David Wilcock: The Synchronicity Key
Last updated on August 28, 2013 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News
David Wilcock asks profound questions: What if the Universe is alive — and is trying to communicate with you through synchronicity and the Law of Karma?
What if life on earth is not random, but is guided by mysterious forces that are written into the orbital paths of the stars and planets themselves?
What if the Illuminati / Bilderberg / New World Order cabal is allowed to exist by a loving Creator — to help us process karma on a massive level and reflect our own negativity so it can be healed?
What if it is mathematically inevitable that the “bad guys” will be defeated at this very moment in our history — thanks to a 25,920-year cycle that is now completing itself, and is vastly older than human life on earth?
What if all space, time, matter and energy is composed of a Source Field that is alive and intelligent?
What if there is a celestial “personality” that affects how we think and feel as we drift through different regions of space, in repeating cycles of time?
What if the Cabal, New World Order and / or Illuminati are being guided by these same cycles — and have never been allowed to do more than what the cycles permit them to?
What if they inherited a variety of powerful symbols and teachings that were originally positive, and have since been horribly contorted into something negative?
What if we are now seeing the fulfillment of a vast script that is guiding all life on earth through a series of spiritual lessons known as “archetypes?”
from: http://in5d.com/david-wilcock-the-synchronicity-key.html