January Sound Healing: Claritas Inspiravit – Clarity Inspires
Story by: Norma Gentile
A live improvisation from Spirit
Norma Gentile, voice
Gordon Johnston, harp
Click to listen to sound healing
So often we are not sure of what to do or even how to figure out what to do. Here is a song, drawn through both Gordon and myself as an improvisation during a live concert. This song’s text calls upon Mary, an aspect of the Divine Feminine, for guidance to bring us clear vision so that we might know our next step. Having this clarity of sight, we are able to align ourselves with the wisdom of Sophia, another aspect of Divine Feminine.
Clarity of Vision is usually associated with the Third Eye or 6th chakra. Here it is the basis upon which inspiration takes place. Rather than creating only an ability to see, this song helps the listener move through into acting upon their vision.
My blessings to all