Sun’s Plasma Bullets

DODGING PLASMA BULLETS: The remains of old sunspot complex 1147-1149 are rotating over the eastern limb today. Although the region is in an advanced state of decay, it’s not dead yet. During the late hours of Feb. 11th, a plasma bullet came rocketing out of the region’s unstable core. Watch the movie–but don’t blink, because it’s fast (21 MB Quicktime):

Movie formats: 21 MB Quicktime1.3 MB mpeg0.5 MB iPad. Credit: SDO

The eruption was not geoeffective. Earth’s magnetic field will remain undisturbed as the ‘bullet’ sails wide-left of our planet over the weekend.

This region has been spitting plasma and crackling with flares since it first emerged more than a month ago on Jan. 10th. Remarkably, however, every eruption so far has missed Earth. Why? It’s just luck: Most of the blasts occurred while AR1147-1149 was on the far side of the sun. Statistically speaking, a plasma bullet in our direction may be overdue
