Jim Self on Working with Past and Future

Changing Your Past, Recreating Your Future – Part One

Jim Self
a message from Jim Self
Sunday, 13 January, 2013  (posted 31 January, 2013
Did you know that it is possible to rewrite virtually everything that has ever happened to you? Or that you could also create a future that is very different than the one you may have set in motion? It’s perfectly true. You can change your past, and you can recreate, or direct the future. But you cannot change your past while clinging to the third-dimension.
Most of us, however, choose not to change our past but instead we choose to relive our past, over and over and over. So the operative word there is “choose”. We choose not to change our past. But we can make a different choice and experience a different result.

You know that what you put your attention on is what you get. And when we couple our thoughts and emotions and begin to rethink the thought and wrap it around the emotion over and over again, we create an attention point that the Law of Attraction simply says, “I will give you more of what your thoughts and emotions are focused upon.” It may be something we desire, but many times it is an experience we don’t desire. And, we put what we don’t desire out in front of us and say, “Please, God, don’t let this ever happen to me again!” The Law of Attraction smiles and creates more of it for you to step into. You flawlessly recreate your present and your future based upon your past. It works perfectly every time. When you understand the dynamic, the possibility of rearranging everything about who you are and how you play is very available.

The past is made up of an emotion (or a collection of emotions) and a thought (or a structure of many thoughts). For example: I have an experience where somebody walks around the corner and if they have a blue shirt on I immediately do not like them! Do I know them? No! Have I ever talked to them? No! But I don’t like them! In real terms, what I don’t like is the blue shirt the person is wearing, because my father used to wear a shirt exactly the same color when he yelled at me, beat me, screamed at me, invalidated me, and made me feel embarrassed! We each have a relationship with an event in the past—a piece of information: my father used to yell at me—and we also have an emotion attached to that event: fear. When Mr. Blue Shirt walks around the corner I have an instant reaction based upon a strong, highly charged thought/emotion combination, and I re-experience my past right now.

This is the process where we take information, or a thought, couple it with a strong emotion, and then relive it over and over again, thereby fully anchoring it into our space. Do you know anyone who relives their past over and over and over?

Now, in the fourth dimension, emotions only exist in present time. You cannot have an emotion yesterday, and you cannot have an emotion tomorrow. In the fourth dimension, you can instead access information from the past, bring it into the moment, and then simply observe the information without coupling any charged emotion to the information. By contrast, in the third dimension, we see the blue shirt, re-experience the emotion and instantaneously relive the past in the moment. We keep it in our space and revisit it repeatedly. As you step into the fourth dimensional space, you have the opportunity to neutrally observe the blue shirt and not couple it with the emotion. You have the ability to recognize that it is not your father, and it is not twenty years ago! Decoupling the emotion and the information is hugely valuable as the drama and noise of the Shift rapidly increases.

Let me give you an example—this is a true story.

A number of years ago a woman came to me who looked extremely defeated; she was slumped over, had no self-esteem, and did not appear to have any value in her life. “I’ve been to all kinds of people,” she confided sadly, “and I can never solve my problem!”

After relating her long story, Jane finally told me: “When I was four years old, my mother said to me, ‘I wish I never had you!’ And then, six months later, she died. My father had died a year earlier. I’ve been in this painful, confused place my whole life, and I have no idea what I did so badly that my mother wished she had never had me.” A fifteen-second event that occurred more than three decades earlier had been driving virtually every moment and experience of Jane’s life.

I said to her, “Is it possible that what you think occurred actually never even happened? In fact, from where I’m looking at you, the event you just told me did not happen that way at all!”

Jane was a little stunned at that, and said, “Oh yes, it did happen that way! I’m
very clear about what my mother said to me.”

“Would you like to walk around that event with me, and together we can see how accurate that memory is?” I invited. When she agreed, I said, “You remember that your mother looked at you and said, “I am so sorry that I had you.” What you didn’t know is that she had just found out that she had cancer and had only six months to live. Her statement was really not about you. It was about her. Your mother was saying, “I’m going to abandon you into this world and I am so sorry that I ever had you!”

At that point, Jane burst into tears and sat there for twenty minutes virtually unaware of anything but the energy leaving her space—energy that had seriously affected every aspect of her life for 34 years!

The truth is that the beliefs we hold about our past rarely happen the way we believe they did! But when a strong thought is coupled with a charged, negative emotion, the combination drives our reality.

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no charge basis.
from:    http://spiritlibrary.com/jim-self/changing-your-past-recreating-your-future-part-one

Kryon on the Tools for the Old Soul

The 2013 Old-Soul Toolkit

Lee Carroll
a message from Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll
Sunday, 13 January, 2013  at Boulder, CO  (posted 6 February, 2013)

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. As many times as we do this, there are those who would wonder, “Is the man still in his body?” [speaking of Lee] Of course he is, but his consciousness is split. Now, some would say, “I knew it! This makes him a candidate for a psychologist.” [Laughter] But it is not that kind of split. Each of you has the ability to do what you see here, but it does not have to be in this form. There is a new energy beginning to form on the planet and we are starting to discuss it gradually. If you have arrived on this page, it would be good for you to review the last channelling [Phoenix]. There is information there that ties into this message.

One week ago, we gave you information regarding what to expect in this new era. Some weeks before that, we told you some of the inventions to look forward to. But in the process of Human evolvement, it is inevitable that some of you will channel. This kind of channelling does not have to be in public or in front of other Human Beings. It can be done only for yourself. It can be what some have previously called “automatic writing,” but different. By the way, there’s nothing automatic about it. It’s not something that just happens. It is you stepping aside, and in the privacy of your own existence, finding the sacred part of you and being able to channel that which is inside you. Some of you will not find an entity with a name at all, but rather you will start channelling pieces and parts of your own divinity. You will call it channelling but it’s really communications to the Higher-Self. It’s you getting in touch with the core soul that is also you. But it will look like channelling and it will be.

The next step in Human evolution is inward, not outward, for the evolvement of the Human species will be concerning what the brain is able then to do collectively with all of the DNA in the body. Within your own bodies, there’s more than a hundred trillion pieces of DNA, and they’re all identical and unique with your imprint. They’re all bonded or entangled as one. They all present one common field together, as the soul that you are [your Merkabah].


You are finished with the old energy and everything is recalibrating. We told you last week what to expect right now. But there is a release going on and you’re starting to feel it. This release will have some anomalies to it and you’re going to start to see it soon. We have told you that among the anomalies of the release are the darker energies of the earth realizing they’re losing the battle. It’s a last gasp, if you wish, to some older energy processes that will raise their heads and pretend they’re in charge, but they won’t be. You will watch them be dismissed through population non-support, probably for the first time in Human history.

The Toolkit for the Old Soul – 2013

Today we’re going to give you potentials and we’re going to tell you some things that we see on the horizon. In addition, we are going to point out some potentials that are not necessarily the strongest, but which are indeed there. This is new, for it shows you what is “cooking” in the background that might or might not influence humanity at this moment. By doing this, you can see free choice in action.

I would like to start by echoing and continuing last week’s channelling. Today we would like to give you a five-point 2013 Old Soul Toolkit. That is to say, we will give you five points to look at. These will be things that some of you will need and others will not. We also know that we have more listening and reading than there are in the room before us. So we have said this many times: If you tuned into this, it doesn’t matter what your clock says or your calendar says, we know who you are. We know the potentials of your evolved soul listening to this message and that that potential is right in front of us. We are in contact with your Higher-Self and we know your plan. We are in contact with that which you would think is a predisposed attitude you might or might not do something. We know that, too. So if you’re listening to this message, or you’re reading it, you’re right where you belong.

Clearing The Way

There are many things scheduled to happen that have always been scheduled to happen as soon as the marker was passed [2012]. The 2012 energy contained a great deal of fear and this has now passed. So there is a clearing, you might say, of the playing field of energies. When you take a look at those things, some of which may be esoteric to you, certain attributes of the shift are being honored. Right now that would be the precession of the equinoxes and the midpoint. So you are actually now in the middle of the transition, and so we present five items that you need for your toolkit, as you experience the transition to this new energy.


Number one is tolerance. Now, I’m going to talk to old souls, and when I talk about tolerance, I’m talking to old souls specifically. Old soul, you have been very tolerant for a long time. You’ve been tolerant of the old energy and have had to co-exist with many things that you have nothing in common with. Now I’m going to ask you to be tolerant of one another because some of you are not going to like what takes place next. Some of you are going to depart from tradition and irritate the others.

The best way to explain this is to give an example: Let’s say, for instance, that you have been a healer for thirty years, and you have a process that works. You have energies you’ve dealt with, and you know what you’re doing. Suddenly the very attributes of the energy around you starts to rewrite itself. Some of the things that are the core essence of what you’ve been doing and what you’ve been taught, are beginning to change.

But you’re going to disagree that they are changing, since certain things have worked for you for years! You won’t want to believe there are any changes for something so correct and comfortable. The bias that you are going to have as an old soul will be obvious. You will say, “No, that cannot be right. You always have to do this or that. I’ve been doing it this way for years, and Spirit has always honored me in the way these things work.”

So how do you know? What is it that will show you that there are shifts? The first thing is to have tolerance in all things you used to believe were a certain way, for these are the things that are changing first. The next is to turn to new, intuitive powers.

The intuitive signals that you receive in your spiritual work that tell you what to do in a process and that you have been working with for years continue to be the signals that you should depend on. Even the channeller may have new paradigms before him that he must work with. For with new energy, the relationship between the Human corporeal body and that which you call the intelligent body and the Higher-Self body will start to shift [a recalibration of how these communicate with each other]. But many won’t listen to anything new. They will still go to what worked before and not “tune in” to anything that might be different.

Pathways that you may call neural will start to be built that are quantum between the corporeal self and the intelligent self. That is to say, some of you are starting to get a concept of being able to talk to your own cellular structure and get good feedback. For instance, there might be those who are invested in kinesiology who would say, “No, no. You have to do it a certain way. We’ve done this for decades. This is how it’s done.” A younger Lightworker may say, “Well, I can do it different, and without any process you have done in the past.” So some of you are going to have to be more tolerant and open-minded toward new processes or ones that rewrite the old processes that you have survived by. If you don’t, it’s going to slow down the evolution of planet Earth, for then there may even be a split in the old souls and what they believe… into “old and new” metaphysics.

So for those who are part of processes, procedures, learnings and systems that you have used for years, we ask you for tolerance. Before you would judge or speak in a critical way about what you believe is your truth, look at the beauty of an evolving Earth. Look at the beauty of an old soul, who can now start to claim the things we always said you would be able to do. For 23 years, my partner has been telling you what might be possible. Now you stand at the cusp of actually doing it. That was number one.


We’re going to state it again just as we did last week: Patience. The attributes that we speak of are going to take awhile. Last week, we gave you the story of the amateur farmer who plants the seeds of his crops and runs outside the next morning to watch them grow, only to discover that growth is too slow to be seen. That is the way it’s going to appear – too slow. You’ll watch your news, you’ll watch your government, you’ll watch the Earth, and some of you will say, “Well, I don’t really see much that’s different.” It’s just like the seeds, and you can’t really see it. Instead, there’s a slow, methodical, consistent change in consciousness. Some of it cannot be obtained until older energies die. Some of it will not be realized until some of those in charge of old energies are no longer in charge of them. Some of them will not reveal themselves until youth takes the position of leadership, and right now some of you are saying, “That’s just too long, Kryon.”

What we need you to do, dear one, with your toolkit is to understand that your being here as an old soul is the food and light for the plants to grow. You can’t just check out and say, “I’ve waited long enough and I don’t want to go through another 18 years.” Picture it like this, dear ones: You now have the water can for the seeds, yet before 2012, there were no seeds! The older energies are diminishing, and not only do you now have the seeds, you now have the water can! So every morning you wake up and water, and water.

Listen: Those who come after you will begin to see full crops. This is the next thing in your toolkit – understanding and tolerance for things you don’t understand. In a new paradigm, there are going to be things you didn’t expect, and you may look at them and say, “No way,” not understanding this was the way of it all along.

Attitude Adjustment

Let me talk about number three, attitude adjustment. Some of you are starting to put together some things that Kryon has said in the past. Years ago, I channelled information that has now come to fruition and now you can begin to understand it, but then, you did not. We gave you this phrase: “When everyone can talk to everyone, there can be no secrets.” In your current Earth society, this has now become something called social networking. Even before this term existed, I told you about it. There would be a time on the planet when all could talk to all, instantly. Can you see how that would disarm old paradigms of communication? Do you see how that might disarm information that was incorrect? Do you see how that might disarm drama and untruth? When everyone can talk to everyone – this is what is happening!

So, technology has given you the beginning of something that some of you, especially the older ones, look at and don’t want anything to do with. You say, “It’s a fad of the young people.” I want you to adjust your attitudes toward this. Let a young person show you what they can do and how many friends that they can talk to all at once, instantly. Let them show you what happens when they want to communicate something so they put it in a certain place and, suddenly, hundreds know instantly. It is a new paradigm of the way Human Beings are going to communicate.

I wish to tell you where that’s going to eventually lead, for social networking has no borders. What happens when a young Israeli is talking to a young Iranian or a Palestinian about something they saw on their networking devices? The ideas fly across the borders in a way that they never could before. What happens to the intermingling of friends in a technical paradigm where hundreds talk to each other instantly, perhaps in a land where they never did before? The result? It will continue to create understanding about those they only have heard about or have been told about. Now they can see and hear them, and will know they all want the same thing! This is a new paradigm of communication, but more than that, it becomes the way of the future, where everyone can know everything accurately and almost instantly. It will be one of the catalysts for peace on the planet.

There is more here than meets the eye, dear ones, and your attitude is everything. For if you look at all this and say, “Well, this is a fad, and is just for the young,” if this is you, then you’re missing it totally. Let a young person explain what they can do and let the light bulb go on in your mind, for the evolution of the Human species is here and this is never going away. If you don’t like all this, then social networking is only going to get worse for you! We say that in a humorous and facetious way.

There will come a day when this will be the way of it in all things. It will be impossible to be a hermit. You’ll always have more friends than you thought possible. These are the things we are asking you to look forward to, but it’s going to require you to look at them differently and adjust. That was number three.

The Physical Body

Number four is your physical body, for in this new energy, it has to recalibrate. So it’s going to do so no matter what you want. You gave intent to stay, dear one. So you have given permission for physical chemistry changes to occur in you. For some of you, that’s called illness, but it isn’t. It’s simply temporary imbalance of chemistry. So what we’re going to say next is that some of you will go through what you would think are physical trials. There are some of you hearing and reading who are already going through this. So if that’s you, now you understand what it’s about.

This is going to be a faster evolution in certain ways than you think. For it’s going to affect the ones who have chosen to stay and move into this next paradigm. Moving into this new energy is difficult. It may actually put stress on the chemistry of the body as it recalibrates. So when this takes place, you’ll know what I’m talking about, and when it takes place, do not fear it. So we give you a challenge: Celebrate imbalance! Whether it’s in your muscle structure or in your intestine or any of those places where you don’t know where it came from, I challenge you to say, “Thank you, God, that I’m recalibrating, for I’m evolving and I know why.” You’re supposed to stay, dear ones, and water the plants. You’ll see what I mean, for there will be some unexpected things soon.

The Change in the Way Things Work

Now I’m going to be very cautious with number five, and I’m going to change a paradigm of the way we channel. For 23 years, we have given you information in the soup of potentials that we read around you as the highest probable potential that exists. These things eventually become your reality because they are your free choice, and we know what you’re thinking. We know what the potentials are because we know what the biases are, and we see all of humanity as a whole. Potentials are energy, and it gives us the ability to project your future based on how you are working these potentials. We have done this for a long time. Twenty-three years ago, we told you about many things that were potentially going to happen, and now they are your reality.

But now I’m going to depart from that scenario and I’m going to give you a potential on Earth that is not the strongest. I am going to tell you about a Human Being who has a choice. This potential is only about 50 percent. But I’m going to “read a potential” to you that you didn’t expect. It’s about a paradigm that is starting to shift.

Let’s talk about North Korea. There’s a young, new leader there. The potential is that he will never, ever hear this channel, so I can talk freely about him. He is facing a dilemma, for he is young and he knows about the differences in the energy in his land. He feels it. The lineage of his departed father lies upon him and all that is around him expects him to be a clone of this lineage. He is expected to continue the things that he has been taught and make North Korea great.

But he’s starting to rethink them. Indeed, he wants to be a great leader, and to be heard and seen, and to make his mark on North Korea’s history. His father showed him that this was very important. So he ponders a question: What makes a world leader great?

Let’s ask that question to someone in an older earth paradigm from not that long ago. He will be an expert and a successful one. So this is a valid exercise, asking someone from the past who knows. We will ask that question to a man who you know and whose name is Napoleon. For us, this was yesterday and some of you were there.

If you asked Napoleon, “What makes a world leader great?”, he will say, “the size of the army, how much area can be efficiently conquered with a given amount of resources and men, how important the leader appears will then be based upon how many citizens call him emperor or king, the taxes he can impose, and how many fear him.” Not only was that Napoleon’s reality, but he was right for the energy he was part of at the time. So Napoleon went back and forth between world leader, general and prisoner. He accomplished almost everything he set out to do. His expertise was obvious, and you remember his name to this day. He was famous.

What makes a world leader great? What I am showing you is the difference in thinking between then and now. There are some choices that this evolving young Human Being has that could change everything on the planet if he wanted. His father would tell this boy that what makes a world leader great is the potential of his missile power, or how close he can get to having a nuclear weapon, or how he stands up against the power of the West, or how he continues to aggravate and stir drama as a small country – getting noticed and being feared. His father would tell him that this is his lineage and that is what he’s been told all his life. His father did it well and surrounded himself with advisors who he then passed on to his son.

Now, there’s a 50 percent chance of something happening here, but this is not a strong potential, dear ones. I’m bringing this forward so you can watch it work one way or the other. For if the son continues in his father’s footsteps, he is doomed to failure. The energy on the earth will see it as old and he will be seen as a fool. If, however, he figures it out, he could be the most famous man on the planet… which is really what his father wanted.

If Kryon were to advise this man, here’s what I would tell him. He could be the greatest known leader the current world has ever known, for what he does now will be something the world will see as a demarcation point from the old ways. Not only that, but what he does now will be in the history books forever, and because of his youth, he has the potential to outlive every other leader on the planet! So he’s going to have longer fame than anyone ever has.

I would tell him this: Tell the border guards to go home. Greet the south and begin to unify North and South Korea in a way that no past prophet ever said could happen. Allow the two countries to be separate, but have them as two parts of a larger Korean family with free trade and travel. Start alliances with the West and show them that you mean it. Drop the missile programs because you will never need them!

This will bring abundance to the North Korean people that they never expected! They will have great economic sustenance, schools, hospitals and more respect than ever for their amazing leader. The result would be fame and glory for the son, which the father had never achieved, something that the world would talk about for hundreds of years. It would cause a United Nations to stand and applaud as the son walked into the Grand Assembly. I would ask him, “Wouldn’t you like that?”

Doesn’t this seem obvious to most of you? He could achieve instant fame and be seen as the one who made the difference and started something amazing. But watch him. He has a choice, but it’s not simple. He still has his father’s advisors, but one of which he’s already dismissed. He may get it, or he may not. There is a 50 percent chance. But I’ll tell you that if he doesn’t do it, the one after him will. Because it is so obvious.

We show you this to tell you that this is the evolvement of the Human species. It is the slow realization that putting things together is the answer to all things, instead of separating them or conquering them. Those who start promoting compromise and begin to create these energies that never were here before will be the ones you’re going to remember. Dear ones, it’s going to happen in leadership and politics and in business. It’s a new paradigm.

And so that particular tool is this: the realization that the reality you think works may not anymore. You don’t know what you don’t know. But you can still plan for things that are coming that you don’t know if you know what the energy shift is.

It’s like driving on a road that you’ve been told is going to widen up and the traffic is going to flow soon. You believe it and you know it and you prepare for it. You don’t know when it’s coming, and you don’t know how it’s going to happen, but when it comes, you’re ready, and you breathe a sigh of relief and you say, “I knew that would happen.”

So we close with that. Now you can watch as the world watches to see what this young man does. If he’s smart enough to see the new energy the way he has the ability to, he will become perhaps one of the world’s most beloved leaders. He will be seen as wise beyond his years, with fame that no one else could achieve. But the old energy is strong, and drama and fear beckon as well.

Slowly there will be those who start to understand and see that unification is the answer to all things. As hard as it is for enemies to unify with enemies, it will be their survival, for to continue the way they have been will mean they will die on the vine. The old energy is no longer going to support the old ways. Watch for it. It’s going to happen sooner than not.

We’ll close with the same thing we closed with before. Human Being, do not fear what you are about to see, for the old energy will flail and die hard and it’s not going to go easily into the sunset with its head down. It’s going to fight. I give you this as a metaphor. You’ll see it, and you’ll know it when you see it. So understand it, don’t fear it.

There will be a period of recalibration and adjustment as this Earth moves slowly to an energy, as if coming into the sun from the shadow. The city on the hill is slowly being revealed.

The New Jerusalem.

And so it is.


The information is free and available for you to print out, copy and distribute as you wish. Its Copyright, however, prohibits its sale in any form except by the publisher.

Lee Carroll

from:    http://spiritlibrary.com/kryon/channelings/the-2013-old-soul-toolkit

Colombia Massive Earthquake

Massive earthquake near Pasto, Colombia – Also well felt in Ecuador – tens of houses collapsed, 3 people with minor injuries

Last update: February 9, 2013 at 5:58 pm by By

Screen Shot 2013-02-09 at 15.43.20

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 6.9

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-02-09 09:15:57

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-02-09 14:15:57

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 124 km

Roundup of the damage reported so far (all in Colombia) :
El Charco : 3 slightly injured people
Cali : Minor damage like cracks in houses
Narino : at least 20 collapsed houses
Timbiquí : 3 collapsed houses
Buenaventura : 6 houses seriously damaged
Popoyan (The Tunnel) : 5 houses severely damaged
Bella Vista de Guapi : 2 houses damaged to some extend
Update 17:57 UTC : Civil Defense in Colombia reports that at least 120 houses have been damaged by the shaking. No serious injuries reported so far, but 7 people have been treated for minor injuries.

Update 17:28 UTC : Almost all reported serious damage and collapsed houses happened in the flat area of the Pacific Coastal plain.

for more information and updates, go to:   http://earthquake-report.com/2013/02/09/massive-earthquake-colombia-on-february-9-2013/

(Please consider a small donation to the earthquake report site.  These guys do an amazing job, and will be more and more necessary as the Earth movements continue and intensify.)

Painting lke Picasso

Picasso’s Genius Revealed: He Used Common House Paint

Clara Moskowitz, LiveScience senior writer
Date: 08 February 2013
Picasso's Red Armchair
Among the Picasso paintings in the Art Institute of Chicago collection, The Red Armchair is the most emblematic of his Ripolin usage and is the painting that was examined with APS X-rays at Argonne National Laboratory.
CREDIT: Courtesy Art Institute of Chicago, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Saidenberg (AIC 1957.72) © Estate of Pablo Picasso / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

Pablo Picasso, famous for pushing the boundaries of art with cubism, also broke with convention when it came to paint, new research shows. X-ray analysis of some of the painter’s masterworks solves a long-standing mystery about the type of paint the artist used on his canvases, revealing it to be basic house paint.

Art scholars had long suspected Picasso was one of the first master artists to employ house paint, rather than traditional artists’ paint, to achieve a glossy style that hid brush marks. There was no absolute confirmation of this, however, until now.

Physicists at Argonne National Laboratory in Lemont, Ill., trained their hard X-ray nanoprobe at Picasso’s painting “The Red Armchair,” completed in 1931, which they borrowed from the Art Institute of Chicago. The nanoprobe instrument can “see” details down to the level of individual pigment particles, revealing the arrangement of particular chemical elements in the paint.

The analysis showed that Picasso used enamel paint that matches the precise chemical composition of the first brand of commercial house paint, called Ripolin. The researchers were able to compare the painting’s pigment with those of paints available at the time by analyzing decades-old paint samples bought on eBay.

What’s more, the detailed study, which used X-rays to probe the painting’s pigment down to the scale of 30 nanometers (a sheet of copier paper is 100,000 nanometers thick), was able to pinpoint the manufacturing region where the paint was made by studying its particular impurities.

“The nanoprobe at the [Advanced Photon Source X-ray facility and the Center for Nanoscale Materials] allowed unprecedented visualization of information about chemical composition within a singe grain of paint pigment, significantly reducing doubt that Picasso used common house paint in some of his most famous works,” one of the research leaders, Argonne’s Volker Rose, said in a statement.

Art scholars think Picasso experimented with Ripolin to achieve a different effect than would’ve been possible with traditional oil paints, which dry slowly and can be heavily blended. In contrast, house paint dries quickly and leaves effects like marbling, muted edges, and even drips of paint. Still, experts couldn’t be sure house paint was the key to Picasso’s look without proof.

“Appearances can deceive, so this is where art can benefit from scientific research,” said Francesca Casadio, senior conservator scientist at the Art Institute of Chicago. “We needed to reverse-engineer the paint so that we could figure out if there was a fingerprint that we could then go look for in the pictures around the world that are suspected to be painted with Ripolin, the first commercial brand of house paint.”

The scientists detailed their findings in a paper published last month in the journal Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing.

from:    http://www.livescience.com/26963-picasso-house-paint-x-rays.html

Naming Nemo, th Snowstorm

Why the Snowstorm Is Named ‘Nemo’

Douglas Main, OurAmazingPlanet Staff Writer
Date: 08 February 2013
storm from space, satellite storm photo, nor'easter from space, satellite nor'easter photo
 This image, captured at 9:01 a.m. EST on Feb. 8 by NOAA’s GOES-13 satellite, shows clouds associated with the western frontal system stretching from Canada through the Ohio and Tennessee valleys, into the Gulf of Mexico.

“You must prepare now!” scream headlines from websites such as the Weather Channel. The reason: the snowstorm dubbed “Nemo” is bearing down on the Northeast.

But why this name? Isn’t it more likely to bring to mind the Disney-Pixar movie “Finding Nemo” than inspire storm preparation? And why name a storm anyway? The National Weather Service (NWS) doesn’t name snowstorms, only hurricanes and tropical storms, but the Weather Channel has decided to name “notable” winter storms this year.

Here are the justifications for naming the storm, according to the Weather Channel (TWC):

  • Naming a storm raises awareness.
  • Attaching a name makes it much easier to follow a weather system’s progress.
  • A storm with a name takes on a personality all its own, which adds to awareness.
  • In today’s social media world, a name makes it much easier to reference [a storm] in communication.
  • A named storm is easier to remember and refer to in the future.

“The fact is, a storm with a name is easier to follow, which will mean fewer surprises and more preparation,” the network added.

However, meteorologists are generally not impressed with this particular designation; weather expert Jason Samenow with the Washington Post has collected the opinions of several of the scientists, and the reactions are generally negative. Primarily, meteorologists criticize the unilateral way the network made the decision, apparently never consulting with the NWS or professional organizations. Several respondents said this action will confuse the public and the media.

“I think the preemptive decision by TWC to begin naming winter storms is, at best, a poor decision by a critical source of weather information and, at worst … a gimmick,” writes WJLA meteorologist Bob Ryan on his network’s website. “I call this a ‘preemptive’ decision because there was, from everything I have learned, no coordination of this decision to name winter storms with the National Weather Service or any of the professional groups.”

The NWS chooses not to name snowstorms because, unlike hurricanes and tropical storms, they aren’t well-defined storms following a path that can be tracked, among other reasons, said Jeff Weber, a climatologist at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo.

Weber added that he understands the rationale for the naming, and that publicity was likely a prime motivation. “It makes sense to keep the public informed, but I must admit I questioned the wisdom of having a commercial organization doing the naming,” he told OurAmazingPlanet.

The name Nemo isn’t meant to refer to “Finding Nemo,” Bryan Norcross, a TWC meteorologist who helped conceive the storm-naming last year, told the New York Times. Nemo is Latin for “no one” or “no man.” It also refers to Captain Nemo, the Jules Verne character from “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.”

“Captain Nemo was a pretty tough, fierce guy,” Norcross said.

from:    http://www.livescience.com/26979-nemo-name-explainer.html


Human Design by Randy Richmond

Human Design

Story by: Randy Richmond

The Human Design System is a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern science. As a tool that thousands are using, your Human Design chart reveals an optimal way for you to operate in the world as yourself. It’s like discovering the laws of physics, but at a personal and interpersonal level.

Unlike astrology, derived from only one calculation, Human Design uses two calculations thereby illuminating both the conscious and unconscious aspects of your being. For many years psychologists have been searching to define the unconscious, as clearly over time they’ve discovered people have “hidden” parts. We ourselves know that as we move through life, more and more people have commented about aspects about ourselves that we’re not aware of. Over time we’ve come to accept these aspects of ourselves even though we have no conscious access to how they operate. Your personalized chart reveals your unconscious nature, which is keyed at a point in your fetal development, as well as your conscious nature, which begins at the moment of your birth.

Taking these two data points, your conscious birthday (the one you’ve been celebrating since you were born) and your unconscious birthday (approximately three months earlier), a chart is drawn up showing the specific planetary imprinting at those times. One could ask, “Why should I care where the planets were when I was born?” In the grand scheme of things, it actually turns out to be quite significant.

Neutrinos, as one of the most frequently occurring sub-atomic particles, are penetrating us all the time. Created in the stars themselves, these neutrinos have mass. Because of that they are endowed with the ability to transfer information from the various objects they are penetrating. It’s like when the white car scrapes the red car in the parking lot; each drives off with paint from the other. Thus, the movement of neutrinos throughout our Solar System and its planets creates an informational landscape that is specific at each moment of the day as delineated by the planets’ positions. The database that is created from your two birthdays shows the exact planetary snapshot of those two crucial moments in your history.

For millennium the position of the planets has been tracked using the 360° of the zodiacal wheel. Unlike astrology, which is focused on the relationships between objects on the outside (i.e. their mathematical relationship to each other), Human Design brings the information from the outside, inside and into the body. As a new science, Human Design has established the relationship between the zodiacal wheel and another ancient study, the 64 hexagrams of the I’ Ching, which are also related to the 64 codons of our DNA. Thus, through the synthesis of ancient methods with current sub-atomic particle physics and modern genetics, Human Design shows us our unique individual place in the larger whole. Like acupuncture, which relates primal elements to meridians in the body, these 64 hexagrams relate specifically to the Nine Centers depicted in the bodygraph, as illustrated below.

 photo CentersNamed.jpg

Distributed throughout the Nine Centers, these hexagrams (or “gates”) in pairs create the channels in the bodygraph connecting centers in specific configurations. When planetary imprinting activates both gates at either end of a channel, the result is called “definition.” This is very recognizable in the bodygraph, as the centers on either end of that channel, as well as the channel itself, are now colored in. Transferring both your specific conscious and unconscious data to the bodygraph creates your individualized template. The energetic system represented by the bodygraph is comprised of Nine Centers or “hubs,” each representing a particular aspect of what it means to be human. Like DNA, which determines our differentiation, the way these centers are defined shows your uniqueness or how you are differentiated from others. Four of these centers are motors and therefore the source of our energy.

The Head Center is where we find the mental pressure of inspiration that fuels the conceptualizing of the mind.

The Ajna Center, as an awareness center, is the conceptualizing system that makes sense, understands, or knows what
the inspiration from the Head Center is all about.

The Throat Centeris metamorphic taking those concepts and turning them into language and thereby creating our
ability to articulate. When this center is connected to one of the four motors through definition, physical manifestation
i.e. to act rather than just speak, is possible.

The Splenic Centerhouses our immune system. As our primary awareness center, it is focused on our survival
and serves to protect us.

Our identity and direction in life come from the G Center. Guiding us along the line of our geometry in life, it is both
movement and love.

The Heart Center(also known as the Ego Center) is responsible for establishing the vitality of communities in the world, which takes courage and will power. As one of the four motors, it is a powerful source of what drives tribal life on the material plane.

As the prime motor of the body, the Sacral Center, generates life itself as a response mechanism.

The Solar Plexus Center has two aspects. As a motor, it drives our human life and its cyclical process, as well as our sexuality. But it also contains the chemistry of our emotional system, which we interpret and live out as a wave that goes from hope to pain and back again.

The other pressure center in the body, the Root Center, is a physical pressure system. As a motor, it produces adrenaline and stress hormones that fuel our survival, sexuality, and the life force itself.

Four blood types that have evolved over time in humanity. Interestingly enough, Human Design has validated that at the genetic imprint level, there are also four types of human beings. There are specific strategies for the individual types in Human Design.

Since Human Design deals directly with our energetic systems, we begin by seeing that the four types fall into two categories: energy types and non-energy types. Together they are what makes the world operate in harmony, as each needs the other, neither being better or worse, but each essential for humanity’s development. The energy types come from two possible configurations within the bodygraph:

  • Any time the Sacral Center is defined (colored in), one is a Generator type
  • When one of the three other motors (Heart Center, Solar Plexus, or Root Center) is connected to the Throat Center through definition, one is a Manifestor type.

Individuals with either of these configurations are endowed with a consistent energy source, which becomes a driving force in their life.

The other two types of human beings are part of the non-energy category.

  • One is the Projector, whose definition configuration can range from the very simple to complex. The Heart Center, Solar Plexus, or Root Center may be defined, but not to the throat. The Sacral Center is not defined.
  • Someone with none of the centers defined is a Reflector.

Each of the four types has a specific strategy to follow that will eliminate the resistance in their life. Though there are only four strategies, each is within the context of the uniqueness of each individual’s chart.

GENERATORS: Life is about the Right Work

Want to know themselves; self knowledge; discover inner world; “know thyself”Wait to Respond, life is a response. Go to bed when you are exhausted.
Get a job; it’s about their life’s work.Can respond moment to moment.Can respond to anything. THEME: frustration. Can feel stuck or trapped.

MANIFESTORS: Looking for the Right Life

Wants to know the outside world, the resistance field, what has been in their way, what has been opposing them. Go to bed before you are tired.
Get them to ask “who do my actions impact?” They often don’t realize nor are they conscious of it. Anything they have or want, they have to go and get “it” as it doesn’t come to them; they must “do it”
Informing let’s them take advantage or have an advantage in the situation Looking for a life; into the secret of life
Need to know the outer world THEME: Anger

PROJECTORS: Looking for the Right Life to live

“Who is the Other? How do they impact me?”Don’t be the first to speak. Go to bed before you’re tired – read, watch television.
Need their own space to get away from the sacral buzz, especially when sleeping They are the natural students of mankind; need to study in detail. Need the details
Knows who the other is and whether or not the other is for them; they just recognize it Looking for a life; into the secret of life
Looks for recognition and in turn recognize the other. Who they are. THEME : exhaustion and bitterness
Annoyed at wasted energy The first conservationists Can be “cheap” and over control resources

REFLECTORS: Looking for the Right Place to be

“Who are they?” – conditioned by the environment not by an individual “How am I?-  not “Who am I?” – they are the place not the person
They are the barometers of society – the weather report. THEME: disappointment

Design of Forms:
All forms have a design and activations consistent with the bodygraph. There are cross-specie connections between humans and mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and plants. All of these bring their own frequency of conditioning to our human process and we to theirs. We create hybrid plants, breed animals, and are beginning to clone our own species.

Splenic fear of:
18 – Authority
28 – Death
32 – Failure
50 – Responsibility
44 – The Past
57 – Tomorrow
48 – Inadequacy

Mental anxiety over:
47 – Futility
24 – Ignorance
4 – Chaos
11 – Darkness
43 – Rejection
17 – Challenge

Emotional nervousness about:
30 – Fate
55 – Emptiness
49 – Nature
6 – Intimacy
37 – Tradition
22 – Silence
36 – Inadequacy

Seven Gates of Love:
41 – Love of dreams
58 – Love of perfection
40 – Love of work
28 – Love of life
44 – Love of talent
10 – Love of self
55 – Love of loving

Table of contents    View next article

Randy RichmondRandy Richmond
Is the Chairman of the Human Design Standards Board (from 2000), and is the Registrar of the International Human Design School in charge of certification of new Human Design analysts. Randy was educated privately in the Human Design System by Ra Uru Hu in 1999 and has continued his education in all the classes taught by Ra since that time. Randy has worked in the field of alcoholism and drug addiction for 35 years. He uses the Human Design System to tailor recovery strategies with the unique definition of the individual chart. (see www.recoverybydesign.com) He is the author of Side by Side, a synthesis of the 12 Step Programs and a Course in Miracles. He is an Egyptologist with the University of Arizona and a life member of Mensa.

froom:    http://spiritofmaat.com/magazine/february-2013-mid-winter-cross-quarter-edition/human-design/

Earthquake — Santa Cruz Islands

Very strong aftershock at the Santa Cruz islands

Last update: February 8, 2013 at 4:25 pm by By

Massive earthquake and Tsunami Santa Cruz Islands (Solomon Islands) – 13 people killed, many missing + horrifying aftershocks

Last update: February 8, 2013 at 5:25 pm by By

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 6.1

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-02-06 11:07:25

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-02-06 00:07:25

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 10 km


Since the devastating Tsunami in 2004, people take no risk and move to higher ground, some even auto-evacuating. Honaria, the capital of the Solomon Islands, far outside the shaking area, people are currently moving to higher ground.

Update 03:24 UTC : The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has corrected its recent update. Australia is NOT in the warning area.
04:23 but is still on watch

During a Tsunami the first wave is not always the biggest one – stay on high ground until the authorities are calling the alert off

Update 03:12 UTC :The Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation cited a witness who said water was covering an airstrip in Lata

Update 03:11 UTC : The Solomon Islands Visitor Centre has spoken to ABC News 24, confirming the 90cm sea level rise in the Santa Cruz Islands.  In Lata, the provincial capital of the worst-hit area, there are no reports of damage so far.

Santa Cruz Islands typical house

Typical house in Nendo, the closest island to the epicenter – Image courtesy Mariwatmo

Update 03:05 UTC : A New bulletin from PWTC has just arrived. We bring it to you in a minute
– Evacuations are being ordered by many, many Pacific countries. Authorities are taking NO risk and are evacuating even islands and coastal areas which are not on the dangerous NOAA list !
ISSUED AT 0252Z 06 FEB 2013






Update 02:57 UTC : AustraliaNetworkNews / @an_news, a very well informed news agency reports vuia Twitter that : Emergency authorities on Santa Cruz island have confirmed the tsunami has destroyed three villages on the island @ABCNews24

Update 02:57 UTC : Map 2 below is showing 3 very big balloons. These are the same earthquake of course, but they show the locations of the epicenter as reported by Geofon, USGS and EMSC. Epicenter calculation is extremely difficult. Our map shows it very good.

Update 02:51 UTC : A very interesting graph is from the Sea Level gauge at the Lata Wharf, relatively close to the epicenter. The gauge confirms the after all limited height of the tsunami. We have to say however that the currents with a tsunami of 1 meter can also be very powerful and even damage a lot of things.

Screen Shot 2013-02-06 at 03.45.16

Update 02:48 UTC : Robert Speta, one of the people collaborating with Earthquake-Report.com and meteorologist at NHK Japan made the following video. Of course this video was made shortly after the earthquake.

Update 02:44 UTC : ONE News has spoken to Charles Ngali who is in Lata Hospital in the Solomon Islands. He says he felt a series of strong earthquakes. The hospital is on high ground but he has heard that a wave passed through the airport, which is on lower ground. Most of the patients at Lata Hospital have been taken to higher ground.

Update 02:41 UTC : Tsunami travel time map as compiled by NOAA

Tsunami Travel Time Map M8.0 Santa Cruz Islands earthquake

Update 02:38 UTC : And like the M8.0 was not yet enough, the M6+ aftershocks are raging further.

Update 02:36 UTC : AFP reports that : “The information we are getting is that some villages west and south of Lata along the coast have been destroyed, although we cannot confirm this yet,” the director at Lata Hospital on the main Santa Cruz island of Ndende, told AFP.

There is much more information, maps, and updates, here    http://earthquake-report.com/2013/02/08/earthquakes-in-the-world-on-february-8-2013-m4-5-or-more/

Please consider donating to this site.  They do an amazing job!!!

Netherlands Earthquake

Weak earthquake in The Netherlands – Zwakke aardbeving in Groningen, Nederland – Update 8 februari 2013

Last update: February 8, 2013 at 10:23 am by By

Image courtesy EMSC

Image courtesy EMSC

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 3.3

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-02-08 00:19:09

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-02-07 23:19:09

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 5 km
from:    http://earthquake-report.com/2013/02/07/minor-earthquake-the-netherlands-on-february-7-2013/

And Nemo Arrives in the Northeast

Snows begin in Northeast U.S. as historic Nor’easter strengthens

Published: 3:17 PM GMT on February 08, 2013

Snow has begun falling from New York City to Massachusetts, where blizzard warnings are flying in anticipation of the arrival of one of the most severe and dangerous Nor’easters in U.S. history. The great storm, dubbed “Nemo”, has just emerged into the waters off the coast of Virginia, and is predicted to “bomb” to a central pressure of 975 – 980 mb by Saturday afternoon. Cold, Arctic air spilling southwards behind a strong 1038 mb high over Canada will collide with warm, moist air over the Atlantic, where ocean temperatures are unusually warm–about 5°F warmer than average over a large swath from New Jersey to Nantucket, Massachusetts. The contrast between the cold and warm air will help intensify the storm, and the unusually warm waters will pump large quantities of moisture into the air, which will be capable of feeding record-breaking snows over New England. The latest NWS forecast for Boston calls for 22 – 30″ of snow by Saturday morning, with additional snows though Saturday afternoon. Since Boston’s all-time heaviest snow storm is 27.5″ (February 17-18, 2003), Winter Storm Nemo has a chance of exceeding that. According to NWS, here are the top snowstorms since 1936 for Logan Airport:

1. February 17-18, 2003 27.5″
2. February 6-7, 1978 27.1″
3. February 24-27, 1969 26.3″
4. March 31-April 1, 1997 25.4″
5. January 22-24, 1945 22.8″
6. January 22-23, 2005 22.5″
7. January 20-21, 1978 21.4″
8. March 3-5, 1960 19.8″
9. February 16-17, 1958 19.4″
10. February 8-10, 1994 18.7″
11. January 7-8, 1996 18.2″
11. December 20-22, 1975 18.2″
11. December 26-27, 2010 18.2″

The weight of all that heavy snow on rooftops will create the danger of roof collapses. In addition to the heavy snow, the storm will bring coastal wind gusts over hurricane force, and moderate to major coastal flooding. During the peak of the storm, Friday night into Saturday morning, snowfall rates of 2 – 3″ per hour can be expected. These intense bursts of snow may be accompanied by lightning and thunder. The cites of Hartford, Providence, and Portland are all likely to get more than a foot of snow, and two feet of snow will probably fall along a swath from South Central Connecticut to Southwest Maine, with isolated amounts of 3′. Ferocious sustained winds near 50 mph will occur at the coast, with wind gusts in excess of hurricane force–74 mph. The combination of heavy snow and high winds will make travel extremely dangerous or impossible, with near-zero visibility in white-out conditions. The snow and high winds are likely to cause many power outages.

Figure 1. Predicted snowfall for Winter Storm Nemo from Friday’s 00Z run of the European (ECMWF) model. The highest snowfall amounts (> 24″) are predicted for Long Island, Southern Connecticut, and Eastern Massachusetts, including Boston. This forecast assumes that the ratio between liquid water equivalent and snow depth will be 10:1. In some areas away from the coast, this ratio may be closer to 15:1, leading to snow amounts near 36″.

Figure 2. Predicted wind speeds in knots at 7 am EST Saturday, February 9, 2013, from the 00Z February 8, 2013 run of the European (ECMWF) model. The model is predicting sustained winds of 50 knots (57.5 mph) will be just offshore of Cape Cod and Nantucket Island, Massachusetts. Multiply by 1.15 to convert knots to mph.

Serious coastal flooding expected in Massachusetts
The high winds from the storm will drive a damaging storm surge of 2 – 4′ along the coast of Eastern Massachusetts Friday night and Saturday morning. High tide Friday night will occur between 9:30 – 10 pm EST, and minor to moderate coastal flooding is expected along east and north-facing shores, when the storm surge of 2 – 3′ rides in on top of the tide. Battering waves of 8 – 17′ will hit the coast south of Boston in Cape Cod Bay, causing severe beach erosion. Of greater concern is the flooding that will occur during the Saturday morning high tide cycle, as that is the time of the new moon, which will bring the highest tide of the month. The ocean’s height near Boston varies naturally by about ten feet between low tide and high tide, so it matters greatly when the storm surge arrives, relative to the tidal cycle. Thus we speak of the “storm tide”–how high the water gets above the high tide mark, due to the combination of the storm surge and the tide. During Hurricane Sandy, on October 29, 2012, a potentially very damaging storm surge of 4.57′ hit Boston, but arrived near low tide, so the water level during the peak surge did not rise above the normal high tide mark. Fortunately, it appears that the peak storm surge from Nemo will arrive at the time of low tide early Saturday morning, and the surge will have fallen about a foot by the time the high tide arrives near 10 am EST Saturday. As of 9am EST on February 8, 2013, the latest storm surge forecast from the GFS model was calling for a storm tide of about 3.4′ above high tide (MHHW, Mean Higher High Water) in Boston on Saturday morning. This would cause minor to moderate flooding in the city, and would be approximately the 10th highest water level on record. The official top 5 storm tides since 1921 at the Boston tide gauge, relative to MHHW, are:

1. 4.82′ – February 7, 1978 (Blizzard of 1978)
2. 3.92′ – January 2, 1987
3. 3.86′ – October 30, 1991 (Perfect Storm)
4. 3.76′ – January 28, 1979
5. 3.75′ – December 12, 1992

More serious flooding is expected in Cape Cod Bay to the southeast of Boston, where the northeast winds from the storm will pile up a higher storm surge. A storm surge of 3 – 4′ is predicted from Scituate to Sandwich Harbor Saturday morning. The surge will be accompanied by battering waves 18 – 26′ feet high, and major flooding and significant coastal erosion is expected. Major coastal flooding is also expected on the east end of Nantucket Island.

Severe beach erosion is also expected along the north and northeast facing shores of Long Island, NY, where a storm surge of 3 – 5′ will combine with 4 – 8′ breaking waves. Minor to moderate coastal flooding is expected along western Long Island Sound. New York City is expecting a 2 – 4′ storm surge, which will cause mostly minor flooding, with a few areas of moderate flooding.

Figure 3. Coastal flooding hazards during the high tide cycle on Saturday morning, February 9, 2013, as predicted at 5 am EDT Friday, February 8, 2013, by the NWS Boston.

from:    http://www.wunderground.com/blog/JeffMasters/article.html