Large Alaskan Earthquake

Massive (scary) Alaskan earthquake in an unpopulated area

Last update: June 24, 2011 at 10:26 am by By Armand Vervaeck and James Daniell 2 Comments


Earthquake summary : A terrifying strong earthquake occurred at 6:09 PM near the remote Alaskan Aleutian Islands.  The epicenter of the earthquake was on top of the subduction slope. The energy of this massive earthquake was weakened due to the depth of the epicenter. There was never a widespread Tsunami danger for this earthquake. To read the full story as it happened, we advise our readers to start at the bottom of the page (earthquake data) and to continue going up.

UPDATE 08:45 UTC : We thought it may be interesting for our readers to show how the Alaskan plate tectonics work. The star is the epicenter of the earthquake. Map screen shot courtesy Google Earth.
The Pacific plate is subducting the North American plate by 70 to 80 mm a year!!