Overall Color for the Week: Red Orange
Not with a bang, but a whimper.; This is a week when there will be a lot of seeming going on in your life, and you will respond to it with seeming of your own. It is a good time to remember WHO you truly are and what it is that you truly wish to have manifested in your life for there are vibrations in the air onto which your desires can attach for realization within the next month or so. This week brings in much up and down energy, which will leave you and everyone else feeling not only a little breathless, but also uncentered and confused. This is not a time for clarification, but it is a good time for asking questions. Right now you are open to seeing things about yourself, your life, and others that at other times you would be closed to. Hang onto your hats and let the energy of the week flow around you. If you try to resist you may find that you develop physical symptoms that are not pleasant.
On the larger scene, the ups and downs continue. There is the possibility of a large water event, as it seems that the Earth is kind of bowing out in one direction. There are energies from both Sun and Universe that will be hitting the Earth and causing odd reactions. The waters of the Atlantic may feel some of this particularly. There is another volcano that is beginning to rise up. The skies will remain clouded over much of Europe as the week goes on. There will be a growing sense of the inability of governments to deal with natural events as the Earth shakes again not only in China, but throughout the Ring of Fire. Look for news relating to more control, especially in the area of new laws. There will be a greater adherence to right versus left. There is much going on this week both on and below the surface. The media will have a good time with obvious Earth and political events, but look further for the things that are not being reported. A new movement is afoot. Earth Day may bring some hint of what is to come. Additionally, this week marks the beginnings of the great communications breakdown culminating in the summer of 2010.
Sunday, April 18: Frost
Mercury goes Retrograde: This is a day when things that seem clear at first turn out, as the day progresses, to be muddled and cloudy. This is not a good day for getting things straight or for taking on tasks that require precision, rather this is a good day for taking time to change your perspective, to look at things from a new point of view and for allowing yourself to entertain questions that have always been there but often neglected. If you take the attitude of the seeker today, you will find that things will be coming to you and that people will be appearing. These things and people will become of importance as the time goes on. Do not be surprised if you find some sense of recognition or recollection attached to them.
Monday, April 19: Pale Lavender
You may not be feeling your best today, yet you cannot put your finger or just exactly what it is that is going on. You will be moving through the day easily and without any major obstacles. There is a sense of tiredness in the air, so be kind to yourself, and if you need a time out, be sure to take it. You will find that you will be feeling able to tackle other things afterwards. Moreover these time outs will bring to you a new perspective on things which will allow you to deal with issues in a new and creative way. Listen for the whispers in the wind, for there is a bit of magic afoot this evening.
Tuesday, April 20:
Happy Birthday, Taurus! Things are seeming a bit out of sorts today. You might be feeling that you have had enough of some things and too much of others. This is a good day to keep your temper and your irritation in check, for you can find yourself quickly jumping to conclusions and equally quickly falling into anger. This is a day on which to let your sense of humor be your guide. There will be people around who are not getting it on all levels. This also will add to your irritation, but there is some wisdom to be gained in going within and taking a look at just why these things are bothering you so. There are revelations to be made about yourself. If you accept and own the knowledge that comes to you, you will find that you are more grounded and better able to deal with other issues that will be popping up throughout the day.
Wednesday, April 21: Brilliant Blue
You are going to feel like celebrating today. There is something great on the way and you know it. You also know that that one thing that has been bugging you for so long is gong to work out fine. There is an ease in relationships and events, so take your time and enjoy the little serendipities that are strewn along your path It is possible that someone will be there to help you out with a word or a gesture at a time in which you are questioning something or someone that has been causing you some concern. This is a great day for making up or resolving issues you have been having with friends and family. Everyone is ready to compromise today. There is light being shone in darkened corners. This illumination will make clear to you a direction that you have been looking for.
Thursday, April 22: Dark Sapphire Blue
Earth Day: You may feel yourself in the dark this morning, in the dark as to what your dreamt, in the dark as to what you have to do, in the dark as to whom you need to contact. But do not let this upset you. In the dark, there is much growth that is accomplished, so take it easy in the morning and allow things just to be as they are. You will find, as the afternoon comes on, that you are gaining clarity and a new sense of how things work. This is going to help you in coming to grips with a situation or a person that has been difficult recently. There is a burst of energy that will be entering the atmosphere in the late afternoon, and it can lead to new revelations about things in your life. it can also be upsetting to those for whom taking a good look at what they are doing and why they are doing it is not what they wish to do. As the evening comes on, you will find that you are being attracted to things that perhaps you have overlooked. There is the sense of a past interest being revived.
Friday, April 23: Blue green
You are not going to feel quite with it today. Things will be happening around you and to you, but you will feel that in all of this, you are the observer. You are not going to feel like taking a stand, voicing an opinion, or standing up for any cause. And this is fine. There is a crazy kind of vibration that is humming around the globe, and it is making things not work the way they usually do. So this is a good day just to step back and do what you can. This is not a good day for large goals or huge projects. This is an excellent day, on the other hand, for the planning stage. Things that are planned or dreamed of today can be realized as time goes by with less effort than usual. Enjoy the evening. There is fun about.
Saturday, April 24: Follies Bright Pink
This is a good day for things to start to move again, so if there are old projects, conversations, or crafts, etc. that you have put aside, the energies are conducive for getting going on them once again. There is the trickster about today, but she or he is good natured and wants you to learn to laugh at yourself. This is not a day for taking things too seriously, because no one will understand you if you do. Take time to appreciate nature that is all around you, and spend some time in remembering the little things.