CHile/Argentina Border Quake 6/19

Strong earthquake along the Chile / Argentina border region

Last update: June 19, 2013 at 10:04 pm by By

Update 22:02 UTC : ONEMI Chile reports the following MMI values :
Región: Valparaíso
MMI IV Calera, Calle Larga, Concón, La Ligua, Los Andes, Petorca, Quillota, Rinconada
MMI V : Zapallar
MMI IV : Villa Alemana :
Región: Metropolitana de Santiago

Screen Shot 2013-06-20 at 00.02.52

Update 21:57 UTC :  There was of course NO tsunami danger as the Magnitude was far too weak and as the epicenter was below the Andes

Update 21:54 UTC : Universidad de Chile Santiago is reporting a Magnitude of Ml5.3 at a depth of 77 km

Update 21:53 UTC : This earthquake was of course also felt in  Argentina, ie Mendoza

Update 21:41 UTC : GEOFON Germany is the first to report and publishes a Magnitude of 5.5 at a depth of 100 km = harmless

Update 21:39 UTC : We are of course scanning all possible sources, but nothing yet

Update 21:37 UTC : No values yet for Magnitude. Most people visiting from Santiago and Valparaiso

When you are one of the people who experienced this earthquake, please fill in the form behind “I Felt A (not Listed) Earthquake”. Thank you.

The depth of the hypocenter is making this earthquake felt in a very wide area.

Screen Shot 2013-06-19 at 23.44.18

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 5.3

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-06-19 18:29:13

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-06-19 21:29:13


Your Color Vibe for THursday, June 20

Thursday, June 20:    Rose Indigo

Inspiration and renewal are the two themes that will run throughout the day.  You can find yourself doing things in new ways, finding unexpected answers, and solving problems that had been vexing you for sometime.  This same sense of seeing things anew and approaching them from a fresh perspective will also color your relationships with people today.  You can find some delight in surprising people who always thought you were so predictable.  This can have some far-reaching consequences, so remember today alter on when things start falling into new pattern and opportunities are offered to you that you never thought you would get.  And there is where the renewal comes in.  You will find today a new sense of purpose, a greater appreciation of just WHO you are, and a new joy in what you are.  Your eyes are being opened.  Things are looking different, and you are moving into your own.  You will get hints of all of this in the current energy.

June 16-22 Chromoscope

June 16-22

The theme this week is Turning the Corner.  If you have been feeling before that everything is different, everything is changing, well, this week it will be undeniable.  So stay centered and open to your intuition.  Much to learn.  Much to understand.  Much to encounter.



Overall Color for the Week:    Dark Lavender

Emotions are very close to the surface this week, and the best thing to do is allow them to come.  This is not a time for bottling them up because any thing that is bottled up will come spilling out in a deluge later on and that cannot be good.  Look to your intuition in making decisions this week.  Listen to your intuition in dealing with people in all situations.  Things are falling apart and this includes all areas of your life.  When things happen see them as opportunities to do something new, to take a different direction, to rethink some old preconceptions.  Pay attention to your body.  It is shifting and changing and with it come aches and pains and general weirdness.  If you are concerned, then seek advice.  However, if it seems to be a hint to you concerning where you are needing to set your attention, then honor that also.  This is not a week for feeling comfortable.  Accept this and be aware of it.  It will help as the week progresses.  There is a big ouch somewhere in this week.  When it comes, look at it from all angles.  There is more there than meets the eye.  As time progresses you will find that your circle of friends shifts and changes.  There can be some sadness here, but if you take time to go within, you can see that there are certain ones that you deal with who are not truly assisting you.  It can be sad.  The past is always a comfortable cushion regardless of how good or bad it was.  Now can be scary and the future overwhelming, however with the unity of like-minded and open hearted friends, compatriots, and partners, all will be well.  Oh, and a big issue again this week will be the senses, particularly the sense of smell. Be aware to what you are sensing, ask advice, and go within.  Also, along with all the people leaving.  You will be seeing things that make you question what is going on.  Again, go within and find the message.

On the larger picture there is movement underneath in all areas.  This includes the Earth, the weather, volcanoes, sea life, politics, medicine, finance, etc.  Something is moving underneath it all.  New vortexes will be opening up in areas throughout the world.  Some will be underwater vortexes, so there can be some odd movements in the waters.  There is also some kind of blight that is making itself felt on the earth.  You will not hear much of this now, but it will become very much to the forefront as time progresses.  In terms of finances, this week it will begin to become obvious that the emperor has no clothes.  The media will make light of this, practicing their time-honored distraction tactics.  The opinions of the financiers will be that we are looking at ‘correction’, temporary glitch, inaccurate reporting.  But there will be more grassroots movements springing up to challenge the illusion that has been spread by the ones in power.  There is a political leader who is poised for a fall.  This will bring about a reworking of a lot of alliances.  In the wake of this more and more information will come spilling out that can cause reverberations throughout the world.  There is a coming together of a group of people who have been overlooked for many years.  These people will be showing themselves as having pretty much been in hiding for so long in order to establish their position and power.  And the pattern continues to form.  On the game board, the pieces are moving erratically, and yet, inexorably falling in their tracks.  Interesting week, but still just the beginning as this is the turning point.  There are people on all levels and in all positions who are making the decision to follow what they know deep in their hearts to be the true way to interact with others.

Your Color Vibe for 6/19

Wednesday, June 19:     Frosty White

Things are happening.  Things are coming to pass.  Things are getting done.  Somehow, you are feeling that it all does not matter quite as much as you thought it would.  Even as peripheral things that you thought you wanted begin to manifest, you question how important they were after all.  There is an air of melancholia in the current of energy today.  Along with that comes nostalgia of a different type, for things still there but you are feeling as though they are gone.  Allow these feeling to come, to well up, and to move through you.  At the other side is a sense of rightness, a bout of synchronicity, an opening to what the symbols around you are telling you.  This is a day of mysteries and mysteries solved.  You can do as much, find as much, understand as much, become as much as you are open to, as you are willing to go.

Microsoft in the Eugenics Business?

(as always, do the research, check it out, ask the questions:)


Microsoft Buys Eugenics Technology From Merck


When you buy Microsoft products, you are now promoting the pharmaceutical industry and its global vaccine agenda. That’s the new reality in which we live, where the world’s largest software company is “in bed” with the world’s largest vaccine pusher.

How so? In 2009, Microsoft purchased a key piece of technology from the drug company Merck, the world’s largest maker of vaccines (which Bill Gates says can help “reduce the global population” by 10 to 15 percent). That technology, as you’ll see below, can conceivably be used to develop eugenics vaccines that target specific races and nationalities with infertility-inducing pharmaceuticals — something that is entirely consistent with Bill Gates’ openly-admitted goal of reducing world population through the use of vaccines (see link to video below).

This gene-targeting vaccine research technology purchased by Microsoft was developed by the company known as Rosetta Biosciences, formerly owned by Merck. Their software is described as a way to “figure out how genes interact with each other, analyze peptides and metabolites, and determine how they relate to gene expression.” (…)

An announcement on the Rosetta Biosoftware web site explains, “The deal allows Microsoft to incorporate genetic, genomic, metabolomic and proteomics data management software into the Microsoft Amalga Life Sciences platform for enhanced translational research capabilities.” (

This same announcement goes on to say that vaccine maker Merck will “provide strategic input to Microsoft” as a part of the deal. Merck’s strategy, of course, is to make money by pimping vaccines and pharmaceuticals, including the now-infamous Gardasil vaccine.

Rupert Vessey, the vice president of Merck Research Laboratories, openly admits this deal puts Microsoft in the role of being a drug developer. He says, “We look forward to collaborating with Microsoft to develop new bioinformatic solutions to enable and expedite drug discovery and development…”

This is a key statement to understand, because the term “bioinformatic” can only mean one thing. What stores information in biology? These is only one digital storage system in human biology, and that system is, of course, DNA. Therefore, the idea of developing “bioinformatic solutions” really means to develop “gene-targeting drugs and vaccines.”

This is fully consistent with Bill Gates’ admitted agenda of reducing world population with the help of drug company technologies. At a TED conference, he announced in front of a live audience:“…if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower [global population] by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”(

See the video yourself at:

All this comes on the heels of other recent news that Bill Gates is fundingsperm-destroying technologyto cause widespread male infertility ( His foundation has also funded genetically modified mosquitoes and other mad science experiments (

Microsoft the new leader in eugenics technology?

What’s clear from all this is that Bill Gates is pursuing an agenda of human depopulation. This is a similar agenda of those who pursueeugenicsefforts around the globe, including Adolf Hitler and a long list of former FDA Commissioners in the United States. One of the most common ambitions of those in the highest positions of power, it seems, is to cull the human population and eliminate “the little people,” leaving only a “master race” of supreme beings.

Even major universities around the globe are now teaching students that human beings are evil for merely being alive and exhaling carbon dioxide, and that killing off humans is “green” for the planet.

In order to kill off large swaths of human beings, the most efficient mechanism to use is a self-replicating, gene-targeted bioweapon. Microsoft’s Amalga Life Sciences technology, purchased from vaccine developer March, theoretically provides a viable platform to develop precisely such bioweapons. It is interesting that no announcements from the company appear to have been made since being acquired by Microsoft in 2009, indicating that their work is now being conducted in total secrecy, behind closed doors.

U.S. government admits developing weaponized, deadly flu strains

Recent headlines reveal that the United States government has also secretly funded bioweapons research that resulted in the development of super-deadly flu strains that could wipe out far more than just 15 percent of the human population. As revealed in recent news headlines:

“Scientists agreed Friday to a 60-day moratorium on research into a modified avian flu virus that has been demonstrated to be more transmissible among mammals. Although the investigators believe their research has a public health benefit, they acknowledge the fear of some governments and others that the genetically altered virus could escape from labs and infect people.”(…)

That may be precisely the point, it turns out. There is no better way to promote the vaccine profits of the pharmaceutical industry than to actually release an engineered bioweapon virus into the wild. And there is no faster way to reduce the world population than to engineer either a vaccine or a weaponized flu virus that burns through the human population, targeting those of an “undesirable” genetic profile who need to be “cleansed” from the human gene pool.

This about this the next time you think about purchasing Microsoft Office, Windows or some other Microsoft product. By doing so, you are funding what could very well be a global eugenics agenda with the ultimate goal of wiping out a significant proportion of the human race.

Mike Adams
Natural News
Thursday, February 2, 2012



Health and Harms

Connecting the Dots: Vaccines, Heavy Metals, GMOs and Brain Damage

Intelligence and memory loss symbol19th June 2013

© Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

America’s Invisible Crises – Connecting the Dots (Part 2):

Three years ago, I wrote an article linking early signs of brain dysfunction/damage with the toxic ingredients in Chemtrails. See:

This is one of the most dangerous, covert, and global operations to which we have ever been exposed; and this is very difficult for people to understand: the serious implications of products (cell phones and Smart Meters) and invisible environmental toxins that damage our ability to think clearly. This is a major contributing factor to our diminished cognitive functions. However, it is not the only source of harm.

When we begin to connect the dots to the thousands of unsafe and often highly toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and hormone disruptors to which we are exposed daily, we then can collectively see that this is not just a one-issue health crisis we face. Rather, with corporations allowed free reign to poison us with impunity [the new Monsanto protection bill is the latest crime against us], we do not have any way to have any redress of decades of grievances. The ramifications of this are enormous.

Vaccines & Heavy Metals Dangers

The idea that a vaccine can give a person or animal protection from some disease has been around since even before the 19th century. It seemed like a reasonable idea, and it took off in the 20th century with a giant push from the pharmaceutical corporations and backed by a covert agenda of harm. So, by the mid-1950s, American children were required to get about 4 vaccinations, including the polio vaccine.

What was hidden from us, and never taken into any public account even in 1960, was that the polio vaccine was prepared using the African Green Monkey. Even then, this primate was known to be a carrier of a cancer-causing virus known as Simian Virus 40 (SV40). This virus crosses species to humans. The Salk vaccine contains this carcinogenic virus; but Americans were never told about the dangers. As with so many other poisons, federal agencies knew, but these vaccines were never removed from the market, until it was very late. The harm done to unsuspecting people was huge. See:

Today, American children are given more than 40 vaccines. This starts on the very first day of life when they are given the Hepatitis B vaccine. A newborn’s immune system is immature; and so, from day one, a baby’s health is already compromised with toxic ingredients in this vaccine. In addition, there are 3 more recommended doses of the Hep B vaccine during the baby’s first year. Ingredients in the Hep B vaccine include: Polysorbate 80 [also known as Tween 80, used as an emulsifier in cosmetics, and is known to cause infertility, grand mal convulsions, spontaneous abortions, and life-threatening anaphylactic shock]; formaldehyde [a known carcinogen and reproductive or developmental toxicant]; and aluminum sulphate [toxic to the reproductive system, mucous membranes, skin, causes bone loss, and damages brain function]. Aluminum is known as a persistent neurotoxin.(2) It is also one of the ingredients in the deadly aerosol Chemtrails, in the form of nano-coated fiber Aluminum.

Why are these poisons in a supposedly “protective” vaccine? Does it make any sense to a rational person? This is a vaccine that is supposed to “prevent disease.”(1) Hepatitis B vaccine is given for “high risk behavior” persons. Does a newborn baby qualify for being a high risk? How long can we still believe the lies and enormous decades-long deceit from agencies bought off by the corporations?

There are numerous other ingredients that are unsafe and toxic that are included in vaccines. The various flu vaccines are loaded with poisonous ingredients. See “Dangers in the Shots”:

There also are the toxins in the HPV vaccine now pushed on children as young as 11 – even when there have been many deaths! This has all been preventable were parents informed of vaccine dangers. Earlier this year, Judicial Watch sued the US government for “Secrets on HPV vaccine deaths.”(4) See: and

For decades, Robert Kennedy Jr. has also been writing and speaking about another dangerous ingredient in vaccines, the mercury derivative known as “thimerosol.” He documents that “government health agencies colluded with Big Pharma to hide the risks.”(3) It is used as a vaccine preservative, so that more doses can be made and give Big Pharma far more profits.

Going back to ancient Rome, mercury has been known as a poison. Used in vaccines since the 1930s, mercury has a centuries-long history of causing cell injury and cell death. It is known to destroy the central nervous system. It is also linked to brain damage and to the explosion of ADD, ADHD, and other early cognitive troubles that were rare until children were forced to have more shots. In an Orwellian world gone amok with criminality, the governments deny any of these dangers. See:

And see also  Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s TV interview on vaccines and thimerosol:

Forced vaccinations are a breach of ethics, informed parental and human rights.

Mercury is also one of the major toxic ingredients in dental amalgam “silver fillings.” Millions of Americans have these fillings in their mouths. Over a lifetime, each filling leaches mercury into the bloodstream. It takes decades for mercury to show its lethal impact on brain function. Amalgam fillings are a major contributing factor to brain damage and cognitive dysfunction seen in elders.

mercury-fillingsBoth my grandfather and mother were leading dentists who spoke out about the dangers of amalgam fillings. In 1910, my grandfather was opposed to using amalgam fillings as a dental restoration. That was 103 years ago! Then, my mother continued his research and lectured worldwide on these known dangers. She had a 47-year dental practice in New York and opposed the American Dental Association [ADA] for its heinous support of amalgam use.

These well-based warnings were never heeded. So, today millions more people have toxic mercury – instead of safer alternatives – leaching into their bloodstreams. Both these leading dentists urged the use of gold [foils, inlays, or crowns] as a safe and lifetime dental restoration. See:

PLEASE NOTE: removal of amalgam fillings must be done by a dentist with experience needed for the specific heavy metals Haz-Mat protocol. This is both for the safety of the patient and the dentist. The fillings cannot just be drilled out without a specific safety procedure. This mercury then must be disposed of properly.

Mercury is also found in other products. It was removed from glass thermometers because of the known dangers. But mercury is still in constant use. Light bulbs have now been replaced with supposedly “energy-saving” long-life light bulbs that also contain mercury. When one of these bulbs breaks, it becomes a Haz-Mat site. These new compact fluorescent light bulbs contaminate our environment with 30,000 pounds of mercury annually:

There is no safe level of mercury. Further, there is enough overwhelming medical evidence that mercury-based products cause enormous harm. There has never been any precaution in manufacturing vaccines, or toxic light bulbs, or dental fillings. Greed has trumped any precaution and safety, while we continue to suffer harm. The deliberate lies and the massive “vaccine hoax” perpetrated on unknowing and un-informed consumers is over. See:

Genetically Modified Organisms [GMOs]

Splicing genes from one species to another to create genetically modified organisms has contaminated the web of life throughout our planet. When the Big Agra businesses decided to create GMOs, there was barely any public discussion in America; and laws were passed without any precaution or long-term testing. Crops that are GMO – corn, soy, rapeseed oil, some species of wheat, and cotton – have been grown in heavily damaged soil using glyphosate [product name, Round-Up], and have poisoned millions of acres of land belonging to farmers who do not grow GMOs. In India, the suicide rate among farmers is 46 per day – with a staggering total of 270,940 farmers’ deaths since 1995.

Corporations, such as Montanto, can take these farmers to court for growing GMOs because of the rigging of the legal system to favor corporate crimes. These tragic deaths are often linked to the control of the seed supply. Dr. Vandana Shiva, one of India’s greatest women [author of 20 books, more than 500 articles, and 1993 recipient of the Right Livlihood Award], notes:

“Monsanto and its PR men are trying desperately to delink the epidemic of farmers’ suicides in India from its growing control over the cotton seed supply. For us it is the control over seed, the first link in the food chain, the source of life which is our biggest concern. When a corporation controls seed, it controls life. Including the life of our farmers. The trends of Monsanto’s concentrated control on the seed sector in India or across the world is the central issue.

…Through patents on seeds, Monsanto has become the ‘Life Lord’ on the planet, collecting rents from life’s renewal and from farmers, the original breeders. Patents on seed are illegitimate because putting a toxic gene into a plant cell is not the “creation” or invention of the plant. They are seeds of deception -the deception of Monsanto being the creator of seeds and life, the deception that while it sues farmers and traps them in debt, it is working for farmers’ welfare and ‘improving farmers lives’- the deception that GMOs feed the world.”(5)

From the beginning, in Europe, there has been far more transparency about the toxicity of GMOs. The oldest environmental magazine is the UK’s “The Ecologist” founded 43 years ago by the brilliant Edward Goldsmith – a recipient of the 1991 Right Livelihood Award [the alternative Nobel Prize]. In 1998, this magazine devoted an entire issue to GMOs called “The Monsanto Files.” This is an excellent source of background information that was not reported here. The company has a very long history of harm. See:

GMOs have never delivered what they purportedly were supposed to do: increase crop yields, and use less herbicides and pesticides. None of this has happened, because there were lies and deception from the beginning. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, one of the world’s leading scientists, and director of London’s Institute for Science in Society (ISIS), has long been an opponent of GMOs; and she has published several books and numerous scientific papers on transgenic dangers. ISIS published “The Case for a GM-Free Sustainable World.” The following is part of the Executive Summary:

“The instability of transgenic lines has plagued the industry from the beginning, and this may be responsible for a string of major crop failures. A review in 1994, stated ‘while there are some examples of plants which show stable expression of a transgene these may prove to be the exceptions to the rule.’ In an informal survey of 30 companies involved in the comercialization of transgenic crop plants…almost all of the respondents indicated that they had observed some level of transgene inaction. Many respondents indicated that most cases of transgene inactivation never reach the literature.”

“In the United States, glyphosate-tolerant weeds are plaguing GM cotton and soya fields, and atrazine, one of the most toxic herbicides, has had to be used with glyfosinate-tolerant GM maize.”(6)

In the US, about 85 percent of the corn grown in genetically modified. Why would anyone want to eat corn that has been poisoned by atrazine and glyphosate? The links between serious illness and GMOs are well documented. ISIS has published one scientific report after another documenting these dangers.

This executive summary also includes major concerns about GM food safety, dangerous gene products being incorporated into crops, and terminator crops spreading male sterility. These broad-spectrum herbicides are “toxic to humans and other species.” The list of dangers goes on and on, and there is more than a decade and a half of reported GMO toxicity in the scientific literature.

Birth defects and sterility have been linked to genetically engineered crops and Round-Up as well as enormous harm to animals, humans and plants. A new website is documenting the worldwide scientific research, and can be found here (7):

F. William Engdahl’s book “Seeds of Destruction” is also another damning indictment of GMO dangers and what devious practices have transpired behind the scenes with the multi-national agra corporations. This also is essential reading! On June 4, Engdahl also published a new article, “The Monsanto Protection Plan”: Monsanto’s Deception Game on GMO in Europe”:

Two other recent events give us hope that GMOs will soon be banned and the corporations that have wrecked such havoc will be held accountable for massive and criminal poisoning of our food supply.

John Graf picsFirstly, there was a 56-nation Monsanto protest and march two week’s ago on May 25. People are fed up with the lies and deceit; and this was the largest worldwide protest against the poisoning of our food supply. Here are some pictures taken by photographer John Graf in Los Angeles.

The day before this global protest, Dr, Mae-Wan Ho and Dr. Eva Sirinathsinghji published a scathing GMO indictment on ISIS: “Ban GMOs Now. Health & Environmental Hazards Especially in the Light of the New Genetics.” THIS IS MUST READING FOR EVERYONE! SO, PLEASE SHARE THIS! Here is the link:

No one has the legal or moral right to patent life! We will stop these heinous crimes.

Hormone Disruption

Our endocrine (or hormone) system is a collection of glands that secrete various hormones (chemical messages) into our bloodstream. These impact and influence almost every one of our cells, organs, and bodily functions. There are literally millions of chemical products globally that affect the endocrine system and, in fact, DISRUPT it.  Some of the earliest evidence of hormone disruption dates back to the 1970s, when frogs and other amphibians were found with 5 legs, and there were other indications that 18-20 percent of adult frogs were feminized.

Something was amiss; but scientists were puzzled about what was wrong and how it was already impacting wildlife. One of the early scientific published reports showed “that atrazine causes tadpoles of the classic ‘laboratory rat’ of the frog world, the African clawed toad, Xenopus laevus, to become hermaphroditic as adults.” The atrazine levels were low, but still did enormous harm.(8)

There are chemical disruptors that mimic hormones, and are known to affect production of estrogens, androgens, other hormones, and normal sexual development. They are also known to block hormonal action and alter and disrupt hormonal chemical messages. The list of extensive harm that results is enormous. Products includes: industrial chemicals [PCBs, and dioxin]; and pesticides [such as DDT, one of the first used, that still causes long-lasting harm, even though it was banned in 1973  in the US].

Rachel Carson warned us in 1962 about DDT toxicity. Her warning was ignored. One of the long-lasting impacts of DDT is that girls exposed to it before they reach “puberty, are 5 times more likely to develop breast cancer in middle age.” See:

Another group of hormone disruptors are a group of chemicals known as phthalates. They are used to make plastics soft, are found in thousands of household products [cosmetics, childrens’ toys and thousands of baby products, including baby bottles and pacifiers, rolls of food wrappers, and food packaging –that off-gases and then leaches into food]. They are ubiquitous around the world. About 1-billion pounds of phthalates are produced annually. See:

Ten years ago, when I included phthalates in a section of my book “The Uterine Crisis,” most women did not know about the devastating effects on reproduction. Phthalates off gas; and we are constantly exposed to the chronic harm they cause. These include damage to: egg production; prenatal development; offspring’s development and sexual maturity. Women are not the only ones negatively affected by exposure to phthalates. For men, this includes: a reduction in sperm motility; damaged sperm; and lower sperm count. Male sperm count is now down 50 percent from where it was in the 1970s.

One of the other devastating effects of phthalate exposure is that it is linked to obesity. See:

While mainstream controlled news focuses on the problems with our food supply [and yes, the toxic chemicals in food are a big problem], the phthalate link is rarely addressed. However, a new report recently issued by the World Health Organization [WHO] documents the extreme dangers of phthalates. See:

One of the best books, written for the general reader is by co-author Dr. Theo Colburn: “Our Stolen Future”. The book was written in 1996; and the website has become an important resource for all the updated dangers of what these chemicals have done to all humans and other life forms, and how this systemic toxicity is now in the gene pool. See:

There are no safe levels of phthalate use (or even BPA-free). These chemcals have already caused massive devastation and global harm. For our safety and future, all these chemicals need to be banned. There are safe alternatives.

These toxins connect some of the important dots to the evidence of the tremendous amount of poisoning to which we are constantly assaulted every day. If we think we are safe, it is an illusion. Much of this is invisible and, therefore, off our radar. But early signs of worldwide brain dysfunction and damage do fit into this picture. There are thousands upon thousands of scientific and medical reports and decades of research showing the insidious dangers of each and every toxin mentioned in this article.

When one begins to add up the thousands of poisons and what they do to any living organism, it is not surprsing that we have staggering rates of cancers, multiple immune diseases, global hormone disruption, and a worldwide population that is crippled with harm. The damage done to our children and grandchildren is incalculable. As co-author Dr. Theo Colburn has written: 1 chemical plus 1 chemical does not equal 2. It could equal up to 1,600 times the original poisoned dose. We now have a mathematical nightmare of staggering proportions with this highly toxic spew.

What can we do?

We continue to be cannon fodder and experimental lab animals for the elites and their multi-national corporations. Their bottom line is massive profits, and billions of people buy their toxic products. We all are expendable for their $$$! As David Icke said a few days ago: “We are looking at an historic moment, in terms of the history of exposure.”(9)

Please share this information widely. Stay tuned for Part 3 next week. I do have a workable plan and want to ask for your help! This nightmare is fixable!

for more info, go to:

The Power of a Question

Question Everything!

question everything - Copy14th June 2013

By Jan Fox

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

There can be many reasons why you don’t question everything.

1)  Because you have always taken for granted all that is around you is true.

2)  Because it is the ‘norm’.

3)  Because everyone else does it, or believes it to be true.

4)  Because that’s the way it’s always been.

5)  Because some “authority” person, be it your parents, a teacher or professor, a doctor or a  lawyer, a political figure, a minister, or the television news tells you it’s so.

Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, ‘they’ were wrong?

The majority of people used to believe the world was flat and only a few believed it to be round, and the minority who thought the world was round were laughed at.

Or that the Earth was the center of the Universe – Galileo taught the Sun was the center of the [known] Universe. Following mounting controversy he was tried in 1633, and found “gravely suspect of heresy,” and was sentenced to indefinite imprisonment. This was subsequently commuted to house arrest, under which he remained for the rest of his life – for stating a truth. But we now know what he proposed was absolutely true.

Let’s start with some simple questions

Have you ever asked why the directions on certain shampoo bottles instructs you to shampoo, rinse and shampoo and rinse again? Could it be because you are using twice as much shampoo so you have to buy it twice as often and double the profits of the corporation that is selling the shampoo? Or is it because the shampoo is inadequate, not strong enough to clean your hair the first time?

fluoride insertWhy does your tube of toothpaste state you must call Poison Control Center if you swallow more than a toothbrush full of toothpaste? Because it’s poison, that’s why! It has sodium fluoride in it, and that is the poison.

This leads to the next question. Why do the water treatment plants add sodium fluoride to your drinking water if it’s a poison? You were told it would help reduce tooth decay but there are no studies proving that the fluoridation of drinking water prevents tooth decay. None, zilch, nana.

In 1986, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a report in which concern was expressed about the incidence of dental problems caused by there being too much fluoride in public drinking water supplies.

To all this we must add the fact that since drinking water supplies already contain a number of chemicals such as nitrates which accumulate because of the use of fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, chlorine and aluminum sulphate which are added deliberately, and lead or copper from the pipes which are used to supply the water to our homes – adding fluoride to the mixture increase the risk of a dangerous interaction between the various chemicals in the water.

Dr. Dean Burk, PhD, with 34 years at the National Cancer Institute said:

“In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer than any other chemical.”

Follow that question with this one. Why, and who recommended we drink eight, 8-ounces of water daily? The most commonly cited source for the 8×8 myth is the U.S. government-sponsored Food and Nutrition Board from 1945. And what year did they start putting fluoride in the water? 1945. Coincidence? And is it a coincidence that in 1942-45, the Nazis put fluoride in the drinking water of those in the concentration camps to keeps the prisoners docile?

If a toothbrush full of toothpaste is swallowed and you are warned to contact Poison Control, why are they recommending eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily – that is full of fluoride? Why no warning to call Poison Control when drinking fluoridated water? You’re getting more fluoride in 64 ounces of fluoridated water than you are in a toothbrush full of toothpaste.

It stands to reason that if sodium fluoride is a poison, along with all the other chemicals, the more water you drink, the more poison (fluoride) you bring into your system. Why would a 5’2″ female weighing 107 pounds need the same amount of water as a 6’3″ male weighing 220 pounds? The report doesn’t specify size and weight, just that we should all drink eight x 8-ounces of water per day. Could it be because ‘they’ want you to drink more water so you will get more sodium fluoride (poison) in your system? It has even been recommended that tranquillizers be added to drinking water supplies to calm people down… although I doubt that will ever happen.

Try questioning where the water goes when you take a shower or a bath. The fluoridated water that doesn’t go down the drain is absorbed into your body. Some of you may be thinking, “No, it doesn’t”. But think about it; why would nicotine patches be sold to help you stop smoking or why would the medical profession give you a patch that releases pain medication if it isn’t absorbed into the body through the skin?

Now you are asking yourself:

Now why would ‘they’ want to poison us? Why would ‘they’ do that? And who are “they” anyway.

The ‘why’ is for money, greed, and power. “They” are the huge corporations that are running the world. Let’s talk about Monsanto for example, which is a gigantic corporation. They spent 40 million dollars in preventing the labeling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). You should question why Bill Gates (the Microsoft Gates) purchased 500,000 shares of Monsanto stock.

Now why would a huge corporation spend that amount preventing citizens of the United States and many other countries from knowing what they are eating? Why hide it unless it is something Monsanto doesn’t want you to know.

Did you know that those who produce organic foods MUST purchase an expensive organic certification? Certification is handled by state, non-profit and private agencies that have been approved by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Ask yourself why an organic farmer has to pay big bucks for a certification to let people know they are getting organic foods and Monsanto doesn’t even have to label their artificial food?

What’s wrong with this picture? And by the way, “organic” and “natural” labels are not the same. In the U.S., this “natural” label means “minimally processed”.

Let’s step up our questions!

Why do you pay the state to get a marriage license? Because that’s the way it’s done; everyone does it; that’s the way it is.

ID cards - CopyAsk yourself why you must pay the government/state to get a marriage license to get married. From the beginning of time no one had to get a marriage license to get married, not even ex-presidents such as George Washington and Abraham Lincoln had to obtain a marriage license. It wasn’t until 1856 in Shawnee, Kansas that the first person had to ‘purchase’ a license and get ‘permission’ from the government to get married.

Getting a license is the same as getting ‘permission’ from the government to do what we have every God-given right to do in the first place. At one time interracial marriages were not allowed – the government didn’t give them ‘permission’ to marry. Gays cannot marry because the government won’t give them ‘permission’ – won’t issue them a license.

Why is no there no maximum wage? The government gave us a minimum wage but they have not given themselves a maximum wage? They can vote in their own wage. Why are men paid more than women for the same identical job? Why do the citizens of the United States pay into the social security system (whether we want to or not) and collect a small amount when we retire, if we live that long, yet our elected officials don’t pay into social security and can receive their annual income for life when they retire?

Why must we wear a seat belt if we have an airbag? The airbag is released on impact, yet we must wear a seat belt by law and if stopped by the police and you aren’t wearing one, you will get a ticket and fined?

Why must we get ‘permission’ from the government to purchase a license plate for our car, and then renew it every year? Who made that rule up? Who voted on it? Did you get to vote?

Ask why you must purchase a hunting or fishing license from the government/state just to go fishing or hunting. It used to be that anyone could hunt or fish anytime they wanted. Does the government own all the fish and animals in the world? Do they own all the land? And who did they buy the land, the animals and the fish from? God? Who are they to tell us we can’t hunt or fish without their permission? Or that if we do that we must ‘purchase’ a license from them. Ask yourself why you must purchase a dog license from the government.

They are like the school yard bully.

Question inequity

Why must you get a license (permission) from the government to carry a firearm to protect yourself and your family? You have to have a license to sale, to buy, and to repair firearms. The President has secret service men around him at all times (who carry guns) and a bullet-proof vehicle and a private plane. He is well protected but they want everyday citizens to be on our own with no way to protect ourselves unless we get ‘permission’, a license from the government to carry a firearm. Even the Pope has a Popemobile with 3″ bulletproof windows, surrounded by security.

In most cases you even need a license to work, to earn a living. For example, you go to automotive/mechanical school for two years and you learn how to repair vehicles. The school gives you a certificate. Why do you need to go to the government and purchase a license (obtain permission) to work in that field?

Ask yourself why an illegal immigrant mother of seven is given food stamps, meds, housing, and Social Security for 20 years and we have so many people starving and living on the streets here in America? Senior citizens with barely enough to eat, eating cat food, or starving. Can’t afford to pay the electric bill so they freeze during the winter? I’ve seen citizens arrested for feeding the homeless in a park.

Ask why it is illegal to sell raw milk? To grow a garden on your own property? To save rain water in a rain barrel on your own property? Does the government now think they own the rain water? Ask why you must pay personal property tax on your home when the bank actually owns your house until it is completely paid for? If the bank owns your house and can foreclose, why aren’t they paying the property taxes on the house?

Question 911

Let’s look at one of the worst days in American history – 9/11. Why did Building 7 implode like the Twin Towers when it was not even hit with a plane? Why did the newscaster announce that Building 7 fell 20 minutes BEFORE it actually fell? Why did Larry Silverstein buy all three buildings (The Twin Towers and Building 7) on July 24, 2001 and why did he purchased terrorists insurance a couple of months before the so-called terrorists flew into the Twin Towers? Who in the hell buys “terrorist insurance”?

[Silverstein was interested in acquiring the entire World Trade Center complex, and put in a bid when the Port Authority put it up for lease in 2000. Silverstein won the bid when a deal between the initial winner and the Port Authority fell through, and he signed the lease on July 24, 2001.]

twin-towersWhy were the Twin Towers the only buildings to implode in history, to come crashing down because of the fire. No other building in known history has ever fallen down (imploded) due to a fire. Why did firemen and police say they heard explosions in the Twin Towers before the buildings imploded? Why did engineers state that metal will not melt until it reaches a certain temperature and fire does not cause metal to reach the temperatures high enough to bring down a building?

[See: Journal of 911 Studies report “Extremely high temperatures during the World Trade Center destruction“]

Why were all the camera’s confiscated from the surrounding buildings and business around the Pentagon and why didn’t we ever get to view those videos? Why were there only fire trucks and no ambulances at the supposed plane crash into the Pentagon? Why were there no plane parts or people or luggage at the supposed plane crash in Pennsylvania on 9/11?

Question “disaster” events

Why do many major explosions, bombings, and massacres happen in and around mid-April?

  • April 19, 1995      Oklahoma City Bombing
  • April 20, 1999      Columbine High School Massacre
  • April 16, 2007      Virginia Tech Massacre
  • April 20, 2010      Gulf Oil Spill
  • April 17, 2013      West, Texas Fertilizer Co. Explosion
  • April 18, 2013      Boston Marathon Bombings

Take the Columbine High School Massacre. Are you aware that in addition to the shootings, there was a complex and highly-planned attack involving a fire bomb to divert firefights, propane tanks converted to bombs placed in the cafeteria, 99 explosive devices, and bombs rigged in cars? Ask yourself, did two high school students really do all this? Were they really capable of doing all this? Where did these two high school students get the money to purchase all these bombs, propane tanks sawed-off shotguns, and other incendiary items?

Have you asked yourself why most of the perpetrators of these explosions/bombings/massacres commit suicide at the scene or are captured almost immediately afterwards? With the Boston Marathon bombings one was shot and killed and the other shot in the throat so he can’t speak. Coincidence?

Question war

Why has the United States been at war with countries in the Middle East Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, and Jordan? They go from one country to another. Why? We are told the other countries have nuclear power. So what, we have nuclear power. We can have nuclear power but other countries can’t? Why are they using drones to kill civilians, women, children, and babies in those Middle Eastern countries? What are our American boys/men going to foreign countries and fighting for? Certainly not for our freedoms because we are losing more and more freedoms on a daily basis. So what are they fighting for?

Why is it that we, the United States, have built 82 military bases in 18 countries? How would you feel if Russia or China came into the United States and built military bases in your neighborhood? You would be outraged (or should be), but we have built military bases in other countries. Ask yourself why we have all those military bases in other countries.

Question media

Ask why just a few corporations own and control most of the television and radio stations, major newspapers and magazines  If they own the news, they control what information you receive and what you don’t. But they don’t own the internet and that is really the only place you can get alternative news. But they are working to control what you can see or not see on the world wide web. China is already controlling what their citizens may view on the internet with the use of a firewall. Ask yourself why they want to control what you see on the world-wide web? What are they afraid you will find out?

Question history

We have not been taught the true history of mankind on Earth. Why not? We have been taught that our world is roughly 6,000 years old. The Koran states 6,000 and yet the Sphinx is much older. How could it have been built before the beginning of mankind?

SphynxWe now have the accepted evidence that there absolutely had to have been a race of intelligent people on Earth who were highly civilized as early as 10,000 years ago. Most of the ancient history has been destroyed, libraries destroyed, ancient documents destroyed.

The Nag Hammadi Codices were found in 1946, yet a facsimile edition in twelve volumes was not available for all interested parties to study in some form until about 30-40 years later. Why did it take 30 to 40 years to make them available? What were they hiding? What did they change? Did it disagree with the accepted Biblical gospels?

Instead of asking what time that reality show is on, what time the basketball game starts, or what the Kardashians are doing, ask what is happening in your world.

Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored

What we are experiencing isn’t new, it’s been happening for thousands of years. It’s just that the  internet has brought it to the public’s eyes. That’s another reason why the “powers that be” want to control the internet like they do the television programs (called programs because they are “programming” you), news, newspapers, magazines, movies, the sports and music industry.

Ask yourself… are you really free, living in a free country like you were taugh?

Free to drink raw milk?

Free to get married without the government’s permission?

Free to know what’s in the food and water you are eating and drinking?

Free to go fishing if you wish?

Free to own a firearm to protect your family?

Free to decide if you want to vaccinate your child with over 30 different vaccines before (s)he starts school?

Free to work without being forced to take vaccinations? (Some healthcare workers and nurses have been fired because they refused to be vaccinated)

Ask yourself, is this freedom?

Personally, I am free because I say I am. Government can pass legislation and laws and have the police/military enforce them all they want, but my freedoms are not negotiable. I don’t know about you but my God-given rights are not theirs to take away, or to give me if I pay them a fee.


Your Color Vibe for June 18


Tuesday, June 18:     Dark Orange

Revelations can be found today.  Many of these relate to what you are doing now, what you think you want to do, and WHO you truly are.  In other words, there can be some soul-searching times and decisions to be made.  You need to take a second look at things today, and you will be given the opportunity to do so.  In some cases, you can even be asked to take a second look.  This is a time in which you need to be clear on your priorities and make your choices in line with what is right for your innermost being, your Core Self.  There is guidance for you always.  This is a time to appreciate and be aware of your connectedness with the Universal Consciousness.  If you feel your horizons are limited, just ask that they be opened up.  If you are confused, ask for an answer.  If you are sad, ask for comfort.  This is the time to know the true power of deep hearted-centered petition.

New Sub-Atomic Particle

Mysterious Subatomic Particle May Represent Exotic New Form of Matter

The Belle detector in Japan. O3/Wikimedia

In the course of exploring the properties of a strange subatomic particle, physicists may have stumbled upon something even stranger: a mysterious and exotic new form of matter.

The intriguing discovery was made more or less simultaneously by two collaborations: the Belle experiment at the Japanese High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) and BESIII experiment run by the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) in China.

Both teams were looking at a particle called Y(4260) that had been discovered in 2005 but whose nature has mystified researchers since. By smashing together electrons and their antiparticle, positrons, the experiments produced large numbers of Y(4260), which lives for only 10-23 seconds before falling apart into other particles. The teams noticed that their data had a peculiar bump around 3.9 gigaelectronvolts (GeV), an energy corresponding to roughly four times the weight of a proton.

“Inspired by this discovery, we decided to further study the Y(4260) decay, which indeed did not disappoint us,” said particle physicist Zhiqing Liu, lead author of a paper from the Belle experiment that appeared in Physical Review Letters on June 17. A second paper from BESIII, of which Liu is also a member, appears in the same issue.


The data bump from Belle and BESIII. Physical Review Letters

The teams have enough data to conclude they have discovered something new, a putative particle named Z(3900). But the scientists are still not entirely sure what to make of it. One possibility is that Z(3900) represents a subatomic structure made of four quarks, something that has never been solidly seen before.

Before we continue, let’s break things down for those who get cross-eyed whenever subatomic lingo starts getting thrown around. Much of the matter we see in our universe is made of itsy-bitsy units known as quarks. There are six known quark types — named up, down, strange, charm, bottom, and top quarks – and they can combine in various ways.

The matter most people are familiar with, namely protons and neutrons, is made when three quarks come together. Another class of particles can occur when two quarks are bound (technically, these are made from a quark and an antiquark). The most famous of these two-quark particles are kaons and pions. Though there have been hints of them in the past, no one has ever definitely discovered a particle with more than three quarks.

A special force called the strong force is responsible for gluing all these quarks together. The particle carrying this force is called the gluon and it is akin to the photon, which carries the electromagnetic force, except that it can only be found inside of atomic nuclei.

The Y(4260) particle is thought to be a certain exotic type of particle with two quarks and an extra gluon, though its exact characteristics are still unknown.

“In trying to explore the properties of this gluonic exotic, they found another exotic,” said particle physicist Eric Swanson of the University of Pittsburgh, who was not involved with the work.

The experiments have now produced more than 460 of these strange Z(3900) particles, suggesting that they are real phenomena and not simply a statistical fluke in the data. The new exotic particle appears to have an electric charge and contains at least a charm quark and an anti-charm quark. The simplest explanation for the rest of the particle’s properties is that it also contains an up and anti-down quark for a total of four quarks.

“We haven’t seen anything like that before and for that reason it’s exciting,” said Swanson. While previous experiments have detected hints of such particles, Belle and BESIII’s data is the cleanest and most experimentally solid to date, he added.

But there could still be other possible interpretations. Scientists already know that two-quark particles exist. So what looks like four quarks bound together could actually turn out to be two two-quark particles interacting so strongly that they look like a four-quark particle. Such a finding would be known as a “hadron molecule” – another strange object speculated to exist in the subatomic world but never definitively seen. This is the explanation that Liu is leaning towards.

“The hadron molecule is just my personal preference,” he said. “But the real nature could also be something else.”

Swanson points out that there is another, more prosaic interpretation: that Z(3900) is composed of two two-quark particles interacting but not really strongly enough to stick together. This explanation would fit the data but isn’t nearly as exciting.

The next step for both collaborations is to produce many new Z(3900) particles and watch how they decay, which should give some clues as to their properties. If the data shows they decay like ordinary, known particles, it could rule out the exotic interpretations. But if not, the scientists may have found something extremely interesting.

“We hope to reveal the nature of this particle in the following year,” said Liu.


James Clapper, NSA, & Government Spying

James Clapper admits lying to the American people in the ‘least untruthful manner possible’ about NSA spying

Tuesday, June 18, 2013 by: J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) The tortured logic and pained explanations (and justifications) being given by top government officials and lawmakers in the wake of the disclosure that the National Security Agency snoops on every American is as astounding as it is pathetic. But then again, they are being made by people who are a) offended that you and I would dare question their conduct and intent; and b) don’t think we have the right to do so in any case.

This Big Government arrogance was epitomized by the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), James Clapper, who recently sought to “clarify” his previous false testimony to a congressional panel that the NSA does not collect metadata and other personal information on Americans. In an interview with NBC News‘ Andrea Mitchell, he said that during his testimony he gave the “least untruthful” answer possible in regards to the NSA’s surveillance program.

On March 12, during a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing, Clapper was asked by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., if the NSA gathers “any type of data at all on millions of Americans.”

“No, sir,” said Clapper, “not wittingly. There are cases where they could inadvertently perhaps collect, but not wittingly.”

The ‘Dewey Decimal’ excuse

That answer contradicts revelations contained in an explosive story published in early June by The Guardian, a British newspaper, based on details provided by NSA employee Edward Snowden, who blew the whistle on the agency’s massive domestic spying. But during the NBC News interview, Clapper parsed his earlier claim, saying Wyden’s very simple question did not have a very simple answer.

“I thought, though in retrospect, I was asked – ‘When are you going to start – stop beating your wife’ kind of question, which is meaning not – answerable necessarily by a simple yes or no,” Clapper said in the interview, which aired June 9. “So I responded in what I thought was the most truthful, or least untruthful, manner by saying ‘no’.”

Further, Clapper said his remarks were reflective of his definition of “collection” – which he said means something very specific in the context of discussing intelligence.

“What I was thinking of is looking at the Dewey Decimal numbers – of those books in that metaphorical library – to me, collection of U.S. persons’ data would mean taking the book off the shelf and opening it up and reading it,” he said.

Is Clapper being advised by former President Bill Clinton? “Well, that depends on with the definition of ‘is’ is,” Clinton – the artful (draft) dodger – once said during his impeachment saga.

For his part, Wyden isn’t playing the word game.

In a statement issued June 11, the Oregon senator said he gave Clapper his question in advance, giving the DNI plenty of notice and every chance in the world to give a “straight answer” to a very straightforward question.

“So that he would be prepared to answer, I sent the question to Director Clapper’s office a day in advance. After the hearing was over my staff and I gave his office a chance to amend his answer,” Wyden said. “Now public hearings are needed to address the recent disclosures and the American people have the right to expect straight answers from the intelligence leadership to the questions asked by their representatives.”

Clapper’s lie was quantified by the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Dianne Feinstein of California, who “said Clapper is one of the most honest people she knows and suggested he misunderstood the question,” according to the Washington Post.

Defending the indefensible

Sure. The director of national intelligence is too stupid to understand a simple question that was provided to him well in advance of his testimony. Don’t you find it offensive that these people think you’re stupid enough to believe that?

Make no mistake – Clapper, President Obama, Feinstein and the growing chorus of Democrats, Republicans and political appointees who are defending the NSA despise those of us who are now trying to hold them accountable. They don’t for one second believe that we have the right to insist upon their accountability, or question their motives, or hold them to the same standards in which they hold us.

They truly believe they are above reproach and that We, the People, are neither smart enough, nor are in any position to question them. What’s more, they believe what they are doing is both justified and proper, despite the fact that neither the law nor the Constitution they swore to uphold gives them the authority they exercise.

Welcome to post-constitutional America, where right is wrong, wrong is right, and the ruling class can barely contain its contempt for you and me.