Overall Color for the Week: Quarter Hamburg Frost
This is a week of slow motion Things will be happening slowly on all levels. The news media will seem quiet. There will be slow changes in weather and within the Earth. Storms will be on the horizon forming, but not threatening. You will find yourself feeling like coasting through much of the week. There will not be a lot of impetus to get things done. Do not expect to see a lot happen. Just go with the flow this week. Take your time. Things are speeding up, but gradually. Soon the shift of the energies will be apparent everywhere, and you will be grateful for times like these.
Sunday, March 22: Nile Blue
World Water Day. Today is a day to go with the flow. If people are trying to make you make decisions, you will need to stall them. It is not a good time for setting anything in stone. Things are moving and shifting today. The energies are passing, whirling, ebbing and flowing. New things are in the works and new thoughts and ideas may come to you. Allow your creativity to take over. It is time to write, to sing, to paint, to dance, and it is time to think about old friends that you have not seen in a while. Perhaps a message will come. Be good to yourself this evening.
Monday, March 23: CalColor 30 Green
It is a good day for communications. Listen and look. Your phone may be ringing, or your doorbell. There are possibilities there. It is also a day when you may find that the trickster is out in full force. Look out for glitches with technology, your car, your cell phone. Your phone may ring, but it may be the wrong number. You may find yourself going in to order something to eat and the wrong thing is served to you. It is a day for a sense of humor. These are not bad things. They just let you know that life goes on with all its vagaries and varieties. So have some fun. Do not take anything too seriously.
Tuesday, March 24: Quarter Blue
Today it is going to be difficult to get things done. Energy levels are low, and things do not seem truly important. You are wanting to want; you are thinking that you should want to do, but you get stuck somewhere in the middle. And then, there is that forgotten bill or issue or argument that was never finished. These things come creeping up on you, and you want to run for cover. It is not that it is overwhelming; it is just that you are not up to it. You will not be feeling your best and you are thinking you are not looking your best. Do not expect to paint any masterpieces today or to write any sonnets. If you want to write, make up a list of what you would love to happen. Or just make up your grocery list.
Wednesday, March 25: Sea Blue
Another day for the flow. You are not feeling up or down, just somewhere in the middle. And that is how everything seems to be going., There are things stirring, and somehow you are aware of them, however they are not making themselves known, and actually, you are glad of that. This is a time when the energies are shifting, and it is best not to undertake any great action. There is no real sense of where things are going. Observe. Be the observer today and see what realities you can create.
Thursday, March 26: Blue Green
New Moon in Aries. Everything is muted today. You are the observer once again. Take a look around you. There is a new sense of purpose coming in. Things are changing on all levels. Look for confusion in the media and some movements with the Earth and the weather. Things are springing up. There is a new kind of connectedness being felt. But know that it will effect every level from the smallest to the largest, and do not judge things good or bad for the outcomes have yet to show themselves. There is often more to things than meets the eye. Tonight, do a small New Moon ritual to birth your heart’s true desire.
Friday, March 27: CalColor 30 Pink
Maturity and joy. Things have shifted, and along with them has shifted your focus. You are seeing things differently and feeling a need to reevaluate much of what has gone before, You are not sure what is happening. So even as you are trying to understand, you find yourself in the midst of doubts and questions that seem to have no answers. Know that the answers are there, but that you must be brave enough to be completely honest with yourself on all levels, and then you will get the message. And perhaps it will make a little more sense.
Saturday, March 28: Medium Salmon Pink
You feel yourself swimming against the tides today. Perhaps you are feeling a little disconnected and/or unsettled and do not know why. It is all right. There is a change in the air. You will find yourself being attracted to new things. You will find yourself saying things that you would not have said before. You look around and find that you are wanting to change something. Take time to analyze what is and what is not working in your life today. It is a good time for honesty and action. You can do it.