New Solar Flare

EARTH-DIRECTED SOLAR FLARE: On Feb. 13th at 1738 UT, sunspot 1158 unleashed the strongest solar flare of the year so far, an M6.6-category blast. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded an intense flash of extreme ultraviolet radiation, circled below:

The eruption produced a loud blast of radio waves heard in shortwave receivers around the dayside of our planet. In New Mexico, amateur radio astronomer Thomas Ashcraft recorded these sounds at 19 to 21 MHz. “This was some of the strongest radio bursting of the new solar cycle,” he says. “What a great solar day.”

to read more about this, go to:

Sun’s Plasma Bullets

DODGING PLASMA BULLETS: The remains of old sunspot complex 1147-1149 are rotating over the eastern limb today. Although the region is in an advanced state of decay, it’s not dead yet. During the late hours of Feb. 11th, a plasma bullet came rocketing out of the region’s unstable core. Watch the movie–but don’t blink, because it’s fast (21 MB Quicktime):

Movie formats: 21 MB Quicktime1.3 MB mpeg0.5 MB iPad. Credit: SDO

The eruption was not geoeffective. Earth’s magnetic field will remain undisturbed as the ‘bullet’ sails wide-left of our planet over the weekend.

This region has been spitting plasma and crackling with flares since it first emerged more than a month ago on Jan. 10th. Remarkably, however, every eruption so far has missed Earth. Why? It’s just luck: Most of the blasts occurred while AR1147-1149 was on the far side of the sun. Statistically speaking, a plasma bullet in our direction may be overdue


Asteroid Flyby


ASTEROID FLYBY: Newly-discovered asteroid 2011 CA7 is going to fly past Earth on Feb. 9th only 63,000 miles away, or 1/4th the distance to the Moon. At closest approach around 1700 UT, the VW-Bug-sized space rock will zip through the constellation Orion glowing like a 17th magnitude star. [

New Volcanic Activity-Japan & Iceland

Another Japanese Volcano Erupts
And another volcano has erupted in Japan.
Minami-dake crater at Sakurajima, a volcano on Japan’s southern island of Kyushu, erupted Tuesday, following volcanic explosions at Mt. Kirishima in the same region.
The volcano spewed plumes of smoke and ash up to 2,000 meters into the air.
Local authorities temporarily banned citizens from driving near the area due to the sheer amount of ash raining down from the volcano.
Japan’s Meteorological Agency says it will maintain a level 3 alert for Sakurajima that bans access to the mountain.
The agency notes, however, that it cannot confirm that this eruption was linked to a series of recent eruptions on the island.
FEB 08, 2011   Reporter :
And fr/
Iceland on Volcanic Alert with New Threat of Fresh Eruption
Geologists on Iceland are warning of the increased risk of a fresh volcanic eruption after measuring an increased swarm of earthquakes around the island’s second largest volcano.
Páll Einarsson, a professor of geophysics at the University of Iceland, says the area around Bárdarbunga is showing signs of increased activity, which provides “good reason to worry”.
He told the country’s national TV broadcaster Rúv a shortage of seismometer measuring devices is making it more difficult to determine the scale and likely outcome of the current shifts.
But he said there was “every reason to worry” as the sustained earthquake tremors to the north east of the remote volcano range are the strongest recorded in recent times and there was “no doubt” the lava was rising.
check out link above to read more

February Earth Changes Forecast

February 2011 will host super storms, major quakes, severe and bitter cold weather,ice storms, hyper solar actvity, tsunamis, floods, perilous cyclones erupting volcanoes explosions, strong deluge of water, , land and mudslides, extreme weather around the world per floods, tornadoes weird weather with records being broken.
February starts out with a shocking New Moon in Aquarius on Feb. 2nd @ 6:31 PM PST or 9:31 PM EST opens a door to huge storms in the North and South
All in synch with solar flares
Then on February 18th @ 12:36 AM PS T or 3:36 AM EST a Full Moon in Leo at 29 degrees that will be unforgettable
these events add to massive seismic shifts and extreme weather around the world
FEBRUARY UPDATES – Quake, Volcano and Weather News for February 2011:
to read more go to:
Astrological Updates – Earth changes for a Planet in Swift Transformation”

Superbowl SUNday…

On Super SUNday Feb. 6, 2011, NASA will release humankinds first ever view of the entire Sun and NASA’s Robonaut 2 will make a first ever guest appearance on the NFL’s Super Bowl Pre game show
for Super Bowl XLV. Left: The Sun from STEREO taken by the SECCHI Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUVI) at the 304 Angstrom bandpass which is sensitive to the He II singly ionized state of helium, at a characteristic temperature of about 80 thousand degrees Kelvin. Credit: NASA.
Right: Robonaut 2 practicing for the NFL Super Bowl XLV at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in front of the world famous Countdown Clock. Credit & Mosaic: Ken Kremer

What do NASA, Robots, the Sun and the NFL have in common ?

to read more of this article, go to

February 6-12

Overall Color for the Week:    Light Green Blue

Things this week will be happening in the middles, and it will be some time before the ends are able to catch up.  The good news is that this will give some time for the ends to take a second look at things and prepare for what is to come  Because there is a lot that will be coming. Continue reading