Cool Tips For A Hot Point In Time and Space
Story by: Julia Griffin
In the Deep South, we’ve passed through the coolest, rainiest summer season of my life. The shimmering lakes are full. Beautiful evenings come at dusk when the mountains reflect on the mirror-like surface on the lakes as the sun sets. After a summer of cool temperatures, the heat returns with the approach of fall. Throughout the year, I’ve often thought the weather acted as an indicator of our thoughts and feelings, with rain washing away emotion and cooling the earth.
High emotions normally accompany mid-summer when temperatures reach toward one hundred, and the humidity becomes almost unbearable. Often, I felt the cool weather was a gift, a respite from the usual torpidity of the South. With the approach of fall, the hottest days of summer have come with the flamed tips of bushes, the appearance of Joe Pye weed, and the touch of golden rod at the edges of the road.
Somehow, I’m not surprised—particularly when looking at the astrological weather. The strange mixture of influences from planets grows stronger in October with the approach of Mercury retrograde in Scorpio and a square between Uranus and Pluto a little later in the year. This aspect will bring radical change to our inner world and group consciousness at large, and the dance of the stars will undoubtedly heat up our lives throughout the fall season.
The square between Uranus and Pluto ripens karma by bringing it to the surface. Pluto has two phases. The first demonstrates our personal inner darkness, or hell, and the second phase involves transforming the darkness into a higher form, preferably one higher in vibration and light. Uranus represents sudden spiritual change; it can be “good” or “bad”, and it can also relate to the quantum field, the instant burst of a miracle or the presence of an angel. Essentially, these planets ask us to walk into our darkness and transmute /transform it into a higher substance, hopefully through the use of the quantum field. These are outer planets, meaning their sphere affects everyone in the world (world karma.)
Karma is always involved in Pluto’s transformation work. In Roman times, Pluto was the dark ruler of hell, and karma (misperception) is the substance composing our present darkness or personal hell. In mythology, heroes often walk into “hell”, overcome dragons, monsters, or other shapes and forms of darkness, demonstrating the process of conquering inner demons and transmuting karma for themselves and the world.
Moving through Karma
The Uranus/Pluto square is about moving through inner darkness or karma and transmuting it into a higher form. When we speak of karma, we invoke Saturn. This planet rules time and space, including our bodies, the physical seat of our consciousness, because we all reside in a particular axis in in time and space. (Remote readers contact others by finding their point of existence on the line of time and space.) When we alter our thoughts, emotions or perceptions, the particles around us move into a higher spin or vibration—thus changing the resonance of the space around us.
Saturn also denotes discipline because it’s impossible to transmute and transform karma without devotion and discipline. Old structures also fall under Saturn’s sphere—indicating the form of structures, created in the past, that require resolution, new energy, or new solutions for spiritual transformation. In other words, we have to walk through darkness to find the light.
Let’s look at a few examples of karma:
World Karma:
- Sex or race: For a woman, it can involve putting personal relationships before soul desires or not having a relationship because of career. On a racial level, it can mean discrimination – or the same restrictions for a woman.
- Environment: We constantly receive reminders about the state of the planet, including the rain forests, honey bees, chem trails, and nuclear power plants.
- Politics: The politics of the world negatively affect everyone on some level.
Important to Know: Everyone has a part of solving world karma. Whatever bothers you most is your assignment. For example: if you worry about the honey bees or blue jays, spend a few minutes each day visualizing them in your personal world. Whatever “it is” should become the target of your visualization. Look at it as your assignment from the universe.
It’s up to you to see something better and happier. (Complaining or blaming doesn’t count as spiritual work.) If everyone visualized positive images instead of watching videos, television or movies, the world might change very quickly.
Personal Karma:
- You meet the man or woman of your dreams. There’s an instant connection. You fall deeply in love. A year or two later, you’re having the same problems experienced with your parents, last boy/girlfriend (husband/wife), and you can’t figure out how it happened.
- No matter what you do, you have the same conflict with “someone.” It comes up again and again.
- You have a life problem. It won’t go away. It doesn’t matter what you do.
- You have the weirdest feelings when happens. Your emotions and thoughts are almost uncontrollable.
Older souls are touching on core karma patterns and working on how they affect mass consciousness and the outer world. The younger soul group moves toward heart awakening, learning the lessons of love, finding expression of soul gifts, and adding their light to the experience of group initiation. We do experience karma on many levels, including world, group and individual karma.
Why Now? Does It Matter?
The point of enlightenment, awakening, or introspection is learning to listen within. Just as an outer conversation exists at all times via cell phones, internet, or news, profound esoteric messages are delivered daily about the state of the stars, the planet or whales. Nature talks constantly, as do animals and plants. By tapping in, we may hear our next door neighbor asking for help with a financial or health problem or suddenly “see” or “hear” a solution for a local or world problem.
The only way to solve karmic problems is from within. (It’s actually impossible to take action with envisioning it first.) If we begin to listen to our inner voice instead of reacting, life starts to change. If we follow our actions without condemning, judging or blaming, life changes more abundantly. Listening within brings about compassion because we “know” how the other person feels, or we know our solution is correct because of the heart-connection. There’s no guessing—we know.
The acceleration and amplification of emotion/thought/intuition in the past five years has been amazing. Most people are “tuning in” more. The Age of Aquarius and the Precession of Ages bring a greater intuitive sense and heightened energy to anyone who truly wants it. (Perhaps, the work involved opening of the heart space is an adequate example of wanting the higher frequency energy.) The energy involves changing the way everything works and flows. It requires adjustment and insight.
Here are a few examples of changes of energy. We pick up on the feeling of everyone at the grocery store and may feel tired or energized by the people present. We meet with others to meditate and may feel uplifted or continue thinking about someone’s problem. We watch our favorite teacher and feel happy or depressed. The height, depth, and breadth of our response to other people’s thoughts, emotions, or personal holograms intensifies every few months, particularly if emphasis is put on the development of our spiritual gifts.
We’re more connected to each other, whether we want it or not. In general, we’re attracted to people and a group of people who represent our lower and higher energies. Without resonance (a similar frequency), the connection is not strong enough to maintain a substantial connection. So, our lower and higher energies are increased accordingly and in accordance with whom we come into contact. It makes life more challenging and interesting because new personal boundaries are needed to move forward when clearing issues.
Part of the challenge of group initiation is learning how our thoughts and emotions affect the flow of consciousness on earth as we heighten our frequency. Everyone has likely noticed the movement of a descending day as problems mound up, creating one small issue after another. We’ve also witnessed the difference a teacher or meditation can make in reversing the direction of the flow of a given hour or moment. The lesson lies in learning to raise our vibration, no matter what’s happening.
In the past few years, the interest in metaphysics has tripled. The web of internet holds thousands of esoteric books and teachings. Many healers and teachers hold the key to sending sound, color, light and energy to heal karmic problems or physical issues. Technology, science, and skills are responding to our heightened light and love level.
The big solutions come when we tap into the quantum field. There’s no way to clear the planet and move into light without clearing our personal (and related) global issues. When we lift our emotions and thoughts into a higher frequency or joyfully take a nature walk, those feelings are imparted to the world. It’s not about when heaven comes to earth; it’s about when we decide to raise our vibrations and create heaven on earth—and we do this by transmuting our darkness into light.
A few small tips (These are not “the answer” but are helpful. They are meant to raise your vibrations.)
- It’s good to keep in mind that everyone experiences these states when moving through a karmic interlude. The feelings and repetition relate to your current and past lives. It’s easy to see what other people should do, but it’s almost impossible to see it for yourself. When you generate enough light, the answer will appear.
- Send light to part of you that is experiencing the darkness, emotion, scattered thoughts –the pieces of the puzzle that won’t heal. Only light is capable of healing darkness. The shadow in you cannot stay when you send enough light.
- Ask for a higher vibration. When you can hold a higher vibration, the fragmented thoughts and feelings must cease. If you can’t achieve it, try this: how would I feel if this problem was resolved?
- Refuse to think about the people, situation, or feelings involved in the problem. Send light to all of these aspects of the problem. (Don’t tell all of your friends. You can discuss with people who have a higher perspective, but avoid the others – you’re only amplifying the situation.)
- Know help will come as you work through these exercises. It must. When you raise your vibration, the universe hears you. The universe always answers us, just not always on our personal time.
- Use time envisioning a solution instead of discussing the problem in your mind.
- These are meditation exercises, but you can practice them during the day for a few seconds. It will help if you establish a meditation practice. Meditation is a bit like turning on the lights so that all of the beings of light can see you and find your personal light (and help!)
- from: http://spiritofmaat.com/magazine/october-2013-the-ancestors-issue/cool-tips-for-a-hot-point-in-time-and-space/