Kingsley Dennis on the New Monastics


The past few years have left many of us waiting around for the ‘Next Big Thing’ – or some grand televised miracle to happen. The world has recently been filled to overflowing with doomsayers and images of breakdown, violence, and corruption. Many of us have been distracted, or sidelined, into indifference. We were told we lacked the power to make any lasting change. The early years of the 21st century were largely media-centered on insecurity; and this insecurity and fear was used by opportunistic governments to strengthen incumbent structures of authority.

Yet it is my view that 2014 will be a significant year in marking a shift in human relationships and thinking patterns. I feel we are going to see an increasing emergence of what I refer to as ‘disruptive innovators’; that is, individuals acting as unexpected change agents. It will be individuals, not governments, who will show a greater potential to catalyze transformation and change in the world. This is because real change occurs when the ‘anomalies’ (i.e., the change agents) become too numerous to be absorbed into the present system. That is why individuals and groups ‘doing their own thing’ are so important right now.

All great ideas and innovations began life as ‘disruptive’ from the periphery; from those people just ‘going it alone’ and following their instinct and motivation. That is why it is my view that 2014 will be an important year on the individual level rather than needing to look to global movements or grand action for change. A new model that is set to empower the coming changes is what I have referred to as the ‘new monastic’ model of action whereby individuals/groups get on and create new ways of doing things, without fanfare or large billboard announcements. Such ‘monastic work’, so to speak, often operates below the radar and is authentic through its activity rather than seeking visibility and attention. The ‘monastic worker’, in seeking change, chooses a way of life that has meaning and that can bring lasting change for those involved. Often the monastic worker strives for assisting change within their own communities. They are like ink dots on the blotting paper, slowly spreading their impact by diligent yet creative work. What makes this model not only more appealing today, but also much more effective, is the rise of global communications and distributed networks. Now, the hard-working monastics can connect, share, and collaborate.

Therefore, doing things our own way, participating through our ‘small-scale’ contributions, can have greater impact than would normally. It is an ideal time now to look towards our own lives, our future, and start to create the change for ourselves that we wish to see. A time to examine our lifestyles – the food we eat, our securities, our dependencies, our networks, our finances, etc – and to be truly honest with ourselves.

The new monastic acts as a synthesis between a vibrant perception of the world and a practical way of action. That is, people who are motivated by both an inner spirit as well as practical vision. Such change catalysts can create meaning and significance in everything they do – even the small seemingly mundane things. By working with a strong inner vision we are also able to transform the world external to us. Our modern modes of connectivity and communication can bring the new monastics into a networked gathering of ‘heart-mind-spirit’ in order to work with both practicality and vision.

The challenges we face may appear to be out of our hands, yet each of us has the power to choose how we respond to them. A considerate and compassionate response can be nurtured by shifting our behavior patterns away from materialistic self-centeredness toward a more community-centered set of values. Doris Lessing, in her book Shikasta, tells of how the ‘broken Earth’ needs to regain the energies of SOWF (‘Substance Of We Feeling’). The keys to our collective development may very well have been planted within each of us, in our social sense of responsibility – in our innate urge to come together. The human species is, after all, a social species (as anthropologists keenly like to remind us!). It is easy to behave ‘spiritually’ when one is confined to the hermit’s cave – then our only struggles are with our own ceaseless thoughts. However, sincere activity also requires that each individual understands and accepts the role of their social participation; of their presence and responsibility with friends, family, and within the community.

As a global community of individuals we are being urged toward supporting and developing a shared, empathic consciousness. Through a combination of physical changes on the social, cultural, and political levels people all over the world are beginning to awaken to the audacity of our situation. From this there may be further ‘awakenings’ as the ironic, incredulous, and often absurd factors of many of our lifestyles are brazenly shown in the shocking light of current times. In these upcoming years the new monastics will continue to emerge throughout the world, becoming agents of change within communities. They will spread their influence through social networks – both physical and virtual. In order to ‘change the world’ we must first become change agents within ourselves. We should also recognize that human consciousness is inherently integrated into every aspect of our lives. Humanity is naturally integrative, and does not consciously seek to separate. Integral consciousness is an aspect of the new monastics, whom are conscious and aware of bringing the inner world into constructive play within everyday life. Each person can be a part of this groundswell, with strong and confident voices and deeds, and yet devoid of ego and grand announcements.

The year ahead, more than ever before, is going to be about the people on the ground.  It will be about how ordinary people can make a great difference; and the changes each of us makes in our lives to be more aligned with moving forward. It will be about how resilient we are; and how we nurture a focused and positive state of mind and being. It will also be about integrating our spiritual selves with practical applications in the world. Transitional periods are not normal times – they are periods where individual action can have a much larger impact on historical developments. Now is the time for individual ‘monastic’ endeavor to take up the challenge – and the responsibility.

We are here to work to make a change – it is time to come together. I feel 2014 will show that the ‘next big thing’ is actually US. Or, as Doris Lessing would say, it is time for our Substance Of We Feeling (SOWF) – which is needed like wine grapes need a good soil


12/26 El Hierro Update

El Hierro Volcano activity report – Continued (mixed) upward deformation – New deformation data (Dec. 26)

Last update: December 26, 2013 at 12:10 pm by By

2013-12-26 12:07 UTC
To make the deformation graphs a bit easier to read for our readers, we have created a map showing the axis where the most lifting has been noticed until the latest incoming data. Most earthquakes did occur and continue to occur to the East and South-East of the HI08 GPS station

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2013-12-26 11:00 UTC
IGN has just released new Ultra Rapid deformation data showing a continuous lifting in some parts and a stagnation in other parts.
The island inflates further with 1.5 cm in both HI08 (El Pinar) and HI09 (La Restinga) which brings the strongest inflation area 7 cm higher than prior to the crisis.
HI02 and HI03 (Sabinosa – El Golfo area) are stagnating or even deflating a little.
HI01 and FRON are lifting also another 1.5 cm.
Will be followed …

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Click on this image to see the details in full size

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Click on this image to see the details in full size

2013-12-26 09:16 UTC
Still only a few earthquakes since midnight, but this may change based on the latest data not yet included in the list.
Volcanic tremor (indicating magma movement, still deep below the island) has been recorded by many instruments on the island.
The Upwards deformation was also confirmed by the latest Involcan/Uni of Nagoya PINA GPS station. In order to reference the current deformation vs the deformations from earlier crisis, we have included the PINA Involcan/Uni of Nagoya GPS data sheet (unfortunately the Pre-2012 data is not included). The increase we witness now can indeed be called “spectacular”.

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2013-12-25 22:58 UTC
– A very interesting new episode in the current crisis. A calm seismic period but a continued deformation, both vertical and horizontal. In earlier crisis, once the seismic unrest stopped, also the deformation leveled or stagnated. No the lifting continues in most points as the latest IGN GPS stations are showing. All this means that this crisis is not over yet and that new seismicity is evident when the island is pushed upwards. The Upwards deformation data are really spectacular (U side of the graphs) – In only 3 days HI09 (La Restinga) lifted 6 cm! and HI08 (El Pinar) 5 cm. But not only the South-Eastern side of the island was lifted, but also most of the El Golfo area with an average of 4 cm.

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for more information, go to:

UFO Sighted Near Sun 12/23

U-Shaped Massive UFO Near Our Sun Again, Dec 23, 2013, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 23, 2013
Location of sighting: Near Earths Sun
The appearance of this U-shaped UFO has baffled me time after time. Its often in SOHO photos but always in a different position and angle. Sometimes closer to the sun, sometimes further away. Keep an eye out oft his one. It has all the symmetry of a artificially made craft. Its seen at 1:38 into the video. SCW



Seattle Tunnel Alien Artifact

Seattle Tunnel Drill Is Being Blocked By A Massive Object That Some Call An Ancient Artifact, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 16-17, 2013
Location of discovery: Seattle, Washington, USA

Big Birtha…Seattles newest tunnel digger has hit a something so hard it could destroy an 80 million dollar piece of machinery. Some believe it may be something buried long ago by some ancient civilization that we knew nothing about.

Its also possible that this massive drill accidentally hid the side walls of one of the many alien bases on this planet. Impossible? Phil Schneider who use to work for the US military at making underground bases 3-4 miles below the surface has actually seen this happened first hand and it turned out very bad for all. Phil is not a lier and I would bet my life on this man…even dedicated a book to him I wrote, Dragons of Asgard. He is a good guy that you can trust him. SCW

Vaccines for PTSD?

Mental vaccines? Researchers now pushing vaccine for PTSD

Friday, December 20, 2013 by: Ethan A. Huff

NaturalNews) Fox News is pimping the latest investigational drug that conventional scientists allege might be able to help prevent post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in individuals exposed to trauma. A recent report by the news giant explains that researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in conjunction with Massachusetts General Hospital, are working on a vaccine that supposedly blocks a natural stomach hormone linked to prolonged stress.

The new vaccine, says Ki Goosens, an assistant professor of neuroscience at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT, was found in tests to block key receptors that uptake ghrelin, a hormone in the stomach that the body produces in response to stress. When given special drugs to block the excess production of ghrelin, rats induced with stress appeared to be less likely than other rats not given the drugs to develop protracted PTSD symptoms.

“We have a rat model of PTSD and what we show is that rats who’ve had a prolonged exposure to stress are more likely to have very strong fear memories when they encounter some sort of trauma and that’s the same kind of relationship between stress and trauma that we see in people,” Goosens stated to reporters.

“Our work actually suggests that if you knew somebody was going to be potentially exposed to a trauma, then putting them on a drug that could actually block ghrelin might actually lower the incidence of things like post-traumatic stress disorder, or depression.”

Blocking grehlin to maybe prevent PTSD will definitely disrupt healthy metabolism

But is another vaccine what we really need as a society, especially one that inhibits a key hormone in the body responsible for regulating hunger and appetite? Like every other drug, this new vaccine attempts to correct an underlying health condition by simply covering up its symptoms, in this case by artificially lowering levels of an important amino acid peptide that the body needs to convert food into energy.

“[G]hrelin … [has] been recognized to have a major influence on energy balance,” explains a 2007 study on both ghrelin and leptin, a similar stomach hormone, that was published in the journal Obesity Reviews. “Ghrelin … is a fast-acting hormone, seemingly playing a role in meal initiation.”

In other words, MIT researchers are in the process of wasting millions of dollars trying to prevent PTSD by creating other health problems. Blocking the production and uptake of ghrelin, according to data gathered as part of the Obesity Reviews study, will almost certainly have the side effect of inhibiting the body’s ability to regulate energy balance and food intake, thus leading to obesity.

“In obese subjects the circulating level of … the orexigenic hormone ghrelin is decreased,” explains the abstract of the study.

Western medicine has an obsession with vaccines

While PTSD is a very serious health condition, the idea of developing a so-called vaccine to prevent it is preposterous. The last thing people need is yet another injection loaded with toxic aluminum, formaldehyde, mercury (thimerosal), and the many other harmful adjuvant components that will most assuredly create even more disease, not to mention intentionally block an important physiological component responsible for metabolizing nutrients.

“Ghrelin is a hormone and also a neuromodulator that stimulates appetite and also enhances aspects of cognitive function,” wrote Bruce McEwen, director of the neuroendocrinology laboratory at Rockefeller University in New York, in an email to Discovery News. “A systemic vaccination might not even work and could … make people anorectic and impair other aspects of physiology by blocking good actions of ghrelin.”

Brush Your Teeth with Chocolate???

Chocolate Toothpaste Better than Fluoride, Researcher Says

For a healthy smile brush between meals, floss regularly and eat plenty of chocolate? According to Tulane University doctoral candidate Arman Sadeghpour an extract of cocoa powder that occurs naturally in chocolates, teas, and other products might be an effective natural alternative to fluoride in toothpaste. In fact, his research revealed that the cocoa extract was even more effective than fluoride in fighting cavities.

The extract, a white crystalline powder whose chemical makeup is similar to caffeine, helps harden teeth enamel, making users less susceptible to tooth decay. The cocoa extract could offer the first major innovation to commercial toothpaste since manufacturers began adding fluoride to toothpaste in 1914.

The extract has been proven effective in the animal model, but it will probably be another two to four years before the product is approved for human use and available for sale, Sadeghpour says. But he has already created a prototype of peppermint flavored toothpaste with the cavity-fighting cocoa extract added, and his doctoral thesis research compared the extract side by side to fluoride on the enamel surface of human teeth.


Sadeghpour’s research group included scientists from Tulane, the University of New Orleans, and Louisiana State University’s School of Dentistry. Sadeghpour will earn his PhD from Tulane University on May 19.


El Hierro Update

El Hierro Volcano activity report – New seismic crisis – more deformation and shallower earthquakes

Last update: December 24, 2013 at 4:56 pm by By

2013-12-24 16:36 UTC
– It took a while before the last interesting (low frequency) earthquakes were listed, but now we see another of these earthquakes at 9 km depth (not dangerous but certainly one that IGN will zoom into).
To give our readers an idea of the epicenter of both 9 km depth earthquakes, we generated a map of the epicenter of both quakes. We are unsure about the depth (no good seafloor maps on the internet. Google earth mentions 500 to 600 meter.

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The epicenter of the 9 km 06:17 earthquake

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The epicenter of the 9 km 14:58 earthquake


2013-12-24 15:20 UTC
A typical phenomenon happened only a couple of minutes ago. A seemingly calm and weaker seismic period ends with another strong(er) earthquake (no details yet but we expect in the M3 proximity). How can this be explained : quiet simple – pressure buildup with almost no release of energy which (within an active period) ens with a stronger than usual earthquake. Also this is a low frequency earthquake! (lucky to have explained it in the 14:13 update :) )

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2013-12-24 14:13 UTC
We think it should be a good idea to explain to our readers the difference in between the different types of earthquakes, as soo many earthquakes are currently occurring below the island. The (scientific) text was initially written by Tilling,, 1987, Eruptions of Hawaiian Volcanoes, but is also to be used everywhere else in the world.

During inflation (lifting of the island as discussed in previous updates) the rocks become stressed, and this stress is partly relieved by increasing numbers of earthquakes, too small to be felt, but easily recorded by seismometers at Kilauea summit. These earthquakes (called short-period or tectonic) are recorded as high-frequency features on a seismograph. During deflation the stress is completely relieved. The short-period earthquakes stop, but their place is taken by low-frequency earthquakes (called long-period or volcanic), which reflect adjustments related to the movement of magma from the reservoir to finds its way to the surface. The long-period earthquakes are related to harmonic tremor, the continuous seismic record of underground magma movement. (small adjustments to the text to reflect the El Hierro event).

A low frequency earthquake which occurred this morning at 06:17

A low frequency earthquake which occurred this morning at 06:17

2013-12-24 12:49 UTC
– New stronger earthquakes and a thicker tremor line (magma intrusion)

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2013-12-24 12:29 UTC
– The strength and frequency of the earthquakes has weakened the last couple of hours. Microseismicity is still present abundantly.

Purple square : the most recent - red squares: less than 12 hours

Purple square : the most recent – red squares: less than 12 hours

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2013-12-24 09:50 UTC
– Relatively few earthquakes today (less than yesterday)
– some information for both ends of readers. Those on the island who merely want to live their safe live and want to enjoy tourist spending : less earthquakes. Those (almost all from other places in the world : it is not over yet.
– The seismograph image below shows a strong earthquake at 06:17. If you are looking in the list for this earthquake, you will be surprised that it is only a 2.4 Magnitude. Why such a big line on the graph then? Because of the depth of 9 km. The seismograph is the confirmation that the depth must have been true (in seismology error margins are normal – in preliminary readings).
– Some activity is taking place offshore at the east of the island.
– Magma wint gradually into a more shallow layer. It went up approx. 2 km (from 15 to 17 km towards 12 to 15 km (last 5 earthquakes).
– The seismograph image shows at the end some more tremor indicating a further intrusion of magma. These quakes are not yet showed on the list.
– De El Pinar GPS deformation data is showing a Northern deformation of nearly 2 cm. More lifting of a bout 1 cm.
– The IGN deformation data are showing a further lifting of 2 cm! on the HI09 (La Restinga) GPS and a 1 cm lifting of the El Pinar HI08 GPS. this means lesser lifting in El Pinar and more lifting in La Restinga than the prior 24 hours. These readings are confirming what we see on the seismicity map.
– In terms of safety on the short term, we are convinced that a PEVOLCA will meet soon and will publish a report afterwards. (PEVOLCA safety board of the island consisting of IGN, INVOLCAN and the local and national authorities)


Your Color Vibe for Tuesday, 12/24

Tuesday, December 24:    Dark Grey

Christmas Eve:   This is the eve of light and shadow as expectation and turmoil meet and do their crazy dance.  Tempers can be off center and can run high.  There is a lot of emotion in the air as the energy courses through Gaia and unsettles many things that you thought were so well planned, so obvious, so predictable.  The Trickster is about this Christmas Eve, perhaps helping Santa deliver his gifts, leaving surprises in his wake.  This is a day for relaxed vigilance.  This is a day to be open to the unusual and accepting of things that otherwise you would be upset or angry about.  Take things as they come.  This is truly a time for what is happening NOW.  There is a resurgence of the sense of compassion that is being brought in with the day’s energies.

ET Crafts Behind the Moon?

Whistleblower: Massive Extraterrestrial Crafts Hiding Behind Moon

Last updated on December 12, 2013 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

A government whistleblower recently stated that officials are baffled as to why numerous extraterrestrial crafts have docked themselves on the opposite side of the moon.

Dr. Eric Norton, an outside consultant for the NSA and NASA for the past 12 years, was hired to track various object in space including meteors, comets, etc.. but recently has been following a number of unidentified aircrafts that were heading towards Earth.

On January 22, 2012, Dr. Norton was called to the MacDonald Observatory in Texas and saw  “massive, three dimensional black structures in space, in straight line formation advancing in the direction of planet Earth.  The object seemed to be emitting  some sort of force field that deflected space particles from touching their surface, almost like the magnetic field around the earth.  The objects were getting so close that, with our telescopes, we could see the structural features of these things in high detail. They were shaped as a three dimensional “L” shaped craft.  By January 2013, the objects had been tracked to about 200,000 miles past the planet Mars.  Once they reached this point, almost instantaneously, the object vanished from our telescope lenses as if they had activated some sort of invisibility shield at the flick of the switch.  I knew that the upper echelons of government were worried about these things because I was under a constant 24/7 guard by Secret Service agents.  For nearly the entire year of 2013, we watched the skies in disbelief.  We didn’t know what was going on or where these things were.  According to my calculations, these things would have been so close to us by now that we would have no problem seeing them in the night sky had they stayed visible to us.  We didn’t know if they were still coming or had left the solar system.”

Dr. Norton was sent home and was awaiting additional order, if needed, but had not heard anything else about this situation for approximately 6 months.  Upon all of the commotion around the government shutdown as well as the shutdown of numerous space monitoring programs, Dr. Norton finally made a call to a close friend who he worked with confidentially who told Norton that “the objects reappeared and had repositioned themselves behind the moon”  in a circular type of alignment, which allowed them to dock to the backside of the moon in order to remain invisible to skywatchers.

Norton added that the blackout of all space monitoring programs was essential in “keeping the lid on what had happened.”

“We don’t know what they are, what they are doing or what they’re going to do.  We do know that there have already been fluctuations in Earth’s gravity field and the gravity field which links the moon to the Earth.”

According to Dr. Norton, if this information were to be revealed to the masses, it would cause a breakdown of all religions as well as the “breakdown of society, itself”.

It is this writers opinion that our society is ready to acknowledge the existence of other forms of life other than what is already on our planet.  The biggest fears would be from those who have kept us living as economic slaves for millennia through subservience, control and conformity as their illusion of their fiat currency falls apart.  They will continue to grasp on to this illusion for as long as possible while keeping the rest of us in the proverbial dark until the last possible second in order to maintain their illusion of power.

If the extraterrestrials are changing the magnetic waves in the gravitational field of this planet, it could have implications on what that might do to our brains and more specifically, what we are capable of doing.

For example, a slight change in the magnetic field may affect the Schumann Resonance where the frequencies are more derived from pure love or as some may call it, “Christ Consciousness“.  It may also open up our minds to their fullest collective capacity where we all have instantaneous abilities, such as telekinesis, ESP and other psychic or metaphysical abilities.

The Earth is currently undergoing a magnetic pole shift, which has not occurred in at least 700,000 years on this planet, so perhaps this visitation has something to do with that?

Many people believe that the moon is a large satellite, so the possibility remains that those who placed it here have returned.

While much of this is speculation, no one truly knows who they are or why they are on the moon.  Only time will tell!


Anti-Fluoridation Legislation Proposed in 9 States

Nine states propose 16 anti-fluoridation bills in 2013 to protect public against poison

Thursday, December 19, 2013 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Things are heating up on the fluoride front as states and municipalities all across the country rethink their official water fluoridation policies. According to the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), some 16 pieces of legislation across nine states were introduced or passed just within the past year to protect the public against this pervasive poison.

In Utah, for instance, the Safe Drinking Water Disclosure Act was passed back in April, requiring that all shipments of fluoride chemicals coming into the state be accompanied by certificates of analysis detailing the presence of any outside contaminants. The law reportedly took effect on July 1, allowing local water utilities to end their fluoridation programs in the event that certificates are not provided.

Fluoride additives, as you may recall, are often laced with other poisons like arsenic, cadmium and even radioactive isotopes that persist from the waste liquids used by the phosphate fertilizer and aluminum manufacturing industries to capture pollutants. These pollutants, not the natural environment, are the source from which the artificial fluoride chemicals added to water supplies are derived.

Tennessee, a leader in anti-fluoridation legislation, introduced two similar bills earlier this year requiring fluoride manufacturers to disclose the full contents of their chemicals. House Bill 1215 and Senate Bill 1274 were also accompanied by HB 1186 and SB 1211, two bills that would allow local voters to decide whether or not to continue fluoridating their water supplies. Statewide, Tennessee also introduced HR 130, which would prohibit state employees or agencies from endorsing fluoride.

“In years past the dental lobby has been successful in getting pro-fluoridation bills introduced in state legislatures across the United States, including legislation that would mandate statewide fluoridation — a law 13 states presently have. But the tables are turning,” explains FAN. “In 2013… instead of the introduction of pro-fluoride bills, we saw the exact opposite, with the introduction of 16 anti-fluoridation bills in 9 states.”

Five states introduce legislation to eliminate fluoridation mandates

Concerning statewide fluoridation mandates, New Jersey successfully thwarted attempts by some legislators to require that its 9 million residents be forcibly medicated with fluoride poison. And at least five bills have been introduced, one each in South Dakota, Connecticut, Minnesota, Illinois and Arkansas, to end longstanding fluoridation mandates.

“With the exception of the Illinois bill, all of these proposals are still being considered and are expected to have public hearings in 2014,” adds FAN. “In preparation, FAN has been working with our point people and local groups within these states to organize grassroots campaigns in support of the legislation.”

Besides the aforementioned bills, a handful of other anti-fluoride bills were introduced this year in Kansas, Massachusetts and New York. HB 2372 in Kansas now requires that warnings about fluoride and its effect on IQ — a Harvard University study recently confirmed that fluoride exposure lowers IQ levels in children — be printed on water bills.

In Massachusetts, a similar bill would require an infant fluoride warning similar to the infant warnings currently issued in New Hampshire; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Austin, Texas. And in New York, A 141 has been introduced to require that all fluoridated communities lower their poisoning level from 1.2 parts per million (ppm) of fluoride to 0.7 ppm of fluoride, in accordance with new recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

“It doesn’t take an expert to see that the tide has shifted, that state legislators are discovering the truth about fluoridation, and that the momentum is clearly on our side going into the 2014 legislative sessions,” concludes FAN.

To support the work of FAN and to keep up to date on fluoride legislation in your own community, visit: