This is a day for splitting apart. This can happen in many different areas, so be aware of situations and incidents that seem to be somewhat inflammatory. Things can spin out of control, and there can be a battle of egos that will ensue. This is a battle that no one will win, so it is best to steer clear of it all together. There is a shifting in the air today, and along with that, things are not set in stone. Another good reason not to attempt to hold fast to any one opinion. Things are changing. Also, the veils are particularly thin today. This is part of the lingering effect of the last full moon. You can be seeing things out of the corner of your eye that are not there at second glance. Also it is a good idea to be centered and aware if you are driving or even just walking. There can be things in your path that may or may not truly be in the 3D.
Paranormal Radio Host Art Bell Mysteriously Disappears From SiriusXM
By Lee Speigel Posted: 11/04/2013 11:29 pm EST | Updated: 11/06/2013
The much ballyhooed return of paranormal radio host Art Bell ended in just six weeks.
The master of UFOs, fringe science and conspiracy theory is apparently at odds with SiriusXM over live streaming for his millions of fans.
The 68-year-old co-creator of the hugely successful “Coast to Coast AM” retired from his full-time role of master of the macabre in 2003, after 15 years. Over that span, he went from mainstream talk to a highly successful foray into unexplained phenomena, turning the syndicated juggernaut into the most listened to overnight show in North America.
The late night show’s reins were comfortably taken over by the popular George Noory.
This past July, SiriusXM Satellite Radio announced that Bell would launch a new, live, nightly call-in show, “Art Bell’s Dark Matter,” in September.
But since Bell’s new program Sept. 16 premiere, there have been, according to Bell on his website, many problems with streaming his show.
“Many thousands of my listeners came on board when it began but they have fallen off because of that reason,” Bell said. “It’s a systemic problem. For a caller-driven show like this one, speaking only to people on cell phones in moving vehicles is somewhat difficult.“The show also is being pirated, oh you have no idea. We are all over the Net right now, from YouTube to a server in England, for example, that’s streaming the show live. And because of all this, I have asked SiriusXM to alter their normal method of doing business and allow free streaming for everybody from
“If we get the opportunity to do this streaming, we will kick some serious butt…If not, we may not have a viable situation going forward.”
It appears that SiriusXM has decided not to work things out for Bell, as his website now indicates he posted the following on his Facebook page:
“Sometimes when you are ‘all in’ you win, sometimes lose. By mutual agreement, Dark Matter will no longer air as of tonight.”
HuffPost’s call to SiriuxXM for a comment on this Bell rumor was not returned. When we contacted Noory (pictured at left), the top overnight radio host in the country, for his reaction, he merely said, “No comment.”
Plus, an unnamed source scheduled for an appearance on Bell’s show received an email from someone in Bell’s camp, which stated: “I regret to inform you (and all upcoming guests) that “Art Bell’s Dark Matter” program will no longer be airing live shows effective immediately. I’m really thankful for your efforts with regards to being on the program and I truly apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
“Should events change in the future, I’ll be sure to let you know.”
The show had only been on the air since Sept. 16, and tonight’s program is a scheduled repeat, after only being on SiriusXM for just six weeks.
(NaturalNews) Are you eating fake eggs made in a laboratory? Who knew? This is like some mutated organism plasma-like “goo” from the movie “Alien.” Who in their right mind would dare eat it? Well, lots of people who don’t know that they’re eating it, that’s who. When will it be substituted and remain as such without labels or warnings in just about every egg-containing packaged item that is sold to the masses by Corporate America and infects the body with GM bacteria? Welcome to zombie food central and the inside story on this nightmare coming to grocery stores everywhere. Some say it’s already in the food. But wait, it’s made from plants! Didn’t you hear? It’s time to get brainwashed, again, by the richest people on the planet.
A radical “artificial egg” backed by Paypal billionaire Peter Thiel and the “infamous” Bill Gates goes on sale in US supermarkets for the first time. Made from plants, it can replace eggs in everything from cakes to mayonnaise – without a chicken in the equation whatsoever. The “Bio-tech food mutation” team today have already started selling their “plant egg”! It looks like it will be first sold at none other than the beloved “Whole Foods” in California – and some say it could “soon be available in supermarkets worldwide.”
How many products will contain genetically modified “plant” eggs? What could you accidentally bake with this synthetic science mystery? Will you make cookies or brownies for the kids? Will you slop some “bio” mayonnaise on your next sandwich, or will you pour some synthetic salad dressing on your greens? Will it be in all the pasta and bread or lumped into muffins for that “bouncy” quality that stays “fresh” so long? This synthetic nightmare will contain no real egg whatsoever. You know they’ll call it something real nifty too, like “Beyond the Egg” mayonnaise, or the “Incredible Scramble!” The name has to reflect the opposite of what it’s really all about.
That’s why GMOs are unlabeled in America, and saying that it doesn’t need to be listed in the ingredients means it’s the MOST dangerous ingredient mankind could know! Get it? Soon, aspartame will be in milk, unlabeled, and all those conventional milk worshipers will be consuming artificial sweetener on top of all those hormones, antibiotics and pus from the cow udders. That’s where conventional cheese is derived, so pay attention closely to the new FAKE eggs, and try not to eat “cancer” intentionally or unintentionally.
Of course, they’ll claim the nutritional values are the same. “They” being the regulatory organization that approves it (FDA/Monsanto), the companies that test it for health dangers (the manufacturers who make billions) and those scientific “peer-reviewed” tests (altered results) will be shared with the public (the shareholders) so that proper diet (pharmaceutical medications) can be addressed by the doctors who recommend it (surgeons and oncologists that work on you later). This is the nature of the GM beast.
Everyone should know doctors who have a degree in nutrition to get the right “news” and the right “advice” on how food affects your body, your mind and your health. Some doctors know the dangers of GMOs and will tell you all about it! ( Research more on this: “Doctors Warn: Avoid Genetically Modified Food.” (
Fake egg makers can’t seem to get that egg “bounce” right
They say they don’t have the right “bounce” yet, to make them feel like real eggs, so what will they use for that, gelatin? That would add to the toxicity and DNA damage to human cells, since gelatin comes from CAFO animals’ connective tissue. “We want to take animals out of the equation,” said Josh Tetrick, the firm’s founder. “The food industry is begging for innovation, especially where animals are involved – it is a broken industry.” You can say that again – now throw those eggs in the “trash compactor” with the other medical waste please.
Please realize, this is not a legitimate, healthy vegan alternative to eggs. The bigger questions still remain: Will the GM eggs contain bacteria from insects, or worms, or plants that are never supposed to be eaten? Also, since genetically modified organisms are not required to be labeled in the USA, will GM eggs be HUGE mystery, and could they cause cancer, birth defects or other gene mutations in humans? Don’t turn into a zombie. Don’t consume anything GM. Stay positive and informed. Eat only organic eggs! Don’t eat pesticide vegetables (GMOs) and never ever eat cancer.
While viewing the ISS cam I noticed a face in the clouds, then suddenly a UFO appeared near it. The face lit up with lightning twice. From that point on lightning surrounded the UFO on all sides but more at the top of the screen and less at the bottom. Many UFO researchers believe that UFOs create lightning and other weather related phenomenon. I have to agree with that. This is not the first UFO near lightning that I have reported on this site, but it is the most lighting I have ever seen near a UFO. I recorded this UFO for over eight minutes until it disappeared. This UFO is very similar to the February 1996 tether incident UFOs. Please watch the video in FULL SCREEN MODE and in HD res. SCW
The day’s energies are telling you to go with the flow. This is not a day for being uptight when things do not work out as planned. This is a day for a sense of humor and an acceptance of what it means to live in the 3D. You are getting messages from those little stumbling blocks, those hold-ups, those schedule changes. This is a day for looking at priorities, seeing what is really important, and spending sometime just being. Step back from it all for a moment. Breathe. Think of what it is that truly makes you happy, brings you fulfillment, and then meditate upon how to bring more of that into your life. Times are changing and so are you. You can get a new perspective on that today if you will allow yourself to be open to the larger context.
X-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: Sprawling suunspot AR1897 erupted on Nov. 19th (10:26 UT), producing an X1-class solar flare. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the explosion’s extreme ultraviolet flash:
Although the sunspot is not directly facing Earth, the flare did affect our planet. Mainly, the UV flash produced a wave of ionization in the upper atmosphere over Europe, Africa and parts of Asia. A brief blackout of HF radio transmissions around the poles might have also occurred. First-look coronagraph data from NASA’s STEREO-Ahead probe show a CME emerging from the blast site, but it is probably not heading for Earth.
COMET ISON’S SUPER TAIL: Comet’s ISON’s recent outburst of activity has done more than simply brighten the comet. Whatever exploded from the comet’s core also created a spectacularly-long tail, more than 16 million kilometers from end to end. Scroll down to see the full extent of Comet ISON as photographed on Nov. 17th by Michael Jäger of Ebenwaldhöhe, Austria:
“The tail of the comet stretches more than 7o across the sky,” says Jäger. It’s almost as wide as the bowl of the Big Dipper.
Physically, ISON’s tail is about 12 times wider than the sun. So, when the head of ISON plunges into the sun’s atmosphere on Nov. 28th, more than 15 million kilometers of the comet’s tail will still be jutting into space behind it.
Because so much gas and dust is spewing from the comet’s core, it is impossible to see clearly what caused Comet ISON’s outburst on Nov. 13-14. One possibility is that fresh veins of ice are opening up in the comet’s nucleus, vaporizing furiously as ISON approaches the sun. Another possibility is that the nucleus has completely fragmented.
“If so, it will still be several days before we know for sure,” says Karl Battams, an astronomer with NASA’s Comet ISON Observing Campaign. “When comet nuclei fall apart, it’s not like a shrapnel-laden explosion. Instead, the chunks slowly drift apart at slightly different speeds. Given that ISON’s nucleus is shrouded in such a tremendous volume of light-scattering dust and gas right now, it will be almost impossible to determine this for at least a few days and perhaps not until the comet reaches the field of view of NASA’s STEREO HI-1A instrument on November 21, 2013. We will have to wait for the chunks to drift apart a sufficient distance, assuming they don’t crumble first.”
Monitoring is encouraged. Comet ISON rises in the east just before the sun. Amateur astronomers, if you have a GOTO telescope, enter these coordinates. Dates of special interest include Nov. 17th and 18th when the comet will pass the bright star Spica, making ISON extra-easy to find.
The theme this week is No Plan B. Okay, for everyone who was work-ins on what you saw as a plausible alternative, the message this week is that it will not work. And all of this relates to the week’s sub-theme which is Turning the Corner.
Overall Color for the Week: Griany WHite
There is some resolution in the air this week. Things have seemed stagnant for quite some time. Perhaps you have felt that you have been doing the work and not seeing any kind of finalization or reward. Well, this week will bring some indication that you are finally beginning to reap some of the rewards for all the work you have done. This is a week for you to take heart. This is a week for knowing your power and knowing that you are truly a most powerful being. This is a week for honing your strengths. This is a week for preparing. The rest of the weeks until the end of the year will be bringing many more challenges, some of them quite dramatic, and you need to be ready for what is coming. This week tells you that you have all that you need to face anything. Know that. Be that. Live that. This is truly the time that you have been waiting for. You are moving forward on many levels, but you must be aware that you exist in more than just the 3D. it is a week for grounding within, within your core, within that essential connectedness that unites you with Universal Consciousness, with The One, with All That Is, with God/Goddess, however you wish to term it… You can be seeing some old relationships falling apart his week, some old institutions crumbling, some old truths turning into lies, and at the same time some new communities forming. Be ready for anything this week, and it can be quite illuminating.
On the larger scale, also, things are falling apart as old things come to the surface. Old truths that have been hidden overtake many of the lies that have been out there for so long. There will be a lot of stumbling and falling going on in all areas. Gaia has many weather and earth related surprises for those who trod her surface this week. This is a slippery time. Tread carefully. Step back from the emotions that will be flying about as people on all levels attempt to make sense of what is going on while passing the blame onto someone else. This is a week of weather, again. There will be huge shifts in the weather patterns and more than ever, it will be difficult, even impossible to predict what is going to happen. Storms will seem to be upon a certain trajectory, and then abruptly shift. Natural or HAARP? Well, there are those behind the scenes who are still attempting to pull the strings, but they will find that their power is no longer as strong as they thought. Finances can be touchy this week. The Holidays approach so there will be those in the economic world who will try to manipulate the flow of money. There is much happening in the skies. The Sun is being visited by some unusual extra-galactic energies that are going to begin some new solar events that will continue to the end of the year. There is more happening in the area of the extra-terrestrials. This is a week for re-examining some of your old preconceptions. There is much in the skies these days. Watch the clouds. Send energy to the earth. Know your community. Open to love and compassion. Much is needed right now.
News report – UFO’s in San Antonio. There have been two different sightings on two different days this week. It was captured on video by a man shot Sunday night near the Castroville Road on the West Side. It shows orbs of light hovering in the sky for nearly thirty minutes. A day later another woman spotted colorful lights over the Leon Valley area. Both believe they witnessed UFO’s. “It was scary,” said Irene Trujillo. “But it was awesome too at the same time. Because you’re like seeing something; not knowing if you’re going to get zapped.” A representative for Joint Base San Antonio says it wasn’t any of their aircraft.
Many people will jump to the false conclusion these red orbs are Chinese lanterns. I live in Taiwan and see them a lot. Lanterns only burn for 2-3 minutes. A very short time. Here in Taiwan we have a Lantern Festival and I have lit them and let them fly off. No lantern could glow longer than 3-5 minutes. No lantern could FLY and GLOW for 30 freaking minutes as these UFOs did. So lanterns are ruled out. Scott C. Waring-UFO Sightings Daily
Diet Coke contains the artificial sweetener aspartame, produced from the waste produced by genetically modified E. coli bacteria. (File/UPI/Billie Jean Shaw)
The European patent for aspartame is now available online, and it confirms the artificial sweetener is made from the waste products of genetically modified E. coli bacteria.Though this fact was reported as early as 1999, not much attention was paid at the time to aspartame and its maker Monsanto, which was allegedly adding GM aspartame to soft drinks in Britain.
The patent refers to “cloned microorganisms” later revealed to be genetically modified E. coli bacteria. They are modified to produce an especially large peptide used to create aspartame.
The cultivated and well-fed bacteria then produce proteins which contain the aspartic acid-phenylalanine amino acid segment required to produce the sweetener.
The bacteria waste is then treated to turn the large peptide and a free carboxyl group into a dipeptide. The the dipeptides are then treated with alcohol and methanol to produce aspartame.