Vancouver Earthquake

Greater Vancouver area gets a wake-up call for earthquake preparedness

Last update: August 13, 2011 at 1:43 pm by By Armand Vervaeck and James Daniell

Earthquake overview : In the late evening of August 11, a weak earthquake with a magnitude of 3.3 was sending a emotional vibration through parts of British Colombia. The earthquake was too weak to create any damage or injuries, but the sensation of feeling an earthquake, tells the people to be ready if a major one would arrive. (Data and Felt Reports at the lower half of this page)

Where the earthquake comes from
Although the distance from thesubduction fault in front of the coastto the epicenter is at least 450 km and although 90% of the earthquakes are occurring below the sea bottom in the immediate subduction fault area, the map below shows also some major earthquakes at several hundred km to the east of the fault line. The map at right shows the risk levels for the greater Vancouver area. Today’s earthquake occurred in the yellow lower risk zone ! The more you go to the west the higher the risk for a future serious earthquake at a major magnitude.

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