Paracod’s Many Uses

44 Really Cool Uses of Paracord for Survival

4th November 2012

By Gaye Levy

Guest writer for Wake Up World

My love affair with paracord continues.  Not only is it strong and useful for a myriad of tasks, it is colorful and fun to work with while making bracelets, key fobs, belts and other goodies.

Enter paracord into your search engine and you will be treated to a ton of stuff – what is it, how is it use, where to buy it and more.  It seems like everyone has a stake in the paracord love-fest.

What Exactly is Paracord?

Here on Backdoor Survival, I first wrote about paracord in May 2012 in the article Paracord for Function and Fashion.  I described paracord this way:

Paracord is a lightweight nylon rope that was originally used in the suspension lines of US parachutes during World War II. Soldiers, however, found that this miracle rope was useful for far more than their paratrooper missions. In the ensuing years, both the military and civilians alike have found hundreds if not thousands of uses for paracord.

It is available by length, typically 50 to 100 feet (or more) and in a variety of colors. It is also available is large quantities by the spool. Many hikers and outdoor sports enthusiasts make or purchase “survival bracelets” made of several feet of paracord which is woven into a compact bracelets that can be unraveled in the field.

By the way, you will often see paracord referred to as Paracord 550 means that it has a breaking strength of 550 pounds or more. Now that is strong!

Paracord can be used for many purposes such as securing things, removing heavy debris and fixed objects, strapping things together, as a harness to escape a burning building, controlling bleeding as a tourniquet, and the list goes on. You can even unravel the cord and use the individual strands as a fishing line or as thread to sew on a button. Wonderful stuff.

I touched upon a number of uses in my description above but that was merely a sampling.  There is more – a lot more.  What follows are 44 different uses of paracord for survival purposes.

44 Ways to Use Paracord for Survival

  1. Secure a tent
  2. Secure a tarp between trees
  3. Hang tools from your belt
  4. Hang tools from around your neck
  5. Secure things to the outside of your backpack
  6. Make a tourniquet
  7. Secure a splint
  8. Make a sling for your arm
  9. Make an emergency belt to hold your pants up
  10. Make emergency suspenders
  11. Replace a broken bra strap (it happens)
  12. Replace broken or missing shoe laces
  13. Repair a zipper pull
  14. Secure your boat or skiff to a tree
  15. Make a tow line; double or triple up for extra strength
  16. Create a makeshift lanyard
  17. String a clothesline
  18. Hang something up off the ground
  19. Rig a pulley system
  20. Make traps and snares
  21. Replace damaged or missing draw strings in packs, bags and sweat pants
  22. Keep rolled up items secure
  23. Create a neckerchief slide
  24. Tie objects together for easier transport
  25. Make a rope
  26. Make a hammock
  27. Make a sack for carrying groceries or gear
  28. Bundle stuff together
  29. Tie tall garden vegetable plants to stakes
  30. Make a pet leash
  31. Make a pet collar
  32. Secure a garbage-bag rain poncho around your body to keep you dry
  33. Hang food in trees to keep the bears away
  34. Tie stuff down so it will not blow away in a storm
  35. Create a trip wire
  36. Create makeshift hand cuffs
  37. Tie bad guys or intruders to a tree or chair
  38. Tie people together on a trail so that they keep together
  39. Identify members of a group using different colored armbands or bracelets
  40. Use as sewing thread (inner threads)
  41. Use as fishing line (inner threads)
  42. Emergency dental floss (inner threads)
  43. Emergency suture material (inner threads) when there is nothing else available
  44. Make arts and crafts to stave off boredom

The Final Word

Paracord is awesome stuff.  I happen to like all of the various colors and have a number of personal favorites.  You might even say I have become a collector.  You can purchase paracord at most outdoor stores as well as online, most notably Camping Survival (a Backdoor Survival sponsor) and Amazon (of course).  Just keep in mind that different colors are priced differently so if you are looking for a bargain, consider various color options.

Now if you are handy and want to make stuff, free instructions for paracord projects abound on the Web.  Try Instructables for their set of  Easy Paracord Projects.  I know that  I plan on making some key fobs using their Easy Paracord Key Fob instructions.  (Did I mention that these instructions were free?)

Whatever you decide, be sure to pick up some paracord for your survival kit, your car and you home.  You are gonna love it!

Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation!



Cedar Rivers on Multi-Dimensionality

Crossing The New Frontier of Multidimensionality

27th November 2012

By Cedar Rivers

Humanity is in the midst of transforming, and a new unity consciousness is emerging. In future history this era may be viewed as an era of a monumental Spiritual Renaissance.

The spiritual significance of the final days and weeks of 2012 cannot be overstated. We are currently traversing the period from the Age of Pisces to the beginning of Aquarius, the end of the Hindu Kali Yuga, the completion of the Mayan fifth age, and the close of the Mesoamerican fifth world, and with these endings and beginnings the very fabric of reality is changing.

Seers, shamans, scholars and astrologers have written volumes about this pivotal time with its various cosmic configurations and planetary alignments over the three days of the summer/winter solstice of 20, 21, 22 December 2012. Vastly differing views of the possible ramifications range from apocalyptic scenarios to enlightenment of large sections of the global population.

Beyond the much-publicised fear-engendering turbulence there is a glorious world of radiance and reconnection to the divine Infinite in progress. Whether we know it yet or not, we are all participating in this massive evolutionary shift.

Humanity has been living an illusion or false consensus reality for eons – a virtual dream or hologram held in place by energetic matrixes that can no longer be sustained and are currently breaking down. This dismantling is enabling individuals to see beyond the gross illusions that the majority have accepted as the true nature of reality for eons.

New Beginnings – 2012 and Beyond

The personal clearings and subsequent awakenings have been radically accelerating for the past few decades and particularly since the Harmonic Convergence in August 1987. No-one can truly know exactly what will happen in the time-frame around the December 2012 solstice, and throughout 2013 and beyond, because it is ‘we’ who are the creators and midwives giving birth to this new reality by our personal choices and the manner in which we prioritise our intentions. In the light of exponential spiritualisation, it is impossible to know just what we’ll bring into existence, both individually and collectively. The time is perfect now to do a detailed personal reassessment and visioning for all the dreams you have ever held for yourself, your loved ones, and for the planet.

As we become more aware of our growing spiritual enlightenment, we find it unconscionable to do harm to any living thing. The shift in consciousness and energy popularly known as ‘The Shift’ is an on-going process, and with the associated illumination comes massive evolutionary advancement. People actively exploring full consciousness, societal improvements, and an understanding of our place in the galaxy are gaining a real sense of the magnitude of transformation during this time frame. The Shift ushers in the turning point for genuine personal and planetary ascension. We can make the most of this remarkable time by understanding how we empower and manifest whatever we give our attention to.

It is crucial to be extremely mindful of the quality of our thoughts, emotions, intentions and actions. In the coming weeks and months we may find ourselves having many more epiphanies or aha! moments along with being presented with unprecedented opportunities for further awakening. Spontaneous pineal and heart openings, for example, may lead to phenomenal spiritual experiences that confirm the actual nature of our multidimensionality, connections with previously invisible spirit beings, and a true understanding of our connection to the Infinite and all that it means.

By welcoming exponential change and keeping our wits about us, we may rest in the knowledge that our intuition and allies will guide us to the best ways through the changes both within ourselves, and in those around us.

Look for guidance and answers in the Spirit Orb phenomenon.

No-one is alone on this journey to exponential illumination. Light-workers are willing to support our awakening, aided by nature spirits, innumerable angels, ascended masters, and other spirit beings.

The Old Frontier: Opposites and Illusions

When the earth is dying there shall arise a new tribe of all colours and all creeds.  This tribe shall be called ‘The Warriors of the Rainbow’ and it will put its faith in actions, not words. – Prophecy of the Native American Hopi people

In order to understand and embrace the New Frontier, let’s first briefly examine the nature of life on earth as we have known it for millennia. It may also be called the Old Frontier, or the Old Reality. We know these Old Frontiers very well as we have traversed them endlessly, repeating the same patterns and life experiences over and over again. In this context the ‘frontier’ is much more than a boundary or a veil, as once crossed it opens to infinite fields of experiences and possibilities.

The Old Frontier was an illusory world restricted within matrixes very often made of beliefs, agendas and rules imposed and controlled by others. It was largely characterised as an external world of opposites such as good and evil, fear and love, harmony and chaos, war and peace, heaven and hell, wealth and poverty, clarity and confusion, wellness and illness, and other distorted perceptions that enforced duality as the true nature of reality. This perception is now changing in the current climate. In the future the ‘demarcation line’ between the Old and the New may be acknowledged as having occurred around the December 2012 Solstice.

Socrates wrote, ‘The unexamined life is not worth living.’  He had a good point. The gift of life is not all about life missions, job descriptions, and obedience to external authority as we have been led to believe. Self-discovery is a foremost reason for existence, along with learning to follow our passions and to live from the heart. Many may be experiencing a number of ‘dark night of the soul’ episodes requiring intently working through unresolved shadow issues to gain understanding and forgiveness.

This inner work is the greatest work we can do. As we garner insights and turn them into wisdom, we free ourselves from the shackles of a painful past if applicable, while those who have enjoyed a pain-free past may discover new ways of being creative and of service. The inner emotional work clears our energy fields of encumbrances. Once insights are brought to light and acknowledged, there is no desire for endlessly repeating already lived experiences. Grand new vistas await and we can consciously embark upon the next stage of evolution involving such pleasures as an ever-deepening connection to the natural world, greater intimacy in relationships, enhanced creative endeavours, access to the sacred mystical realms, and a conscious connection to the Infinite.

Symptoms of The Shift

Choices are being made at either a conscious or subconscious level to either remain in the cataclysmic world of opposites, or to evolve into the authentic and glorious realms of Oneness. This involves the shattering of long held beliefs. Some will have noticed appreciable changes in dynamics with family and friends, and in career and living arrangements. Ultimately, the movement away from any stagnant places and non-supportive relationships facilitates the expansion of personal growth and enlightenment.

Throughout the past decade a growing number of people seem to be experiencing symptoms of The Shift, frequently referred to as Ascension Symptoms that may be either gradual or spontaneous, and debilitating or exhilarating. Eventually, challenging symptoms are replaced by the euphoria of an authentic sense of belonging, an increase in synchronicities, faster manifestation, miracles, deeper connection to nature, greater sense of beauty, heightened creative skills, new healing abilities, genuine self-love, total presence in the moment, meetings with remarkable beings, abundance when needed, enjoyment of the simple things, light hearted humour, and inner peace.

The New Frontier: Multidimensionality and Oneness

We may ask ourselves: How will my life function in the presence of timelessness? As time subsides linear time becomes obsolete. This is what is meant by the end of time. Think about that. Previous timelines of past, present and future will all be simultaneous in the quantum fields of the New Frontier. We learn to live with full awareness in the moment, much like a young child who involves all the senses to give total attention to the activity at hand.

We will discover the gracious art of creating through the heart with love and gratitude, and once awakened to this, there will be no desire to revert to old outmoded ways of living. We will have access to all information that ever was, is, and will be, as we move into the higher expressions of ourselves, and participate in becoming an entirely new species as we metamorphose from homo sapiens into homo luminous.

Homo Sapiens > Homo Luminous

habits > spontaneity

linear time > eternal time

busyness > presence in stillness

striving > allowing

limitation > mastery, unlimitedness

competition > co-operation

predictability > unpredictability

opposites > oneness

struggle and pain > joy and miracles

fear > fearlessness

external laws > motivated from within

separation > unity

density > light

egoic identity > true identity

health challenges > wholeness

time > timelessness

form > formlessness

the illusion > the real

Seers and Shamans Light The Way

Numerous seers, shamans, leaders and way-showers throughout the world may already be experiencing the awakened Cosmic Consciousness of Oneness. Some have become role models paving the way for our homecoming to the Infinite, inspiring participants to seek the truth, and in anchoring the intense new energies.  Many are working assiduously at this golden time of cosmic change to ensure that another long cycle of the duality of opposites never has to be repeated.

In recent years, health issues, scandals, misrepresentation and corruption have thwarted many of these great leaders of integrity and vision from delivering their teachings. On occasion, dark, jealous and corrupt forces have worked to tarnish their credibility and to dilute their messages. Fortunately, in the current energies now facilitating total transparency – people, politics and corporations are being seen for what they are in their true light – or darkness.

Ethical spiritual leaders appear filled with light as their auras expand with vibrancy, and their skin glows with luminosity. Merely coming in contact with them may elevate receptive students to total healing on all levels and to new mystical experiences. It is becoming more common for seers and shamans to dematerialise and shape-shift into other dimensions, bi-locate and spontaneously levitate before their students. Some can access hidden records of the earth to help navigate humanity along the profusion of pathways and bridges to the New Frontier.

Awakening the Slumbering Genius

The road to awakening lies within. Enticements to look outside for the Holy Grail have been instrumental in maintaining the illusion, when all along it has been slumbering within, silently awaiting our discovery.

As we progress through The Shift we experience the full capabilities of the body and mind. When the glands, chakras, pranic tube, brain and high heart in particular become activated beyond their current minimal capacity, perception changes and we live from the fullness of our merged aspects and new mastery. The hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, pineal, and the reproductive glands are the major glands forming the human endocrine system and none of these have been functioning to their maximum capacity. When fully operative these glands secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream that are responsible for the regeneration and transfiguration of the body. By turning within and meditating, and by observing in silence of mind we finally become familiar with the vast being that we truly are, and have been all throughout eternity, as human expressions of the Infinite.

We are much more than our body, mind and emotions.

A Glimpse of What May Lie Beyond

Matter is lit from within. Matter is energy and light.

Entirely new modes of living naturally occur in Oneness

Timelessness. Past, present and future being simultaneous.

A life of synchronicity and miracles.

Observer consciousness. Awareness of the very big picture.

Love takes on new meanings.

All needs met for every individual on earth.

Sacred interaction with the environment.

Absent loved ones greeted in the present.

Immense gratitude for learning, love and enchantment.

Changes in bodily needs and functions.

Enhanced abilities.

Wellness, youthfulness, and immortality.

New means of communication.

Access to the archives of the earth and cosmos.

Zest for living, discovery and creation.

Life becomes a work of art and excellence.

Co-creation with spirit orbs, ascended masters, angels, nature spirits and star people.

Exploring celestial holy cities and environments.

Free energy and high technology devices.

Developing a deeper relationship with the Infinite.

Seeing the Infinite in all things.

New information in frequencies and light.

The mystical gifts that have been there all along, yet hidden become sublimely apparent as we venture to explore what lies within and beyond the New Frontier. It is evident that we only know a minute fraction of what ‘is’, and now, during this Spiritual Renaissance, humanity has the opportunity to make known the unknown, in order to further access the unknowable. Along with dealing with various debilitating ascension symptoms, our immediate challenges are in developing our under-utilised capabilities, and in having the courage to welcome monumental positive change into our lives.

As we open to the new and modify our beliefs and behaviours we come to understand that we are made of many multidimensional aspects. By slowing down and allowing sufficient time to befriend and absorb these aspects we are able to integrate our new discoveries and abilities with ease and without resistance. As we cross the borders into the New Frontier we are welcomed to fields upon fields of glorious experiences silently awaiting our discovery and delight.

About the Author

Cedar Rivers is the author and photographer of the newly released print book and full colour eBook – The New Frontier: multidimensionality


On Continuing Human Evolution

Human Evolution Enters an Exciting New Phase

Image: Kevin Dooley/Flickr

If you could escape the human time scale for a moment, and regard evolution from the perspective of deep time, in which the last 10,000 years are a short chapter in a long saga, you’d say: Things are pretty wild right now.

In the most massive study of genetic variation yet, researchers estimated the age of more than one million variants, or changes to our DNA code, found across human populations. The vast majority proved to be quite young. The chronologies tell a story of evolutionary dynamics in recent human history, a period characterized by both narrow reproductive bottlenecks and sudden, enormous population growth.

The evolutionary dynamics of these features resulted in a flood of new genetic variation, accumulating so fast that natural selection hasn’t caught up yet. As a species, we are freshly bursting with the raw material of evolution.

“Most of the mutations that we found arose in the last 200 generations or so. There hasn’t been much time for random change or deterministic change through natural selection,” said geneticist Joshua Akey of the University of Washington, co-author of the Nov. 28 Nature study. “We have a repository of all this new variation for humanity to use as a substrate. In a way, we’re more evolvable now than at any time in our history.”

Akey specializes in what’s known as rare variation, or changes in DNA that are found in perhaps one in 100 people, or even fewer. For practical reasons, rare variants have only been studied in earnest for the last several years. Before then, it was simply too expensive. Genomics focused mostly on what are known as common variants.

However, as dramatically illustrated by a landmark series of papers to appear this year — by Alon Keinan and Andrew Clark, by Matt Nelson and John Novembre, and another by Akey’s group, all appearing in Science, along with new results from the humanity-spanning 1,000 Genomes Project — common variants are just a small part of the big picture. They’re vastly outnumbered by rare variants, and tend to have weaker effects.

The medical implications of this realization are profound. The previously unappreciated significance of rare variation could explain much of why scientists have struggled to identify more than a small fraction of the genetic components of common, complex disease, limiting the predictive value of genomics.

‘The genetic potential of our population is vastly different than what it was 10,000 years ago.’

But these findings can also been seen from another angle. They teach us about human evolution, in particular the course it’s taken since modern Homo sapiens migrated out of Africa, learned to farm, and became the planet’s dominant life form.

“We’ve gone from several hundred million people to seven billion in a blink of evolutionary time,” said Akey. “That’s had a profound effect on structuring the variation present in our species.”

Akey isn’t the first scientist to use modern genetic data as a window into recent and ongoing human evolution, nor the first to root rare variation in humanity’s post-Ice Age population boom. The new study’s insights reside in its depth and detail.

The researchers sequenced in exhaustive detail protein-coding genes from 6,515 people, compiling a list of every DNA variation they found — 1,146,401 in all, of which 73 percent were rare. To these they applied a type of statistical analysis, customized for human populations but better known from studies of animal evolution, that infers ancestral relationships from existing genetic patterns.

“There were other hints of what’s going on, but nobody has studied such a massive number of coding regions from such a high number of individuals,” said geneticist Sarah Tishkoff of the University of Pennsylvania.

Akey’s group found that rare variations tended to be relatively new, with some 73 percent of all genetic variation arising in just the last 5,000 years. Of variations that seem likely to cause harm, a full 91 percent emerged in this time.

Why is this? Much of it is a function of population growth. Part of it is straightforward population growth. Just 10,000 years ago, at the end of the last Ice Age, there were roughly 5 million humans on Earth. Now there are 7 billion. With each instance of reproduction, a few random variations emerge; multiply that across humanity’s expanding numbers, and enormous amounts of variation are generated.

Also playing a role are the dynamics of bottlenecks, or periods when populations are reduced to a small number. The out-of-Africa migration represents one such bottleneck, and others have occurred during times of geographic and cultural isolation. Scientists have shown that when populations are small, natural selection actually becomes weaker, and the effects of randomness grow more powerful.

Put these dynamics together, and the Homo sapiens narrative that emerges is one in which, for non-African populations, the out-of-Africa bottleneck created a period in which natural selection’s effects diminished, followed by a global population boom and its attendant wave of new variation.

The result, calculated Akey, is that people of European descent have five times as many gene variants as they would if population growth had been slow and steady. People of African descent, whose ancestors didn’t go through that original bottleneck, have somewhat less new variation, but it’s still a large amount: three times more variation than would have accumulated under slow-growth conditions.

Natural selection never stopped acting, of course. New mutations with especially beneficial effects, such as lactose tolerance, still spread rapidly, while those with immediately harmful consequences likely vanished within a few generations of appearing. But most variation has small, subtle effects.

Visualization of the distribution of potentially harmful genetic variation across protein-coding portions of the human genome. The top section represents variation that predates the human population explosion 10,000 years ago. The bottom represents variation that arose since then. Image: Fu et al./Nature

It’s this type of variation that’s proliferated so wildly. “Population growth is happening so fast that selection is having a hard time keeping up with the new, deleterious alleles,” said Akey.

One consequence of this is the accumulation in humanity of gene variants with potentially harmful effects. Akey’s group found that a full 86 percent of variants that look as though they might be deleterious are less than 10,000 years old, and many have only existed for the last millennium.

“Humans today carry a much larger load of deleterious variants than our species carried just prior to its massive expansion just a couple hundred generations ago,” said population geneticist Alon Keinan of Cornell University, whose own work helped link rare variation patterns to the population boom.

The inverse is also true. Present-day humanity also carries a much larger load of potentially positive variation, not to mention variation with no appreciable consequences at all. These variations, known to scientists as “cryptic,” that might actually be evolution’s hidden fuel: mutations that on their own have no significance can combine to produce unexpected, powerful effects.

Indeed, the genetic seeds of exceptional traits, such as endurance or strength or innate intelligence, may now be circulating in humanity. “The genetic potential of our population is vastly different than what it was 10,000 years ago,” Akey said.

How will humanity evolve in the next few thousand years? It’s impossible to predict but fun to speculate, said Akey. A potentially interesting wrinkle to the human story is that, while bottlenecks reduce selection pressure, evolutionary models show that large populations actually increase selection’s effects.

Given the incredible speed and scope of human population growth, this increased pressure hasn’t yet caught up to the burst of new variation, but eventually it might. It could even be anticipated, at least from theoretical models, that natural selection on humans will actually become stronger than it’s ever been.

“The size of a population determines how much selection is going to be acting moving forward,” said anthropologist Mark Shriver of Penn State University. “You have an increase in natural selection now.”

An inevitably complicating factor is that natural selection isn’t as natural as it used to be. Theoretical models don’t account for culture and technology, two forces with profound influences. Widespread use of reproductive technologies like fetal genome sequencing might ease selection pressures, or even make them more intense.

As for future studies in genetic anthropology, Akey said scientists are approaching the limits of what can be known from genes alone. “We need to take advantage of what people have learned in anthropology and ecology and linguistics, and synthesize all this into a coherent narrative of human evolution,” he said.

Geneticist Robert Moyzis of the University of California, Irvine, co-author of a 2007 study on accelerating human evolution, noted that the new study only looked at protein-coding genes, which account for only a small portion of the entire human genome. Much of humanity’s rare variation remains to be analyzed.

Moyzis’ co-authors on that study, geneticist Henry Harpending of the University of Utah and anthropologist John Hawks of the University of Wisconsin, also warned against jumping to early conclusions based on the new study’s dating. Some of what appears to be new variation might actually be old, said Hawks.

Even with these caveats, however, the study’s essential message is unchanged. “Sometimes people ask the question, ‘Is human evolution still occurring?’” said Tishkoff. “Yes, human evolution can still occur, and it is.”

Citations: “Analysis of 6,515 exomes reveals the recent origin of most human protein-coding variants.” By Wenqing Fu, Timothy D. O’Connor, Goo Jun, Hyun Min Kang, Goncalo Abecasis, Suzanne M. Leal, Stacey Gabriel, David Altshuler, Jay Shendure, Deborah A. Nickerson, Michael J. Bamshad, NHLBI Exome Sequencing Project & Joshua M. Akey. Vol. 491, No. 7426, Nov. 29, 2012


New Zealand Mt. Tongariro Erupts

New Zealand Volcano Erupts, At Risk for More

Eli MacKinnon, Life’s Little Mysteries Staff Writer
Date: 21 November 2012
A view of Mount Tongariro just after it erupted on Wednesday (Nov. 21).
A view of Mount Tongariro just after it erupted on Wednesday (Nov. 21).
CREDIT: Via | Lomi Schaumkel/Tamatea Intermediate School

New Zealand’s Mount Tongariro volcano erupted for the second time this year on Wednesday (Nov. 21), sending a plume of ash 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) skyward and raising the odds that another eruption is imminent.

Tongariro, one of three active volcanoes that stand over Tongariro National Park in the heart of New Zealand’s North Island, lay dormant for more than a century before blowing open its Te Maari crater in August.

That eruption was augured by an increase in seismic activity, but Wednesday’s eruption came without any warning, said volcanologist Tony Hurst, who spoke to Radio New Zealand.

A view of Mount Tongariro just after it erupted on Wednesday (Nov. 21).
A view of Mount Tongariro just after it erupted on Wednesday (Nov. 21).
CREDIT: Via | Lomi Schaumkel/Tamatea Intermediate School

New Zealand’s Mount Tongariro volcano erupted for the second time this year on Wednesday (Nov. 21), sending a plume of ash 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) skyward and raising the odds that another eruption is imminent.

Tongariro, one of three active volcanoes that stand over Tongariro National Park in the heart of New Zealand’s North Island, lay dormant for more than a century before blowing open its Te Maari crater in August.

That eruption was augured by an increase in seismic activity, but Wednesday’s eruption came without any warning, said volcanologist Tony Hurst, who spoke to Radio New Zealand.

There were hikers in the area at the time of the eruption, including a group of schoolchildren, but no injuries have been reported. Hurst said the eruption was relatively non-threatening because it didn’t eject many rocks, suggesting it may have originated from the same vent that had been mostly cleared out by the August eruption, which rained rocks on a hiker’s shelter a mile (1.5 km) away from the crater.

Middle school teacher Paul Lowes was hiking on Tongariro with his class when Wednesday’s 5-minute eruption began, at about 1:25 p.m. local time.

“We were sitting there celebrating with the kids, the achievement of them getting up there, and next thing, one of them pointed out, ‘Look what’s happening.’ I turned around and there [the volcano] was, just starting to blow,” Lowes told “We stopped in a bit of awe of it to start with, and didn’t realize what was actually happening. And as it was getting bigger, then it was sort of, ‘Right-o, it’s time to move everyone out of here.'”

Scientists had no reason to expect the eruption, but one no-warning eruption serves as a warning for the next. That’s because, historically, the Te Maari crater has had a tendency to break a silence and keep talking.

“In 1892 and 1896, it sort of had eruptive periods that went on for months with a number of different events,” Hurst told Radio New Zealand. “Having [now had] two events, it could well have more than two in this sequence. There’s an enhanced risk at the moment, certainly.”

But Tongariro is not the only potential loose cannon in the park right now. Last week, GNS Science, an official monitoring body in New Zealand and Hurst’s employer, issued a warning that Mount Ruapehu, a neighboring volcano, is showing signs that it may erupt in the coming weeks or months.

Tongariro National Park served as the backdrop of numerous scenes in the “Lord of the Rings” film trilogy, standing in for the fictional land of Mordor.

The park’s third active volcano, Mount Nguaruhoe, featured as the movies’ Mount Doom in long shots. That volcano last erupted in 1975.


Tokyo Earthquake

Earthquake below the greater Tokyo area, Japan

Last update: November 24, 2012 at 12:48 pm by By

Earthquake below the greater Tokyo area, Japan – 首都圏、日本下の地震

USGS Near The South Coast Of Honshu, Japan Nov 24 08:59 AM 4.8

Based on an increasing number of visitors joining us from Japan, we believe that an earthquake was felt.
Update : The hypocenter of this earthquake was at an intermediate depth but the epicenter was very close to Tokyo. As the earthquake was so close to Tokyo, the capital had almost no warning  as the P wave arrived almost at the same time than the S wave.
Update 09:31 UTC : JMA Japan reports a Magnitude of (only) M4.9 at a depth of 80 km. Harmless but well felt by the population. The max. intensity was 4 JM. ER considers 5+ as a potentially dangerous level.
Based on the number of people visiting our site from Japan and compared to other events during the last couple of weeks, people were very anxious to see where the epicenter was.
Update 09:39 UTC : This earthquake proves that earthquakes also happen almost below the city itself and that Tokyo citizens will not always be warned of an upcoming wave as the P and S waves are arriving at almost the same moment.


Ian Lawton on Enlightenment, Illusion, Consciousness, and The One


Reincarnation, the ‘Interlife’, Universal Consciousness & the Holographic SoulReincarnation, the ‘Interlife’, Universal Consciousness & the Holographic Soul

By Ian Lawton, New Dawn

Modern studies repeatedly suggest that a significant proportion of people in the Western world now believe in reincarnation. Although this phenomenon can be traced back to various esoteric movements that flourished from the second half of the 19th century, it gained significant ground with the explosion of popular interest in Eastern spiritual approaches in the 60s. And it was reinforced by a proliferation of therapists offering to regress people into their past lives.

Yet now the tide seems to be turning again. For some years the emphasis has been moving more towards the idea that we are all part of the One, the All, the Source, the Absolute, the Ultimate, the Great Spirit or whatever we choose to call the ‘universal consciousness’. Of course this is not a new idea. But what is changing is that especially more intellectually minded spiritual seekers are tending towards the view that anything outside of the ‘One’ is mere ‘illusion’.

In fact this word illusion is used a great deal in spiritual circles these days, although actually in quite different contexts, and it is perhaps worth considering what these are. Of course readers would all agree that the physical world itself is to some extent an illusion, at least inasmuch as it is underpinned by the nonphysical planes and states of being that science is increasingly pointing Reincarnation, the ‘Interlife’, Universal Consciousness & the Holographic Soultowards. But what about the idea that we only reincarnate for as long as we fail to see through the ‘illusion’, and that as soon as we gain ‘enlightenment’ we can ‘break the bonds of karma’ and ‘reunite with the Source’? More radical still, what about the idea that any notion of individuality is completely illusory on all levels, and that as soon as we die there is no sense of continuation of any sort of individual soul consciousness?

Whether or not they make it explicitly clear, these latter two are the ‘illusion models’ supported by a significant proportion of our best-known spiritual commentators of modern times – be they proponents of, for example, the ‘power of now’, or of ‘cosmic ordering’, or of ‘quantum mysticism’. Yet to see the world in this way is entirely at odds with what we might call the ‘experience model’, which holds that we lead many lives in order to see all sides of every emotional coin, and to learn to deal with the manifest challenges that life on this planet provides. In other words, a model in which the emphasis is on an individual soul growing by experience over many lifetimes.

If we are to adopt a rational approach then, rather than relying on ‘revealed wisdom’ ancient or modern, it is surely sensible to consider which of these models is best supported by logical analysis and the available evidence.

We can start with the premise that there must exist some sort of ultimate force or energy that underlies the entire universe, both seen and unseen, which is the Origin or Source of everything in it. However ineffable it may be, this principle of a universal consciousness is almost a logical necessity, and it is certainly supported by scientific research at both the quantum and the macrocosmic level. The idea that ‘we are all one’ is also a common element of transcendental experiences, whether spontaneous, meditative or induced by hallucinogens. So our next step must be to investigate whether, at the same time, there is any real evidence to support the idea of an individual consciousness that exists or survives independent of the physical body.

The most relevant area of research here is near-death experiences. In particular we are interested in cases that involve subjects returning with factual information that is subsequently verified, and yet so obscure that they could not reasonably have acquired it in any ‘normal’ way.

Near-Death Experience & Reincarnation Cases

One of the most fascinating cases on record took place in the early 70s, and involves a gifted young Russian scientist called George Rodonaia. His work on chemical brain transmitters was sufficiently valued by the KGB that they were not prepared to lose his expertise to the US by letting him take up an invite to further his research at Yale. On the day of his departure, as he stood on the pavement in Tbilisi waiting for a taxi to the airport, he was deliberately mown down by a car and pronounced dead at the scene. His body lay in a morgue for three days, but as the autopsy began his eyelids flickered and he was rushed to surgery.

As a man of science George had never had any time for religion. So those close to him were bewildered when, three days into his lengthy recovery, he began to describe what had happened while he was ‘dead’. In fact his was a relatively non-typical and highly transcendental experience, but for our current purposes he also claimed he had also been able to travel anywhere he liked while ‘out of body’. In particular he was drawn to a newborn baby in the hospital adjoining the morgue because she would not stop crying, and doctors had been unable to diagnose the problem. Much to his surprise he found that he was able to communicate with her telepathically, and also to scan her body and establish that her hip had been broken, probably at birth. Incredibly, as soon as George was well enough to pass on this information, the doctors x-rayed the baby and found that she did indeed have a fractured hip.

There are other, similar cases of near-death experiences involving obscure, factual information that combine to strongly suggest that our individual awareness or consciousness does indeed continue to exist even when the physical brain is absolutely non-functional. So far so good. But is there any evidence to support the further idea that individual souls have many lives?

Here we encounter two important areas of research, the first involving children who have spontaneous memories of past lives. Although historically most of these cases have come from Asia, one of the finest involves a young American boy called James Leininger of Lafayette, Louisiana. Born in 1998, his fascination with toy planes from the earliest age took a more sinister turn as he approached his second birthday, when vivid nightmares began. He would thrash around in his sleep, kicking out with his legs up in the air and moaning: “Airplane crash, on fire, little man can’t get out.” His mother Andrea had no particular religious convictions but, when her mother suggested these might be memories of a past life, she began to encourage little James to talk about them. And he began to reveal startling details, such as that the pilot of the plane was also called James; that he had been shot down by the Japanese; that he had flown Corsairs; and that one of his fellow pilots went by the name of Jack Larsen. He also mysteriously mentioned the single word Natoma.

His father Bruce remained dubious about any sort of spiritual explanation, but he knew that neither he nor any other member of their family had any particular interest in aircraft or the war. So he began to research, and quickly established that an aircraft carrier called the USS Natoma Bay had been stationed in the Pacific during World War II and had taken part in the notorious battle for the Japanese island of Iwo Jima early in 1945. He ordered a book about this, and was flicking through it one day when James pointed to the island of Chichi Jima on a map and exclaimed, “Daddy, that is where my plane was shot down.” He then made contact with the ‘Natoma Bay Association’, who confirmed that Jack Larsen had been one of the pilots, and also that only one pilot had been lost at Chichi Jima: 21-year-old Lt James M. Huston Jr.

Bruce also knew that Huston had flown Wildcats, not Corsairs, on the Natoma Bay. But when he made contact with Huston’s elderly sister she kindly sent him some photos – including one of her brother standing proudly next to a Corsair. Military records then showed he had originally been part of an elite special squadron who test-flew these planes. But the real clincher involves three ‘GI Joe’ dolls. When Bruce asked his son why he called them Leon, Walter and Billie he replied, “Because they greeted me when I went to heaven.” Again military records confirmed that three of Huston’s fellow Natoma Bay pilots were Lt Leon S. Conner, Ensign Walter J. Devlin and Ensign Billie R. Peeler – and that all three had diedbefore Huston on other engagements. None of this detailed information is available on the internet pages about the Natoma Bay even now, let alone in popular books and so on.

Reincarnation, the ‘Interlife’, Universal Consciousness & the Holographic Soul Past Lives & Hypnotic Regression

The second area of past-life research is hypnotic regression. With this we must first appreciate that the human brain appears to store a complete record of everything we have ever been exposed to, no matter how briefly or how long ago, and that although most of these memories remain inaccessible to our normal consciousness they can be accessed in trance. So apparently authentic and detailed past lives, even including strong emotions and strange accents and so on, have sometimes been proved to come from perfectly normal sources – not least historical fiction, which is often overlooked by spiritual researchers. Nevertheless, there remain some cases involving information so obscure that only a paranormal explanation seems appropriate.

One of the finest involves a young woman dubbed Jane Evans, who was one of many subjects regressed by the Welsh hypnotherapist Arnall Bloxham. She first visited him in the late 60s and proved a responsive subject who, over the course of a number of sessions, regressed into six separate lives from Roman times onwards. She would go on to be the star of a 1976 documentary made by the initially sceptical BBC producer Jeffrey Iverson, entitled ‘The Bloxham Tapes’. Her most celebrated past life was that of a persecuted Jewess in 12th century York, but on close investigation this case is somewhat inconclusive. In fact her strongest life in terms of obscure evidence involved Alison, a young servant to the 15th century French financier and merchant, Jacques Coeur.

Some of the historical information Jane came up with in trance was relatively obscure, and could only be verified by professional French historians. For example, she said that Charles VII’s nickname was “heron legs”; that his son Louis had poisoned his wife; that his mistress Agnes Sorel had two pet dogs clothed in “coats of white fur with jewelled collars”; and that Coeur was Jewish and his father was a goldsmith. Perhaps more impressive was her knowledge that Coeur was an avid collector of art, with paintings by Jean “Fouquet,” the court painter to the king and one of Coeur’s debtors; by Jan “van Eyck,” the court painter to the nearby Duke of Burgundy; by “Giotto,” an Italian master from the previous century; and by the little-known “John of Bruges” who, Iverson established only with great difficulty, was also known as John Bondolf and was a Flemish court painter for the king’s grandfather. More impressive again was her report that Coeur had a “body servant” called Abdul, who was “dressed differently from the others” – because it was only from obscure French court records of the time that Iverson was able to confirm that he did indeed have an Egyptian body slave.

Impressive enough, yet the clincher in this case is Jane’s recall of a “beautiful golden apple with jewels in it” that she said had been given to Coeur by the Sultan of Turkey. All of Iverson’s initial attempts to verify the existence of such a piece drew a blank until his last night in Coeur’s home town of Bourges, when he returned to his hotel to find a message from a local historian. The latter reported that he had been searching through contemporary archives when he found “an obscure list of items confiscated by the Treasury from Jacques Coeur”; and in that list was a “grenade” of gold – a pomegranate. Of course this is so like an apple in shape and size that the English word contains the French root pomme. It is also worth noting that one sceptic’s supposed attempt to trace all these details to a historical novel is a complete travesty, because the novel has an entirely different plot and contains virtually none of these obscure details.

Again there are other, similar cases of both childhood recall and regression that involve equally obscure yet verifiable information about past lives. But could all these merely result from subjects tapping into some sort of universal memory, or even from possession by the deceased? Probably the strongest evidence that these are indeed memories from the subjects’ own, individual, past lives comes from subjects also being regressed into the time between lives, or ‘interlife’.

This stems from the research of a number of pioneering psychologists and psychiatrists around the world, who each stumbled on the interlife independently in the 70s and 80s. Their subjects’ reports are extremely consistent, so that the experience can be broken into five main elements: transition and healing, past-life review, soul group interaction, next-life planning and returning. This evidence from what now constitute thousands of subjects from diverse backgrounds suggests strongly that there is a continuity of individual soul identity across many lives.

The Holographic Soul

So how do we properly bring this evidence of individual soul survival and reincarnation together with the idea of a universal consciousness that underlies everything? Although the most profound spiritual sources have hinted at the truth throughout the ages, the most simple yet elegant solution has only become available to us in recent decades with the discovery of the hologram. And it involves applying this principle not to the brain, nor to memory, nor even to the universe as a whole, but instead to soul consciousness itself:

Soul consciousness is holographic. We are both individual aspects of the Source, and full holographic representations of it, all at the same time. However this does not mean that soul individuality is in itself an illusion. The principle of the hologram is that the part contains the whole, and yet is clearly distinguishable from it.

The other message that comes through loud and clear from interlife research, as well as from the most profound spiritual sources, is that free will and personal responsibility reign supreme. This is what allows us to learn from our mistakes, and to grow as souls. So any next-life previews seen between lives merely represent major probabilities and lesser possibilities, and there is no karmic punishment or predestiny. Indeed the idea of karma itself has arguably outlived its usefulness, because it is clear that the dynamics of how our attitudes, intentions and experiences feed into the futures we create for ourselves, both across and within lives, are far too complex to be reduced to simplistic ‘laws’.

In conclusion it appears that there are no ‘flaws in the grand plan’. The physical world is not an abomination created by fallen angels. Nor is the reincarnation cycle something to be escaped from at all costs, either by suddenly gaining the enlightenment to see through the illusion, or by learning to give up all ‘attachment’ so as to generate no more karma. Although we would do well to aim for a degree of emotional detachment and balance, and regular meditation is absolutely invaluable in trying to bring our ‘higher selves’ to the fore, life is to be lived and experienced!

So where does it all end? Interlife evidence, again backed by the most profound spiritual sources, suggests that we continue to reincarnate until we have exhausted all the possibilities for growth in the physical plane. And this is only the ‘end of the beginning’ of the soul’s journey, because there are many other opportunities for new experiences in other realms. As for the idea of ‘reuniting with the Source’, the concept of the Holographic Soul suggests that we never split off from It in the first place, and that It is always within us and us within It.

What about the million dollar question from which ‘illusionists’ tend to shy away? What is the whole point of the universe in the first place, and how do we humans fit into the ‘big picture’?

The Source’s primary aim, in diversifying into all the billions of holographic soul aspects of itself that operate in the various realms throughout the universe, is to experience all that is and can be. So as individualised aspects of the Source who have chosen to reincarnate on this planet, we are merely fulfilling a small part of that objective by gaining a balance of all the experiences available via this route.

James Leininger’s amazing story is documented in the book Soul Survivor: The Reincarnation of a World War II Fighter Pilot.

About the Author
IAN LAWTON is a spiritual philosopher, the architect of ‘Rational Spirituality’ and one of the world’s leading authorities on the interlife. Further case studies are available in the simple, pocket-size Little Book of the Soul (2007), while the full research for this article can be found in The Big Book of the Soul (2008). For further information and to order The Big Book of the Soul, see


More on Vaccinations

Time for a Wake Up Call – The Vaccination Hoax Debunked!

12th November 2012

By Raluca Schachter

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used. – Dr. James A. Shannon. National Institutes of Health

Are you scared when you’re told you have to vaccinate your child with 49 doses in 14 vaccines before age 6? Or are you scared at the idea of not vaccinating and so “exposing” your child to serious illnesses? Are you scared about the school threatening you that if you don’t vaccinate you can’t enroll your child?

FEAR. That’s what all these pro-vaccine campaigns are based on. As a parent, what’s the biggest scare of all? When your child gets sick with a serious disease and you feel responsible for that. As you see, vaccine supporters couldn’t go wrong with this and developed a dogma that’s been bought over and over again over the years by people. The magic insurance policy to solve it all.

So, even if your child gets sick, at least you know you did everything you could for his/her health and vaccinated, right? But what if the very vaccination is able to cause the illness in the first place??

Could The Vaccine Hoax Be Over?

An extraordinary  paper published by a courageous doctor and investigative medical researcher has dug the dirt on 30 years of secret official transcripts of meetings of UK government vaccine committees and the supposedly independent medical “experts” sitting on them with their drug industry connections.

The 45 page paper with detailed evidence can be downloaded here: The vaccination policy and the Code of Practice of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI): are they at odds?

The author, Dr Lucija Tomljenovic writes:

Here I present the documentation which appears to show that the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI)  made continuous efforts to withhold critical data on severe adverse reactions and contraindications to vaccinations to both parents and health practitioners in order to reach overall vaccination rates which they deemed were necessary for “herd immunity”, a concept which with regards to vaccination, and contrary to prevalent beliefs, does not rest on solid scientific evidence as will be explained. As a result of such vaccination policy promoted by the JCVI and the UK Department of Health (DH),many children have been vaccinated without their parents being disclosed the critical information about demonstrated risks of serious adverse reactions, one that the JCVI appeared to have been fully aware of. It would also appear that, by withholding this information, the JCVI/DH neglected the right of individuals to make an informed consent concerning vaccination. By doing so, the JCVI/DH may have violated not only International Guidelines for Medical Ethics (i.e., Helsinki Declaration and the International Code of Medical Ethics) [2] but also, their own Code of Practice.

The transcripts of the JCVI meetings also show that some of the Committee members had extensive ties to pharmaceutical companies and that the JCVI frequently co-operated with vaccine manufacturers on strategies aimed at boosting vaccine uptake. Some of the meetings at which such controversial items were discussed were not intended to be publicly available, as the transcripts were only released later, through the Freedom of Information Act (FOI). These particular meetings are denoted in the transcripts as “commercial in confidence”, and reveal a clear and disturbing lack of transparency, as some of the information was removed from the text (i.e., the names of the participants) prior to transcript release under the FOI section at the JCVI website (for example, JCVI CSM/DH (Committee on the Safety of Medicines/Department of Health) Joint Committee on Adverse Reactions Minutes 1986-1992).

Information AGAINST vaccination is incredibly vast, believe it or not. Updated, most reliable sources and scientific data, as well as more and more medical doctors bring strong evidence about how harmful and unnecessary vaccination is.

A short summary of the most important arguments that support NON-VACCINATION:

  • Vaccines contain a combination of at least 39 different highly toxic metals, cancer causing substances, toxic chemicals, live and genetically modified viruses, bacteria, contaminated serum containing animal viruses and foreign genetic material, extremely toxic de-contaminants and adjuvants, untested antibiotics, none of which can be injected without causing any harm. Vaccine contaminants have included bovine (cow), avian (chicken) and monkey viruses and bacteria such as streptococcus in the DTP (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis) vaccine [Pediatrics, Vol. 75, No. 2, Feb 1985] and Serratia marcesens in the influenza vaccines [2004 influenza season].
  • There is no scientific study to determine whether vaccines have really prevented diseases. Rather disease graphs show vaccines have been introduced at the end of epidemics when the disease was already in its last stages. In case of Small Pox the vaccine actually caused a great spurt in the incidence of disease before public outcry led to its withdrawal.
  • There are no long-term studies on vaccine safety. Very short-term tests are carried out where the vaccinated subjects are checked against another group who are given another vaccine. Technically the tests should be carried out against a non-vaccinated group. No one really knows what protocols are followed at such industry based or industry sponsored trials.
  • The mercury, aluminum and live viruses in vaccines may be behind the huge epidemic of autism (1 in 110 in the USA), a fact that has been admitted by the US Vaccine Court. About 83 suspected cases of vaccines causing autism have been awarded compensation.
  • Both the Small Pox and the Oral Polio Vaccine are made from monkey serum. This serum has helped many monkey viruses to enter the human blood stream. Out of these, the only researched virus, SV 40, has been found to be cancerous. These viruses continue to be in the vaccines. The presence of SV 40 in various human cancers has been demonstrated. Today it is known that the virus is being passed on to future generations as its presence in the mother’s milk and human sperms has been established.
  • The number of polio cases was declining before the widespread administration of the Salk vaccine.  Cases which had previously been reported as polio are now reported as meningitis. The risk of contracting polio from the live virus vaccine is greater than the risk of acquiring the disease from naturally occurring viruses.
  • Many doctors argue that diseases during childhood are due to the body exercising its immune system. Suppressing these diseases causes the immune system to remain undeveloped causing the various autoimmune disorders in adults like diabetes and arthritis that have become epidemics today.
  • Vaccines suppress the natural immunity and the body does not have natural antibodies anymore. The mother’s milk therefore does not contain natural antibodies and can no longer protect the child against illnesses.
  • In the USA vaccine adverse effects are recorded and the Government offers compensation of millions of dollars to victims (the most recent case in its Vaccine Court may have received upto $200 million in damages). The courts in the USA have paid nearly $ 2 billion in damages so far.
  • Vaccines try to create humoral (blood related immunity) whereas it has been found that immunity is developed at various levels: humoral, cellular, and organ specific. We still do not know enough about the human immune system and therefore should not interfere with it.
  • In addition to childhood vaccination, new “hypes” like the Swine FluBird FluGardasil for HPV virus and the annual flu vaccine are continuing the to damage people’s health all throughout their life. Yves Thomas, the head of the National Influenza Centre in Geneva said that, “The debate and the arguments that surrounded the A(H1N1) influenza virus two years ago have sharpened public mistrust toward the seasonal flu vaccine.” In 2010, the World Health Organisation (WHO) was accused of dramatizing worldwide influenza cases in order to result in much higher vaccine sales since many countries had signed contracts with a stipulation to automatically buy vaccines when the WHO gave the highest alert level.

A Few Questions To Ask Your Doctor

Don’t let yourself intimidated by medical doctors, they are NOT Gods and they surely are misinformed, many of them are corrupted or don’t want to acknowledge the dangers of vaccines. Most schools will offer you a waiver if you ask for one. There is NO law that can deny you that. Exemptions are typically for people who have compromised immune systems, allergies to the components used in vaccinations, or strongly held objections. All states but West Virginia and Mississippi allow religious exemptions, and twenty states allow parents to cite personal or philosophical objections. Get yourself educated on the matter, it’s about the life of your child!

ASK QUESTIONS like these:

1. What are the serious negative health effects that these vaccines can generate? Are the risks worth the benefits?

2. Dr. Michel Odent has linked asthma to the whooping cough vaccine. Have you read his research? What do you think?

3. Professor Wakefield (UK) has linked autism and Chrones disease to the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. What do you think? What evidence do you have to back up your opinions?

4. Why is the same dose of vaccines given to a two month old as for a 5 year old?

5. Are you aware that Japan changed the start time for vaccinating from 3 months to two years and straight away their SIDS rate plummeted?

6. Do you believe in herd immunity? If so, how is it that 98% of U.S.A. children are vaccinated yet they still have outbreaks of these diseases?

7. Most diseases were already 90% gone before any vaccines were introduced.  If this is so, how can vaccines be applauded for diseases ceasing, especially when there were no vaccines for some diseases like bubonic plague and scarlet fever?

8. How can the Tetanus vaccine induce immunity, when contracting the disease naturally does not give immunity?

9. If the so-called diphtheria vaccine, which is in fact a toxoid, works against the toxin produced by the bacteria, and not against the bacteria itself, then how did this “vaccine” help in the decline in diphtheria?





New Sunspots

EASTERN ACTIVITY: A phalanx of sunspots is rotating over the sun’s eastern limb, and this could bring an uptick in solar activity. “Today the sun looks alive again with lots of sunspots and magnetic filaments rising over the sun’s eastern edge,” reports amateur astronomer Sergio Castillo, who sends this picture from Inglewood, California:

Castillo took the picture using a solar telescope capped with a Ca K filter tuned to the light of singly-ionized calcium. Ca K (“calcium K”) filters are particularly good at revealing the magnetic froth around active sunspots; pictured above is sunspot complex 1614-1615.


Incoming CME

CME IMPACT: An interplanetary shock wave (probably the leading edge of a CME) hit Earth’s magnetic field on Nov. 12th at approximately 2300 UT, filling skies over northern Scandinavia with bright auroras. Oskar Pettersson sends this picture from Luleå, Sweden:

“Half of the sky was green and I stayed out for 5 hours observing the dancing light befor heading home,” says Pettersson.
