D. Jeff Masters on February Weather Records

February 2013 the globe’s 9th warmest February on record

Published: 2:31 PM GMT on March 15, 2013

February 2013 was the globe’s 9th warmest February since records began in 1880, said National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) on Thursday. February 2013 global land temperatures were the 11th warmest on record, and global ocean temperatures were the 8th warmest on record. February 2013 was the 336th consecutive month with global temperatures warmer than the 20th century average and the 37th straight warmer-than-average February. The last time Earth had a below-average February global temperature was in 1976, and the last below-average month of any kind was December 1984. Global satellite-measured temperatures in February 2013 for the lowest 8 km of the atmosphere were 10th or 8th warmest in the 35-year record, according to Remote Sensing Systems and the University of Alabama Huntsville (UAH), respectively. The Northern Hemisphere snow cover extent during February 2013 was the 16th largest in the 47-year period of record. Wunderground’s weather historian, Christopher C. Burt, has a comprehensive post on the notable weather events of February 2013 in his February 2013 Global Weather Extremes Summary. Costly weather disasters were relatively rare in February, according to AON Benfield. The most expensive weather-related disasters in February 2013 were:

1) Drought in Central and Eastern China, 1/1 – 2/28, $541 million
2) Winter storm in Eastern China, 2/18 – 2/21, $124 million
3) Winter Storm Nemo, Northeast U.S., 2/8 – 2/9. $100+ million
4) Hattiesburg, MS tornado and associated storm damage, 2/9 – 2/11, $100+ million

The deadliest February weather disaster was Tropical Cyclone Haruna, which hit Madagascar at 00 UTC Friday, February 22, as a Category 2 storm with 105 mph winds, killing 26.

Figure 1. Departure of temperature from average for February 2013, the 9th warmest February for the globe since record keeping began in 1880. Colder than average conditions occurred in the Western U.S., western Europe, and northern Russia. No land areas in the Southern Hemisphere were cooler than average, and record warm conditions were experienced in parts of Indonesia and northern Australia. Image credit: National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) .

Figure 2. The deadliest weather disaster of February 2013 was Tropical Cyclone Haruna, which hit Madagascar at 00 UTC Friday, February 22, as a Category 2 storm with 105 mph winds, killing 26. In this image, Haruna is over Madagascar at 11:05 UTC February 22, 2013, and was a Category 1 storm with 90 mph winds. Image credit: NASA.

Figure 3. The most expensive weather disaster of February 2013 was the on-going drought in Central and Eastern China, which has cost $541 million since the beginning of 2013. Image credit: Beijing Climate Center.

Neutral El Niño conditions continue in the equatorial Pacific
For the 11th month in row, neutral El Niño conditions existed in the equatorial Pacific during February 2013. NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center (CPC) expects neutral El Niño conditions to last through spring. Temperatures in the equatorial Eastern Pacific need to be 0.5°C below average or cooler for three consecutive for a La Niña episode to be declared; sea surface temperatures were 0.1°C below average as of March 11, and have ranged from 0.1 – 0.6°C below average during 2013.

Arctic sea ice falls to 7th lowest February extent on record
Arctic sea ice extent during February reached its seventh lowest extent in the 35-year satellite record, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC). This was the 11th consecutive February and 141st consecutive month with below-average Arctic sea ice extent. The last ten years (2004 to 2013) have seen the ten lowest February extents in the satellite record. Arctic sea ice is nearing its winter maximum and will soon begin to melt.

from:    http://www.wunderground.com/blog/JeffMasters/article.html

3/14 California Earthquake Near Geysers Geothermal Project

Moderate earthquake close to Cobb Mountain and The Geysers geothermal project, Northern California

Last update: March 14, 2013 at 6:22 pm by By

Preliminary Magnitude M4.6 at a shallow depth of 2 km.
The epicenter area is mainly a wilderness area, with only some isolated houses.
We do not expect any damage because of the relatively big distance to the nearest villages (considering the Magnitude).
This area has no historic record (since 1900) of a major earthquake.
Cobb (2000 inhabitants) is expected to have experienced a light shaking and Cloverdale (9000 inhabitants) a weak shaking. Other locations in the area a very weak shaking, probably only felt by a very limited number of people.
Santa Rosa : a (theoretically) “not to be felt” shaking

Northern California earthquake March 14 2013

5km (3mi) WSW of Cobb, California
21km (13mi) SW of Clearlake, California
23km (14mi) NNE of Healdsburg, California
29km (18mi) N of Windsor, California
115km (71mi) WNW of Sacramento, California

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 4.2

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-03-14 02:09:00

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-03-14 09:09:00

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 4 km

Update 18:20 UTC : We have pulled the following “I Have Felt It” report out of the many we received as it came from the epicenter area itself :

March 14, 2013 I awoke to the worst shaking and rumbling I have felt in the 8 and half  years that I have been living in Cobb California.  I am used to the shaking but this was different.  For the first time I wondered if I should get out of the house. There was a second shaking 5 to 10 seconds later and rumbling in the distance for 30 seconds more.

Update 11:41 UTC : It looks like this earthquake has some links with the geothermal project at the nearby The Geysers. The extremely shallow location of the hypocenter (2 km) is another indication of this theory.
Read carefully the text of The Geysers below as we might have set a record today.

The Geysers
The Geysers is a complex of 22 geothermal power plants, drawing steam from more than 350 wells, located in the Mayacamas Mountains 72 mi (116 km) north of San Francisco, California. The largest in the world, the Geysers has 1517 MW[1] of active installed capacity with an average production factor of 63% (955 MW).Calpine Corporation operates and owns 19 of the 22 active plants in the Geysers and is currently the United States’ largest producer of geothermal energy. Two other plants are owned jointly by the Northern California Power Agency and the City of Santa Clara’s municipal Electric Utility(now called Silicon Valley Power). The Bottle Rock Power plant owned by the US Renewables Group was expected to be reopened in 2007. Another plant is under development by Ram Power Corp, formerly Western Geopower, with operation set to begin in 2010. Since the activities of one geothermal plant affects those nearby, the consolidation of plant ownership at The Geysers has been beneficial because the plants operate cooperatively instead of in their own short-term interest.

Seismicity at The Geysers
Current studies of The Geysers Geothermal Field seismicity have reached the conclusion that deep-well injection in the field produces mostly microseismic events between magnitude 0.5-3.0 on the Richter Scale (M).
Worldwide, the largest induced seismic event to date linked to Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) activity was M3.7 in the Cooper Basin of Australia. However, research based on maximum fault lengths indicates that a M5.0 is the largest possible (but not probable) event in the Geysers.
A concern to the residents is not only the amount of seismicity but the magnitude of the largest seismic event likely to occur. Although no one can accurately predict earthquakes, the magnitude of an earthquake is dependent on the surface area that can slip — the length times the depth or width of the fault. Therefore, a large earthquake can occur only on a large fault. There are no mapped faults of large length in The Geysers, so it is extremely unlikely that induced seismicity caused by activities in The Geysers will lead to a large earthquake.

The Geysers electrical plant reached peak production in 1987, at that time serving 1.8 million people. Since then, the steam field has been in gradual decline as its underground water source decreases. Currently, the Geysers produce enough electricity for 1.1 million people.
Techniques developed from Enhanced Geothermal Systems research will increase the production of the region in the future. By reinjecting greywater from the nearby city of Santa Rosa, existing wells will be recharged. This water will be naturally heated in the geothermal reservoir, and be captured by the existing power plants as steam. The project should increase electrical output by 85 MW, enough for about 85,000 homes. (source Wikipedia)

One of The Geysers geothermal plants - Image courtesy Wikipedia

One of The Geysers geothermal plants – Image courtesy Wikipedia

Update 09:36 UTC : Contrary to what we wrote below, this quake may have been felt a little stronger than expected as we received a readers experience from Santa Rosa, stating : “i was watching tv and i felt everything slightly moving. It was a surprise for me”

from:    http://earthquake-report.com/2013/03/14/moderate-earthquake-75-miles-w-of-sacramento-california-on-march-14-2013/

THe Heart and Change

How the Heart Helps You Chang

By Deborah Rozman

Ever tried to make a change in your life only to fail or come up short on motivation? We all have. What we’ve learned at HeartMath is that when you really want to change, reinforcement will come from your heart. Your heart wants to get out of the negative trap and not have to endure the hurt, resentment and anguish anymore of not making the change you say you want. When you’re ready, your heart will motivate you to improve your relationship, save your job, lose weight or write that book.

What many people don’t realize is that love is integral to motivation. Feelings of care and appreciation move you out of old hurts and resentments as you realize you don’t need to hang onto them as security any longer. Love makes it possible for you to shift to the wide-angle lens of perception. Take Shauna for instance. She was constantly annoyed by her parents. Every time she visited them, she felt her anger triggered. Then Shauna fell in love. Riding high and feeling great about herself, she saw her parents in a new way. Their reactions no longer bothered her. Instead of making her want to run a hundred miles, their reactions slipped off her like water off a duck’s back. Why?

When you’re in love, you open your heart more. The hormones released from being in love give you a more cushioned response to situations. You can build that same cushion from within. You don’t need to wait to fall in love. Learning how to self-generate more love in your system creates that cushion — so you don’t react as quickly to people or events with an angry survival response but respond with a centered response. The heart tools build security — a cushion of inside reinforcement — and inner security is what gives you the power to change.

The heart is really about transformation. That’s part of nature’s design. Your heart is what transforms the physiology of anger that drains your system into the physiology of love that gives you wholeness and effectiveness. You achieve this by replacing angry emotions with real care. Feelings of care and appreciation are the building blocks for love that you build inside yourself. When you replace the anger with care, you choose a more effective emotion. Care transforms perception. Care is an ingredient of intelligence that causes your entire system to work more harmoniously and respond more effectively to resistances that come up in life. Care gives you rhythm. Life happens, negative things happen. Self-generated care enables you to move through the resistances and inconveniences of life with more intelligence and less energy.

For example, say you are in a crowded airport and late getting to your plane. You start to anxiously push your way through the crowd, bumping into luggage and people, frustrated because you can’t move as fast as you need to. You’re angry at whoever is in your way. Your head is driving you. If you stop and use a heart tool, get centered in your heart, and find an attitude of appreciation or care, your flow changes. You see the openings in the throng and feel your way through in a rhythm, dancing around obstacles, getting to your gate with minimum energy expenditure. That’s what tuning to your heart rhythm can do.

The heart rhythm is subtle. To find a smooth rhythm when you need it requires a new reference place inside from which you respond — a heart-intelligent place. That reference place will feel different from your mechanical head, and you’ll come to recognize it. So how do you tell the difference? See my previous post, “Distinguishing Mind from Heart.”

My heart has led me to change, as well. I knew I needed to go to bed earlier to get more sleep. I had been staying up late to have more time for me after a full day and often evening of work. I’d be tired in the morning and not as clear during the day, but it was hard to break out of that. When I finally got sick, I had a talk with my heart. It gave me a very clear feeling that I needed to turn off the TV and stop earlier and have that time to journal, meditate and create quality time for myself. Those self-care activities were far more rewarding than what I had been doing that I thought was rewarding. That quality time for myself refreshed me and felt really good. I find that if I do something nurturing – not just mind-stimulating – for me – it keeps my heart open and is fulfilling. Using “my time” to connect with my heart and having a creative dialogue between my heart and head inspires and empowers other positive changes in my life.

How do you bring the heart into the changes you want to make? Follow this adaptation of HeartMath’s Heart Lock-In® technique:

  1. Shift your attention to the area of your heart and breathe slowly and deeply.
  2. Activate and sustain a genuine feeling of appreciation or care for the thing you want to change.
  3. Radiate these feelings of care and appreciation toward yourself and your intention for five minutes or longer.
  4. When you catch your mind wandering, simply refocus your attention on the heart area and reconnect with feelings of care and appreciation or other heart qualities.
  5. Notice how this extended radiation of care has affected your body, emotions and thinking.
  6. As you complete your Heart Lock-In, be receptive to your heart’s intuitive guidance. Is there anything your heart would like you to know in this moment about your intention? Write down whatever you quietly sense.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           from:    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/heartmath-llc/life-changes_b_2846251.html?utm_hp_ref=gps-for-the-soul&ir=GPS%20for%20the%20Soul

Antibiotic Resistance


Antibiotic Resistance Poses ‘Catastrophic Threat’ To Medicine, Says Britain’s Top Health Official

Reuters  |  By Kate Kelland Posted: 03/10/2013 11:10 pm EDT

By Kate Kelland

LONDON, March 11 (Reuters) – Antibiotic resistance poses a catastrophic threat to medicine and could mean patients having minor surgery risk dying from infections that can no longer be treated, Britain’s top health official said on Monday.

Sally Davies, the chief medical officer for England, said global action is needed to fight antibiotic, or antimicrobial, resistance and fill a drug “discovery void” by researching and developing new medicines to treat emerging, mutating infections.

Only a handful of new antibiotics have been developed and brought to market in the past few decades, and it is a race against time to find more, as bacterial infections increasingly evolve into “superbugs” resistant to existing drugs.

“Antimicrobial resistance poses a catastrophic threat. If we don’t act now, any one of us could go into hospital in 20 years for minor surgery and die because of an ordinary infection that can’t be treated by antibiotics,” Davies told reporters as she published a report on infectious disease.

“And routine operations like hip replacements or organ transplants could be deadly because of the risk of infection.”

One of the best known superbugs, MRSA, is alone estimated to kill around 19,000 people every year in the United States – far more than HIV and AIDS – and a similar number in Europe.

And others are spreading. Cases of totally drug resistant tuberculosis have appeared in recent years and a new wave of “super superbugs” with a mutation called NDM 1, which first emerged in India, has now turned up all over the world, from Britain to New Zealand.

Last year the WHO said untreatable superbug strains of gonorrhoea were spreading across the world.

Laura Piddock, a professor of microbiology at Birmingham University and director of the campaign group Antibiotic Action, welcomed Davies’ efforts to raise awareness of the problem.

“There are an increasing number of infections for which there are virtually no therapeutic options, and we desperately need new discovery, research and development,” she said.

Davies called on governments and organisations across the world, including the World Health Organisation and the G8, to take the threat seriously and work to encourage more innovation and investment into the development of antibiotics.

“Over the past two decades there has been a discovery void around antibiotics, meaning diseases have evolved faster than the drugs to treat them,” she said.

Davies called for more cooperation between the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries to preserve the existing arsenal of antibiotics, and more focus on developing new ones.

Increasing surveillance to keep track of drug-resistant superbugs, prescribing fewer antibiotics and making sure they are only prescribed when needed, and ensuring better hygiene to keep infections to a minimum were equally important, she said.

Nigel Brown, president of the Society for General Microbiology, agreed the issues demanded urgent action and said its members would work hard to better understand infectious diseases, reduce transmission of antibiotic resistance, and help develop new antibiotics.

“The techniques of microbiology and new developments such as synthetic biology will be crucial in achieving this,” he said. (Editing by Jason Webb)

from:    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/10/antibiotic-resistance-catastrophic-threat_n_2850651.html?ir=Healthy+Living

Shekina on Ascension Symptoms

2013 Ascension Symptoms List and Predictions Year the Cosmic Mother and Rose Ray Return to Earth

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray
Tuesday, 12 March, 2013

Number sequences that appear embedded in this channel are given to Shekina Rose by spirit to activate this transmission.

You are reading this; you have made it. Congratulations truly powerful sacred light sensitive bearer. You have been tested and you are deserving of the highest Spiritual Medal of Honor. Many of you went through intense soul imitations. Your rewards are on the way as it will be a smoother path this year. You are the great teachers, the forerunners of the new Earth. You are putting an end to an era of the illusion of separation by transforming past traumas, which in turn heals the soul matrix. 333

As you came closer to the 12 12 12 gateway you had acquired enough light stabilization that you were able to clear the deepest, dark planetary and personal wounds, one being the Crucifixion. By this healing of the soul matrix you will be able to achieve a vibratory frequency that is the invisible shield of the total perfection of God.

The Rose Ray and Mother Goddess Essence Cosmic returning to earth

As you came through different rays of creation, planetary and galactic systems to come to Earth, you were encoded by them as to what would be necessary for the healing and perfection of the Divine Plan. The blue ray and ultra sensitive empath star light being carry DNA healing frequencies of the Divine Mother Goddess. By bringing this within your cellular memory you would assist in the healing of the soul matrix split of the father mother God principle, the divine counterpart to be reunited for the essence to be restored on the planet.333

2013 is the return of the Goddess to her divine counterpart for the new Earth. To bring this forward, the Rose Ray of Creation has recently been anchored back on the planet. The Rose Ray brings a supreme divine love that will enable the essence through the Mother Goddess to bridge a new empathic connection of the DNA and RNA structures with the Earth and all life. 13

Because of your endearing empathic sensitivity, a true gift to humanity, the light and love quotient had raised enough that the Rose Ray of Creation was allowed back on the planet. This is an extremely significant event for the universe where you have set the precedent for the new Earth codes. This will bring the other rays of creation and many higher frequency light beings and children from the crystal ray.

2013 Ascension Symptoms, Predictions and Beyond

You will not feel alone! Beloved blue ray and ultra sensitive light star being, we know you have not felt you had a place here on Earth. You may say, where is the connection? Where are my people? Because of your ultra super sensitivity and awareness you felt energies in people and life to be vibrating at different frequencies than your own. You are innately trying to match frequency with every encounter for that is what you do as a transformer and harmonic balancer of the unity of one.

You will meet your galactic star family; the essence and the Goddess return will reunite you!

When you were not feeling that vibrational match you continued to go back into yourself. Your energetic being and spirit were searching for the essence and many times you did not feel that. You will begin to feel the essence more throughout life for you are aligned to the Divine Mother Goddess empathic codes and it will be easier for you to feel at home here on Gaia. Because this connection is stronger on the planet, there will be a greater draw of magnetic energy for you to find and connect with your galactic star family.

New Source Codes of Abundance and Wealth

If you have not been overly successful or abundant to your liking previously, the new source code matrix Goddess of Love will make it easier for you now. The code is love and divine alignment in the name of the Goddess. There were certain gateways that were not opened to you previously as many of the systems of the planet that had been put in place were still overly influenced with the old encoded paradigms of a not balanced essence of father mother God principle. 333

Love = Wealth & Abundance

Divine alignment = Success

Goddess Empathy 13 = Sacred Opportunity heightened synchronicity

In 2013 and beyond, a grander alignment of wealth and abundance for beings of the blue ray and ultra sensitive light bearers, as you have paved the way through the purging process that now aligns you to the new core matrix upgrade of the Goddess. You were always in alignment with the truth, but there needed to be a system matrix for you to flourish, and now it has been put in place. Now there will be a greater call for you and what you have to offer as there will be a vibrational match in the matrix. You may have been met with opposition for there was still a strong hold on shadow energies not wishing to let go. Many times the shadows wanted to fight against you and actually felt threatened by your light and love.444

2013 Ascension Symptom List & Predictions

It is suggested to consult a healthcare professional for symptoms as not every symptom is from ascension. And though it may be an ascension symptom, you still may need assistance with the process.

  • *Physical heart surging energies and higher heart expansion; take note when to rest and be mindful of your caffeine intake*Changing sleep patterns: needing less sleep for periods of time with surges of energy where the body’s system will require a reboot and more than normal sleep, naps and going to bed at different times, waking up in the middle of the night, 3am to 5am

    *Greater empathy which is the new angelic human upgrade and anchoring of the Goddess. 22

  • *Mother Mary, Our lady of Fatima, sightings, visitations and interest
  • *Itching 3rd eye pineal activation and expansion into the higher realms
  • *God of Water will make its presence even more known to you
  • *Energetic light body power surges that are realigning you to the new matrix grid that will affect power centers of the world that may be shut down for certain periods. 11:11
  • *Past life multidimensional recall and embodiment. In the new time matrix your past and future lives of your ascended selves will not feel separate from who you are You will synchronize with the Christ codes of wisdom, alchemy and healing when you were the high priestess, god, goddess, and star being of other planetary systems and dimensions.
  • *Multidimensional sight and vision: you’ll be able to see and recognize past lives and different time periods on the planet and this will become part of your daily life and feel normal.
  • *New earth technologies and divine healing sound frequencies, tones, vibrations, including the ancient Solfeggio scale that will reflect the new Earth, higher realms and will open doorways to higher dimensions, create cellular rejuvenation and have positive effects on matter, the DNA and reality.
  • *Solar plexus angelic chakra star human upgrade that will be clearing and transmuting deep cellular memory and trauma and may be experienced as acid reflux, stomach issues, greater sensitivity in general to what you eat, feeling weepy and crying easily; this upgrade is aligning you to your solar soul power deity.
  • *New crystal downloads of the crystal devas will be available that activate you to higher light codes to assist in the anchoring of the new Earth. They will emit new qualities that will align you to your soul star and soul matrix and are protecting your energy fields as you become the new angelic human. Some of these crystals are ametrine, selenite and citrine.
  • *Meeting more of your soul star light family that will require you to be activated by them so you can do your projects and work in unison.
  • *Increase in déjà vu, the feeling that you are experiencing a situation that you’ve been through before at other levels of reality. This will occur more regularly as the veils will become thin and are merging. In the moment ask your higher self, why is this important that a time parallel matrix doorway be opened to me?
  • *New guides
  • *Greater planetary awakening of healing abilities and telepathy
  • *Increase in synchronicity and intuition will become a way of life
  • *Healing activation of the Crucifixion and Vow of secrecy codes of silence of the sacred Divine Feminine and Holy Grail

    *Purging and letting go of your belongings

Many of you may have already experienced this at different levels; you may have felt the need to let go of many of your belongings and/or they were taken from you or you could not take them with you to your new space. 44

All the rules will seem to shift and change as the old paradigm of energies is being transformed, transcended and reconfigured. You are becoming free and aligned to who you truly are, your Divine core essence of being. No one can know or has before experienced this on the planet as the new angelic human, the ascension of the new golden age, is unprecedented. It will be a compilation and configuration of a new Creation of encodements of many galactic, planetary dimensional systems and ancient times of Earth in which you have participated. It will be exhilarating and still at times challenging as you find your new space of being present to the holy divine unification with humanity in the Christ Heart with all life and creation.

The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker.

Shekinah”, a Hebrew word in the “Language of Light”, is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. Blue Ray is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.

Copyright © Language of Light vocal sound transmissions by Shekina Rose of www.shekinaspeaks.com – Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article and videos on the condition that the URL www.shekinaspeaks.com is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail: shekina444@yahoo.com

from:    http://spiritlibrary.com/shekina-rose-blue-ray/2013-ascension-symptoms-list-and-predictions-year-the-cosmic-mother-and-rose-r

Borrego Range, Southern California Earthquake

Strong earthquake in the Borrego range near Anza, Southern California

Last update: March 12, 2013 at 10:23 am by By

Update 18:10 UTC :  The earthquake was on the San Jacinto Fault, the most active in Southern California, said Lucy Jones, USGS science adviser for risk reduction. Aftershocks are expected.

Screen Shot 2013-03-11 at 19.19.27

Update 18:01 UTC :  Based on theoretical calculations 393,000 people will have experienced a light shaking (MMI IV) and 6.5 million people a weak to very weak shaking. Nothing special for Southern California, but the main difference in this case is that it was felt in such a huge area.

Update 17:46 UTC :  On the picture below you have a view of the desert mountain range where the earthquake struck. Except for some wildlife nobody will be around.

Anza Borrego Desert Wilderness State Park where the epicenter is -  image courtesy and copyright West Coast Sharon

Anza Borrego Desert Wilderness State Park where the epicenter is – image courtesy and copyright West Coast Sharon

Update 17:39 UTC :  Many Californians may have the same problems than we have : impossible to enter the USGS site.  The I Have Felt It Reports below will give you at least a good overview of how the people have experienced this earthquake.

Update 17:37 UTC :  Earthquake-report.com does not expect serious damage or injuries as the maximum theoretical shaking has been set to IV MMI (light shaking). This is mainly because the epicenter is in rocky mountainous area. Earthquake waves are not propagated very well in such ground.

Screen Shot 2013-03-11 at 18.57.28

Update 17:33 UTC :  The earthquake was felt from Los Angeles down to Northern Mexico (ie Mexicali). This is definitely one of the stronger earthquakes in California since the last couple of years.

Update 17:23 UTC : As you can see on our bottom map, the area had some very big earthquakes in the past.

Update 17:23 UTC : We have the impression that we are not the only ones having trouble with our servers as some USGS maps cannot be reached neither.

Update 17:20 UTC : USGS has updated his report and mentions now a M4.7 Magnitude at a depth of 12 km. 8 seconds later another one with the same Magnitude, but this may be changed again later on.

We have a hard time to write as we have too many readers in the site at the moment. Our apologies for this.
A lot of aftershocks are currently reported.
Luckily the epicenter is in a wilderness area but the valley to the east is of big concern.

Screen Shot 2013-03-11 at 18.08.14


19km (12mi) ESE of Anza, California
23km (14mi) SW of La Quinta, California
25km (16mi) SSW of Palm Desert, California
26km (16mi) SSW of Rancho Mirage, California
409km (254mi) W of Phoenix, Arizona

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 4.7

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-03-11 09:55:50

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-03-11 16:55:50

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 12.1 km

from:    http://earthquake-report.com/2013/03/11/moderate-earthquake-southern-california-on-march-11-2013/

Neale Donald Walsch on Holy Experience

10 Tools Creating The Holy Experience

Neale Donald Walsch
a message from Neale Donald Walsch
Saturday, 22 September, 2012  (posted 8 March, 2013)

My dear friends…

As you know if you are a regular reader of The Weekly Bulletin, we have been exploring now for many months an encounter with Life that I have called The Holy Experience. Through the years many people have written to me asking about how they might have such an experience.

This week I want to share with you that I seem to have stumbled upon Ten Instruments or tools with which one might build a platform, or an environment, for the Holy Experience. That’s the best way I can answer the question, “How can I have the Holy Experience?” I’ve thought about this a lot, looking at my own journey and the journey of others with whom I am acquainted, and here is what I have come up with:

The Ten Instruments Of The Holy Experience

1. Yearning

2. Willing

3. Exploring

4. Embracing

5. Explaining

6. Resonance

7. Visualization

8. Movement

9. Ritual

Service & Discipline

These instruments seem to me to be divided into two types: Physical Tools (1-5 above) and Spiritual Tools (6-10 above). I have called these The Five Tools of Awareness and The Five Tools of Non-Awareness of the world.

I believe that the combination of Complete Awareness-plus-Complete Non-Awareness equals Realization.

It seems to me that when one is Aware and Non-Aware at the same time (that is, when one is Physical and Spiritual simultaneously), one is Fully Realized. This is what I would call the Holy Experience.

Do not worry if you do not understand this. All of this will be explained here. For now, be willing to notice that you are “aware” that you are “not aware” of exactly what this means.

I have discovered that the Ten Instruments above may be taken sequentially or in any order that one chooses. And…the use of these Instruments may also be skipped altogether. The Holy Experience may be had without any of the tools being utilized.

The Instruments are just that. Merely tools. One can travel the terrain of enlightenment without using them, and many people have.

On the other hand, using the tools should in no way indicate a lack of spiritual clarity or power. There are many paths to awakening, and using the Ten Instruments is simply one that I have discovered through my lifelong search for a Way to Higher Consciousness, or Self-Realization. It is neither a superior path, nor an inferior one.

On the path described here, the Physical Tools (steps 1-5) can be used to build an experience or an Awareness of your individual life and all that is around you in the exterior world, while the Spiritual Tools produce the knowing of larger realities, resulting in Non-Awareness of—or detachment from—what is around you in the world. It’s almost as if, for you, the world around you is in many ways simply “not there.”

Used together, these Ten Instruments can produce a combined state that I would call Awareness/Non-Awareness. This is sometimes termed “higher consciousness” or “full self-realization.” You will remember that there is a statement in the Bible about being “in the world, but not of it.” This is what the statement means. It is when you realize Who You Really Are, and who you are choosing to experience your Self as during this particular incarnation.

All of the Ten Instruments of the Holy Experience build a path to this destination: the Ultimate Expression of Who You Really Are, demonstrated through the individualized identity you are living right now. This is the moving through you of you as you.

I really want to get into this deeply, and we will as we continue on our exploration of The Holy Experience in this space next week.

Hugs and love,


© 2012 ReCreation Foundation – http://www.cwg.org – Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. His With God series of books has been translated into 27 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives.

from:    http://spiritlibrary.com/neale-donald-walsch/10-tools-creating-the-holy-experience

Dr. Judih Orloff on Intuitive Healing

 5 Tips to Intuitive Healing
Dr. Judith Orloff
a message from Dr. Judith Orloff
Tuesday, 5 March, 2013  (posted 8 March, 2013)

I am a psychiatrist and intuitive. My passion is combining spirituality and intuition with mainstream medicine. When patients come to see me, I listen to them with my intellect as well my intuition, a potent form of inner wisdom not mediated by the rational mind. Accessible to all, it’s a still, small voice inside-an unflinching truth-teller committed to our well-being. Sometimes I experience it as a snap-shot-like flash, a gut feeling, a hunch, a physical sensation, a dream. Whatever the form, it is always a friend, keeping a steady eye on our bodies and spirits, letting us know if something is out of sync.

As a psychiatrist I see many people with everything material they can ever want, and still they feel lost. What’s missing is a palpable connection with their intuitive voice, one that will always guide them in a heartfelt direction. I believe that without this connection, it’s impossible to lead a truly passionate life, based on instinct and authentic inner knowledge. I’ve written my book, Dr. Judith Orloff’s Guide to Intuitive Healing: Five Steps to Physical, Emotional, and Sexual Wellness as a primer on how everyone can develop intuition and utilize it as a powerful tool for living. Intuition is not something I simply teach my patients. It has become a way of life for me. The magic of intuition is that it insists you live in the moment with no expectations, a continuing freshness. Intuition is our birthright, available to everyone. To access it, I’ve developed five steps that can be applied to any issue you’ll ever confront from healing your body, to riding a roller-coaster of emotions to sexual awakening. I live by these five steps; they continue to sustain me. I suggest you give them a try. My hope is that they will bring you the joy and clarity you’ve been searching for.

Step 1: Notice Your Beliefs (more)

Your beliefs set the stage for healing. Positive attitudes stimulate growth. Negative attitudes impede it. It’s important to rid yourself of counterproductive attitudes that you may not even realize you have. If you examine your beliefs, choose life-enhancing ones, you’ll create optimal wellness. No organ system stands apart from your thoughts. Your beliefs program your neurochemicals. I’m not suggesting that you be Pollyannish, but that you be completely true to yourself. This will free you from unconscious negative beliefs that can sabotage your healing.

Step 2: Be In Your Body (more)

Your body is a complex and sensitive intuitive receptor. You must make a commitment to be in it completely to heal. Most people in Western society are conditioned to live from the neck up, ignoring the rest of their body. This stance is counter-intuitive. I’d like you to shift that perspective-to enjoy your intellect but revel in your physicality as well. Being aware of the sensuousness of your body opens intuition. Then you’ll become more cognizant of early warning signs your body sends. This gives you a head-start on preventing illness, choosing healthy relationships, and avoiding detrimental situations.

Step 3: Sense Your Body’s Subtle Energy

We are composed of flesh and blood, but also of subtle energy. Chinese Medical Practitioners call it “chi,” a vital substance which penetrates the body and extends many feet beyond it. From an intuitive point of view, these vibrantly colored energy fields, whose centers are called chakras have a significant effect on our health. For that reason, it is important that we learn to sense this energy within us, recognize when it is off, and learn to correct the imbalance. Feeling energy can be very sensual, an extension of love. Learning to tap into your body’s energy is healing.

Step 4: Ask for Inner Guidance

We each possess an intuitive voice that contains answers about our healing. Because our intellect is often so loud, this voice often gets drowned out. It’s essential that we learn to access the stillness within–though meditation, quite contemplation, connecting with nature, prayer-in order to gain answers about our health. Spend a few minutes each day devoted to listening to this voice. It may appear as a gut feeling, a hunch, an image, a sound, a memory, an instant knowing-as if a light bulb suddenly switched on. Learn to trust the signals your inner wisdom sends.

Step 5: Listen To Your Dreams (more)

Intuition is the language of dreams. Every ninety minutes each night during the REM stage of sleep, we dream. Dreams provide answers about health, relationships, career choices, any new direction. The secret is to remember them. I suggest keeping a dream journal by your bed. Before you go to sleep, ask a dream a question. For instance, “Is this relationship healthy for me or should I move on?” The next morning, write down any dreams immediately before getting out of bed. Try repeating the question, every night for the next week until your answer comes. As you develop the habit of remembering dreams, you’ll be able to benefit from this form of healing. As a physician, I have a continual sense of awe for the relationship between body and spirit. As your heart opens, so does your intuition. Your intuition will teach you how to see and how to love. It will instill in you a renewed faith to face anything.

Judith Orloff MD is bestselling author of the new book Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life (Three Rivers Press, 2011) upon which these tips and article are based. Her insights in Emotional Freedom create a new convergence of healing paths for our stressed out world. An assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at UCLA, Dr. Orloff’s work has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, and in Oprah Magazine and USA Today.

from:    http://spiritlibrary.com/dr-judith-orloff/5-tips-to-intuitive-healing

Archangel Michael on Changes

Archangel Michael: Humanity is in the Midst of Dramatic Changes of Profound Proportions

MichaelArchangel Michael’s message through Ronna Herman (1) was so profound this month that I felt a strong desire to review some of what he says in it. It really is not to be missed.

He tells us that “the evolutionary process for humanity is in full-swing and moving forward at an astounding pace.” He reassures us that “humanity is ready to take a giant leap in consciousness.”

However, he reminds us, this is just one small part of the overall journey from God to God and we’ve experienced many levels of it prior to coming to Earth on this mission.

“Yes, humanity is in the midst of dramatic changes, an evolutionary process of profound proportions. However, remember, it is just a part of the never-ending spiral. All of you who are awakening to your God consciousness have experienced a great variety of momentous transitional processes throughout this universe.”

Moreover, we’re the dreamer dreaming and, having passed the halfway mark, we’re about to begin our journey back to the One.

“You are the dreamer as well as the dream. It is in this Sacred Space [of realization] that you will begin your journey back into the wholeness (holiness) as you strive to recreate yourself into a SUN CHILD of our Father/Mother God. This has been preordained; it is your Divine Heritage.”

Ascension is not a constantly-accelerating process; there has need to be pauses along the way.

“Be aware that there is an ebb and flow to the process of ascension. There are great pulsations of new higher Cosmic Ray vibrational patterns bombarding the Earth, with quiet times in-between so as not to create an overload situation.

“Ascension is not a steady, forward-motion process. It is an insurgence of energy and new information, and then a time of assimilation, integration and manifestation. Many of the sensations seem more pronounced to you at this time.

“You may feel as though you have taken a great leap into the unknown at times or taken a step backward into uncertainty. At other times you may feel an intensified sense of vulnerability. By now, you should be somewhat accustomed to the ebb and flow of magnified, accelerated frequencies; however, when you are pushed to the next level of awareness, it often sets off an alarm of varying degrees in your physical/mental/emotional bodies.”

We starseeds are here to help others make the transition.

“You are called Star Seed for a reason, for as you return to Self-Mastery, you will initiate the process of integrating highly-developed crystalline, Life-Code Seed Atoms; a new, advanced evolutionary process to be used in the next forthcoming Golden Age.”

We don’t need to fret or be concerned that our interdimensional faculties will not be returned to us.

“Your inner perspective will automatically broaden as you gradually change your way/mode of thinking and perceiving.”
We’ll be given the resources we need to see to our missions as wayshowers.

“We have said that many special dispensations are being given to those who bravely step to the fore and claim their heritage. As the masses awaken and cry out for assistance, solutions, information and encouragement, you will be needed more than ever, my brave ones.

“We are waiting to empower you, to gift you with wisdom, abilities and knowledge beyond your wildest imaginings.”

As it is, we’re being showered with nourishing energies and our “level of comprehension and awareness will increase with each download of higher frequency energy.” As we move farther along our journey, the inbuilt longing for liberation will kick in and pull us towards God. Archangel Michael describes it here:

“At some point in every person’s Soul journey throughout time and space, there is a yearning to return to the higher realms–a Divine discontent sets in that cannot be denied. First you must become aware of the voice of your conscience. The whispers of your Soul will grow louder and more distinctive as you begin to pay attention to the call of Spirit.

“A sensitivity grows within your feeling nature as you become attuned to higher vibrational patterns of people, places, thoughts and actions. Eventually you will learn to distinguish the Soul Song vibrations of your Soul family, and of the different masters and angelic Beings.”

All is soon to be flux and we won’t want to lag behind.

“Please take heed: no longer will you be allowed to stagnate or even stay at a certain level very long—time and the process of transformation are moving too rapidly.
“Your language is changing; your thought forms are different. The old areas of your brain which contain your past are gradually being refined or dissolved, so it is beginning to seem as though everything that happened before, even last year, is a vague dream.”

We’ll learn to think in new ways and find ourselves becoming impatient with the old.

“New areas of your brain are being activated and you must learn to think in a whole new way. Light packets of information, holographic pictures of great significance and sacred geometric patterns will begin to come into your consciousness, and you must learn how to decipher these.

“It may seem as if those whom you are moving beyond no longer understand you, or you cannot find words to carry on the old mundane patterns of conversation. You will also find that you do not need to verbalize every thought as you begin to telepathically pick up the energies and thoughts of those around you. Your intuitive abilities will increase, and you will not be easily deceived. You will speak your truth with spiritual integrity, and you will not be willing to engage in the negative games of the past.”

It’ll become increasingly important to remain detached.

“We implore you: do not become attached to any way of being, any one modality, any philosophy that is too narrow or structured, or buy into any agreement that gives power to someone outside yourself. Discernment, discernment, discernment—we cannot emphasize this enough, for as quickly as an apparent truth comes forth and you incorporate it into your belief system, it may be superseded by a higher truth or a new concept.

“In looking back, can you not see that much of the knowledge you now accept as your absolute truth was beyond your wildest imagining ten years ago, or even six months ago? Be aware that many of the things you are so certain about today will undoubtedly change tomorrow or in the near future.”

We’re being bombarded with the new and will tap into higher and higher dimensions.

“Mentally, new ideas and concepts are bombarding your consciousness. Nebulous at first, but gradually solidifying as you use your enhanced reasoning abilities to unfold and decode the formulas and inventions of the future.

“As you tap into the higher planes of the fifth dimension, you will begin to remember facets of the blueprint of Creation for this Sub-universe: how to hold a pure thought until it is brought to fruition and how you assisted in the creation of a great variety of wondrous things. Many of you will begin to see geometric shapes, sparkling crystals, and brilliant new colors as you move through and beyond time and space into realms of Light.”

There’s so much more Archangel Michael says that is relevant and important to us in Ronna’s monthly message. But the article would become too long if I reviewed all of it. He closes by inviting us to open fully to the wonders materializing before us.

“Open your minds and your hearts, beloveds, and embrace the infusion of Divine Love/Light that awaits you. Bask in the glory of reunion with us as we move forward together on this incredible journey into a new reality. We are with you always. You are loved most profoundly.”

As the months of 2013 rapidly pass by us, we can see one messenger after another affirming that the process of Ascension continues and rushes towards its culmination. By no means are we in a trough or has the process ended. Instead we are alternately being washed in profound energies and allowed to rest and assimilate as we move towards “dramatic changes … of profound proportions.”


(1) Archangel Michael, “Hold Steady, Beloveds,” transmitted through Ronna Herman, Feb. 28, 2013, at http://www.ronnastar.com/messages-aam/latest.html.

from:    http://goldenageofgaia.com/into-the-golden-age-of-gaia/the-midpoint-of-ascension/archangel-michael-humanity-is-in-the-midst-of-dramatic-changes-of-profound-proportions/

Solar Wind Source Discovered

Solar Wind Energy Source Discovered

March 8, 2013: Using data from an aging NASA spacecraft, researchers have found signs of an energy source in the solar wind that has caught the attention of fusion researchers. NASA will be able to test the theory later this decade when it sends a new probe into the sun for a closer look.

The discovery was made by a group of astronomers trying to solve a decades-old mystery: What heats and accelerates the solar wind?

Solar Wind Energy (speed, 200px)

Solar wind flows away from the sun at speeds up to and exceeding 500 km/s (a million mph). More

The solar wind is a hot and fast flow of magnetized gas that streams away from the sun’s upper atmosphere.  It is made of hydrogen and helium ions with a sprinkling of heavier elements.  Researchers liken it to the steam from a pot of water boiling on a stove; the sun is literally boiling itself away.

“But,” says Adam Szabo of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, “solar wind does something that steam in your kitchen never does.  As steam rises from a pot, it slows and cools.  As solar wind leaves the sun, it accelerates, tripling in speed as it passes through the corona. Furthermore, something inside the solar wind continues to add heat even as it blows into the cold of space.”

Finding that “something” has been a goal of researchers for decades.  In the 1970s and 80s, observations by two German/US Helios spacecraft set the stage for early theories, which usually included some mixture of plasma instabilities, magnetohydrodynamic waves, and turbulent heating.  Narrowing down the possibilities was a challenge. The answer, it turns out, has been hiding in a dataset from one of NASA’s oldest active spacecraft, a solar probe named Wind.

Launched in 1994, Wind is so old that it uses magnetic tapes similar to old-fashioned 8-track tapes to record and play back its data.  Equipped with heavy shielding and double-redundant systems to safeguard against failure, the spacecraft was built to last; at least one researcher at NASA calls it the “Battlestar Gallactica” of the heliophysics fleet. Wind has survived almost two complete solar cycles and innumerable solar flares.

“After all these years, Wind is still sending us excellent data,” says Szabo, the mission’s project scientist, “and it still has 60 years’ worth of fuel left in its tanks.”

Solar Wind Energy (splash)

An artist’s concept of the Wind spacecraft sampling the solar wind. Justin Kasper’s science result is inset.

Using Wind to unravel the mystery was, to Justin Kasper of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, a “no brainer.” He and his team processed the spacecraft’s entire 19-year record of solar wind temperatures, magnetic field and energy readings and …

“I think we found it,” he says.  “The source of the heating in the solar wind is ion cyclotron waves.”

Ion cyclotron waves are made of protons that circle in wavelike-rhythms around the sun’s magnetic field.  According to a theory developed by Phil Isenberg (University of New Hampshire) and expanded by Vitaly Galinsky and Valentin Shevchenko (UC San Diego), ion cyclotron waves emanate from the sun; coursing through the solar wind, they heat the gas to millions of degrees and accelerate its flow to millions of miles per hour. Kasper’s findings confirm that ion cyclotron waves are indeed active, at least in the vicinity of Earth where the Wind probe operates.

Ion cyclotron waves can do much more than heat and accelerate the solar wind, notes Kasper.  “They also account for some of the wind’s very strange properties.”

The solar wind is not like wind on Earth.  Here on Earth, atmospheric winds carry nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor along together; all species move with the same speed and they have the same temperature.  The solar wind, however, is much stranger.  Chemical elements of the solar wind such as hydrogen, helium, and heavier ions, blow at different speeds; they have different temperatures; and, strangest of all, the temperatures change with direction.

“We have long wondered why heavier elements in the solar wind move faster and have higher temperatures than the lighter elements,” says Kasper.  “This is completely counterintuitive.”

The ion cyclotron theory explains it: Heavy ions resonate well with ion cyclotron waves. Compared to their lighter counterparts, they gain more energy and heat as they surf.

Solar Wind Energy (spp, 200px)

An artist’s concept of Solar Probe Plus approaching the sun where it can test the ion cyclotron theory. More

The behavior of heavy ions in the solar wind is what intrigues fusion researchers. Kasper explains: “When you look at fusion reactors on Earth, one of the big challenges is contamination.  Heavy ions that sputter off the metal walls of the fusion chamber get into the plasma where the fusion takes place.  Heavy ions radiate heat. This can cool the plasma so much that it shuts down the fusion reaction.”

Ion cyclotron waves of the type Kasper has found in the solar wind might provide a way to reverse this process. Theoretically, they could be used to heat and/or remove the heavy ions, restoring thermal balance to the fusing plasma.

“I have been invited to several fusion conferences to talk about our work with the solar wind,” he says.

The next step, agree Kasper and Szabo, is to find out if ion cyclotron waves work the same way deep inside the sun’s atmosphere where the solar wind begins its journey.  To find out, NASA is planning to send a spacecraft into the sun itself.

Solar Probe Plus, scheduled for launch in 2018, will plunge so far into the sun’s atmosphere that the sun will appear as much as 23 times wider than it does in the skies of Earth. At closest approach, about 7 million km from the sun’s surface, Solar Probe Plus must withstand temperatures greater than 1400 deg. C and survive blasts of radiation at levels not experienced by any previous spacecraft.  The mission’s goal is to sample the sun’s plasma and magnetic field at the very source of the solar wind.

“With Solar Probe Plus we’ll be able to conduct specific tests of the ion cyclotron theory using sensors far more advanced than the ones on the Wind spacecraft,” says Kasper.  “This should give us a much deeper understanding of the solar wind’s energy source.”

The research described in this story was published in the Physical Review Letters on February 28, 2013: “Sensitive Test for Ion-Cyclotron Resonant Heating in the Solar Wind” by Justin Kasper et al. 

from:    http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2013/08mar_solarwind/