Your Color Vibe for Saturday, 10/05


Saturday, October 5:    Cloudy Cobalt Blue

You are not going to find a lot of reasons for which to bounce out of bed this morning, so it might be well just to relax for an extra few minutes and give yourself time to ground and center.  This day is bringing with it a lot of questions, and some of them are things that you do not really want to deal with right now.  The time for making decisions is at hand, and you need to start looking at things from your own unique, creative, powerful perspective.  It is time to put aside all the well-intentioned advice, all the jealous criticism, all the off-handed comments and look at things from your own point of view.  And that is what today is all about.  It is a time to clear out all that cloudy clutter of others, other people, other ideas, other objectives, others, and just go for, know what it is that is truly WHO you are.  Moving forward is not the easiest thing in the world, but it can be the most rewarding.  Today you can take that most important step.  Go for it.

Kryon on the Akash

The Elusive Akash

Lee Carroll
a message from Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll
Saturday, 10 August, 2013  (posted 3 October, 2013)

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. My partner steps away from his consciousness in a move that has been practiced for years. This is not an easy Human attribute, for yet again the Human wants to be in complete and total control over those things that are most pertinent to their survival.

One of them would be their consciousness, so the channelling that you see with him is a bit different than that of the past. We have said this before, that there is no takeover of the Human Being during this process. There is instead a meld, a partnership, and that is what you see. So as my partner steps aside, he is looking and watching everything that is taking place. He is even able to write it down later if need be. This is because we have a Human Being who is able to work with that sacred part of himself that is new and different. It’s a participation instead of a takeover.

What you see in this new way gives the ability for humanity to then participate intellectually and emotionally as the messages are given. This enhances the messages, for the Human who is in this channelled state is a translator. He is translator using the language he has and moving through a system that is located in the portal of the pineal.

The system is a multidimensional communication through a source that is in 3D [the pineal gland]. All of this is to say that what comes next, like so many other channels that we have given, is a combination of new information combined with things that we have stated before, but that have been spread over many channels. So now we coalesce these things into one message in order to bring forward a new concept.

The Human Akash

We want to speak more about the Human Being’s Akash. Now, you will notice that we seldom use the word Akashic Record. This is because the very semantics of the word record gives you a linear feeling of some kind of list, and we don’t want you to think that way. Not only that, but the Human Akash contains far more than a record of lifetimes. So this is where we are going to start today. We will go slowly so that any new concepts given will be explained correctly and well, so that you might understand them in their completeness.

What do you think about when we say Akash? We have named this channel The Elusive Akash, so we already make the statement of the attribute we are going to talk about. The Akash of the Human Being is a history of everything the Human Being has experienced on planet Earth. Now, there are more Akashic attributes inside you that go beyond humanism, but they are very well hidden and not the subject of tonight.

So you might say that most of what you have as we define the Human Akash is your direct experience on Earth. This Akash is also well hidden and it is elusive, but it shows itself all the time in ways that you don’t recognize. So we start here by describing how it can actually be inside you, yet you would not be unaware of it at all.

The Akashic Puzzle

Most Human Beings have no concept that they deal with the Akash every day. Most Humans aredriven by it, yet they never know it. So I want to set the stage by telling you right now that the Akash is not something that communicates with you in a traditional way. It’s not what you would expect. Let’s back up a moment and look at the overview.

The Akash is a system, dear ones, and it is beautiful. I sit in front of you knowing who is in the room and knowing about your lives, all of them. I know the puzzles you carry around today. I sit here as an advisor who has never been Human, watching you work a Human puzzle, which is amazing to me.

You are what you might call a soul group who are all specialists in biological being expression[Kryon’s description of a group who specializes in walking through multiple Human lifetimes]. The creative source, which is God, who has made the Universe, the galaxies and all that is has an elite grouping of specialists, and it’s you! You are part of the soup that is God who specializes in doing what you’re doing. It’s a difficult role, so only a few trillion are selected to do it.

If you want to know what’s at the core of your soul as a specialist, it’s love and compassion. That’s the core. It’s not always seen that way, but it’s there, and when you come into the earth, your mission is to give it away – to share it with the very energy of the planet. The Akash is a system that helps to drive Humans into situations of learning and solution.

The attribute of the piece of God that you are, stays on my side of the veil. You come into the planet as a biological being and hidden from you is who you really are as you try to make your way through a dark earth. Hidden from you is how you are trying to find the light that’s inside of your own cellular structure. You’ve got the hard work. All the masters who walked this earth tried to show you this Human God part and told you it was there. But it must be discovered.

Kryon has been here a long time. I’ve been here with you when we watched the grids being set when the earth was being formed. It was just like before, when we watched other planets in other places being formed, knowing that someday you’d be doing what you’re doing now, over and over and over. Certain group of you come in first, and then others of you come later. That’s the system. In this system, there is a real attribute of structure that honors consciousness, free choice and the concepts that we’re going to talk about right now. All this is to say that the Akash is not a mistake or a mystery or a system of chance. It’s a design, and it’s designed to help you.

The Akash is intrinsic. It’s there at the beginning and it came with you in your biology during your “awareness creation”. It is a part of you that can never go away, can never be erased, and you live with it every day. It is part of the system you’re born with, but it can be enhanced, understood, and changed to create your evolutionary process.

The Elusive Akash

Now, here is what makes this Akash elusive, dear ones. This system, this beautiful system, wants to be in your pocket as a help through your life all the time. But it responds almost completely to the Human free will attribute on the planet. If Humans decide that the planet should go backwards into darkness, the Akash behaves differently. If Humans decide that humanity will increase in Human consciousness, the light will begin to take over, and the Akash responds differently. So now you see that it’s dynamic, and not “set at birth”. It changes as you change. So the first thing is that it’s always moving.

It is so elusive! If I ask any of you, “Tell me about your past lives,” the chances are that even the most enlightened of you would say, “I’m not really sure. I may or may not have been here or there. I cannot seem to pick a separate lifetime out of the soup that is my consciousness. I have some strange memories, but I’m not positive that I might or might not have been this or that.” You’d be correct! So, why is the Akash to elusive?

The reason is this – listen carefully, for this is new information. The Akash is not a brain function. It is not where the synapse of memory occurs, so when you are trying to answer the Akashic question above, you are searching for these things in a structure of consciousness that works with common memory and synaptic attributes of the Human brain. The Akash is not in your brain, so you won’t get the memories you are looking for. Instead, the Akash is in your DNA. So, suddenly we have a situation where Akashic communication is very different. It’s not linear, and it’s not able to be remembered like your brain remembers anything. It won’t give you facts. It’s elusive! So how does itget to you?

DNA communicates to you and your consciousness in a different way than your brain does. We have described this in the past, and it is complex. But I’ll say it anyway: Information carried in your DNA has to get to your brain eventually in order for you to cognize it [become aware and believe it]. It then arrives in your consciousness and works a certain way, which we will describe next. It does so with what we call overlapping multidimensional fields. This is not a mystery of science, for in your electronics you have this type of communication all the time. DNA doesn’t talk to you in memory, synapse, structure or linearity. It talks to you in emotional concepts.

The process of overlapping multidimensional fields has a name in electronics, and it’s called inductance. It’s also the way that the sun transmits information and even astrological attributes through the sun’s heliosphere, into the magnetic grid of the planet through overlapping multidimensional fields. So this is natural, it’s happening all the time, and it’s fractal [has many repeating parts]. But it all happens at the basic DNA level. You have a field around your DNA that interacts with your consciousness through something we have called the “smart  body” or innate. So don’t over complicate this. Just know that the Akash is elusive because it does not allow you to remember as you normally remember things. It’s not traditional. It’s part of DNA communication.

How Does the Akashic System Affect a Human?

Let us speak of how it works, what the energy of it is today, and where it is headed. The Akash has what we would call drivers. Drivers are what communicate certain feelings about the Akash into your brain, and it allows you to sense something. It does not come as memory as we said and the Akashic system does not necessarily feature the communication of an individual past life. [That may come later with DNA awakening and processing]. Normal Akashic drivers do not broadcast to the brain who you were, where you were, or when you were. There are no names and no genders, even though you think you may know. What it does instead is to give you experiential, emotional concepts.

The Akashic drivers for humanity, at the moment, are the same ones that have existed for eons. The things that you will sense first from your Akash, that drive themselves into your consciousness, are survival instincts. They are about past experiences that created fear, drama and unfinished business. You know I’m right. What is it you sense, old soul? It’s what you’re afraid of. The Akash will deliver this to your consciousness, not as a remembrance of what happened, but as a survivalemotion of what happened.

These Akashic attributes are called drivers because they drive you into action, or in many cases, non-action. You feel something, and you won’t go there or do something because of what you feel. Is it intuition or Akashic remembrance? The concepts you receive are at the DNA level and they radiate to your brain and drive you through this exposure to the emotional part of your thinking. Why are these things such low energy? Why fear and drama? Why unfinished business and, yes, let’s call it what it is – guilt. Why? You are an old soul!

Don’t you deserve something better than this? We have given you the information before. The energy of what you have created on the planet drives Gaia’s consciousness and the efficiency of your DNA and the future of humanity. It represents your free will up to this point, and that’s changing.

The Recalibration of Personal Akash

Imagine an Akash that is realigning its drivers. What if instead of fear, drama and unfinished business, the Akash started to present something else to you? It will, dear ones, for this comes with new energy and the recalibration that is going on right now. It represents a change in Akash communication, because you are increasing your vibration. All of the cells in your body know what is going on in this a new era. You might ask right now, “Well, Kryon, does that mean that everyone’s Akash knows?” The answer is yes! The difference is whether the brain will allow it to be felt or not. Now, here is where the pineal comes in.

The brain also has its drivers, and some are spiritual drivers. You call them filters. Others call themfilters of belief. The brain allows things to be cognized [believed] or not, based upon past experience and commitment of “the way things work”. You are creating a new consciousness, and part of that is the allowance of the Akash to talk to it. Those in this room who are listening to this message and others who are listening and reading later may start to understand that as they increase the light of their awareness, they let in truth. It starts to change the communication of the Akash. The pineal works better, the filters are clearer, and the Akashic drivers start to change.

Much of humanity has filters that will not allow new spiritual thought. They are committed to their own box of belief and, therefore, the DNA may broadcast new information, but they are not “tuned to the station”. But humanity is enabled for the shift, even though they may not receive it yet. This is the beauty of the system of the old soul, for you have created a worldwide enablement that can be “seen” by each and every Human if they wish. Free choice is like that.

Now, in a moment, we’ll talk about one of the most powerful and common drivers and how it works. But first I want to tell you there are always exceptions to the rules, because these things I am telling you are not absolute for every single Human Being. There are always those who are different.

The reason is because your life’s path, what you came for and what you are doing on the planet in service to humanity is unique to you. It’s not generic to every soul. So as I give this information, it’s an overview, and that’s all I give you. So let’s talk about one of the profound exceptions to the common Akashic drivers, and this is where you’re going to start realizing what I’m saying is accurate, since you can actually see it.

The child prodigy is not driven by fear, drama or unfinished business. The child prodigy who plays the piano like a master when he is four is driven solely and completely by his craft. The painter who paints like a master when she is eight is being driven by her craft, and that’s all! The prodigy could care less about survival as long as they have their craft. It’s all consuming, very linear, and all they can think about.

This creates a puzzle in psychology where you will have a Human Being without the possibility of having any remembrance of a complex talent they never could have experienced in this life, yet it’s there. The puzzle for psychologists is: How could this be where it is not part of the brain’s remembrance? DNA is pushing it to the brain as fast as the brain will receive it. It’s the craft of many lives. Where do your hands go? How do you hold the brush? What are the notes on the keyboard? Do you remember the music? 

These are special cases, dear ones, but you see it often enough for you to know that it doesn’t fit with synapse and memory. That is the Akash at a multidimensional level, pushing something to the child that’s conceptual – art, music, poetry and sculpture. It takes lifetimes to make a master artist, and they will be born over and over, continuing with the craft that they had before. All they want to do is keep going with it.

That’s very different from your process, and the possibilities of all the things that I’ve talked about are reduced to one thing for them, the one focus for them, and you get to see it in a child prodigy. By the way, this is why so many artists are dysfunctional, for this continues and they are oblivious to survival reality, others around them, and are only interested in themselves and their craft.


The thing that drives most of humanity is one of the drivers you have labeled karma. Now, karma is much more than unfinished business. Karma is not punishment for past deeds, dear ones. That’s an attribute of judgment, which is not of God. Karma is sensing past experience and having an emotional response so that you will either do it again or stay away from it. Karma is powerful and most Humans feel it, but have no idea they are receiving a specific driver from the DNA’s Akash.

Karma doesn’t often even feature completion! Sometimes it’s a policeman becoming a policeman, or military men becoming military men again, or mothers becoming mothers. It’s a driver of remembrance of things both positive and negative. Sometimes it’s just emotion. Sometimes it drives someone into a classic mindset that is problematic.

You want to know that classic? It’s a classic issue that psychologists really have a hard time with. It’s hard to describe, but you know it exists when I describe it. Sometimes things that you sense from the DNA are not pleasant, but you remember them as who you are – and you can’t live without them. That’s karma.

There are Human Beings who come into life and who are convinced they don’t deserve to be here. If that is their consciousness, the DNA tries to cooperate with it. You knew that, right? Cellular structure takes cues from Human thought. Lack of self-worth will manifest itself with problems that create, you guessed it, more lack of self-worth. It also creates drama, and some people just can’t seem to get away from it.

The Human who is abused early in life has many choices. They probably created the puzzle to see if they can break the pattern (karma at its best). Sometimes, however, it just validates what they feel, that they shouldn’t be here. So that Human will often get out of one abusive relationship and move into another and another! Friends will look around and say, “What’s wrong with you? You keep making the same mistake!” At the Akashic level, they are responding to the same instructions over and over. It’s a victim comfort zone. Do you see this?

This is what the Akash does. It presents to you concepts of existence. It will make you afraid if you’ve been afraid before. If I told you, dear ones, that you had been killed because of your belief, you’d probably believe me. Old souls have been – most of them. If I asked you how many times it happened or where it happened, you’d be guessing. See what I’m saying? The Akash deals in concepts, not factual memories. It also gives you concepts that are invitations to change.

Past Lives in the Akash

Some interesting concepts are transmitted through the Akash. Let’s talk about past lives. Past lives carry the concepts into the Akash that are inherited [Akashic inheritance]. So, if you were a warrior and were killed in the battlefield, you may not like the smell of gun smoke. These things are passed to you in unusual ways. Some of you can stand in a battlefield and smell it! Some of you like it, since it’s the smell of victory and release – more concepts. But you know there’s something there and, dear ones, that’s a concept. It goes into your central sensory perception. That’s the Akash at its best. You’re not remembering as much as you are feeling something that exists to this day inside you.

The past life reader has to sort all this out. They have to linearize something that is not linear. It’s elusive, you see. Past life readers can sense the quantum field around you created by the DNA [The Merkabah]. This is where a good reader can help pull out individual lives in that “soup of concepts” that you would never be able to do. This explains how a good reader can help you with blocks and past experiences that you can’t seem to get yourself.

Now, the old soul has an added Akashic attribute. The old soul, the one who has been here by definition for thousands of years and lifetime after lifetime, has experienced just about everything there is to experience. So what do you think is in your Akash, old soul? I will tell you: It’s the same as everyone else’s – drama, fear and unfinished business, until now. The old soul has a storehouse of awakening lifetimes and that’s the difference. In the new energy, that is what the old soul is going to start remembering. So being an old soul up to this point didn’t hold near as much weight in the Akashic way as it does now.

Things are recalibrating. This is a recalibration of the Akash as well. It’s how you feel, what you do with it, and how it drives you to do things. The most interesting attribute within the old soul is that old souls feel they have things all figured out. Been there, done that. There’s nothing new and in that they have cognized and committed to a way of life, or what they think is a way of life, on planet Earth. It’s so interesting, and often totally wrong.

The Atlantis Syndrome

I gave the scenario before and I want to give it again just to preview this to you. I know it’s controversial to many of you. How many of you were on Atlantis? As the many hands go up, I say to you, “Really? Which Atlantis were you on?” You would then say, “Well, I was unaware that there was more than one!” There were far more than one, dear Human. Let me ask you, “What happened there?” Then you might say, “We had this advanced society and we were terminated because we did something wrong. This stays in our Akash and we know it.”

There are some concepts that you bring into your Akash that are extremely Human. I’m going to call one of them, “God, Gaia, and creative source of the Universe with a Human brain”. Humans apply their own intellectual process to everything that is God. The Greeks did it very well. They created their Gods to be above Humans, but their Gods were totally dysfunctional! They had all kinds of problems, complete with jealousy, hatred, vindictiveness and even incest! Their Gods didn’t like each other very much, just like Human families. They toyed with the Humans below just to irritate other Gods. There was judgment, anger and rage. That’s the mythology of the Greeks. They created Gods with Human attributes.

Well, of course, you’re way above that today. Instead, you’ve got one God who is love. But then somehow there was a war in heaven, and a fallen angel and anger and judgment and grief. The fallen angel is after your soul, of course, and so on and so on. Mythology continues. Dear ones, your societies have simply done the same thing the Greeks did, only it’s a little more modern. This all comes from the Akash, believe it or not. It’s a conceptual belief that consciousness is the same all over the Universe and, of course, its Human consciousness. You are really not aware of anything more intelligent than you are, so you don’t have any other concept for God.

In addition, you have the beautiful entity Gaia getting angry and striking you with lightning or drying up the ground so you can’t have crops for food. Do you see what I’m saying? How much energy goes into ceremony to help make Gaia content? Centuries of Humans did that. This comes, literally, from the old soul. The longer you’ve lived on the planet, the more you associate your consciousness of humanism with any other consciousness that you see in the Universe.

So why the Atlantis issue? Alright, I’ll explain it yet again, Lemurian. You got off that large mountain of Hawaii when it started to sink. It was your home for thousands of years – the highest mountain on Earth. It started to recede or sink as the bubble of magma began to vent itself through several of the volcanoes and release the pressure that had pushed it up. You had no idea if the whole mountain was going to disappear or perhaps even explode! So over many years, most of you took to the sea and escaped. When it stopped sinking, some stayed, and the peaks of the mountains became your current islands.

Do you know what Lemurians love to do and what is in their Akash to this day? Lemurians look for other islands to live on. It’s in the concepts of what they have in their DNA, which tell them that this is the way to live. It’s a concept of being and many Lemurians over history ended up on other islands. It felt like home. However, many islands are also volcanoes. Often, through the natural recourse of geology, volcanic activity and earthquakes would take place and the islands would go under. Did you know that was in your Akash, old soul?

So what do you think you did next, Lemurian, after another island sank? Most of you would escape – and look for another island! The next lifetime, you would look for still another island! It’s interesting, but it’s extremely Human, that when bad things happen, you blame something or someone somehow – usually yourself. That’s the old soul’s lack of self-worth that we have spoken of so often. So now you are guilty about it, and now you’ve got another consciousness going on that says the island did something to you. That’s the negative Gaia Effect that supposedly Gaia is angry. The real Gaia Effect is actually a beautiful cooperation with Human consciousness! But your Akash, which is very elusive, will give you a totally different concept.

So the old soul remembers Atlantis incorrectly. Atlantis is simply a generic name for any island you lived on that destroyed itself while you were on it. Most islands had a good reason why they were surrounded by water. As we said, many were volcanic. Sometimes they were in vulnerable places, easily covered by water through earthquake and flood. Sometimes it would be cyclical with the water cycle every 1500 to 2000 years. Count on a Lemurian to be there! Did you ever think of that? This is not to discount Atlantis itself, but to tell you that there were many of them and it sticks in your conceptual DNA as one big event.

As far as advanced technology, let me tell you what you “remember” as advanced technology. It’s not what you have today. It’s high-minded conscious thinking. That’s your high tech, because on an island you can get together like you did in Lemuria and raise the vibration of the land that you’re on. It’s not about machinery and blinking lights. It’s about a consciousness that could change physics.

The New Akashic Drivers

Turn the page with me for a minute. I now want to tell you about the new drivers of the Akash. They are compassionate actionlove and finished business. These are going to be the ones that are going to be broadcast from the old soul DNA to old soul brains. This will start a process of helping them think out of the box of traditional thought. Old souls will start to see that they are not victims of life. They belong here! Self-worth will increase, for it will know that Humans deserves to be here. It’s time!

This process will allow the Akash to speak to the brain and the innate body in higher concepts, those of compassion. Ask a surgeon about how Human Beings often keep themselves alive in a hospital for months just to see a grandchild graduate. Ask a doctor if he’s ever seen mind over matter. A doctor who works closely with death and dying will have amazing stories about how Human Beings can get up from their death beds when some of them decide they are worthy of being here. What do you think of spontaneous remission? This is the Human changing course.

The Results of New Consciousness and a Changing Akash

The Akash speaks to you through concepts. The new energy carries different survival drivers for the old soul. Into your brain will be delivered concepts where there is no more karma. It has been voided, as we told you more than 20 years ago [Kryon Book One]. We told you to drop karma, for it is not needed anymore. Go forward with Akashic energy that you create yourself for your future instead of a concept from the past.

Some of you are mystified and feel odd, because without the driver of karma you seem empty. Well, let me tell you, it’s time to understand what that feeling is. It means that you control your life! It means you’re not a victim of the circumstances that push and pull you around. You’ve dropped the old energy driver of karma and so now it’s time to create! That’s conceptual, and Human Beings who don’t get that message think there’s something wrong. Some liked the other feeling and equated it to “being normal”. It’s a recalibration. No more karma.

Past lives will not have the influence that they used to and the things that you used to remember about the past are starting to recalibrate. Now you will begin to remember success, love, compassion and results that come through high thinking. You are going to want these things again. Do you see where this is going? Imagine a Human Being who is driven only by positive things. Imagine a Human Being who is driven so completely by positive things that he/she will develop books and television shows and movies about positive things. Imagine how that might change what others see and feel. Imagine how the few can show something to the many, which might change the planet! Imagine the funding for these things being easy, because old souls with money see it, too!

Dear ones, you are going to start remembering, not old mythology, but the reality of God. You are part of the puzzle, and you now carry the solution. You deserve to be here and the more you awaken, the longer you are going to live. Consciousness awareness of a compassionate mind will extend life. You will never see an angry God in your compassionate mindset. You will never see the mythology of a creator who has judgment.

That never existed! It’s a Human thought placed upon God. Gaia will become your partner on Earth, not a frightening force you have to give offerings to any more than you would a Human partner. You will fall in love with Gaia. Do you see the differences? This is the elusive Akash, which is recalibrating itself to become a lot less elusive. This pushes Human Beings into a whole other consciousness of being. Then you start realizing that the masters of the planet all had it.

In closing, we ask you yet again: Who is your favorite master? Who? Put yourself with him or her right now. How do you feel? Your answer will be, “Relaxed, peaceful, safe, so good!” So I ask you again, what did they have that would allow you to feel this way? The answer is what you are learning to have for yourself; it’s peace where there is no 3D reason to have peace, calmness where there is no 3D reason for calmness, an awareness of beautiful, esoteric things that are out of the sight of those who only trust what their eyes can see.

It’s the love of God that becomes prominent in your life and completely voids the lies of victimization and fear. You are relaxed and treat others differently. The Akashic concepts of mastery are manifested in your daily life, and things that used to be a problem simply become parts of the challenge of Human living and not a survival issue felt at the core level or pushing your “buttons” of fear.

Some of you in this room and those reading needed to hear that last part and you know what I’m talking about. Isn’t it time to get rid of that old process? Why are you letting these things drive you into frustration? It’s making you older. You can let it go now. Say it out loud if you want to. Let your cells hear it! The catalyst to an enlightened planet is sitting in front of me. It’s the old soul who will allow these things to take place in their lives and live longer because of it.

There are those in the audience who have come for a healing. Let it be. Let it start now. Allow yourselves to get up from where you are knowing that it has begun. I want to tell you something that you may not be aware of: Every cell in your body knows what I’m talking about. They are all listening and cheering, if you’ll allow them to. You’re in charge of it all.

The brain is the great central station of the transit of consciousness energy. You are in control of what you will, and will not, allow into it. It’s time to allow a new Akash to speak to you of the glory and the majesty of the system that you helped create.

That is the message for the day. I am Kryon, in love with humanity –  and for good reason.

And so it is.



Norma Gentile – October SOund Healing

October Sound Healing: Like A Leaf Upon A Stream

October Sound Healing: Like A Leaf Upon A Stream

Story by: Norma Gentile

Norma Gentile, voice

Paula Kibildis, medieval fiddle

Just as the stream of Spirit moves us along in our lives, so to music flows in improvisation.  Here is a glimpse of a recent early autumn afternoon musical encounter.  As the vielle, or medieval fiddle provides the watery waves, I am able to lay my voice on top, floating along and creating unusual harmonies.

Relax, close your eyes, and let yourself be carried away upon the stream of sound.

Listen to sound healing

Norma was joined in this song by Paula Kibildis, playing a medieval fiddle. Paula is a professional musician who is exploring music and healing. She plays with the Renaissance violin band Exquisite Noyse and is based on Cologne Germany.


Finding Your Path

10 Signs You’ve Found Your Calling


28th September 2013

By Lissa Rankin MD

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

How can you tell if you’ve found your calling? As a doctor who was called to medicine at a young age but then wound up disillusioned by the system, questioning my calling, I’ve asked myself this question a lot. It’s been a long strange trip- first leaving medicine, then feeling called back, then leaving again only to find my role in healing our broken healthcare system as a writer, speaker, revolutionary, and teacher of physicians. Along the way, I’ve learned a few things about how to know whether you’re on the right track.

1. You’ll realize you’ve been training for your calling since the moment you were born.

Even the gritty things, the disappointments, the regrets, and the screw ups, they were all prepping you for what you’re now being called to do. You’ll realize that the divorce, the bankruptcy, the death of your loved one, the failure, the rejection- it was just school, teaching you the lessons your soul needed to learn in order to be who you’re being called to be.

2. Mystical things will start happening.

You might be tempted to write them off as coincidences, only they’re too perfect, too exactly what you need in that particular moment, too much like miracles to call them accidents. The synchronicities will fill you with a sense of wonder, because they’re proof positive that you’re being guided, that you’re not in this alone, that Someone is moving mountains to ensure that your mission is a success.

3. When you get off course, you’ll get redirected.

Doors you longed to walk through will slam shut. If you take the wrong fork in the road, your path will be littered with barbed wire and mustard gas and dragons and sharp knives lining the path. You will get the hint that you’ve made a wrong turn, steering yourself off course from your date with destiny, when the journey becomes a relentless struggle. The deal will fall through. The money will run out. The mentor who’s been providing the magical gifts won’t follow you onto the wrong path. People won’t sign up. You’ll be rerouted just as magically as you were steered to your calling in the first place.

4. You’ll be guided by ease, even in the face of obstacles.

When you find yourself struggling to get through an obstacle-ridden forest, it can be hard to tell- is your commitment just being tested, or have you veered off course? Obstacles can be part of the growth process, the cultivation of your inner hero, a necessary part of your hero’s journey. But they can also be signs that you’ve made a wrong turn. How can you tell the difference? The guidepost you can trust is a sense of movement towards ease. If the challenges are mounting, things are getting worse, one hard struggle is piling upon the other, you’ve probably gotten seduced off course from your true calling, and the Universe is just waiting patiently, twiddling Divine thumbs because you have free will, but never giving up faith that you will find your way back to your calling, which will always lead you to your own holy grail. When you’re back on track, things start to flow again.

5. Magical mentors will appear just in the nick of time.

Just when you need it most, the right people will show up, with just the tools you’ll need to support you and your journey in an almost mystical way.

6. Your health is likely to improve.

A strange but welcome side effect of finding your calling is that your health is likely to improve. You may notice fewer cravings for unhealthy foods, you’ll have more energy for moving your body, aches and pains that used to plague you might disappear, you’ll feel less tired, and chronic illnesses you may be battling may start to get better.

Take Andy Mackie, for example. At 59 years old, Andy Mackie had undergone nine heart surgeries and was taking fifteen medications to try to keep him alive, but the medicines left him feeling horrible, so one day, he told his doctors he wanted to stop the drugs. They told him if he did, he would die within a year, so Andy decided if he was dying, he wanted to do something he’d always wanted to do. So he took the money he would have spent on his medications and used it to buy 300 harmonicas, and he gave them away to children, complete with harmonica lessons. The following month, he was still alive, so he bought another 300 harmonicas. Thirteen years and 20,000 harmonicas later, Andy Mackie finally passed away.

7. You may find that money flows in just as you’re ready to throw in the towel.

I’m not suggesting that you won’t wind up in debt or staring at an empty bank account when you used to have a full one or even bankrupt. But if you’re on the right path, you won’t wind up living under that freeway overpass near what used to be your house, and you may find that money appears almost magically once you’re really right in the dead center of your life’s purpose.

8. You may feel strangely peaceful, even when you have every reason to be anxious.

Everyone around you will likely think you’re crazy. A part of you will agree with them. But a wise inner knowing, that part of you I call your Inner Pilot Light, will be so comforted by the fact that you’re finally on the path to your purpose that you may feel unusually calm- until your rational mind kicks in.

Our souls long to express what we’re here on this earth to express, and when you finally fall into alignment with your calling, your soul does a little happy dance. It may appear as if everything else in your life is falling apart, but you’ll have this sense of peace, a huge relief, that at least- finally- you know what you’re called to do.

9. The Universe will roll out the red carpet.

When what you’re being called to do is what is needed for the highest good of all beings, the Universe will bend over backwards to hand you whatever you need on a silver platter. No request is too small. A copywriter may volunteer to help you just when you were thinking you needed to write a sales page. Someone will donate a printer when it’s time print a flyer. You’ll feel so supported, so lucky, that you’ll know you’re on track, even if you’re not quite clear what you’re on track to do.

10. Your people will find you.

Few can fulfill a calling alone. Most of us need a tribe to lift us up as we do brave, scary, world-changing things. But don’t worry. When you’re really on purpose, your people will find you, if only you’re courageous enough to be vulnerable about what you’re being called to do.

Do Any Of These Sound Familiar?

Have you found your calling? Or are you still looking for it? If you’ve found your calling, YEAH! The world needs you! Blessings to you on your hero’s journey.

If you haven’t, don’t worry. We won’t leave you hanging. Martha Beck, Amy Ahlers, and I recorded a free 90 minute teleclass to offer you tips on finding your calling. (You can listen to the recording here.) We’re also about to start a whole program Find Your Calling: Awaken Your Life Purpose, Clarify Your Vision, and Do Your Soul’s Work


Blocking Woo-Woo Info in the UK

“Esoteric” Content Censorship…. Coming Soon to a Website Near You!!Censorship (1)2nd October 2013

By Andy Whiteley

Co-Founder of Wake Up World

Graphic and introduction courtesy of


Can you imagine a world where access to esoteric and spiritual information was blocked by the government? What if you stopped by an internet café only to find that your favourite website was banned by a public web filter? … Or your friend’s natural health website was blocked because it mentioned ‘spiritual healing’ techniques?

A disturbing movement to censor legal spiritual and esoteric information is growing – right now in the UK, and other countries are poised to jump on the bandwagon – and will continue unchecked unless people become aware of the problem and protest it.

Esoteric, anyone?

The word “esoteric” is defined by as:

adjective: intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.

Now carefully consider the implications of this definition, just as the UK government considered them in preparation for their proposal to block UK readers from accessing “esoteric” material online.

This measure would provide the UK government powers to censor information from or about any individual or group it sees as “special interest”… or in other words, “not mainstream”. In essence, the government is seeking the legal right to censor opposing streams of thought… and ancient knowledge… and new innovative ideas… then continue on in its theatre of narrow-minded corporate politicking.

If you have specialized knowledge or a ‘minority’ interest of any kind in the UK, you and the “small number of people” who share your minority standing may lose your legal right to share information online about your experiences, thoughts, learnings and practices.

And remember, by definition, “esoteric” doesn’t limit itself only to religious or “spiritual” knowledge; so consider whether your right to share information relating to your culture, language, nationality, race, sexuality, gender identity, interests, expertise, research, discoveries, history or political opinions might also be at risk.

So then, what is the intention of this legislation?

Knowledge is power

Attempting to restrict access to such information demonstrates the UK government’s intent is not to represent its people and administer services on their behalf. This move is a grasp by government at control.

If successful, this law preserves in time the status quo of majority “mainstream” thinking. It limits the public’s access to new ideas, and will therefore limit public thinking, to the ideas and ideals already embraced or unquestioned by the mainstream… and to those the non-”esoteric” media (regulated by government) will continue to peddle. By effectively outlawing access to philosophies and concepts that question or even extend upon currently “accepted” knowledge, the UK government is deliberately engendering a culture of narrow thinking and throwing fuel on a failing old control paradigm.

Welcome to the new “underground” folks!

If this proposition is successful, content from Wake Up World and hundreds of other “alternative” news and information websites will be censored from UK screens. In fact, our UK readers probably wouldn’t even be able to read this article.

So where does it stop? And does it set a dangerous precedent for other “developed” nations?

At the end of the day, knowledge is power. And call me cynical, but I don’t assume benevolence of a government that attempts to hinder its citizens from freely seeking out knowledge and information. By its definition, much “esoteric” knowledge is in fact ancient knowledge – which should be learned and preserved, not banned and hidden under the guise of protective governance.

By proposing laws that strip its people’s right to access lawful information, the UK government is not only seeking control of what people may know today, but control of what future generations may ever know. This kind of censorship is unacceptable in – and dangerous to – a true democracy.

One can reasonably assume the UK government has something to hide.

You can find out more about the UK filter and how it will affect you below.

I also recommend you visit for more information, and to get involved.

Infographic: UK Filter to Block ‘Esoteric Content’ - Worldwide Implications

Original graphic published at



Vaccines vs Hygiene

Irrefutable Evidence Shows Historical Application of Vaccines Had No Health Benefit or Impact on Prevention of Infectious Disease

vaccine lies myths

3rd October 2013

By Dave Mihalovic

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

A summary review of data on neurological adverse events and the historical role of vaccination in the natural course of infectious disease in Switzerland and Germany, supports data from other regions with evidence that vaccines had no positive impact on disease prevention efforts from the early-mid to late 20th century. The data contradicts widespread misinformation campaigns by the mainstream medical establishment which claim that vaccination led to immunization and a subsequent decline in infectious disease.

The review supports other data around the world and mounting evidence that vaccine effectiveness is unproven, unjustified and lacking evidence-based medicine. The report was authored by the Department of Paediatric Rehabilitation of the Medical University of Bialystok, Poland and published in Progress in Health Sciences, a division of The International Journal of Health Sciences.

There is now mass awareness on the dangers of vaccination, and only education into the statistical reality of historical immunization efforts and their failures over the last century can validate the growing controversy regarding vaccine effectiveness.

A brilliant report in 1977 by McKinlay JB and McKinlay SM questioned “the contribution of medical measures to the decline of mortality in the United States in the twentieth century” [Mem Fund Q Health Soc. 1977 Summer; 55(3): 405-28]

Now two centuries of UK, USA and Australian official death statistics have shown conclusively and scientifically that modern medicine is not responsible for – and played little part in – substantially improved life expectancy and survival rates from disease in western economies.

Historically, vaccines have not been viewed as inherently toxic by their regulatory agencies. The resulting lack of evidence of causality between vaccinations and serious adverse outcomes has thus been filled with an assumption that vaccines are safe.

The Truth Behind the Data

Based on statistics from the Federal Statistics Office in Wiesbaden, Buchwald published a paper containing long-term observations of morbidity and mortality from infectious diseases. The following charts present the collected data indicating the year of introduction of the vaccines.

chart 1 - mortality TB 56-88

Tuberculosis mortality in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) in the years 1956-1988.

Shaded area = the number of BCG vaccinations performed. Note the decline from 1956 to 1970 without any vaccination schedule. (Source: Deggeller L.:Concerning Childhood Vaccinations Today. Journal of Anthrop Med, 1992, 9, 2,1-14)

chart 2 - mortality TB 49-87

Number of active tuberculosis cases in the years 1949-1987.

Shaded area = the number of BCG vaccinations performed. Note the decline from 1949 to 1970 without any vaccination schedule. (Source: Deggeller L. Concerning Childhood Vaccinations Today. Journal of Anthrop Med, 1992, 9, 2, 1-14)

chart 3 - mortality pertussis 46-90

Pertussis mortality. The arrows mark the year of introduction of the pertussis and DTP vaccines.

Shaded area = the number of vaccinations performed. Note the declines already in place before either the pertussis or DPT vaccine schedules were introduced. (Source: Deggeller L. Concerning Childhood Vaccinations Today. Journal of Anthrop Med, 1992, 9, 2,1-14; with permission: Phycicians’ Association for Anthroposophical Medicine)

chart 4 - mortality pertussis 10-80

Pertussis mortality in Switzerland in the years 1910-1980.

Shaded area = introduction of vaccination. The greatest decline occurred prior to the introduction of general vaccination of infants. (Source: Deggeller L. Concerning childhood vaccinations today. Journal of Anthrop Med, 1992, 9, 2,1-14)

chart 5 - DPT 20-90

Shaded area = the number of vaccinations performed. Note decline before widespread vaccination. (Source: Deggeller L.:Concerning Childhood Vaccinations Today. Journal of Anthrop Med, 1992, 9, 2,1-14.

It is interesting that in recent decades, a decrease in infectious disease rates was generally reported, each of which took place before the introduction of inoculations against these diseases.

What caused the decline in disease rates?

According to a 2002 report from Lancet Infectious Disease, the weight of evidence collectively suggests that personal and environmental hygiene reduces the spread of infection and thus, results from this review demonstrate that there is a continued, measurable, positive effect of personal and community hygiene on infectious. The same report showed that the crude death rate from infectious diseases decreased to nearly negligible levels long before introduction of universal vaccination practices.

Furthermore, the remarkable successes of cities in England in substantially reducing smallpox mortality rates compared to other countries was achieved by abandoning vaccination between 1882 and 1908.

In the graphs below, notice the large numbers of deaths caused by the smallpox vaccine itself. By 1901 in the UK, more people died from the smallpox vaccination than from smallpox itself. The severity of the disease diminished with improved living standards, and was not vanquished by vaccination as the medical “consensus” view tells us. Any vaccine which takes 100 years to “work” is simply not. On any scientific analysis of the history and data, crediting smallpox vaccine for the decline in smallpox appears misplaced.

chart 6 - spvd_b

UK Deaths Caused by Smallpox Vaccination 1875 to 1922 — Published: Roman Bystrianyk

When during 1880-1908 the City of Leicester in England reduced vaccination rates compared to the rest of the UK and elsewhere, its survival rates soared and smallpox death rates plummetted [see table below]. Leicester’s approach also cost far less.

chart 7 - ewsmr

UK Smallpox Mortality Rates Compared to Scarlet Fever 1838 to 1890 — Published: Roman Bystrianyk

Small-Pox Epidemics, Cost, and Fatality Rates Compared

Vaccinal Condition Small-Pox Cases Small-Pox Deaths Fatality-rate Per Cent Cost of Epidemic
London 1900-02 Well Vaccinated 9,659 1,594 16.50 492,000
Glasgow 1900-02 Well Vaccinated 3,417 377 11.03 150,000
Sheffield 1887-88 Well Vaccinated 7,066 688 9.73 32,257
Leicester 1892-94 Practically Unvaccinated 393 21 5.34 2,888
Leicester 1902-04 Practically Unvaccinated 731 30 4.10 1,602

The Effect?

Currently, “developed” countries are introducing increasingly complex childhood vaccination schedules. According to NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center) children in the United States are expected to receive 49 doses of 14 vaccines before the age of six.

And the effect? Doctors and researchers point to the worsening state of health of the child population since the 1960s, which coincided with increasingly introduced childhood vaccinations. Allergic diseases, asthma, autoimmune diseases, diabetes and many neurological dysfunctions – difficulty in learning, ADD (attention deficit disorder), ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), seizures, and autism – are all chronic conditions to which attention has been brought.


Australia’s Stonehenge

The Basis of All Knowledge? Australia’s Stonehenge May Re-Write World History

Figure 12 (Coarse grain sandstone rock)4th October 2013

By Steven & Evan Strong

Contributing Writers for Wake Up World

During 1939 two extremely open-minded and dedicated men spent a great deal of time trying to come to grips with what one of those men, Frederic Slater, President of the Australian Archaeological and Education Research Society, claimed to be Australia’s “Stonehenge.”[1] Countless hours were spent measuring and drawing a huge variety of stone arrangements, alignments and engravings placed above and beside a series of “terraces”[2] and “mounds.”[3]

This ancient complex, according to Slater, formed “the basis of all knowledge, all science, all history and all forms of writing, which began in numeration.”[4]

Figure 1 (Computer generated image of Standing Stones)

Figure 1: Computer generated image of Standing Stones[5]

Our initial tasks are simple: examine and assess the work and notes of Slater and his colleague and compare this to available archaeology and geography, oral testimonies of Original and non-Original people past and present, and as always, consult with Original Elders and Custodians before embarking upon such a daunting investigation.

We also intend to pick up from where the two men left off. First and foremost it would seem Slater’s recommended next target, the smaller 70 metre mound, is deserving of discreet excavation. Consisting of material foreign to the region, Slater claimed that the nearest site able to cater for the sandstone tonnage on site is “14 miles” away.[6] If he is correct, questions relating to extraction, metal blades and transportation in a land of sticks and stones technology need to be addressed

What is a little more problematic is proving or refuting in absolute terms whether Slater was correct in proposing that “the mound is one of the oldest, I should say the oldest, forms of temples in the world, and dates back to the Palaeolithic age with the advent of first man.”[8] Equally, and possibly even a touch more sensational, is Slater’s belief that the most ancient of all tongues on Earth, the “Sacred Language,”[9] was first chronicled at this complex.

Figure 2 (Smaller mound - burial site)

Figure 2: Smaller mound/burial site[7]

Just before anything could be resolved or formally investigated, the Second World War began, Government agencies pressured the landholder and the site was destroyed soon after. All discussion came to a close until mid-2013, when Slater’s correspondence was found amongst unmarked files in the local Historical Society.

Site Description

Very little, in terms of general location, specific soil types and geology, can be shared for fear that such information would betray either the position of this complex of “terraces,”[10] “mounds,”[11] “circles”[12] and “stone arrangements,”[13] or the landholders’ identity. All that can be said is that the site is quite remote and can be found within 40 kilometres of Mullumbimby NSW.

Figure 3 (Map 1) western slope of bigger mound

Figure 3 (Map 1): western slope of bigger mound[14]

The bigger mound is on a westerly slope and the smaller mound was built on top of a level swampy plain of black/grey loam. On parts of this flat wide plain, sugar cane is grown and the slopes that are cleared are carrying beef cattle. The alignment and distance from the ocean is known, but again sharing such information achieves nothing bar narrowing down possibilities and geography. What can be stated with absolute certainty is that this area contains no natural deposit of sandstone, while igneous rocks, some weighing hundreds of kilograms, can be found across all slopes and gullies and throughout the level paddocks.

Figure 4 (Map 2) Smaller mound and scatter of sandstone rocks

Figure 4 (Map 2): Smaller mound and scatter of sandstone rocks[15]

On the two days we were permitted to conduct archaeology, the two mounds (see Maps 1 and 2) were of particular interest. The smaller mound, which is approximately 70 metres long and 5 metres high, seems in opposition with the surrounding landscape. There are hundreds of hectares of flat land all around, and this mound is at least 50 metres from any natural slope.

A variety of commentators had made note of the obvious artificial nature of this construction. A teacher from a nearby school, who was following up on the scant details still available in 1964, made reference to “the presence of a single mound of this type in an entire swampy flood plain, the locals say imported. So far I have not had time to carry out a profile examination, but again our geographers on staff cannot understand its presence.”[16] Even though the teacher maintained a degree of skepticism, he posed a rhetorical question that we must attempt to answer:

“How can a natural line of small sandstone pieces suddenly appear in a line and on a mound in a swamp when all surrounding rocks are igneous?” [17]

The much larger mound, which spans well over one hundred metres, was originally the place where the Standing Stones were carefully positioned and realigned throughout the year. Not only were all the stones of this construction and the many other arrangements nearby bulldozed and disc ploughed, it seems the actual mound itself was cleared of stones and ‘de-terraced.’

In one of Slater’s first letters to his on-site colleague, he not only asks “how many terraces on the mound,”[18] but reminds him if he can “ascertain the number of terraces on the hillside”[19] it would solve one of the many riddles associated with this site. He privately hoped that there were “six terraces.”[20] Further on, he requests that more investigation into the terracing be done, suggesting that if the terraces have “wavy lines”[21] it may “indicate something flowing or moving onwards.”[22]

Even though all signs of the terraces are gone, not so the displaced rocks that were on the mound. They are spread all over the slopes of the larger mound and some can be found down on the flats, over 50 metres from their original position. A large proportion of the sandstone rocks that are easily seen, seem to have worked edges, flat sides and straight lines, but bear no impact or percussion marks as would be expected if fashioned by rock tools. Apart from the two mounds and hundreds of sandstone rocks, no other stone arrangements or unusual formations are apparent.

Figure 5 (Sandstone - shaped stones)

Figure 5: Sandstone “shaped stones”[23]

to read more, go to:

Yucatan UFO/FIreball/ALien

Alien Body And Tech Recovered In Mexico Meteor Crash Forces Locals To Consider UFO Crash Caused Power Outage, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 28 or 27, 2013
Location of sighting: Ichmul, Yucatan, Mexico
Now this was a such a powerful meteor that fell that power everywhere nearby blacked out, but I want to say this looks like ancient alien technology. Look at the body of what looks to be an alien skeleton drone…robot or space suit, because there is no way even an alien body could withstand falling from space and still look this good. The people who found it all over said they found “parts” all over the ground…they didn’t use the word pieces, which means they thought they looked like technology.
In the photo above…stop reading and what is your first thought when looking at this photo above? Yeah, probably the same as mine. It looks like the helmet for an alien or even more likely an alien robot. This is alien tech and its in the hands of people that haven’t the slightest clue at how valuable it is. Alien tech is so advanced that the circuitry is built with the body in once piece…think of the blood veins inside our body but micro size.
These objects are mostly hollow with the exact same thickness of outer shell. That should be impossible, even a geode has unevenness in places.
Let me present to you the scenario I believed happened. The drone or alien robot was doing maintenance outside the ship when it accidentally was cut loose attached to some large piece of equipment, maybe radar or communications. I say communications because then if communications could work for it, this probably would not have happened. The robot or alien in a suit works hard to establish communications, but failed and was caught in Earths gravitational field, pulling it though our atmosphere, scorching it and melting it along the way. Thats what I believed happened.
The country that gets its hands on this technology could potentially change the world. I am confident if the technology still has this much structure, then there should be a lot of remnants that remain 100% intact within it. Good luck finding any of the pieces of it, I am sure the CIA/NSA will have it in their hands before the end of the week, and out of the public eye. SCW

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Galactic SYnchronization Ray

Galactic Synchronization Ray
Galactic Synchronization Ray

Last updated on October 3, 2013 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News





The current consciousness shifts correspond to a super-massive galactic synchronization plasma ray originating from Sagittarius A, reaching us through our Sun. Humanity and planet Earth is being upgraded at this very moment!

Excerpt clips from the movie: SOLAR (R)EVOLUTION by renowned German biophysicist, Dieter Broers.



Veterans’ Memorials — Closed?

Obama administration deliberately blocked access to veterans’ memorials in order to make shutdown appear worse

Thursday, October 03, 2013 by: J. D. Heyes

NaturalNews) It is a tactic that President Obama has used before, in collusion with Democratic leaders in the House and Senate, during the sequester: Make the cuts as painful as possible on the American people and blame nonexistent Republican obstinacy, which is then dutifully reported as truth by the mainstream media.

And now he’s doing it again during the current partial government shutdown. Only, some of the people he is trying to hurt the most are the very Americans who guaranteed, with their lives, the safety and survival of this great nation: World War II veterans.

That’s right. Thanks to Obama’s promise to veto House-passed legislation that would provide funds to keep the nation’s World War II Memorial open during the current partial shutdown, vets are being turned away from the very memorial built in their honor.

‘Gratuitous and petulant’

Per Breitbart News:

The Obama Administration has decided to block access to public memorials on the National Mall as a result of the government shutdown. Like its decision to end White House tours when the sequester cuts took effect, there is no rational reason for this. The Park Police, nominally in charge of monitoring these spaces, isn’t even effected by the shutdown. Shutting off access to these sites is gratuitous and petulant.

Without a doubt. But it’s not like this decision was merely an oversight. It was as calculated as it was heartless.

The Daily Caller reported that the decision by Obama’s White House was premeditated:

The White House and the Department of the Interior rejected a request from Rep. Steven Palazzo’s office to have World War II veterans visit the World War II memorial in Washington, the Mississippi Republican [said]

“We got the heads up that they will be barricaded and specifically asked for an exception for these heroes,” Palazzo told TheDC. “We were denied and told, ‘It’s a government shutdown, what do you expect?’ when we contacted the liaison for the White House.”

The group of vets, many of them octogenarians and in declining health, were part of an Honor Flight, a group that sponsors visits to the WWII Memorial for veterans of that conflict. Palazzo, himself a Marine Corps vet of the first Gulf War, has participated on all five flights. Initially, he says he thought the White House’s refusal was merely bureaucratic oversight.

“[B]ut having talked with the officials I can’t help but think this was politically motivated. Honor Flights, which bring WWII veterans to the nation’s memorials, are planned a year in advance and cost anywhere between $80,000 to $100,000. How low can you get with playing politics over our nation’s veterans?” he said.

‘Mr. President, tear down this wall’

Both Palazzo and Mike Flynn at Breitbart went on to point out that, under normal circumstances, the World War II Monument, as well as the Lincoln Memorial and many of Washington’s other memorials and sites, are never guarded by Park Police. They are open-air venues located close to the National Mall and there are no designated entrances and exits. I’ve seen for myself during visits to DC that this is the case.

Per Flynn:

Having lived in DC for 18 years, I can tell you, the WWII Memorial is simply an architectural structure in an open public space. There is no official “access” to it. There are no guards. It’s a building in a park. Yet, the Obama Administration tried to block veterans from viewing the public memorial, even after hearing about the planned visit.

As it turned out, Palazzo led the vets past the government barricades and visited their memorial, but they faced similar barricades when they attempted to visit the Lincoln Memorial on Oct. 2.

“I have regularly visited this memorial at one or two in the morning. At those hours, it is a peaceful and reflective place. It is an open space. There is no access that needs to be blocked. It is only by a conscious decision, and a great deal of work, that access would be blocked,” writes Flynn.

This cowardly, ghastly act is the last gasp of a desperate, peevish ideologue who, because he’s not getting his way in Congress, has decided to act out against the very men who guaranteed his place in American history.

Stay classy, Mr. President