Gaia’s Reacts!

Gaia Begins to Reclaim Herself

18th July 2012

By Chris Bourne

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Have you been following the ‘freak’ weather recently?

So the mainstream media have hooked on to the fact that ‘freak’ weather is taking place in various parts of the globe.

From the record droughts right across America to the flash floods sweeping away cars, roads and houses in Japan. Here in Southern England where I live, it has not stopped raining for weeks.

So what’s going on? Is it unusual? Yes indeed! I can feel it in my consciousness. I can feel shifts beginning to happen right around the world.

A new timeline has begun…

According to a report on Yahoo:

“The United States Department of Agriculture has declared natural disaster areas in more than 1,000 counties and 26 drought-stricken states, making it the largest natural disaster in America ever. The declaration—which covers roughly half of the country—gives farmers and ranchers devastated by drought access to federal aid, including low-interest emergency loans. ‘Agriculture remains a bright spot in our nation’s economy’, U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said Wednesday while announcing the assistance program. ‘We need to be cognizant of the fact that drought and weather conditions have severely impacted farmers around the country.”

Can they not see it yet? It is this kind of industrial agriculture that is killing the surface of our planet and Gaia is responding in the way only she can. Corn, which is the greatest affected, is used to make corn syrup, which appears in most highly processed foods and probably one of the most damaging to the human body causing cancer, diabetes and heart-disease. We don’t need it and neither does the planet.

These things don’t happen by chance. It’s time we started listening. A wake up call is being given and it will keep happening now in the years ahead with increasing vigor.

Here’s a map of the record high temperatures across America…

We need to realise that Gaia is reclaiming herself, accept it, and realign with the natural organising energy of the universe. We need to stop seeing ourselves as separate from the all that is, as if somehow events are random and haphazard – as if ‘God’ is abandoning us or taking some kind of retribution. ‘She’ is not. She speaks through synchronicity. One way or another, humanity will come back into alignment, preferably though, not dragging our feet kicking and screaming! And did you watch the incredible power of the flash floods in Japan?…

According to MSNBC over a months rain fell in under 12 hours.

Only a few days ago I heard that the Atomic Energy company responsible for the stricken nuclear plants at Fukushima were restarting some of the unaffected reactors. Well I’d say here is a very vocal response!

Gaia is beginning to cleanse herself. It’s a process that I feel could take a couple of human generations to complete (or sooner). We’re all being invited to stop now and surrender to the truth as it unfolds before us. As the harshness on the outside increases during this realignment process, we need to find increasing softness on the inside.

We will not fight this. Struggle will be fruitless. We need to connect our hearts and reach out to people across the world. We need to help open eyes to the truth of what’s taking place. We need to find self forgiveness, peace with the universe and unfold through the physical into the eternal nature of our spirit. As the mirror of the outer world changes and takes new form, we’re going to be given constant opportunities to surrender and realign. The time is now. There is no other time.

Heart to heart

PS: and here’s a personal Openhander sharing from Eastern USA…Unusual weather

About the Author

At the age of 40 Chris was involved in a life threatening car crash in which he thought he would certainly die. This precipitated total inner surrender and a rapid reconnection with the conscious life force through all things.

He found himself suddenly able to experience and contemplate through multiple dimensions of reality to see the deeper purpose of life itself. He began to remember his true reason for being here.

He explains…

“During the crash, time seemed to slow right down and I was guided back through key moments of my life. I was realising that every moment in our lives has but one underlying purpose – to reveal an aspect of truth about ourselves to ourselves. I was beginning to dissolve every belief and value our society had conditioned within me.”

“This was my initial awakening to the magical unifying consciousness of the soul. Over the eight years that followed, I was guided through four other inner ‘Gateways’ of consciousness. I have since come to know the process as the five key expansions on our journey of Enlightenment and ultimate Ascension into multi dimensional living – our divine birthright”.

Prior to the crash, Chris had a rich an varied professional career in industry, in teaching, as an Officer in the Army and finally as a web development entrepreneur before being initiated on his spiritual path. With a Masters Degree in Natural Sciences from Oxford University, participants in the work are finding his integration of grounded scientific understanding and profound spiritual realisation deeply engaging and transformative.

Openhand Foundation

Catalysing our Spiritual Evolution


The Group Through Steve Rother on Personal Mastery

Own Your Mastery ~ Riding the Waves

Steve Rother

a message from The Group channeled by Steve Rother
Sunday, 15 July, 2012  (posted 18 July, 2012)
Greetings from HomeThe vibrations from Home are those of celebration. We are celebrating a landmark, a level of vibration which all of humanity has now reached. Yes, it is difficult for most of you because when you move from one level to the next very quickly, it means that when you reach the new level you have to learn to walk again. You have to learn how to use your new energies and to anchor yourself through your new knowledge, your new perceptions. It is especially difficult when you move as fast as you have been moving. That is part of the reason that you have felt this energy coming in as waves, for that is how it has been on this planet. Just about the time you get your footing from the last wave, the next wave comes in and takes you on a new journey. Many of you have been going through repetition after repetition to try and ground your new energy. The challenge with that is that it will feel quite differently when you ground in the new energy. It does not have the same stability that you are so accustomed to. You reach the point where you say, “When I feel right, I will move.” Until then you are waiting for everything to come around you, but what we are telling you is that you will not feel right until you move…until you actually start moving. Most of you have been trying to compensate for these waves of energy that have been coming in. Well, they will continue coming for that is the way it works. It may even feel as if you have three waves that push you forward and then one that pulls you back, but do not be discouraged. Sometimes humans move so quickly that a step backward is actually necessary for your own physiology. Do not judge yourselves for that, because you are moving as fast as you can move.

Working with the Waves

Your physical bodies are the part of you that will meet with the most resistance. As you move forward very quickly, your physical bodies must adapt to each level that you are functioning in and learn the best way to express your spirit at each level. This is the reason that many people feel so lost or disconnected. What they once used as a measure of success over and over again, is now not as fulfilling as it was before. You wonder what you are doing differently; your life is not as exciting as it used to be, or you seem to always be in self-defense mode. You are always trying to compensate for the wave of energy that has come in, by trying to grounding yourself to find your surety again. Dear ones, we tell you that you will become comfortable with this movement and the actual anchoring of your spirit in the physical body will look quite differently in the days ahead.

Your physical body is now going through many changes. We have mentioned this before and explained that there are roughly 210 years in front of you with the direct, elevated movement of evolution. It will be quite some time before humans look back and see all the major changes that are happening. This has to do with how you assimilate this energy and how you deal with and anchor each one of these waves of energy as they come in. What we are telling you is that you will learn how to actually ride these waves. Instead of having them completely destroy all of your systems, your confidence, and everything you laid out for yourself, you actually say, “Here comes another wave. Let me get ready. Let us get prepared to move.”Change and movement will become commonplace and the stability in the future. You will get very bored if you try to anchor the way you are accustomed to today. In the future, that will not work for you; you are at this very awkward stage in between those two levels right now.

Every wave that comes in will help to take you to that next level, but you still have to figure out how you are going to anchor yourself today. It is not so much about tomorrow or the future., Instead, it is about what you can do today to make yourself feel comfortable here and your body feel capable of expressing this empowered spirit. How do you do that? You do that one step at a time. You set your intent, you move forward, and you create your reality one heartbeat at a time. We say “heartbeat” because you are used to creating it with your thoughts, and we are asking you now to use the power of your heart instead of the power of your brain. It is not as though you are going to dismiss your brain entirely. We are asking you to form a new balance between the two, for you have always known the path. You have hidden it from yourself with your thoughts and your belief systems, but that is starting to change very rapidly now. You are finding that more is possible with every day and every breath in your body. Anchoring your light will hold the key, for that is what will bring you from one level to the next.

Each one of you has brought a very unique vibration from Home. You can call it a tone if you would like to place it in the auditory realm, or you can call it a color if you would like to place it in the world of light, but it is a unique vibration and a very special gift that only you can carry. Yes, there are others that carry very similar gifts, but no one carries the exact piece that you have. It is the reason you are here at this time. Find a way to anchor and give that light to one other person and you have begun the process of re-anchoring yourself. The challenge here is that you do not feel like giving your light now, because you feel like you are in trauma and having difficulty. When you feel good enough, you say to yourself, then you will give your light. However, we tell you that is the key for it is what you came to do. Any way that you can put yourself in a position to give something to someone else — a vision, an idea, a concept, or a pat on the back — can help you anchor these waves of energy as they come in.

Dear ones, we wish to speak of a very large of group of beings…we will call them spirits, since they do not have physical bodies. Each one of you has what we would call a cheering crowd behind you. Basically, they are your own group of cheerleaders that watches over your shoulder at everything you do; they are very similar to your guides in many ways. Your guides speak to you and offer you suggestions that sound very much like your own thoughts. When you go through this, what happens is that each of these levels can be different and every move brings you even closer to these these spirits. Let us share a bit more with you so that you understand.Enter the Willing Witness

Let us take you back to when you were a child and were freer to explore your imagination. Perhaps the first time you saw a play or you saw a stage with people on it, you wondered what it would be like for you to be on that stage. We tell you that you have all shared that vision; you have all heard what it is like to be on that stage. Most of you have felt it in a very real way, because most of your life you have felt that you were being watched. When you are young, quite often you were taught that you are being watched. You were taught that god sees and judges everything. You become so afraid to be honest with your feelings because you think god will judge you. Re-member, you are god and that makes it very difficult because you are the ones that judges yourself when no one else does. Is that not interesting?
In reality, much of what is written in your scriptures is correct. We simply put it in a different order, for we see it in a slightly different way. We are not saying one is right and the other is wrong. We hope to offer you a vision of empowerment, because what we are telling you is now being discovered with your sciences.

Much of what you call at this point quantum mechanics, sciences, or physics, has discovered a very curious truth. When you understand this truth, you will be able to use it in many areas. The truth discovered is that when you have a bunch of particles over here, they are floating randomly until a person looks at them. The moment the person looks at them, they materialize into the clock, carpet, or lights; everything you see before you is made up of atoms. Now that sounds rather arrogant, but is that not the actual position of god? When god looks at something, it comes together at the last minute. We tell you, this has been your vision from the very first day that you have been on this planet. You are not aware of it and because of the time lag it is hidden from your view. You do not understand – at least on a global, conscious level – that you are creating your own reality every second of every day. You are now taking that concept and using it, but on a very deep level it is still very hard for each of you to fully feel that part. What we wish to tell you, for you are a witness on this planet, is that it is what you are here to do. You are here to look at the atoms so that they can come together and create magic for you. Does that mean that you create other people? No, they are witnesses as well. In fact, all of consciousness is a witness. So, that brings you to a point of what is consciousness and where does that come from? How do you define that and how can you increase it?

Nested Torus, Nested Love

There is only one way to say that. You are physical, human beings but that is only the earth part of you. Your spirit is from Home; any part of light from Home that flow through your physical body is called consciousness. Now, is it not interesting that you are self-aware? In fact, you are the first level of animal that has become self-aware. We had the Keeper speak a little earlier about the nesting of toruses. You are nested as well in a very similar way, for one level leads to the next and the next, and so forth. You are part of much larger families, much greater connections in many different ways. You are now moving and changing at the speed of love.

What about all these people and connections? What about all of these spirits that seem to always be watching over your shoulder? Yes, you always had a vivid imagination. The little devil would come out on one shoulder and tell you to do something, and then the little angel would arrive and they would have their arguments back and forth. Often, what you have felt was your witnesses, because you are also being witnessed by all of the beings that stepped aside so that you could take this place on planet Earth. You have a very unique key that has let you in a very special door at exactly the right moment. You are trying to figure out why you are here, what are you doing, and what is the meaning of life? And we tell you, dear ones, that you are right on purpose. Stop doubting yourselves; start allowing your greatness to show and owning your mastery. When you master something and someone comes to you and says, “I hear you are a master. Can you teach me that?” You say, “Oh no, I am not a master.” Why not say, “Well yes. I would be happy to show you. I am very good at that.” Own it, for you have worked very hard in those areas. Now more than ever before as you move from one level to the next, everyone and every bit of information is gratefully accepted on this planet. It is time for you to start touching your own spirit and allowing that connection from Home, that light to come through you to be conscious.

Of course you are not the only conscious ones on this planet, for consciousness from Home includes all the spirits which are connected. At Home there is no difficulty with it, because when you think of a person suddenly they are right in front of you. You simply are all connected to each other in an incredible way that allows you to pull this in very quickly. When you come here to planet Earth, , it takes you several years to learn how to function in these bodies and the physical limitations. Now we are telling you that you have the capabilities of recouping those abilities in the physical body. You have the idea that your energy field is only three feet in diameter, but actually you are huge beings. Enormous parts of the universe stretch energetically and mingle with every other energy field in ways that you are only beginning to learn. When you connect consciously, you are planting seeds and it has an effect. You spread your light in ways that only you can, and these are the greatest contracts that many of you have waited so long to fulfill. The magic is here and it is time.

Mourning in Progress

We wish to bring this one last piece today, for there is also a sadness on planet Earth that has been happening for some time. This deep inner sadness may strike you at some point, and we wish to tell you about it so that you understand what is taking place. Any time that you move from one level to the next, you are likely to experience a sadness. Much of the sadness that humans carry very deeply and far back in their consciousness has to do with leaving Home. It is what we call separation anxiety, and you actually had to leave your Home where you were connected to everything.

At Home, everything was done with a simple thought. Then you had to come down here and pretend to be a human, and that has left many of you with scar tissue. However, what you may now be finding is that it is no longer needed in the same way. Much of your own evolution is taking you to a level of communication that can happen very quickly. In a matter of about 85 to 95 years, you will look back on the communication you are using today and you will laugh at it. You will wonder why you had that much time to receive and give all that information with those little tiny words. You will wonder what on Earth you were thinking to have to write all of these word-filled stories and put them into books. Your communication levels are going to change very, very quickly, and with that will emerge all of the hidden teachers. Every one of you will come out, ready or not You will be the same person walking down the street saying, “No, I am not a teacher. I am not a teacher.” But then what will happen is that someone will approach you and ask you a question. The students will show up even if you do not own it, because the vibration is correct now and your information is needed more than ever before.

Have you ever experienced someone walking up to you and asking you a very important question, for which you had the perfect answer? You opened your mouth to speak, and out came the perfect thing at the right time and place. That is called channeling and it is a part of you, the part that you are learning to master and use in your daily life. Yes, channeling has had a very bad rap for many years. It has been in the woo woo area of your reality and difficult for you to understand. Yet, if we simply call channeling intuition, imagination, or even creativity, does not it all come from the same place? Is it not all channeled to you at the last minute when you are in the perfect place to receive it? Yes it is, and what is starting to happen now is that it is becoming popular to listen to.

The heart energy and your connections to your own heart will lead the way and light your path as has never been seen before. You will receive help from all of your witnesses, for they are the same connection to god and to Home. There are literally thousands of these spirits behind each and every one of you, and they are your greatest cheerleaders. They are the ones that stepped aside and said, “Let them go because they can make more of a difference on planet Earth than I can.” They are so incredibly proud of you. You are making this work. You are taking the end of planet Earth and scripting a new game.

Every day contains new possibilities and new lights. All we ask you to do is to know that however alone you may feel sometimes, you are a nested part of a very large family. That family is feeding you its light and love from the other side of the veil as much and as often as you will receive it, for that is the only limitation. They are flooding you with light and love every moment of every day. They are witnessing your experience. You can actually say that they are making you real. That may be difficult to grasp, but if you understand that you have thousands of spirits doing nothing except watching your every step and wanting to help, to make you feel okay and confident. Perhaps you can feel that and get just enough confidence from it to take this next step of setting it into motion and stepping up to the next level and speaking your truth. You are nested inside of other hearts – every heart is connected. Use and find that connection any way you can and your lives change very fast, as we watch with amazement. From this side of the veil, we have our arguments and discussions. We have our, “Oh, watch this person here. Let us see if they make it as far as they think they are going to make it.” We have all these fun connections, but even at Home very few of us ever thought that humanity would make it this far. Yet here you are, creating a new world…creating a new light and sharing it with each other.

It is with the greatest of honor that we speak to you in this fashion. We have been speaking for a very long time, but it is only lately you have been listening. We tell you that you are the greatest angels that have ever lived. You need to understand who you are and take that power. Own your mastery, for it is of great service now more than ever before. Treat each other with respect. Nurture one another every chance you get. You are playing a new game. Play well together.


The group

Big hugs

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Kryon Through Lee Carrollon Kundalini

Around the Horn

Lee Carroll
a message from Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll
Sunday, 1 January, 2012  at Patagonia Kryon Kundalini Cruise  (posted 18 July, 2012)

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. My partner is sometimes dense! This “partner” is the man in the chair with the voice you are hearing. My personal thanks to those around him who required this particular channelling, which was always scheduled but not in his mind. [Kryon smile]

You are very close to what we would call the tip of the Kundalini. You must look at these things both metaphorically and physically. In approximately four hours, you will be as close as you’re going to be to the land, which represents the bottom of the inhabitable planet. For the purposes of the channel and for the energies we speak, we will consider it the bottom of Earth. So let us speak of the energies that are here.

For more than a decade, we have talked about the movement of the Feathered Serpent [Kryon Book Eight – “The Journey of the Feathered Serpent”]. This is the metaphor for what has been described as the Kundalini of the planet. Look at the metaphors and look at the symbolism of what is going on now. I’m going to use terminology that my partner has never heard before, so forgive him if he does not pronounce it correctly as I present it to him, or he may choose not to speak it at all. We will use the best language we can to describe what the ancients presented to you as the Kundalini in graphic form.

They drew this concept as a graphic and yet it is energy. The Kundalini represents the balance of male and female. Even within the Human body, the ancients drew it as a representative of co-creation and manifestation of new energy [conception]. Indeed, it represents the male and the female balanced together, coming together with great energy to create perfection and balance. Now we apply that same principle to the planet.

As we have discussed before, planet Earth is male heavy because it represents most of the northern hemisphere’s population. The wars on your planet have come mostly from the northern hemisphere, and even here [the bottom of South America] was visited by the conquerors that came from the north [Spain]. You might say the northern hemisphere energy has spread to the south over the generations, affecting it greatly. Part of what is changing on the planet is a reversal of the roles of north and south. So you’re going to start seeing the energy of the southern hemisphere, which is sweet and gentle, affecting the north! Therefore, the Kundalini moves southward over a period of time, some details of which I’m going to give you in a moment.

Let us look at the mythology. Let us take a look at the ancient knowledge and then let’s look at the metaphor involved. Now be careful, my partner, for this is not technical and not physics, but spiritual [esoteric] information. The Kundalini is coiled at the bottom of the spine of the body. It only uncoils when the male and the female are balanced. It wraps around three energies of the body three and a half times, and it wraps around what is called the lingam. Three wraps represent easy-unwrapping parts of energy, but the final half wrap represents the most difficult part, which is the divine enlightenment of balance. When the Kundalini unwraps and stays that way, you have a balanced Human Being, if not even enlightened. This is the metaphor of the planet and this is beginning to happen.

Some years ago, we sat within a country that represents a portion of the bottom of the Kundalini [Chile], and we said that the unwrapping process would also create a physical movement of the planet. We mentioned approximately where it would be, and it took place where we said it would [the Chile earthquake of 2010]. These are the kinds of things you will physically see as the movement of the planet responds to the metaphor of the energy I’m speaking of.

There is something hiding that no one has brought forth. It has been known that three and a half times is always the formula for the unwrapping of the Kundalini. The timing of the unwrap, however, has been unknown since it had to do with Human consciousness potential. Therefore, every single year that goes by reveals a surprise, for the movement of Human consciousness and the energy of it is unknown even to Spirit. This is due to Human free choice.

There are factors in Human consciousness that are exponentially at play. It’s not a linear progression of consciousness, but one that has uneven upheaval of great magnitude.  Therefore, the surprises about when things might happen do not follow a linear pattern of calculation or expectations. However, there is an overall time frame of potential.

The 26,000-year alignment of the equinoxes of your planet is a grand alignment, and it has been known in astronomy as the Galactic Alignment. It is called that because the start and stop point of the wobble of your earth on its axis aligns through your sun to the center of the galaxy. This alignment only happens once every 26,000 years.

In order for the equinoxes to proceed through the equatorial plane of your galaxy [the Milky Way strip in the sky] and work themselves through the end of this cycle and the beginning of the next one, it will take 36 years. This final stage began approximately 18 years ago, and 2012 is now the center, or beginning of the last half of the last cycle. You have 18 years left of this energetic event, which actually represents the end of one thing and the beginning of another.

This 36-year window is the timeframe for the potential unwrapping of the entire Kundalini. Do you not find it interesting that it wraps around the lingam three and a half times? Each of the three represents a decade of time in this metaphoric code. Three and a half would be 35 years, very close to the 36-year astronomical event you are in. So this Kundalini prophecy has always been the metaphor of the promise of the earth and what actually started 18 years ago and that is now centered [2012]. That is where the ceremony should be – at the center of the 36 years, the midpoint of the unwrapping.

If all this sounds confusing, let me simplify it. Even the ancients who watched the stars knew of this alignment. It corresponded to the potentials of consciousness shift, since it also represented a decision point or time fractal in the pattern of potentials that has been the core of ancient astronomical prophecy for eons. So all this was expected and is not a surprise. But it carries with it profound change, and this is what we all saw more than 20 years ago when I arrived to begin my messages. Humanity has these opportunities about every half cycle of the 26,000-year alignment. The last one was 13,000 years ago and humanity was not ready. Now you are.

Dear Human Being, you’re sitting in a very, very special place [speaking of the group before Kryon]. You are the first Human group ever to celebrate this movement at the bottom of the South American tip, where the shifts really begin. Oh, there have been those who have chosen to come to the bottom on land and celebrate the coming of it. However, let this go on record that this group now, on the open ocean, at the bottom of the earth, is where this celebration starts in 2012. [The date during this channelling is January 2012.]

It is an important thing you are doing. Let this be an acknowledgment to those who are listening and reading and who you don’t even know, that you are celebrating this which is starting to balance the planet. It is the beginning of 18 years of movement representing a true passing of a marker. The Kundalini will slowly unwrap and the center will slowly move to this continent. It is not complete yet, and it will not be for some years. But the unwrapping process begins. The unwrapping is not a linear process any more than Human consciousness is, but the potential is that it would be unwrapped and in place within the next 18 years.

This means the earth is going to move more down here [South America] and perhaps in places you do not expect where there has not been movement before. So celebrate this moment. Know this: You are close to what we would call Antarctica, which is not an ice pole, but a land pole.

Don’t you find it interesting that Antarctica will play a role in the renewal of the life of Earth? The bio-diversity coming from these parts will affect the planet for the next 18 years. It will help renew the ocean. There are some very significant discoveries in progress that will reveal this, that Antarctica is the cradle of new species for planet Earth’s food chain.

It’s time for you to connect to these things. It is not a coincidence that the renewal process of life is also coming from down here. Think about it. You [those on the cruise] are the first group of Human Beings to celebrate this – the renewal process of life in the ocean and the movement of the Kundalini – from where it’s actually happening.

Now, in the process of all of this, there’s going to be renewed interest in Antarctica, and you’re going to find some interesting things about the land under the ice. The topography of the land under the ice does not match the topography of the ice above. Some astonishing shapes will be revealed when you map the actual land under the ice. Points of mountains are going to be revealed, giving an entire different idea of what Antarctica might have been and what its purpose really is. The continent that is uninhabitable by Human Beings may very well be the engine of life for Human Beings. And I will leave it at that.

Congratulations to those of you who listened to your intuition and for planning the meeting that always should have been planned. [Lee didn’t plan a channelling for this time.] Feel the significance of what you’re doing and where you are, and in the future years when things start to happen on the planet, remember these moments, for the future will coordinate with the message of today.

Blessed is the Human Being who takes his spiritual life seriously. It’s not an addition to your biology. Instead, your biology is an addition to that which is your spiritual core. Learn to meld both of them together and you will live a very long time. And so it is.


The information is free and available for you to print out, copy and distribute as you wish. Its Copyright, however, prohibits its sale in any form except by the publisher.

Lee Carroll


Dolphins And Math Skills


Dolphins May Be Math Geniuses

The brainy marine mammals could be far more skilled at math than was ever thought possible before.

By Jennifer Viegas
Tue Jul 17, 2012

  • Complex, nonlinear math appears to explain a primary dolphin hunting technique.
  • The math involves addition, subtraction, multiplication and ratio comparisons.
  • It is possible that dolphins possess remarkable inborn math skills.
bottlenose dolphins

Bottlenose dolphins swimming. Analysis of a dolphin hunting technique suggests the animals may be natural math geniuses.

Dolphins may use complex nonlinear mathematics when hunting, according to a new study that suggests these brainy marine mammals could be far more skilled at math than was ever thought possible before.

Inspiration for the new study, published in the latest Proceedings of the Royal Society A, came after lead author Tim Leighton watched an episode of the Discovery Channel’s “Blue Planet” series and saw dolphins blowing multiple tiny bubbles around prey as they hunted.

“I immediately got hooked, because I knew that no man-made sonar would be able to operate in such bubble water,” explained Leighton, a professor of ultrasonics and underwater acoustics at the University of Southampton, where he is also an associate dean.

“These dolphins were either ‘blinding’ their most spectacular sensory apparatus when hunting — which would be odd, though they still have sight to reply on — or they have a sonar that can do what human sonar cannot…Perhaps they have something amazing,” he added.

Leighton and colleagues Paul White and student Gim Hwa Chua set out to determine what the amazing ability might be. They started by modeling the types of echolocation pulses that dolphins emit. The researchers processed them using nonlinear mathematics instead of the standard way of processing sonar returns. The technique worked, and could explain how dolphins achieve hunting success with bubbles.

The math involved is complex. Essentially it relies upon sending out pulses that vary in amplitude. The first may have a value of 1 while the second is 1/3 that amplitude.

“So, provided the dolphin remembers what the ratios of the two pulses were, and can multiply the second echo by that and add the echoes together, it can make the fish ‘visible’ to its sonar,” Leighton told Discovery News. “This is detection enhancement.”

But that’s not all. There must be a second stage to the hunt.

NEWS: Dolphins, Humans Share ‘Brainy’ Genes

“Bubbles cause false alarms because they scatter strongly and a dolphin cannot afford to waste its energy chasing false alarms while the real fish escape,” Leighton explained.

The second stage then involves subtracting the echoes from one another, ensuring the echo of the second pulse is first multiplied by three. The process, in short, therefore first entails making the fish visible to sonar by addition. The fish is then made invisible by subtraction to confirm it is a true target.

In order to confirm that dolphins use such nonlinear mathematical processing, some questions must still be answered. For example, for this technique to work, dolphins would have to use a frequency when they enter bubbly water that is sufficiently low, permitting them to hear frequencies that are twice as high in pitch.

“Until measurements are taken of wild dolphin sonar as they hunt in bubbly water, these questions will remain unanswered,” Leighton said. “What we have shown is that it is not impossible to distinguish targets in bubbly water using the same sort of pulses that dolphins use.”

If replicated, the sonar model may prove to be a huge benefit to humans. It might be able to detect covert circuitry, such as bugging devices hidden in walls, stones or foliage. It could also dramatically improve detection of sea mines.

“Currently, the navy uses dolphins or divers feeling with their hands in such difficult conditions as near shore bubbly water, for example in the Gulf,” he said.

How Stuff Works: Dolphins

In terms of dolphin math skills, prior studies conducted by the Dolphin Research Cetner in Florida have already determined that dolphins grasp various numerical concepts, such as recognizing and representing numerical values on an ordinal scale. Marine biologist Laela Sayigh of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution said, “In the wild, it would be very useful (for dolphins) to keep track of which areas were richer food sources.”

While dolphins are among the animal kingdom’s most intelligent animals, they are not likely the only math champs.

Parrots, chimpanzees and even pigeons have been shown to have an advanced understanding of numerical concepts. The studies together indicate that math ability is inborn in many species, with number sense, mathematical skills and verbal ability perhaps being separate talents in humans that we later learn to combine.



Sunspot AR1520-1521 Erupts Again

ALMOST X-FLARE : Sunspot complex AR1520-1521 erupted again on July 19th, this time producing an M7-class solar flare that almost crossed the threshold into X-territory. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash:

The explosion produced a bright coronal mass ejection. The cloud should miss Earth.

Although the explosion occured on the other side of the sun’s western limb, our planet could feel some effects. The blast site is magnetically connected to Earth by backward-spiralling lines of magnetic force. Protons accelerated by the flare are being guided to us by those lines of magnetism, and a mild radiation storm is underway.


Happy Cows and Vin Bovin

Why Is France Feeding Wine to Their Cows?

A Languedoc-Roussillon winemaker is experimenting with feeding cows wine after learning of studies that say happy animals create better meat.

Mon Jul 16, 2012
  • The French have taken a clue from the Japanese who serve beer to cows to create supple, tender Kobe beef.
  • The French cows are getting a daily dose of up to two bottles each of wine.
  • The daily cost of feeding the cows tripled from $6 to $18, which has led to a steep increase in the cost of the meat.

Dairy cows in the French countryside oblvious to the Tour de France peloton behind them.

First there was Kobe beef, Japan-born cows raised on beer. Now, the French have experimented with what is now called “Vinbovin” — cattle being served two or three bottles of Languedoc wine a day.

The idea came from the president of an association of wine, Jean-Charles Tastavy. Languedoc-Roussillon winemaker Jean-Charles Tastavy conceived of his plan after hearing of studies in Spain and Canada that highlighted the merits of keeping animals happy to yield better meat.

“Why don’t we do what others are doing elsewhere?” Tastavy said.

With the assistance of the General Council of Hérault and FDSEA, an association has been created, the brand “Vinbovin” trademark was created and the rules made.

2 or 3 glasses of wine a day

“For each animal, alcohol intake should be equivalent to the amount recommended by health authorities for a man, namely two or three glasses of wine a day. For cattle, it is 1 liter to 1 liter and half,” explains Tastavy.

In 2011, the draft of an essay, a first in France, was launched. And it is Chaballier Claude, who owns a ranch where the bulls are in surplus for slaughterhouses, which agreed to embark on this adventure. A second experiment is scheduled from August to September.

After the last harvest, three cattle received grape pomace supplemented by the rolled barley and hay at will, all washed down with water. Then, two liters of wine from Saint-Genies of Mourgues replaced the marc. “The cattle liked the menu and ate with relish,” said Chaballier.

Gourmet marriage

This marriage of gastronomy with wine livestock has fallen short of expectations placed by the initiator. “It has been eaten,” remembers the breeder, within the “attractive returns” of an animal that has developed and particularly “tasty bits.”

For Chaballier, remains a downside: the price. The value of daily meals of broilers in wine tripled, from 5 to 15 euros, or a kilo of meat around a hundred euros for the noblest parts.

A luxury meat

This concept of luxury, Laurent Pourcel, Michelin-starred chef, does not deny. But in his view, there should no hesitation on the part of farmers to produce this meat that has a “very special” texture — “beautiful, marbled, tender which caramelizes during cooking.”

“She has a fine taste, very strong,” the chef Pourcel said. “Allowed to go stale and relax, the better it is.”

Pourcel has already convinced some of his confreres in a presentation made at his restaurant.

“All the great Parisian restaurants will take,” predicted the chef, stressing that this meat is an outlet for farmers and growers in the region.


Freedom of Speech, Psychics, Lies, and Entertainment

Fortunetelling Verdict Raises Thorny Questions

Analysis by Benjamin Radford
Tue Jul 17, 2012

Last week a federal judge in Alexandria, Louisiana, overturned a law banning fortunetelling on the basis that it is free speech protected by the First Amendment.

U.S. District Judge Dee Drell struck down an ordinance outlawing fortunetelling, astrology, palm reading, tarot, and other forms of divination on the grounds that the practices are fraudulent and inherently deceptive. The case involved a fortuneteller named Rachel Adams who sued to overturn the law and won.

About one in seven Americans have consulted a psychic or fortuneteller, and their services are in high demand, especially during hard economic times. This curious case raises issues about the boundary between freedom of speech and fraudulent (or at least unproven) claims.

There are, of course, exceptions to free speech that go beyond yelling fire in a crowded theater. People who lie on their tax returns can be convicted of tax evasion, and those who lie in a court of law can be convicted of perjury, which under federal law is a felony. Companies, also, are legally prohibited from making false statements about their merchandise; Ford cannot claim its cars get 200 miles per gallon, and vitamin manufacturers cannot advertise that their pills cure cancer. But other cases are murkier.

Free Speech and The Right to Lie

Last month the Supreme Court ruled that Xavier Alvarez, a public official who falsely claimed that he had received the Medal of Honor, could not be prosecuted under the Stolen Valor Act, a 2006 law that made it a crime to falsely claim “to have been awarded any decoration or medal authorized by Congress for the Armed Forces of the United States.” Alvarez admitted that his statements were false, but claimed that his lies were free speech protected by the First Amendment. The Supreme Court agreed and overturned the law.


The First Amendment freedom to lie and misrepresent matters of fact was even invoked by top Wall Street credit rating companies including Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s Investors Service, and others. In the months and years leading up to the global financial crash, these companies routinely inflated the ratings of billions of dollars worth of investments they bought and sold. When investors and investigators demanded to know why companies that were given stellar confidence ratings one day went bankrupt the next, the agencies claimed that their investment ratings were merely “opinions” not necessarily based on truth or fact, and as such were protected by the First Amendment.

Psychics and fortunetellers try a similar strategy, often offering their services “for entertainment only,” a tacit acknowledgement that the information they provide may not be reliable. Yet the fact is that—like clients of credit rating companies—the clients of psychics often do take the advice they get seriously, making life, love, and career decisions based upon fortunetelling. If clients truly are seeking only entertainment, for the $40 to $100 per hour psychics typically charge there are far cheaper ways to be entertained.

Some fortunetellers offer readings for fun and pleasure, and for the most part it’s not palm reading per se that police are concerned about, it’s the confidence schemes, theft by deception, and fraud that often accompany fortunetelling. One common scam involves luring clients in with inexpensive readings, then convincing them that a recent misfortune is the result of a curse put on them by an enemy. The imaginary curse can be lifted but it won’t come cheap, and some victims have been robbed of tens of thousands of dollars. In one recent case a “psychic” misused the influence and trust placed in him to sexually exploit several women.

How Stuff Works: Pet Psychics

The issue of fortunetelling is a tricky legal and ethical area. Although psychic powers and prediction have never been proven to exist (and indeed have failed in well-controlled scientific tests), psychics themselves often genuinely believe in their powers. Other professions can at least provide concrete proof of ability: a mechanic can prove to clients he can fix a transmission by doing it; a doctor can prove to patients she can perform heart surgery by being certified (and doing it). Psychics, on the other hand, cannot prove they can accurately predict the future; if they could, they should be making a killing on Wall Street or in highly-paid positions protecting national security.

Is it ethical to accept money for a service you cannot scientifically prove you can provide, even if you believe you can? How is that different than a lawyer who takes on a case knowing she can’t win (but pretending she can), and gets paid either way? Perjury and fraud only make it a crime to knowingly lie or misrepresent matters of fact, and fortunetellers—like Wall Street credit rating firms—can always say that their claim to psychic abilities is their (Constitutionally protected) opinion. Caveat emptor.

Photo Credit: Corbis


A Next Step for The Occupy Movement

Occupy’s National Gathering: A Vision for the Next Step Forward?

The movement has been accused before of lacking direction. But this week in Philadelphia, delegates to the first-ever national Occupy gathering created a streamlined vision for the change they want to see.
posted Jul 06, 2012


Natgat photo by James Trimarco

Photo by James Trimarco.

Occupy participants from every region of the United States poured into Philadelphia from June 30–July 4 for the movement’s National Gathering. Many arrived in caravans from far-flung states like California, Texas, and Alabama, and about 500 people attended the event in its final days, according to Occupy Wall Street’s Linnea M. Palmer Paton.

“It feels exactly like an Occupy,” said Michael Wilson, who came from his hometown of Salt Lake City with three fellow occupiers, each of them driving a three-hour shift. “It’s like all the months of an occupation compressed into just five days.”

The activities of the National Gathering—or “Natgat,” as occupiers invariably called it—covered a wide range of styles, tactics, and approaches to social change. At the gathering’s center was a visioning process in which small groups of occupiers spent days carefully hammering out their ideas about the kind of changes they’d like to see. Then, these groups were combined and began compiling their ideas into a single document, which is rumored to now be 75 pages long.

Attendees held nightly General Assemblies, or GA’s, open meetings that form the heart of most local Occupy groups. Their marches and demonstrations saw relatively little of the police violence that has marred other Occupy events. And there were daily workshops on topics like direct action, maintaining encampments, and interactions between activists. Many attendees said the workshops and skillshares were their favorite part of the week.

“I’m just here to learn,” said Jacqueline Lundy of Occupy Chicago, pointing out that activists from around the country often faced similar dilemmas. For example, she said, everyone seemed to be talking about ways to improve on the structure of the General Assemblies. And indeed, a large GA on Wednesday focused on the need for more voices to be heard and for people who felt marginalized to have those feelings addressed.

Other events included a baseball game that pit the 99% against the 1% Tax Dodgers, and a “Wells Fargo Circus” in which ersatz bankers forced acrobats playing the role of loan applicants into all kinds of contortions—literally. These moments showed off the movement’s talent for comedy, costumes, and playfulness.

Reverend Billy photo courtesy of Reverend Billy
The Importance of Being Sassy

How Occupiers, pranksters, and artists speak louder than money.

While some aspects of the gathering could have been stronger, there was no doubt that the movement is alive—and kicking. The Natgat was “smaller than what was hoped for,” said Pete Tridish, a local Philadelphian and a founder of a community radio advocacy group called Prometheus Radio. But he remained hopeful about the future of Occupy: “The main goals of the gathering have been to think through the next steps of the movement, and they’re meeting those goals.”

Linnea M. Paton Palmer of Occupy Wall Street shared that feeling, pointing to an inspiring march through Downtown Philadelphia on the night of the Fourth of July. She’s already rolling up her sleeves for the next big event, Occupy’s first-year anniversary on September 17.


Jim Self Speaks With Bruce Lipton

See video

Video > Conversation With Jim Self and Bruce Lipton June 2012

Mastering Alchemy founder Jim Self converses with Bruce Lipton, PhD about creating changes at the cellular level with thought, how our thoughts and emotions affect our biology. Clips also cover how the fields of the six noble gases are a model for human relationships, attraction, and co-dependence. Listen to clips from Conversations with Jim Self from The Awakening Zone Blog Talk Radio


Magellanic Penguin Deaths in Brazil

Magellanic Penguin Deaths In Brazil Being Investigated

July 16, 201

redOrbit Staff & Wire Reports – Your Universe Online

Biologists are investigating the deaths of hundreds of penguins that were discovered washed up on the beaches at Brazil’s southern Rio Grande do Sul state, various media outlets reported over the weekend.

Officials with the Center of Coastal and Marine Studies (Ceclimar) told AFP reporters on Friday that the 512 Magellanic penguin bodies were found on the coast between the towns of Tramandai and Cidreira.

They added that samples from the deceased birds had been taken to Porto Alegre University for further study. The results of that analysis were expected to be released in approximately one month’s time.

According to Nick Allen of the Telegraph, the penguins, which were migrating north from Argentina in order to find food in warmer waters, showed no signs of injury, hunger or oil stains. The massive amount of the dead birds coupled with the lack of injury or signs of exhaustion have veterinarians puzzled, he added.

“Autopsies are being conducted on some of the birds to determine the cause of death,” BBC News reported on July 13. “Similar incidents in the past have been blamed on shifting ocean currents and colder temperatures.”

“Last week dozens of young penguins were rescued from beaches in Rio de Janeiro after straying far beyond their normal range,” the British news organization added. “The birds delighted beach-goers, but scientists said their health was suffering in the tropical waters.”

Magellanic penguins are named after the Magallenes region in which they breed, and they typically mate in large colonies in southern Argentina and Chile, the AFP reported. Between March and September, they tend to migrate along the Rio Grande do Sul coast to head up to Sao Paulo, and their diet is made up mostly of tiny fish and marine crustaceans. Their primary foe, the French news agency said, is the southern sea lion.
