Being Ascended
For this past week I have been sharing how many of us have risen to the next level of Ascension on my Facebook Community Page. What is most important now is to realize and know this by checking within and then stepping up in that Awareness and Truth. Many, however, will continue to play in the old duality. Why? Because it’s what they’re used to, so they keep perpetuating it by continuing to react to circumstances and continuing to act from their old beliefs and patterns. So go beneath the surface to see where you really reside. When you focus on the New, on being Love, on Peace and Unity, etc. the outer world will eventually reflect that. If you focus on duality, on what’s wrong in life, you hold the old paradigm in place. So, it still is about choice. Gaia is a free will zone, so things don’t just automatically happen; you create everything. That is what is meant by being a spiritually sovereign being; we’re not puppets any longer. The Wizard is us. The Wizard is Divine; we are of Source; there is no separation between us and the Divine.
Those that know the Truth and live from that knowing continue to rise and anchor the New. The next step then is to live it in everyday life. In this way, the energy of Who we are emanates out in waves of high dimensional Christ Consciousness that touches the Earth and all others, creating a rise in people waking up and helps Gaia transform into Her rightful place as a high dimensional planet of Love. We don’t have to rescue, save, or preach to others; all we have to do is Be All That We Are…and that is Love. Love is our essence and from that knowing, we love and are more loving. Love is a noun; and from this, the verb of loving comes forth.
From being ascended comes much Freedom. One does not take things personally, ceases to control their life and others, realizes that we’re all connected as One, is unconditionally loving with boundaries if needed, trusts their Guidance and follows it, puts no-one on a pedestal, even Guides and Angels, has an inner Joy and Peace no matter what is going on, is able to flow with life’s challenges and changes, lets go of trying to figure things out and feels their way through life, rather than analyzing and seeking answers elsewhere. These, of course, are just some of the ways to know that you’ve moved up in your Ascension Path. And, of course, this isn’t an either/or; most are somewhere in the middle, gently letting go of the old and embracing the New and often at the same time.
Know too that your purpose is not necessarily your career. Purpose is essence and is expressed in everything you do. The form of purpose shifts as your consciousness shifts. It is important to drop categories, for that is just creating another box and that is not how energy works; energy flows and expands. In other words, you might consider not labeling yourself in this way: “I am a Lightworker,” “I am a massage therapist,” “I am a Reiki master,” etc. When you do that you stay stuck in that form. Rather, perhaps state, “I AM Love,” “I AM Peace,” “I AM expressing my highest self,” etc. As you shift, so does your consciousness and so does your purpose. By the way, putting I AM before anything empowers it and is a Divine statement of intention in that Moment.
While ascended, you do not cease having challenges or having old energies surface. How you deal with them does change however. Your ascended/New perception sees challenge as opportunity; the opportunity to ascend and expand more into God Consciousness. We don’t just ascend and stop. Ascension is ceaseless and many have ascended over and over throughout lifetimes. This time, however, it’s different. In the past upon ascending, we left the planet. This time we stay in the physical helping others and Gaia ascend as well.
Ascension is not a place; it is a consciousness; an Awareness. Many may be fully integrated as an ascended master, shining their humble Light for others without attachment to whether others ascend or not. In fact, detachment to outcome is a hallmark of an ascended master. Being ascended is not without ego. Ego in the ascended master is the mental, emotional and physical expression of Soul. One of the purposes of Ascension is to have the ego dissolve into the Soul and express the Soul’s desires through the mental, emotional and physical bodies. The best way to have this happen is through meditation and merging consciously with Soul. Of course, the Soul’s only desire is to create Heaven on Earth in Oneness, Love, Joy, Peace and all the Soul Essences which are felt within and expressed outwardly; and then all of life is reflected in this Truth. This is being cohesive mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually; all our parts flow as One. The Soul is perfect, Divine, and is whole. There is no hurting the Soul, as there is no hurting Source.
Many, of course, are somewhere in transit, still releasing and yet, still aware that they are completely different than they were even a month ago. There are others who are ascended, but don’t have that Awareness, still acting as if they are in duality. And then others are asleep or resisting the changes that would move them up in consciousness and may still enjoy complaining, drama, chaos and the old 3D world view. They do not realize that if they let go of these 3D aspects, life could be so beautiful. Just know that wherever you are is perfect for your evolution. Life will certainly reflect back to you what your consciousness is within.
We are making all kinds of choices in life. Those choices made from your Heart will flow and bring to you many rewards, even if they don’t seem like it at the time. They will indeed raise you in consciousness. Choices made from the head are all based on the past and most likely on fear. They hold you back in the old. Of course, if that’s where you want to stay, then for sure make choices based on past experiences. There is no judgment in that. Know that when you have to know why, when, where, how and what, you are engaged in the intellect. There is no movement in this. However, if you feel first with your Heart and express it through your intellect, you will have activated your Higher Heart-Higher Mind. You can then express your Heart-feelings through communication, whether writing or speaking or any other expression of communication. Of course, there is no right or wrong way to do anything, we are learning as we go.
When you listen to your Heart’s knowing; your Soul’s Guidance; you continue to move along your Path and whatever that brings into your experience is always to raise you higher. And in that, you become aware, which leads you to more choices based on your more expanded consciousness. When something doesn’t feel right, you may choose to leave it behind. When you feel expanded and energized, it is showing you that you are flowing in the more open direction for your evolution. If it feels wrong or constricted, you have an opportunity to make a different choice. Whatever you choose always takes you in a particular direction.
So, as you continue to ascend, it is always best to keep your vibration high, make Heartfelt, guided choices all the while continuing to release the old fears, shoulds, should nots, and supposed-to’s that are all a part of the old paradigm. Do realize too that we don’t want to create another paradigm, for that is too limiting for us. Rather, be free to expand unfettered and only grounded to your Soul, Source and Gaia’s Crystal Cluster (Her Heart and Soul).
When you feel the old tugging at you, remind yourself that it is done and it is an illusion. It is during these times when surely you are ready for another step in your Ascension. So gracefully let go of the old, release it in the Sacred Rose, if you are guided, and stay focused on Who you are: an ascended and ascending Being of Love.
Continue to know Who you are, follow your Heart and know that We are creating a New Reality and New Earth. Stay balanced and grounded and know you are guided, loved and safe.
Copyright: Feel free to share any portion of the Ascension Notes. I would appreciate being credited.