On Effects of HPV & HepB Vaccines


HPV and Hepatitis B vaccines do not prevent cervical cancer and liver disease

Tuesday, June 18, 2013 by: Michelle Goldstein


(NaturalNews) While pro-vaccinators continue to urge the use of vaccines to prevent disease, research does not support the theory that vaccines protect against illness. In fact, the HPV and Hepatitis B vaccines have proven to be dangerous and fatal to health. Hepatitis B vaccines, routinely given to infants at birth, are associated with sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and other debilitating injuries. In the case of the HPV vaccine, early evidence is pointing to HPV vaccines actually increasing young women’s risk of cervical cancers, long associated with older women and safely screened by pap smear exams. The number of serious injuries associated with the newer HPV vaccine continues to climb.

The evidence against Hepatitis B, HPV and other vaccines

Vaccines in general have been shown to increase antibodies for a particular disease, while severely compromising cellular immunity, which is considered more important by medical experts in fighting disease. Prominent neurologist Russell Blaylock has written extensively regarding compromised cellular immunity and serious brain injury resulting from vaccinations. There is no evidence that vaccines work to prevent disease. To the contrary, several disease outbreaks, in population groups who are heavily vaccinated, have shown vaccines are ineffective in protecting against illness. These outbreaks include pertussis (whooping cough), measles and chickenpox. Research has shown that between 90- 99 percent of those vaccinated against these diseases have contracted them, compared to 1-10 percent of those not vaccinated for these diseases.

Hepatitis B is a disease most common in young adults who are sexually promiscuous or share drug needles. Hepatitis B generally resolves on its own and rarely develops into liver disease. Likewise, the HPV virus is not generally associated with cervical cancer, but usually presents as a benign illness which heals itself. Cervical cancer can safely be screened by pap smears and is typically diagnosed in older women.

Children are not in high risk groups for either of these illnesses. Hepatitis B vaccines are routinely given to infants at birth. HPV vaccine protocols target children ages nine to 26. These vaccine schedules make no sense from a health perspective, even with the large assumption that these vaccines are effective at preventing disease. These vaccine recommendations do make sense from a corporate profit model. Vaccinations are known to be highly profitable for pharmaceutical companies.

Vaccine safety record

As of mid-2012, there were 119 reports of death, 894 incidents of disability and 9,889 documented emergency room visits resulting from the HPV vaccine. As of March 2012, there were 66,554 reports of serious adverse reactions to the Hepatitis B vaccine including 1,500 deaths, many officially reported as SIDS.

HPV vaccine increases risk of cervical cancer in young women

Previously healthy, young women are reporting cervical abnormalities and cancer after receiving the HPV vaccine. In March 2012, 669 women reported abnormal pap smears and cervical dysplasia to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. 50 women reported cancer as a result of the HPV vaccine. It is estimated that these reports are a very small percentage of the actual events. (http://sanevax.org/hpv-vaccine-vaers-reports-march-2012/)


Hepatitis B and HPV vaccines have not been proven safe or effective in preventing sexually transmitted diseases from infecting children. The targeted illnesses of liver disease and cervical cancer are not commonplace for infants, children and young adults. It is important that parents examine the facts prior to giving permission for these routine medical procedures. The real potential health risks need to be carefully weighed against the unproven protections against disease which these vaccines promise. Vaccine exemptions are available in every state. See (http://www.nvic.org/Vaccine-Laws/state-vaccine-requirements.aspx) for your state’s vaccine exemption laws.

Sources for this article include







Blaylock, Russell. February 2011. “Do Vaccines Do More Harm Than Good?” The Blaylock Wellness Report, Volume 8, Number 2.

Blaylock, Russell. April 2012. “Outsmarting…And Beating…Infections.” The Blaylock Wellness Report, Volume 9, Number 4.

Blaylock, Russell. May 2012. “The Immune System: Your Personal Body Guard.” The Blaylock Wellness Report, Volume 9, Number 5.

Men & Menopause

Hot Flash! Men May Be Cause of Menopause

Tia Ghose, LiveScience Staff Writer
Date: 13 June 2013
older man on date with woman
 Through history, older men have, on average, tended to partner with younger women, which may have led to the evolution of menopause, new research suggests.
CREDIT: auremar | Shutterstock.com

Ladies, here’s one more thing you can blame on men: menopause. At least, that’s according to a new theory.

Women go through menopause because men have consistently preferred younger women in recent evolutionary history, according to a study published today (June 13) in the journal PLOS Computational Biology.Thus, menopause is not evolutionarily advantageous and may be the result of a series of random, harmful mutations that accumulated in women but weren’t acted on by evolution because the women had already reproduced by the time the mutations affected them.

“Our first assumption is that mating in humans is not random with respect to age, which means men of all ages prefer to mate with younger women,” said study co-author Rama Singh, an evolutionary biologist at McMaster University in Canada. “If mating is with younger women, any deleterious mutations which affect women’s reproduction later in life will accumulate because they are not being acted on by natural selection.”

Menopausal mystery

Menopause, in which women stop menstruating and become infertile, has been a long-standing puzzle for biologists: Why would evolution have led to a trait that essentially reduces the reproductive potential of an animal?

Most other animals don’t go through menopause (although killer whales do). Even chimpanzees, humans’ closest living relatives, seem to reproduce into old age in the wild, and males even prefer older females.

Biologists have proposed the grandmother hypothesis to explain the conundrum. The hypothesis holds that menopause allows a grandmother who is done rearing her own kids to help rear the young of her children, thereby increasing the survival odds of her grandkids, and therefore, her genes.

But grandchildren and grandparents share just a quarter of their genes, versus half for children and their parents, so menopause would have to dramatically boost survival of grandchildren to be evolutionarily advantageous. Past studies have shown that maternal grandmothers boost their grandkids’ survival rates, though exactly how much depends on the society.

Younger women

For thousands of years (at least), men have, on average, mated with younger women, Singh said.

That’s because, if all else is equal, “those who reproduce earlier, their genes are passed on faster,” Singh told LiveScience.

So the researchers created a computer simulation to model that preference.

Early on, both men and women in the model reproduced until death. But over time, the model found, men’s preference for youth reduced older women’s odds of reproducing.

Simultaneously, people accumulated random mutations, some of which decreased later-life reproductive ability. But since older women were left out in the cold anyways, those mutations didn’t impact their reproductive success, whereas mutations in men that could reduce late-life reproduction were weeded out. (Men who stopped reproducing at some point in life would produce fewer offspring than those who didn’t, and the late reproducers would outcompete those who stopped breeding earlier.)

Over 50,000 to 100,000 years, the accumulation of all those mutations could have led to universal menopause, the researchers suggest. Menopause would then be another form of aging akin to graying hair or wrinkles.

If later childbearing becomes the norm, as current societal trends suggest, women who can reproduce at older ages might gain an evolutionary advantage, and menopause could, in theory be pushed later, Singh said.But it’s more plausible that technological changes such as fertility treatments will artificially extend women’s ability to reproduce, Singh said.

Questionable assumptions

But the new model might have the causation reversed, wrote Kristen Hawkes, an anthropologist at the University of Utah, who was not involved in the study, in an email to LiveScience.

As human life spans increased, women might have had many healthy years after fertility. As a result, men grew to prefer younger women because older women couldn’t reproduce.

Supporting that hypothesis, female chimpanzees see their egg reserves decline around the same age as human females, Hawkes noted. But unlike humans, they die shortly after this age, whereas humans have decades of healthy life left.

“The preference men have for young partners is a striking contrast with other primates,” Hawkes said. “My guess about that has been it’s a consequence of our life history.”

from:    http://www.livescience.com/37430-male-preference-younger-women-menopause.html

Mexico Strong Earthquake

Strong earthquake 122 km from Mexico City (DF) Mexico – only very minor damage reported so far

Last update: June 16, 2013 at 9:36 am by By

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 5.8

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-06-16 00:19:03

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-06-16 05:19:03

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 54 km

Damage overview so far at 09:35 UTC :
– Landslide in Tetipac -Taxco road, the road is closed and alternate routes are being used.
– Landslide in Iguala-Chilpancingo road.
– Landslide in Iguala-Cuernavaca road.
– In Morelos another landlide caused material damage in 10 homes without causing injuries.
– In the city of Jiutepec, Morelos 2 walls collapsed.
– The roof of a shopping mall called “Plaza Galerias” in Morelos was damaged.
– In Taxco the facade of the church Santa Prisca was damaged.
– Plastic ceiling felled in the municipal building “Sentimientos de la Nación” in Chilpancingo.
– In Iguala debris from 2 homes caused damage.

Update 09:15 UTC :
– A church was damaged in Taxco (Guerrero)
– 2 landslides are being reported by the Mexico quake, the first one in Mexico-Acapulco highway and the second one in the km 41 from Ixtla – Igualaen
– several cars crashed in the Puebla-Mexico highway due to the quake
– 2 images (courtesy and copyright eluniversal.com.mx/) showing some minor damage and people in the street not exactly knowing what happened and how serious it is.

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Image courtesy and copyright : eluniversal.com.mx

Update 08:21 UTC : Image of the seismograph at Cayaco. it shows at least no powerful aftershocks, the ones people are feeling must be minor. Cayaco is near Acapulco at the coast.

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Update 08:09 UTC : People in Mexico are mentioning feeling aftershocks

Update 07:54 UTC : Even at this late hour (after midnight in Mexico) we see still a lot of readers from Mexico reading our pages. Let’s call it a “lucky escape” earlier today. A little closer to the capital and 30 km shallower would have given a lot darker picture. A lesson to extract : BE PREPARED at all times. Earthquakes will strike from virtually nothing (we are at the pulse of earthquakes and know what we are talking about :) )

Update 07:03 UTC : Something went wrong with the Mexico Fast Alert system. It sounded only 15 minutes ago which is of course a long time after the earthquake.  It scared people but luckily nothing happened.  Fast Earthquake Alerts are of virtually NO use at all if the epicenter is close to the people using in them, in this case Mexico City.

Update 06:34 UTC : 2 walls collapsed in Cuernavaca, the landslide was very little one and the road has been cleaned.

Update 06:29 UTC : No damage to dams, the nuclear energy facility or government buildings.

Update 06:20 UTC : The Focal Mechanism of this earthquake shows 2 parts of a fault pulling out of each other (Normal faulting)

Image courtesy Jasha Polet @CPPgeophysics

Image courtesy Jasha Polet @CPPgeophysics

Update 06:12 UTC : SSN Mexico, the local seismological service reports now a Magnitude of M5.8 at a depth of 46 km. These are fairly good numbers. In other words this confirms the intermediate depth (weakening the shaking) and a decrease in Magnitude vs the earlier values (M6.0).

Update 06:09 UTC : It will be up to scientists to look for a relation in between the earlier Nicaragua earthquake and this Mexico earthquake.

Update 06:06 UTC : USGS pager gives a maximum MMI V shaking (moderate shaking). Let’s hope they are right. They do not expect any serious damage or injuries. The numbers are however striking. No less than 33 million people will have felt a light shaking. 542000 people a moderate shaking. At ER we use MMI VI as a minimum to generate serious damage. But data are still preliminary.

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Update 06:03 UTC : A lot of people evacuated bars, restaurants, etc when the earthquake happened but everything seems back to normal

Update 06:01 UTC : Our servers could not follow the traffic on the site and went down for at least 20 minutes, we apologize for that.

Update 06:01 UTC : One of our readers wrote that he had plaster coming from the wall

Update 05:59 UTC : a lot of police cars checking the city, also there are helicopters checking for damage

Update 05:57 UTC : Damage cannot be excluded. Mexico City is a soft soil environment (old lake). The depth of the earthquake is currently at 53 km which should be weakening the shaking.

A strong earthquake struck in the greater Mexico City area. Power was off for some time butt came back gradually after a number of minutes.

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22km (14mi) W of Jolalpan, Mexico

from:    http://earthquake-report.com/2013/06/16/strong-earthquake-guerrero-mexico-on-june-16-2013/

6.6 Quake off Nicaragua

Very Strong earthquake 50 km out of the Nicaragua coast – minor damage reported

Last update: June 15, 2013 at 10:12 pm by By

Update 22:10 UTC : Some of the aftershocks epicenters arrived close to the coast as can be seen on the image below.  These were only the stronger aftershocks.

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Some minor damahe at the San Juan church in Leon

Some minor damahe at the San Juan church in Leon

Update 21:33 UTC : In Honduras the people ran out of their homes after the earthquake happened.
1 person was slightly injured when a wall collapsed in Chinandega.
A wall also collapsed in the city of Chichigalpa.

Update 21:28 UTC : People living in the capital Managua have said the items fell from the cupboards and shelves. As usual, mobile communications as well as internet services were suspended for a few minutes right after the earthquake. We repeat once more our remark that in case of a major earthquake voice calls should be blocked and only text messages should be allowed. With text messages alone, congestion is almost impossible.

Update 21:21 UTC : We have found also some damage in a school and hospital of San Ramon.
In Chinandega, some walls collapsed without injuring anybody. Chinandega is a city at approx. 105 km from the coast.
We will not be surprised if more minor damage will show up the following hours and tomorrow.
Luckily NO collapsed houses or serious injuries reported so far.

Update 18:52 UTC : Some minor damage has occurred at the San Juan church in Leon.

Update 18:31 UTC : INETER, the seismological agency of Nicaragua reports a Magnitude of 6.3 at a depth of 10 km, in front of Puerto Andino.

Update 18:20 UTC : Our main fear for this earthquakes are eventual landslides. Let’s hope nobody get hurt when they happen.

Update 18:12 UTC : The first aftershocks in the M5 range are starting to happen. A normal process which can take hours, days or even weeks to end. Strong M6 aftershocks are possible too. Even more powerful aftershocks can occur, although these are very rare.

Update 18:08 UTC : The earthquake occurred at a depth of 35 km which explains in part why it was felt also in the neighboring countries.  This means that this is a typical subduction earthquake. The earthquake is generated by the accumulated stress from the heavier Oceanic Pacific plate subducting the North American plate. When the stress gets too big, the earthquake is triggered. Subduction earthquakes are normally less dangerous than shallow transform quakes. The subduction fault can well be seen on the map below (red line).

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Update 18:05 UTC : Below the expected number of people who have experienced specific MMI shaking. The image shows that 80,000 people will have probably experienced a MMI VI (strong) shaking.

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Update 18:03 UTC : The shaking values we are receiving from our readers are merely moderate to strong shaking.

Update 17:58 UTC : The shakemap below shows a coastal area where strong shaking is expected based on theoretical data. Managua should have sustained a moderate MMI V shaking

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Update 17:54 UTC : Local INETER seems to be too demanded as we cannot reach the seismic information.

Update 17:52 UTC : USGS has decreased the Magnitude from Mw6.6 to Mw6.5, a good sign

Update 17:49 UTC :We have NO tsunami warning in place for the US West coast

The earthquake is also felt in the neighboring countries.

The earthquake occurred at 79 km out of the NIcaraguan coast
USGS reports a Mw6.6 Magnitude at a depth of 10 km.

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Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 6.6

Local Time (conversion only below land) : Unknown

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-06-15 17:39:37

from:    http://earthquake-report.com/2013/06/15/very-strong-earthquake-near-the-coast-of-nicaragua-on-june-15-2013/

Crete earthquake

Very Strong earthquake to the South of Crete, Greece

Last update: June 15, 2013 at 11:09 pm by By

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Update 16:58 UTC : The origin of the accumulated stress of this earthquake comes from the subduction fault to the south of the island. The red line on the map below.

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Update 16:54 UTC : The image below shows the shaking strength of this earthquake. Only a light shaking is expected by USGS (they have reported a Mw6.2 Magnitude) on Crete and may have been felt by 592,000 people (probably without counting the many tourists).

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Update 16:51 UTC : The first few minutes after the earthquake there were glitches in electronic devices and the Internet

Update 16:45 UTC : The closest distance from the epicenter to the coastal I Have Felt It reports we have received is 115 km, which is a safe distance for this kind of earthquakes.

Update 16:43 UTC : This earthquake was also felt in the North African countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea like Egypt, etc.

Update 16:39 UTC : Based on the preliminary information that we have at the moment, we are almost certain that this earthquake will NOT generate damage or injuries + we do NOT expect a tsunami at these Magnitudes.

When you are one of the people who experienced this earthquake, please fill in the form behind “I Felt A (not Listed) Earthquake”. Thank you.

Update 16:37 UTC : The seismogram shows also some aftershocks. These will continue the following hours and days but will (normally, not always) getting weaker gradually.

Update 16:36 UTC : We are in the tourist season in Greece at the moment. For many tourists such an event is something extraordinary, which it is of course. Please read our BE PREPARED FOR AN EARTHQUAKE while residing on the island.

Update 16:33 UTC : This is how this earthquake was recorded by the GEOFON seismograph located at the south of Crete Island

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Update 16:26 UTC : Earthquakes are occurring often in this area where 1 plate subducts the other. The accumulated stress that gets too big triggers the earthquake.

The Magnitude is reported differently by the seismological agencies. Geofon (Germany) reports a Magnitude of M6.0 and EMSC M5.5, both preliminary of course.

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Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 6

Local Time (conversion only below land) : Unknown

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-06-15 16:11:00


Economics, Earth, & Personal Truth

Sacred Earth, a New Economy and the 21st Century University


By David C. Korten  [PDF format]

University of BritishColombia

April 4, 2013,

New Economy Summit

I’m thrilled to be a part of this student initiated, student led gathering and of the larger movement you are spearheading. I had all but given up hope that our universities might become relevant to the extreme challenges humanity faces in the 21st century. I had not considered the possibility that students might provide the leadership needed to drive the transformation of higher education.

You are society’s canaries in the mineshaft and you are organizing to sound the alarm and demand change. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You offer hope for the human future.It makes perfect sense. No one is more aware of the failure of our institutions of higher learning than you, their students, are. They send you out into a failing 21st century world with a 20th century education that prepares to serve corrupted institutions we must now put behind us burdened with student debts that may keep you in bondage to the old system for the rest of your lives. You have good reason to rebel.

Institutional Failure

To get us all on the same page, let me begin with a quick overview of state of our 21st century world. You might think of it as a list of issues our universities are failing to address.

1.      We face a global economic crisis created by an unstable financial system that favors speculation over real investment, drives continuing cycles of boom and bust, mires people and governments in debts they cannot pay, and holds national governments hostage to the interests of global financiers.

2.      We face a global social crisis of extreme and growing inequality. The enormous disparities feed violence by undermining institutional legitimacy, human health, and the social fabric of families and communities.

3.      We face a global environmental crisis of climate chaos, loss of fertile soil, shortages of clean freshwater, disappearing forests, and collapsing fisheries. This crisis is reducing Earth’s capacity to support life and creating large-scale human displacement and hardship that further fuel social breakdown.

4.      We face a governance crisis in the seeming incapacity of any of our major institutions, including universities, to come to terms with and address the three afore mentioned economic, social, and environmental crises.

Life and Earth are sacred….Money is just a number.

These four crises are interlinked, self-imposed, potentially terminal, and a direct consequence of institutional structures that value money more than life and that allocate power to those least likely to use it in service to the common good. We the people, allow this travesty to play out because we live in a cultural trance induced by stories that lead us to accept beliefs and values at odds with reality—a condition for which our academic and media institutions bear a major responsibility.

This was the opening keynote presentation to the New Economy Summit at the University of British Colombia, Vancouver BC, April 4-6, 2013—one of 14 such university summits organized by students at major U.S. and Canadian colleges and universities as part of a Campus Network initiative of the New Economics Institute. A PDF version is available here.

Your student movement is part of a larger human awakening to the foundational reality that we humans are living beings that survive and thrive only as members of a Sacred Earth community of life. Life and Earth are sacred—meaning they are entitled to reverence and respect. Money is just a number.

We must build from the bottom up the institutions of a new system that aligns with this reality. If that sounds like a serious challenge, you hear correctly.

We will not get out of our current mess by tinkering at the margins of a failed system to make it slightly less destructive.

A Personal Wakeup Call

I devoted some thirty years of my professional life to international development, including twenty-one years living and working in Africa, Latin America, and Asia on a mission to end world poverty. I originally assumed that the work of international development was to support the people of impoverished countries in learning to use their talents and natural wealth more efficiently and effectively to meet their needs and achieve healthy happy lives. Over time, I realized that what was really happening was very different.

As GDP grew, life for the majority became less secure and more desperate.

Yes, I witnessed growth in GDP, expansion of the middle class, and the accumulation of huge fortunes by a fortunate few.

I also, however, observed that as GDP grew, life for the majority became less secure and more desperate. Slums spread. Families and communities disintegrated. Once beautiful cultures, survived mainly as tourist attractions. Rivers died. Once vibrant coastal corals and verdant hillsides became barren wastelands.

Eventually, I realized that in the name of helping the poor, rich countries were loaning poor countries foreign currency to invest in growing their economies. Because foreign currency is only good for buying things from abroad, this created dependence on foreign goods and technology purchased with loans that could be repaid only by selling their national labor and assets to foreigners.

When payment came due, the International Monetary Fund and World Bank stepped in like mafia debt collectors with baseball bats ready to break legs.

Separated from nature, we of modern society have lost our sense of what is truly sacred.

They told indebted countries they must restructure their economies, not to better meet the needs of their own people, but rather to repay the debt. Reduce your spending on health and education, they said. Sell your land and natural resources to private foreign corporations. Set up duty free zones with cheap nonunionized labor with no rights or benefits to produce goods for export to foreign consumers.

Debt, dependence, and deprivation for the many. Outsized profits for the few.

You may recognize a familiar pattern, something of a preview of the dynamic that now plays out in varied forms here in Canada, the United States, in Europe, and all around the world.

In Search of the Sacred

Why do we tolerate it? We humans crave meaning and purpose. This leads us to place great stock in shared cultural stories that lend purpose, meaning and direction to our lives and relationships. Political demagogues have long recognized that those who control these stories control the society. During the 20th century, corporate PR and advertising specialists became masters of the arts of cultural manipulation to create an individualistic culture of profligate material consumption that serves well the short-term interests of the financial oligarchy, but now threatens the survival of all.

Of our many influential cultural stories, the most important are those that define what we hold to be sacred [entitled to reverence or respect]. When we get the sacred wrong, we entangle ourselves in a collective web of self-destructive, even suicidal, self-deception—as our current situation demonstrates.

Separated from nature, we of modern society have lost our sense of what is truly sacred. Losing sight of the truly sacred, we fill the breach with a familiar story constantly affirmed in the public mind by pundits and economists schooled in what Nobel Laureate economist Joseph Stiglitz has called a faith-based religion. Call it our Sacred Money story.

Time is money. Money is wealth. Those who make money are society’s wealth creators. Poverty is a sign of personal failure. Consumption is the path to happiness. Individualistic greed and competition are human virtues that the invisible hand of the free market directs to ends that create opportunity and prosperity for all. Those who would deprive society’s wealth creators of the fruits of their labor engage in envy—a mortal sin. Maximizing financial gain is a moral and legal duty of business—indeed of each individual. Earth is a rock in space useful as source of free resources and a convenient waste dump.

False on every point, [the Sacred Money story] perverts our sense of values and leads to the concentration of decision-making power in the hands of a financial oligarchy.

Over the past few decades this has become the story by which we define the purpose, meaning, and direction of society and of our individual lives and relationships. In its thrall, we embrace money as a sacred object of veneration and the measure of our human worth and accomplishment, banks as our temples, consumption as our solace, economists as our moral authorities, and free [unregulated] markets as a superhuman controlling power that rewards the faithful and torments the unfaithful.

The Sacred Money story frames the moral and intellectual foundation of a Sacred Money economics, otherwise known as neoliberal or market fundamentalist economics. This is the economics taught as an objective values free science to business and economics students in virtually all the world’s colleges and universities.

False on every point, it perverts our sense of values and leads to the concentration of decision-making power in the hands of a financial oligarchy. It is neither a true science nor a true religion. It is an immoral, anti-democratic political ideology at odds both with the moral teachings of all the world’s great religions and the findings of contemporary science.

The immoral and intellectually false premises of the Sacred Money story sets us up to measure economic performance by financial metrics like GDP and stock price indices like the Dow Jones Average.

GDP is in substantial measure an indicator of the rate at which we are monetizing relationships previously based on mutual caring. This process destroys the natural bonds of family and community, while increasing our dependence on obtaining money controlled by global finance to purchase goods and services offered for sale by global corporations that serve global finance.

With a similar bias in favor of financial interests, stock price indices are primarily an indicator of the rate at which the inflation of financial assets is increasing the power of those who own financial assets relative to the power of those who do not.

Contrast the Sacred Money story of Sacred Money economics with this very different and more truthful Sacred Earth story. Imagine how different our world would be if this were the foundational story underlying the design and management of our economic institutions.

Time is life. Life is the most precious of the many forms of wealth. As living beings, we survive and prosper only as contributing members of a living Earth Community evolving toward ever-greater beauty, complexity, self-awareness, and possibility. Making time for life—to experience and serve—is the path to happiness and well-being. Equality, community, and connection to nature are essential foundations of human health and happiness. It is our human nature to care and to share. Earth is our sacred mother. As she loves and nurtures us, we must love and care for her. The institutions of business, government, and civil society exist for only one purpose—to serve as vehicles through which we cultivate and express our true nature and create our means of living in service to the Earth Community to which we all belong.

Fortunately, new communications technologies that connect nearly all  the world’s peoples make it possible for the first time in our history to rethink and choose as a species the stories by which we will live together in a shrinking and interdependent world—and to do so with extraordinary speed. It is thus within our means to change the human course as a conscious collective human choice.

To succeed, however, we need a shared sacred story of the origin, nature, and purpose of creation—a cosmology—that reflects the fullness of our current human knowledge, gives us a reason to live, and provides the frame for a new economy that supports healthy, life-serving relationships with one another and a living Earth.

A Reason to Live

In 1992, my wife Fran and I returned to the United States from Asia and settled in New York City. While writing When Corporations Rule the World, I frequently gave talks pointing out that we humans are on a path of our own creation to potential species extinction, I often got a response something like:

“Yes, it may be true we are on a suicidal course, but changing our ways would be expensive and inconvenient. And if the doomsayers turn out to be wrong, we will have ended the party for nothing.”

I was stunned and dismayed. Then I chanced upon Thomas Berry’s book Dream of the Earth in which he observes:

“For people generally, their story of the universe and the human role in the universe is their primary source of intelligibility and value. The deepest crises experienced by any society are those moments of change when the story becomes inadequate for meeting the survival demands of a present situation.”

Bingo: To care about our common future, we need a story of the origin, nature, and purpose of creation that reflects the fullness of our current human knowledge, gives us a reason to live, and serves as our guide to forming healthy, mature relationships with one another and a living Earth.

Three Defining Creation Stories

Three story candidates have established currency in Western culture: the Distant Patriarch, the Grand Machine, and the Integral Spirit. The first two are instantly familiar, but inadequate to the needs of our time. Only the third serves the needs of our time, but lacks a defined public presence and institutional sponsorship. Here is a quick review.

Distant Patriarch

The Distant Patriarch story is most commonly associated with the institutions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It views creation as the work of an all-knowing, all-powerful God who, from his home in a separate, sacred dimension called Heaven observes and judges our obedience to His commandments as handed down to us through sacred texts and interpreted by His anointed religious authorities. This story focuses our attention on our individual relationships with a personal but distant God and on access to the afterlife as our primary purpose in our present life.

Because all that happens in this life is by God’s will, it logically follows that those who possess great wealth and power in our present life are His favored and thereby poses divine authority. The economy is a vehicle for producing our sustenance until death releases us from the burden of Earthly labor.

I once heard a woman on a radio call in show say that she thinks of her life on Earth as nothing more than a short stay over in a cheap hotel on the way to Heaven. That is her story. No way can we expect her to accept responsibility for the upkeep of the cheap hotel or concern herself with the plight of its less fortunate residents.

Grand Machine

The Grand Machine is standard story of Newtonian physics and classical evolutionary biology commonly associated with science and the secular academy.

By the reckoning of this story, we live in a clock works universe in which only the material is real. Life is merely an accidental outcome of material complexity and has no meaning. Only the material is real. Consciousness and free will, or agency, are illusions.

Our fate thus depends on forces beyond our ability to influence or control in reality without meaning, purpose, or moral foundation.

Life evolves through a brutal competition for survival, territory, and reproductive advantage much as the global corporations we depend on as the drivers of economic progress. Earth is only a pool of cheap resources and a place to dispose our wastes.

In a desperate search for meaning, or at least a distraction from terrible loneliness of a life without meaning in an uncaring universe, we turn to the pursuit of money and material indulgence as our source of solace and sacred purpose. We assess the economy’s performance accordingly. Having a bad day? Go shopping.

For more than six centuries, science and religion have engaged in mortal combat for recognition as the primary story keeper of Western civilization. Yet each contributes to the intellectual and moral foundation of the suicidal Sacred Money economy that drives our self-destruction.

Integral Spirit

To the extent that we accept our human responsibility to and for the well-being and continued creative unfolding of the whole, our lives take on profound meaning and purpose.

The Integral Spirit story has ancient roots and is affirmed by our inner awareness, indigenous wisdom, the teachings of the prophets, the findings of science, and our daily experience. It is the story that I believe resides in some form in the heart of every person, even though it lacks institutional support and public visibility. If this assessment is correct, we need only provide a source of public affirmation to bring it to the fore of public consciousness as a shared story of humanity.

By the reckoning of this story, all of creation is the expression of an integral spiritual intelligence engaged in a sacred journey to discover and actual­ize its possibilities through an ongoing process of be­coming. In this story of God as spirit rather than patriarch, the material universe of our experience are more than God’s creation—it is God made flesh. God is in the world and the world is in God, yet they are not identical.

We come to know the nature, purpose, and intention of this divine force through both our inner experi­ence and our observation of its physical manifesta­tion. All beings, stars, planets, humans, animals, plants, rocks, and rivers are expressions of this di­vine force—each with its place and function in the journey of the whole. Through its lens, we view the beauty and vastness of a self-organizing constantly evolving cosmos with a sense of awe, wonder, and profound meaning.The spirit is both imminent and transcendent; a concept referred to by reli­gious scholars as panentheism.

Far from being alone in an uncaring cosmos, we are all deeply and irrevocably interconnected. To the extent that we accept our human responsibility to and for the well-being and continued creative unfolding of the whole, our lives take on profound meaning and purpose.

Our obligation to love and care for our Earth mother as she loves and cares for us, becomes self-evident. We come to recognize our species as creation’s bold experiment in the capacity of a species with a highly advanced capacity for self-aware consciousness and choice to contribute to the creative journey of the whole.

to read more, go to the source:    http://livingeconomiesforum.org/sacredearthUBC

COncerned About Food Safety? Check This Out

Secret Trade Agreements Threaten Food Safety, Force GMO imports

by  • 

ttip gmoBy Katherine Paul and Ronnie Cummins
Organic Consumers Association

If you think the U.S. government is doing a sub-par job of keeping your food safe, brace yourself. You could soon be eating imported seafood, beef or chicken products that don’t meet even basic U.S. food safety standards. Under two new trade agreements, currently in negotiation, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) could be powerless to shut down imports of unsafe food or food ingredients. And if it tries, multinational corporations will be able to sue the U.S. government for the loss of anticipated future profits.

More frightening? Negotiations for both agreements are taking place behind closed doors, with input allowed almost exclusively from the corporations and industry trade groups that stand to benefit the most. And the Obama Administration intends to push the agreements through Congress without so much as giving lawmakers access to draft texts, much less the opportunity for debate.

Designed to grease the wheels of world commerce, the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) would force the U.S. and other participating countries to “harmonize” food safety standards. That means all countries that sign on to the agreement would be required to abide by the lowest common denominator standards of all participating governments. So for instance, say Vietnam allows higher residues of veterinary antibiotics in seafood than the U.S. allows, and Vietnam and the U.S. both sign on to the TPP. As a trade partner, the U.S. could be forced to lower its standards to allow for imports of seafood from Vietnam – or face a lawsuit by the seafood exporter for depriving the company of future sales of its products in the U.S.

The U.S. has already had a taste of this type of policy under the North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA). In 2005, the Canadian Cattlemen for Fair Trade sued the U.S. the U.S. government for banning imports of beef and live Canadian cattle after a case of mad cow disease was discovered in Canada. In the end, the U.S. prevailed, but not until it had spent millions to defend itself in court. Mexico wasn’t so fortunate when three companies (Corn Products International, ADM/Tate & Lyle and Cargill) sued the Mexican government for preventing imports of high fructose corn syrup. Mexico lost all three cases, and was forced to pay out a total of $169.18 million to the three firms.

Among the many gifts to Big Ag contained in the TTIP and TPP?  Back-door entry for their genetically modified seeds and crops. Countries, including those in the European Union, could find it increasingly difficult to ban, or even require the labeling of, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), if biotech companies determine that those countries’ strict policies restrict fair trade and infringe on the companies’ “rights” to profit.

The TTIP and the TPP are, individually and combined, two of the largest free trade agreements in world history. According to the Citizens Trade Campaign (CTC) the TPP alone covers 40 percent of the global economy. That percentage will likely grow, because the agreement allows for other countries, besides the 12 currently involved, to “dock on” after the agreement is in place.

Both the TTIP and TPP could have dangerous consequences for food safety in the U.S., and around the world. But they’re not limited to food or agriculture policy. Both also contain sweeping policies that could affect everything from the environment and sustainability, to healthcare, Internet freedom and the financial markets. Given the potential of these agreements to shape global policy on so many fronts, it’s reasonable to assume that negotiators would actively solicit, and take into careful consideration, input from the affected parties, including consumers, farmers and governments. Instead they’ve taken the opposite approach. From day one, negotiations for the TTIP and TPP have been shrouded in secrecy. The public and participating governments, including the U.S. Congress, have been shut out of the negotiating process, denied access to everything from early proposals to final draft texts.

Why the secrecy? The Obama Administration wants as little public debate as possible, so it can ram the agreements through Congress using something called “Fast Track.” Fast Track, a product of the Nixon presidency, strips Congress of its authority to control the content of a trade deal and hands that authority over to the executive branch. Congress gets a vote, but only after the negotiations have been completed, and the agreements have been signed. No debate. No amendments. Just a fast, forced vote, too late for Congress to have any influence.

According to the CTC, two-thirds of Democratic freshmen in the U.S. House of Representatives have expressed serious reservations about the TPP negotiations and the prospect of giving Fast Track authority to the President. And more than 400 organizations representing 15 million Americans have already petitioned Congress to do away with Fast Track in favor of a more democratic approach to trade agreement negotiations. So far those pleas have fallen on deaf ears.

If the public is shut out, and Congress gets no say, who gets a seat at the table? Corporations. That’s right. The Obama Administration is trusting corporations like Dow AgroSciences, Cargill and DuPont, and trade groups like the Pork Producers Council and Tobacco Associates, Inc., to write food safety policies. In all, more than 600 corporations have been given access to drafts of various chapters of the TPP. Requests for the same level of access, from members of Congress and from the public, have been denied.

No wonder then that, according to leaked drafts obtained by groups like the CTC, Public Citizen and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), the TPP contains proposals designed to give transnational corporations “special rights” that go far beyond those possessed by domestic businesses and American citizens, says Arthur Stamoulis, executive director of the CTC. Experts who have reviewed the leaked texts say that TPP negotiators propose allowing transnational corporations to challenge countries’ laws, regulations and court decisions, including environmental and food safety laws. Corporations will be allowed to resolve trade disputes in special international tribunals. In other words, they get to do an end run around the countries’ domestic judicial systems, effectively wiping out hundreds, if not more, domestic and international food sovereignty laws.

U.S. consumers aren’t the only ones who should be up in arms about these trade agreements, the secrecy around their negotiations, and the Obama Administration’s intent to fast-track them. Under the TTIP and TPP, consumers in countries that have stricter food safety regulations than those in the U.S. will see their standards lowered, too. For instance, Japan prohibits the use of peracetic acid to sterilize vegetables, fruits and meat, while the U.S., Canada and Australia allow it. Japan’s health ministry, in anticipation of the TPP, has said the country will add the acid to its approved list. In all, Japan has approved only about 800 food additives, to the more than 3,000 approved in the U.S. Japan’s consumers could soon see a sudden reversal of laws enacted to protect their health.

European consumers will also suffer. Europe has long used the precautionary principle to ban ractopamine in meat, chlorine rinses of poultry and the use of rBGH growth hormone in milk production. Under the TTIP, Europe could be forced to allow all three in order to meet the lowest common denominator rule. The precautionary principle removes the burden of proof from policymakers, allowing them to make discretionary decisions in situations where there is the possibility of harm, given the lack of scientific proof to the contrary. But that principle flies out the window under TTIP rules.

The Organic Consumers Association is urging consumers to petition President Obama and Interim U.S. Trade Representative Miriam Sapiro to release the draft texts of the TTIP and TPP, and encourage full and open debate on the policies contained in both agreements. The petition also asks President Obama to end the Fast Track option, and grant Congress the ability to debate and amend the agreements, before voting on them.

With the world’s food supply, and consumers’ health, already endangered by chemical-intensive industrial agriculture and climate change, the U.S. and other governments should be looking for ways to promote sustainable food and agriculture policies, not restrict governments’ abilities to do so. Instead, the Obama Administration is subverting the principles of democracy in favor of handing a few transnational corporations unprecedented power to put profits above the health and well being of consumers.

Katherine Paul is Director of Communications and Development for the Organic Consumers Association.
Ronnie Cummins is National Director of the Organic Consumers Association.

from:    http://foodfreedomgroup.com/2013/06/13/secret-trade-agreements-threaten-food-safety-force-gmo-imports/

Alan Watts, Daniel Pinchbeck, Joyous Cosmology

The Joyous Cosmology: Prologue



After many years being out-of-print, Alan Watts’ classic account of the psychedelic experience, The Joyous Cosmology: Adventures in the Chemistry of Consciousness, is being reissued by New World Library. What follows is an introduction to the new edition by Daniel Pinchbeck, followed by Alan Watts’ prologue.

Introduction by Daniel Pinchbeck

The Joyous Cosmology inevitably sends me into a state of poetic euphoria and anarchistic delight. Alan Watts wrote this wonderful little book in the early 1960s: that long-lost moment of innocence when psychedelic substances like LSD and psilocybin were starting to permeate the culture of the modern West but no final decision had yet been made on their utility or fate-or their legality. It was a time when a handful of philosopher-poets had the chance to muse on the power of these compounds — “to give some impression of the new world of consciousness which these substances reveal,” Watts wrote.

Reading it again, I can’t help but recall my first forays into the soul-unfolding and mind-opening qualities of the visionary plants and chemical catalysts. Those first trips unmasked the brittle delusions of our current culture and revealed that deeper dimensions of psychic reality were available for us to explore. Watts is such a fluid stylist — such a master of evanescent, evocative, pitch-perfect prose — that it is easy to gloss over or to entirely miss the explosive, radical, even revolutionary core of his message and meaning: the Western ego, the primacy of self that our entire civilization is intricately designed to shore up and protect, simply does not exist.

When one uses the magnifying glass or microscope provided by one of a number of chemical compounds that, Watts cannily noted, do not impart wisdom in itself but provide “the raw 
materials of wisdom,” one finds nothing fixed, stable, permanent — no essence. Only relationship, pattern, flow. Watts’s psychedelic journeys provided experiential confirmation of the core teachings of Eastern metaphysics: that the Tao is all, that consciousness is “one without a second,” that there is no doing, only infinite reciprocity and divine play.

This book retains the freshness of precocious notebook jottings. It also, almost accidentally, gives a beautiful sense of life in the dawn of the psychedelic era on the West Coast, when groups of friends would gather in backyards beside eucalyptus groves to explore together, with the gentle humor of wise children, the infinite within. “All of us look at each other knowingly, for the feeling that we knew each other in that most distant past conceals something else — tacit, awesome, almost unmentionable — the realization that at the deep center of a time perpendicular to ordinary time we are, and always have been, one,” Watts wrote. “We acknowledge the marvelously hidden plot, the master illusion, whereby we appear to be different.”

Over the past forty or so years, we have suffered from the cultural delusion — put forth by a corporate media and government working overtime to keep consciousness locked up, as our industries suck the lifeblood from our planet — that the psychedelic revolution of the 1960s was a failure. Revisiting Watts’s Joyous Cosmology reminds me that the psychedelic revolution has barely begun. The journey inward is the great adventure that remains for humanity to take together. As long as we refuse to turn our attention to the vast interior dimensions of the Psyche — “The Kingdom of God is within” — we will continue to exhaust the physical resources of the planet, cook the atmosphere, and mindlessly exterminate the myriad plant, animal, and insect species who weave the web of life with us.

When on psychedelics, we tend to find that each moment takes on archetypal, timeless, mythological significance. At one point, Watts and his friends enter into a garage full of trash, where they collapse with helpless laughter. “The culmination of civilization in monumental heaps of junk is seen, not as thoughtless ugliness, but as self-caricature — as the creation of phenomenally absurd collages and abstract sculptures in deliberate but kindly mockery of our own pretensions.” Our civilization mirrors the “defended defensiveness” of the individual ego, which fortifies itself against the revelation of interdependence and interconnectivity, the plenitude and emptiness of the void.

We are lucky to have Watts’s testament of his encounters: The Joyous Cosmology is a carrier wave of information and insight, which has lost none of its subtlety, suppleness, or zest. It is also an expression of a larger culture process, one that is unfolding over the course of decades, through a “War on Drugs” that is secretly a war on consciousness.

Dr. Thomas B. Roberts, author of The Psychedelic Future of the Mind, among other works, has proposed that the rediscovery of entheogens by the modern West in the mid-twentieth century was the beginning of a “second Reformation,” destined to have repercussions at least as profound as those of the first one. In the first Reformation, the Bible was translated into the common vernacular, printed, and mass-produced, providing direct access to the “word of God,” which had previously been protected by the priests. With psychedelics, many people now have direct and unmediated access to the mystical and visionary experience, instead of reading about it in musty old tomes. As Watts’s scintillating prose makes clear-and all appearances to the contrary-the future will be psychedelic, or it will not be.

–Daniel Pinchbeck, author of 
Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey 
into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism. New York City, 2013

Prologue by Alan W. Watts

Slowly it becomes clear that one of the greatest of all superstitions is the separation of the mind from the body. This does not mean that we are being forced to admit that we are only bodies; it means that we are forming an altogether new idea of the body. For the body considered as separate from the mind is one thing — an animated corpse. But the body considered as inseparable from the mind is another, and as yet we have no proper word for a reality which is simultaneously mental and physical. To call it mental-physical will not do at all, for this is the very unsatisfactory joining of two concepts which have both been impoverished by long separation and opposition. But we are at least within sight of being able to discard altogether ideas of a stuff which is mental and a stuff which is material.

“Stuff” is a word which describes the formless mush that we perceive when sense is not keen enough to make out its pattern. The notion of material or mental stuff is based on the false analogy that trees are made of wood, mountains of stone, and minds of spirit in the same way that pots are made of clay. “Inert” matter seems to require an external and intelligent energy to give it form. But now we know that matter is not inert. Whether it is organic or inorganic, we are learning to see matter as patterns of energy — not of energy as if energy were a stuff, but as energetic pattern, moving order, active intelligence.

The realization that mind and body, form and matter, are one is blocked, however, by ages of semantic confusion and psychological prejudice. For it is common sense that every pattern, shape, or structure is a form of something as pots are forms of clay. It is hard to see that this “something” is as dispensable as the ether in which light was once supposed to travel, or as the fabulous tortoise upon which the earth was once thought to be supported. Anyone who can really grasp this point will experience a curiously exhilarating liberation, for the burden of stuff will drop from him and he will walk less heavily.

The dualism of mind and body arose, perhaps, as a clumsy way of describing the power of an intelligent organism to control itself. It seemed reasonable to think of the part controlled as one thing and the part controlling as another. In this way the conscious will was opposed to the involuntary appetites and reason to instinct. In due course we learned to center our identity, our selfhood, in the controlling part — the mind — and increasingly to disown as a mere vehicle the part controlled. It thus escaped our attention that the organism as a whole, largely unconscious, was using consciousness and reason to inform and control itself. We thought of our conscious intelligence as descending from a higher realm to take possession of a physical vehicle. We therefore failed to see it as an operation of the same formative process as the structure of nerves, muscles, veins, and bones — a structure so subtly ordered (that is, intelligent) that conscious thought is as yet far from being able to describe it.

This radical separation of the part controlling from the part controlled changed man from a self-controlling to a self-frustrating organism, to the embodied conflict and self-contradiction that he has been throughout his known history. Once the split occurred conscious intelligence began to serve its own ends instead of those of the organism that produced it. More exactly, it became the intention of the conscious intelligence to work for its own, dissociated, purposes. But, as we shall see, just as the separation of mind from body is an illusion, so also is the subjection of the body to the independent schemes of the mind.

Meanwhile, however, the illusion is as real as the hallucinations of hypnosis, and the organism of man is indeed frustrating itself by patterns of behavior which move in the most complex vicious circles. The culmination is a culture which ever more serves the ends of mechanical order as distinct from those of organic enjoyment, and which is bent on self-destruction against the instinct of every one of its members.

We believe, then, that the mind controls the body, not that the body controls itself through the mind. Hence the ingrained prejudice that the mind should be independent of all physical aids to its working — despite microscopes, telescopes, cameras, scales, computers, books, works of art, alphabets, and all those physical tools apart from which it is doubtful whether there would be any mental life at all.

At the same time there has always been at least an obscure awareness that in feeling oneself to be a separate mind, soul, or ego there is something wrong. Naturally, for a person who finds his identity in something other than his full organism is less than half a man. He is cut off from complete participation in nature. Instead of being a body he “has” a body. Instead of living and loving he “has” instincts for survival and copulation. Disowned, they drive him as if they were blind furies or demons that possessed him.

The feeling that there is something wrong in all this revolves around a contradiction characteristic of all civilizations. This is the simultaneous compulsion to preserve oneself and to forget oneself. Here is the vicious circle: if you feel separate from your organic life, you feel driven to survive; survival — going on living — thus becomes a duty and also a drag because you are not fully with it; because it does not quite come up to expectations, you continue to hope that it will, to crave for more time, to feel driven all the more to go on. What we call self-consciousness is thus the sensation of the organism obstructing itself, of not being with itself, of driving, so to say, with accelerator and brake on at once. Naturally, this is a highly unpleasant sensation, which most people want to forget.

The lowbrow way of forgetting oneself is to get drunk, to be diverted with entertainments, or to exploit such natural means of self-transcendence as sexual intercourse. The highbrow way is to throw oneself into the pursuit of the arts, of social service, or of religious mysticism. These measures are rarely successful because they do not disclose the basic error of the split self. The highbrow ways even aggravate the error to the extent that those who follow them take pride in forgetting themselves by purely mental means — even though the artist uses paints or sounds, the social idealist distributes material wealth, and the religionist uses sacraments and rituals, or such other physical means as fasting, yoga breathing, or dervish dancing. And there is a sound instinct in the use of these physical aids, as in the repeated insistence of mystics that to know about God is not enough: transformation of the self is only through realizing or feeling God. The hidden point is that man cannot function properly through changing anything so superficial as the order of his thoughts, of his dissociated mind. What has to change is the behavior of his organism; it has to become self-controlling instead of self-frustrating.

Excerpted from The Joyous Cosmology ©2013 by Alan W. Watts.  Published with permission of New World Library.

from:    http://www.realitysandwich.com/joyous_cosmology_prologue

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Earthquake

Moderate shallow earthquake surprises tourists in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Last update: June 15, 2013 at 2:07 pm by By

Unlike Mexicans, who are more or less used to earthquakes, a lot of tourists staying in the many resorts of Puerto Vallarta were waken up by the shaking of a nearby shallow earthquake.
Even to our own surprise, only the Mexican seismological service SSN reported about this event.

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24 km South-West of Las Varas, Nay

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 4.2

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-06-15 01:23:53

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-06-15 07:23:53

from:    http://earthquake-report.com/2013/06/15/moderate-earthquake-puerto-vallarta-mexico-on-june-15-2013/

Luzon, Philippines Earthquake

Moderate earthquake at intermediate depth below San Juan, Luzon, Philippines

Last update: June 14, 2013 at 5:43 pm by By

Update 17:36 UTC : PHIVOLCS report a somewhat different picture mentioning a Magnitude of M4.9 at a depth of 26 km. A little more dangerous, especially for landslides.
Phivolcs does not expect damage and/or aftershocks. They are reporting an Intensity II at – Laoag City; Sarat, Ilocos Norte; Santa, Ilocos Sur and Baguio City.
Earthquake-report.com is a little more sceptical about this earthquake. Based on the Phivolcs data (preliminary of course) we would not be surprised that minor damage has occurred.
Phivolcs puts the epicenter right on the coastline vs more inland by USGS. It will take a little more time before seismologists have manually recalculated the data.

Image courtesy Phivolcs, Philippines

Image courtesy Phivolcs, Philippines

Update 17:35 UTC : The earthquake occurred at 1 AM when most people went to bed. Many of them will not have felt the shaking.

USGS reports a depth of 56 km (preliminary data) which makes this earthquake to be felt in a rather wide area (hundreds of km) but we are convinced that due to the depth this earthquake will not generate any damage.

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0km (0mi) S of San Juan, Philippines
14km (9mi) NE of Bangued, Philippines
37km (23mi) ENE of Bantay, Philippines
38km (24mi) ENE of Vigan, Philippines
340km (211mi) N of Manila, Philippines

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 4.9

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-06-15 01:00:24

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-06-14 17:00:24

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 60 km

from:    http://earthquake-report.com/2013/06/14/moderate-earthquake-luzon-philippines-on-june-14-2013/