Organic Seed Growers take on Monsanto


Preemptive Action Seeks Ruling That Would Prohibit Monsanto From Suing Organic Farmers and Seed Growers If Contaminated By Roundup Ready Seed

NEW YORK – March 29, 2011 – On behalf of 60 family farmers, seed businesses and organic agricultural organizations, the Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT) filed suit today against Monsanto Company to challenge the chemical giant’s patents on genetically modified seed.  The organic plaintiffs were forced to sue preemptively to protect themselves from being accused of patent infringement should they ever become contaminated by Monsanto’s genetically modified seed, something Monsanto has done to others in the past.

The case, Organic Seed Growers & Trade Association, et al. v. Monsanto, was filed in federal district court in Manhattan and assigned to Judge Naomi Buchwald.  Plaintiffs in the suit represent a broad array of family farmers, small businesses and organizations from within the organic agriculture community who are increasingly threatened by genetically modified seed contamination despite using their best efforts to avoid it.  The plaintiff organizations have over 270,000 members, including thousands of certified organic family farmers.

to read more, go to:

Pakistan Earthquake 8/10

Damaging earthquake in Pakistan – several houses destroyed

Last update: August 10, 2011 at 10:01 am by By Armand Vervaeck and James Daniell


Earthquake overview : A M5.7 earthquake has hit Pakistan at 5:57 local time.Around 36000 people live within a 50km radius of the epicenter, with many small villages with vulnerable structures.

Epicenter landscape Pakistan August 10 2011 earthquake – panoramio image courtesy Shaihak –

UPDATE 09:55 UTC : The earthquake hit different areas of Balochistan and Sindh, creating panic among the people. Most of thepeople were asleep at the time the earthquake struck. They rushed in panic out of their houses. People seemed so terrified of the tremors that they were reluctant to return inside.

to read more, go to:

Antarctic Icebergs Effected by Japanese Tsunami

Japan Tsunami has been cutting off parts of Antarctic Icebergs

Last update: August 9, 2011 at 10:47 pm by By Armand Vervaeck

Using satellite radar data, scientists recently observed the calving of several large icebergs from the Sulzberger Ice Shelf along the Antarctic coast as a result of the March 2011 tsunami half a world away in Japan.
Scientists have long speculated that ocean waves could cause an ice shelf to flex and break, but this is the first time researchers have observed a tsunami having this effect.

The images above were acquired by the Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) on the European Space Agency’s Envisat satellite on March 11 and 16, 2011. The top image was taken just before the arrival of the tsunami at the front of the Sulzberger Ice Shelf, while the bottom image shows the chunks of ice well out to sea just five days later.
This time-lapse series of images shows the progression of the ice breakup. In each radar image—which allows researchers to see through cloud cover—land ice, ice shelves, and the new bergs are brighter white, while grayer areas have smaller bits of sea ice. Open water is black.

to see the photographs and read more, go to:






Most Extreme July on Record

fr/Dr. Jeff Masters, an analysis of weather in July:

According to the National Climatic Data Center‘s Climate Extremes Index, July 2011 was the most extreme July on record (since 1910) with a value of 37%. The Climate Extremes Index is created by merging the various climate indicators (drought, flood, extreme heat, extreme cold, etc.) into an index that can be tracked over time. This month’s record CEI was due to extreme warm minimum temperatures across the country, wet northern Plains and Great Lakes, extreme warm maximum temperatures, and the severe drought across the South and Gulf Coast.

It was the fourth warmest July on record for the nation, and the fourth warmest month overall with an average temperature of 77°F. Extreme heat continued to bake the South, and Oklahoma and Texas both had their warmest months on record. Oklahoma’s statewide average temperature was a remarkable 88.9°F in July, which is the warmest monthly statewide average for any state in any month. Dallas, Texas hit or exceeded 100°F on 30 out of the 31 days in July. For the entire South climate region, which comprises Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Mississippi, July 2011 was the warmest month on record for any of the climate regions.

As we noted in a previous blog, an unprecedented area of exceptional drought covered the United States in July, the largest area in the history of the U.S. Drought Monitor. 75% of Texas was in an exceptional drought, and the entire state of Oklahoma was in moderate to exceptional drought in July. The NCDC estimates that it would take 20 inches of rain to end the drought in one month in the worst hit areas of Oklahoma and Texas.

to read more, go to:

On Intuition by Andrew Cohen

Authentic Intuition

Posted: 8/8/11 08:21 AM ET
Andrew Cohen, founder ENLIGHTENMENT Magazine

In many spiritual circles, everybody likes to talk about intuition. “Follow your heart,” “Listen to your inner guide,” teachers tell us. But I always get a little nervous when I hear that kind of advice because it all depends on who you’re talking to. To take a very extreme example, if you told a fundamentalist terrorist to follow his or her heart, we all know where that would lead.

When you tell anybody to follow his heart or to trust her intuition, you first have to know who you’re talking to, how developed he is, and to what degree she has actually evolved beyond ego. When we embark on the path of “Evolutionary Enlightenment,” we recognize that most of us are deeply identified with the individual and collective ego, and therefore our choices and actions are, more often than not, driven by unconscious fears and desires and culturally conditioned beliefs and values. As we begin to awaken to what I call the “Authentic Self,” or evolutionary impulse, and begin to identify more with that than with the individual and collective ego, the motivating forces for our choices and actions begin to shift. The goal in “Evolutionary Enlightenment” is for the individual’s center of gravity or locus of identification to significantly shift so that the influence of the “Authentic Self” becomes greater than that of the ego. But until this critical threshold is crossed, talking about intuition is a dangerous business.

to read more, go to:


so, what do you think?………………….

Disc Shaped Craft In London

Disc shaped craft is spotted circling near Stansted

3 August 2011 Last updated at 05:39 ET

On his way in to work this morning, Radio 5 live’s sports reporter spotted a disc shaped craft circling above a field in Hertfordshire. Was it a UFO?

Mike Sewell describes what he saw and Timothy Good, an unidentified flying objects expert, tells 5 live Breakfast what it could have been.

to hear the live report, go to:

Riots Spreading in Britain

Britain burns: Riots spread through UK cities


LONDON (AP) — A wave of violence and looting raged across London and spread to three other major British cities, as authorities struggled to contain the country’s worst unrest since race riots set the capital ablaze in the 1980s.

In London, groups of young people rampaged for a third straight night, setting buildings, vehicles and garbage dumps alight, looting stores and pelting police officers with bottles and fireworks into early Tuesday. The spreading disorder was an unwelcome warning of the possibility of violence during London’s 2012 Summer Olympics, less than a year away.

In rare move, England’s soccer match Wednesday against the Netherlands in London’s Wembley stadium was cancelled, preventing unruly crowds from gathering and freeing up police officers who would have protected the game.

Police called in hundreds of reinforcements and volunteer police officers— and made a rare decision to deploy armored vehicles in some of the worst-hit districts — but still struggled to keep pace with the chaos unfolding at flashpoints across London, in the central city of Birmingham, the western city of Bristol and the northwestern city of Liverpool.

White Glow as Plasma Energy?

Here is a recent Photograph:

A characteristic of many photographs for about the last year has been a white glow or energy moving through the photographic field.  The movement can be seen in successive shots.  I have wondered what this energy field is, and feel that the explanation given by Dr. Levengood in the article cited below presents a plausible explanation:

“Dr. Levengood thinks low-energy plasmas could explain the mysterious lights photographed in and around crop formations, sacred stone circles and dolmens. He thinks the reason could be electric and magnetic field anomalies at sacred sites that enable low energy plasma creation.

Flash photograph shows mysterious arch with internal structure that
Biophysicist Levengood argues is a spiral plasma. Sitting in the center of the Roundway
wheat formation on August 1, 1999, was Gordan Stewart from Earls Barton, Northampton,
England. The white spiraling plasma was not visible to Gordan or the photographer.
Photograph © 1999 by Bob Nicholas.”



The light images appear only in photographs taken in the orchard.  While this is not a field per se, it is a place where there is elemental and organic growth.   Moreover, the Ancient Ones of New Mexico lived here. Artifacts have been found in the orchard.  And there is an Old One who still walks this land and communicates with me. His name is  Nighthawk.













Biophysicist on Crop Circles

What A Biophysicist Says About Crop Formations

© 2011 by Linda Moulton Howe

“I have never seen such rapid changes from plant sampleto plant sample in both of the ring circles. That means the plasma energies were so compartmentalized that wheat growing only twelve inches from another sample was very different.”- W. C. Levengood, Biophysicist, about 2006 wheat circles in Herington, Kansas

August 9, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico  – As a science and environment investigative reporter, I made my first trip to Wiltshire County, England, in July 1992, to explore the beautiful mystery of crop formations. The first pattern I stepped into convinced me I had encountered a powerful and profound force. A group of us heard about this a pattern of five circles below Milk Hill and had walked along the crest to look from above. The sky was blue, the wheat was glistening and there were five circles, four connected by undulating paths and one circle by itself.

Reported on July 16, 1992, this 336-foot-long pattern of circles and
pathways in wheat field below Milk Hill and the Lockeridge White Horse.
Aerial image © 1992 by George Wingfield.

John Martineau did this diagram to clearly show the unusual pattern that measured 336 feet end-to-end and all of the circles were swirled clockwise. All of the pathways were laid from south to north.

to read the full article, go to:

Earthquake-Yunnan, China

Dangerous moderate earthquake in Yunnan, China – at least 4 people injured

Last update: August 9, 2011 at 1:23 pm by By Armand Vervaeck and James Daniell

Typical landscape in Yunnan epicenter area – Panoramio image courtesy

Earthquake overview : Dangerous shallow earthquake in an unstable area who had a lot of misery caused by earthquakes since the end of last year. Earthquake’s epicenter is close to Shangyingxiang.

to read more, go to: