Honshu, Japan Earthquake 4/12

Very dangerous earthquake hits Sumoto, Honshu, Japan

Last update: April 12, 2013 at 9:09 pm by By


Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 5.7 ; M6.0 JMA

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-04-13 05:33:18

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-04-12 20:33:18

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 10 km

Update 21:11 UTC : Based on our experience with Japanese earthquakes, earthquake-report.com considers JMA 5+ intensity as a potentially dangerous shaking. This earthquake has been labeled with an intensity 6-, which is clearly above the ER damage level.
6-    Awaji-shi Gunge*, Awaji-shi Shizuki*
5+    Minami-awaji-shi Hirota*, Minami-awaji-shi Minato* and Awaji-shi Kuruma*

Update 21:08 UTC : NO tsunami alert is called by JMA Japan

Update 21:06 UTC : The full Awaji Island area has 157,000 people.
Kobe was obviously the most famous earthquake that was around this area in 1995.
With M6 and 5.3km depth, the USGS shakemap shows intensity VIII shaking and around $10 million damage.

Update 20:57 UTC : Sumoto, the city very close to the earthquake epicenter has approx. 50000 inhabitants

A strong earthquake has hit onshore of M6.0 and shallow.
JMA intensities of up to 6- are possible – which would cause damage near the epicenter. More to follow.

Dangerous intensity locations as provided by JMA Japan

Dangerous intensity locations as provided by JMA Japan

9km (6mi) NW of Sumoto, Japan
20km (12mi) NNE of Fukura, Japan
28km (17mi) SSW of Akashi, Japan
32km (20mi) NE of Naruto, Japan
465km (289mi) WSW of Tokyo, Japan

from:    http://earthquake-report.com/2013/04/12/strong-earthquake-near-s-coast-of-western-honshu-on-april-12-2013/