August 15-21

Overall Color for the Week: Blue Green
It is time to recognize and be aware of the fact that at this point in time, you will be finding that your sensitivities will be heightened. You will be hearing things differently, as though there is a running patter somewhere in the background. Also, you will be finding yourself very alert to odors in the air. Along with these physical attunements, will come a greater awakening of your intuitive faculties. Pay attention to what you are feeling, to the messages from your innermost core. We are all part of the Universal Consciousness, and therefore potentially know all. The messages that you are getting will help to align you as things shift and change. There is also a lot of open-endedness about this week. Do not be surprised if things are not finalized, finished, over with, done this week. There is more information that is needed before things can be resolved.
Mercury goes retrograde this week. It is well to be aware of that and to prepare for anything. This retrograde will be unlike others that have gone before. It is as though everything is at a wobble, so take the usual precautions in traffic, etc., but be ready for a disconnect between cause and effect. In this energy, you can do everything right and still come out wrong. Preparation, caution, and intuition can help you get through this time without too many bumps in the road..
Personally, you will be finding that relationships with people are going to be going through a transformation. This is not a week for holding onto the old, rather it is a good time to be ready for surprise. This week holds much in the way of serendipity and delight if you will allow yourself to look beyond the old patterns and ways. Take care of your health, and be aware of what it is that you are consuming on all levels. You are going to find the beginnings of changes in your tastes in all areas — food, clothing, entertainment, etc. This is a time for knowing what it is that you truly enjoy and moving into your power. There are many influences outside you that can turn your attention from what is really important. If you are steadfast in your desire to know and be WHO you are, then you will find that this week is full of synchronicity, surprise, and even some delight. There is a good possibility then, that many of the pieces of that puzzle you have been working on will fall into place (Oh, and be aware of those Freudian slips.)

On a larger scale, there will be slips and slides there too.  The energy from the sun will be rushing in, not consistently, rather in strong waves followed by periods of calm.  This is going to give rise to all sorts of miscommunication, emotional upsets, outbursts, and general lack of predictability.  You may want to filter out some of the stuff in the media about confrontations, disasters, things not following expected trajectories, sorrows, deaths, air travel issues, and other travel problems.  There will be no attempt on the part of those who run the news to make explanations or excuses.  In many ways, they are moving beyond caring.  The sense is that they can control … they can control, and any concern they may have had for public opinion or reaction is no longer important.  This kind of thing will affect life on all levels.  relief efforts that are carried out by governments will stop.  (And this is a week in which relief efforts will be called for.)  The markets will be going here and there.  Yet the news will speak of things not so bad.  Perhaps a correction.  There is a shock coming there.  Get ready for it.  Earth changes are accelerating with movement in the mid-Atlantic and the western area of Africa.  I have a sense of slippage, and I am not sure on what level or where it will be happening, however it is the start of a new movement.  There is some person who is coming on the scene with a message.  It will first appear in small sites on the Internet, hit YouTube and then go viral.   Take care in listening to that message.  There is an agenda there.  There are waves of energy pulsating through the earth in sync to the Galactic wave that keeps coming up for me.  It is a long time connection, but it is something that can direct and anchor the change.  Look for unexpected serendipity coming out of hardship.  Things are falling into place.

Sunday, August 15: Pale Yellow Green
This is a good day for taking a break. Take time to look at the sky, paint a picture, sing a song, write a poem, do something you enjoy without expectation or ambition. Let it flow from your core. By so doing, you will find that the area in which you are finding your enjoyment has a message for you. There is a sense that you are changing. You are finding that some of the things you were passionate about before are no longer quite so interesting. The area in which you find your relaxation today will speak to you of new directions and interests, although they are not really new, rather they have been latent and needed time, as well as your readiness, to come to the surface. With this change, you will beginning to have a new appreciation for WHO you are. Things are good, and will be getting better if you will just allow them to happen. If you are strong and centered in WHO you are, you do not need to control things. Everything will be serendipitous.

Monday, August 16: Apricot
There is a sense of well being that will accompany you today in all that you do. There will be challenges, but these will be coming from outside yourself. You have a choice whether to buy into other people’s stuff or not. Your time is important, and you need to take care of WHO you are. In giving away your power to others, you will not be as effective in fulfilling your tasks for the day. Take time tonight to relax, and in that relaxation, take a look at the events of the day. It is a good time to appreciate what you have done and what you can do. This is not a time period in which dwelling on things in the past will assist in any area, and that can actually drag you down. If you stand firm in WHO you are, you will find that more and more things will be falling into place for you.

Tuesday, August 17: Light Pink
Not much will get done today on a substantial level, but there will be the illusion that much more is falling into place. You will find yourself good natured and willing to deal with all kinds of persons. This too is an illusion, for you can react strongly and fiercely today to people and events that are not to your liking. After you have so reacted, you are going to wonder where that came from. This is because right now there is an overlap of many themes and levels, and because of this you do not have a really good grasp of just how to deal with things A good day for being the observer, and becoming the participant only when locus and focus are appropriate.

Wednesday, August 18: Periwinkle Blue
Like the flower of that name, today is a kind of light and airy kind of day. You will be tired, but in a good way, the kind of tired that makes you dreamy and thoughtful. Take time to dream, follow your dreams, and see where they lead you. You might just discover something new. This is a good day for setting a new course and outlining the steps necessary for getting there. Be sure to include humor in your outings, with friends, and even when alone. Humor can bring about new realizations as well as lightening up many of the grey spot that you have been feeling lately.

Thursday, August 19: Deep Lavender
There is a breeze of discomfort that is in the atmosphere today. Things will not seem quite right on any level. This is not a good day for answers for they will either be incomplete or totally garbled. It is, however, a good day for questions, so keep your eyes open and be alert for things that seem to be incongruous. These are hints of themes that will be coming into your life for the rest of the month at the very last. There is a message that is coming your way that will leave you more puzzled than consoled or even certain. Be prepared for anything today as things can take odd turns.

Friday, August 20: Ultramarine Blue
Mercury Goes Retrograde: There is not a lot of clarity in the air today. If you ask for explanations, then be patient and allow for full disclosure. The story is there, but the truth is hidden among all the nuances. If you take the time to center and listen to what your heart has to say about what you are hearing, you will be able to sift out what is really happening. This is a day for looking at things with clear vision and reflection prior to taking action or voicing an opinion. The Trickster is abroad today, but unfortunately this one has a mean streak and knows how to turn good intentions into false results. This is a day for watching. Take time just to see how things are. This evening, take some time to center and stand in your own power. You will need that exercise to assist with some of the changes that are coming.

Saturday, August 21: Lavender
This is a day for surprises. There is not much definition in the energy now, so nothing is certain today. If you have plans, be ready for those to change or alter somewhat. There are little detours all over the place. Be open and ready for anything that comes your way today, and you may just find that you have some new ways of looking at things. This can be particularly beneficial in relationships with difficult people. You may not recognize this change right away, but it is there. Oh, and once again, the word is intuition.

***A little note for those who work with crystals and/or keep them in their environments. As the energies of the Sun and the Galaxy are changing, so too are the personalities and vibrations of your crystals. This is a good time to cleanse them and put them out in the Sun for a time so that they can charge up with new energy. When you bring them back inside, you may be pleasantly surprised by some of the shifts they have made.