Forgiveness: The Ultimate Cleanse
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World
Most people in the Western world are constantly on the lookout for pills and potions that will prove to be the “fountain of youth” and help us live longer, healthier lives.
First, why is it that we want the body to live longer? For it is certain if our focus is on our body, we are banking on the impossible and already know that nothing in this physical world is capable of lasting an eternity. There will never be any security or safety found in a physical entity, and this includes the body.
The search for Truth cannot be a partial commitment. Wishful thinking will never turn the truth into something we want it to be, mainly because we are not the author of reality.
In order to experience what is capable of lasting forever, and promises us a perfect release from the thought of death and all the ills that seem to go along with it, we’re going to need to accept that the body is not our reality. The body is merely a part of our experience in this temporary world; its function and purpose are highly overrated because, in and of itself, it has no real function or value, aside from being a vehicle for sharing thoughts in this realm.
True communication is invisible and pure thought. Can we see it? No, but we can experience the decisions we make and see the outcome quite clearly.
Be willing to at least entertain the idea that the body is not who and what we are, and focus entirely on what is going on in the mind. This is where our life takes place because how we feel is always going to revolve around what we are thinking, and how we feel as a result.
Recently, one of the new young leaders of this world, Malala Yousafzai, addressed the United Nations Youth Assembly and world on her 16th birthday. By all rights she should have left this world behind, because how many bodies can withstand a bullet to the brain and still function? This miracle has obvious repercussions because it has become the “shot heard round the world.” Malala is now a spokesperson for millions of young people who deserve an education, and her crime, according to the Taliban, is that she wanted to go to school. For this, she deserved to die.
But live she did, and with the media behind her, Malala is teaching all of us the most powerful lesson in the world with her amazing statement:
“… this is the forgiveness that I have learned from my father and from my mother. This is what my soul is telling me: be peaceful and love everyone.”
Is there any doubt that she is still in this incarnation precisely to deliver this timely message? Forgiveness is the ultimate cleanse that removes all pain, heals all wounds, repairs the heart, and renews the mind. A forgiving mind reveals the Light that each of us stands in when we have decided to side with peace. If Malala can find it in her heart to forgive those who would kill her, what’s keeping us from forgiving this world so we can live in peace?
Forgiveness is not a new message. Countless spiritual teachers and healers tell us that this is a free and freeing practice that can only heal our split perception so that everything fuses gently into One Thought, One Love, One Life, and reveals the Oneness of the Universe that binds us all together. There is no other way if what we want is eternal peace and happiness. Forgive and free the world from all we thought was unloving, and we free ourselves right along with it. Love is the Answer.
Carmen Allgood © July 2013