Positive Trends for 2014

10 Hopeful Things That Happened in 2013 to Get You Inspired for What’s to Come

Beyond the headlines of conflict and catastrophe, this year’s top stories offered us some powerful proof that the world can still change—for the better.
posted Dec 27, 2013
2014 photo courtesy of Shutterstock

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.

There was something almost apocalyptic about 2013. Typhoon Haiyan slammed into the Philippines, the strongest storm ever recorded on land. It killed more than 6,000 people and affected millions. But it was just one of the 39 weather-related disasters costing $1 billion or more in 2013.

In Australia, record high temperatures forced mapmakers to create a new color on the weather map. Massive wildfires swept through California, historic flooding took out bridges and roadways in Colorado, and tornadoes swept through the Midwest, destroying towns like Moore, Okla. Millions of people are on the move, seeking to escape the effects of climate-related disasters.

CO2 concentrations passed 400 parts per million for the first time this year, and yet governments have done little to curb emissions. Meanwhile, hundreds of millions of dollars—much of it from secret sources—flow to climate-denier think tanks and advocacy groups.

Pop culture often explores a change before politicians do, and 2013 saw a rash of post-apocalyptic movies—from World War Z to Oblivion—and zombie apocalypse role-playing games.

Much happened that was hopeful this year—a new pope focused on inequality, successful minimum wage campaigns spread across the country, and the number of states allowing gay marriage doubled.

But responses to the threat of the climate crisis lead off this year’s top stories as we look at seeds sown this year that could make 2014 transformational.

1. We saw surprising new leadership on the climate issue

In northeast Nebraska, Native Americans and local ranchers formed a new alliance to resist the Keystone XL pipeline. Seven thousand activists gathered in Pittsburgh to press for action on a wide range of environmental justice issues. Students across North America persuaded nine colleges and universities to divest from fossil fuel companies. Hundreds of climate activists walked out of the COP19 climate talks in Poland to hold their own climate talks.

The governors of California, Oregon, Washington, and the Canadian province of British Columbia have committed to taking action on the climate crisis. But Congress remains deadlocked and in denial, and climate scientists—when they let down their careful professional demeanor—express astonishment that world governments have failed to act on what is fast becoming a global emergency.

A new potential ally is coming from an unexpected source. Some investors are beginning to worry that fossil fuel companies may not be a good bet. Investors worry about a “carbon bubble.”

The reserves of oil, gas, and coal counted as assets by the big energy corporations would be enormously destructive to life on Earth if they were allowed to burn. Many believe that new regulation or pricing will keep a large portion of those reserves safely in the ground.

If that happens, the companies’ reserves, and thus their stock, may be worth far less than believed. Savvy investors are placing their bets elsewhere: Warren Buffett, for example, is investing $1 billion in wind energy, which, along with solar energy, is looking better all the time.

2. Native peoples took the lead in the fossil fuel fight

In response to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s attempt to ramp up fossil fuel extraction on Native lands, Idle No More blossomed across Canada this year. First Nations people held flash mob round dances, blockaded roads, and appealed to government at all levels to protect land and water.

And it’s not just Canada. In Washington state, the Lummi Tribe is among those resisting massive new coal transport infrastructure, which would make exported coal cheap to burn in Asia.

In Nebraska, the Ponca Tribe is teaming up with local ranchers to resist construction of the Keystone tar sands pipeline. Indigenous peoples in the Amazon, the Andes, Malaysia, the Niger Delta, and elsewhere are also at the front lines of resistance to yet more dangerous fossil fuel extraction. Many are turning to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous peoples and the new Rights of Nature movement for support.

Indigenous peoples developed ways of life that could sustain human life and the natural environment over thousands of years. The rest of the world is starting to recognize the critical importance of these perspectives, and there is growing willingness to listen to the perspectives of indigenous peoples.

3. The middle and lower classes fought for economic justice

Income inequality is reaching levels not seen since the Roaring Twenties. People stuck in long-term unemployment are running out of options, and those who do find work often can’t cover basic living expenses. The issue is now getting attention from mainstream media, becoming one of the defining issues of our time, as President Obama said.

Now a movement is building to create a new economy that can work for all. Voters this year passed minimum wage laws in SeaTac, Wash., ($15 an hour) and the state of New Jersey. An overwhelming majority favors raising the minimum wage to $9 an hour. Domestic workers won the right to a minimum wage after years of organizing.

The message was also clear in the election of Bill de Blasio, a founder of the Working Families Party, as mayor of New York City. Inequality is a top plank of his platform and his public record. At the national level, Senator Elizabeth Warren’s defense of the rights of student borrowers and her proposal to strengthen Social Security (instead of weaken it, as leaders in both party are discussing) is winning widespread support. There is even talk of drafting Warren to run for president.

4. A new economy is in the making

At the grassroots, National People’s Action and the New Economy Institute are leading new conversations about what it takes to build an economy that works for all and can function in harmony with the environment. Thousands of people are taking part.

And a growing cooperatives movement is linking up with unions and social movements. Some are working with large “anchor” institutions, like hospitals and universities, that can provide a steady market for their products and services. Credit unions, too, are proving their value as they keep lending to local businesses and homeowners as Wall Street-owned banks pulled back.

And a new DIY sharing economy is taking off, as people do peer-to-peer car-sharing, fundraising, and skill-sharing, and bring open-source technology to new levels.

5. U.S. military strikes didn’t happen

The big news of the year may be the two wars the United States refused to instigate.

The United States did continue its drone strikes, and the civilian casualties are causing an international uproar, with some calling for an outright ban on drones. And military spending continues to devastate the country’s budget. (The United States spent more on the military in 2013 than China, Russia, the United Kingdom, Japan, France, Saudi Arabia, India, Germany, Italy, and Brazil combined.) Few dared to call for the same fiscal discipline from the military and its many contractors as they expect from schools and services for the poor.

On the other hand, the United States stepped back from the brink of military strikes against Syria and Iran—a step in the right direction.

6. Pope Francis called for care and justice for the poor …

…and for an end to the idolatry of money and consumerism. He also criticized “ideologies which defend the absolute autonomy of the marketplace and financial speculation.”

In his “Evangelii Gaudium” he says: “Just as the commandment ‘Thou shalt not kill’ sets a clear limit in order to safeguard the value of human life, today we also have to say ‘thou shalt not’ to an economy of exclusion and inequality. Such an economy kills.”

This call is provoking outrage from Rush Limbaugh and Fox News commentators, but elsewhere, it’s leading to a new questioning of the moral foundation for a system that concentrates wealth and power while causing widespread poverty.

7. Gays and lesbians got some respect

On June 26, the Supreme Court struck down key provisions of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act. Today, married gay couples are entitled to federal benefits once reserved for straight couples. The year saw a doubling of the number of states allowing gay marriages, and a third of all Americans now live in such states.

Support for gay marriage has flipped from a slight majority opposing it to a majority now supporting the rights of gay and lesbian couples to marry. As a wider range of gender identities has become acceptable, men and women, gay and straight, are freer to shed gender stereotypes without fear of bullying and humiliation.

8. There were new openings for a third party

Just 26 percent of Americans believe the Democratic and Republican parties are doing “an adequate job,” according to an October Gallup poll; 60 percent say a third party is needed. Eighty-five percent disapprove of the job Congress is doing. Even cockroaches (along with zombies, hemorrhoids, and Wall Street) have a higher approval rating according to a recent poll by Public Policy Polling.

But it’s not the Tea Party that Americans are looking to as the alternative. Support for the Tea Party has fallen: In an October NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, only 21 percent of respondents had a favorable view of the party.

New space has opened for independent political work. The Working Family Party (see #3 above) is an especially interesting model.

9. Alternatives to Obamacare are in the works

Democratic leadership believed that the big profits the Affordable Care Act guaranteed to private insurance companies would make the act popular with conservatives.

But the resulting system, with all its complications and expenses—and requirements—is frustrating millions. There are features that benefit ordinary people, but it compares poorly to the simpler and more cost-effective systems that exists in most of the developed world. Canadian-style single-payer health care, for example, had the support of a majority of Americans. Some jurisdictions are still looking for alternatives. Cooperative health insurance is available in some states and others are working to establish statewide single-payer healthcare.

10. An education uprising began

The momentum behind the education reform agendas of Presidents Bush (No Child Left Behind) and Obama (Race to the Top) is stalling. The combination of austerity budgets, an ethic of blame directed at teachers, high-stakes testing, and private charter schools has stressed teachers and students—but it has not resulted in improved performance.

Seattle’s Garfield High School teachers, students, and parents launched an open rebellion last spring, joining a handful of others in refusing to administer required standardized tests. The movement is spreading around the country, with more rebellions expected in the spring of 2014 (stay tuned for an in-depth report in the Spring issue of YES!)

We live in interesting times, indeed. The growing climate emergency could eclipse all the other issues, and the sooner we get on it, the more we can use the transition for innovations that have other positive spin-offs.

There’s not a moment to lose.

Sarah van Gelder newSarah van Gelder wrote this article for YES! Magazine, a national, nonprofit media organization that fuses powerful ideas and practical actions. Sarah is co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of YES!

from:    http://www.yesmagazine.org/people-power/10-things-that-happened-in-2013

Your Color VIbe for Tuesday, 1/02/14

Thursday, January 2:    Light Grey Green

What is it that is happening behind the scenes?  Today is a time odd hints and whispers.  Pay attention to what you are seeing that perhaps is not there.  Be aware of things that you overhear or come upon. These are all clues to the way in which you are going.  There is serendipity in the air.  There is help that will be found in unexpected places, so if you need some assistance, be open and look around.  This is not a time of discounting the marvelous.  It is there.  Take time today to open your heart to the love of the Universe for you.  You are part of all that is happening around you and by aligning your energies with the energies that are there you will find your affirmation.

Earthquake – Southern Iran

Strong dangerous earthquake in Southern Iran – At least 1 killed and 30 injured + a lot of damage

Last update: January 2, 2014 at 6:06 pm by By

Update 17:53 UTC : The following picture illustrates the power of the earthquake.

The impact of the earthquake in the epicenter area is very hight with about 60% of the houses damaged. 10% is uninhabitable. Tents and other aid are being delivered to this area. Unfortunately a lot of infrastructure (bridges, power lines and administration buildings were also damaged)

Image courtesy and copyright ISNA Iran

Image courtesy and copyright ISNA Iran

Update 10:01 UTC :

 Iran is, after China, the most dangerous country in the world for earthquakes, mainly because of the type of earthquakes.

Image courtesy and copyright frasnews.com

Image courtesy and copyright farsnews.com

Update 06:45 UTC:
30 injured people are now confirmed, from which 14 are treated outpatient. 3 people, who were buried under the debris of collapsed houses, were severely injured.
Not only Bastak (which has approx. 8000 inhabitants), but also other villages near the epicenter suffered damage. The Red Crescent is currently evaluating the exact extend of damage.

A strong and shallow earthquake hit the Iranian province Hormozgan this morning and caused extensive damage in surrounding towns and villages. According to initial reports, many houses collaped or were severely damaged. Others suffered minor damage. Esspecially the town Bastak, only a few km west of the epicenter, is affected. So far it is conformed, that one resident was killed and 15 others were injured.

Nearby Cities
47km (29mi) S of Lar, Iran
53km (33mi) SSE of Gerash, Iran
87km (54mi) NNE of Kish, Iran
89km (55mi) NNW of Bandar-e Lengeh, Iran
309km (192mi) N of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Iran Shakemap

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 5.3

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2014-01-02 06:43:58

GMT/UTC Time : 2014-01-02 03:13:58

from:    http://earthquake-report.com/2014/01/02/strong-earthquake-southern-iran-on-january-2-2014/

Chualar Crop Circles

Mysterious crop circles found on Chualar farm

UPDATED 9:44 PM PST Dec 30, 2013

Julie Belanger shot this photo of the Chualar crop circles from a helicopter Monday morning. (Dec. 30, 2013)

Julie Belanger / 111th Aerial & Architectural Photography & Video

CHUALAR, Calif. —Cue “The X-Files” song. Mysterious, giant crop circles have appeared on a Chualar farm and startled observers into wondering if aliens landed in the Salinas Valley.

VIDEO: Locals wonder who — or what — created Chualar farm crop circles

Two friends were driving on Chualar Canyon Road south of Salinas just before dawn Sunday when they witnessed strange bursts of green light flashing on the horizon. The duo turned on a video camera, pulled over, hopped a barbed-wire fence, and walked toward the lights.

“Dude, are you seeing this?” one friend said. “Dude, this is a crop circle.”

PHOTOS: Intricate crop circles in Chualar

The friends investigated the field until they panicked and sprinted away. The duo wanted to remain anonymous, and they uploaded a video of their experience on YouTube under the name Cannot Say.

“Needless to say, pretty wild. But we slipped away and it’s too good not to share,” Cannot Say wrote.

No one realized how intricate the crop circles were until professional photographer Julie Belanger took a helicopter ride Monday morning. Belanger had not heard about the circles and she flew in a helicopter over the farm by coincidence.

Belanger said her first immediate thought was, “What is it?”

“It was beautiful. Quite beautiful,” Belanger told KSBW. “I believe it’s possible that aliens exist, but I don’t know if they would bother making a crop circle to give us a message.”

Curious onlookers grew in number Monday afternoon as word of the crop circles spread. People stood on top of vehicles and fences to get a better view, and security guards kept gawkers from entering the field.

“I’m always willing to believe. It looks like aliens to me,” Manuel Madrid of Gonzales said.

While alien believers marveled, skeptics sounded off to debunk any extraterrestrial Chualar theories.

KSBW.com reader Russell Martin commented, “The Ancient Chualarians have always been known to be a bunch of merry pranksters.”

Michael Myers commented, “Yes they mastered Intergalactic travel and can’t make a perfect circle.”

Paige Penrose chimed in, “That looks really neat, regardless of who did it! Great design.”

As of Monday night, no one had stepped forward to claim responsibility for the crop circles.

Read more: http://www.ksbw.com/news/central-california/salinas/crop-circles-found-on-chualar-farm/-/5738906/23699074/-/bsa87o/-/index.html#ixzz2pGgrvDl0


Nishinoshima Eruption-New Island Formed

Continuing Eruption at Nishinoshima Joins Two Islands

The eruption of Nishinoshima with the new island joining with the original Nishinoshima island, seen on December 26, 2013. Image: Japan Coast Guard

Quick volcano news update from Japan! The eruption at Nishinoshima continues and now the new island is no more … because it has joined up with the actual island of Nishinoshima (see above). This is a great example of how volcanic island like this in the Bonin Islands grow over hundreds to thousands of eruptions. Compare these two NASA Earth Observatory images to see how the island has grown between December 8 to December 24. The Japan Coast Guard has also posted a map (see below) that shows how the shape of the coastline for the new island has changed across the course of the eruption — and it is dramatic how quickly the island has grown, especially between December 13 and 24. Some video taken from a helicopter flight above the volcano shows the new island and its continued eruption (with discolored water surrounding it) and a very active spatter cone producing the lava flows.



US Border Guards Checking/Copying Laptop Files

U.S. border guards may check, copy laptop files

Jan. 1, 2014 at 12:30 AM   |   1 comments
NEW YORK,    Jan. 1 (UPI) — U.S. border guards have a right to inspect and copy files from travelers’ laptops and other devices without reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing, a judge ruled.

Such searches are rare, with “about a 10 in a million chance” of happening, so “there is not a substantial risk” someone’s laptop, cellphone or other device will be searched and seized at the nation’s borders, including at airports and on trains, U.S. District Judge Edward R. Korman wrote.

But for people whose devices do get searched, the government doesn’t need reasonable suspicion to examine or confiscate them, he wrote, citing case law that holds “searches at our borders without probable cause and without a warrant are nonetheless ‘reasonable.'”

In making his ruling, Korman, of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York in Brooklyn, dismissed a lawsuit by graduate student Pascal Abidor, an Islamic studies scholar and a dual French-U.S. citizen, who had his laptop inspected and taken by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers in May 2010 while he was on an Amtrak train from Montreal to New York.

The officers also handcuffed him, placed him in a cell and questioned him for several hours, the New York Times said.

The law enforcement agency, part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, returned the laptop 11 days later.

Abidor could prove no legal injury from the laptop’s confiscation, the Washington Post said.

The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and the National Press Photographers Association joined Abidor in the case, arguing their members travel with confidential information that should be protected from government scrutiny.

Represented by the American Civil Liberties Union, they all alleged the policy violated their rights to privacy and free speech.

“While it is true that laptops may make overseas work more convenient, the precautions plaintiffs may choose to take to ‘mitigate’ the alleged harm associated with the remote possibility of a border search are simply among the many inconveniences associated with international travel,” wrote Korman, who is also a visiting judge on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in California.

That court ruled in March extensive “forensic” searches required reasonable suspicion of criminal activity, but simple checks of photos and other files did not. Korman was not one of the judges in that case.

The ACLU said it was considering an appeal.

Catherine Crump, the ACLU attorney who argued the case in July 2011, said in a statement the searches Korman’s ruling addressed were “part of a broader pattern of aggressive government surveillance that collects information on too many innocent people, under lax standards and without adequate oversight.”

Homeland Security spokesman Peter Boogaard said, “These checks are essential to enforcing the law, and protecting national security and public safety, always with the shared goals of protecting the American people while respecting civil rights and civil liberties.”

Read more: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2014/01/01/US-border-guards-may-check-copy-laptop-files/UPI-57721388554200/#ixzz2pBIvIANL

Pope Francis Calls for Peace, Justice in the New Year

Pope Francis, in New Year’s address, calls for peace and justice

Jan. 1, 2014 at 10:13 AM
Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Square, the Vatican, March 19, 2013. UPI/Stefano Spaziani

| License Photo

VATICAN CITY, Jan. 1 (UPI) — Pope Francis, during his New Year’s address Wednesday to tens of thousands of people in St. Peter’s Square, called on people to build a more just world.The pope said he hopes the new year will bring peace, justice and liberty to the world, Vatican Radio reported.

“Peace requires the force of meekness, the force of nonviolence of truth and of love,” he said.

He noted the church is celebrating the feast of Mary and the World Day of Peace Wednesday.

He called for people to acknowledge violence and to work toward building a just society during his address, titled “Fraternity: the Foundation and Pathway to Peace.”

The pope deviated from his prepared speech and commented on a letter he recently received, the report said. He said the writer wanted to know: “What has happened in the hearts of men, in the heart of humanity? It is time to stop. It is time to stop.”

Read more: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2014/01/01/Pope-Francis-in-New-Years-address-calls-for-peace-and-justice/UPI-18701388589190/#ixzz2pBICDJD0

Tokyo UFO’s

Five White Disk UFOs Appear Over Tokyo Japan On Dec 25, 2013, Recorded By Japanese Journalist, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.


Above photo shows three UFOs all in same position.

Date of sighting: December 25, 2013
Location of sighting: Tokyo, Japan
Source: http://otakei.otakuma.net/archives/2013122505.html

For forty minutes these five UFOs appeared to hover over Tokyo on Christmas day. It happened at 4pm and you can see Mount Fuji in the distance. The source leads you to a news article in Japan where the writer…a news reporter heard about the UFOs and ran out to his balcony to view it and record it for himself. The UFOs all are in the same position…meaning they are almost horizontal but their left side tiles up about 20-30 degrees. This exact positioning of all the UFOs tells us they are piloted by intelligent beings. Perhaps even coming from a cloaked exit in the volcano Mount Fuji.  SCW

Check out the link below for the videos.

from:  http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2013/12/five-white-disk-ufos-appear-over-tokyo.html

Canadian Defense Minister – UFO’s are Here to Help

Defense Minister of Canada Announces On TV News That Aliens Are Here To Help Humanity, Dec 30, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of Video: December 30, 2013
Star Witness: Defense Minister of Canada, Paul Hellyer
RT News States:

He was Canadian minister of Defense in 1960s, ruling over the country’s armed forces during the time of the Cold War – and when he retired he publicly stated that we are not alone in the universe, and some guests from outer space actually live here, on planet Earth. Is this fantasy? Is someone actually watching us? Today we ask the man who says UFOs are a serious business – Paul Hellyer.

from:    http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2014/01/defense-minister-of-canada-announces-on.html

On Self Healing and Healthcare

The Future of Healthcare | In5D.com
The Future of Healthcare

Last updated on December 28, 2013 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News



by Michelle Walling, CHLC

Planet Earth has healed herself and has shifted into a new vibration. She is patiently waiting for humanity to remember how to heal themselves and to join her on what has been labeled “New Earth”.  The body has known how to heal itself in the past and the future of healing will take on a whole new meaning. Imagine what the world will be like without disease, sickness, viruses, etc. That reality has already been created on the New Earth and it is up to us to manifest this into our reality.

In the time of Atlantis people visited the Temple Beautiful in order to regenerate and heal. The priestesses used crystal lasers that were programmed by the priests for healing, along with sound and color. The telomere, The Future of Healthcare | In5D.comthe biomarker for cellular marker for aging, was changed at the time of the fall of Atlantis. If the telomere were repaired, the body’s cells would regenerate themselves automatically, just like a lizard re-grows its tail. However humans always had the need to clear the body of energies because of the unique emotional body that we carry.

The future of the health and well being of humanity involves the remembrance of how to help the body heal itself. As we bring in more light, we raise our vibrational level and our dormant DNA is being activated. Because we are bringing more of our light essence as multidimensional beings into our physical bodies, intention is the key to standing in our self empowerment. The power of self healing is one of the most powerful gifts of returning to source that we can experience in physicality.

We have seen many forms of holistic healing emerge that include tools coupled with intention. According to Dr. Leonard Caldwell, there are over 300 holistic cures for cancer, and all cancer can be cured in less than 10 weeks. We are being reminded that every disease in the body is a manifestation of a negative energy in the emotional, spiritual, or mental body. Holistic healing involves the clearing of all of the energies in these three bodies in order to manifest perfection in the physical body.

The future of healthcare will bring about “walk in” clinics in your community where you can adjust your energy, clear your chakras, and receive counseling. Psychics can use their sixth sense in order to find out where you are carrying negative energy, and healers are available to help clear those energies. Counseling will uncover the situations that are leading you to carry these energies so that you can make better life choices in order to keep your energy fields clear. The main focus would be on teaching self healing and awareness.

In order for healers to be healers, they must first heal themselves. This takes work and is spelled out in the series “How to Ascend”. Once people heal themselves, it allows for the capability for others to help themselves heal, and in turn each one of us can help heal another. One turns into millions, then millions turns into billions. It all starts with the one. Everyone has healing capabilities.

A great example of self healing is shown in this story by Cindy Staffin*:

“On July 6, 2003, I took my mother to a popular gathering place on the lake to watch the fireworks.  Shortly after arriving I needed a bathroom, but the closest one was a mile away.  Under normal circumstances I would have been able to wait, but after two chemo treatments waiting would be difficult.  I eyed the woods nearby and although it had been years since I peed in the woods, it was my only option!

As we walked towards the woods, my inner guidance repeated, “Don’t go down there … don’t go down there.”  My reply was, “I don’t have time to get to a bathroom.  I’ll be extremely careful.”  “Don’t go down there, don’t go.”  Typically I would have stopped in my tracks and followed what my guidance was telling me.  But at that point my bladder was going to empty where I stood!

I walked down into the woods and did what I needed to do.  All of a sudden I was rolling down hill towards a 15’ drop off into the lake.  I could hear and feel what felt like my knee shattering.  Then suddenly I realized that I had started rolling uphill away from the water.  I heard Snap! Snap! Snap! As I watched my left leg swing through the air above me.  I knew I had injured my knee and broke my ankle in three places.  It was all very surreal and in slow motion.

I calmly called out to my mother to walk to the closest group of people and tell them that I needed an ambulance.  Then, as though I had done it a hundred times before, I held my hands up towards my leg and repeatedly chanted, “Back in time – back in time – back in time.”  It was getting really dark and I had started pulling myself up to the path while keeping time with my chant.

Some people had come to help me and were waiting to direct the ambulance. They were kind and compassionate and trying to have a conversation with me.   Although I was appreciative, it was all I could do to stay focused and keep chanting to myself.  Back in time, back in time….

The paramedic thought it was just a sprain since there was no swelling and she put a boot on my leg and off we went to the ER.  The pain was excruciating and I just wanted to scream.  But I kept still, calm and focused on reversing what had just happened.  I could hear the fireworks blasting and thundering as the ambulance moved slowly across the property filled with people.  I felt like a wounded soldier being transported through a war zone.

The ER doctor couldn’t tell the extent of the injuries from the x-ray, but he told me that surgery is common with similar fractures.  That’s when I heard a sound that seemed to come from miles away.  It was me screaming, NOOOOO!  I had reached my breaking point, pun intended, and I couldn’t hold it in any longer.

Two days later I had an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon.  More x-rays were taken and when the doctor came in to examine the films he looked at me, then back at the films, then back at me and back at the films, like he was being pranked!  He asked me when this happened and he looked at me with disbelief when I told him two days ago.  “I’ve never seen anything like this before.  Your ankle is broken in three places and it looks like I had already set it and it’s been healing in a perfectly straight line.”  I asked about my knee and he told me that my knee was fine.

I am convinced that I had healed my knee and had almost healed my ankle.

When I have a life changing experiences, I reflect back to see what synchronicities led up to the happening.  Earlier in that week, I was hiking and decided to follow a stream.  I realized that it would be getting dark soon and since no one knew where I was it would be smart to head back.  I looked around and saw that I was surrounded by steep hills and had to either climb up or walk back to the trail.  Suddenly, I was climbing up the hill like a spider.  Literally!  I don’t know how I did it so effortlessly, but I remember thinking that I had to hurry so I don’t break my ankle!  Thank you Spirit for guiding me away from what could have been a long and painful night.  Oh yes, and for helping me shapeshift into a spider and climbing out of there!

A few weeks after the injury, I was lying on a massage table receiving a healing treatment when one of my guides, Ten Feathers, rushed to my side.  I asked him why he was there and he reminded me that I had asked why I had broken my ankle.  He told me that I had thoughts of leaving the area and that I had to stay here on this land for now.  Ten Feathers was right, of course, I had thought about leaving to live with a friend who lived a few hours away.  The reason that I needed to stay became clear to me years later.

My healing, as it turns out, goes back in time farther than I thought.  Several months earlier, I was having weekly sessions with a healer for what was later diagnosed as lymphoma.  One day she mentioned that there was a past life connection with my left foot.  I knew that it was linked to the reoccurring war dream that I had been having for years.  In the dream, I am a soldier running from a parade of army tanks and soldiers that were showering us with bullets.  I was hit in the left leg as I was crawling under rolled barb wire.  I got up to run and the other soldiers were shouting for me to stay down.  Each time I tried to get up and run I got shot in the leg.

My “back in time” healing technique actually healed something that was farther back in time then I had realized.  I never had the war dream again.  Now, any time that I hurt myself, I chant back in time over and over knowing that I could be healing far beyond the here and now.”

*Cindy Staffin is a Psychic Consultant, Healing Practitioner, and Owner of Essential Awakenings currently operating out of Oneonta, NY. Her areas of practice include Psychic Medium, Reiki Master/Teacher, Reconnective Healing Practitioner, The Reconnection Facilitator, Paranormal Investigator, and Empowerment Facilitator. Among the many talents she has, Cindy is able to scan the chakras and describe what she “sees”, and can perform healings and clearings along the way. She brings messages from the Ascended masters and from the client’s highest guides and angel family. Her Facebook page can be found here.

We come from the future to heal the past

Many of us are time travelers. In linear thinking, we have already been to the future and we have travelled back to the past to correct what we needed to in order to move forward. In doing so, we can correct our DNA lineage of our bloodline ancestors as well as our children and their future children. Never in the history of our Universe has such a feat been accomplished on this scale. Most fifth dimensional planets have light body humans, whereas we will have more physical light bodies. We are merging the physical and the light body by raising our consciousness to meet the light body while still existing in the physical. In doing so, we will appear more solid than most beings of a fifth dimensional vibration. However as we continue to increase our vibration, eventually we will not need our bodies anymore.

The current U.S. healthcare system is backwards

Everything is wrong with the current healthcare system in the United States. It is all about the money. Ridiculous rules and regulations have been created in order to manage the backwards system of healthcare. For instance, someone who is recovering from brain surgery can only stay in a rehab facility for 100 days under Medicare. What are they supposed to do if they have not been healed? Many times people who have spirit speaking to them in their head are misdiagnosed with schizophrenia and either hospitalized in a psych ward and/or heavily medicated to keep them numb. Children are mis-diagnosed with ADHD, when the accurate description is that they are having a hard time conforming to the third density lifestyle. These children are vibrating at a much higher level and have difficulty sitting in a classroom all day learning left brained academics. The list goes on and on, but everything can be turned around with knowledge and truth.

The system is so backward that the only way to correct it is for the people to learn to heal themselves. We can no longer afford health insurance premiums and we can no longer count on medical practices driven by big pharma. The Native Americans have been using healing herbs for decades, and the reservations that are miles away from fast food restaurants have a lesser incident of obesity and disease. There are no hospitals in the bush where the Aborigines reside. It is all a grand illusion and the bubble must be popped.

Knowledge of self healing for humanity is imperative in order to move forward, as we can no longer function is the society spun for us. We have to take action, spread the word, and heal ourselves first. 

There are many holistic practitioners in the forefront. Dentists, massage therapists, psychic healers, and acupuncturists, just to name a few, have been laying the foundation for the future of healthcare on the planet. There are even holistic veterinarians to keep our pets healthy. The main fear in society is the fear that using a holistic remedy will fail therefore without taking the medically diagnosed treatment, the person will die. How will we get past this fear? By example and by information. There are hundreds of thousands of people with success stories on the internet. We need mainstream media channels that focus on holistic healing to share remedies and the success stories. If we were to take control of mainstream media we could change the world in an instant. Until then it is important to document the success stories and to open holistic community walk in clinics. Very soon the media will not be able to ignore all of the miraculous success stories of people healing themselves anymore, and newscasters will wonder why they are not getting to report these stories.

If you are a healer, the bursts of galactic energies being sent to us from the great central sun- Alcyone, are here to help us clear out the last of our baggage. We can then step into our power with our specialized form of healing and counseling that will change the planet from the inside out. If you are feeling drawn to learn a new way of healing then follow your heart and take action. Speak up if you have a miraculous healing story to share. Visit the many pages on In5d.com for alternative healing modality articles, updated daily!

About the author:
Michelle Walling is a Certified Holistic Life Coach.  She has devoted her life to being a bearer and grounder of the light in service to others. As a truth seeker, she is committed to share her experiences with the world. She is also a hands-on healer, a distance healer, an empath, and an intuitive. Michelle has recently joined forces with Gregg Prescott as an admin for the In5d Facebook page, as an assistant for In5d Events and as a contributing author for www.in5d.com. Michelle also supports Gregg’s endeavors in many other areas including alternative and holistic healthcare. Their next project is a walk in clinic under the name AHH- Alternative Holistic Healthcare to be launched in 2014-2015 in the Sarasota, Florida area, and then subsidiaries will be opened around the world based upon that model.
