CHANGE OF SEASONS: Today marks the beginning of northern summer. The change of seasons occurs on June 21st at precisely 17:16 UT (1:16 p.m. EDT) when the sun reaches its highest point on the celestial sphere. Because Earth’s seasons are reversed in the two hemispheres, today is also the beginning of southern winter. Happy Solstice!
Huzzah, summer solstice? At South Pole, winter solstice is party time.
Tuesday is the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. For research teams toiling at the South Pole, though, it’s the winter solstice and, oh boy, are they happy about it!
Revelers cheer as the sun finally breaks through the clouds more than a couple of hours after sunrise during the summer solstice at Stonehenge, near Salisbury in England, on Tuesday, June 21.
Matt Dunham/AP
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