Dalai Lama To Host Washington D.C. Peace Festival In July

First Posted: 06/27/11 09:11 PM ET Updated: 06/27/11 09:11 PM ET
By Jack Jenkins
c. 2011 Religion News Service
WASHINGTON (RNS) The Dalai Lama will visit Washington next month for an 11-day peace rally that is being billed as “the largest gathering for world peace in history.”
The July 6-16 “Kalachakra for World Peace” aims to “amplify the profound, unshakable commitment of (the Dalai Lama) to values such as love, compassion, wisdom and interfaith harmony,” according to publicity materials.
to read more, go to: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/27/dalai-lama-washington-dc_n_885612.html