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Monthly Archives: October 2011
Aromatherapy & Homeopathy for Tough TImes
If you’ve been reading the past few issues of Ma’at, you’ll see a pattern of emergency preparedness. When I began this, I had no idea how extensive this topic was, nor did I realize how many people, websites, practitioners, groups, organizations, and non-organizations are currently practicing their version of preparedness. I have received feedback from people with great suggestions, people also feeling guided to stockpile, and people with ideas to share and learned so much from everyone. A compilation of this feedback will be featured in November. If you’ve been holding back any ideas, suggestions, questions, or anything else and would like to be considered for contribution, please send your emergency preparedness related writings to sedonaheartwalk@yahoo.com attn. Phoenix.
This month features two practitioners for which I have great admiration. These practitioners love their work, live their life work, love to share their knowledge and expertise, and are excellent resources for alternative healing. When I initially contacted them for assistance in this article, I just said, “Send me your top ten remedies for emergency situations.” Each in her unique manner singled out and compiled more than ten, which I consider a bonus. May you find help and support from these suggestions for emergencies, as I did.
Aromatherapy for Emergencies.
For those unfamiliar with aromatherapy, these plant based remedies are diffused from different plant parts. Leaves, flowers, and roots are distilled leaving a residue that is one hundred percent healing power. The residue is called essential oil. Essential meaning necessary and life providing. Oil meaning blood or life-force that floats on top of water. Not necessarily sticky, like olive oil.
Aromatherapy may be used topically, by placing a few drops directly on the skin. Different sources may recommend mixing the essential oils with a carrier oil or lotion to prevent burning the skin. Aromatherapy may also be inhaled. Inhalation of the oils causes the healing power to move to the bloodstream efficiently and quickly. Medicinal grade essential oils may be taken internally, but please consult an aromatherapist before you do this. One or two drops go a long way, and not all essential oils on the market are medicinal grade.
Rhonda Phillips of Pure Elements Wellness Spa in Idaho has years of experience with the healing essences of plants. As an H.H.P, L.M.T. and Traditional Spiritual Leader, Rhonda has developed and dedicated her business to sharing and teaching the sacred essences of the plants through aromatherapy. She believes this is her pathway to living her truth, and assisting others with achieving peace and harmony. Rhonda’s website is www.pureelementsonline.com.
Her aromatherapy reference guide is organized according to types of complaints. Individual oils are listed first, with her blends second. All these oils may be ordered through her website listed above. With essential oils, more is not necessarily better, so use discretion.
Common complaints and their essential oil remedies:
1. HEADACHE, MIGRAINE: Peppermint, Lavender, Chamomile, Rosemary, Lemon, BLENDS:Clove”n”Limes, Basil with Lavender.
2. COLDS & FLU: Lavender with Lemon or Peppermint, Peppermint, Chamomile, Ginger, Oregano, Thyme, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Myrrh, Rosemary, Ravintsara, Myrtle, Eucalyptus, BLENDS: Ancient Remedy, Breathe Ease, Defense
3. SORE THROATS: Ravintsara, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Rosemary, BLENDS:Breathe Ease, Gentle Healer, Ancient Remedy
4. EARACHE: Tea Tree, Lavender, Helichrysum. BLENDS: Purify, Gentle Healer
5. TOOTHACHE: Clove, Tea Tree. BLENDS: Ancient Remedy, Gentle Healer
6. SHOCK: Lavender, Tea Tree, Rosemary, Helichrysum with Basil or Peppermint.
BLENDS: Trauma Free, Courage, Balance, Neroli Blend, Wisdom
7. NOSEBLEED: Helichrysum, Lavender, Cypress, Lemon
8. BLEEDING: Helichrysum, Lavender, Cypress. BLENDS: Heart & Soul, Pain Ease
9. PAIN: Helichrysum, Clove, Peppermint, Birch Bark, Wintergreen, Rosemary,
Chamomile. BLENDS: Freedom, Pain Ease, Clove”n”Limes
10. STOMACH ACHE: Peppermint, Ginger, Fennel, Lavender, Bergamot, Rosemary, Chamomile, Tarragon, Spearmint, Lemongrass, Lemon. BLENDS: Comfort
11. STRESS: Bergamot, Chamomiles, Lavenders, Sandalwoods, Neroli, Rose, Frankinscence, Mandarin, Ylang Ylang, Clary Sage. BLENDS: Tranquility, Connect, Create, Empower, Relate, Express, Imagine, Enlighten.
12. INSECT BITES, STINGS: Lavender, Tea Tree, Chamomiles. BLENDS: Purify, Gentle Healer
Jana Shiloh MA, CCH has been practicing homeopathy for 30 yrs ; She has taught nationally and internationally and been named “Honorary Clinical Homeopathic Associate” to the physician to the Queen of England.
She has written three books, the last of which is “HeartFusion the Magic of Imprinting Water” which has been endorsed by the coordinator of research for Heartmath Institute.
Her website is http://www.healthrays.com.
Jana’s first aid notes include these suggestions for homeopathic remedies:
1. Use very small amounts. This is “energy” medicine. The quantity of pellets is irrelevant, but the number of times that you administer them is crucial. GIVE ONE DOSE OF THE REMEDY AND WAIT 2 HOURS. The dosage frequency may be increased in extreme emergencies to every 15 minutes..
2. IF SYMPTOMS ARE IMPROVING STEADILY or GET DRAMATICALLY BETTER – STOP. To repeat a dose under those conditions could reverse the curative process.
3. REPEAT ONLY IF: There is no appreciable change (try 1-2 times more); if there was a change, but symptoms have returned; or, if progress is slow. If the patient improves, but continues to relapse, it may mean they need a higher potency. (Contact your homeopath)
Alternate different remedies if necessary about 1-2 hours apart at first, then 3-4 hours apart.
4. IF SYMPTOMS GET WORSE and aren’t a relapse after a prior improvement, DISCONTINUE USE. This may be a temporary aggravation, or it may not be the right remedy. If an improvement does not quickly follow, you may try another remedy and/or call your homeopath.
5. DO NOT GIVE REMEDIES MORE THAN ONCE EVERY 2-4 HOURS (UNLESS IT IS A VERY SERIOUS INJURY, AFTER A SEVERE ACCIDENT. IF SO ARNICA COULD BE REPEATED EVERY 10-15 MINUTES AT FIRST- THEN ACCORDING TO PAIN AS SEVERITY DECREASES) FOR AT MOST ONE DAY. By the second day, improvement should be underway. Increase the time between remedy repetitions as the healing progresses. If more than one remedy is needed for injury it is preferable to alternate remedies- separate them by 10 minutes to 2 hours.
6. Do not touch the remedy, to avoid contamination; instead, place a pellet directly into the mouth or onto a clean spoon. Let the pill dissolve in the mouth. One is actually enough.
7. AVOID COFFEE or CAMPHOR products (Noxzema, lip balm, Vick’s, or “Deep Heat” or Menthol or strong mint). They should not be used for at least 24 hours after the remedy. They antidote the effect of the remedy, and you may notice a return of the symptoms.
8. LAST, BUT NOT LEAST: Do all the other sensible things: i.e., first-aid, medical consultation when appropriate, resting, and not overworking a recently recuperated body or limb.
Suggested Homeopathic remedies for emergencies:
ACONITE: For Shock due to EMOTIONAL TRAUMA, terror, and all physical symptoms deriving from a traumatic incident like, rape, mugging, or a car or other accident. It is different from the Arnica shock which is more dazed: rather you usually see a fearful or even terrified look. Restless. For eye injuries with cuts, abrasions and wounds. For heat exhaustion or stroke if person is dull with an outward pressing headache and is worse sitting up.
APIS: For bee stings or stings of all kind that are worse with heat; hot and swollen. Allergic reactions may be helped, also anaphylactic shock.
to read the rest of the homeopathic remedies, and for more, go to: http://www.spiritofmaat.com/oct11/remedies.html
A Question of Forgiveness
We tell people all the time that we have forgiven them, but the truth is, in most cases, we haven’t really done so. If we say we have forgiven people but we harbor any resentment, any thought of how badly they treated us, then we are hanging onto a harsh judgement about them, we are bringing the past into the present, we are reinvesting in our victimhood, and, therefore, we have not really forgiven them. — Dr. Walter E. Jacobson, “Forgive To Win”
Last night when I was lying on the floor working out with my 10-pound hand weights, unbeknownst to me, my dog Mac walked up behind me and stood directly in the path of an ascending weight and got whacked on the head. He stood there dazed for a moment as I apologized profusely. Then he looked at me with those amazing big brown puppy-dog eyes, wagged his tail, licked me on the face, laid down and took a nap. He didn’t spend even one moment off in another room pouting or trying to lay a guilt trip on me. My human nature interpreted that as his way of saying “I forgive you” because a half-hour later we were out in the yard playing with Mr. Frisbee as if nothing had ever happened. I believe that is because, in his mind, nothing did happen — he had totally forgotten the experience of being bonked in the head because he was busy exploring the possibilities to play which the current moment held.
There is a great lesson here for those of us who do tend to hold onto resentment from past hurtful experiences, be them five minutes or five years ago. Dealing effectively with the negative energy of resentment seems to be a skill at which most humans are still working to get a handle on. Medical studies have proven that long held resentment is toxic and damaging to our physical and emotional well-being. In other words, the energy of resentment eats away at our minds, our bodies and the body of our relationships. Given this knowledge, why would anyone want to hold on to resentment regardless of how justified it may be?
This is not to diminish the fact that many of us may have legitimate reasons to be angry toward another person … and this is also not to say that we can’t be victimized by other people. However, remaining a victim by clinging to past resentment is a choice we make. No doubt, people do thoughtless, harmful and even cruel things to each other. However, stop and think about it: Does holding onto resentment serve you in a positive, life-affirming way if it is slowly poisoning you? In many cases, the people we hold in resentment don’t even know or care, or worse yet, some of them have long been in the grave but we are still allowing them to hold us hostage to the past.
Here is a litmus test to determine if you have really forgiven someone or not:
- Think of the person or incident you believe you have forgiven and do a quick scan of your emotions and just sit with the thought of them for a moment.
- Is there any residue of resentment lingering in your mind and heart as you hold an image of that person?
- Does the memory drag you out of the present moment and into the past where you then relive the experience with the negative emotions playing in an endless loop?
If you answered is yes to the above questions, you are not yet complete in your forgiveness and there is more work to be done.
Begin by realizing that forgiving doesn’t mean we are condoning the actions that evoked our resentment — it means we are willing to set ourselves free from the past by not “resending” future toxins of resentment through our mind and body. As I have often said, forgiveness doesn’t necessarily mean forgetting: We may always have memories attached to some of our emotional wounds in much the same way we have scar tissue from a physical wound that happened long ago. The practice is to sever the emotional strings that bind us to the past memory by remembering that a memory is just a thought until we assign a feeling to it. Severing the emotional tie to a past experience does not discount the impact of the experience — it simply sets us free from being a victim of it in the future.
If there is anything I have learned from teacher Mac this week it is this: Things happen to all of us that cause pain, often by accident, sometimes by thoughtless people with malevolent intent. In either case, holding onto resentment about what has happened only keeps us stuck in the past where we are powerless to create anything new in the present. “Stuff happens” that we may or may not have control over, but the one thing we do have absolute control over is the choice to remain a victim of it or move on to where a life of infinite possibilities awaits us in the present moment.Forgiveness is the key that opens the door and you hold that key in your hand in this and every holy instant.
Mary Apparition at Shrine in Wisconsin Drawing Crowds
Church Wrestles With Growth of Wisconsin Shrine to Mary

First Posted: 10/22/11 11:43 AM ET Updated: 10/22/11 12:21 PM ET
By Judy Keen
USA Today
CHAMPION, Wis. (RNS) Philip and Barbara Hesselbein came to the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help to pray for a grandson who has an inoperable brain tumor.
Darlene Searcy prayed for her family and for herself; she has cancer.
Mary Spakowicz, who also has cancer, came “because God will hear me here.”
The afflicted and the faithful have long made pilgrimages to the quiet country site where Belgian immigrant Adele Brise said in 1859 that she saw the Virgin Mary three times. For the past few years, maybe 30 or 50 people had trickled in daily to visit the chapel, Brise’s grave and the candlelit crypt that marks the site of the apparition.
That changed in December, when Bishop David Ricken of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Green Bay certified after investigations by three theologians that Brise had indeed seen a beautiful lady in white who said she was the “queen of heaven.”
That made the shrine, which is a mile from the unincorporated town of Champion, the only official site in the United States where Mary is said to have appeared.
Now there’s a steady flow of traffic into the recently enlarged gravel parking lot. Cars, vans and buses bring 500 people — and often many more — here daily. License plates from Ohio, Minnesota, Missouri, Illinois and Indiana were spotted one recent weekday.
A new building houses much-needed restrooms.
A former boarding school on the site is being refurbished to house two priests recently assigned full time to the shrine.
“I knew that there would be some increase in interest” after he certified Brise’s vision, Ricken says. “I wasn’t sure how wide it would be, how broad it would be.”
Our Lady of Good Help attracts far fewer visitors than international Marian shrines such as France’s Lourdes, which draws 5 million a year, or Mexico’s Our Lady of Guadalupe, which has double that.
Still, Ricken expects the number of visitors to continue to rise and says the diocese is trying to figure out how to accommodate them without losing “the simplicity of that beautiful shrine and the peace of the place.”
The farming area around the shrine is changing already.
“If the rumors are right, it’s going to look like downtown Chicago pretty soon,” says Louie Gomand, who owns a farm adjacent to the shrine.
A farm stand on his property sells vegetables and water to visitors. A sunflower costs 50 cents and a gourd 35 cents. A handwritten sign reads “bus specials.” There’s a lot more traffic, he says, but he has no complaints.
Neither does Kelli Vissers, 34. She and her husband, David, 38, own two buildings in Champion. “Since the shrine happened” in December, “the traffic has quadrupled through here,” she says.
They have converted a small trailer into the mobile On the Way Cafe. Kelli Vissers said she hopes to cater meals for tourists and turn one of the buildings into a bed-and-breakfast and the other into a full-scale cafe.
to read more, go to: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/22/wisconsin-mary-shrine_n_1025986.html
Central Indonesian Volcano Eruption
Mount Lokon Volcano Erupts In Central Indonesia, No Injuries Reported
JAKARTA, Indonesia — A volcano in central Indonesia has erupted, spewing hot smoke and ash thousands of feet into the air. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage.
Mount Lokon, located on northern Sulawesi island, had been dormant for years before rumbling back to life several months ago.
Surono, a government volcanologist who uses only one name, says it unleashed two strong eruptions at 5:19 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday.
They were preceded by several smaller blasts hours earlier.
Mount Lokon is one of about 129 active volcanoes in Indonesia, a vast archipelago of 240 million people. Its last major eruption in 1991 killed a Swiss hiker and forced thousands of people to flee their homes.
from: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/26/mount-lokon-volcano-erupts-indonesia_n_1032303.html.
Occupy Oakland Event
ABC 7 News shuts cameras off on Occupy Oakland as police attack with gas
Published on October 25, 2011 8:30 pm PT – By TWS CEO – Signed by SEO Officer |
(TheWeatherSpace.com) – This is not usually something TWS reports on but no other ‘media’ outlet will. During the Occupy Oakland march tonight (Tuesday), ABC News in the Bay area shut cameras off on the ground and in the sky the moment police attacked.
They said the chopper needed to refuel and will be back, but we all know this was not correct. A coincidence that both CBS and ABC choppers needed to refuel at the time police started attacking
There was a camera on the ground for a full minute showing exploding canisters, people screaming, and gas being covered everywhere and that was shut off shortly after.
This is the constitution, protests are allowed by it. For CBS and ABC to shut the cameras off during the time police violated the rights of the American people is journalism at the worst, in fact not even close to the integrity a real media outlet should bring.
Choppers are back in the air now as the march goes on.
View it live!
from: http://www.theweatherspace.com/news/TWS-102511_occupy-oakland-police-cameras-news.html
Turkey Aftershocks
New powerful and dangerous aftershock creates panic in Van and Ercis, Eastern Turkey
Last update: October 25, 2011 at 5:16 pm by By Armand Vervaeck and James Daniell
Earthquake overview : On 17:55 on October 25,2011 , a powerful 5.7 magnitude earthquake struck the already severely damaged Van – Ercis area.
Shaking map of the M 5.7 Van Ercis aftershock – image courtesy USGS
Update : At least one building collapsed because of this new aftershock
Update : The Search and rescue operations have been suspended for a while because of the safety of the SAR personnel
Update : People in Van panicked seriously with this new jolt
Update : Due to the constant aftershocks, people are trying to avoid being at the inside of houses and buildings. They know very well that very powerful aftershocks are part of a major earthquake.
Update : 70,000 people will have experienced a strong MMI VI shaking
Update : Data from the other seismological agencies :
EMSC : 5.5 @ 10 km
GFZ : 5.5 @ 10 km
AFAD : 5.5 @ 18.28 km
The impact of this aftershock maybe a little weaker because all the other agencies are measuring a 5.5 magnitude.
to read more, and for updates, go to: http://earthquake-report.com/2011/10/25/new-powerful-and-dangerous-aftershock-creates-panic-in-van-and-ercis-eastern-turkey/
ROSAT — Down, but Missing
Defunct German Satellite Hits Earth in Fiery Death Dive
This still from an animation by Analytical Graphics, Inc., depicts the re-entry of Germany’s defunct ROSAT satellite in October 2011. CREDIT: Analytical Graphics, Inc. |
This story was updated at 11:18 p.m. ET.
An old German satellite plunged to Earth today (Oct. 22) after languishing in a dead orbit for more than a decade, but officials do not yet know where it fell.
The 2.7-ton Roentgen Satellite, or ROSAT, slammed into Earth’s atmosphere sometime between 9:45 p.m. EDT (0145 GMT Sunday) and 10:15 p.m. EDT (0215 GMT Sunday), according to officials at the German Aerospace Center.
“There is currently no confirmation if pieces of debris have reached Earth’s surface,” German aerospace officials said in a statement.
While the 21-year-old satellite broke apart as it re-entered Earth’s atmosphere, German aerospace officials estimated that up to 30 pieces totaling 1.9 tons (1.7 metric tons), consisting mostly of the observatory’s heat-resistant mirrors and ceramic parts, could survive the fiery trip and reach the surface of the planet.
Based on ROSAT’s orbital path, these fragments could be scattered along a swath of the planet about 50 miles (80 kilometers) wide, German aerospace officials have said.
The satellite, which weighs 5,348 pounds (2,426 kilograms), was launched into orbit in June 1990 to study X-ray radiation from stars, comets, supernovas, nebulas and black holes, among other things. The satellite was originally designed for an 18-month mission, but it far outlived its projected lifespan. [Photos of Doomed ROSAT Satellite]
In 1998, the ROSAT’s star tracker failed and its X-ray sensors pointed directly at the sun. This caused irreparable damage to the satellite, and it was officially decommissioned in February 1999.
to read more, go to: http://www.livescience.com/16680-falling-german-satellite-rosat-death-dive.html
Earthquake Predictions 10/26-11/11 fr/Dr. RJ Roberts
Table 48a. Regional forecasts for New Moon Period
from October 26-November 9* 2011 (UTC)
Forecast |
Accuracy compared to mid range (%) |
Observed |
Alaska USA Southern Region within ≈600 km of a newcenter at Lat 59.6 and Lon -148.9, about 185 km S of Anchorage. |
M3.3-M5.3 expected about Oct 28+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Vancouver Is. and Seattle Regions CANADA/USA New zone within ≈525 km radius ofTofino, B.C. at Lat 49.159 and Lon -125.874 |
M2.6-M4.6 expected about Nov 6+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
California –Oregon USABorder Region New zone Coast & Off Coast within ≈550 km of a center at Lat 41.29 Lon -125.95 160 km west of Orick, CA |
M3.1-M5.1 expected about Oct 29+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
California 1. New zone‘Northern and Central CA’ (& Western Nevada) within ≈450 km radius ofRedwood Valley, CAat Lat 39.265 and Lon -123.204. Includes events off the coast near Eureka, CA, in the Triple Junction Region. **see table footnote |
M2.7-M4.7 expected about Nov 3+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
California 2. Central, Southern, & Baja California Regions New zone Within ≈400 km of Beaumont, CA, at Lat 33.930 and Lon -116.978 **see table footnote |
M2.8-M4.8 expected about Nov 6+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
New Madrid Region Central USA New zone Within ≈550 km of a center at Springfield, Missouri, Lat 37.214 Lon -93.293 Extends to Central Oklahoma |
M2.0-M4.0 expected about Nov 4+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Hawaii USA Within 500 km of a center at Lat 19.62 Lon -155.5 on the Island of Hawaii |
M2.4-M4.4 expected about Nov 6+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Caribbean 1. Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands Region within ≈225 km of Fajardo, Puerto Rico, at Lat 18.326 & Lon -65.652, |
M2.6-M4.6 expected about Oct 29+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Caribbean 2. Haiti & Dominican Republic,SE Cuba & Jamaica Region within ≈600 km of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, at Lat 18.54 & Lon -72.334 |
M3.4-M5.4 expected about Nov 1st+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Bucharest Romania Region New zone, Europe within ≈250 km of Bucharest at Lat 44.44 & Lon 26.093. Includes part of Northern Bulgaria. |
M2.8-M4.8 expected about Nov 3+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Chile 1. Northern Region within≈600 km of a center point 37 km NNE of ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE at Lat -23.34 Lon -70.29 (zone revised 3rd July 2011) |
M3.8-M5.8 expected about Nov 5+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Chile 2.Central Region within 500 km of Santa Cruz, Central Chile, at Lat -34.63 Lon -71.359 |
M4.1-M6.1 expected about Oct 29+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
China* Within 650 km of Liangshan, Sichuan at Lat 27.880 Lon 102.264 *Forecasts for China will be for the largest quake expected in the FULL lunar month (FM + NM periods). More exact timing cannot be forecast because of inadequate amounts of data readily available from China |
No forecast | |||
Colombia Region within 600 km of ARUSI, Colombia, Lat 5.583 Lon -77.484, on the coast Extends from Panama City region to Western Venezuela |
M3.6-M5.6 expected about Nov 6+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Fiji-Tonga Region within ≈500 km of a center point at Lat -20.67 Lon -178.4 |
M4.3-M6.3 expected about Nov 5+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Greece New zone within 300 km of a center point at ITEA, Greece (Lat 38.435 & Lon 22.422) |
M3.3-M5.3 expected about Nov 6+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Guatemala Coastal Region within ≈300 km of a center point at Lat 14.07 Lon -91.92 offshore Guatemala, extending NW to southern Chiapas, Mex., & SE to El Salvador. |
M3.3-M5.3 expected about Nov 6+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
El Salvador -Costa Rica Region includes southeast Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica within ≈500 km of a center point at La Trinidad, Nicaragua (Lat 12.566 Lon -86.178) Zone revised 19th April. |
M4.2-M6.2 expected about Nov 6+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Indonesia 1.Sumatra Northern Region within ≈500 km of Medan, Northern Sumatra Lat 3.6 Lon 98.67 |
M4.3-M6.3 expected about Nov 5+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Indonesia 2.Sumatra Southern Region within ≈350 km of Bengkulu Utara, Southern Sumatra, centered at Lat -2.67 and Lon 101.34 (revised region on 18th April, at 1205 hrs) |
M4.3-M6.3 expected about Nov 6+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Indonesia 3.Sunda StraitSouthern Sumatra to Java Region includes very southern Sumatra & Western Java, within ≈450 km from a center in Sunda Strait at Lat -5.869 Lon 105.762 |
M3.8-M5.8 expected about Nov 6+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Italy Region within ≈500 km of a center in the Tyrrhenian Sea at Lat 40.28 Lon 11.88 (now excluding Alpine Northern Italy and Bosnia/ Montenegro Regions across the Adriatic Sea) |
M3.1-M5.1 expected about Nov 6+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Japan 1. Hokkaido Region & Northernmost Honshu Region within ≈500 km from Yubetsu, Hokkaido Lat 44.2 Lon 143.62 **see table footnote |
M4.6-M6.6 expected about Nov 6+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Japan 2. Honshu – Northern Region within ≈500 km of the M9.0 epicenter off East Coast of Honshu at Lat 38.322 Lon 142.369**see table footnote |
M4.1-M6.1 expected about Nov 6+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Japan 3.Honshu – Southern Region within ≈500 km of center ≈248 km SSE of Nagoya at Lat 33.144 Lon 138.040**see table footnote |
M4.5-M6.5 expected about Nov 3+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct)
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan (and part of Southern Xinjiang, China) New zone within ≈550 km of a NEW CENTRE near the border of Southern Xinjiang and Tajikistan, 66 km W of Kashgar, Xinjiang, China at Lat 40.58 Lon 77.286 |
M4.7-M6.7 expected about Oct 29+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Mexico Southern Region within ≈575 km of Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca, Mexico, at Lat 17.280 Lon -97.671 |
M4.0-M6.0 expected about Oct 31+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
New Britain Region, PNG within 400 km of a center at KImbe, NB, at Lat -5.548 Lon 150.140 |
M4.1-M6.1 expected about Nov 6+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct)
New Zealand “Northern Region” within ≈400 km of Taupo, North Island, New Zealand Lat -38.687 Lon 176.07, including Nelson region and North tip of South Island **see table footnote |
M3.9-M5.9 expected about Oct 30+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
New Zealand Southern Region within 500 km from Christchurch, South Island Lat -43.527, Lon 172.622 **see table footnote |
M3.8-M5.8 expected about Nov 6+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
New Zealand Lower South Island New zone within ≈450 km of Queenstown at Lat -45.030 and Lon 168.66 **see table footnote |
M3.9-M5.9 expected about Nov 6+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Pakistan Islamabad Regionwithin ≈425 km of Islamabad, Pakistan (Lat 33.71 Lon 73.07) (includes Hindu Kush, Afghanistan) |
M3.8-M5.8 expected about Nov 3+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Peru Region North to South within ≈1000 km of LIMA center, Lat -12.045 and Lon -77.028 |
M3.7-M5.7 expected about Nov 6+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Philippines Region Philippines Region within ≈600 km of a center point at LABO, Lat 14.15 Lon 122.673 |
M4.0-M6.0 expected about Nov 6+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Samoa/Tonga within ≈350 km of a center point at Lat -15.125 Lon -172.617 |
M4.3-M6.3 expected about Oct 31+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Solomon Is’- Bougainville Region within ≈600 km of center at Lat -8.41 Lon 158.66 |
M4.5-M6.5 expected about Nov 6+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Spain and Portugal – Southern Regions Plus Strait of Gibraltar and Northern Morocco within 450 km of a center NNE of Córdoba, Spain, at Lat 38.662 Lon -4.567 |
M2.6-M4.6 expected about Oct 30+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Taiwan Region within 225 km of M7.7 center (1999) at Lat 23.77 and Lon 120.98 |
M3.5-M5.5 expected about Nov 6+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Tibetan Plateau and Himalayan Region
includes cities like Kathmandu, New Delhi, and Islamabad |
M3.8-M5.8 expected about Oct 29+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Turkey within ≈425 km of a center at INSTANBUL, Turkey, at Lat 41.005 Lon 28.976 (region includes most of Western & Central Turkey, plus regions of Aegean and Black Seas) |
M2.8-M4.8 expected about Nov 6+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
Vanuatu New zone within ≈350 km from a center at Lat -19.182 and Lon 168.270, 160 km S of PORT-VILA, Vanuatu |
M4.7-M6.7 expected about Nov 6+/-3 days (posted 0425 hours 19th Oct) |
More on the 7.2 Turkey Earthquake
Understanding the 7.2 magnitude earthquake in East Turkey (October 23, 2011)
Last update: October 24, 2011 at 1:11 am by By Armand Vervaeck and James Daniell
Tectonic explanation of what happened
Turkey is a tectonically active country that experiences frequent destructive earthquakes. On a broad scale, the seismtectonics of the region near the October 23, 2011 earthquake are controlled by the collision of the Arabian Plate and Eurasian plates; at the latitude of this event, the Arabian plate converges with Eurasia in a northerly direction at a rate of approximately 24 mm/yr. West of the October 23, 2011, earthquake tectonics are dominated by strike-slip faulting on the East (in southern Turkey) and North (in northern Turkey) Anatolian fault zones. These large, translational fault systems extend across much of central and western Turkey and accommodate the western motion of the Anatolian block as it is beingsqueezed by the converging Arabian and Eurasian plates.
In the area of Lake Van and further east, tectonics are dominated by the Bitlis Suture Zone (in eastern Turkey) and Zagros fold and thrust belt (toward Iran). The October 23, 2011 earthquake occurred in a broad region of convergence beyond the eastern extent of Anatolian strike-slip tectonics. The focal mechanism of today’s earthquake is consistent with oblique-thrust faulting similar to mapped faults in the region.
This earthquake is a reminder of the many deadly seismic events that Turkey has suffered in the recent past. The devastating Izmit earthquake of 1999 (M = 7.6) broke a section of the North Anatolian Fault 1000 km to the west of the October 23 event and killed 17,000 people, injured 50,000, and left 500,000 homeless. Approximately 70 km from this earthquake a M7.3 earthquake occurred on November 11, 1976 destroying several villages near the Turkey and Iran border and killing several thousand people.
A M7.8 earthquake struck Erzincan in 1939, killing an estimated 33,000 people.