Life in the 5th Dimension fr/Jim Self

The Way of Life in the Fifth Dimension

In the previous article What ARE the 3rd and 4th Dimensions? we compared the third and fourth dimensions. In this article we bring in the fifth dimension. Let’s briefly review the structures of the third and fourth dimensions.

The third dimension operates with a specific set of rules and has certain characteristics, aspects, boundaries, edges, mutations and structures. We see three main structures sustaining this dimension.

Rigid Structures of the Third Dimension

1.  Duality – A dual mode of perception: right-wrong, positive-negative, good-bad, should-shouldn’t, up-down, black-white.

2.  Linear Time – The perception that time only moves in a straight line (one direction) and is experienced as past, present and future.

3.  Rational Mind – The GPS of the third dimension. The analytical, reasoning thought processor designed to make comparisons, draw conclusions, store information, calculate, and make determinations.

Flexible Structures of the Fourth Dimension

1.  Now Time – This is your point of power. Each now moment is a threshold to new beginnings and fresh choices.

2.  Choice – The power to consciously choose to initiate something else in any moment.

3.  Paradox – Contradictory truths. Something that was true a moment ago but may not be rue in the next now moment.

4.  Alignment/Balance – A state of equilibrium which neutralizes opposing forces.

In the Fifth Dimension, 3-D “Reaction’ and 4-D ‘Responsive’ Give Way to Integration

Reintegration – When you attain fifth-dimensional consciousness you experience the reintegration with your Higher Self. This reconnection with the higher parts of you brings higher awareness and allow you to know yourself at the Soul level. You begin to Be who you came here to be. Your innate spiritual abilities increase and reveal themselves. These include clairvoyance, telepathy and abstract intuition.

Access the Wisdom You Know – Life in the fifth-dimension is stunning because you are fully conscious again. You are aware of and can access the wisdom and information available within your Being that resides in all the dimensions. There is no separation. You are one with the All and All is you.

Experience Higher, Lighter Energy – In 5D, you vibrate in feelings like reverence, beauty and kindness. The coat you choose to wear each day bears no resemblance to what you typically walk around waring in 3D. And much of what you experience is no longer expressed from the mind or in words (intellect/brain) but pours forth from the heart and the feelings (the senses recombine forming a sixth sense). You achieve a quiet knowingness.

Higher Mind – In this level of living, when the mental and emotional bodies merge, the union activates the Higher Mind and you operate from the mind of your Soul. You begin to know what the Soul knows and make Soul-guided choices.

Simultaneous Time – Living in 5D, you move into Simultaneous Time which allows you to see the broader perspective of All That Is. All the Answers to your questions lie exactly where the question is asked and you are able to view all possibilities before taking action.

So, why did we choose to leave this wonderful place where all is known and go to the third dimension, anyway? When Creator wanted to know Himself/Herself better He/She asked for volunteers, and guess who ran to the front of the line say “Pick me, pick me!”? You did! Creator sent the brightest and the best (you) on this special quest to explore the outermost regions of existence. It was, and is, a grand adventure that only the biggest and most enthusiastic spirits signed up for.

Why did we choose the third dimension and not another? Duality does not exist in the higher dimensions and duality is an important part of what we wanted to experience. Our explorations took us may places but as we went deeper into density we eventually found ourselves playing in the slower vibrations of the world of form )matter). Here we could delve into cause and effect and discover the results of our choices and actions. Here we had free will to explore the most divergent ranges of frequencies (including fear, hate, anger, betrayal, etc).  When we signed up for this adventure we did not know that we would become immersed in it or that we would forget who we are, where we came form, why we came, and how to get back Home. We now have an opportunity to remember who we are and return Home.

The Long-awaited “Shift of the Ages” is Upon Us

We have taken the third-dimensional adventure as far as we can. We have been wildly successful at what we set out to accomplish and explore in this diverse, dense, duality. A huge vibrational up-shift (on very level) is what the Earth and her inhabitants are undergoing right now. You are significant, not insignificant. You make a difference and your contribution is valued by all of humanity and by All That Is. Welcome the change to a new way of life, dear friends, for together we have begun the process of bringing Heaven to Earth.

Jim Self Featured on the Virtual Light Broadcast many times since 2009, Jim is often introduced as a teacher’s teacher and a healer’s healer. He has been leading seminars and teaching healing, clairvoyance and higher dimensional energy management tools throughout North America since 1980. As an author of What Do You Mean the Third Dimension is Going Away? Jim’s Spectrum column includes excerpts from this book, his free tele-classes, seminars and his third upcoming book.

Since childhood, Jim has had a conscious awareness and ability to remember his experiences within the sleep state. Over the last ten years, this awareness has expanded into relationships with the Archangels, Ascended Masters and Teachers of Light. The tools and information presented in the Mastering Alchemy programs are co-creations of these relationships.

Jim walks with a foot in both worlds. At the age of twenty-six, he was elected to his first of two terms to the San Jose, CA City Council and later became the Vice Mayor. Before completing his second term, he was asked by President Jimmy Carter to be the Director of Governmental Operations for the Dept. of Energy. As an entrepreneur, he has successfully built and sold two corporations, and is the founder and current Board Chairman of a third.


The Weekly Chromoscope 2/22-3/1

February 23-March 1:


The theme this week is Déjà vu all over again.  There can be a lot of repetitive events, happenings, moments, words, etc. as well as people you have not heard from in a long time getting back in touch.  Pay attention.  Each has something to say to you.


Overall Color for the Week:     Silky Red

Things are moving forward this week in unpredictable ways.  There can be some steps forward, shifts in your outlook, changing your mind one minute, which can be followed by doubt and questioning.  When these things happen, it is well to go within, to center and ground, and to engage your inner wisdom.  The connection of the heart to the Ultimate Ground brings in right answers and guidance.  There will be those who turn away from you now as your commitment to your own modus grows greater and your light shines brighter this week.  That can cause a bit of anxiety, but it will not last as you realize that some friendships are bound to a certain defined time period in your life.  Mercury goes direct on Friday, but it happens with a boom, so you might find that the last few days of the week and the weekend are difficult for you.  You can bee feeling out of sorts and confused and not know why, again, go within, and as always, breathe.  There are some messages coming your way this week.  It is well to be aware of synchronicity.  The dimensions are sliding into each other at this time, and you may find that you are seeing and hearing more than what is there.  This is an indication of your alignment with what is going on as the pattern begins to move into three dimensional existence.  The pattern has been in place now for some time, however it was in two dimensions only.  Now it is beginning to take on its definition.  As it does, your feelings and reactions can become somewhat muddled.  Again, breathe.  Step back and see things from the new perspective.

On the larger scale, the earth is making some major movements this week. Some of them are part of setting into place a chain reaction that will go into operation in the early summer.  It is a good time, if you are living in climates that are not in a growing season in summer to start getting together a store of clean food and to secure a safe source of water.  Things are shifting greatly right now, and this is merely preparatory for what is coming.  The storms of the summer will become legendary.  Right now, the oceans are changing the patterning of the currents.  This can bring in some rough weather for this week.  There is also a new movement of magma which will infuse some dormant volcanoes.  There is a storm going on within the political arena as bills and laws are passed cavalierly throughout the many nations, and people begin to rise up and make their voices heard, even, in some cases, taking things in their own hands.  This will cause a ripple in the financial markets, however only the bravest commentators will suggest that things are getting out of control, that these kinds of things have not been seen before, that the financial picture is falling apart.  The time of surplus is over.  Crops are being planted now, however those planted with GMO seeds will find that Gaia has a surprise in store for them as storms and extremes of temperatures cause them to fail.  That is to come, although the planting starts now.  The Sun will become more active as the week goes forward.  This can cause some issues in travel and electronics.  There will be noises in the air that have not been heard before.  Is it the planet crying?  Is it the planet speaking?   There will be odd movements of animals and birds.  And there will be signs in the skies that we are not alone.  This is an interesting and potential disturbing week we embark upon.  If you remain open to the counsel of the Universe, listen to the wisdom of your heart ,and follow your intuition, all will be well.

Your Color VIbe for Friday, 2/21

Friday, February 21:    Hazy White

There is a time for regrets, and there is a time for moving forward.  This is not a day to get stuck in things that you have done that you might wish you had not.  Let it all go.  The current energies are roiling about and in that mish-mash things get terribly confused and uncertain.  Take time to step back from it all.  It is a good day for dealing with perspective – how you see things, where you fit in it all, how you feel about stuff.  You are aware that your perspective is changing.  Now you need to do something about it.  This involves a bit of interior work. Make time today to go within and open to what comes.  Your internal knowing can bring some clarity in the day’s chaos.

Indonesia – Kelud Volcano Erupts

Kelud Eruption Kills Three People, Forces 100,000 to Evacuate

The eruption at Kelud (Kelut) on February 14, 2014. Image: @hilmi_dzi / Twitter, used by permission.

The eruption at Kelud (Kelut) on February 14, 2014. Image: @hilmi_dzi / Twitter, used by permission.

The eruption at Kelud (Kelut) has rapidly become another humanitarian crisis for Indonesia. After the impressive explosive eruption yesterday, over 100,000 people have had to evacuate the region around the volcano in case further explosions occur. The heavy ash fall from the explosion has coated towns and cities (see below) over 100 km from the volcano and lead to injuries and deaths after a roof collapsed at one of the evacuation shelters. Currently, the death toll from the eruption is only 3 (2 from the roof collapse and 1 from ash inhalation), but that number may climb. At least three international airport were closed due to the ash and the plume itself (at least the sulfur dioxide) was still clearly visible in satellite images (see below). Some people leaving comments on yesterday’s post said they heard the blast of the eruption over 180 km from the volcano and ash was falling upwards of 200 km distant — to the tune of 5 cm! Be sure to check out the discussion of the shockwave from the blast over on the CIMSS Satellite Blog.


The sulfur dioxide plume from the Kelud eruption, seen at XXX UTC on February 14, 2014 via GOME-2. Image: XXX

The sulfur dioxide plume from the Kelud eruption, seen at 0637 UTC on February 14, 2014 via OMI. Image: OMI/NASA-NOAA

The PVMBG has said that they were surprised how quickly the volcano went from having shallow earthquakes to a full-on eruption. Normally, they expect at least 6 hours between the onset of earthquakes before an eruption at Kelud, but in the February 14 eruption, it was only ~2 hours. This meant that implementing the evacuation after raising the alert status was very difficult for Indonesian disaster relief agencies.

The ash from the February 14, 2014 eruption of Kelud in Yogyakarta. Image: Robert Schrader, used by permission.

The ash from the February 14, 2014 eruption of Kelud in Yogyakarta, ~200 km from the volcano. Image: Robert Schrader, used by permission.

Activity at Kelud tends to be punctuated — at least looking at past eruptions — where an explosive event occurs and then the volcano settles. However, it is unclear from any of the reports I’ve seen whether the PVMBG thinks that new eruptions are coming soon. Based on the evacuation that is occurring, my guess is that they think that the volcano will be restless for the foreseeable future. I haven’t seen any news about lahars generated by the eruption so far, but they are a major hazard with any activity at Kelud. Most volcanologists I’ve heard from about the February 14 eruption say it looks to be on scale with the 1990 eruption, which was a VEI 4.


Venezuela Earthquake

Strong slightly damaging earthquake in Venezuela

Last update: February 19, 2014 at 10:57 pm by By Armand Vervaeck

Update 14:45 UTC : Several buildings in El Tocuyo, among them at least one hospital, suffered minor damage. Some public buildings, mainly schools, were temporarily closed. So far no reports of injuries.

Update 11:27 UTC : Funvisis has changed his earthquake data into M5.2 at 3.4 km = still extremely shallow and extremely dangerous for serious damage.

Update 11:23 UTC : First earthquake reports are mentioning a M5.5 at 10 km. Funvisis, the local seismological agency, is reporting a M5.8 t a very shallow depth. If this is confirmed, we call this earthquake “extremely dangerous” for serious damage and/or injuries as the epicenter area is relatively populated.

Screen Shot 2014-02-19 at 12.29.40

11km (7mi) S of Sanare, Venezuela
22km (14mi) SE of El Tocuyo, Venezuela
31km (19mi) S of Quibor, Venezuela
48km (30mi) WNW of Araure, Venezuela
283km (176mi) SSW of Willemstad, Cura????ao

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 5.3

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2014-02-19 06:40:12

GMT/UTC Time : 2014-02-19 11:10:12


Judith Orloff on Synchronicities

The Magic of Synchronicities

Adapted from Second Sight: An Intuitive Psychiatrist Tells Her Story and Show You How to Tap Your Own Inner Wisdom (Three Rivers Press, 2010) by Judith Orloff MD

Have you ever experienced perfect timing, a moment when everything just seems to fall into place? For a moment, we step out of the random chaos and find that all forces are aligned with nothing pre-planned and yet, all is in order. Events come together with such exactitude, it feels as if we have been launched onto a pre-ordained course. We can’t stop thinking about someone and we run into them on the street; a person we have just met offers us the perfect job; we miss our plane and on the next flight we sit next to someone with whom we fall in love. This is synchronicity, a state of grace.

While once attending a general meeting of the Cedars Sinai Medical Staff, I met a plastic surgeon named Richard. Immaculately dressed in a three-piece suit, tanned and  handsome, he asked me out to lunch. In the Hamburger Hamlet at the edge of the Sunset Strip, we engaged in small talk for a while. He appeared quite straight-laced, speaking about his prestigious country club, playing golf on the week-ends, and his Wednesday night poker game. He was a nice enough guy, but not my type. Except for being physicians, we didn’t seem to have much in common.

Usually, when a date isn’t going well, I try to ease out of it as quickly as possible.  But here I found myself talking about my spiritual beliefs and then suddenly, the conversation turned to death.  Richard had never spoken in detail about death to anyone before, but now, he couldn’t hear enough about my description of an afterlife, how the spirit is eternal, how death is not an end but simply a transition into other dimensions as real as our own lives.

I kept thinking to myself, “This is one of the weirdest dates I’ve ever had.” It wasn’t that I was uncomfortable with the subject matter. There was just something unsettling about the way it was happening. The immediacy in Richard’s eyes, his hunger to absorb it all even though he claimed no spiritual leanings of his own, were cues to me that something was up.

Why did such a profound topic arise with someone I hardly know? One month later, a friend called to tell me that Richard had been killed in a freak motorcycle accident.. I was stunned. It seemed impossible. He was talented, attractive and successful. People like Richard get married, have families, live charmed lives. They don’t die young. At least, that was my fantasy.

Suddenly the context of our date made perfect sense, the seemingly off-beat direction of our dialogue. There was obviously some unconscious part of Richard that had intuited his impending death and he had yearned to know everything he could about it. I had been the messenger.

Intuition often intercedes in the most subtle ways. The secret is to go with the mystery. Sometimes the significance of synchronicities is instantly obvious and other times, as in the case of Richard, it takes time. We must trust the divine ordering of our lives.

Some synchronous meetings are serendipitous and can signal a fortuitous future. When we take advantage of these golden moments, our lives can positively change. Such opportunities do not only crop up during important business meetings, extravagant parties or special events. If we stay on the lookout wherever we go, you’ll see how they happen in the everyday–often when we least expect them.

The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, defines synchronicity as “a meaningful coincidence of outer and inner events that are not causally related.” Jung speaks of a collective unconscious, a universal pool of knowledge, independent of culture and belonging to us all. It is the basis of what the ancients call the “sympathy for all things.” I believe that synchronicity stems from this commonality. We are all swimming in the same waters and can feel the reverberation of each other’s movements, riding the same waves.

Recently, a close friend was on vacation in Boulder, Colorado, browsing in a used book store. An avid science fiction fan, he reached for a book that appealed to him. When he opened it to the title page, there was my name written in my own hand writing and dated November, 1961. As a child, I used to sign my name in all of my books in case they got lost. When I left my parents’ house, I donated stacks of my old books to Goodwill. Somehow, one of them had ended up in Boulder and my friend had come upon it twenty years later.

Although some synchronicities may impact us more than others, they all have value. Whether or not I fully grasp its meaning at the time, I see each synchronous moment as one of rare and perfect harmony like the accuracy of a bull’s eye, the precision of a hole in one, or the impeccable sequence of a royal flush. Synchronicity is a sign that we are intuitively attuned, not only to our immediate friends and family, but also to the greater collective.


Many Worlds Their & You

10 Mind-Bending Implications of the Many Worlds Theory

Mike Floorwalker

In quantum physics—the scientific study of the nature of physical reality—there is plenty of room for interpretation within the realm of what is known. The most popular mainstream interpretation, the Copenhagen interpretation, has as one of its central tenets the concept of wave function collapse. That is to say, every event exists as a “wave function” which contains every possible outcome of that event, which “collapses”—distilling into the actual outcome, once it is observed. For example, if a room is unobserved, anything and everything that could possibly be in that room exists in “quantum superposition”—an indeterminate state, full of every possibility, at least until someone enters the room and observes it, thereby collapsing the wave function and solidifying the reality.

The role of the observer has long been a source of contention for those who disagree with the theory. The strongest competition to this interpretation, and probably the second most popular mainstream interpretation (meaning, a lot of incredibly smart people think it’s a sound theory) is called the Everett interpretation after Hugh Everett, who first proposed it in 1957. It’s known colloquially as the Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI), because it postulates simply that the wave function never collapses; it simply branches into its own unique world-line, resulting in every possible outcome of every situation existing in physical reality. If you’re having a hard time getting your head around that statement (and the fact that it’s held to be correct by the likes of Stephen Hawking), allow us to spell out some of the implications for you—but first, you may want to plug your ears to hold your brains in.

10:    There Is A Multiverse, An Infinite Number Of Parallel Physical Realities


You’re probably familiar with the concept of “alternate universes,” and if so, probably because you’ve seen it in fiction. After all, one of the very first instances of the concept appeared in DC comics, first touched upon in a couple of issues of Wonder Woman, but firmly established in a 1961 issue of The Flash. The fictional “Multiverse” concept established by DC, and taken further by Marvel, is simply the concept that there exists infinite alternate realities, each containing separate and unique versions of their characters, which exist outside one another and often cross over.

This is the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics in a nutshell (without the crossing over, so far as we know). It states that since the wave function never collapses, every possible outcome of any event is realized in a separate and non-communicating physical reality, which actually exists alongside our own. It is interesting to note that this seemingly coincidental use of alternate realities, perfectly describing MWI, was put forth in a fictional medium just four years after Everett’s initial proposal of the interpretation. If MWI is correct, it is certainly not a coincidence—for fiction may be more than just made-up stories, as we’ll see later.

At any rate, this means that there is a version of you whose car broke down this morning, forcing you to take the bus (or, if that happened this morning, then vice versa). There’s also a version of you who was attacked by a dive-bombing kamikaze bald eagle, for this doesn’t just apply to mundane stuff; as a necessary consequence of Many Worlds, it must hold that

9:Highly Unusual, Unlikely Events Must Happen


Let’s consider an NFL football game being played. Assume that every time the quarterback throws the ball, there is a gigantic invisible die being rolled, a die which contains an infinite amount of values. The most common, likely outcomes—receiver catches the ball and scores, catches the ball but gets tackled, ball is intercepted, and so on—are assigned to a very high number, perhaps billions, of values. Very unlikely outcomes—say, the ball bounces off of the sole of the sprinting receiver’s shoe as he is hit by a linebacker, is barely scooped up off the turf by a running back, who somehow eludes all the tacklers and scores—are assigned to a low number of values. But crucially, they are still assigned.

MWI concludes that all values are rolled in some timeline somewhere, even the most unlikely ones—and inevitably, the timeline where the low-probability value gets rolled will be ours. As evidenced by the play described above, which totally happened and decided the outcome of a divisional playoff game.
And there is no ceiling of improbability, other than physics—whatever could possibly occur.

We have no way of knowing whether or not even those physical laws remain consistent across all possible world-lines, because we unfortunately can’t communicate with or visit them to ask. So even when confronted with circumstances that appear to be impossible, like a glowing ball of light that shoots fireballs at a police helicopter, or a missing woman unknowingly standing in the background of a photo being taken of her family for a newspaper story about her disappearance, it helps to remember that nothing is impossible on a large enough scale—indeed, given an infinite number of chances, literally anything you can imagine is not only possible, but inevitable. And just as inevitably, the impossible or unimaginable—given billions upon billions of chances—will happen here in our world-line. Which leads to a couple of interesting observations about human nature…

8: You Have Done And/Or Will Do Everything You Could Ever Conceive Of


If you find it impossible to imagine a man inexplicably killing a bunch of people for no reason, or someone surviving injuries that would destroy a normal person five times over, or a pilot managing to land an airplane with all controls restricted or disabled without incurring any major injuries, you may be finding it a little less impossible now—considering what we know about how probability works in a Multiverse. But as soon as we begin to apply this to ourselves personally, the implications threaten to become overwhelming; for there are billions of versions of you—all of which are undeniably you—but many of which are very, very different from the “you” of this world-line.

The differences between those versions are as staggering and vast as your imagination, and the reality of their existence forces us to examine human nature a bit differently. Of course, you would never kill anybody (we hope), but have you ever thought about it? There is a world-line where you did. In fact, there’s a world-line where you’re the worst mass murderer ever. Conversely, there’s another where your tireless efforts and dedication to the cause brought about world peace. Did you have a band in high school? That band is the dominant musical force on the planet, somewhere. Have you always kind of wondered what would have happened had you mustered the guts to ask out that one girl or guy that one time? Well, you get the idea.

This could actually explain a lot: strong feelings of deja vu, feelings of a close connection with someone you’ve never met, morbid fascinations with things that should repulse us, or even instances of people acting strongly “out of character” in our own worldline. For as we will see, some may have a degree of “resonance” with other world-lines or versions of themselves, which can bring about the knowledge that:

7: You’re No Different From Anyone


Hinduism, along with some other schools of religious and philosophical thought, teaches the concept of reincarnation—that we as human beings manifest physically on Earth multiple times, that we can learn from our past and future “lives,” and that such learning is in fact the purpose of our existence. This belief system can be seen as an intuitive understanding of the Multiverse; and given our previous assertion about you being a mass murderer, it can be comforting to know that the experience of all facets of human nature is an explicit part of our growth.

Of course, this is not to say that anyone should kill people or engage in any other immoral behavior—after all, the purpose of this continued cycle of learning (according to Hindu belief) is to eventually learn all that there is to learn, and transcend our physical existence. Ideally, we learned many lifetimes (world-lines) ago all there was to learn from indulging the dark side of our nature.
But the kicker here is that our experience is our experience (an idea we’ll get to in a little more detail shortly)—and that all of human experience must be realized by every one of us before we can move on to wherever it is we’re moving on to.

While some believe that our destination is a type of eventual godhood, wherein we all get to preside over a universe of our own creation, others believe that the cycle simply repeats—that once everything runs down and heat death results in the destruction of all realities, our accumulated knowledge will be used to restart the cycle and create the next Multiverse. Which, of course, means that…

6:     All Of This May Have Happened Before (And May Happen Again)

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If reality is a continuous cycle—along the lines of “Big Bang, expansion, contraction, collapse, Big Bang again”—then, given what we believe about the Multiverse and its infinite world-lines, you have existed before. In fact, all the infinite versions of you have existed before, and will exist again—and the same goes for all of us, along with every possible idea, creation and situation throughout all of our past and future, across all realities.

In one fell swoop, this concept explains instances of both deja vu and strong feelings of predestination. Even if deja vu seems meaningless and random, and the premonition turns out to be incorrect, these things are only true of our particular world-line—and it appears that some people (or all people, just to varying degrees) are able to achieve some degree of “resonance” with alternate world-lines—another concept that first appeared in comic books.

Indeed, one of the more common forms of deja vu involves experiencing an event which we recognize from having previously dreamed it. While seen by some as precognition, this really suggests resonance with alternate (or identical but previous) world-lines—especially when you consider that the “dream world” may be seen as an alternate world-line itself, and one just as real as the waking world.

Of course, if everything that exists or will exist has already existed, this leads to the conclusion that

5:    There Are No New Stories, Songs, Events Or Anything Else


Many writers of stories, songs and other artistic types describe a feeling of the pieces that they craft already existing, fully formed, waiting for the artist to come along and excavate them like fossils. In an infinite Multiverse, this makes perfect sense, for this is exactly what the pieces are.

Art is a uniquely human endeavor, and one that strives to communicate aspects of the human experience that may be difficult or impossible to communicate by other means. While it is not possible to accurately describe in any language what love “feels like,” there are plenty of ways to communicate this in art—indeed, it is through artistic expressions that resonate with us (that word again) that many of us develop our first notions of the nature of love—and that’s only one example. How should it be possible for an artist to communicate effectively, through a story, song or painting, an emotion that the reader, listener or observer has never felt before?

In our Multiverse, this is explained by the fact that these expressions of human emotion, thought, and perspective have essentially always existed, for as long as the impulses that spawned them have existed. This very piece of writing, which has been written before in order to guide another version of you to knowledge that you already have, can stand as a perfect example.

For that matter, consider the possibility that stories aren’t just stories. The Marvel Comics Multiverse acknowledges the existence of our world-line, one where superheroes don’t exist but are merely stories in books and movies. It could very well be that—since physical laws may be very different in other world-lines—these are not stories at all, but actual people and events transcribed from other realities. This goes for anything ever “imagined” or “created”—there exist world-lines where Hogwarts School and Harry Potter, Camp Crystal Lake and Jason Voorhees, Gotham City and Batman, all exist in physical reality.

And if you’re thinking that this line of reasoning—everything exists, nothing is ever created—implies that nothing is ever destroyed, well

4:    You Are Technically Immortal


That is exactly what it implies. The fact of our immortality in a Multiverse can be illustrated in various ways. For one thing, the First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy (such as the electrical charges generated by your brain, or the heat your body produces) cannot be created or destroyed, but simply changes form—implying that the energy that powers your body must go somewhere when it leaves, and that consciousness cannot be destroyed, but is infinite. For another, consider the thought experiment known as Quantum Immortality.
In this experiment (preceded by “thought” for a reason; for crying out loud, don’t try this), an experimenter sits in front of a device which is programmed, with 50/50 probability, to either discharge a device which kills the experimenter, or produce a click (in which case, of course, the experimenter survives). In the second case, the experimenter and all observers experience the same outcome- a click, and nothing else. But in the first—since (assuming MWI is correct) it is not possible for the experimenter to experience termination of consciousness (because consciousness is infinite)—while any observers will see the experimenter killed, the experimenter himself will experience the first outcome, the harmless click, on another world-line. Said experimenter can never experience a different outcome, and thus—no matter how unlikely it becomes after repeated attempts—will always survive the experiment, from his point of view.

This means that while we will all experience dying, we will never experience death—the termination of our consciousness. How can this be? It calls into question the very nature of consciousness, which leads us to the very real possibility that…

3:    We Are A Projection Of Ourselves


In the late 1970s, physicist David Bohm formulated a theory describing what he called the Implicate and Explicate orders of existence. This theory, which is consistent with MWI, states that there is an enfolded or “Implicate” order of existence which encapsulates all of consciousness, and that there is a corresponding “Explicate” order of existence which comprises all that we physically see and experience, and is the projection of the enfolded “Implicate” order.

Bohm arrived at the controversial conclusion (along with physicist Karl Pribram, who arrived at the same conclusion independently) that the entirety of observable existence is basically the mother of all holograms. Just as a laser filtered through an encoded film produces a hologram, our collective energy of the implicate order (the laser) filtered through our human consciousness (the film) produces the explicate, physical reality (hologram).

Michael Talbot’s excellent book The Holographic Universe examines this and many other aspects of Bohm and Pribram’s theories in detail, but the overarching and inescapable conclusion—which you have likely already drawn yourself—is that:

2:    We Collectively Create Physical Reality


If the Explicate is but a “projection” of the Implicate, then we—our physical selves, and indeed all of physical reality—are a “projection” of our true, unfiltered consciousness. One that we all play a hand in creating, whether we know it or not, all the time.

This one notion explains practically everything that “can’t be explained” about the world we see. Supernatural phenomena, meaningful coincidences, psychic activity—literally anything and everything makes sense when one realizes that this reality is essentially a dream, dreamed by the most powerful consciousness imaginable.

If this is the true nature of physical reality—as suggested for centuries by Hindu scholars, intuited by generations of artists and philosophers, and articulated as well as possible by our most brilliant scientific minds—then there is only one statement left to be made. Probably not coincidentally, one that was made previously as a seemingly throwaway lyric in a 1967 song, by one of our greatest artists…

1:    Nothing Is Real


Throughout the history of artistic and philosophical expression, one concept rises to the surface, especially in works that are particularly influential or have a great deal of longevity. From “Strawberry Fields Forever” to Chinese philosopher Zhuangzi’s butterfly dream, to Descartes’ assertion that “I think, therefore I am” to Bill Hicks’ great “Life Is A Ride” speech, and even in children’s nursery rhymes—life is but a dream. A powerful dream, and one containing an infinite number of lessons for us—but a dream nonetheless.

After all, if everything—Atlantis, Luke Skywalker, your neighbor Bill—is as real as everything else, then what is reality but what we perceive? And what is our perception, if not our creation?

I know that we have to process a lot here, but do keep in mind that there are almost certainly billions of versions of you mulling over the answer to this question; and that given billions of chances to find the answer, one of your versions eventually will—as will we all.



On Deja Vu & Dimensions

Could Déjà Vu Be a Way to Obtain Information from Other Dimensions?

deja vu inter dimentionalDeja vu is one of the little-known and mysterious phenomena of our psyche. Many people sometimes feel that a situation in their life has already been experienced before in all the details. But how and when? This phenomenon is called déjà vu, which in French means ‘already seen’. It is a condition in which a person feels that once he already experienced a situation of the present, but the feeling is not associated with a specific moment of the past, but refers to the past in general.

Deja vu is quite common. Psychologists believe that 97 % of people have experienced it at least once. Sometimes people are afraid of deja vu and worry about their mental health. What lies beyond human understanding, always frightens us.

The reasons that cause the phenomenon are still not clear. It might be caused by the processes in the parts of the brain associated with memory and perception. There is a hypothesis that sometimes the perceived information gets to the memory areas sooner than to the area of the primary analysis. Thus, the brain, comparing the situation with its ‘neurocopy’ already received by the memory, concludes that it already happened before.

The human brain works with the help of biological electricity. It receives bioelectric energy from the whole body and itself. The two hemispheres of the brain concentrate energy in different ways. The left hemisphere concentrates electrical impulses with a negative charge, and the right hemisphere – the ones with a positive charge. The potential difference results in a manifold increase of the incoming electrical energy of low-frequency waves. But there is also a high-frequency current, which is perceived by our brain and body as a whole from the environment. This high-frequency subtle energy is used by our nervous system to provide all the physiological and psychological functions. Science has long proven that no man or any other living being can survive without the subtle energy. At the same time, our brain can also produce this kind of energy. This happens during the process of thinking because as a result of mental activity, dense electricity is converted into the subtle.

Subtle energy has been known to man for a long time. Psychologists call it mental or spiritual energy, physics – the energy of the physical vacuum. Scientists have discovered an elementary particle of this energy – psychon, an analog of the electron in the dense energy. Psychophysical studies have shown that thinking is primarily a process of producing the subtle electricity with certain characteristics of the information. Thus, some psychics can see thought forms as subtle electric field in different colors.

Psychology cannot yet describe in detail this feature of our thought forms. But experimental achievements in the field of quantum physics prove the very possibility of the existence of thought forms as energy simultaneously in different spatiotemporal continuities. It is proved that quantum can exist in different places at the same time! Astrophysics confirms this possibility with the discovery that light from distant stars comes to us from the past, present and future simultaneously.

Thus, if a person is experiencing deja vu, it may be the result of the information brought by his strong thought forms from the past or future. We have a wonderful and mysterious at first glance possibility to obtain information from different spatiotemporal continuities connected with us through our thought forms. Very strong, sustained thought forms are created under the influence of strong emotions and motivations. Therefore, very emotional people with dominant behavior are most likely to experience deja vu.

Deja vu is not a mental disorder and there is no need to worry if you are experiencing it. Try to get the emotional satisfaction of this phenomenon and the fear will disappear immediately. Further studies on the deja vu phenomenon will help biconsciously control it and use it to explore human psychic abilities.

Bringing Together Right & Left Brain

Integrating the Left and Right Brain

Those of us alive on the planet during this unique time in human history have truly chosen an exciting time to exist.  We live during a time where many ancient prophecies are upon us and where the rate of the expansion and acceleration of consciousness is increasing exponentially; a time of apocalypse if you will.  The word apocalypse finds it’s origin in the Greek language meaning to uncover, reveal, or disclose.  Apocalypse is the perfect description for the current shift happening.

Previously hidden knowledge, spiritual concepts, and energy technologies are being revealed throughout the collective consciousness.  Generally speaking what are considered ‘new age’ ideas to some, are more accurately ancient knowledge, sciences, and understandings.  Our ancestors, wherever they may find origin, seemed to have a more intimate and activated relationship with the world and the universe than most of us are accustomed to today.  Finally the time has come for us to re-connect with this knowledge.  Traditional systems of medicine such as Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and many schools of herbalism are becoming widely practiced again.  Meditation, astral travel, lucid dreaming, and higher dimensions are becoming common terms in many circles and we are re-discovering and developing new technologies for transportation, power, and permaculture.  Yet, this precious cosmic knowledge presents our modern logical minds with a dilemma at times.

Throughout our lives our educational system, the tone of our culture, our politics, and the role of modern sciences and technology in our world can lead to a greatly developed logical and analytical mind while at times systematically de-activating our intuitive mind.  At the moment of planetary shift, we are still the product of colonization, the dark ages, and the long-term suppression of knowledge.  It seems we are in a place of choosing between the logical experience and the intuitive one; to choose either thinking or feeling, but not both.  In this way, we are at risk of going from one state of imbalance to another.  Therefore, as seekers of expanded consciousness, it is especially important in our left-brained culture to honor a balancing of both aspects of our dualistic brains.  We must understand that we need not accept every piece of information that comes our way if it doesn’t register with us both intuitively and logically.

Luckily, in roughly the past 30-40 years we have seen a gradual increase in scientific research and logical analysis of concepts that have previously fallen into the category of imaginary or unexplainable phenomena.  A primary cause for this lapse in understanding could be that the scientific field is actually in some ways not caught up to the level of knowledge being disseminated.  For instance, certain energies we speak of such as those of the various layers of the auric field may be or may have been too fine to be sensed by the instruments currently available for research.  Take also for example the major reigning theories in the field of physics.  For a long time Newtonian physics held that we lived in a material world of solid physical objects.  We now understand that everything we perceive is an expression of vibration in a virtual hologram.  The beauty of scientific thought in it’s regularity and insistence on process is also it’s weakness in progression.  A quantum leap in understanding in one field such as physics, may reveal a lapse within the perspectives of other fields which could take a very significant amount of time to catch up.  To also consider the role of corporate and governmental investment in the suppression of certain technologies being available would be another article entirely.

When we consider the revolutionizing of the scientific process, visionaries in the scientific fields such as Einstein and Tesla come to mind.  Upon examination, both were individuals who applied passion, excitement, and intuition to their airtight scientific processes and thereby originated concepts and technologies that completely changed, and are still changing the world.  We can take a lesson from this in our personal life.

Thinking again to our upbringing and education we will see that for many of us, if we spoke of other dimensional phenomena or responded to our intuitions as children, we were quickly taught by adults in our lives that this was silly.  Our experiences were dismissed or ignored.  This follows through in our education to a far greater degree.  The focus of institutional education is on information recall, retention, conformity, etc.  Many students are still lucky enough to receive small amounts of training in art, music, and creative fields, yet we are also often told that we can expect no future in these things, and are more encouraged in fields of science, business, technology, or mathematics.  While there is nothing wrong with these fields in and of themselves, the philosophy behind our training as youth is heavily imbalanced toward the value of information over free-thinking and conformity over expression.  Because of this conditioning, there is extra work to be done and many parts of our minds and abilities are yet to be fully explored and integrated.

Take for example the western scientific view of herbalism as compared to a traditional system of herbalism.  From a purely logical viewpoint, the value of any one plant as a medicinal substance would be analyzed in a very methodical way.  Trials would be done, constituents of the plant would be chemically analyzed, and conclusions would be reached as to the efficacy, safety, or suggested use of that plant or it’s constituents.  In an intuitive system of herbalism, a plant may be connected with as opposed to analyzed.  It will be understood and considered according not only to how it acts physically as a medicine, but also according to it’s energetic qualities.

In many herbal medicine systems plants are described as having ‘cooling’ or ‘heating’ properties or they may be described as ‘dampening’ or ‘drying’.  These terms are describing the essence or the feeling of that plant.  In traditional plant medicine of indigenous peoples throughout the world, the spirit inherent in a plant is communicated with as an autonomous expression of consciousness, a being.  In cases like these, patient and practitioner alike generally have a strong belief in the potency of the plant based on systematic experience and based on intuition.  This type of medicine can have astonishing results.  Is this merely the placebo effect?  Is the placebo effect not merely further proof that the feelings and intuition guide the outcomes of our perceived reality?  We can see where the line between the logical mind the intuitive mind becomes blurred.  In this blurry zone is a very powerful place of meeting and integration.  Certainly we will find that this distinction becomes more and more difficult to make as we continue on our path of conscious evolution.

Our brilliance and expansion does not happen with the exclusive expression of a part of ourselves accompanied by the complete denial of another.  The miracles of expansion, discovery, and expression are born when we learn to honor and integrate both dualistic expressions of the self in this dualistic dimensionality.  Integrating the “I think” self and the “I feel” self makes way for the “I know” self.  And from the space of knowingness all expansion, brilliance, and creation comes.


Laura Weber is a staff writer for The Mind Unleashed, a visual artist, and energetic healer living in New York City, New York. Somewhat of a modern renaissance woman, her art and healing work focuses in vibration, plant medicine, water alchemy, and awakening the creator consciousness in all people. To read other work by Laura visit


Some Natural Aids for Respiratory Support

15 Plants and Herbs That Boost Lung Health, Heal Respiratory Infections And Even Repair Pulmonary Damage


A wave of viral and bacterial infections is sweeping across the Northern Hemisphere and people are taking longer to heal from an array of symptoms within the respiratory system. If you are resorting to conventional medicine to address these infections with antibiotics, you are not only adding to the problems associated with antibiotic resistance, but you’re also doing little to address the healing mechanisms within your body to address the cause. Herbal remedies not only boost lung health, but they can heal infections and even repair lung damage. Here are 15 of the best herbs to boost lung health.


licorice-1Licorice is one of the more widely consumed herbs in the world. In Traditional Chinese Medicine it occurs in more formulas than any other single herb because it is thought to harmonize the action of all other herbs. Licorice is very soothing and softens the mucous membranes of the throat and especially the lungs and stomach and at the same time cleanses any inflamed mucous membrane that needs immune system support. . It reduces the irritation in the throat and yet has an expectorant action. It is the saponins (detergent-like action) that loosen the phlegm in the respiratory tract, so that the body can expel the mucus. Compounds within this root help relieve bronchial spasms and block the free radical cells that produce the inflammation and tightening of the air ways. The compounds also have antibacterial and antiviral effects to them as well which helps fight off viral and bacterial strains in the body that can cause lung infections. Glycrrhizins and flavonoids can even help prevent lung cancer cells from forming which means they can even prevent lung cancer.


coltsfoot-2Coltsfoot has been traditionally by Native Americans for thousands of years to strengthen the lungs. It clears out excess mucus from the lungs and bronchial tubes. It soothes the mucus membranes in the lungs, and has been shown in research to assist with asthma, coughs, bronchitis, and other lung ailments. Coltsfoot is available in dried form for tea or as an alcohol extract known as a tincture.


cannabis-3The toxic breakdown of therapeutic compounds in cannabis from burning the plant are totally avoided with vaporization. Extraction and inhaling cannabinoid essential oils of the unprocessed plant affords significant mitigation of irritation to the oral cavity that comes from smoking. Cannabis is perhaps one of the most effective anti-cancer plants in the world shown in study after study to stimulate cannabinoid receptor activation in specific genes and mediate the anti-invasive effect of cannabinoids. Vaporizing cannabis allows the active ingredients to stimulate the body’s natural immune response and significantly reduces the ability of infections to spread. Vaporizing cannabis (especially with very high amounts of cannabinoids) opens up airways and sinuses, acting as a bronchodilator. It is even a proven method to treat and reverse asthma.


osha-4Osha is an herb native to the Rocky Mountain area and has historically been used by the Native Americans for respiratory support. The roots of the plant contain camphor and other compounds which make it one of the best lung-support herbs in America. One of the main benefits of osha root is that it helps increase circulation to the lungs, which makes it easier to take deep breaths. Also, when seasonal sensitivities flare up your sinuses, osha root which is not an actual antihistamine, does produce a similar effect and may be help calm respiratory irritation.


thyme-5Thyme is very powerful in the fight against chest congestion. It produces powerful antiseptic essential oils which are classified as naturally antibiotic and anti-fungal. Thyme is a well known to zap acne than expensive prescription creams, gels and lotions. Thyme tea has the power to chase away and eliminate bacteria and viruses so whether your infection is based on either, it will work. Thyme has been used as a lung remedy consumed since antiquity and is used extensively to day to prevent and treat respiratory tract infections and bacterial infection pneumonia.


oregano-6Although oregano contains the vitamins and nutrients required by the immune system, its primary benefits are owed to its carvacrol and rosmarinic acid content. Both compounds are natural decongestants and histamine reducers that have direct, positive benefits on the respiratory tract and nasal passage airflow. Oil of oregano fights off the dangerous bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, better than the most common antibiotic treatments. Oregano has so many health benefits that a bottle of organic oregano oil should be in everyone’s medicine cabinet.


lobelia-7Did you know that horses given lobelia are able to breath more deeply? Its benefits are not limited to equestrians. It has been used as “asthmador” in Appalachian folk medicine. Lobelia, by some accounts, is thought to be one of the most valuable herbal remedies in existence. Extracts of Lobelia inflata contain lobeline, which showed positive effects in the treatment of multidrug-resistant tumor cells. Lobelia contains an alkaloid known as lobeline, which thins mucus, breaks up congestion. Additionally, lobelia stimulates the adrenal glands to release epinephrine, in effect, this relaxes the airways and allows for easier breathing. Also, because lobelia helps to relax smooth muscles, it is included in many cough and cold remedies. Lobelia should be part of everyone’s respiratory support protocol!


elecamp-8Elecampane has been used by Native Americans for many years to clear out excess mucus that impairs lung function. It is known as a natural antibacterial agent for the lungs, helping to lessen infection particularly for people who are prone to lung infections like bronchitis. Herbal practitioners often recommend one teaspoon of the herb per cup of boiling water, drunk three times daily for two to three weeks but elecampane is also available in tincture format for ease.


eucalyp-9Native to Australia, eucalyptus isn’t just for Koala bears! Aborigines, Germans, and Americans have all used the refreshing aroma of eucalyptus to promote respiratory health and soothe throat irritation. Eucalyptus is a common ingredient in cough lozenges and syrups and its effectiveness is due to a compound called cineole. Cineole has numerous benefits — it’s an expectorant, can ease a cough, fights congestion, and soothes irritated sinus passages. As an added bonus, because eucalyptus contains antioxidants, it supports the immune system during a cold or other illness.


mullein-10Both the flowers and the leaves of the mullein plant are used to make an herbal extract that helps strengthen the lungs. Mullein is used by herbal practitioners to clear excess mucus from the lungs, cleanse the bronchial tubes, and reduce inflammation that is present in the respiratory tract. A tea can be made from one teaspoon of the dried herb to one cup of boiled water. Alternatively, you can take a tincture form of this herb.


luingwort-11Lungwort is a tree-growing lichen that actually resembles lung tissue in appearance. However, this natural remedy doesn’t just look the part. As early as the 1600s, lungwort has been used to promote lung and respiratory health and clear congestion. Pulmonaria selections come in all kinds so seek an herbologist for direction. Lungwort also contains compounds that are powerfully effective against harmful organisms that affect respiratory health.


chapparal-12Chaparral, a plant native to the southwest, has been appreciated by the Native Americans for lung detoxification and respiratory support. Chaparral contains powerful antioxidants that resist irritation and NDGA which is known to fight histamine response. NDGA inhibits aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis (the energy-producing ability) of cancer cells. Chaparral is also an herb that fights harmful organisms. The benefits of chaparral are most available in a tincture extraction but chaparral tea may support respiratory problems by encouraging an expectorant action to clear airways of mucus.

13. SAGE

sage-13Sage’s textured leaves give off a heady aroma, which arises from sage’s essential oils. These oils are the source of the many benefits of sage tea for lung problems and common respiratory ailments. Sage tea is a traditional treatment for sore throats and coughs. The rich aromatic properties arising from sage’s volatile oils of thujone, camphor, terpene and salvene can be put to use by inhaling sage tea’s vapors to dispel lung disorders and sinusitis. Alternatively, brew a strong pot of sage tea and place it into a bowl or a vaporizer.


peppermint-14Peppermint, and peppermint oil, contains menthol — a soothing ingredient known to relax the smooth muscles of the respiratory tract and promote free breathing. Dried peppermint typically contains menthol, menthone, menthyl acetate, menthofuran and cineol. Peppermint oil also contains small amounts of many additional compounds including limonene, pulegone, caryophyllene and pinene. Paired with the antihistamine effect of peppermint, menthol is a fantastic decongestant. Many people use therapeutic chest balms and other inhalants that contain menthol to help break up congestion. Additionally, peppermint is an antioxidant and fights harmful organisms.


plaintain-15With fruit that is similar in appearance to a banana, plantain leaf has been used for hundreds of years to ease cough and soothe irritated mucous membranes. Many of its active constituents show antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, as well as being anti-inflammatory and antitoxic. Clinical trials have found it favorable against cough, cold, and lung irritation. Plantain leaf has an added bonus in that it may help relieve a dry cough by spawning mucus production in the lungs.

Seek the advice of an herbologist or Naturopathic Doctor on the preparation, appropriate dosages and frequency according to your condition. Many of the herbs above may also be combined for cumulative effects. All of the above are available in various forms, as nutritional supplements, tea blends and prepared oils. You can always grow your own as well to ensure your herbs are organic and ethically harvested.