Right side has a pouch for the Energizer.
Materializer’s back panel has a door (rectangle cut in the box on 3 sides) for Administrative Access inside the box.
Left side has a pouch for Success Reports.
Write your wish on a piece of paper and into the Materializer.
Take the Energizer and insert it into the slit.
The Energizer protruding from the top of the Materializer is a sign that there is a new wish inside.
Because the Materializer has over 100% success rate, all wishes can be put straight into the Success Reports pouch.
The Materializer on a shelfIt has worked for me. Will it work for you?
Build Your Own Materializer
Story by: Dr. Leonid Sharashkin
Inspirational Matter
Of all the practical exercises we’ve enjoyed at the Ringing Cedars workshops, few aroused as much enthusiasm as building your very own Materializer – a simple device to manifest any wish.
Inspired by Anastasia’s beautiful visions presented in The Energy of Life, I thought: “She keeps saying that thought is the most powerful energy of all, showing that each of us is creator of our own destiny. But – while the rest of us are not quite there yet – we need some kind of tool to help us experience our limitless potential first-hand.” After all, we all know that many things we cannot see do exist, and yet we somehow feel that “seeing is believing!”
And then when I was reading The Power of Luck, it suddenly stuck me: if all this talk about our all-powerful consciousness is actually true, then manifesting any wish should be as easy as a push of a button – literally! The Materializer design was born in my mind and I fervently set about building it out of an old cardboard box.
Just Add Wishes!
Half an hour later it was ready, sporting a big green Button, an Energizer and all! The moment has come to test it. Amazingly enough, I did not have any shadow of doubt: I simply knew it will work.
“Now, what is it that I really need but do not have?” I asked myself. The answer was clear: I needed an Internet connection! My modem had burned down in a thunderstorm a month before, but my Internet provider had been out of stock ever since – and because it was their proprietary model, I could not buy it anywhere else! (Besides, my place is so remote there was no other Internet company I could switch to!) They had been telling me to wait a week, then another week, then another two weeks. And all this month I had been driving thirty miles to town to just check my e-mail – enough to drive anybody crazy!
That very day I had called the Internet provider again and the representative told me that not only was my modem model still out of stock, but that they were no longer confident they would ever have it back in stock as they were upgrading their systems and were moving away from this model altogether! He said he could put me on the waiting list for the new system install. “How long would that be?” I asked in desperation. “Two weeks, maybe, but we cannot guarantee that,” was the answer.
But now that I had a Materializer, I had no intention to wait even a day. I took a piece of paper and wrote on it: I want a reliable Internet connection NOW! This wish looked completely hopeless, and I knew that! So much for the all-powerful human thought and the Materializer! However, I was determined to go all the way through, even if it meant an inevitable failure. I folded the piece of paper with the wish, inserted it into the Materializer, energized it with the Energizer, and pushed the big green button. Done! It was nearing midnight, so I went to bed.
“It Works!”
The first thing I saw the following morning was the postman delivering a package for me. I looked at the return address and my heart leapt as if I had just jumped out of an airplane. It was from the Internet company, and I knew what was inside. It felt completely surreal. I went inside and unwrapped the package. There was a modem.
After I recovered somewhat and already had it happily pumping megabytes of incoming emails, I called the company to cancel the installation order for a new system. “May I ask why you are canceling?” asked the representative. “Well, because I got the replacement modem you sent me!” was my answer. “Did you? Strange! I’m not seeing it on your account. We’ve been out of stock for two months now, and it’s been discontinued!”
Everything else I had learned in my life paled before this feeling of discovery: Eureka! IT WORKS!
A 1000% Success Rate
I then used my Materializer to manifest all kinds of wishes with a 100% success rate – which had a profound impact on my worldview. What am I saying? It is not 100% success rate, but a 1000% success rate – or rather an infinity – because the awareness it brings with it goes well beyond a particular dream fulfillment. Just as promised in The Art of Soaring: see the “magic” work once, and you will never be the same person!
And then I saw my daughter build one! At this point I realized I was ready to share my discovery of the Materializer with others. So I took it with me to the Ringing Cedars workshops around the world. And today – after countless people confirmed to me that it works – I share its design with you. For free. No secrets held back. No need to buy anything – you can easily put it together in a few minutes with some scrap materials you have at hand. Some suggested I patent it, manufacture it, and sell it. I have no need for that. I would rather see the world a happier place, and as for anything else – we can take care of it with our Materializers, right?
The more I think about it, the more I come to the conclusion that the Materializer’s operation apparently involves the same principles that underlie the functioning of the entire Universe, as revealed in Co-creation. This is probably why it never fails.
Are you ready? Great! Here we go!
Materialize your Materializer: A Complete Do-It-Yourself Guide
Materials needed: a used cardboard box (I used an old Priority Mail box), some scraps of cardboard, some Scotch tape or paper glue, a marker, a couple sheets of thick paper, a small piece of colored paper (your favorite color) or a color pencil. Of course you can go fancy and use other materials, add more decorations, etc. but this does not seem essential for Materializer’s effectiveness. What matters is that you like it. The same goes for the size: some make it real big (like a TV box), others – just as successfully – make it small enough to fit into your pocket. Again, the important part is that you like it, that it feels like the right size to you. Mine is approx. 10″ (25 cm) wide, 9″ (22 cm) deep, and 6″ (15 cm) tall. My Energizer is 8″ (20 cm) long and just above 4″ (10 cm) wide at its widest point.
Time needed: 30 minutes. After that, it can last a lifetime and be passed on from one generation to the next. Potency will only increase with time.
Power requirements: Does not require batteries or grid electricity. Powered exclusively by your muscles (the Energizer) and your thought (all the rest). Note that Energizer does NOT refer to batteries brand – it means “the one who energizes.” It is the same as “Potentizer” and both terms can be used interchangeably.
Design: Materializer’s front panel contains operating instructions, written right on the box with a marker.The instructions read (with appropriate signs to aid comprehension): “1) Insert your wish. 2) Insert Energizer. 3) Press button. 4) Allow some time, check success reports.” The button (a circle of colored paper about 1″ or 3 cm in diameter) is attached in an appropriate spot with glue or tape.
Right side has a pouch for the Energizer. The pouch is made of two strips of thick paper (I used an old Priority Mail envelope) attached to the body with tape or glue.
Materializer’s back panel has a door (rectangle cut in the box on 3 sides) for Administrative Access inside the box. For convenience, the door has a handle (strip of cardboard attached to the door with tape or glue on both ends. For added security, the Admin panel is equipped with Login and Password fields (drawn with a marker) and an Enter button (drawn with a marker as well).
Left side has a pouch for Success Reports. The pouch is a rectangle of thick paper attached to the box on three sides with tape.
Materializer’s top has its name – MATERIALIZER – written with marker, and in the center – a slit for inserting your wishes. The slit can be adorned with a heart-shaped paper attached with tape or glue.
Bottom of the Materializer does not have any special features yet. This leaves room for further improvement.
Energizer is made our of a piece of cardboard, and is given a shape consistent with its purpose. An image of a cheerful Energizer is drawn thereon with a marker. By universal convention, Energizer is a masculine figure, while the Materializer is feminine (“Matter” literally means “Mother”).
Friendly Step-by-Step Operating Instructions
1) Write your wish on a piece of paper. You can use a pen or pencil of your choice; any kind of paper (even tissue paper) has proven quite successful.
2) Insert the wish into the Materializer through the top slit.
3) Take the Energizer and insert it into the slit. Agitate it, vigorously moving it in and out (up and down) until the Materializer is fully energized. After that, leave it immersed into the slit. Then push the big green button.
4) The Energizer protruding from the top of the Materializer is a sign that there is a new wish inside (similar to a flag on a mailbox – which actually uses the same basic principles). The Administrator (the person responsible for fulfilling your wishes – in my household it is myself regardless of whose wish it is) enters his Login and Password, presses the Enter button, then opens the access door, takes out the wish, reads it, and places it into the Success Reports pouch on the left side. The Administrator then removes the Energizer from the slit, congratulates him on the work well done, and places him to rest in his pouch – this is a sign that Materializer is ready for another wish.
Note: because the Materializer has over 100% success rate, all wishes can be put straight into the Success Reports pouch immediately after being taken out of the Materializer.
Troubleshooting: “I followed all the steps, but my wish is not yet fulfilled.” Possible causes: a) You have not energized your wish enough with your Energizer. Remember: your thought energy is what powers the whole thing. The Materializer is not a magic box that does it for you! b) You have not allowed sufficient time for it to manifest. c) What you think is your wish actually is not! The Materializer only materializes your dreams. An example: you think that you wish a latest model of a sports car. It is actually not your wish – it is that of the car manufacturer! (For more examples, see the incomparable Growing Vegetables with a Smile by Nikolay Kurdyumov.) d) You do not believe it will work. Again, the whole thing is powered by your thought – so how can it work if you think that it won’t!? I even think that the only reason why we humans are mortal is that we cannot believe sincerely and without reservation in our own immortality. But this is already another topic.
That’s it. Create! Enjoy! Soar! Prosper! And you do not even need to give me credit for inventing the Materializer: I have grounds to believe that the mysterious Ankh of Egyptian Pharaohs is actually an Energizer, so I could not agree more with how Kurdyumov put it in his Growing Vegetables with a Smile: “I have no doubt that many ingenious practices have been invented ten times over since ancient times. Yet we keep stumbling blindly along towards false goals. Why don’t we apply successful methods to our lives? Why are common everyday routines more acceptable than success? The reason is all in our minds.”
It has worked for me. Will it work for you? It depends on no one but you! But look at me: for quite some time now, my Materializer has been collecting dust on a shelf – I have no unmanifested desires left!