Moderate but dangerous earthquake in Northern Italy (close to Massa)
Last update: June 21, 2013 at 3:49 pm by By Ashish Khanal is calling this earthquake, although moderate in Magnitude, dangerous !
315 km NW of Roma, Italy / pop: 2,563,241 / local time: 12:33:58.0 2013-06-21
99 km NW of Florence, Italy / pop: 371,517 / local time: 12:33:58.0 2013-06-21
14 km N of Massa, Italy / pop: 66,769 / local time: 12:33:58.0 2013-06-21
Most important Earthquake Data:
Magnitude : 5.3
Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-06-21 12:33:59
GMT/UTC Time : 2013-06-21 10:33:59
Depth (Hypocenter) : 10 km
Update 15:47 UTC : Until now we can say that the damage, on the exception of a few collapsed constructions, is minor (minor = cracks in walls, collapsed or damaged chimneys, broken rooftiles, fallen objects etc). We have knowledge of only one person with minor injuries (he was hit by a falling gutter).
Update 14:33 UTC : As you can see in our list below, the area gets an overwhelming number of aftershocks at this moment, unusually much for the Magnitude of the mainshock. Most are very weak but some are reaching the M4+ strength.
Update 14:21 UTC : There are now tents for the affected people. Civil protection warns to return to the homes, more quakes are expected
Update 14:08 UTC : The Civil Protection of the province of Massa Carrara has released the first information on the damage caused by the earthquake :
– collapses in Lungiana, Fivizzano and Casola .
– Also damage to a house after the collapse of a roof
– A person injured in the locality Posterla
– A landslide occurred in the village of Equi Terme (municipality Fivizzano).
– Panic in Carrara where many people have fled their homes and ran to the streets (hopefully after the shaking ended)
Update 13:59 UTC : In a message, Protezione Civile (Civil Defense Italia) reports : At the moment only some structural damage is reported. The assessment of the PC teams is continuing.
Update 13:42 UTC : La Spezia : The 12:34 shaking did not cause major damage in the city and province. The only episode for which an intervention of the fire department was requested by Call & Call (Pianazze), where some acoustic ceiling panels fell to the ground.
Update 13:14 UTC : The shaking map below shows a maximum MMI of VI (strong shaking) in the epicenter area.
Image courtesy INGV, Italy
Update 12:52 UTC : The mayor of Lunigiana said that many buildings in his town were damaged. Some walls collapsed. Also a church suffered damage by the quake. But nobody was injured there.
Update 12:17 UTC : Seismogram of the earthquake (red amplitude) at Matera, Italy.
Moderate earthquake below the South-Western part of Maui, Hawaii (June 21, 2013)
Last update: June 21, 2013 at 10:38 am by By Ashish Khanal
Update 10:38 UTC : Most earthquakes on the Hawaii archipelago are occurring below the big island because of active volcanism.
Update 10:36 UTC : A little sorry for our earlier mistake where we wrote Mauna Kea instead of Haleakala.
Update 10:32 UTC : The expected maximum shaking (USGS theoretical mapping) is MMI IV or light shaking in the foothills of the Haleakala volacano
Update 10:21 UTC : The depth pf 10.8 km means that this earthquake was probably triggered by the weight of the Haleakala volcano.
Initially this earthquake was reported to the north of Oahu and Mauii but was adapted a little earlier to the foothills of the Haleakala dormant volcano.
4km (2mi) WSW of Waikapu, Hawaii
7km (4mi) SW of Wailuku, Hawaii
9km (6mi) SW of Kahului, Hawaii
10km (6mi) NW of Kihei, Hawaii
145km (90mi) ESE of Honolulu, Hawaii
Moderate earthquake in northern Iran (100 km from Tehran) generates minor damage (June 21, 2013)
Last update: June 21, 2013 at 9:28 am by By Ashish Khanal
The local Iranian press reports that ONLY … minor damage was inflected during this earthquake. As examples they are stating cracks in houses, fallen objects etc. The damage was generated in the Firoozkooh area.
This earthquake shows one more time that even, what we consider as weak, earthquakes can generate damage in Iran. ISC reports Mn3.9 at a depth of 8 km. This earthquake occurred relatively close to Teheran (100 km). Teheran is one of the world capitals who have a very high risk of a major deadly earthquake
20 Km of Firoozkooh, Tehran
41 Km of Alasht, Mazandaran
43 Km of Kilan, Tehran
104 Km of Tehran, Tehran
Most important Earthquake Data:
Magnitude : 4.1
Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-06-21 10:27:43
U.S. doctors are dumping all health insurance and charging patients LESS
Thursday, June 20, 2013 by: Lance Devon
(NaturalNews) In some places across the US, high-cost health insurance coverage is being discarded altogether. The looming Affordable Care Act health insurance mandate seems to be inspiring constructive disobedience. Yes, doctors are now “outsmarting” this government mandated health care system and moving towards a cash only system. This is leading to more affordable, expansive care for many – as the red tape is eliminated. Quality, affordable health care will return to America, not through blind compliance to mandates, but from those who completely defy the health insurance system altogether. As doctors move toward a much simpler system, they can charge less and also spend more time caring about their patients instead of dealing with unneeded paperwork.
Kansas physician cuts through the red tape
This is exactly what’s happening in Wichita, Kansas. The red tape is being cut down. This Kansas family physician, Doug Nunamaker, says he is now offering higher quality health care at a fraction of the cost after abandoning the entire money-bloated insurance system. He now effectively cuts overhead costs and charges his patients a small monthly fee, reducing medical service costs across the board.
Tired of all the red tape and insurance paperwork over the last five years, 32-year old Nunamaker decided to simplify his practice. Noticing how wasteful the system really was, Nunamaker realized that he paid an entire staff to manage health insurance red tape. By ditching this system, Nunamaker has been able to lower costs to patients and spend more time actually caring for them.
Most of Nunamaker’s clients are self employed, small business owners. These patients are now testifying that a small monthly fee to Nunamaker’s office is much more affordable than modern day health insurance plans (which are set to be mandated on Americans in 2014).
A more efficient route based on personal choice
Nunamaker also recommends to his patients that they opt to carry a high deductible health insurance plan to cover extreme emergencies that may require hospitalization. This option, coupled with Nunamer’s monthly fee, continues to be much more affordable than buying into current health insurance packages.
With much simpler options on the table, Nunamaker presents a more efficient way for Americans to be covered in case of an emergency and also providing inexpensive access to a wide variety of care.
In this way, healthy people aren’t forced to pay for another person’s poor lifestyle choices (like under Obamacare).
Nunamaker’s way also prevents a select few from feeling “entitled” to free healthcare. Everyone who chooses to participate pays a reasonable fair share based on age. Under Obamacare, nearly everyone, whether they choose or not, pays for everyone’s universal medical expenses, necessary and unnecessary.
Nunamaker working with colleagues to provide expansive network of affordable care
Under the Nunamaker’s basic membership plan, patients pay a flat monthly fee based on age that allows them to access unlimited “direct primary care” from medical providers that work at his practice.
For example, pediatric services are accessible for only $10 a month. Adults up to age 44 only pay $50 a month. Anyone over 44 pays only $100 a month. This cash only method, which also encompasses credit and debit transactions, is bypassing hours of wasted time, bloated prices, and red tape. It effectively goes around the new “Affordable Care Act” and actually offers affordable care. For example, a basic cholesterol test only costs his patients $3, compared to a typical $90 charge brought on by an insurance company.
Nunamaker is also working with professionals outside his office to create a network of coverage that includes services he cannot provide. He and a colleague have already got the price of an MRI down to $400, compared to what they were charging through insurance companies – around $2,000.
Obamacare requires all Americans to pay for the stupid decisions of others, like “walking into a lamppost”
As this Wichita family physician cuts through red tape, the Affordable Care Act is poised to add more new red tape to health care, which includes 122,000 new health codes. These codes include absurdities like “injuries sustained from a turtle,” or “injuries sustained from walking into a lamppost.”
As Americans are forced to pay for absurd medical decisions and even ones that go against their personal beliefs, many doctors across the US will have the option to defy Obamacare, giving Americans individual liberty to choose the medical services and health care they deem appropriate for themselves.
As more red tape befalls America, the best doctors will lead with integrity and show some guts, adopting a more responsible form of health care. The US can move back toward a much simpler, less expensive form of healthcare. A government mandated system that caters to pharmaceutical companies is destroying true healthcare.
redOrbit Staff & Wire Reports – Your Universe Online
Diet soda might be as bad for you as methamphetamines or crack cocaine – at least when it comes to the health of your teeth, according to new research published recently in the journal General Dentistry.
As reported by the Daily Mail, the study was conducted by Dr. Mohamed Bassiouny, a professor of restorative dentistry at the Temple University School of Dentistry in Philadelphia. The research focuses on a woman in her 30s who reportedly consumed at least two liters of soda each day for a period of nearly five years.
“According to Bassiouny, she had the same amount of dental damage as a 29-year-old meth user and a 51-year-old crack addict,” the UK newspaper reported. “The meth user, however, also consumed two or three cans of regular soda a day because the drugs made his mouth dry, and the crack addict has been a regular crack user for 18 years, nearly four times as long as the soda drinker had been consuming excessive amounts of soda.”
Furthermore, the diet soda drinker confessed that she had not seen the dentist in two decades.
Even so, Dr. Bassiouny told Dennis Thompson of HealthDay News that it was “startling to see the intensity and extent of damage” when looking at the mouth of the soda drinker side-by-side with those of the meth user and the crack addict.
All three substances are highly acidic and capable of producing similar dental problems, the professor said, and unless a regular drinker practices good dental hygiene, the citric and phosphoric acid in soda could cause “erosion and significant oral damage,” according to Thompson.
In comparison, the two illegal drugs reduce the amount of saliva in a person’s mouth, reducing the body’s ability to wash away acids in the mouth, said Douglas Cobb of the Guardian Express. The extra acid damages teeth and can lead to other systematic health issues that affect a person’s dental hygiene, he added.
The woman said that she had switched to diet soda over weight concerns, and believed that sugary soft drinks was more closely linked to tooth decay. Her teeth were described by Thompson as “soft and discolored.” She, along with both of the illicit drug users, needed to have all of her teeth removed, according to Dr. Bassiouny.
The American Beverage Association objected to the study’s findings.
In a statement reprinted by HealthDay News, the organization said, “The woman referenced in this article did not receive dental health services for more than 20 years – two-thirds of her life. To single out diet soda consumption as the unique factor in her tooth decay and erosion – and to compare it to that from illicit drug use – is irresponsible.”
“The body of available science does not support that beverages are a unique factor in causing tooth decay or erosion,” they added. “However, we do know that brushing and flossing our teeth, along with making regular visits to the dentist, play a very important role in preventing them.”
Source: redOrbit Staff & Wire Reports – Your Universe Online
The Future of Bionic Humans: What’s Next in Bio-Hacking?
Jim McLauchlin, LiveScience Contributor
Date: 18 June 2013
In his newest novel, “The Eye of God,” James Rollins discusses a posthuman future and the world of bio-hacking, where biology merges with the hacker mindset to bring about the likes of cyborgs, superhuman implants and garage science.
CREDIT: Tonis Pan | Shutterstock
James Rollins has one foot planted firmly in science, the other in the unknown.
Rollins has his doctorate in veterinary medicine, but when the bestselling author sits down to write, his signature is creating works grounded in history and scientific plausibility, yet still shrouded in mysticism — Think Michael Crichton by way of Dan Brown.
In his newest novel, “The Eye of God” (William Morrow, June 25, 2013), a high-tech satellite crashes to Earth, creating a wrinkle in space-time. The satellite’s final image is a time-displaced snapshot showing the entire U.S. East Coast in smoldering ruin. It’s a tragedy that will happen … in four days.
The frantic quest to avert the tragedy leads multiple teams of DARPA’s SIGMA agents through the triads of Macau, underneath the Aral Sea, and into possession of the skull of Genghis Khan.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The book also explores the shady world of bio-hacking, a real movement that merges biology and the hacker mindset with outcomes ranging from cyborglike humans and “superhero” implants to genetic experiments carried out in garages. Rollins shares his thoughts on bio-hacking and what tomorrow will look like. Get ready for a posthuman future.
LiveScience: One of the characters in your new book has been “bio-hacked,” with rare Earth magnets implanted in his fingertips. You said this “allows people to experience electrical fields in amazing ways.” How so?
Rollins: Well, your fingers aren’t going to stick to your refrigerator, for starters. And you’re not going to set off alarms when you go through metal detectors. They’re very tiny little magnets that sit right next to a sensory nerve at the end of your fingertips. They’re so sensitive that when they encounter any kind of electromagnetic field, they vibrate. And the vibration that the nerve picks up sends a signal that allows you to experience the quality and pitch of that electromagnetic field. I’ve talked to a few people who have had this done. Some do just one or two fingers; some all. But the people I’ve interviewed have said that if they’re walking down the street and they pass over an underground electrical conduit, they can actually feel the waves of energy coming off that. Over time as they develop more sensitivity, they can qualify fluidity, shape, movement, and one guy even mentioned color of electromagnetic fields. It’s an entirely different sixth sense!
LiveScience: So what are the practical applications of implants such as these?
Rollins: Well, some people get them just for the pure expansion of the senses. But one guy I spoke to was an electrical engineer, and he said he could determine if a hard drive was spinning properly inside its housing without even opening it up. He could feel the pattern of the energy. One other guy said he could actually feel which cylinders in his car were misfiring when he was fixing his engine.
LiveScience: You mention in your notes at the end of “The Eye of God” that you want to get these implants. But you haven’t. Why not?
Rollins: Pain! [Laughs]. Across the board, all the people I interviewed said it’s a fairly uncomfortable procedure. The other thing I’m waiting for is longer-lasting magnets. They have to change these out when they wear out, about once every two years, and new types of rare Earth magnets are in development that should have almost unlimited longevity. They’re also going to coat the magnets with polymers that should lessen the chances of tissue reaction and possible infection. The medical side of me is always concerned with ‘How safe is that? How sterile is that?’ So I’m waiting for some more safety studies to be done before I do my own.
LiveScience: Is there any fear on your part? Pain is just pain — You pop some ibuprofen, and you’re okay. But is there anything dangerous in this?
Rollins: I don’t think so. Infection is a possibility, and some people have complained of some numbness secondary to this. My intrigue outweighs any fear I might have.
LiveScience: You mention other bio-hacks in your book, such as tattoos with luminescent ink, people who get tiny jewelry implanted in the whites of their eyes, and implanted RFID chips that people can use as wearable storage devices. To a layman, this stuff sounds…crazy.
Rollins: It’s all true.
Are there people doing even crazier stuff?
Rollins: There are. It gets very strange. I went to a — for lack of a better term — a “body modification fair” in San Francisco to research this …
LiveScience: It’s always San Francisco, isn’t it?
Rollins: It seems like it! And in talking to the people there, one woman there asked to have arms exchanged between a pair of twins. Now that wasn’t done. And that seems a load of crazy to me. But places like this are where you find the cutting-edge stuff. Now the RFID chips … that’s another thing I’m tempted to do. That can be almost like a universal passcode for you — you grab your cellphone, and it automatically unlocks because it picks up the RFID chip code. Only you can access your laptop. You can unlock your car with it. It can be very handy.
LiveScience: Please tell me no right-minded doctor could possibly switch arms on twins, for cryin’ out load.
Rollins: No. Definitely not. Even the implantation of the RFID chips is not legal right now under California law. When stuff like this is done, it’s all back-room stuff.
LiveScience: The guy who does these implants in your book is alternately described as a “grinder” and an “evolutionary artist.” It’s very shady now, but do you think society will get to a place where we are more accepting of, say, the implantable RFID chip?
Rollins: Yes. I think that’s the trend, and where we’’re heading. There’s a whole “transhuman” movement, which is the merging of biology and machine. Google Glass is one small step, and now there’s a Japanese scientist who’s developed the contact lens equivalent of Google Glass. And those are two things you put right on, if not in, your body. So I think we’re already moving that way, and quite rapidly
LiveScience: I don’t want to put any words in your mouth, but would you call yourself an advocate for the transhuman movement?
Rollins: Yes. You don’t need to put the words in my mouth. I’m fully on board. I think it’s the next evolutionary step forward. There are limits to our biology, and I think the next expansion in our biology will be the merging of machine and man.
LiveScience: Okay. Let’s go larger. I believe you’re also an advocate of the theory that we might all be holograms, right?
Rollins: It’s such a weird concept, but in researching this book, I went to Fermilab, the National Particle Accelerator Lab just outside of Chicago. And in talking to these people, these highly applied scientists, I asked what I always ask in these situations. I asked, ‘What in your research disturbs you? What keeps you up at night?’ And I got a great answer…
One of the gentlemen said, ‘Well, one of the things that we’re now studying is that possibility that the entire universe might be just a fabrication, a gigantic hologram.’ My mind immediately went right to Star Trek’s Holodeck, and … I didn’t quite buy it. But he was quite serious, and said that from a mathematical standpoint … it’s highly likely that the entire universe is defined by equations written on the inside sphere of the universe. They’re actually going to be doing a test later this year at Fermilab using a device called a holometer to test this theory to see if the universe actually is a hologram. So in the next year I guess we’re all going to find out, right? We’ll see if we’re all fabrications … just like the characters in my novels, right [laughs]?
For more on James Rollins and his interest in comic books, visit LiveScience sister site,
Why Is Africa Ripping Apart? Seismic Scan May Tell
Charles Q. Choi, OurAmazingPlanet Contributor
Date: 19 June 2013
This radar image highlights portions of three of the lakes located in the Western Rift of the Great Rift Valley, a geological fault system of Southwest Asia and East Africa: Lake Edward (top), Lake Kivu (middle) and Lake Tanganyika (bottom).
Arrays of sensors stretching across more than 1,500 miles in Africa are now probing the giant crack in the Earth located there — a fissure linked with human evolution — to discover why and how continents get ripped apart.
Over the course of millions of years, Earth’s continents break up as they are slowly torn apart by the planet’s tectonic forces. All the ocean basins on the Earth started as continental rifts, such as the Rio Grande rift in North America and Asia’s Baikal rift in Siberia.
The giant rift in Eastern Africa was born when Arabia and Africa began pulling away from each other about 26 million to 29 million years ago. Although this rift has grown less than 1 inch (2.54 centimeters) per year, the dramatic results include the formation and ongoing spread of the Red Sea, as well as the East African Rift Valley, the landscape that might have been home to the first humans.
“Yet, in spite of numerous geophysical and geological studies, we still do not know much about the processes that tear open continents and form continental rifts,” said researcher Stephen Gao, a seismologist at the Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla, Mo. This is partly because such research has mostly focused on mature segments of these chasms, as opposed to ones that are still in development, he explained.
Seismic SAFARI
Geodynamic models suggest that below mature rifts, a region called the asthenosphere is upwelling. The asthenosphere is the hotter, weaker, upper part of the mantle that lies below the lithosphere, the planet’s outer, rigid shell. So far, there are two contenders for what might cause this upwelling: anomalies deeper in the mantle or thinning of the lithosphere due to distant stresses.
To help find out which of the two different rifting models is correct, the Seismic Arrays for African Rift Initiation (SAFARI) project installed 50 seismic stations across Africa in the summer of 2012, each spaced about 17 to 50 miles (28 to 80 kilometers) apart.
“One of the techniques that we will use to image the Earth beneath the SAFARI stations is called seismic tomography, which is in principle similar to the X-ray CAT-scan technique used in hospitals,” Gao told LiveScience’s OurAmazingPlanet. “The only differences are that our sources of the ‘rays’ are earthquakes and man-made explosions, and the receivers are the seismic stations such as the 50 SAFARI stations.”
Altogether, these arrays encompass a length of about 1,550 miles (2,500 km) and are located in four countries — Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia.
“I think the project has a positive impact on local communities,” Gao said. “Some of our 50 SAFARI seismic stations are on local schools, and the teachers and students were excited and were proud about the fact that their school was selected for a high-tech scientific instrument. We believe that this project showed some kids that the outside world is different and even fascinating.”
The arrays will image the areas under the Okavango, Luangwa and Malawi rifts, the southwest and southernmost segments of the East African Rift system. These so-called incipient rifts are not yet mature and could thus shed light on why and how rifting occurs.
“This is the first large-scale project to image the structure and deformation beneath an incipient rift,” Gao said. “The Okavango rift in Botswana is as young as a few tens-of-thousand years, while most other rifts such as the Rio Grande and Baikal rifts are as old as 35 million years.”
Upwelling or thinning?
If thermal or dynamic anomalies deep in the mantle are responsible for rifting, then upwelling from the asthenosphere should already be occurring beneath these incipient rifts. In contrast, if thinning of the lithosphere is the cause of rifting, then any levels of upwelling should be insignificant because the lithosphere should not have thinned adequately for major upwelling to occur yet.
A magnitude-5.6 earthquake in November near the northern end of the Indian Ocean’s mid-ocean ridge sent out seismic waves that were more than 1 second slower than predicted. This supports the idea that the mantle layer beneath Southern Africa is hotter than normal, perhaps due to a jet of magma known as a mantle plume that geologists have proposed exists beneath this area.
To image the structures beneath these rifts and pin down what the rifting mechanism in Eastern Africa is, researchers need data from more than just one event. The seismic arrays will be deployed for 24 months, and each station will sample the Earth for seismic waves 50 times per second.
“We are anxious to see if there are melted rocks in the mantle beneath the rifts, if there is convective mantle flow that is driving the rifting process, and how much the crust has been thinned in different portions of the rifts,” Gao said. “But this cannot be done until next summer, when all the data recorded by SAFARI are processed.”
The scientists detailed their findings to date in the June 11 issue of Eos, the online newspaper of the American Geophysical Union.
View PhotoAssociated Press/Bob Edme – Buildings are surrounded by flood water near Lourdes, southwestern France, Wednesday, June 19, 2013. French rescue services and police are evacuating hundreds of pilgrims from hotels …more
LOURDES, France (AP) — Heavy floods in southwest France have left two dead and forced the closure of the Catholic pilgrimage site in Lourdes and the evacuation of pilgrims from nearby hotels.
Muddy floodwaters swirled Wednesday in the grotto where nearly 6 million believers from around the world, many gravely ill, come every year seeking miracles and healing. It has been a major pilgrimage site since a French girl’s vision of the Virgin Mary there in 1858.
Heavy rains around the region inundated town centers and swelled the Gave de Pau river, forcing road closures.
Interior Minister Manuel Valls said on BFM television that a man in his seventies died Wednesday, swept away by the river. The Interior Ministry says it is the second person who has died in this week’s rains.
The spokesman for the Lourdes pilgrimage complex, Mathias Terrier said that the site in the foothills of the Pyrenees wasn’t likely to reopen before the end of the week.
Rescue services evacuated hundreds of people from nearby hotels. Authorities were particularly concerned with bringing weak and sick pilgrims to safety.
“We need more reinforcements in the area to face these floods, which are really exceptional,” Valls said while visiting Lourdes on Wednesday. He said days of sustained rains and sudden snowmelt made the flooding worse, and left some villages isolated.
The website for the pilgrimage complex, which includes several buildings and a sanctuary nestled beneath a rocky hillside, carried a dramatic rundown of the rising waters.
Throughout Tuesday, masses were gradually cancelled. One by one, entrances to the sanctuary were cordoned off. The live video feed of the grotto went down. Then the electricity was cut off, and then phones.
“A vision of the apocalypse in the Sainte Bernadette Church, where the big movable partition is threatening to fall. The water has risen above the stairs of the choir,” read one announcement.
Terrier said waters reached 1.5 meters (about 5 feet) in the grotto. A group of 3,000 children scheduled to come for the day Wednesday were told to stay away. Volunteers offered to help clean up the site when the waters recede.
A pilgrim is helped by a villager along a path damaged by a landslide in the Himalayan state of Uttarakhand. Photograph: Danish Siddiqui/Reuters
Tens of thousands of people, including pilgrims, tourists and local villagers, remained stranded on Thursday and an unknown number have been killed after torrential rains in the eastern Himalayas breached a glacier, flooded mountain rivers and triggered scores of landslides.
The horrific natural disaster, described by some as a “Himalayan tsunami”, was triggered by excessively heavy rainfall of more than 220mm (8.6in) on Sunday in a region home to the headwaters of the river Ganges.
As army helicopters ferried survivors down to the plains for a second day on Thursday, the official death toll passed 150, but unofficial estimates put the number of dead in the thousands.
Floods and landslides are an annual occurrence in Uttarakhand state – where the disaster struck – but the loss of life is much larger than in previous years as the monsoon arrived in India a month early, well before more than 60,000 Hindu and Sikh pilgrims who had trekked to the Himalayan holy sites of Kedarnath and Hemkund had returned home.
According to the Hindu religious calendar, Tuesday marked the day on which the Ganges descended to earth and when the rush of pilgrims is at its peak at the ancient Shiva temple in Kedarnath, a steep nine mile (14km) trek from the nearest bus stop.
Just three miles further north across the Kedar Dome mountain peak lies the Charbari glacier. The rains appear to have breached this glacier, sending a huge torrent of ice, rock, mud and water across the mountain, engulfing Kedarnath town.
It is unclear how many pilgrims and priests died at Kedarnath, but the account of one survivor, Kalyan Singh Jadaun, a middle-aged shopkeeper from Rajasthan, suggests a heavy loss of life.
Jadaun and his wife had just emerged from a guest house at 6.30am on Monday to join a stream of pilgrims heading toward the temple when the debris began rushing in.
“We were walking the 50 metres to the temple when we saw a huge chunk of ice and rock breaking not far away, and heard commotion and shouting,” he told the Indian Express.
“Local priests were telling people to run to high ground as the glacier broke up and a huge stream came rushing down the mountain. We ran back to our house. There was a mad scramble to climb the stairs to the third floor as everyone tried to reach as high as they could.”
In the melee, his wife was pushed back and when the torrent of water hit the building she was still on the second floor. “It swept her away, tossing her along with rocks and huge blocks of ice,” said Jadaun. “I saw her being washed away.”
Jadaun was rescued by an army helicopter. He said that after the deluge he saw “a large number of bodies strewn around” Kedarnath.
Heavy rain and swollen rivers also caused havoc over a swath of mountainous territory extending from Kedarnath down to the plains, washing away homes, hotels, roads and bridges. The impact was also felt in the western Himalayan state of Himachal Pradesh, where many foreign tourists were also stranded. Even parts of the capital, Delhi, are flooded due to the overflowing river Yamuna.
“Several factors, both natural and man-made, came together to cause this extraordinary disaster,” said Deb Mukherjee, an expert on the Himalayas. “The sudden cloud burst, the nature of Himalayan geology and the often environmentally unsound development of the region have all contributed to the tragedy.”
Moderate earthquake in the greater Novosibirsk region, Russia – Hundreds of houses damaged
Last update: June 19, 2013 at 2:39 pm by By Ashish Khanal
Update 14:31 UTC : As expected, many buildings in the epicenter area were damaged. Early reports mentioned a total number of at least 500 damaged houses, some of them with collapsed walls. Other reports say that at least 5000 chimneys were destroyed by the quake. Many people left their houses, some of them due to the fear of a imminent stronger quake, which was spreaded by local TV agencies, and some of them because of the destruction. The total damage is estimated to 150 mio rubles.
Due to this damage, this earthquake has been categorized ad CATDAT Orange
Image courtesy and copyright
Update 04:25 UTC : The work in local coal mines was stopped after the earthquake to check whether there is any damage in the underground.
Update 00:20 UTC : Ministry of Emergency Situations is currently making an assessment in the epicenter area. The have not reported any damage or injuries so far, but ER does expect at least minor damage in a radius of 10 to 20 km around the epicenter.
Update 00:09 UTC : After a search in the historical damage database, we could not find any damaging historical earthquakes in the epicenter area, a good sign !
Update 23:56 UTC : No specific information so far in the Russian press. Certainly no more than what our readers are telling here. RAS has no report on the earthquake yet.
Update 23:48 UTC : As can be seen on the map below, no historic important earthquakes in the region since 1900. The epicenter is however below soft soil (farming fields). Soft soil is known as dangerous for earthquake waves. It will take a number of hours, normally until daylight, to find out whether damage was inflicted.
Update 23:34 UTC : calls this earthquake moderately dangerous because it is close to populated locations and because of the shallow depth.
When you are one of the people who experienced this earthquake, please fill in the form behind “I Felt A (not Listed) Earthquake”. Thank you.
Если вы один из тех, кто испытал это землетрясение, пожалуйста, заполните форму позади “Я чувствовал (не указана) Землетрясение”. Спасибо.
Update 23:23 UTC : Preliminary Magnitude M5.3 at a depth of 9.8 km = moderately dangerous
Update 23:17 UTC : No agency has reported the seismological data so far. We are following up every minute.
3km (2mi) W of Starobachaty, Russia
5km (3mi) SSE of Bachatskiy, Russia
14km (9mi) ESE of Gur’yevsk, Russia
21km (13mi) SSW of Belovo, Russia
1048km (651mi) ENE of Astana, Kazakhstan
Most important Earthquake Data:
Magnitude : 5.3
Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-06-19 06:02:09