Tuesday, October 1: Light Peach
Yes, things can be just peachy today, so hook into that energy and get some of those loose ends tied up. You can be surprised by what they are attached to. As every ending has a beginning, so things follow after things, and right now, that logic has begun to fall apart, you can get some surprising non-sequitur effects that can bring amazingly great benefits, not so much today but as time goes on. This is a day also for serendipity and synchronicity. It is in a large part dependent upon your attitude. In the morning, take some time to ground and center, to love yourself, and to open to the best of all you desire. Then set that as your intention and be open to the surprises that the Universe has for you. This is a day for joy and laughter, even in things that might on the surface not seem so positive. You will get it as the day unfolds.