lead to insufficient digestion of foods, leading to the symptom of heartburn.
We need hydrochloric acid, it serves a great many purposes. Hydrochloric acid acts as a primary defense against food borne pathogens and helps promote a healthy microbial balance. (Good bacteria (probiotics) –vs. – yeasts, bad bacteria, and even parasites).

If we are low on hydrochloric acid production or secretion, we set the stage for infections to take over. This leads to the killing off or overwhelming the good bacteria in the digestive tract since good bacteria has trouble surviving the altered pH of an over-alkalinized environment. This opens the door for bad bacteria, yeasts, and molds to proliferate; thus you can see how long term antacid treatment could be adding insult to injury.

In fact, a recent study was released showing that proton pump inhibitors may increase the chance of Clostridum Difficile Diarrhea (Often referred to as C. Diff or CDAD) by 65%, and that’s when only taken for a few months.

In decreasing the hydrochloric acid, the use of proton pump inhibitors can lead to an inability to digest critical nutrients. Hydrochloric acid helps the body digest, absorb and assimilate proteins and calcium.  Proton pump inhibitors can also directly deplete nutrients including magnesium and vitamin B 12, which has lead researchers to suggest that long term use of PPI’s can influence or predispose someone to osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.

What are the alternatives?

If you take an acid reducing or neutralizing medication under the direction of your physician, do not stop taking the drug without talking to your physician. Where I do believe there is a very real problem within the over-prescribing of such medications, in many instances they could have a valid indication, and discontinuing them can lead to a host of other problems.

There are a number of natural options for reflux and heartburn, as well as complementary therapies which we could look at for getting rid of bad organisms such as bacteria, viruses, yeast and parasites which don’t belong.  For this conversation I would like to stick with the foundational elements of (1) diet, (2) supporting the digestive process, (3) recolonizing good bacteria, (4) sooth and promote the integrity of the digestive lining, which can all help support common digestive symptoms of gas, indigestion, acid reflux, heartburn, diarrhea and constipation.

There are many dietary issues which can lead to the symptoms of heart burn, although I find that food intolerances and genetically modified foods (GMO’s) are two of the worst offenders for a wide array of digestive disorders. As far as intolerances go, you can have an intolerance or allergy to any food, although dairy and gluten are at the top of my list.

Glyphosate is the herbicide which is used on GMO seeds and it kills organisms such as weeds by disrupting what is known as the shikamate pathway which is present in plants and bacteria. The good bacteria that is in your gut also contains the shikamate pathway, and this is where GMO seeds can be detrimental to your digestive health. I have personally seen, when people incorporate a GMO free, all organic, plant heavy diet, issues of acid reflux can often disappear in just a few weeks.

Reason would suggest supplementing with hydrochloric acid (HCL), which is often a great option, although due to issues such as known or unknown digestive ulcers or even people taking medications such as anti-inflammatories and steroids, I like to consider a more conservative approach first.

In stimulating and supporting the digestive process we are looking at supplements such as digestive enzymes, including amylase, which helps digest sugars, protease to digest proteins, and lipase to help digests fats.

Recolonizing good bacteria through probiotics is imperative, even in a healthy digestive tract where symptoms are not prevalent.  I recommend high quality probiotics which have been tested to ensure that they will stick to the intestinal linings and actually colonize in the digestive tract.

To repair, sooth, and support the integrity there are a number of great natural ingredients including DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice), aloe, slippery elm, marshmallow root, and glutamine, to name a few. These ingredients can be found in combination or individual supplements, and as always, choose only high quality supplements from companies with transparency and integrity at their core

from:    http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/pharmacy-exposed-most-dangerous-and-over-prescribed-medications?page=2

Information & Spacetime

Spacetime as Information – An Ordering Principle for Living Systems?

The predominant scientific paradigm does not regard the Universe as a Living System. This stems from a perspective that the Universe is unconnected, and mechanical. What is the difference between a mechanistic concept of the universe (acting like gears and cogs in a machine) versus a dynamical self-organizing system? Information.

Spacetime as Information – An Ordering Principle for Living Systems?

Information is the connecting fabric of our Universe. What are dynamic processes? Systems with information feedback operations (such as a fractal), which results in nonlinear evolution and local unpredictability. Interactivity (intercommunication) of such a system with generative and innovative elements results in exponential integration and syntropy. Far removed from the random and mechanical processes envisioned as the law of entropy – which in itself is a highly theoretical case scenario of isolation and disconnectivity. The unconnected and mechanistic worldview does not perceive the potential for nonlocal intercommunication (a universal information network) that may engender specific ordering influences underlying all physical processes. Such powerful deterministic orchestration is largely beyond the purview of such a myopic worldview. The stochastic nature of quantum mechanics – the consensus theory of the fundamental behavior of matter – is a reflection of the fragmented, isolationist worldview. However, even in this theory, it is acknowledged that a measuring device of infinite size could ascertain with complete deterministic certainty the quantum state and spacetime coordinates of every particle in a room. Alas, such a device is impossible, because it would collapse into a black hole. Yet, there is a black hole of that magnitude that is measuring the state of every fundamental quanta in every moment – and that is the Universe, since when the mass of our observable Universe is considered in the current measured radius – our Universe obeys the Schwarzschild condition or the condition of a black hole.

“It from bit”
– John Archibald Wheeler

How is information the connecting fabric of the cosmos? Is this just an abstract – unphysical statement? Hardly. John Archilbald Wheeler, one of the preeminent physicists of the 20th century and colleague of Einstein, developed geometrical equations that described the origin of the most fundamental characteristics of matter – such as a particle’s charge and mass – one of the most active areas of research even today (with contrived notions of a Higgs Boson). His formulations produced these characteristics purely from the geometry of spacetime, therefore deriving ‘charge without charge’, and ‘mass without mass’ – as emergent characteristics of the structure and dynamics of spacetime. While Wheeler is one who, alongside Einstein, understood the primacy of geometry – he later realized there is an even more fundamental source, and that is information – thus coining the term ‘it from bit’. As in ‘it’ all comes from ‘bits’ – base units of information.  (coincidentally, Wheeler also formulated a solution to quantum gravity, called the Wheeler-DeWitt equation – but since it did not require time physicists regarded it as unreal – not yet realizing that what we experience as time is a localized evolution of a subsystem through the structure of space, but not a change in the structure of space at the global scale of the Universe –time from quantum entanglement).

The geometrical structure of spacetime is an information encoding medium – planck pixels. The dynamics of spacetime transmit and process information. And the structure and evolution of spacetime determines and engenders the physical characteristics of matter and force in the Universe. Physically, what are planck pixels? That is, what is spacetime physically made of? The answer is zero-point electromagnetic quanta. It is an electromagnetic field filling all conceivable modes.  What does this have to do with biology? Other than the obvious inference that we are fundamentally made of electromagnetic quanta (space itself) – it has direct bearing on the nature of biological information processes (self-organizing systems) and most likely on the source of consciousness. Because we are each a functional unit of an information processing medium that is the connecting fabric of the Universe.

Universe and/or Neurons

What is this a picture of? A brain slice showing the microscopic view of neurons? A computer simulation of the distribution of matter and galaxies in the Universe (based on the observed values of the so called dark matter and dark energy)? Or maybe the quantum foam of the vacuum (spacetime)? Take your pick. Does form recapitulate function at these scales (which happens to scale across all 4 spatial dimensions of the observable Universe)?

Planck Scale Network

The above image gives a sense of the Planck-scale network of spacetime. Much like the filaments of “dark matter” that connect galactic superclusters together, or the dendrites that connect billions of neurons – lattice-like nodal points (The Planck-Kleinert World Crystal) are connected by filaments comprised of Planckian-Einstein-Rosen bridges (Building up Spacetime with quantum entanglement). And much like the electrical propagation of signals through the synaptic network of the brain – bundles of intense lines of electric and magnetic flux course through the Planckian network of spacetime (Poynting vortex fields).

There is a fractal reiteration across the magnitude of dimension. Just as a transistor can function as a binary unit (via the presence or absence of an electrical charge), so too can a single atom, or a subatomic particle – or, as Wheeler posited – the Planck harmonic oscillators of the quantum vacuum, space itself. This is nothing new, it is known as the Holographic Principle. However, what is being emphasized here is that this information encoding medium may be connected in a continuous wormhole network – allowing nonlocal, i.e. superluminal, transmission of information. This means that all sectors of spacetime are acting as one information encoding volume – they are not isolated – it is a manifold information processing network.

What the reader can retain from this discussion, is that our biological structure and the environment of our  biosphere, is emerging to be something else than an isolated result of some random fluctuation (a fluke) and much more part of an incredible network information highway that connects all points in our Universe and the multiverse generating highly advanced, complex, self-organizing structures from which information is continuously driving the transformation across all scales in a coordinated and astonishingly rapid evolution. In that view then, not only are the physics  of our Universe unified with the biological complexity we are a part of, but the whole of the structure is a manifestation of what we have come to describe as consciousness, or if you’d like a feedback of information across all scale producing self-awareness.

By: William Brown & Nassim Harameinfrom:    http://resonance.is/spacetime-as-information-an-ordering-principle-for-living-systems/