Flowers Versus Fukushima Snow

Sunflowers melt Fukushima’s nuclear “snow”

By Antoni Slodkowski
and Yuriko NakaoPosted 2011/08/19 at 1:31 am EDT

FUKUSHIMA, Japan, Aug. 19, 2011 (Reuters) — Sparks from burning strips of paper swirled into the hot summer sky, carrying the names of the dead above a temple in Fukushima where thousands of sunflowers have been planted to help fight the omnipresent radiation.

Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plan’s No.1 (C) and No.2 (L) reactors are seen in Fukushima Prefecture, northeastern Japan, in this photo taken March 31 and released by Japan’s Defence Ministry April 1, 2011. REUTERS/Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force/Handout

he Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant some 50 km away suffered a series of core meltdowns and explosions after the massive March 11 earthquake and tsunami knocked out cooling systems, setting off the world’s worst nuclear accident in 25 years and forcing tens of thousands from their homes.

“It is as if an invisible snow had fallen on Fukushima and continued to fall, covering the area,” said Koyu Abe, chief monk at the Buddhist Joenji temple.

“This snow, which doesn’t melt, brought a long, long winter to Fukushima.”

Some 80,000 people were forced to evacuate from a vast swathe of land around the reactor as engineers battled radiation leaks, hydrogen explosions and overheating fuel rods — and have no idea when, if ever, they can return to homes that have been in their families for generations.

Worse still, radiation spread well outside the mandatory evacuation zone, nestling in “hot spots” and contaminating the ground in what remains a largely agricultural region.

Rice, still a significant staple, has not been planted in many areas. Others face stringent tests and potentially harmful shipping bans after radioactive cesium was found in rice straw.

Excessive radiation levels have also been found in beef, vegetables, milk, seafood and water and, in hot spots more than 100 km from the plant, tea.

In an effort to lift the spirits of area residents as well as lighten the impact of the radiation, Abe began growing and distributing sunflowers and other plants.

“We plant sunflowers, field mustard, amaranthus and cockscomb, which are all believed to absorb radiation,” said the monk.

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Alien Attitude?

New Report: Aliens Will Fix Global Warming … Or Kill Us

Natalie Wolchover, Life’s Little Mysteries Staff Writer
Date: 19 August 2011 Time: 03:11 PM ET
If Aliens Exist,They May Come to Get Us, Stephen Hawking Says
An artist’s illustration of a potential alien attack as depicted in the science television series “Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking.”
CREDIT: Discovery Channel/Darlow Smithson Productions Ltd.

If or when intelligent extraterrestrials discover us, it’s anybody’s guess what they’ll do. They might befriend us. They might eat us. As Carl Sagan once noted, they might find amusement in some talent we have that they lack and use us as entertainment, just as we keep sea lions in captivity because of their remarkable ability to balance rubber balls on their noses.

All of these scenarios and more are fleshed out in a new article in the journal Acta Astronautica by researchers at Pennsylvania State University. One possibility they’ve raised has garnered more attention than any other: An extraterrestrial civilization might notice our planet by detecting changes in the spectral signature of Earth — the light radiated by our planet and atmosphere — caused by greenhouse gas emissions. And they might frown upon our behavior.

The group’s thinking goes like this: From the rate of change of the chemical composition in our atmosphere, the aliens will deduce our rapid expansion and, because of that, possibly view us as a threat, thinking we’ll soon pursue resources on other worlds

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Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica

Volcanic activity on the rise at Costa Rica’s Turrialba Volcano

Published on August 20, 2011 10:05 am PT
– By Dave Tole – Writer
– Article Editor and Approved – Warren Miller

No larger map

( — Experts are tracking a 100 year dormant volcano in Costa Rica and are investigating new happenings.

The Turrialba Volcano has been dormant for over 100 years but temperatures are rising and plumes of gas are now visible at the top.

The volcano records an average of 100 microquakes a day. The gas is affecting nearby crops and farms.

Experts continue to monitor the volcano,


Northeast Tornado Threat 8/21

Tornadic setup from Jersey through New York City on Sunday is possible

Published on August 20, 2011 6:05 pm PT
– By Berry Johnson – Writer
– Article Editor and Approved – Warren Miller

No larger map

( — Senior Meteorologist Kevin Martin is monitoring areas surrounding New York City on Sunday for severe thunderstorms and possible tornadoes.

“Latest guidance is showing a healthy upper level jet in the area on top of an even better backing southeast flow at the surface where 30kts exists at 2,000 feet,” said Martin. “This just might be enough shear with the shown instability to bring a tornado threat into the picture from the Northeast through Maryland, New Jersey, and Eastern Pennsylvania.”

The areas of the Mid-Atlantic through some of the lower Northeast may require a TWS Tornado Watch product if Martin maintains his wording on Sunday morning.

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Well, Hello, Irene

Future track of Irene consistent into Florida for several days, video included

Published on August 20, 2011 1:25 pm PT
– By Kevin Martin – Senior Meteorologist
– Article Editor and Approved – Warren Miller

Click for 8/20/11 Update map

( — A system with a very wide counter-clockwise rotation is continuing to intensify as it moves toward the Caribbean.

This system; Invest 97, will likely be named Irene and cause problems in the medium term forecast. The system will move south of Puerto Rico and head close to the Dominican Republic and Haiti zones.

Because my tracking has been consistent for three days for a pincenter like left-hand hook into Southwestern Florida have decided to make a forecast video here at TWS and you can view it below this article. 

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Some Info on Ley Lines

he subject of leys (or ‘ley lines’ or ‘ley hunting’) as we have come to know it is essentially a British one. Both the good and bad aspects can be blamed on the British! For 20 years I edited the only journal in the world devoted solely to leys, THE LEY HUNTER, and I think I have come to know the subject more intimately and in more detail than anyone else alive. The first thing I can assure you is that what is talked about in New Age journals, workshops and groups today about ‘leylines’ is mainly a combination of misunderstanding, old falsehoods, wishful thinking and downright fantasy. What I am going to tell you now is the true history of ley research. Like most histories, it is essentially a list of dates and names, but unless we understand the growth of the ley idea, we will never understand what leys are, and what it is we are dealing with.

Alfred Watkins, pioneer proponent of the ley theory, shown taking photographs along one of his alignments.

Alfred Watkins, pioneer proponent of the ley theory, shown taking photographs along one of his alignments. Photo: Major Tyler/Northern Earth.Photo: Major Tyler/Northern Earth.












The origin of the Ley theory

In 1921, Englishman Alfred Watkins had a sudden perception (he called it a ‘flood of ancestral memory’), while looking at a map of the Herefordshire countryside. He saw that various prehistoric places, such as standing stones, earthen burial mounds, prehistoric earthworked hills, and other such features fell into straight lines for miles across country. Watkins spent many years studying such alignments on the ground and on maps. He was a pioneer photographer and he took photographs of his alignments, wrote books and gave lectures. In response to his work, especially to his most important book, The Old Straight Track (1925), the Straight Track Club was formed, in which people all over Britain conducted field research looking for alignments of sites, and perhaps remnants of old straight tracks lying along them.

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August 21-27

Overall Color for the Week:    Royal Lavender

If you are one of those who gets freaked out by odd noises and ‘things that go bump in the night’, this is probably a good time in which to be aware of the fact that stuff like this will be happening more and more.  Cause and effect have encountered a disconnect as time frames and dimensions bump into one another.  You are well aware that the veils are thinning more and more all the time.  This is bringing into play more and more odd phenomena.   When things happen around you that cause you to stop, do that.  Take time and analyze what just occurred.  See if there is some larger framework into which you can put it.  This will be a big help in making sense of the new energy surges and blips that are heating up and will be more an more in evidence after Mercury goes direct on the 26th. So do not be surprised if things that did not/could not happen before begin to occur.  There are so many choices to make right now, and there is much that is not clear.  The seemingly hard choices can actually turn out to be the easy ones, especially if they involve doing what others tell us is the thing to do. The hard choices are the ones that involve listening to our hearts and following our intuition. Continue reading

Vanuatu Region Massive Earthquake & Tsunami

Massive earthquake in the Vanuatu area + tsunami waves of 1 meter recorded on Efate

Last update: August 20, 2011 at 8:26 pm by By Armand Vervaeck and James Daniell

Earthquake overview : A massive earthquake measuring 7.5 magnitude struck the Vanuatu area at 3:55 AM in the night. A tsunami with theoretical waves up to 1.9 meters could be expected on a Vanuatu island …

0:23 UTC : The Vanuatu Meteorological Service said tsunami waves of 1.05 meter (3.4 feet) arrived on the island of Efate less than an hour after the earthquake. It said there was no damage from the initial waves and has since cancelled the advisory.

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Double Coronal Hole

DOUBLE CORONAL HOLE: A double-barreled hole has opened up in the sun’s atmosphere and it is spewing a split-stream of solar wind toward Earth. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory captured this composite UV image of the double coronal hole on August 20th:

Sky watchers should be alert for auroras when the solar wind arrives on August 22-24. NOAA forecasters estimate a 35% to 50% chance of high-latitude geomagnetic activity


Update on Harvey & 97L

Harvey drenching Belize; 97L a threat to the Caribbean and U.S.
Posted by: JeffMasters, 4:16 PM GMT on August 20, 2011 +21
Tropical Storm Harvey is closing in towards a landfall this afternoon in Belize, and is dumping very heavy rains on northern Honduras, northern Guatemala, and Belize as it steadily moves west near 12 mph. A personal weather station on Roatan Island on the north coast of Honduras has received 6.68″ of rain as of 10am EDT this morning from Harvey, and had a peak wind gust of 42 mph. The Roatan airport has received 3.55″, and had a peak wind gust of 40 mph. The first significant spiral band from Harvey moved over Belize City at 7am local time, dropping nearly an inch of rain on the city. Belize National Meteorological Service radar shows that Harvey has appeared to close off an eyewall as of 11:30am EDT, which may allow the storm to intensify another 10 – 15 mph before landfall. The 11am NHC wind probability forecast gave Harvey a 3% chance of making it to hurricane strength, but the discussion noted that it wouldn’t be that hard for Harvey to gain another 10 – 15 mph before landfall. I estimate there is a 30% chance that the winds along a 10-mile stretch of Belize coast where the eyewall makes landfall will reach hurricane force.

Figure 1. Radar image of Harvey taken at 11:30am EDT on Saturday, August 20, 2011, a few hours before landfall in Belize. A small closed eye is visible just south of the offshore islands of Belize. Image credit: Belize National Meteorological Service