ASTEROID FLYBY: Newly-discovered asteroid 2012 TC4 will fly past Earth on Oct. 12th only 96,000 km (0.25 LD) away. There is no danger of a collision, but the 16 meter-wide space rock will be close enough to photograph through backyard telescopes as it brightens to approximately 14th magnitude. NASA hopes to ping this this object with radar, refining its orbit and possibly measuring its shape. Stay tuned for updates.
Many people can innately feel that something big is about to happen but are not sure exactly what that event might be.
Astrologer Carl Boudreaux made a few interesting statements in his October 2012 Astrology report where he stated three fascinating possibilities:
Existing trends will veer suddenly and rapidly in new directions
New trends and phenomena will spring suddenly and forcefully into existence and
The whole chart seems like a portal into an entirely different time line
I have spoken to other astrologists and psychics who also feel that something huge is about to happen this month.
As for myself, I keep getting the feeling that a bank run might occur this month as we near the end of the Federal Reserve’s 100 year charter at the end of the year. The Fed will either need to create some false flag event or help to perpetuate a war in order to survive.
As we know, history always repeats itself, so it wouldn’t be surprising if there was a bank run sometime this month, possibly on October 19th or 26th. Another couple of numerological dates might be on either October 16th or 25th, which in numerology equals 13.
On a more positive note, it is quite fun to speculate the meaning of a portal into a different timeline. To me, this means the end of the cabal and the beginning of a new age of truth and compassion for one another. Perhaps it might even mean some sort of vibrational shift where mass awakening occurs?
Whether this event occurs this month or sometime in the near future, many people are feeling like we are on the verge of something really big.
“Remind yourself that loving words and loving thoughts seem to be supercharged with power to produce good.” —Catherine Ponder
How would you like to have words that turn your subconscious mind on like a light switch to create more of what you want? This may be better relationships, enhanced peace, creativity or abundance. Switchwords, created by James Mangan in the 1960’s, for many people, do just that.
When I encounter people caught up in a scarcity and fear mentality, I want to instill their power back to them. Of course, each person must do this for himself or herself. I want to explain that speaking about what we want really serves us well.
James Mangan gave us The Secret Of Perfect Living in the 1960s. Mangan explains that there are certain words that can be used with intention to get more of what we want. He coined the phrase “Switchwords.” These power words will turn on our subconscious like a switch with focused intent. Mangan spent 45 years of his life researching and finding these words for us. For those of us who connect with them, they are a wonderful tool for creating and enjoying life more. They help to lift our consciousness to a Divine state. They help release fear and put us back in our power.
These words have been known to help people with all kinds of situations. I have a dear friend who called me upset because she was overseas in Paris, France and lost her purse. She was in a little shop and set it down. She walked away and soon realized it was gone. By the time she went back to find her purse, no one knew where it was. She called me crying and worried that she would be without funds for the rest of her trip. I told her to remain calm and say the Switchword “Reach” anytime she worried about her purse (Reach is the Switchword to find anything lost). Her credit card was canceled and she was sent funds to enjoy the remainder of her trip. Anytime she thought about her purse she said, “Reach”. She told me that she must have said “Reach” a thousand time. The next day the Paris police called her. They had her purse and wanted to make arrangements to return it. She called me ecstatic with the wonderful news. Her purse was returned with all her money and credit card in it. This is just one of many miracles created with Switchwords.
Needless to say, “Reach” is one of my favorite Switchwords and I use it with success to find anything lost. I also use reach to get the best parking spots. Be sure to say Reach and forget about it, knowing you will find your object in Divine time. Attachment to the outcome slows the process.
Switchwords may be said aloud or to ourselves. Obviously in public it is best to keep them to ourselves, as others negative comments or energy will dispel their power.
I will now share some of the words that allow more prosperity of health, love and wealth:
TOGETHER – is the master Switchword. Together pulls together our conscious, subconscious and super-conscious mind to bring out the best in us — our God Self. Please use Together in all of your Switchword combinations, as it brings the whole creation Together perfectly.
DIVINE – to create the extraordinary (or miracle). I get wonderful results with the word Divine and use it in all my combinations, which we will discuss next.
LOVE – Love is, of course, the most powerful force in the world. When we say “Love,” it wraps a healing energy around the person who sends it and the receiver.
BE – to be in radiant health and connected to our God mind.
LEARN – to make youthful in appearance and thought.
CURVE – to make beautiful or handsome.
REACH – “Reach” is one of my favorite Switchwords. We may use reach to find anything we have lost. Simply say reach and go about your business. You will be guided to what you are looking for in the perfect time. Reach can also be used to reach emotional states like joy and bliss.
Change – To get rid of any unwanted physical condition or mental state. Say Change and forget it. Then if you notice the pain or thought, say Change again and forget it.
Clear – To clear a negative thought. Perfect for conscious creators.
Praise – To stop finding fault with others or ourselves.
Bluff – To dispel fear or worry. If one has anxiety, say bluff, bluff, bluff. The idea is to bluff and pretend everything is alright. And it really is.
Ho – To relax. Say ho enough times and you will yawn.
WHOLE – to understand that we have everything we need within ourselves. There is no need to look for it in another.
PLETHORA – I discovered the word “Plethora” during a period when I wanted to constantly remind myself that there is more than enough of everything for everyone. Competition for resources is an illusion. There is a plethora of health, money and mates.
COUNT – to attract money. The theory behind this word is that every time we see a pile of coins lying around, we automatically start counting them in our mind.
FIND – “to find a fortune.” Say, “Find,” when you want to attract wealth and abundance.
We will also benefit by using combinations of the Switchwords. Always use Together in your combos for great results. Feel free to create your own combinations of Switchwords, as the only rule is to enjoy the process.
Here are some suggestions:
TOGETHER DIVINE LOVE – this activates love in any relationship or situation. It is perfect for solving fights and communication problems. This combination will create wonderful results when said to yourself or aloud with intention.
TOGETHER DIVINE PRAISE – To make ourselves more physically attractive and stop finding fault with others.
TOGETHER DIVINE LEARN CURVE – to make youthful and beautiful or handsome. (very transformative for looking our best)
TOGETHER DIVINE FIND COUNT – this combination creates wealth and income when said consistently with belief.
BE TOGETHER DIVINE – this combination may be used to attract vibrant health on all levels.
TOGETHER DIVINE TIMING – if you ever find yourself needing things to move faster than they are, simply say, “Divine timing,” and remind yourself that everything is working out perfectly in the perfect time. If you go with the flow, important components to your success will fall right into place.
Anytime you find yourself doubting your ability to succeed, say one of these Switchwords until you feel your energy shift. This is another great way of focusing your mind and energy now. As you practice this, you will notice these tools just come to you when needed. They will become a very good habit. Switchwords are like anything else in that the more we practice and play with them the better we get. So be patient and let go of any attachment to results. You will soon find yourself becoming a Switchword Master and creating on levels you never imagined.
I remember in grade school that some of the boys in class were being disruptive by talking and the nun told us all to stand and put out our hands so she could smack our hand with a ruler. About half the class stood up and put out their hand but when they saw that the rest of us were still sitting at our desks they slowly sat back down. The bewildered nun didn’t know what to do and finally told us to open our books.
That’s what happens when a person in authority threatens you and you all stand up to them. They expect you to obey and when you don’t they back down. In other words, they are nothing more than the school yard bully.
The government is so out of control and making laws that are insane. People are now being fined for the simplest things. Remember the slogan, “Buckle Up – It’s the Law”. You can be fined for not wearing a seatbelt in your own car. You can be fined for using a rain barrel to save water to irrigate your small garden in the back yard; you can be arrested for selling raw milk which has been a staple for thousands of years. You can be fined or arrested for photographing the police abusing someone and your camera confiscated. The government mandates you get vaccines for your babies and children when legitimate research tells you it is harmful. A woman was fined $81 for parking her car with the windows rolled down. The police classified it as an unsecured vehicle that could easily be broken into. Another woman was recently fined for growing a small garden in her front yard. What would happen if we all planted a small garden in our front yard? Actually, that might not be a bad idea. We would have some GM free veggies. Are you really going to obey these ridiculous rules or laws? If you do they will keep adding more.
The elite think they can rule you by starting out slowly. I’m sure you’ve heard the story of putting a frog in a pan of lukewarm water and then slowly heating it up and the frog doesn’t realize that he is being boiled alive until it’s too late to get out of the pot. Mostly that’s what the government does to us. First one license or fine which they got away with, then another, then another, and now we have well over a hundred different licenses we are required to obtain and fines we are expected to pay. Another manner in which the government controls you is by fear.
The government tells us the laws are for our safety. They won’t label GM food because they know it will harm your health; even the wild animals won’t eat it; rats fed Monsanto GM corn developed shockingly large cancer tumors. They add sodium fluoride to our water and to our toothpaste which is a rat poison; they fill our skies with chemicals, they fill the atmosphere with all sorts of radiation including cell phone towers. If they are for our safety, why do they hide many of those health-threatening cell phone towers in trees, and church steeples and crosses, water towers, and schools? I’ve even seen them in palm trees. Churches and schools love these because they generate big bucks. Dr. Mercola states on his website:
As school budgets shrink, some are getting money from an unlikely and controversial source: cell phone tower installations. Local schools can make hundreds of thousands of dollars from leases on towers.
Why did you get a marriage license? Most people get one because everyone else does; it’s the norm; it’s the law. My research showed the first marriage license was issued in 1856 in Shawnee, Kansas. So since the beginning of recorded time it was the norm to marry without a license until 1856.
Was Adam & Eve married? Did Adam & Eve need a license, the authorization of some man or government? It is plain to see that God recognizes a couple as married when they “cleave unto” each other. Genesis 2:23-24 (not when a government gives them a license/permission).
Did you know there are Pastors who will marry without a marriage license and they are more common than you think? All you have to do is go online or open up your local phone book and call the numbers in the churches section. Sooner or later you will find a man of God who hasn’t sold his soul applying for a 501(c) corporate status with the IRS and who believes that there ought to be a separation between church and state and marriage and state.
Pastor Trewhella of the Mercy Seat Christian Church in Wisconsin stated;
“You should not have to obtain a license from the State to marry someone anymore than you should have to obtain a license from the State to be a parent, which some in academic and legislative circles are currently pushing to be made law”. ~
When Pastor Trewhella marries a couple, he always buys them a Family Bible which contains birth and death records, and a marriage certificate. Record the marriage in the Family Bible. What’s recorded in a Family Bible will stand up as a legally binding document in any court of law in America. Both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were married without a marriage license. They simply recorded their marriage in their Family Bibles. So should we. What happens if no one acquires a marriage license from the government? Well, outside of the obvious, we wouldn’t have to ask permission from the government to get a divorce.
If every American refused to obey these insane laws what will the elite do? The same thing as the nun or the school yard bully when not obeyed – brute force and if that doesn’t work, they will back down. Just like the schoolyard bully who takes your lunch money every day. A day comes when you tell him “no” and he beats you up. You don’t give him your lunch money the next day and he beats you up again. Then he looks for someone else who will ‘obey’ him. Where would that school yard bully be if no one gave him their lunch money? Where would the government be if no one asked for permission and never got another license or paid another fee or fine?
Let me clarify what a license or permit is. It is simply asking permission from the government and paying the government a fee for what we have every God-given right to do in the first place – for free, without asking anyone for permission. Burn that statement into your mind. Memorize it, use it as a chant. If that’s not bad enough, we must renew many licenses’ periodically and pay again and again. What if we all decided we would no longer get or renew our driver’s license and pay them for the right to drive our own car? What if we all stopped getting a license of any kind? They could fine us. But what if we didn’t pay the fine? We might go to jail. Where do a few get off telling the many we can’t get married, defend ourselves, or drive a car or go fishing or hunting or any of our other God-given rights without their permission? I don’t need the government to give me permission to purchase a gun to defend myself. Why aren’t you outraged? Just because you grew up under these insane rules and you accepted them as normal you don’t have to obey them anymore. They aren’t normal; they’re insane; you are obeying insane laws. You don’t have to stand up and put your hand out so the nun can whack it with a piece of wood or give your lunch money to the school yard bully anymore. Like the frog, you’re slowly being boiled.
Every permit, every license, and every birth certificate has a number on it. You even have a social security number. Have you ever asked why you and everything you do has a number on it? It’s to keep track of you, what you do, where you do it and when you do it. If you move you have to notify various government agencies of your new address. Why is that? Why isn’t just notifying the post office of a change of address enough?
Why can the government get away with these insane laws and fines? For several reasons. You do what you’re told because you believe it to be the norm; it’s what everyone else does. That doesn’t make it right. Another reason people follow these ridiculous laws is because of fear. If I don’t get my children all the vaccines the government mandates my children won’t be able to get into school and I fear the law will come down on me, maybe arrest me and put my children in Children’s Services. I must get this flu shot because if I don’t I fear I will get the flu. Besides, my doctor told me to get a flu shot, television told me to get the flu shot, the local drugstore advertises the flu shot. I believe the reason my classmates sat back down when they saw the rest of us still sitting is because they feared us more than they feared the nun with her little ruler.
If a slave owner can tell his slaves what to do, what does it mean when the government tells you what you can do? It means you’re a slave to the government. Yes, it’s the same government that tells you that you are a free man living in a free country.
There is a story about two frogs hopping down a country road and they happen to hop into a bucket of fresh milk. They begin thrashing about and swimming in the milk and the older one got really tired and gave up and died. The younger one kept on swimming until he felt something solid under his feet and hopped out. (No, it wasn’t the body of the dead frog!) He thrashed so much and so long he turned the milk into butter.
The moral of the story is “there are butter days ahead”…if we all decide NOT to OBEY.
If we all stop obeying these insane rules the government places upon us, there will be better days ahead with true freedom, but you gotta fight for it by being passive – by not obeying – by not applying for anymore licenses and paying them a fee and obeying them. Freedom is not going to come softly in the night while you sleep. Don’t leave it for the “other” guy. Remember, you are the “other” guy to everyone else.
After thousands of years of being disconnected from higher dimensional frequencies, our DNA is finally breaking free from old patterns which have been stuck in a universal time matrix. However, humans will soon know and understand why 97% of our DNA has a higher purpose and why its transformation is leading us into an awakening that we never could have imagined.
The human genome is packed with at least four million gene switches that reside in bits of DNA that once were dismissed as “junk” but it turns out that so-called junk DNA plays critical roles in controlling how cells, organs and other tissues behave. The discovery, considered a major medical and scientific breakthrough, has enormous implications for human health and consciousness because many complex diseases appear to be caused by tiny changes in hundreds of gene switches.
As scientists delved into the “junk” — parts of the DNA that are not actual genes containing instructions for proteins — they discovered a complex system that controls genes. At least 80 percent of this DNA is active and needed. Another 15-17 percent has higher functions scientists are still decoding.
The result of the work is an annotated road map of much of this DNA, noting what it is doing and how. It includes the system of switches that, acting like dimmer switches for lights, control which genes are used in a cell and when they are used, and determine, for instance, whether a cell becomes a liver cell or a neuron.
Russian researchers’ findings and conclusions are simply revolutionary! According to them, our DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but also serves as data storage and in communication. The Russian linguists found that the genetic code, especially in the apparently useless junk DNA follows the same rules as all our human languages. To this end they compared the rules of syntax (the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences), semantics (the study of meaning in language forms) and the basic rules of grammar. They found that the alkalines of our DNA follow a regular grammar and do have set rules just like our languages. So human languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA.
The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues also explored the vibrational behavior of the DNA. The bottom line was:
Living chromosomes function just like solitonic/holographic computers using the endogenous DNA laser radiation.
This means that they managed for example to modulate certain frequency patterns onto a laser ray and with it influenced the DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself. Since the basic structure of DNA-alkaline pairs and of language (as explained earlier) are of the same structure, no DNA decoding is necessary.
This finally and scientifically explains why affirmations, autogenous training, hypnosis and the like can have such strong effects on humans and their bodies. It is entirely normal and natural for our DNA to react to language. While western researchers cut single genes from the DNA strands and insert them elsewhere, the Russians enthusiastically worked on devices that can influence the cellular metabolism through suitable modulated radio and light frequencies and thus repair genetic defects.
Garjajev’s research group succeeded in proving that with this method chromosomes damaged by x-rays for example can be repaired. They even captured information patterns of a particular DNA and transmitted it onto another, thus reprogramming cells to another genome. So they successfully transformed, for example, frog embryos to salamander embryos simply by transmitting the DNA information patterns! This way the entire information was transmitted without any of the side effects or disharmonies encountered when cutting out and re-introducing single genes from the DNA. This represents an unbelievable, world-transforming revolution and sensation! All this by simply applying vibration and language instead of the archaic cutting-out procedure! This experiment points to the immense power of wave genetics, which obviously has a greater influence on the formation of organisms than the biochemical processes of alkaline sequences.
This discovery also points to the significance of sound frequencies and vibrations in the origin of human life and the possibility that creation was generated by waves of consciousness. The Phantom DNA effect is a case in point: the energy field of a DNA sample remains detectable by laser light even when the physical sample is removed. At a fundamental level, man is pure energy. In Wave Genetics, the junk DNA functions at a rich infrastructure level of super codes and wave communication, realized in material form as crystalline structures–dynamic gene-holograms in liquid crystals of the chromosome continuum. What this model suggests is that the human gene is part of larger holograms (multiverse) of wave information reality. Hyper-communication, in the form of remote sensing, remote healing and telepathy, is definitely a part of the human protocol.
Scientists are aware that 97% of our DNA is, as they call it “junk DNA”. They call it junk because they don’t see that we have any use for it. Only 3% of our DNA is wrapped up in the spiraling double helix strand. During the time of the 75,000 year cycle when we are exposed to the most torsion energy waves and it affects our DNA by reorganizing the 97% “junk” DNA from a 2-strand double helix to a 12-strand helix advancing man in a leap of evolution.
Empty space is not really empty but filled with the invisible torsion wave energy at different degrees of concentration. Thus, as the stars and planets drift through the galaxy they pass through different concentrations in very exact intervals of time, with precise cycles that can vary in length from thousands to millions of years. As planets move through periods of high concentration of these torsion waves a transformation affects the DNA structure on the planet, which causes more highly evolved forms to more rapidly replicate than less evolved forms of life. Ample evidence of this is seen to occur through our fossil records which evolution has shown this to occur in sudden jolts rather than as a gradual process. The effect has been named as “punctuated equilibrium” by mainstream biologists.
ACTIVE SUNSPOT: A sunspot, currently located on the farside of the sun, is about to emerge over the sun’s southeastern limb. It is crackling with M-class solar flares and could bring a significant uptick in solar activity.
Discernment: the quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure.
After watching this film (below) ask yourself why no one has been arrested in over 25 years of producing many thousands of crop circles through acts of blatant crop vandalism in the crop fields of the U.K., yet those involved in these destructive acts have a well known website (, and their names can be easily known to anyone interested enough to look. It is because those who are directing this charade very well know those who are carrying out these nefarious acts. Not only do those authorities allow this vandalism to continue, but they encourage it, as they know that the human-made crop circles represent their most effective means to discredit the Crop circle phenomenon in the eyes of mankind. What a shame that our world is so constructed.
In this film you will learn how and why British and U.S. military and intelligence agencies have essentially destroyed the credibility of the Crop Circle phenomenon through a program deliberately designed to relegate the Crop Circles to your mind’s round file of silly fantasies and acts of human mischief. These base and misguided efforts have been enormously successful at discrediting what were intended to be a beautiful as well as non-threatening greeting to mankind from the universe. Through their malicious “artistic” efforts in the crop fields, John Lundberg, Rob Irving, and their co-conspirators (the human Circlemakers) have done more to retard the awakening of the human race to a new and wonderous reality – that we are not alone in this universe – than they can possibly imagine. How long before they realize the extent of the damage that they have done? How long before they listen to their conscience and tell the world the truth about the genuine Crop Circles and their efforts to discredit this important phenomenon?
Researchers Robert Hulse, David Cayton, and Roy Dutton have been studying the Crop circle phenomenon since the early 1990′s. Upon close inspection of a crop circle, on their hands and knees, they have developed the ability to identify crop circles which are produced by human beings through the mechanical stomping down of crop utilizing a rope and board. They look for marks left by the edge of the board where it contacts the plants and leaves a telltale scar upon the plant’s stem surface. Yet they also acknowledge that some crop circles, the Genuine Crop Circles, do not exhibit these marks, are more graceful and flowing, reveal the presence of blown-out nodes, and are very likely produced by a non-human intelligence. These researchers tell us that they have not encountered what they believe to be a Genuine Crop Circle since 2005! Let us hope that the Genuine Circle Makers have not simply given up on the human race as a species which is completely unapproachable due to our demonstrated inability to deal with an unknown in an honest and forthright manner.
CCRF extends our gratitude to Richard D. Hall, the producer of this film
(, Robert Hulse, David Cayton, and Roy Dutton for the many hours they have personally contributed toward trying to help mankind understand the truth.
CCRF extends our deepest sympathy to John Lundberg, Rob Irving, Mark Pilkington and the Circlemakers for their loss of their sense of responsibility toward their fellow man and their apparent inability to conduct themselves like human beings. They label themselves as artists, but are in fact simply vandals who have sold their souls to the highest bidder. We invite them to finally do the right thing and reveal to the world what they know to be true about the genuine Crop Circles. It is not yet too late for redemption.
To the British and U.S. military and intelligence personnel charged with the task of discrediting the Genuine Crop Circle phenomenon, we can only say that these people operate on the dark side, they seem to know only how to destroy, their acts are despicable and will be only temporarily effective. Disclosure of the truth is inevitable and one way or another, despite their efforts, it will eventually happen.
Crop Circle Near Chillicothe, Ohio Temporally Coincides With a UFO Report From the Same Area
This crop circle, near Chillicothe, Ohio, was first seen by a passenger on a commercial flight and was reported to the Crop Circle Connector ( on September 20, 2012. It is likely that it was created at least a day or two before the 20th, for how many other people may have seen it days before the 20th but did not bother to report it? On September 15, 2012 two other women, who were enroute by car from Peoria to Chilliocothe, witnessed the following UFO sighting which they reported, as transcribed below, to Peter Davenport at the National
Crop Circle reported September 20,2012 near Hopewell Mound, close to Chillicothe , Illinois.
UFO Reporting Center )
Perhaps these two separate events are a coincidence, or perhaps they are not.
I am unable to discern a pathway through the crop field that would have served as a point of entry or exit from this crop circle formation. Therefore, unless human hoaxers were dropped in by a helicopter, I conclude that the abscence of an obvious path leading into the formation rules out the possibility that this crop circle has been created by human hoaxers. This is very likely what we would refer to as a Genuine Crop Circle.
Occurred : 9/15/2012 20:15 (Entered as : 09/15/12 20:15) Reported: 9/17/2012 10:17:47 AM 10:17 Posted: 9/24/2012 Location: Peoria, IL Shape: Triangle Duration:5 minutes
Two sets of flickering orange lights in triangular form (6 lights total) seen over Rt 6 between Peoria and Chillicothe, IL, 9/15/12
At approximately 20:15-20:30 of Saturday, September 15, 2012, I and another were driving NORTH from PEORIA, IL toward CHILLICOTHE, IL on ROUTE 6.
As our vehicle got further from the city, the treeline allowed us to see what was previously obscured: two sets of what appeared to be TRIANGULAR LIGHTS. The two sets of lights were EAST from our location. We were very confused and fascinated at first, uncertain of what we were seeing. My companioned asked, "Are those stars?" But I had mistaken them as lights of communication towers. However, we quickly both understood neither was correct, as: -We were unable to see any stars due to light pollution from being near the city.
-There are no communication towers in that specific spot or at that specific elevation.
-The set of lights nearest to us were found to be slowly moving.
There were two triangles, very large and very peculiar ih their shape and position in the sky. It was enough that we immediately knew we were not witnessing something normal. We have traversed Route 6 many times at night and never have seen these before. Both sets had three individual lights which flickered or twinkled like fire or a very bright star. The color of the lights was ORANGE-RED. We pulled over on the side of Route 6 and turned off our lights to get a better view after approximately two minutes of witnessing the phenomenon.
By this point, the lights furthest from us (Figure B in my illustration) were either too distant/sunken behind the tree line to see, or had very peculiarly suddenly disappeared. Either way, we were unable to see Figure B any longer. Figure A (the nearer set), was drifting very slowly toward our location. NO SOUND was issued from the lights. I strained to see any more details, but was unable to. I was unable to see any visible lines or structure of any kind between or connecting the lights. I was unable to determine the make or nature of the lights, other than that they resembled fire of some kind, orange and flickering.
Unfortunely, I am not equipped to determine how high the lights were, but am able to say they were below a thin and scattered/spotty cloud cover.
One by one, they began to slowly fade. First the light nearest us, and then the two behind at the further end of the triangle. The lights dimmed very slowly and then went completely dark. We were unable to see anything again after that, and after waiting for a moment, once more turned on the vehicle’s lights and resumed our drive.
I distinctly recall seeing a program on television a year before about triangular sets of lights a few years back in Tinsley Park, which is a few hours from this location. From the amateur footage and photographs I saw on the television, these lights matched them very well. I wanted to obtain a photograph or video footage as proof of the objects, but the triangles’ lights were not bright nor large enough for my phone to be able to capture among the surrounding darkness.
No visible moon was present at the time.
After pulling alongside the road, the remaining lights were visible for approximately 2-3 more minutes, making the total window of visibility at approximately 4-5 minutes.
EARTH-DIRECTED CME: Magnetic fields near sunspot AR1582 slowly erupted on Oct 5th sparking a B7-class solar flare and hurling a CME toward Earth. The Solar and Heliosphere Observatory (SOHO) captured this image of the expanding cloud:
Although Earth is in the line of fire, it won’t be a direct hit. Instead, the CME will deliver a glancing blow to our planet’s magnetic field. NOAA forecasters estimate a 20% chance of polar geomagnetic storms when the cloud arrives on Oct. 8th. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras especially during the hours around local midnight.
DRACONID METEOR SHOWER: The notoroiusly unpredictable Draconid meteor shower peaks this year on the night of Oct. 7-8. In most years, the Draconids come and go with a barely noticable peak of 10 or so meteors per hour. Occasionally, however, Earth passes through a dense clump of debris from parent comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner and a meteor storm erupts. Just last year, Europeans witnessed a faint but furious outburst of 600 per hour. There is no reason to believe that 2012 is a “storm year.” Nevertheless, northern hemisphere sky watchers are encouraged to be alert for slow-moving Draconids on Sunday night