Cheryl Richardson on Empowerment

Recipe for Success: The habits that create an exceptional life

Cheryl Richardson
a message from Cheryl Richardson
Monday, 22 August, 2011  (posted 7 September, 2011)

On September 20th I’ll be releasing my next book, You Can Create an Exceptional Life.  This book is written with Louise Hay.. and it’s a teaching story that unfolds over the course of a year of traveling together throughout the US and abroad.  I’m excited to share this experience with you.  It certainly has been an extraordinary journey that has changed my life….

During one of our first meetings, I asked Louise about her spiritual journey – the path that led her to touch the lives of millions.  As I listened to her story, a recipe for success – both in business and in life – began to reveal itself.  This week, I thought I’d share a bit of this wisdom with you.  Here are a few habits that, when practiced, contribute to living an exceptional life…

Optimism-putting attention and energy toward solutions rather than focusing on problems.

Simplicity-focusing on small, simple, and manageable steps instead of making things complicated.

Trust-learning to trust Life by seeing the perfection and opportunity for growth inall our experiences.

Service-focusing more on how we can best encourage and assist those in need, as opposed to getting lost in our own personal vision and quest for success.

Action-making a commitment to show up and walk through the doors that Life opens for us on our journey.

Faith-being willing to take chances and keep moving forward without knowing the outcome.

Magnetism-developing and tapping into the ability to attract what we need by putting (and keeping) ourselves in the right state of mind.
