Sitchen, Nibiru, Annunaki


Zecharia Sitchen: Nibiru and the Anunnaki
Zecharia Sitchen: Nibiru and the Anunnaki

Last updated on August 11, 2013 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News


Archeologist Zecharia Sitchen uncovers the lost and hidden archives of the Annunaki: Extra-planetary visitors who over 6,000 years ago inspired what is thought to be the earliest civilization known to man; Sumeria

From the sacred stone tablets of this culture, many of the teachings of the earliest inventors, philosophers and biblical scholars once thought mythical, are now known to be true.

Where did these Anunnaki come from? Sitchen says and NASA scientists concur, that there may be a mysterious 10th member to our solar system: The planet the Sumerians called, Nibiru.

The Anunnaki (also transcribed as: Anunna, Anunnaku, Ananaki and other variations) are a group of deities in ancient Mesopotamian cultures (i.e. Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, and Babylonian). The name means something to the effect of “those of royal blood” or “princely offspring”. A widespread late but probably false etymology is that the name derived from the union of heaven (Anu) with the earth (Ki). Their relation to the group of gods known as the Igigi is unclear – at times the names are used synonymously but in the Atra-Hasis flood myth the Igigi are the sixth generation of the Gods who have to work for the Anunnaki, rebelling after 40 days and replaced by the creation of humans.



A. Bartzis’ Spiritual Contract Removal Doc

I call to all beings of earth mind sentience. Hear me as I speak my hearts truth. Hear me as I speak these words.
I now revoke all soul family immigration status for the 15 multi dimensional beings who inserted them selves into our grid with out expressed consented permission with all of my past, present and future lives.
I now revoke all soul family relations to the 15 tangible and intangible primary beings who have hi-jacked our incarnation process. I now revoke all immigration status in the astral world to any of the pieces parts of the 15 primary beings who intend to become soul family through deception or the use of fine print in soul contracts.
I now state with all power from my heart, I do not consent with any interaction, covert or overt. I do not consent to any interaction with any parts of the broken system of incarnation. I now banish all forms of the 15 primary control beings from the entireness of my soul family until such time as the 15 primary beings and all pieces parts come to the fundamental understanding and acceptance of EQUALITY FOR ALL SENTIENT KIND………
I call forth all spiritual contracts the involve limiting the unified aspect of our global dream-time society. I revoke all Tacit consent, uniformed past life consent, cultural uniformed consent and all situations that limit ‘ME’ as being with a complete soul family with all the capability of living with in the unified global dream time as a sovereign earth centric soul with infinitely complete soul family circuitry.
I hear by revoke all soul family decision making process from false spirit courts and hi-jacked incarnation grid employee’s in tangible and spirit form.
I now revoke all captured or assumed powers by all beings in the entire system of domination and control
I now revoke all interaction, or assumed powers with all energy harvesting beings. I demand instant remedy and repayment of all stolen energy for life times past present and future.
I do not give consent in any way shape or form to be apart of the system of domination and control. I invoke the power of the soul family spiritual court of equity to act as the medium of contractual interactions with any being in the system of domination and control.
I call to all spiritual contracts that exist within my past, present and future beings, selves and existence in this dimension and time stream, all time streams above and below the earth centric sign wave of co-existence. At this exact moment in the ever-present co-creating moment I summon all DNA linage ancestors to create a unified-proper spiritual court of equity. So I may find remedy and resolve with all contracts that have inserted fine print during the pre-birth and birth process.
I call forth all soul Ancestors to begin reading the record of recording in the sacred neural point of view. All dogmas, political, spiritual or religious are here by permanently expelled from this neutral reading of all spiritual contracts with all time lines visible and invisible.
All dimensions interacting passively and actively are hereby informed that time does not exist as a social agreement. The counting of time returns to the natural universal format.
At this ever present co-creative and pro-creative moment I hear by inform all entities that have territorial issues in spirit on solid form; the rules of this spiritual court of equity prohibit all territorial assertions of knowledge, wisdom or enlightenment that exclude all sides from witnessing the reading of the record in the sacred neutral point of view.
Contract removal for the media systems
I call to all spiritual contracts that exist within my past, present and future beings, selves and existence in this dimension and time stream, all time streams above and below the earth centric sine wave of co-existence. At this exact moment in the ever-present co-creating moment, I summon all DNA linage ancestors to create a unified-proper spiritual court of equity. So I may find remedy and resolve with all contracts that have inserted fine print during the pre-birth and birth process.
I call forth the proper spiritual court of equity to hear my decree of contract removal. I revoke all spiritual contracts with earth based media systems using domination and control as a means of energy harvesting, fear instigation or reality manipulation with energetic propaganda technologies.
I call forth all ancestors of all soul relations to hold space in this spiritual court of equity. I call to Earth Mother and all her light denizens within all inner and outer space to come forward and occupy this spiritual court of equity. Oh great mystery who is the source of all power, I call to you. Come with your sacred synchronicity so all beings may hold space with unity consciousness.
I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with all media personalities that do not have full use of freewill and full knowledge of our DNA ancestry. I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with all media agencies, corporations, and media based family crests.
I here by revoke all spiritual contract assumptions, presumptions and statistical models that predict my habit patterns through the use of commercial advertising intertwined with the system of domination and control. I do not consent to Etheric grid broadcasting over Public airwaves, television, internet, radio or any other means or methods that propagate propaganda for mass consumption.
I do not consent to predictive modeling by Etheric or commercial means. I hear by revoke all spiritual contracts with all media based sacred geometry buildings.
I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with the sacred geometry media presidents, shareholders, news anchors, news reporters, pundits, talking heads and all representations of government officials with in the entire global media network. You have no power over me with your presumptions of knowledge. We are manifesting co-creating spirits. I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with all news regurgitating systems, crawlers, websites, search engines, print media and all forms of Etheric propaganda used with in all these systems.
I revoke all presumptions of consent with all media agencies. I revoke all assumptions with all advertising agencies that are funded by the system of domination and control. I do not consent with any advertising systems targeting soul groups, soul migrations, or the spiritual incarnation process. I here by revoke all spiritual contracts that limit the genetic free willed expression of all sentient kind. I revoke all spiritual contracts that define the media as our tellers of oral traditions or generational teachers.
I revoke all contracts with the sacred geometry satellite broadcasting system. I revoke all contracts with Etheric artificial intelligences that use sacred geometry satellite systems as a means to hi-jack my information stream. I do not consent to psychic monitoring or influencing from any media system that services the system of domination and control.
I here by demand the instant removal of all broadcast based psychic parasites and their propagation and harvesting system that creates herds of psychic parasites. I revoke all contracts that use my life force as a false-form of consent for the propagation and spreading of psychic parasite with all my DNA soul relations.
I here by revoke all soul contracts that grant the media power to last beyond one generation of history. I demand all rights of generational knowledge be returned to the soul family structure. I demand the return of our history in a complete and transparent manor, so there with never be any more secrets from our people.
I here by revoke all rights, duties, responsibilities and current actions of all media personalities. Your services are no longer required. I revoke all privileges that grant the media families any power over my soul contracts, soul family or soul based migration patterns.
I revoke all rights to any media system based in domination and control from ever returning within my soul family structure of all past, present and future lives.
I hereby demand the instant cessation and removal of all false information from all media.
I hereby demand that any and all future distribution of information over all forms of media absolutely embodies truth, integrity and transparency in perpetuity.
I here by declare that earth mother is now in dominion with me for all local or mass media information exchange systems. I call forth all the ancestors to honor this reading of my freewill and enter it into the earth Akashic record for all sentient kind to understand our freedom comes with the use of freewill at all times.
Revocation of banking systems.
I call to all spiritual contracts that exist within my past, present and future beings, selves and existence in this dimension and time stream, all time streams above and below the earth centric sine wave of co-existence. At this exact moment in the ever-present co-creating moment, I summon all DNA linage ancestors to create a unified-proper spiritual court of equity. So I may find remedy and resolve with all contracts that have inserted fine print during the pre-birth and birth process.
I call to the 4 elements, Air, Earth, Water and Fire. I call forth the the spiritual court of equity with all ancestors in union with the migration patterns of all soul family’s incarnating on earth mother. I call the primary ancestor spirits of earth mother to come into this spiritual court of equity to hold space for the reading and removal of all contracts dealing with the energetic exchange of value systems.
I call forth the earth global dreamtime. I call to the unified dreamtime societies of all earth to come to this spiritual court of equity too provide their complete wisdom to this sacred moment in which I reclaim my sovereign spirit authority for all exchange of energy for value systems.
I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with the primary banking family’s. I revoke all spiritual contracts with all banking family crests. I revoke, remove and dissolve all banking family trusts that use my name as a number for energy harvesting. I revoke all assumed rights used by the DNA based king-ship, lordship, or manor roll contracts that function with in all banking families. I here by state I do not consent to rule by the few. I do not consent to rule by the banking families.
I do not consent with the assumed authority of the banking families funding the free court systems. I revoke all rights, privileges and rules created by the family crest based or DNA linage based banking families to dominate and control the free court system. I here by revoke all spiritual contracts that define the bank system as being intertwined with my freewill. I revoke all fine print with in all of my soul contracts past, present and future that deal with any banking system as a 3d-matrix debt collection or energy harvesting system.
I demand the instant repayment of all energy and 3d matrix representations of value. I do not consent to the use of corrupt courts as a means of judgment. I revoke all rights of 3d based courts assumptions of power with any 3d exchange for value systems created for the follies of the banking families.
I here by revoke all consent of ink based, web based or energy based signature harvesting systems. I revoke all rights to use my 3d matrix signature to represent me in any court system, spiritual or 3d matrix.
I do not consent to the use of my soul contracts as a means of energy harvesting from any of the primary banking systems created by the primary soul contract holding banking families. I revoke all rights to use my name in any form of banking family coat of arms contracts. I demand the instant and permanent erasure of all signatures used to represent me in the banking exchange for value system.
I do not consent to the use of my life-force for any exchange for value banking system that is not completely transparent with all transactions, spiritual or 3d-matrix.
I here by state that all bank based buildings using sacred geometry have NO POWER over my sovereign free will. I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with all banking systems that use sacred geometry as a means of energy harvesting or a tool for domination and control.
I revoke all rights, privileges and assumptions with all buildings that use sacred geometry as fine print soul contract enforcement systems. I do not consent to any sacred geometry building to house, hold or transfer any of my life force to any banking system on all of earths time lines and or co-existing dimensions. I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with all sacred geometry systems that use my life force with out direct consent from me and all of my soul family ancestors in complete agreement.
I revoke all rights, assumptions and rules that create a new sacred geometry banking system. I here by declare that all banking families and systems are now banished from operating in secret, covert or overt ways to harvest my energy in any way shape or form.
I here by declare that earth mother is now in dominion with me for all energy exchange for value systems. I call forth all the ancestors to honor this reading of my freewill and enter it into the earth Akashic record for all sentient kind to understand our freedom comes with the use of freewill at all times.
Revocation of Government.
I call to all spiritual contracts that exist within my past, present and future beings, selves and existence in this dimension and time stream, all time streams above and below the earth centric sine wave of co-existence. At this exact moment in the ever-present co-creating moment I summon all DNA linage ancestors to create a unified-proper spiritual court of equity. So I may find remedy and resolve with all contracts that have inserted fine print during the pre-birth and birth process.
I here by revoke all spiritual contracts that deal with all government personalities elected and un-elected. I revoke all spiritual contracts with all family crest based government systems. I revoke all rights, duties and responsibilities to all government entities that use my vote as a means of energy harvesting. I revoke all spiritual contracts with every senator, congressman, ambassadors, supreme court members, presidents, vice presidents and all cabinet members. I revoke all spiritual contracts with every branch of government for all of my past, present and future lives. I do not consent to the rule of the privileged few.
I revoke all rights, responsibilities, assumptions, presumptions, and signatures that retain me within the entirety of any or all governmental organizations, family crests, sacred geometry buildings, monuments, memorials or military bases. I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with a corporate run government. I do not consent to any form of corporate government that harvests energy from its people.
I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with the federal reserve families. I Revoke all rights, assumptions and responsibilities with every member of the federal reserve and exchange for value systems run by any government or corporate officials. I revoke all spiritual contracts hidden with in our government exchange for value systems.
I revoke all spiritual contracts with all government offices that use sacred geometry crests to retain power or insert fine print in soul contracts. I revoke all rights, privileges, powers, assumed and un-assumed, consented and un-consented with every federal law enforcement branch that uses federal reserve energy to support the system of domination and control.
I revoke all spiritual contracts that create consent for the government committees that determine quality of life. I revoke all rights, duties, responsibilities for all government systems that write laws that effect my spiritual contracts with out my direct consent from my total DNA linage ancestors, past, present and future.
I revoke all spiritual contracts that enable the government to use time travel as a means of domination and control. I revoke all rights and duties of all time traveler personalities, operations, systems, past present and future. I demand the immediate return of all government time travel personalities to their right and perfect time line. I revoke all rights with all technologies that alter dimensions, manipulate time streams or do harm to any sentient life forms co-existing on earth in all time lines and dimensions. I do not consent to time line wars. I do not consent to mass propaganda. I do not consent with war based industrial complexes. I do not consent with the use of military to dominate and control.
I here by revoke all spiritual contracts secretly interwoven into each and every law, past present and future. I do not consent to the passing of laws that effect soul family migrations, soul family immigration or systems that prevent me from uniting my complete and total soul family. I demand the instant return of all my soul family that has been denied the right to co-exist with me for all my past, present and future lives. I revoke all rights, rules and laws that define soul family on a 3d matrix level. I return all definitions of soul family status to Earth mother. I revoke all rights to label soul families with sacred geometry linguistics that cross dimensions or realities. I revoke all spiritual contracts with all forms of sacred geometry linguistics past, present and future. I do not consent to the use of sacred geometry linguistics as a means of energy harvesting. I do not consent to the use of sacred geometry cities, infrastructure, linguistics or artwork for the purpose of domination and control.
I here by revoke all spiritual contracts that enable the government to dominate and control all people on any time line or dimension in earth mothers realm. I revoke all assumptions and presumptions of power and caste systems. I revoke all spiritual contracts that define sentient life as cattle, or commerce. I do not consent to my life force being used for any purpose that does not heal earth mother and promote unity consciousness among all sentient kind living and co-existing within earth mother.
I here by declare that earth mother is now in dominion with me for all forms of global government, interpersonal relations or galactic relations for all sentient kind existing and co-existing on earth mothers realms. I call forth all the ancestors to honor this reading of my freewill and enter it into the earth Akashic record for all sentient kind to understand our freedom comes with the use of freewill at all times.

Kryon on Trials of 2013

This live channelling was Given in Laguna Hills, California.
July 14, 2013

To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Laguna Hills in 2013.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. In this moment, in this room, it would appear that there is a switch or a change in energy. Those who would sit and listen may not be aware of the profundity of what has happened to my partner, corporally, in order to channel. In this moment, all of the cells in his body recognize the state he is in and they have suspended all unnecessary corporeal processes. They have suspended the aging, digestion, and even pain. They have suspended all of these things so that they can be listening and be ready for the energy of the pineal. It is opening with as few filters as possible, and this will allow the voice that they know is in them to come through. The voice is the one from home. That’s what happening

So there is a cooperative energy here and it’s new, for in an older energy if you talked to some who would go into a trance back then, they would come out of it and tell you it was an exhausting experience. They might say, “This has sapped me of energy! I’m tired.” However, when my partner is finished with the channelling, he might dance! (if he knew how). Indeed, the energy is great and grand and he is not tired at the end. This is because in the few moments that he is in this altered multi-dimensional state, he is infused not just with information, but with life force. He’s in a state that most Human Beings do not allow themselves to be in. It’s a state that is completely and totally open to the energy of the “God part” of the Human Being. In this state, there’s healing and an allowance of change. So I’m giving you information that is far more personal than just messages from the other side of the veil. It talks to the God part of you! It’s interactive.

This is a difficult year (2013) and we are going to explain more about that in just a moment. But right now, I want to tell you yet again that I am not here as an isolated consciousness. What you’re hearing now is a succinct, linear transmission in your language, which you are able to understand. For 23 years, my partner has been practicing this. It took him four years just to open his mouth and try it. It took him another three before it was actually flowing in sentences, for what we started within him is the bridge that he had to understand and cross. He started with thought groups, which had no linearity. It was all conceptual. Soon he got those thoughts delivered in more linearity, but he couldn’t remember what they were, because they came in too fast. Back then, there was no interaction with his consciousness self, and the messages were simply delivered to him to then be remembered and spoken back to an audience. It was almost like he was storing thought and then giving it back in language.

Those were the early days of learning to channel. I can remember the time when he said, “I give up. This is too hard! Why can’t you on the other side be more linear? Slow down and give it to me the way I can deliver it.” When he started this dialogue, he opened the door for answers. We said, “Why can’t you as a Human be more multi-dimensional?” So between the two concepts, my partner developed the ability to open his linear box and eliminate the structure. He destructured himself and it allowed us then to fit into the place he had created for us in his process. He needed the innate of his body to be the interloper and help structure the multi-dimensional messages into a language to be delivered and experienced in your real time. I just gave you the history of his channelling.

So now what you hear us say through him is in your real time, interpreted the best he can do within in a three-dimensional corporeal body. What he feels from my side of the veil is also available, so he knows the Akash of each of you for these moments. He knows of the difficulty that brought you here to listen. He knows what I know for these moments. He knows of the circumstances and the synchronicities that allow you to be where you are in consciousness and living where you are.

He sees what you don’t see and what we see. He sees the set-up in your life, no matter what your age, to allow for the next stage of your life to develop. He sees the things that would bring you to this room, or to listen to this, or to have the “aha” experience or the allowance to understand a little more of yourself. The directive of the day is to, “Find the magnificence inside.” Now, there is the puzzle! So I want to talk about it briefly.

Why is the year so difficult?

As much as I speak of it, and as much as my partner speaks of it, there’s still part of the old soul’s brain that says, “Is this really necessary?” And the answer is yes. It really is. The page turn of humanity is complete between the old energy and the potentials of the new. The difference truly is within the balance of darkness and light and what happens when you expose dark things to light that have never seen it. I can use all the metaphors, but instead I wish to give you some attributes that perhaps you didn’t expect. I’m going to start with the hardest one first.

The Departure of Some of the Teachers

How do we explain this to you, dear ones, so it makes sense? We will try. Before 2013, you were working a different puzzle. There was no absolute, 100% chance or complete assurance that you were going to make this shift. Free-will is like that, and Spirit can only give you information based upon potentials. We give you the information that we see in front of us that represents the now of the moment. We cannot predict what you’re going to do, but instead we give you potentials of what might take place based upon what you are thinking and doing at the moment. We can always give you a bigger picture then you can see for yourself because we stand observing all. We have an overview you cannot have and this overview has always indicated that you are moving in a direction that is more positive than you could see. Although you cannot see the overview of potentials as clearly as we can, the reality around you shouts that it is happening! But it goes so slow. All of this could turn around instantly, however, because of free will. So it’s never absolute.

It’s like watching the clock. You can’t really see the clock hand move, can you? But when you glance back at it after awhile, it indeed has moved. You watch a plant grow, and it’s the same thing. You know growth is happening, but it’s too difficult to watch it in real time. So the Human Being takes snapshots and makes assumptions based upon what they see, instead of measuring fully in their mind where the energy might be going. There is much happening that Humans are seeing and it’s confusing. It seems out of place to what they might expect at this time.

All this is to say that some of you are losing friends in death, and it seems out of sync in this new promised energy. I know who’s here, who is listening and reading, and it would seem inappropriate that you would lose a friend or loved one at this point in time. Now, there are some in the room who have recently lost those they’ve loved, and it has seemed especially hurtful since these dear ones didn’t seem “ready to go” just yet. In my partner’s case, he lost a team member in the Kryon work, and I can remember in the moments when he found out, he was mad at me. He said to me, “It’s unfair, not correct, and inappropriate! This man was a Lightworker doing good things. We needed him! He was a healer. Others needed him. He seemed to have so many years left, and now he’s gone.” Two weeks ago, my partner lost still another friend. He is not alone, for many around him including those in the room are experiencing the same thing.

For some, it’s the year of loss. So I want to give you some explanations. I wish to tell you clearly what we see now that we couldn’t tell you before. There is a great unspoken future that is starting to build itself right now. It’s a future we couldn’t tell you about because you hadn’t arrived at the place where the shift potential was this strong. Now you are there, in 2013. You’ve passed the midpoint marker of the precession of the equinoxes, and it truly was a demarcation point that the indigenous saw as well. It’s a time fractal, but they didn’t call it that. However, it was so clear to them that in their spiritual way, they built their calendars and prophecies around it. Now we can tell you about it, and there begins some planning on the other side involving all of you.

There are old souls who had to leave, seemingly before their time, so that they could arrive on my side of the veil right now. They needed to refresh themselves and come back quickly, literally within the year as newborns on the planet. This is so they would be elders when it was your time to go to the next life. They would then be the ones already there who would begin to teach you what you will need to know. They are the advanced team for peace on Earth.

So, now you see where this is going. They had to leave and come back quickly. They had to align themselves in the right places, expecting where you will be next, dear one. Dear old soul, they needed to be the catalyst for you to awaken next time and do the work that you’ve chosen to do. So when you incarnate into your next expression, they’ll be there and they will find themselves synchronistically as your teachers and the ones who will impress you the most and who you will listen to. Some of them may actually be related to you in the same way they are to you this time, or close to it, and you’ll recognize them.

None of this may feel right to you, and we know that. Some of you are hurting. So we wanted to share with you a system that respects that which you are creating. Planting the seeds of the future has required some of the souls to be there sooner to start the growth. You’ll come in later. Some of you will arrive there much later, but they’ll be there. In some way, let this take the “edge off” your frustration and sorrow and make you understand better. There is spiritual purpose for all of this, and it has been manifested properly in love. That was the first one.

The Year of Resolutions

The second item is that this is the year we’re going to call the beginning of resolution, and this does not feel good either. Resolution is supposed to be a very positive, fair word in your language that means agreement, balance and an attribute where everybody wins. But that’s not the way we see it. Resolution to us is a resolving imbalance. Imagine something that is balancing on a board with a fulcrum at the center. It has always been teetering one way or the other and it has never gone fully one direction or the other. It vacillates and simply stays in limbo for years and years. Perhaps it moves around a bit, but it doesn’t fully go one direction or the other. This year it may. So if you have an imbalance of thought, this may be the time it might resolve one way or the other. Humanity is starting to feel this and you’re starting to see mental imbalance resolve itself. If someone is unbalanced, they may finally move to full unbalance. Many of them are going to snap this year and you’ve already seen this in your own culture.

A man walks into a classroom and guns down children. You know this isn’t right. It violates intuitive moral Human value and consciousness, yet you are seeing way too much of it for one year. You’re going to see more and it’s unfortunate, but this is resolution. This resolution is a settling of the kind of imbalance that cannot exist in the form it is now or to the degree and quantity it is now. It can’t exist in the energy you are creating. It must resolve, and you’re also going to see the same thing in certain kinds of systems.

Anything that is in a mid-point, which has teetered for years in unresolved conflict or inappropriateness, will start a path to resolution. Now, some of these are going to solve themselves positively and many will not. That is why the energy of the year feels so strange to you. That is why there are so many crazies [as you call them] coming to the forefront at the moment. That is why you are so careful right now, like walking on eggs. This year of full moons is very appropriately named!

Now, let me give you another attribute of all this that may be different for some of you, for some of you are listening to all of this and saying, “Well, that isn’t me Kryon. This is a good year and things are coming together pretty well. I’m finally having some solutions to things that in the past were difficult. Now they are solving themselves.” Exactly! Welcome to resolution. For some, this is the year where things come together. This is due to many things, but one of them is that the energy of those around them is so different, that the old negative attributes have dissolved that used to block the way. That’s resolution.

As we have said before, there are futures that have been shown to many of you that you felt were yours, but then you tried them in the past and they didn’t work. Now, however, they are in an energy that is perfect for resolution and success. Some of you are having these things manifest themselves and resolve in a way where finally all is coming together. So for you, this year is a good one, and you’ve been waiting a long time for some things to manifest. But for most of you, this is not the case. Every single path of every single Human Being, especially the old souls, is totally unique. There can’t be one manual for all, or one set of rules that works for everyone. So some will be at that point of positive resolution, but for most of you this is not a good year.

The instructions to get through all this are the same as we have given before: Endure; Be circumspect; Rest. This is not a good year to start things cold, since much around you is resolving and is not balanced yet. You might say it’s like the attributes of a mercury retrograde all year long, and it feels like that to some of you. [Laughter] So do not fear these things, but rather see them as the adjustment that they are. Look at them as part of the profound puzzle you created, which you are now passing through. Imagine the battle of the ages is over. Imagine it, a three-dimensional battlefield, where the smoke clears and the bodies are all piled up on each other. In order for you to go home, you’ve got to walk through the battlefield and see them all, every one. You’ve got to feel the pain and see their distorted faces and understand that every one of them was someone’s child. This is going to take all year to get through the battlefield, and it’s not going to feel good. You’re going to wake up at night and think about it. It’s the best metaphor we have.

It’s uncomfortable to shift energy this greatly. The life coaches and readers who work in this very building are working this puzzle every single day, and they will tell you that they have people coming to them who have never ever come to a reader before. This is because they are at their wit’s end. “What is happening?” they will ask, “Why me? Why now?” Many will have a tendency to victimize and blame themselves and to think that everything is turning around in an ugly way because of something they did.

You Can See It In Your News

The final item is this: All around you, dear ones, is proof of what I’m telling you. You have two countries currently in turmoil at the moment, and a third one about to go. All three have been stable for a very long time. Who would have thought that Egypt would be part of this? Egypt seemed to be in balance for decades – or was it? Syria ruled itself with an iron hand and created a stability of power that was absolute. What would then cause these to erupt the way they did and at this time? If you take a look at why, and why now, you’ll see the timing is all around 2013 and 2012. And it’s around Human consciousness that is starting to be more transparent and saying, “We don’t want what we now understand and see is continuing unbalance in our country. We see it never getting better, and now we want finality and we want resolution.” That is what you’re looking at.

It’s ugly to look at this, for there is death, suffering, sorrow and turmoil. There is frustration, and the resolution of it all may take longer than you want it to. But someday you will look back and see the results clearly. Mass Human consciousness is starting to change and demand what it expects in the way of integrity. Governments often want the old ways of power, but their people want schools, hospitals, safe streets and parks, and peace with their neighbors.

So expect more of this, especially this year. The more turmoil you see, the more the puzzle is being worked with. So we close this message the way we started it. I know who you are, magnificent one. I sit at your feet in awe. Do not miss this point! Old souls have been here through all of the transitions of humanity. Do you understand that? Four times you came close to this shift you are today experiencing and four times you missed it. Four times you died in the process of trying. This time you didn’t.

Do not miss this: There is something within your Akash, a “remembrance button”, that is being pushed and plays an emotion that says, “We’ve felt this before and it didn’t turn out well.” Don’t let this energy define you. It’s the button of duality and fear that says things are always the way they are and they will repeat themselves because that’s just the way life works. No it isn’t! You are magnificent and you have the ability at this point to finally begin to see it, and to cast all the fears and the voices in the back seat of life and tell them you are in charge now and you are the one driving the car of your reality. That’s the message of the day.

I am Kryon, in love with humanity for what it has done, against all odds.

And so it is.


Black Birds Drop Dead in Winnipeg

Dozens of black birds drop dead in Manitoba

Published: Aug. 8, 2013 at 3:55 PM

WINNIPEG, Manitoba, Aug. 8 (UPI) — Wildlife experts in Manitoba said they are attempting to determine what caused dozens of black birds to fall dead from the sky.

Authorities said conservation officers removed more than 50 bird carcasses from a Winnipeg neighborhood Wednesday and the Winnipeg Humane Society took custody of 11 black birds that fell from the sky but remained alive, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. reported Thursday.

Erika Anseeuw, the humane society’s director of animal health, said the surviving birds seem to be alert, but they are unable to fly or stand up. She said the birds will be euthanized and autopsies will be performed at a pathology lab.

Anseeuw said investigators still do not know the cause of the bird deaths, but they may have been exposed to disease or something poisonous.

“My suspicion is this is what it’s going to be rather than any kind of apocalyptic foretelling of birds falling from the sky,” she told CBC Radio’s “Up to Speed” program.

Big Island, Hawaii Quake

Moderate earthquake on Big Island (Hawaii) near Kilauea

Last update: August 11, 2013 at 4:16 pm by By

 Update 16:15 UTC : Some of our readers from Hon0lulu told os they felt the quake. Honolulu is nearly 350 km northwest of the epicenter

The epicenter of this quake was approx. 7 km south of Halema’uma’u crater (Kilauea volcano) in a low populated area of Big Island. Nevertheless, the quake was felt on nearly the whole island and also in some parts of Maui.
We do not expect any serious damage from this quake.

Nearby cities
10km (6mi) SSW of Volcano, Hawaii
42km (26mi) SW of Hawaiian Paradise Park, Hawaii
47km (29mi) SSW of Hilo, Hawaii
83km (52mi) ESE of Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
347km (216mi) SE of Honolulu, Hawaii


Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 4.6

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-08-11 05:54:05

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-08-11 15:54:05


Dangerous Typhoon Targets Phillipines

Earth’s strongest and most dangerous tropical cyclone so far in 2013 is Category 4 Super Typhoon Utor, which is closing in on the northern Philippine Island of Luzon with 150 mph sustained winds. Landfall is expected at approximately 20 UTC (4 pm EDT) Sunday near Casigran. Satellite imagery shows a formidable storm with well-organized spiral bands, a prominent 15-mile diameter eye, and good (but not excellent) upper-level outflow. Ocean temperatures are very warm, about 30°C (86°F), which is approximately 0.5 – 1.0°C above average. These warm waters extend to tremendous depth, giving Utor a huge source of energy to tap into. Wind shear is low, 5 – 10 knots. Theoretically, the Maximum Potential Intensity (MPI) that Utor can achieve under these conditions is sustained winds of 185 mph. However, Utor will not have time to reach that strength before encountering Luzon. Utor is a very wet storm, and will likely bring a large swath of 8+ inches of rain across Luzon. These rains will cause dangerous flash flooding and mudslides. Utor will likely weaken to a Category 1 storm as it passes over Luzon, but is expected to re-intensify to a Category 2 storm before hitting China a few hundred miles south of Hong Kong about 20 UTC on Tuesday.

Utor is a Marshallese word for squall line, and has been used for three tropical cyclones in the Western Pacific–in 2001, 2006, and 2013. Typhoon Utor is called Typhoon Labuyo in the Philippines. Utor’s 150 mph winds make it the strongest tropical cyclone globally so far in 2013. Earth’s previous most powerful tropical cyclone of 2013 was Typhoon Soulik, which reached Category 4 strength with 145 mph winds on July 10. Soulik weakened to a Category 2 storm before hitting Taiwan on July 12.

Figure 1. MODIS satellite image of Typhoon Utor taken at 04:30 UTC on Sunday, August 11. Image credit: NASA.

The Philippines no stranger to powerful typhoons
The Philippines lie in the most tropical cyclone-prone waters on Earth, and rarely escape a year without experiencing a devastating typhoon. Usually, these storms impact the northern Philippine island of Luzon, but last year, Earth’s deadliest weather disaster of 2012 occurred on the southern Philippine island of Mindanao, where Super Typhoon Bopha struck as a Category 5 super typhoon with winds of 160 mph (260 km/h), on December 3. Bopha made two additional landfalls in the Philippines, on central Visayas and on Palawan, on December 4. The typhoon left 1901 people dead, mostly on the island of Mindanao, making Bopha the 2nd deadliest typhoon in Philippine history. Bopha affected over 5.4 million people and left over 700,000 people homeless. With damages estimated at $1.7 billion, Bopha was the costliest natural disaster in Philippines history.

Figure 2. December 7, 2012: rescuers and residents look for missing victims amongst toppled tree trunks and coconut shells after flash floods caused by Super Typhoon Bopha hit Compostela Valley on Mindanao Island in the Philippines on December 3 – 4, 2012. (AP Photo/Jay Morales, Malacanang Photo Bureau, HO)

Quiet in the Atlantic
There are no tropical cyclone threat areas in the Atlantic to discuss today. Some of the models are suggesting a strong tropical disturbance capable of becoming a tropical storm could form by Saturday in the Gulf of Mexico near Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, in association with a stalled cold front expected to push off the Southeast U.S. coast late this week.


Your Color Vibe for 8/11

Sunday, August 11:    Banana Yellow

If there is something that you have to do today that you were not looking forward to, get ready.  Time is going to stretch out to eternity, and you will not be able to get any sense of what is going on or why things are taking so long or why you are in this situation, etc., etc., etc..  When that happens, you need to find a new point of focus, and open with the intent to be part of a different reality, and, poof, everything will change.  Perspective, interest, connection.  These are three big issues for today.  You can change what you are looking at by seeing it from a different angle.  You can find things interesting when they take on a mysterious nature.  And when you feel that you are part of what is happening, then you are invested and what is going on means something to you.  It is all up to you.


Your Color Vibe for 8/10

Saturday, August 10:    Lavender

There are things that have been done that cannot be undone, but, as fate would have it, the effects that might have seemed not so good back then have changed, as minds have changed and perspectives shifted.  There had been lessons there, and the lessons that have now been learned have shed light on some other events in your life that needed to be explored.  Take advantage of this energy and see things for what they were.  If you can do this, then in so many ways you will be opening up new opportunities for yourself.  You can find that you are more open to suggestions that formerly you disregarded, that you are more open to individuals that before you shrugged off.  Interesting energy today.  It brings many things into focus, and that focus shows things for what they were.  Even more, it shows you new opportunities in seeing old things in new lights.

High Cholestrol can be Good

How Medical ‘Science’ Proves that Black Is White

July 24, 2013

The corruption of medical science continues apace. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick shows how one study draws a conclusion that’s the exact opposite of what its data documents. Apparently, it doesn’t matter how many tricks and twists are applied, as long as the conclusion states what the pharmaceutical corporation wants.

Man Faking Hiding His Eyes

Photo by Cayusa

by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick

Last week I was going through some old files, and presentations, in a vague effort to clean up my computer. Whilst looking a one of many thousands of studies I had filed away I came across this paper: ‘Clarifying the direct relation between total cholesterol levels and death from coronary heart disease in older persons1.’

I read it, and immediately recalled why I kept it. For it came to the following, final, conclusion:

 ‘Elevated total cholesterol level is a risk factor for death from coronary heart disease in older adults.’

I remember when I first read this paper a few years ago. My initial thought was to doubt that it could be true. Most of the evidence I had seen strongly suggested that, in the elderly, a high cholesterol level was actually protective against Coronary Heart Disease (CHD).

However, when a bunch of investigators state unequivocally that elevated cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease, I try to give them the benefit of the doubt. So I read the damned thing. Always a potentially dangerous waste of precious brainpower.

Now, I am not going to dissect all the data in detail here, but one sentence that jumped out of the paper was the following:

‘Persons (Over 65) with the lowest total cholesterol levels ≤4.15 mmol/L had the highest rate of death from coronary heart disease, whereas those with elevated total cholesterol levels ≥ or = 6.20 mmol/L seemed to have a lower risk for death from coronary heart disease. ‘

Now, I can hardly blame you if you struggled to fit those two quotes together. On one hand, the conclusion of the paper was that .. ‘Elevated total cholesterol level is a risk factor for death from coronary heart disease in older adults.’ On the other hand, the authors reported that those with the lowest total cholesterol levels had the highest rate of CHD; whilst those with the highest cholesterol levels had the lowest rate of CHD.

Taken at face value, this paper seems to be contradicting itself … utterly. However, the key word here, as you may have already noted, is seemed. As in … those with elevated total cholesterol levels ≥ or = 6.20 mmol/L seemed to have a lower risk for death from coronary heart disease. ‘

Now you may think that this is a strange word to use in a scientific paper. Surely those with elevated total cholesterol levels either did, or did not, have a lower risk of death from CHD? Dying is not really something you can fake, and once a cause of death has been recorded it cannot be changed at a later date. So how can someone seem to die of something – yet not die of it?

The answer is that you take the bare statistics, then you stretch them and bend them until you get the answer you want. Firstly, you adjust your figures for established risk factors for coronary heart disease – which may be justified (or may not be). Then you adjust for markers of poor health – which most certainly is not justified – as you have no idea if you are looking at cause, effect, or association.

Then, when this doesn’t provide the answer you want, you exclude a whole bunch of deaths, for reasons that are complete nonsense. I quote:

After adjustment for established risk factors for coronary heart disease and markers of poor health and exclusion of 44 deaths from coronary heart disease that occurred within the first year, [my bold text]elevated total cholesterol levels predicted increased risk for death from coronary heart disease, and the risk for death from coronary heart disease decreased as cholesterol levels decreased.

Why did they exclude 44 deaths within the first year?  Well, they decided that having a low cholesterol level was a marker for poor health, and so it was the poor health that killed them within the first year.

The reason why they believed they could do this is that, a number of years ago, a man called Iribarren decreed that the raised mortality always seen in those with low cholesterol levels is because people with low cholesterol have underlying diseases. And it is these underlying diseases that kill them. (What, even dying from CHD. And how, exactly does CHD cause a low cholesterol levels … one might ask).

In truth, there has never been a scrap of evidence to support Iribarren’s made-up ad-hoc hypothesis. [A bottle of champagne for anyone who can find any evidence]. However, it is now so widely believed to be true, that no-one questions it.

Anyway, without chasing down too many completely made-up ad-hoc hypotheses, the bottom line is that this paper stands a perfect example of how you can take a result you don’t like and turn it through one hundred and eighty degrees. At which point you have a conclusion that you do like.

Young researcher: (Bright and innocent)  ‘Look, this is really interesting, elderly people with low cholesterol levels are at greater risk of dying of heart disease.’

Professor: (Smoothly threatening) ‘I think you will find … if you were to look more carefully, that this is not what you actually found … Is it? By the way, how is your latest grant application going?’

Young researcher: (Flushing red at realising his blunder) ‘Yes, by golly, how silly of me. I think I really found that elderly people with high cholesterol levels are at a greater risk of dying of heart disease.’

Professor: ‘Yes, excellent. Be a good lad, find a good statistician to make sure the figures make sense, and write it up.’

For those who wonder at my almost absolute cynicism with regard to the current state of Evidence Based Medicine, I offer this paper as a further example of the way that facts are beaten into submission until they fit with current medical scientific dogma.

As a final sign off I would advise that any paper that has the word ‘clarifying’ in its title, should be treated with the utmost suspicion. I think George Orwell would know exactly what the word clarifying means in this context. Facts do not need clarification.

You can watch Dr. Kendrick discussing cholesterol and heart disease here.

1: Corti MC et al: Clarifying the direct relation between total cholesterol levels and death from coronary heart disease in older persons. Ann Intern Med. 1997 May 15;126(10):753-60


Dangers of Gardasil

Gardasil Destroys Girl’s Ovaries: It Should Have Been Predicted

October 18, 2012 by

A huge array of terrible effects have been attributed to Gardasil. They were predictable—and we’re likely to see many more over the next few years. Here’s why it could, and should, have been predicted.

Womanhood Stolenby Heidi Stevenson

As noted in Gardasil Destroys Girl’s Ovaries: Research on Ovaries Never Considered, the BMJ has published the case report of a healthy 16-year-old Australian girl whose womanhood appears to have been stolen by Gardasil vaccinations. She became fully menopausal, her ovaries irrevocably shut down, without experiencing womanhood. That article focuses on the fact that Merck, Gardasil’s developer, had to be aware of potential harm to ovaries and either hid research documenting it or simply didn’t do it.

This article focuses on the how readily so many Gardasil disorders could—and should—have been predicted, simply by examining the known effects of two ingredients.

The article, Premature ovarian failure 3 years after menarche in a 16-year-old girl following human papillomavirus vaccination1, draws direct attention to three primary facts:

  • The girl has been thoroughly examined and tested. There is no known explanation other than the series of three Gardasil vaccinations she had.
  • Ovarian death—premature menopause—is generally believed to result from an autoimmune disorder.
  • They were unable to obtain data on the histology of rat ovaries resulting from the Human Papillomavirus Quadrivalent Vaccine (Gardasil), though it was performed on rat testes and made available.

These three facts are chilling, but further examination has shown that there’s even worse. Adverse effects like premature menopause—and worse—could, and should, have been predicted.

Two Risky Ingredients

Gardasil contains two ingredients that are known to cause some of the damage that is now being seen. They are polysorbate 80 (brand names Tween 80, Alkest, and Canarcel) and L-histidine. Polysorbate 80 has been shown in at least one study to do great harm to female reproductive organs. The risk from L-histidineis more subtle, as its absence is the issue, but it’s likely more pervasive. The mechanism that would cause a lack of L-histidine is explained.

Polysorbate 80

Polysorbate 80 is known to cause damage to female rats’ reproductive system2, and there is no reason to believe that the human reproductive system is spared. Delayed effects of neonatal exposure to Tween 80 on female reproductive organs in rats states:

Treatment with Tween 80 accelerated maturation, prolonged the oestrus cycle, and induced persistent vaginal oestrus. The relative weight of the uterus and ovaries was decreased relative to the untreated controls. Squamous cell metaplasia of the epithelial lining of the uterus and cytological changes in the uterus were indicative of chronic oestrogenic stimulation. Ovaries were without corpora lutea, and had degenerative follicles.

Surely it should come as no surprise that at least one girl’s ovaries were lost after taking Gardasil vaccinations. It was predictable.

Polysorbate 80 can cause anaphylactic shock. A study in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology3 concluded:

Polysorbate 80 is a ubiquitously used solubilizing agent that can cause severe nonimmunologic anaphylactoid reactions.

The most frightening trait of polysorbate 80 may be that it crosses the blood-brain barrier and can take other substances with it. It is used for that purpose. The drugs loperamide4 and doxorubicin5 are coated with polysorbate for just this purpose—to drag them into the brain.

So what else can polysorbate 80 drag into the brain? Gardasil utilizes aluminum as an adjuvant, even though it’s a dangerous neurotoxin. Injection of aluminum is associated with several neurological disorders, as is reported in Gaia Health and Mechanisms of aluminum adjuvant toxicity and autoimmunity in pediatric populations6, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune thyroid disease, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, and autism may all be associated with aluminum adjuvants in vaccines.

Can polysorbate open the blood-brain barrier to let aluminum in? No one really knows because no one has looked. There is, though, no legitimate reason to assume that it cannot.

Considering how significant the risks of polysorbate 80 are, surely the precautionary rule should be applied before mass vaccinations of girls. And then there’s L-Histidine …


L-histidine is a precursor of histamine, which triggers the inflammation response in allergic reactions. We may think of histamine as negative, but it is, in fact, crucial for health. Though it can be excessive in the inflammatory response it triggers in allergic reactions, we wouldn’t survive without the inflammation it triggers in general infections.

L-histidine is an essential amino acid with several other functions, including7:

  • Tissue repair and growth.
  • Maintaining the myelin sheath of nerves.
  • Production of both red and white blood cells.
  • Production of histamine, carnosine, and anserine.
  • Acting as an antioxidant.
  • Stimulating gastric secretions.
  • Sexual arousal and orgasm in women.
  • Acting as a neurotransmitter.
  • Stimulating secretion of pepsin and hydrochloric acid, making it essential in digestion.
  • Circadian rhythm.

Low levels of L-histidine have been associated with rheumatoid arthritis7. It’s required for processing and chelation of copper, zinc, cobalt, and iron8,9,10,11, all of which are classed as heavy metals and noted for causing a variety of severe disorders when held in the body in excessive amounts.

Excessive amounts of these heavy metals can result in a large array of symptoms and conditions, including the milder ones of:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Irritable bowel
  • Stomach pain
  • Headache
  • Sweating
  • Joint pain

All of these symptoms are frequently reported by girls who are given the Gardasil vaccine. The question is: How do these symptoms of heavy metal intoxication relate to L-histidine in Gardasil? L-histidine is a necessary amino acid. It’s normally found in the body. All of these symptoms are related to inadequate amounts of the substance, so how can injecting it result in less L-histidine?

It is the seemingly innocuous nature that’s at issue. L-histidine is an amino acid that naturally occurs in the body. So too does squalene occur in the body naturally. It’s one of a group of oils used as adjuvants. However, they are not used in vaccines for human beings, with the insane and devastating exception of squalene. They are used to induce autoimmune disorders in laboratory animals so that they can be studied for response to potential treatments for those disorders. That’s why squalene is so dangerous and is clearly what’s behind Gulf War Syndrome. You can read about the likely connection between squalene and  Swedish and Finnish narcolepsy outbreaks in How the Flu Vaccine Causes Narcolepsy.

Unless otherwise demonstrated, it must be assumed that injecting L-histidine can result in an autoimmune disorder in which L-histidine is attacked by the immune system, resulting in a shortage of it and the substances requiring it for manufacture.

For example:

  • Joint pain is a common complaint of girls who have been injected with Gardasil. Rheumatoid arthritis is known to be associated with low levels of L-histidine12. Of course, low levels of L-histidine can be expected if the immune system sees it as an enemy because it’s been injected. Therefore, joint pain and arthritis were predictible sequelae of Gardasil.
  • Weight gain has been reported in girls who’ve been given Gardasil. This should have surprised no one. The hypothalamus converts L-histidine into histamine for the purpose of suppressing hunger13. If an autoimmune condition destroys L-histidine, then there may be inadequate histamine and weight gain is a likely result.
  • Will we see an epidemic of miscarriages and birth defects in girls who don’t have the misfortune of becoming sterile from Gardasil? It seems likely, because histamine is necessary in the development of embryos and organs14.

It was entirely predictable that any bodily function that relies on L-histidine or one of the substances for which it’s a precursor, including histamine, carnosine, and anserine, could be affected. It should come as no surprise that adverse effects of Gardasil include a wide range of disorders and deaths. It would have been surprising had Gardasil not produced them!


Gardasil may be the first vaccine to utilize L-histidine. The reason it’s included doesn’t seem to be explained anywhere. The adverse effects of polysorbate 80 are well known, especially when it’s injected. Polysorbate 80′s ability to bypass the blood-brain barrier is not new information; yet, it was included in this vaccine that utilizes a known neurotoxin, aluminum.

The question that must be asked is: Why? What reason could possibly exist for a vaccine that could predictably result in such incredible harm? Much of the potential damage will likely not be seen for years. Will be find that the already-high rate of infertility skyrockets? Will those who do manage to conceive suffer the anguish of miscarriages and babies with birth defects? How many will suffer from autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis? How many will suffer from neurological disorders, such as the Tourette’s-like tics suffered by girls in New York?

Joel Lord refers to Gardasil, along with Cervarix, as A Legacy of Shame. We are now seeing only the beginning of the adverse effects that have likely been caused. Autoimmune disorders tend to take time to show up. It takes time before pubescent girls become sexually active. How many of them will never experience the potential of sexual intimacy because the vaccine’s L-histidine has stolen their ability of sexual arousal and orgasm?

The simplest reason of all is, of course, money. Merck and its minions simply value money over anything else, including the quality of countless young women’s lives. Nor do they appear to care how many will suffer early deaths. Are there other reasons? In my view, nothing could be more insidious than to willingly hide the terrible and predictable potential of a product simply to get rich. Others, though, see this as part of a conspiracy. What are your views?

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