Sunday, October 30: Light Red-Orange
Well, here you are again. This is a day for looking at patterns and repeated actions, habitual people, and usual old things. It is a time for knowing why you are doing what you are doing and what it all means in the grand scheme of things — for you, your grand scheme, your life. Take time to go within, even when you are in the midst of things, and just see, just feel how it all is for you at that time. If you are not ready to look at it right away, then put it aside, but do not let it lie for too long, because it can and will come back to haunt you. And Halloween is tomorrow. Change your focus, change your perspective, change you life. You know all this. And take time to laugh. You will find that in the greater picture, there is something funny in all of this.
Crystal Energy: Fluorite—-Acceptance, being in the moment, letting go of what needs to be released, and the sigh of relief. The energy of this stone will help in keeping you grounded and out of the limelight. Resonates with the Solar Plexus, Heart and Crown Chakras.
Monday, October 31:
Halloween: So, not all the ghosts are outside in the streets tonight. Some are in the closet, under the bed, and in the fridge. Take some time today to look at old patterns, beliefs, and conditioning. There is much to be learned in this energy. Moreover the turn of this wheel allows for letting go of…. So take some time to know what it is that you are wanting to remove from your life and send it out into the aether. Great things can come of this. Remember, this is a night of masks and unmasking. Look around, and see . The veils are thinnest as the evening come to a close and many mysteries can be revealed if you are ready, willing and able. Know your strength. Do not doubt your power. And trust that what you see with the eyes of your heart is truth.
Crystal Energy: Moonstone—-Ah, how appropriate. Emotions, cycles, observation, strength, universality, the feminine. The energy of this stone incorporates the dominant energy of the time with a directional focus. It can assist in moving through issues of the present. Resonates with the Heart and Upper Level Chakras.
Tuesday, November 1:
Be prepared for energy shifts today. That means that if there are some meaningful conversation you are wanting to have, perhaps it is a good idea to put them off for a day or two when things have stabilized. People, and you, will find yourselves distracted and somewhat confused. There is not a lot of clarity around today. This is a good time for stepping back, taking a look at your thoughts, desires, emotions. Set priorities, and if that has been done and you feel good about what haws been set up, just take a moment to review. There are some things that are still outstanding in terms of what needs to be said, to be known, and to be done. You have a chance now to set things in order, and having done that, you can move forward on a strong foundation.
Crystal Energy: Fluorite—-This stone comes in many colors, and each one assists in the removal of certain toxins and negativities. Once you decide what it is that no longer is helpful to you, work with the energies of Fluorite for removal and dissipation. Resonates with all chakras and directed through intention.
Wednesday, November 2: Fuschia
So, you might just be feeling that you did a bit too much last night, even though you might have stayed at home. It is the energy that is coming in right now that is so very blatant in its essence. On some levels, it will illuminate and make clear things that have been going on in your life, even brightening up some of the shadowy corners. On the other hand, it can make you aware of places in which you have let your true essence slip and remind you of the necessity of being true to your Core Self in all you do. This can be a bit upsetting. The emotions may come to the surface. When they do, be aware of what they are tied to, what they are part of, what they remind you of. You are changing on so many levels and you feelings are clue and indicators as to what is ultimately real for you and what is merely there as background. This is not easy, but it is well to do. We let things out in order that others may come in.
Crystal Energy: Blue-Green Smithsonite—-The energy of this stone allows for one to connect with one’s truth as part of the Universal Consicousness, and furthermore to speak that truth with confidence. Resonates with the Heart and Throat Chakras.
Thursday, November 3: Medium Blue-Green
Balance and the attempt to achieve balance are in the air today. Things will be coming at you from different sides, but like Neo in end of THE MATRIX, you are in a space where your vision can be true and unclouded. There are choices to be made here. DO you wish to see things for what they are or would you rather just interpret what is happening in terms of past ideals, thoughts, individuals, and conditioning. You decide. But know, that there is help for you on all sides and in all dimensions, if you are desirous of it and willing to take it. Accepting assistance is not a matter of weakness, rather it is a way of maintaining and coalescing strengths, some different, some corresponding.
Crystal Energy: Picture Agate—-This stone assists in focused meditation and directional manifestation. It works through images and relationships. Resonates with the lower chakras.
Friday, November 4: Cloudy Purple
Many surprises are in the air today. They can leave you wondering just what is going on, especially because you will get the feeling about many of them that you knew it all along. Take time to work with that and trust your intuition. Look also for the patterns behind the vents that are happening around you. This is a day of synchronicity. You will become more and more aware of this as the day progresses. Take time to analyze what has fallen, seemingly out of nowhere, into your life in terms of what it means to you. This is a good day for relational thinking. What do things mean to you, what do they make you think of. Take time to work with this in meditation, journaling or other creative work. You may be surprised by the results.
Crystal Energy: Ametrine—-This is a stone of balance and connection. It works with the greater whole to bring about calming and healing vapors. Resonates with the Navel and Third Eye Chakras.
Saturday, November 5: Blue Grey
There is tiredness in the air today, and resignation. Along with that comes a sense of your own power, so this is a day for choosing what it is that you want to do and WHO you are. There will be hints and indications around you, and it is up to you toread them as you will. Look for help, guidance, and/or information from an unexpected source. There are things in your past that need to be revisited.
Crystal Energy: Morganite—-This stone resonates with the true essence of the Heart Center, connecting the individual to the Universal Heart Center. By working with this energy, one achieves vision of perfection and unity. Resonates with the Heart and Upper Chakras.