May 22-28

Overall Color for the Week:    Pale Gold

While there will be those who will say that there was nothing especially memorable about this week, those with open eyes and questioning minds will recognize that the events of this weeks were both harbingers and turning points for the movement of the energy in the times ahead.  This is true on all levels, the personal, the communal, the societal, the political, and the global.  This is a week in which things that need to be said will come to the fore. This is a time in which people will begin to question a lot of what is going on around them. Complacency is no longer a safe haven.

On a personal level, there will be shifts and changes with acquaintances, friends and families.  Things will come out about people that you know that can cause you to reevaluate your relationships.  Expect some surprises. Expect some tears.  There are many things that people have put up with for many years that are coming out as things are stripped down to the basics. This is a week for compassion, understanding, and truthfulness.  It is time to take a look at what you are dealing with in your relationships and determine how important they are in terms of what it is that you truly wish to accomplish.  This is a time for setting true and fulfilling goals for yourself.  If you choose not to, then you must accept what others choose for you.

Sunday, May 22:    Scarlet

Things will be heating up today, and someone is going to want someone to take responsibility for what is happening.  People are feeling insecure and threatened.  This is a good time to stay out of the limelight and to hold back.  There will be accusations flying, most unfounded, but you do not want to get hit by any of them.  There are things that are going on and people want to blame someone or something. Take some time to center in WHO you are.  Know what it is that you st and for.  If you find yourself confused or uncertain, take time to meditate, to ground, and to center. Perspectives are shifting and changing, and there is an overall lightening of the veils.  Do not be frightened by the unexpected, rather analyze it for what it means and what it might be trying to tell you.

Crystal Energy:   Hanksite—This mineral allows for the flow of energy.  It is particularly good at aligning one’s innate creativity with one’s true work. Physically, it helps with digestive issues and regulates bodily fluids.  It resonates with the second and third chakras.

Monday, May 23:    Magenta

This is a great day for getting things done.  You will find that even when your energy feels low, you have the reserves to keep going.  There are challenges in the works today and revelations about some people close to you.  Suspend all judgement.  Be the observer.  If you are called upon for advice, then give it from your heart, unattached to opinions and views of others.  You are learning a great deal these days, and much of it will assist you in dealing with the challenges that are coming your way.  Things are shifting, and these changes call for a shift in old ideas and opinions.  There will be synchronistic events letting you know that you are on the right path.

Crystal Energy:    Purple Scapolite—-The energy of this stone connects one to the Universal Consciousness.  It assists the life force and brings one into alignment with the ascended ones.  It resonates with the 6th through 12th chakras.

Tuesday, May 24:    Powder Pink

Things can go easily today, but be sure that you understand what is happening.  There can be some ‘dust in the wind’ that can cloud your judgment and make things seem better than they actually are.  There is someone who will be coming to you allegedly for advice, but actually for you to tell them to do what they are planning to do anyhow.  This person does not want to take responsibility for his/her own action. It is important that you are aware of where you stand with this individual.  Moreover, this person must acknowledge that what they are choosing is of her/his own free will.  There is a lot of energy out there that does not wish to be responsible for its effects, and if it comes your way, just remember that is not your stuff.  Let it go.

Crystal Energy:    Botswana Agate—-These stones are powerful healers, drawing in energy from the elements based upon their particular color frequencies.  They resonate with  all chakras based on the color of the particular stone.

Wednesday, May 25:    Salmon

Things are going to be coming to you today in waves.  It is a good idea to be aware of this and be prepared.  There can be bouts of great emotion when you will be feeling like just giving in.  And then, things can shift, and you will find yourself laughing hysterically over the slightest thing.  People will be supportive in what you are experiencing for they will truly know where you are coming from.  This is a day for unusual experiences, so expect a little deja vu.  When this happens, take a moment to feel what it is that has happened.  There is something there that is coming through to you.  There is a bit of magic in the air.  Be open to it.

Crystal Energy:    Ametrine—This stone brings balance and clarity.  It brings healing and health to areas in the body which are needing wholeness.  Resonates with the 2nd and 6th chakras.

Thursday, May 26:    Golden Rose

Look for the silver lining today, and you may strike gold.  There is surprise and laughter in the air.  If there is something you have always wanted to ask, something you have always desired, the energies today favor a positive outcome.  Keep your eyes open to all sides.  The Trickster loves the time of serendipity.  In these periods, he can tweak things to turn happiness into melancholy and good fortune into dreaming.  Stay firm in your desires and what you know to be true.  The Trickster is powerless against the true heart.  The true heart can show the mirror to the Trickster.

Crystal Energy:    Apophyllite—-This stone bring healing energy and attunes one to the Universal Consciousness.  It works slowly, but one must be ready for what it brings.  It can be overwhelming.  Resonates with the 7th through 12th chakras.

Friday, May 27:    Light Amber

Thing may not be what they seem today.  Take time to look into words, situations, and feelings.  There is a kind of melancholy in the air that will be affecting everything.  A sense of the past, or reminiscence.  Thoughts of things gone by can come up unexpectedly, even when you are completely immersed in your present activity.  Take a moment to consider what these wisps are telling you  There is a theme behind the day, and all of these thoughts are hinting at what it is.  You have been looking for something more, something different.,  There is a shift in the air today, and if you can put together the pieces, you will find that the end of the day brings not only revelation, but also a kind of comfort and a knowledge of what it is that you have been searching for.

Crystal Energy:    Pleidian Quartz—-This stone favors life transformations.  As always, change can be disruptive, but the essence of this type of quartz can bring calm in the midst of that chaos.  Vibrates to the Crown Chakra.

Saturday, May 28:    Light Periwinkle Blue

This will turn out to be one of those days.  Much will be going on around you today and you will only be truly aware of part of it.  There will be more contact with people than you expected, and that will be good for shared memories will bring into focus many of the curious experiences of today. There is something that you have been meaning to do for quite some time and today is the day for it to be done.  Be open to the natural world, and you can find a kind of peace in that contact.  Listen also to your intuition for it will direct you into a new area which will become important as time goes on.  Be ready to relax today.  Stay centered in your heart and keep your eyes open.

Crystal Energy::    Mariposite—-The energy of this mineral brings resilience and allows for regeneration after crisis and transformation. It carries butterfly medicine.  It resonates to the Etheric Chakras.