Very strong dangerous earthquake in Tajikistan
Last update: May 13, 2012 at 12:22 am by By Armand Vervaeck and James Daniell
Most important Earthquake Data:
Magnitude : 6.3 (EMSC)
UTC Time : 23:28:46.0 UTC
Local time at epicenter : local time 04:28
Depth (Hypocenter) : 30 km (EMSC)
Geo-location(s) :
55 km NE Leningradskiy (pop 11,955)
147 km E Dushanbe (pop 543,10
Update 00:19 UTC : EMSC has further decreased the Magnitude from Mb6.0 to Mb5.7, a whole lot of difference. EMSC keeps his focal depth at 4 km which is extremely shallow. Because of the depth parameter, we maintain our opinion and continue to call this earthquake dangerous.
Update 00:12 UTC :
Less than 1000 people are living in a radius of 5 km from the epicenter
4,200 people are living within a radius if 10 km
11,000 people within a radius of 20 km. calls a radius of 20 km at high risk for at least minor damage or minor injuries
Update 00:08 UTC : The nearest populated places are: Kalay-Khodzha (16km), Talbar (7km), Yezgan (7km),Tavildara (13km), Chil-Dara (17km). The closest civilian airport is Darwaz (46km).
Update 23:59 UTC : Based on the current data, calls this earthquake “dangerous”for the villages in the immediate vicinity of the epicenter. Especially the building style is very vulnerable. An increasing danger factor is the fact that the earthquake occurred in the middle of the Tajik night!
Update 23:56 UTC : Following our own research Tavildara, a village with approx. 500 inhabitants is at a distance of 10 km from the epicenter. Ezgand another village is also very close to the epicenter

Update 23:56 UTC : EMSC has changed depth again to 4 km (extremely shallow)
Update 23:50 UTC : EMSC has decreased the Magnitude to Mb6.0 at the new depth of 40 km. Data from USGS and EMSC are too different to be convincing.
Update 23:48 UTC : USGS reports a far lower Magnitude of 5.7 but at a depth of only 10 km.
Update 23:46 UTC : the epicenter seems to be located in the middle of the mountains apparently with very few villages. We will search for more details.
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