Overall Color VIbe for the Week 7/14-20

July 14-20

The theme this week is coming together.  All sorts of things will be gravitating inwards this week.  Many of them you would never consider as having any sort of relation.  There can be many surprises with all of this.  It will be occurring on all levels and in all areas.


Overall Color for the Week:     Light Orange

There can be some disturbing issues that are coming your way this week.  They can be related to any area of your life, such as health, finance, belief, relationships, etc.  These are actually opportunities to stop, take a breath, and look at things from a different and new perspective.  This is a good week for letting your sense of humor be ready to deal with tricky situations.  A lot of people are kind of losing it, and by using your sense of humor as your first response, you can find yourself defusing some otherwise potentially inflammatory encounters.  You will be asked to look at some things in your life this week as the predictability you expected has begun to fall apart.  But even as this is happening, the pattern is taking form.  You can be surprised to find yourself saying things, doing things, liking things that previously you would have not done.  This can lead to some soul-searching moments.  Those are the times to go within and contact WHO you truly are.  There is comfort in this.  It can lead to a new appreciation of self, and ability to move forward.

On the larger scale, the week will start out somewhat quietly, but will be followed by a lot of missteps, misinterpretations, miscommunication, etc.   This will leave a lot of people looking very badly while, at the same time, showing them for what they truly are.  There will be a kind of odd quiet in the financial markets as things just go differently.  There is no real interpretation of what this means, so it is being left alone.  The weather patterns are shifting greatly, and you will see some of this this week as storms come and go erratically, temperatures go from one extreme to the other, and disasters happen where none were expected and are averted when according to all the old patterns, they should have occurred.  There is an eerie quiet in the beginning of the week.  This merely covers much of what is going on below the surface in all areas.  This week has a bright light as a new breakthrough is made in the field of alternative health, even as those in the mainstream are predicting more disease.  The Galactic energy is making itself felt more and more as it establishes an echo with the heartbeat of Gaia.  This will grow as the year progresses, becoming more obvious, even as those strange hums throughout the world are becoming more obvious.  It is very important at this time to research everything.  There is more and more partial information, even misinformation out there.  The week ends with a boom as Mercury goes direct.

Your Color Vibe for 07/16

Tuesday, July 16:    Frosty White

This is not a day for approaching things too quickly.  It is important to allow things to be as they are and then to react.  Any premature action can cause barriers to shoot up in your way.  You do not need that right now.  You are beginning to get a clearer picture of what it all means, but at the same time, there are a lot of things that are obscuring the picture.  This is a day for staying strongly grounded and set within your inner knowing, trusting the vision of the heart and listening to your intuition.  You are being tested today in some odd, way, but this is not something that you have not done before.  Allow yourself to respond openly and fully to what comes your way trust your feelings, and honor the direction in which they lead.  By so doing, you can break through the film of illusory particles, and you can find yourself so much more in control at the end of it all.


Your Color Vibe for 07/15

Monday, July 15:   Silky Green

Today, you can get the go-ahead for a project that you have been hoping would come about.  It will come in a rather unexpected way.  This can leave you questioning how that just happened, and perhaps believing a little more in the miraculous.  It is important to accept right opportunities when they appear.  Take time also to meditate, create, bake, whatever lets your logical mind go away as you drift in the knowing of your heart.  Vision is changing, and along with this can come those little things that appear at the periphery, the things that make you wonder whether or not you might just be seeing things.  This is a day for patience with the rest of the world.  Everyone has their own way to make, and that will be very obvious today.  This is not a time for judgment.  It is a time to be grounded and go within.  Time is speeding up.  Your focus must always be on yourself.

Your Color Vibe for 07/14

Sunday, July 14:    Nile Blue

There is a long story that needs to be told.  It is a tale of the totality of WHO you are, and things will unfold in your life today that will be elements of this tale.  This day will be marked by times of synchronicity when you will find yourself filled with wonder at what just happened.  There will also be a moment of that déjà vu which can be so unsettling as it leaves you questioning where it came from, what it relates to, and what it all means. This is also a day for being good to yourself.  Along with everything else will come a calming breeze.  Take advantage of it when it comes.  As times progresses, there will be more challenges so enjoy the rest when you can get it.

Your Color Vibe for 7/13

Saturday, July 13:    Red Orange

There are many issues that can be finding resolution today.  Some of the results may not be quite what you had expected or hoped, but they are all potential that were part of the earlier situations.  Roads can branch out in different directions.  As part of this will come some realizations and some acceptance of how things are falling together willy-nilly.  You have been putting things off, resisting things, ignoring others.  Today you will be able to see and work through a number of sticky items.  You have been holding onto a lot of stuff from the past that has no place in your life now as you change and move forward.  It is time to let those things go.  It can be difficult doing this.  It is easier sometimes to cling onto bad memories, worn out emotions, habits, and people even though on some level you are aware that they are not helping you in WHO you are.  Today your eyes are open and you are ready to make some changes.  Go for it.

Your Color Vibe for 07/12

Friday, July 12:    Azure Blue

Believe it or not, this is going to be a great day.  It can start out on something of a sour note, however even minor keys can make great harmony.  Take time in the morning to ground, center, and be within your power.  The opportunities out there will need you to recognize them and to be strong enough, i.e. moving out of your comfort zone, to take advantage of them.  There can be some work involved and some of the rewards are down the line, but it is time for you to strike out in a new direction.  If you need help, it will be there.  Pay attention to your intuition.  It will not guide you in the wrong direction.  At this time, pieces are falling into place and today you will be able to add a most important piece to your fulfillment as WHO you are.

THursday’s COlor Vibe

Thursday, July 11:    Hazy White

Emotions can be at the forefront today as you are finding yourself unbalanced and without a center.  This can surprise you because you always thought that you were so good at keeping yourself protected and centered and grounded and everything else.  And perhaps you were, however there is a layer of energy that is coming in, much like smoke from one of those fog machines, which can trip you up and leave you uncertain.  This is not a good time for starting anything nor for making major decisions.  The wool is over your eyes.  Not completely but enough so that you cannot really see what is entailed in things that you are considering.  This is a day of shift and turmoil.  Let it be what it will.  Step back and act from your core.  There is really nothing that cannot be put off to another time.  This is a day for observation, and with that observation will come new knowledge that will assist in the process of moving forward.  It will actually, if you are alert, be quite an interesting and profitable day.

On the Process of Sainthood

The Science of Miracles: How the Vatican Decides

By Tia Ghose, Staff Writer
Date: 09 July 2013
pope john paul ii at his last christmas service
 The Vatican has declared that Pope John Paul II performed two miracles, clearing the way for him to be canonized.
CREDIT: Gasper Furman | Shutterstock.com

When Pope John Paul II died eight years ago, supporters chanted “Santo subito,” or “Sainthood now!”

It looks like his supporters will finally be getting their wish. The former pope’s path to sainthood is almost complete, with the Vatican recently confirming that he performed two miracles. Now all that’s left is the official canonization ceremony, which  has not been scheduled yet. The process of certifying miracles in the Catholic Church goes back centuries and involves an investigation by scientific experts.

Though it may seem strange to outsiders, verifying that miracles have occurred can strengthen people’s beliefs, said Michael O’Neill, who runs the website MiracleHunter.com.

“Even people who are believers in God have an attraction to proofs of his existence. Sometimes it seems like he’s hiding,” O’Neill said. “Miracles are a way that people see God touching the world

Long road to sainthood

In the Catholic religion, saints are people who are in heaven with God. Though many more people may be in heaven and technically saints, those deemed official saints of the church are ones that the Catholic church knows are in heaven. As such, people can pray to these saints, who sometimes intercede on their behalf with God.

But determining who is in heaven is a tricky proposition. That’s where miracles come in. According to the church, miracles, or divine events that have no natural or scientific explanation, serve as proof that the person is in heaven and can intercede with God to change the ordinary course of events.

The Catholic Church uses a formal process to determine who is a saint. First, that person’s life is thoroughly investigated. If deemed virtuous enough, the person is said to be a servant of God. If they’ve exhibited heroic levels of virtue in their life, they are considered venerable. To become saints, however, they need to have performed two miracles after death.

Miracle commission

Toward that end, a Vatican-appointed Miracle Commission sifts through hundreds or even thousands of miraculous claims. Typically, the commissions are composed of theologians and scientific experts.

Nearly all, or “99.9 percent of these are medical miracles,” O’Neill said. “They need to be spontaneous, instantaneous and complete healing. Doctors have to say, ‘We don’t have any natural explanation of what happened,'” O’Neill said.

A woman whose breast cancer was cured wouldn’t qualify, for instance, if she was given a 10 percent chance of survival — she would need to be told there was no chance of survival before any divine intervention, said the Rev. Stephan Bevans, a theology professor at the Catholic Theological Union.

In 2010, former Pope Benedict XVI confirmed that John Paul II had posthumously healed a French nun suffering from Parkinson’s disease. The church recently confirmed a second miracle, when a Costa Rican woman’s brain injury spontaneously healed after praying to John Paul II.

Miracles can be confirmed only if the healed person prayed solely to one person, such as John Paul II, during their ordeal. That way, there can be no mix-up when determining which person in heaven interceded on their behalf, O’Neill said.

Recent tradition

The process of using miracles to determine saints has a relatively short history in the Catholic Church. Prior to 1531, when a Spanish peasant reportedly saw an image of the Virgin Mary in the slopes surrounding Mexico City, miracles weren’t required and saints were agreed upon mostly through tradition or martyrdom, O’Neill told LiveScience.

The rules regarding miracles and sainthood changed as recently as John Paul II’s tenure. He reduced the required number of miracles to two, from three.

And as science has explained more and more over the years, many things that would have been considered miracles in the past are no longer seen that way, Bevans said.

Although miracles are still technically required, “I think they’ve receded in importance” as criteria for sainthood, Bevans told LiveScience. “It’s the holiness of the life of the person that counts.”

That may be the main value of saints, Bevans said.

John Paul II, for instance, has “performed the miracles, so to speak, but he’s also somebody who many people have found a great inspiration. His holiness was so evident,” Bevans said.

from:    http://www.livescience.com/38033-how-vatican-identifies-miracles.html

Your Color VIbe for 07/10

Wednesday, July 10:    Periwinkle Blue

Uh, oh, it is a good day for watching what you do, what you say, where you go, what is said to you.  There will be some indication in all of this of just exactly where it is that you are needing to go, to do, to say at this time.  There is a time for being out in the limelight, and then there is a time for holding back and watching from the sidelines.  This is a sidelines kind of day.  From the sidelines, a lot of things can become much clearer.  From the sidelines, you can hear, see, experience things that might have missed you if you were out in front.  From the sidelines you can be open to many other levels of being.  From the sidelines, you can see into the multi-dimensionality of things.  Interesting day.  As always, you have a choice as to what you are going to do with it all.  Choose wisely and you can find some doors opening for you.

Assault Against Natural Medicine

The battle against medical doctors AMA and natural medicine and our choices

At  a time when doctors were not the majority of healthcare practitioners in America dealing with the cure and prevention of illnes and disease, there were vast amounts of homeopathic and other practitioners using natural remedies. In 1847 in Philadelphia, the American Medical Association AMA, was founded because the medical doctors felt they needed to establish a national association that would look after their interests, this was decided one year earlier at the New York Mecial Convention.

The very next year after being created, the AMA began its organized assualt on debunking natural remedies and discrediting any health-care practitioner who was not a medical doctor. At this same time the AMA also set out to establish laws governing patent medicine. This practice has continued ever since, and so establishing the health-care monopoly for the medical doctor, and has expanded to medical research and drug companies.

Today the AMA has created power and influence to create laws that help expand the business of its members while at the same time eliminating any competition that might threaten its outrageous profits.

For example the AMA filed suit against the chiropractors in Illinois. Chiroprators were saying that adjustments can alleviate pain. Many people were going to chiropracters instead of medical doctors. The AMA, in an effort to protect its members filed suit against the chiropracters. The chiropracters fought back and big time and won. But the fact barely got any press, can you see why?

Another huge case, that barely got press was when a doctor, who was treating AIDS patients with all natural methods and was curing people, was sued immediately by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). The case went all the way to Supreme Court and the doctor was found not guilty. It was in fact proven that his treatments were more effective than those of the medical doctors using drugs and surgeries. But did you hear about it?

This doctor discovered the cure for AIDS, is should have been on the front of every publishing magazine, newspaper, the press. Does that make you mad? Does it cause you disbelief? The powers that be do not want you to know that his inexpensive cure was proven in court to work. It is all about profits. People go to jail every day for being greedy, 75% of the people in jail are their for reasons involving money. People will kill for it, and they do not care who.

There are thousands of lawsuits against people curing with all-natural methods, withoout drugs and surgeries, and they are being supressed and debunked at every chance. Their only crime is that they are curing people without drugs. All-natual, inexpensive methods work better and have no side effects. News organizations will not run these stories because of the pressure they get from their sponsors, the food companies and the pharmaceutical companies.

They are being charged with practicing without a license or dispensing drugs without a license. How can America wave the banner of free speech, freedom of ideas, freedom of choice? while they limit our healthcare and medical choices?

This worldwide umbrella wants to bring the natural supplements,natural remedies and food supplements under their regulation, and even information. In America, giant pharmacetical companies are buying vitamin, mineral and herbal and homeopathic companies and selling their remedies as drugs at outrageous prices.

Their are some medical doctors coming out to denounce drugs and surgeries, even though they have been trained to prescribe drugs and perform surgeries because they know it is all about the money and not curing and preventing disease. Protect your health and vote for choices, to keep all natural remdies available, vote now, do not give up any more of your rights.

from:    http://www.examiner.com/article/the-battle-against-medical-doctors-ama-and-natural-medicine-and-our-choices