Overall Color for the Week: No Color Straw
This is a week when little things can quickly escalate into larger things, when off-the-cuff remarks can cause reactions way out of proportion of the cause. Watch what you do, how you deal with, people and keep an eye out for the unexpected. There is a sense of unrest in the air. Things will not feel right. Your intuition, on the other hand, will be acute so follow the urgings of that regardless of how odd they may seem. Intuition can be oftentimes the one thing that can avoid difficult situations. The straight and narrow is not always the best path to take. In the area of earth movements, there will be a series of small earthquakes happening in the Pacific which will be echoed later by activity in the Atlantic ridge. Both coasts may be experiencing some temblors also. Fear will be propagated in news stories. Do not buy into it. This is a time to know your inner strength and to use your inner clarity of vision. Review the recent crop circles and the ones that will be appearing this week. There is a meaning in them that hinges upon the totality of the past week and the upcoming ten days. Continue reading