What Is Going On With Disney?

O’Keefe Media Group Exposes Disney for Racial Discrimination and LGBTQ Agenda for Children

O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) released three undercover videos recently that exposed corruption within the Disney corporation that provides entertainment for children. Michael Giordano, a Vice President of Business Affairs, reveals in the first video that Disney is discriminating against white males in hiring for middle management, and writing and acting jobs. Sohrab “Dave” Makker, Walt Disney Television’s Director of Production/Finance revealed in the second video that only white Jewish males are promoted to upper level executive management jobs. The last video report is about internal documents that show that Disney promoted Pride events for children that involved naked men.

Michael Giordano, a Vice President of Business Affairs

Senior Vice President at The Walt Disney Company details discriminatory hiring practices: “Nobody else is going to tell you this, but they’re not considering any white males for the job,” says Michael Giordano, a Vice President of Business affairs, “there’s no way we’re hiring a white male.” Giordano reveals Disney uses “code words and buzzwords” to avoid legal action and even mentions a candidate being rejected for not looking black enough. Giordano also admits Disney gives bonuses to executives for practicing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), agreeing that “diversity helps with financial incentives.” Giordano further claims he’s been denied promotions due to his race.


Sohrab “Dave” Makker, Walt Disney Television’s Director of Production/Finance

Walt Disney Television’s Director of Production/Finance, Sohrab “Dave” Makker reveals Disney won’t hire anyone who’s not a white Jewish man for C-Suite roles, confirming discriminatory hiring practices detailed in OMG’s ‘The Disney Tapes: Part 1.’

Makker pointed out that the tech industry is run by Indians and the entertainment business is run by white Jewish men.

Makker says Disney prioritizes LGBTQ stories for children, stating, “We insert diversity when it’s not really organic to the story,” admitting shows have “flopped” because “the audience didn’t connect” to forced diversity.

He calls Disney CEO Bob Iger “corrupt,” saying, “He just wants to stay in power.” He proceeds to criticize Elon Musk, calling him a “narcissist” driven by attention, yet agrees with Musk’s call for Iger’s firing.


Amit “Genie” Gurnani, Walt Disney’s Creative Marketing Director

‘It’s the unspoken thing for children to see LGBTQ content,’ says Walt Disney’s Creative Marketing Director, Drag Queen Amit “Genie” Gurnani, into OMG’s hidden camera.

Gurnani adds, “I’d love to get a drag queen at Disneyland,” furthering, “I’m sure that would happen at some point.”

Gurnani insists, “Bob Iger is not axing LGBTQ content at all,” supporting concerns that Disney is ramping up their LGBTQ content, influenced by DEI hiring practices and the inclusion of forced diverse storylines.


An insider source at Disney has provided OMG with startling internal documents and communications. These documents reveal Disney’s promotion of Pride events for children that involve naked men, maps of Disney-sponsored pride parades nationwide, Disney’s covert partnership with “Zebra Youth,” a program supporting LGBTQ youth ages 13-24, and messages about polysexual virtual hangouts.

from:    https://needtoknow.news/2024/07/okeefe-media-group-exposes-disney-for-racial-discrimination-and-lgbtq-agenda-for-children/