Sacred White Buffalo Calf Murdered



White buffalo sacred to Lakota Sioux found mutilated


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By Frank Heinz,

Lightning Medicine Cloud, a rare white buffalo born in 2011, and his mother were found dead at the Lakota Buffalo Ranch in Texas this week just weeks after the calf’s father was fatally struck by lightning.

The rare animal, sacred to the Lakota Sioux, was about to celebrate its first birthday during a powwow on May 12.

NBC 5 has learned the calf was found mutilated and skinned on the ranch northeast of Dallas. The next day, the calf’s mother was found dead as well.

Read the original report at

Hunt County Sheriff Randy Meeks has opened a criminal investigation into the livestock deaths, although Meeks said they have not yet classified the crime. The Texas Rangers and other state agencies are assisting.

“I feel very confident we’ll work together with a renewed vigilance to find whoever this is that perpetrated this heinous act,” Judge John Horn said during a news conference at the ranch Friday.

Arby Little Soldier, the owner of the ranch, would not comment on the specifics of the white calf or his mother.

Lm Otero / AP

A rare white buffalo walks in a corral in Greenville, Texas, in June 2011. The calf and its mother were found dead this week.

“I will not say what has happened to this animal,” he said. “I will not say what has happened to the mother. Ben, the dad that protected this calf was struck by lighting April 3 when we had the tornado when it hit Lancaster. Lightning … struck Ben, and I seen him go down. My people, my brothers, my sisters are hurt by what has happened here on this ranch. You don’t think things like this are going to happen to such a sacred animal, a sacred family.”

Little Soldier said Lightning Medicine Cloud’s legacy will carry on and that the powwow scheduled for May 11-12 will go on as planned — only now, they will memorialize the rare animal as well.

“The powwow will continue on. I welcome you all to come grieve with us, mourn with us and celebrate with us,” Little Soldier said. “Ecclesiastes said, ‘There is a time for life and a time for death.’ My little boy went on home. His mother went on home. His dad went on home. They’re all together, and God bless them. This legend will go on forever.”

Little Soldier said there is a reward of $5,000 leading to an arrest and capture of the person responsible for the deaths of Lighting Medicine Cloud and his mother.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Hunt County Sheriff’s Department at             903-453-6800      and ask for either Sheriff Randy Meeks or Lt. Tommy Grandfield.

“Trance-Formation” Flick by Max Egan

Interesting Video.  Take a look.  Make your own decisions.  Do the research:

“TRANCE – FORMATION” – a feature length film from Max Egan

A few days before our May deadline our good friend Cynthia sent us a link to this film; it came with a note that said: “YOU HAVE TO POST THIS!” After checking it out we understood why Cynthia was so insistent. “Trance Formation” addresses issues and questions that have to do with how our perceptions have been transformed to the point where it is now next to impossible for the average human being to know or understand the truth. All of us have been unwittingly programmed to believe everything we are told. As the secrets behind this state of affairs begin to unravel we are not just waking up to the way things really are, we are being transformed in the process. If you’re interested in taking an in depth look at why and how life on planet Earth, and the simple task of being human got so totally complicated, Max Egan’s “Trance Formation” will not only open your eyes to the facts, it will give you a clear sense of how important it is for us to change our tune.


May 6-12

Non-Attachment.  That is the theme for this week.  There will be much coming your way that you will need to understand in terms of what is truly important for you.  This involves moving on from stuff that you have kept, admired, felt was necessary for so long.  There is sorrow attached to this, but also relief.  It is time for your makeover.  :Perhaps a spiritual or etheric makeover.  You have the tools right now.,  The decision is yours.  This week also, you will find that your perceptions are changing, some of them in a crazy manner.  What seemed near is far, and what seemed far is right there.  This an lead to a bit of uncertainty as to what is going on, perhaps a bout of vertigo.  It is not you, rather it is the energies as things are falling into a new alignment.  This week will bring much uncertainty,  but it is part of the greater picture.  On a different note, it is of utmost importance at this time to nourish your physicalities with the most healthful, organic, and clean products available.  The advantages of this will more than pay for themselves as time goes by.

On the larger scale, expect weather anomalies, Earth events out of scale, weird animal sightings, breakdowns in relations political, international, economic, etc.  Along with all of this there can be a number of blips in the energies being emitted by the Sun which can lead to problems with electronics.  There are going to be a number of troubling pronouncements from the media that will come and go and come back again.  All of this will lead to a lessening of confidence in many areas, particularly financial.  Expect the Stock Market to have some inexplicable movements.  Trust your intuition where finances are concerned.  There are going to be some interesting developments in the job market.  Also there will be something new coming out on the electronic horizon that will be touted as the best ever, a replacement for tablets, etc.  Be aware that much of this is mere marketing.  There is a slow down happening in the area of ingenuity.  This is temporary.

Sunday, May 6:    Dark Grey

As the energy of the Super Moon enters the atmosphere, rather than clarifying, it is causing more obfuscation.  Take time today to look into what is happening around you.  Look into what you are thinking and perceiving.  Feel how all of that feels to you.  Things are changing around you, and this will be obvious in how people are acting, speaking, reacting.  You need to go within and center.  Be the observer today.  There is light behind the shadow of what is going on, but you must take the time to know the shadow for what it is.  Then the light will turn on for you.  That can be a real revelation.  The evening is a time for honoring what you have done and what you have seen.  This was a day for lessons.

Crystal Vibe:    Colorado Sunset—-The energy of this stone works to ground while, at the same time, giving one the strength to move forward in confidence to deal with life issues, particularly as related to long term goals.  Resonates with the Root and Solar Plexus Chakras.

Monday, May 7:    Yellow Orange

Emotions will be close to the surface today.  There are things out there that are going to make you want to scream.  Take time before reacting.  Step back and think.  A lot of the stuff that used to push your buttons before does not really matter any more.  You are shifting.  You can find yourself taking a look around you today and wondering why you ever held onto certain things you have.  This can apply also to friendships and loyalties.  Your first priority must be yourself and anything or anyone who does not agree and/or further that is working against you.  There can be some ah-ha moments today.  Some might be painful, but it is part of the process of catharsis.

Crystal Vibe:    Chrome Diopside—-The energy of this mineral resonates with the heart and its essential calm.  Resonates with the Heart and Ninth Chakras.

Tuesday, May 8:    Fire Red

There are surprises in the air today, and a lot of them are good.  Issues that have been hanging about can be worked out and conversations that were put on hold can be completed.  Th key to all of this is how you will be dealing with these things.  There can be joy and laughter or pain and sorrow or anger and confrontation.  You are in change of all of this.  There is a sense throughout the day that someone or something is lurking there in the shadows.  You will not be able to understand this until the evening.  Spend a moment with the events of the day, and you will understand that you had both participated and observed.  There are lessons you learned.  Honor them.  Change is in the air.

Crystal Vibe:    Witherite—-The energy of this mineral assists one in moving beyond planning to action, oftentimes effortlessly and without planning.  Resonates with the Third Eye and Eleventh Chakras.

Wednesday, May 9:    Yellow Green

Things that you had planned for today may not unfold as you had thought.  And this, actually, is a good thing.  There is novelty in the air.  It is not that of the Trickster but that of new horizons and discoveries.  Take everything in stride and look at it from many different angles.  Perspectives are changing and messages come in unusual formats.  The changes that you have been awaiting are happening.  It is time to understand what they mean and to know that what you have been wishing for is not necessarily coalescing in ways that you would have thought. But the energies of the day carry a surprise and a joy that will cap off all else that has occurred.

Crystal Vibe:    Albite—-The energy of this stone works with the element of water to bring about immersion on new levels.  Resonates with the Heart and Throat Chakras.

Thursday, May 10:    Bright Blue

This is a day for ups and downs.  Be ready for anything, but also be aware that you can be blinded by the light.  It is important that you take hold of any questionable situation that you are in.  Your voice has power, and it is time to use it now.  People are not used to hearing speak your truth, talk your talk.  You can do it today, and it will feel really good.  Do not worry, the emotions that come about as a result of this will dissipate as you begin to see that you are changing into that which you truly are.  Your WHO you are.  Horton, are you listening.  There are friends and support everywhere.  It is time to accept that fact and be open.  What you have been waiting for is in front of you.  It is time to see it.

Crystal Vibe:    Hematite—-Grounding and breathing.  These are the foundations for true perspective.  Resonates with the Root Chakra.

Friday, May 11:    Yellow Red

Do not expect too much from people today.  Do not expect too much from yourself.  There is an illusion that is making itself felt in the energies which can cause confusion, uncertainty, unhappiness, even fear and anger.  This is a day for going within, for knowing what it is that you truly are wishing to create in your life.  It is a day for truth —- for seeing what you have done and taking it for what it is.  Knowing that if there is more that you were looking for, it is time to go for that.  The past is past.  Today opens a new chapter.  There can be tears.  There can be laughter.  But if you are open to all that is going on within the levels of reality, there will definitely be realization and release.

Crystal Vibe;    Pigeon Blood Jasper—-The energy of this stone assists with issues around nurturing, the mother, and acceptance of one’s creative.  Resonates with the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Saturday, May 12:    Light Lime Green

Ups and downs are in the works today.  This is not a time to take things too seriously, rather step bakl and see where things are fitting into the greater pattern.  There are questions that need to be asked.  There are those who are willing to answer and those who will turn away.  All of that will give you clues as to which way to turn.  You have some needs that have not been met, and you need some direction in relation to the,.  You can find it today if you are willing to see through the illusion.  And there is assistance available.  Look for the signs.

Crystal Vibe:    Golden Apatite—-This mineral assists with moving forward when  youare feeling stuck or tired.  Resonates with the Third Eye Chakra.






Jeff Masters on Climate Change & Extreme Weather

Connecting the dots between climate change and extreme weather
Posted by: JeffMasters, 3:15 PM GMT on May 04, 2012 +39
Connecting the dots between human-caused climate change and extreme weather events is fraught with difficulty and uncertainty. One the one hand, the underlying physics is clear–the huge amounts of heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide humans have pumped into the atmosphere must be already causing significant changes to the weather. But the weather has huge natural variations on its own, without climate change. So, communicators of the links between climate change and extreme weather need to emphasize how climate change shifts the odds. We’ve loaded the dice towards some types of extreme weather events, by heating the atmosphere to add more heat and moisture. This can bring more extreme weather events like heat waves, heavy downpours, and intense droughts. What’s more, the added heat and moisture can change atmospheric circulation patterns, causing meanders in the jet stream capable of bringing longer-lasting periods of extreme weather. As I wrote in my post this January, Where is the climate headed?, “The natural weather rhythms I’ve grown to used to during my 30 years as a meteorologist have become significantly disrupted over the past few years. Many of Earth’s major atmospheric circulation patterns have seen significant shifts and unprecedented behavior; new patterns that were unknown have emerged, and extreme weather events were incredibly intense and numerous during 2010 – 2011. It boggles my mind that in 2011, the U.S. saw 14 – 17 billion-dollar weather disasters, three of which matched or exceeded some of the most iconic and destructive weather events in U.S. history.

Figure 1. Women who work on a tea farm in Assam, India hold up a dot in honor of Climate Impacts Day (May 5, 2012), to urge people to connect the dots between climate change and the threat to their livelihood. Chai is one of the most consumed beverages in India, but a prolonged dry spell and extreme heat has affected tea plantations in Assam and Bengal with production dropping by 60% as compared to the same period in 2011. Image credit:

May 5: Climate Impacts Day
On Saturday, May 5 (Cinco de Mayo!), the activist group, founded by Bill McKibben, is launching a new effort to “connect the dots between climate change and extreme weather.” They’ve declared May 5 Climate Impacts Day, and have coordinated an impressive global effort of nearly 1,000 events in 100 countries to draw attention to the links between climate change and extreme weather. Their new website aims to get people involved to “protest, educate, document and volunteer along with thousands of people around the world to support the communities on the front lines of the climate crisis.” Some of the events planned for Saturday: firefighters in New Mexico will hold posters with dots in a forest ravaged by wildfires; divers in the Marshall Islands take a dot underwater to their dying coral reefs; climbers on glaciers in the Alps, Andes, and Sierras will unfurl dots on melting glaciers with the simple message: “Melting”; villagers in Northeastern Kenya will create dots to show how ongoing drought is killing their crops; in San Francisco, California, aerial artist Daniel Dancer and the Center for Biological Diversity will work with hundreds of people to form a giant, moving blue dot to represent the threat of sea level rise and ocean acidification; and city-dwellers in Rio de Janeiro hold dots where mudslides from unusually heavy rains wiped out part of their neighborhood. I think its a great way to draw attention to the links between climate change and extreme weather, since the mainstream media coverage of climate change has been almost nil the past few years. A report by Media Matters for America found out that nightly news coverage about climate change on the major networks decreased 72% between 2009 and 2011. On the Sunday shows, 97% of the stories mentioning climate change were about politics in Washington D.C. or on the campaign trail, not about extreme weather or recent scientific reports. You can check out what Climate Impacts Day events may be happening in your area at the website.

Figure 2. Front Street Bridge on the Susquehanna River in Vestal, NY, immediately following the flood of September 8, 2011. Image credit: USGS, New York. In my post, Tropical Storm Lee’s flood in Binghamton: was global warming the final straw? I argue that during September 8, 2011 flood, the Susquehanna River rose twenty feet in 24 hours and topped the flood walls in Binghamton by 8.5 inches, so just a 6% reduction in the flood height would have led to no overtopping of the flood walls and a huge decrease in damage. Extra moisture in the air due to global warming could have easily contributed this 6% of extra flood height.

Also of interest
Anti-coal activists, led by climate scientist Dr. James Hansen of NASA, are acting on Saturday to block Warren Buffett’s coal trains in British Columbia from delivering coal to Pacific ports for shipment overseas. Dave Roberts of Grist explains how this may be an effective strategy to reduce coal use, in his post, “Fighting coal export terminals: It matters”.

The creator of wunderground’s new Climate Change Center, atmospheric scientist Angela Fritz, has a blog post on Friday’s unveiling of the new Heartland Institute billboards linking mass murderers like Charles Manson and Osama Bin Laden to belief in global warming. In Heartland’s description of the billboard campaign, they say, “The people who still believe in man-made global warming are mostly on the radical fringe of society. This is why the most prominent advocates of global warming aren’t scientists. They are murderers, tyrants, and madmen.” The Heartland Institute neglected to mention that the Pope and the Dalai Lama are prominent advocates of addressing the dangers of human-caused climate change.

Jeff Masters

Khalilov on Sounds Heard in The Sky

As always, posted FYI.  Draw your own conclusions, but do the research


First published 1/28/2012 at

Mr. Khalilov, what is the nature of the unusual very low-pitched sounds reported by a great number of people in different parts of the planet since the summer of 2011? Many call them “The Sound of the Apocalypse”. Information about that comes from all over the world: US, UK, Costa Rica, Russia, Czech Republic, Australia, etc.

We have analyzed records of these sounds and found that most of their spectrum lies within the infrasound range, i.e. is not audible to humans. What people hear is only a small fraction of the actual power of these sounds. They are low-frequency acoustic emissions in the range between 20 and 100 Hz modulated by ultra-low infrasonic waves from 0.1 to 15 Hz. In geophysics, they are called acoustic-gravity waves; they are formed in the upper atmosphere, at the atmosphere-ionosphere boundary in particular. There can be quite a lot of causes why those waves are generated: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, storms, tsunamis, etc. However, the scale of the observed humming sound in terms of both the area covered and its power far exceeds those that can be generated by the above-mentioned phenomena.

In that case, what could be causing this humming in the sky?

In our opinion, the source of such powerful and immense manifestation of acoustic-gravity waves must be very large-scale energy processes. These processes include powerful solar flares and huge energy flows generated by them, rushing towards Earth’s surface and destabilizing the magnetosphere, ionosphere and upper atmosphere. Thus, the effects of powerful solar flares: the impact of shock waves in the solar wind, streams of corpuscles and bursts of electromagnetic radiation are the main causes of generation of acoustic-gravitation waves following increased solar activity.

Given the surge in solar activity as manifested itself in the higher number and energy of solar flares since mid-2011, we can assume that there is a high probability of impact of the substantial increase in solar activity on the generation of the unusual humming coming from the sky. It should be pointed out that solar activity began to rise sharply since early 2011, with its amplitude significantly higher than all forecasts given by a number of influential scientific institutions in 2010 and 2011. Meanwhile, the observed increase in solar activity is fully consistent with the forecast of the International Committee GEOCHANGE published in the Committee’s Report in June 2010. If this growth rate of solar activity continues, its amplitude by the end of 2012 will be higher than the amplitude of 23rd solar cycle, and in 2013-2014 the solar activity will reach its peak the amplitude of which was predicted by us to be 1.5 – 1.7 times higher than the amplitude of the 23rd cycle.

But you said that the cause of the “sky hum” can lie within Earth’s core as well, what does it mean?

There is one more possible cause of these sounds and it may lie at the Earth’s core. The fact is that the acceleration of the drift of the Earth’s north magnetic pole which increased more than fivefold between 1998 and 2003 and is at the same level today points to intensification of energy processes in the Earth’s core, since it is processes in the inner and outer core that form the Earth’s geomagnetic field. Meanwhile, as we have already reported, on November 15, 2011 all ATROPATENA geophysical stations which record three-dimensional variations of the Earth’s gravitational field almost simultaneously registered a powerful gravitational impulse. The stations are deployed in Istanbul, Kiev, Baku, Islamabad and Yogyakarta, with the first and last one being separated by a distance of about 10,000 km. Such a phenomenon is only possible if the source of this emanation is at the Earth’s core level. That huge energy release from the Earth’s core at the end of the last year was some kind of a start signal indicating the transition of the Earth’s internal energy into a new active phase.

Intensification of the energy processes in the Earth’s core can modulate the geomagnetic field which, through a chain of physical processes at the ionosphere – atmosphere boundary level, generates acoustic-gravity waves the audible range of which has been heard by people in the form of a frightening low-frequency sound in different parts of our planet.

In both cases, even though the causes of acoustic-gravity waves are of a quite understandable geophysical nature, they are indicative of the expected significant increase in solar activity and the geodynamic activity of our planet. There is no doubt that processes in the core rule the internal energy of our planet, therefore, we should expect by the end of 2012 a sharp rise in strong earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and extreme weather events with peak levels in 2013 – 2014.

Thank you for your answers.

WOSCO International News Agency




See also a video about the strange sounds at Youtube:

Super Moon Earthquake Connection Discussed

On Earthquakes, Eruptions and the Moon (Eruptions Revisited)

The Moon: Really, it is your friend. Image courtesy of NASA.


{This article was originally posted on March 11, 2011. I’ve reposted it today because of another so-called “Supermoon” on May 6, 2012}

I’ve had a number of questions lately about a couple of events coming up this month astronomically and how they might effect geologic events – namely earthquakes and volcanoes – on Earth. I can tell you right now, without much doubt, that the answer, even before I tell you the question, is very, very little.

Now, the questions: (1) How will the close passage of Comet Elenin and Earth cause geologic catastrophes on March 15 and (2) How will the so-called “Supermoon“, a full moon when the moon is closest to Earth in its orbit, cause geologic catastrophes?


I know there has long been a desire to show about the gravitational resonance of planets/comets/asteroids/the sun might play a role in Earth’s geologic activity – and with some logic. We see the interaction of the Earth’s surface with the Moon’s gravity (and to some extent the Sun’s) with the tides in the oceans. Water has low viscosity so the tidal tugging of the moon as it rotates around the Earth sloshes the oceans back and forth to create our tides. One could imagine that the Earth’s crust/mantle/core might feel some of that gravitational interaction as well – and they do. John Vidale, a seismologist at the University of Washington, mentions that during full and new moons – when the moon is oriented between or opposite the Earth and the sun – there is potentially as much as a 1% increase in earthquake activity worldwide (and a slightly higher effect on volcanic activity). Let me repeat that: 1%. In any natural, geologic process that is mostly distributed randomly through time like earthquakes, 1% or there about is well within the “noise” of processes, so would these alignments produce much of a discernable increase? Probably not and this is with the two bodies that play the largest role in tidal forcing on Earth. There are other studies that suggest that this tidal tugging and pulling can cause small shifts in fault systems like the San Andreas, but one might argue that the moon is, in fact, “passively” releasing seismic energy on the fault, thus preventing or delaying large earthquakes! Trying to say that any other astronomical body might, even in some specific alignment, might cause more than a 1% increase in the chance of activity is remote at best.

Some of the so-called evidence for this moon-earthquake relationship is specious at best. From aNational Geographic article on the “lunar connection” back in 2005: “At least two major quakes may support [James A.] Berkland’s theory. The December 26, 2004, magnitude 9.1 in Sumatra, Indonesia, occurred on the day of a full moon. Likewise, the March 27, 1964, magnitude 9.2 earthquake in Alaska occurred on the day of maximum high tide. According to Berkland, such correlations are more than coincidences. They demonstrate a true connection between the moon and earthquake activity.” First off, two earthquakes coinciding with full moons is hardly scientific, statistically-sound evidence. How many “large” earthquakes (and who defines that anyway?) occur when it isn’t a full moon? And how many full moons have we had when there wasn’t a “large” earthquake? I’ve said this before, but it is an easy trap – correlation does not mean causation. Full moons happen 12 (maybe 13) times a year, so if you randomly sprinkle earthquakes through time, many large ones are bound to coincide with the full moon. USGS seismologist Dr. John Bellini followed up on Berkland’s theories: “Bellini questioned the scientific validity of Berkland’s predictions. He said they appear to be “self-selected statistical analysis of historical seismicity rates and are so vague in time and location that they are certain to be correct.

Now, as for the Moon’s relative position to Earth and its effect, the Moon when it is at least closest is 356,401 km from the Earth’s surface and at its furthest, it is 406,700 km (with an average distance of 384,401 km. That is a difference of ~50,300 km ~ in other words, when the Moon is closest to Earth, it is ~12% closer than it is at its furthest. Newtonian physics tells us that the attraction between the Earth and the Moon is dictated by F = GM1M2/R2, where M1 and M2 are the masses of the Earth and Moon, G is the gravitational constant and R is the distance between the two bodies. Even a ~12% change in that value means that the force of gravity, in Newtons, only changes by ~30% at maximum (and only ~11% difference from average), a change that happens gradually as the Moon moves around its orbit. We see this fairly small change with different sized tides, but even those changes are not “disastrous”. When you consider the energy needed to move tectonic plates (or even the oceans), this change in gravitational energy from the Earth-Moon system is small. Remember, that the Moon is at its closest once a month, so just because it happens during a full moon doesn’t mean that the gravitational pull from the Moon is any stronger than it would be at any other perigee. Remember, the Moon reaches perigee every month and you don’t see massive earthquakes and eruptions every time this happens.

Some planetary bodies do see a profound effect of tidal forces. The moons of Jupiter areconstantly being tugged by the high gravity of Jupiter as the whiz around the gas giant. You can see that constant, frictional energy being imparted on the rocks of the moons in the relative geologic activity on the Galilean satellites – closest to Jupiter lies Io (at ~420,000 km), the most volcanically active body in the solar system. It gets tugged by a force 300% more than the Moon pulls on Earth. Next comes Europa (at ~664,000 km), where there are suggestions that liquid or slushy subsurface water exists due to tidal heating. Ganymede and Callisto, even further from Jupiter, show much fewer signs of liquid water or extensive tidal heating. The gravity of Jupiter is the direct cause for the geologic activity on these small planetary bodies.

The lava flow from the Kamoamoa Fissure snaking around an old crater on Kilauea, as seen on March 10, 2011. This eruption did not start during a full/new moon. Image courtesy of HVO/USGS.

As I mentioned before, this sort of “correlation” of astronomical alignments and geologic disasters have been predicted before – with results that were coincidental at best. Back in 2006, there was rampant speculation about how a full moon was going to trigger an eruption of Mayon in the Philippines … and it didn’t. In a USGS article about volcanoes and the moon, they make the point that it does appear that activity at some volcanoes, like Kilauea, are effected by lunar cycles – however, this does not mean that an eruption at any specific volcano worldwide can be predicted using lunar cycles. There are just too many other variables, so unless the volcano is already erupting, such as Kilauea (see above from an eruption that didn’t start on a new/full moon), don’t expect the Moon to bring volcanoes to life. Even if the volcano is predisposed to be close to eruption (and even defining that is difficult), there is no data to support this (to borrow a quote from a paper that Chris Rowan’s uses in a post on the subject): “We found no conclusive evidence for a general correlation between volcanic activity and lunar tidal phase. This result is consistent with recent work which indicates that diurnal and fortnightly tidal stresses may be too short-lived and strain rates too high to effect a significant viscous response in partially molten regions of the Earth’s subsurface.” (Mason et al., 2004)During this Mayon hype in 2006, Phil Plait also took on these predictions and points out the biggest flaw with many of these “correlations”: It’s small number statistics, like flipping a coin three times and having it come up heads each time. It’s rare, but it does happen on average one out of every eight times. You need bigger samples to get good statistics.”Science requires data that can show a valid correlation, not picking what fits best to your ideas. UPDATE: Phil takes on the “Supermoon” as well.

If anything, we should be concentrating on terrestrial forcing for “predicting” earthquakes. It could be that changes in the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field, due to the thickness and composition of the Earth, but might help find earthquake-prone locations. A study in Science by Song and Simons from 2003examined the gravity anomaly (how much the gravitational field from the Earth varies from the norm) along a subduction and then compared it to a long historical record of seismicity. It found that “within a given subduction zone, areas with negative gravity anomalies correlated with increased large earthquake activity. Areas with relatively high gravity anomalies experienced fewer large earthquakes.” However, how we can use the changes in gravity anomaly to predict earthquakes is still very unclear.

So, what can we take away from all this?

  • The Moon plays a very small role in increasing seismicity and volcanic activity on Earth – potentially increasing activity ~1% during full/new moons.
  • The change in the gravitational pull from the Moon during apogee and perigee is small.
  • Beyond this, there is no statistically-sound evidence that geologic disasters can be predicted based on lunar alignments or distance (or any other astronomical phenomena).
  • The keys to understanding how to predict earthquakes or eruptions (if at all possible) lie within the Earth, not deep in space.
  • From Chris Rowan: “The moon does not magically load up plate boundary faults or fill magma chambers … The most the moon can do is slightly alter the timing of an earthquake or eruption that was on the verge of happening anyway.”
  • from:

Pane Andov on 2012 Changes, Consciousness, etc.

Pane Andov on cosmic expectations and consciousness rising – at the 2011 Nexus Conference in Queensland Australia (Deutsch)

From the Conscious Media Network

In a remarkable presentation delivered at the 2011 Nexus Conference in Queensland, Pane Andov, otherwise known as “Astral Walker”, talks about the mega event that will take place at the end of 2012 and at beginning of the year 2013. Pane introduces us to this possibility by explaining that thousands of years ago, from the galactic centre of the Milky Way, there was a powerful release of an enormous amount of energy which, like a huge, shining, circular wave has slowly spread across the galaxy from its centre to its edges.

The released energetic pulse is already affecting the whole galaxy including the little dot we call our solar system. Very soon it will reach us and hit us with full strength. Among other things, this talk discusses the implications that this spreading wave of energy will have on our solar system, especially to our star and our planet, and how it will affect the DNA of life.

The way that Pane connects the dots makes it clear what our planet will face soon and what we as humans can do about it. Pane is also a contactee and delivers important messages which he backs up with scientific data. For the record, his DNA was changed when his biological body was only seven years old, enabling him to utilize abilities such telepathy, remote viewing, astral travel, along with the ability to make contact.

Pane claims that from time to time numerous ET races communicate and deliver important messages to him as a result of alternations to his DNA that occurred in his early childhood. One of those races is the positive race that is delivering the genuine crop circles, and they explained to him what the complex geometries mean. That’s how Pane was able to translate the complex geometric designs which contain the solution to the equation regarding what humanity is facing, when it’s going to happen, and what can be done about it.


For more references to Pane Andov and his research please visit his website:


Seattle’s Edible Forest

Seattle Creating Massive Edible Forest Filled with Free Food

12th April 2012

By Jill Ettinger –

Taking the urban garden to the next level, Seattle, Washington has officially broken ground on a dedicated seven acre area of city land set to be converted into an “edible forest” that will produce free food for the city’s residents and visitors, human or otherwise.

According to the Beacon Food Forest’s website, the project’s mission is “to design, plant and grow an edible urban forest garden that inspires our community to gather together, grow our own food and rehabilitate our local ecosystem.” The perennial permaculture forest project, believed to be the first of its kind in the U.S., will eventually be self-sustaining, much like the way a forest in nature works. Creating the self-sustaining environment is reliant upon the types of soil, insect life and companion plants placed strategically within the environment.

Seattle’s Beacon Food Forest, located in the Beacon Hill neighborhood, will provide an array of edible fruit-bearing plants including applepearpersimmon, chestnut and walnut trees; and edible berries such as blueberry, lingonberry and raspberry.

The project, which is already underway, is set to take several years to fully develop the seven acre plot just 2.5 miles from downtown Seattle. After aggressive outreach efforts by the Friends of the Food Forest community group to secure the plan were successful, the innovative planting initiative is underway securing permits to create the nation’s first “food forest.”

Not only will the edible forest provide free food to anyone with access to its bounty, but it will also provide healthy fruits and nuts, which are an important part of every diet and can often be unaffordable for families.
