July 10-16

Overall Color for the Week:    Dark Rose Red

This is a week of resolution, so look for many things to take shape as well as other things to reach an end.  At these times, you can feel out of control and powerless, but this is not a time to do that.  Look at what is happening from your perspective of personal knowing and power.  Patterns are beginning to emerge, and it is time to recognize them for what they are.  These patterns give you a sense of where you are in the great wheel of life, in the web of your relationships, and in the net of your own person.  You will see things that you will not understand this week as people overreact and threaten on the one hand, while others show an unexpected kindness.  This is a week to be grounded within your heart. There are things that you will be seeing that are there to remind you of things you may have forgotten.  These will be accompanied by times of synchronicity and deja vu.  Stay strong in WHO you are and trust your intuition.  You, as always, know more than you give yourself credit for. Continue reading

Role of Salton Sea in Earthquake Abatement

Study says Salton Sea is preventing large earthquakes

Published on July 2, 2011 12:45 pm PT
– By Dave Tole – Writer
– Article Editor and Approved – Warren Miller

(TheWeatherSpace.com) — A new scientific study, examining the fault structure of the southern San Andreas fault zone, has found that recent human regulation of the Colorado River may have delayed a major earthquake along the zone.

There hasn’t been a large earthquake under the Salton Sea for the past 300 years.

The study concludes that in the past, regular flooding of the Salton Sea area induced large earthquakes, occurring roughly every 180 years.

to read more, go to:   http://www.theweatherspace.com/news/TWS-07_02_2011_saltonsea.html


INCOMING CME: During the early hours of July 9th, a coronal mass ejection (CME) billowed away from new sunspot 1247. A preliminary analysis of data from NASA’s twin STEREO-A and -B spacecraft suggests that the flank of the CME could hit Earth’s magnetic field sometime on July 11th or 12th. This is not a major CME, but it could spark polar geomagnetic storms when it arrives.


EMF and Your Health

Worse than Cigarettes? The Silent Enemy Harming Your Health Today…

Vickie Warren is a former Executive Director of the Bau-Biologie Group for the United States. She now heads up the non-profit organization Wings of Eagle Healthy Living, dedicated to grassroots education. Here, she discusses the detrimental health effects of electromagnetic fields, and what you can do to protect yourself and your family from excessive EMF exposure.

Five Primary Sources of Electromagnetic Field Exposure

As Vickie Warren explains in this interview, there are basically five primary sources of dangerous EMF that surround you on a daily basis:

  1. Electric fields: These are the fields that emanate from anything that has voltage; basically anything electric, such as lamps, electrical wiring, outlets, extension cords, electrical appliances, and power outlets.

  2. Magnetic fields: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has labeled magnetic fields a class 3 carcinogen. These fields can occur when there is an imbalance in the electrical wiring, and around electrical motors such as the motor in your refrigerator.
  3. Power lines, whether above- or underground.
  4. Metal plumbing: Yes, older metal plumbing done frequently carry a current.
  5. Wireless communications:

to read more and see the videos, go to:    http://emf.mercola.com/sites/emf/archive/2011/07/09/vickie-warren-on-effects-of-electromagnetic-fields.aspx



Solar Static

SOLAR STATIC: On July 7th, the sun produced a series of strong shortwave radio bursts. Click on the dynamic spectrum below to play a 21 MHz sample recorded by amateur radio astronomer Thomas Ashcraft in rural New Mexico. The action begins about 18 seconds into the 2 minute recording:

The roaring-static sound you just heard was a combo Type III-Type V solar radio burst caused by electron beams moving through the sun’s outer atmosphere. The source of the electrons could be an newly-emerging sunspot group in the sun’s southeastern quadrant, although this is not certain. The active region is crackling with C-class solar flares, and it could produce more radio sounds in the days ahead.




Possible HAARP Forecasts?

Do Government chemtrail and HAARP forecasts exist out there

Published on June 26, 2011 11:15 pm PT
– By Dave Tole – Writer    – Article Editor and Approved – Warren Miller

(TheWeatherSpace.com) — There are many different things out there that make people question and comment on, this section will be on chemtrails.

TheWeatherSpace.com was given a link to a video today and it was of interest because it was a chemtrail hazard YouTube channel of some sort. (Click to go to Channel)

While I can comment deeply into the subject, TWS Meteorologist Kevin Martin is more suited for such but at the time could not give a quote.

to read more go to:    http://www.theweatherspace.com/news/TWS-06_27_2011_chemhaarp.html

Dragonfly Drones

Part 1:  Dragonfly Drones, Oltissis and Ethos

© 2011 by Linda Moulton Howe


“Those from Oltissis are downloading their life essence
into the dragonfly drone craft in order to control (from afar?) and do
the tests that they need to do with these (dragonfly drone) craft.”

– “Ted Connors,” Security Specialist, Montgomery, Alabama


Dragonfly-shaped aerial craft photographed by Chad
on May 6, 2007, in Bakersfield, California region.

More complicated dragonfly-shaped aerial craft photographed by Ty Brannigan
on June 5, 2007, in Big Basin Redwood State Park near Saratoga, California.


June 30, 2011  Montgomery, Alabama – Four years ago in May to June 2007, a series of eyewitnesses in California submitted photographs to Earthfiles and other websites of strange,
dragonfly-shaped aerial craft that seemed to flicker in and out of visibility in the sky. Here is a list of Earthfiles reports about the dragonfly drones in the Earthfiles Archive.

to read more, go to:    http://www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=1870&category=Environment


Oltissis ET Connection?

Earthfiles Viewer Letters About Oltissis

Kubaba is the Hurrian Goddess of the city of Carchemish, Turkey,
on the Euphrates River, at the Syrian border. She was usually depicted
as a regal woman wearing a long robe, either standing or seated on a throne.
She holds a mirror in her left hand and a pomegranate in her right hand,
symbols respectively of magic and fertility. She was adopted by the Hittites
after the fall of the Hurrians, and eventually evolved into the Phrygian Goddess
Cybebe, later known as Cybele to the Romans. Source:
Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, Ankara, Turkey.

July 7, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico – Since my Earthfiles and Coast to Coast AM radio reports on June 30 – July 1, 2011, I have received many viewer and listener emails about dragonfly drone eyewitness “Ted Connors” and the library book he says was confiscated by NSA and Homeland Security agents at his work place on December 22, 2010, concerning the subject of “Oltissis” referenced in the confiscated book. Ted says he looked through old books on a table at a local library and checked out one entitled, Ancient Greek Gods and Lore Revisited © 1962 by Fredrico Ionnides (words/spellings as remembered by Ted Connors, who is searching for original checkout information.) Ted found three references to Oltissis in the index. One reference was a footnote that the name Oltissis referred to historic pleasure palaces in Greece and China’s Xanadu. See Websites below.

The following emails are from Earthfiles viewers joining the book search with valuable insights of their own about the once-great, ancient Greek civilization on this planet lasting from the the 8th to 6th centuries B.C. through the beginning of the Early Middle Ages with the rise of the Byzantine era following Justinian I.

to read more, go to:    http://www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=1874&category=Environment


Russian Volcano Update

Russian active volcanoes (Kamchatka and Kuril Islands) weekly update (July 8)

Last update: July 8, 2011 at 4:33 pm by By Armand Vervaeck

Weekly KVERT (Russia) volcano report on the Kamchatka and Kuril Islands volcanoes (July 8).
KVERT scientists are examining satellite information each day to look for evidence of volcanic unrest since 2002.
This week listing has not changed since the July 1 listing.

The color labels are for aviation safety but are giving at the same time a perfect indication of the activity state of the volcanoes.

to read more, go to:http://earthquake-report.com/2011/07/08/russian-active-volcanoes-kamchatka-and-kuril-islands-weekly-update-july-8/


Phoenix Haboob

Phoenix Dust Storm: Arizona Hit With Monstrous ‘Haboob’ (PHOTOS/VIDEO)

First Posted: 07/6/11 09:22 AM ET Updated: 07/6/11 05:25 PM ET

monstrous dust storm roared through Phoenix, Arizona on Tuesday night, delaying flights and causing power outages for thousands of people.

The AP reports that the massive dust cloud, also known as a “haboob,” was around 5,000 feet when itarrived in Phoenix, but radar data reveals that it reached heights anywhere from 8,000 to 10,000 feet high prior. The storm appeared to be around 50 miles wide in some areas, KSAZ-TV reported.

The dust storm originated in Tucson, and was a part of Arizona’s monsoon season.

According to CNN, the dust storm prompted the Federal Aviation Administration to issue a ground stop on flights at Phoenix’s Sky Harbor Airport for about an hour and 15 minutes. At its peak, the storm left 10,000 customers without power, Jenna Shaver of the Arizona Public Service told CNN.

to read more and see the video, go to:    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/06/phoenix-dust-storm-photos-video_n_891157.html