Overall Color for the Week: Red Diffusion
There is no clarity in this week. Things will be hectic and out of control. Things that formerly were easy will become difficult. Fun activities will no longer seem to be quite so much fun. There is the potential for misunderstandings in relationships on every level as things are out of sync. This is due to an onslaught of new energies upon the planet. These are conflicting waves and vibrations manifesting themselves and clashing with each other as the week progresses. You will wonder what is “normal” any more. You will be seeing weather anomalies, late snows, large blows. The media will be full of instances of man’s blatant inhumanity. On a personal level, you will find yourself experiencing synchronicity on almost a daily basis. Rather than appreciating and honoring this, many will find themselves perplexed and frightened by this show of personal power and attendant responsibility. The energies and vibrations that are being felt at this time will help those who wish to fully realize their own WHO and all that that means.
Sunday, May 17: Magenta
If there are things you have been holding off on doing, regardless of the reason, it is time today to to do them. You will find that there have been reasons for the waiting and that getting things done will give you a new perspective. It will free up some time, the time you have been thinking about, regretting, planning to do these things. It is also a good day to start something new. If you are not quite ready to actually start on something, then just plan something for yourself. Today is a day that will see things happening on every level and in every area. Expect persons to turn up when you need held, and know that synchronicities will abound.
Monday, May 18: Eighth Blue
Once again, completion is in the air, along with comings and goings. Expect things to happen today. Things to get started, and things to move through. Dreams and memories will take the stage as you watch things happen. There will be strong bouts of deja vu and some melancholy attached to these, but none of this will last. The day will be characterized by a new way of looking at things, and there will be many small ah-ha’s that will leave you feeling quiet and just good.
Tuesday, May 19: Soft Orange-Red
Expect yourself to be dealing with some emotional turmoil throughout the middle part of this day. It will begin as a small hint in the morning and will grow. You will feel yourself unsettled and not willing to take part in much that is going on. As you face the stuff that has been churned to the surface, you will find a sense of resolution developing. But it is only a feeling, there will be no finality today in anything. Do not expect to get any major projects finished. It is a day to be good to yourself and have a sense of humor as you find yourself stumbling over words, people, and things. Go slowly. This is not a day to hurry.
Wednesday, May 20: Blue Green
Sun in Gemini: Something is on the horizon. Today you will feel yourself waiting for everything. You will find ups and downs in your moods. You will tend to overreact to things and people. Be aware of this and catch yourself before it happens, as others too will be feeling hurried, frazzled, frustrated, and unable to make up their minds. This theme will be reflected in crazy weather patterns and unexpected happenings in the legal area. Be cautious in everything. Definitely a day to think before you do.
Thursday, May 21: Medium Straw
You are wanting to get out of things today. Everything feels just too constrained, too planned, too controlled. You want less structure in your life, but you are not sure how to make that happen. Moods will be testy. People will be crabby and sometimes even just mean. The best approach is not to take anything or anyone too seriously. Just remember that tomorrow is another day.
Friday, May 22: Cherry Rose
Okay, so you are not feeling that anything is terroibly important. Today you just want to go with the flow and that is the best approach to everything. You will not be able to change things, and trying to do so will just cause you frustration. Give in to the desire to day dream. THis is a time of incubation. Much energy will be coming onto the planet in July, and you will look back to days like these with a bit of wistfulness. The changes hae already started in the air and the water and the sky. There is a new vibration that is making itself felt and seen. Watch the crop circles that appear today. Look for the message behind the image. Do not let yourself become overly agitated by certain news items that may cause fear and panic.
Saturday, May 23: Calcolor 15 Green
Today you will feel as though you are walking through mud. You will feel yourself blocked at every turn. Things will not seem to fit, and nothing will see quite right. Words will not make sense. There will be a potential for lots of misunderstandings. Be aware of this and just let things go. Do not allow yourself to become too invested in anything. Watch out for great ideas and extraordinary ventures as they will turn out to be worthless. Take some time to evaluate what is most important for you. Spend time with yourself. The evening is good for conversation as the energy shifts into a new and lighter phase.