23 July 2011 Last updated at 10:39 ET
Large Hadron Collider results excite scientists
By Paul RinconScience reporter, BBC News, Grenoble

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has picked up tantalising fluctuations which might – or might not – be hints of the sought-after Higgs boson particle.
But scientists stress caution over these “excess events”, because similar wrinkles have been detected before only to disappear after further analysis.
Either way, if the sub-atomic particle exists it is running out of places to hide, says the head of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (Cern), which runs the LHC.
He told BBC News the collider had now ruled out more of the “mass range” where the Higgs might be.
The new results are based on analyses of data, gathered as the vast machine smashes beams of protons together at close to light speeds.