May 13-19


Overall Color for the Week:    Violet Rose

The theme this week is that of that which is familiar seeming different, strange, and unfamiliar.  This can leads to times of confusion and wonder.  Part of this is as a way of shaking you out of some of your long held ideas, rituals, traditions, concepts, and things you take for granted.  Things are morphing in unusual ways.  It is time to be aware of that.  It is time to take a look at old ways and patterns and see how they are or are not assisting you in adapting to all that is going on right now.  Much is happening. This is a week in which there can be some major shifts in occupations and relationships.  Step back if these things happen around you.  Do not over-react.  This is the week for being the observer.  See what is going on within the larger pattern.  The past few months have shown that things are falling into new grooves.  This week is critical in terms of certain elements lining up,  Things that may seem to be destructive or disastrous or even wonderful and amazing, as the elements of the patterns move forward, can take on different guises.  This is a week for marinating.  Let all the elements that are happening in your lfe settle around you and then take what is important.  There are lessons coming forward.  Interestingly, some are lessons that you have wanted, yet put off.  Time is changing and with it. the various actions, etc. that were meant to occur.  You will understand it better as the week goes on.

Monday, May 14;    Medium Purple

Things will not be quite what they seem today.  This can leave you a bit flustered and/or uncertain.  Emotions are again close to the surface, as you respond to things with feelings that come up unexpectedly.  Allow them to flow through.  Many of them are pegged to other things, things that you are not even aware of.  The dimensions are shifting today, so much of what is happening is going on unobserved.  It is like being near an earthquake.  You are not a part of what is happening, but yet you still feel some of the fallout.  This is a good day for staying grounded and aware of what it is that is your true center, your core.  These days it is well to be very familiar with WHO you are as there are many challenges that will be coming your way, and by being strong in your heart and sould, you will be able to get a concept of the larger context and where you fit within it.

Crystal VIbe:    Jarosite—-The energy of this mineral assists with letting go of, with cleansing.  Resonates to the Root Chakra.

Tuesday, May 15:   Frosty White

Relationships can take a turn for the worse today.  It is not a good time for addressing long standing issues as there will be misconceptions and miscommunication abounding.  Step back from potential conflict.  Let your sense of humor be your best defense.  It things arise, let them go.  There is no need to move into the general confusion that is characteristic of the day’s energies.  Again, emotions will be out there, so you will not want to push situations to a limit.  There is a time for things to be settled.  Today is not it.  There is the potential for shifts today in relationships and jobs.  It is time to know what you truily want.  You can face an interesting decision before the day is over.

Crystal Vibe:    Forsterite—-The energy of this mineral works with the wisdom of the heart for addressing inssues and decisions.  Resonates with the Heart Chakra.

Wednesday, May 16:    Red

Opportunities abound today for making choices and making decisions.  It is important to say centered within your heart so that what you do comes from the true knowing of the Central Core of your being.  The choices you make in this energy will be important in terms of the developing themes.  This is a time for alignment.  It is advisable to have compatibility in what you do, who you hang out with, and the greater whole.  There will be a sense of relationship in the days energies, as part of the larger comes into focus.  Compassion.  That is a theme of the day as you begin to see things differently.

Crystal VIbe:    Pink Danburite—-The energy of this stone brings a kind of balance and a chameleon-like energy which assists with adapting to various situations.  Resonates with the Heart and Upper Chakras.

Thursday, May 17:    Bright Blue

You will feel as though the Sun has truly come out today.  Things are going to be standing in sharp relief, so if you are needing clarity in regards to something, this is the time to go for it.  Use your powers of visual discrimination tempered by the true knowing of the heart to understand what situations, objects, people, energies, etc. mean as they pass through your line of perception.  There is a bit of laughter in the air also, as you realize that some of the stuff you were holding onto as important really is not so.  Look also for a fun time with someone you have missed for a while.  The day will end with some questions needing to be answered.  The dream time can assist with that.

Crystal VIbe:    Galena—-The energy of this mineral assists with grounding and centering.  Resonates with the Root Chakra.

Friday, May 18:    Lime Green

Things are up and down today.  Be careful of your health issues, and if something is to arise, deal with it on all levels.  Your physical form is reacting to the energetic shifts, and you will be aware of that today.  Also, when there is an issue, take a look at where it is located in your body and what that area means to you.  Your body also gives you messages.  This is a day for taking care in traffic and out and about.  The Trickster is roaming the world and is looking to cause some mischief.  Sometimes he is there as an observer, but today he is feeling the need for action.  Take time to ground and center before going out.  Also, align your energies with those of the Universal Consciousness, having a broader view of things is always a good idea.

Crystal Vibe:    Wavellite—-The energy of this mineral assists with seeing things as they are dispassionately and without attachment.  Resonates with the Solar Plexus and Throat Chakras.

Saturday, May 19:    Light Orange

What is up today?  That is a question you may be asking yourself a lot today, as things happen unexpectedly.  Things that you thought were predictable are no longer so.  It is a good time for dealing with some long standing issues, as Freudian slips and body language can cue you into things about people that you were not aware of.  The current energy can lead to changes and shifts, so see what is happening and listen to the messages that come to you however that may be, synchronicity, deja vu, whatever.  There is a lot of fun in the air today also.  This kind of crazy energy always has some fun, some surprises.

Crystal Vibe:    Green Chysoprase—-The energy of this mineral can bring about positive solutions while assisting in behavioral shifts.  Resonates with the Heart and Third Eye Chakras.